Hello. I am a student of University in Japan. I hope that you can understand my English.
I am translating "The Java2HTML Tools"(http://www.java2html.com/) English into Japanease to use this tool. And I want to upload the document("The Java2HTML Tools" in Japanease) onto the Internet for the people that needs the document. I understand that the "The Java2HTML Tools" is protected by United Kingdom copyright law and international treaty provisions but I'd rather you gave me permission that upload the document. What do you think? I am waiting for your answer.
thats great that you run that business on the side and that people really like your products. Can I order a T-shirt from you I could mail you the money or put it in your bank account how much for a T-shirt or sweat shirt? hope you come to visit Canada some day soon. nice to hear from you and let me know how the business is going. talk to you soon
China will send its first person into space in a single-orbit, 90-minute flight on Oct.15, a major Chinese Web site reported Wednesday in one of the most concrete sings yet that the landmark trip is imminent.
>>7 History shows us that 歴史から分かってることや。 cultures disappear 文化は消滅するんや。 when, by force or by choice, 強制的にせよ、自発的にせよ、 people do not speak their language. 人がしゃべらへんようになったら。
When we have then solve problems for us we typically instruct them to solve the problems in the same patterns we would use. 人間に代わって、コンピュータに問題を解くように命令する。 という感じなのでしょうか?そのへんしかよくわからないのでどなたか教えていただけませんか?
They rarely get sick. This is partly due to having a good mental outlook. As one doctor says,"they're very happy, carefree people." On top of this, they have deep ties within their communities.
>>23 いちお全文。 In the development of civilization=文明が発達するにつれて、 は、いいにして、そのあと、 主語:the use of tools 道具の使用は(が){the use は名詞、念のため} 動詞その1:grew 成長する・増える・発展する and 動詞その2:multiplied. 増える・広がる …というわけで 道具を使用することが増えて多くなった。
Surfers Paradise was our next stop. I thought this place was going to be awful. But it turned out that we had such a laugh there. We stayed in this hostel that was adjoined to a hotel so we had a pool, a spa, sauna, steam room and tennis courts. As it was the end of the football season in Australia the hotel had lots of guys staying there. There was thirty footaball teams staying there. Don't think I have ever seen so many guys in all my life. Anyway we got to know one football team and they took us out for dinner. We were in our element such a novelty when you are a backpacker.Then we headed to Byron Bay the surf capital of OZ. Met up with the the two english girls from our Fraser Island trip and just had a ball. Travelled the last week of the coast with them. Such pets.We stayed in the coolest hotel . 長くてスイマセン、和訳お願いします。
>>47 (何かの)契約を裁定する とか。 例】 Public Works is concurrently advertising for bids and will award a contract to the low bidder 現在、公共事業の入札が募られていて、もっとも低い入札者にその契約は落札 される
As you gaze at the sea all day long... One starts to wonder where the sea ends, and where I start... I've tried to live my way, but maybe I have just been drifting along, trapped in the ebb and flow of the ocean's tides... Wouldn't you agree, dear?
With today's advances in biotechnology, the 21st century may be called the bio-century. In the future, “bio-foods”may be eaten by people all over the world. Bio-foods are foods produced through genetic enjineering. Genetic enginnering gives us a fast way to produce new and better kins of foods. In the past, we used to inprove fruit and vegetables by crossbreeding. Watermelons with no seeds, for example, are products of crossbreeding. But this process takes a long time. If we want to produce a better kind of tomato, it can take ten years. Now using biotechnology, we can do it in a single step in, say, only one year. This is possible because we can take particular genes from one plant and put them into another. We can produce a new kind that has the qualities of both plants. We can produce tomatoes that have a good taste and that are strong against diseases-all in one step. And this can be done across different species. For example, we can put fish genes into tomatoes. This was impossible with crossbreeding.
Sometimes I hate the human mind... I can't believe that somethings like the atomic bomb was thought! I can't believe that some stupid guys are at the power... For example BUSH (I hate him) or OUR CHAIRMAN COUNCIL BERLUSCONI... They're too fanatics and blind to see the real problems of opulation!
Scientists, he said, must bring back to life that childish spirit of inquiry, which has been killed by the repeated disappointment of getting no answers frorn their parents.
I was dancin' with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz When an old friend I happened to see I introduced her to my loved one And while they were dancin' My friend stole my sweetheart from me
テネシーワルツって曲です。 この歌、主人公は女で、自分の男を旧友(女)にとられたって解釈でよいのでしょうか。 (1950年にでた時はPatti Pageって女性歌手が歌ってたそうです。) My loved one が旧友を意味するってのは、 ちょっと感覚的におかしいですよね? お願いします。
Coco Chanel,once said:There is time for work.And time for love.That leave no other time. She recognized that one has to do something besides work.Just as nature needs balance,people need balance. We are constantly being drained by our work obligations. We owe ourselves some relaxation time. をどなたかお願いします。
"I want to start a record label, and find bands and release records. I've thought seriously about that. I've been lucky enough to meet a lot of people that I respect, in the music industry, that I feel will be a good guide for me to get started. I've got a good base. I don't know when I'll start it, but it is something that I will start, at some point." And one artist he'd love to have on his roster is his mate. He adds, "I actually just recorded on a record of his - Bob I went into the studio and played music on Tom's new album. It's amazing."
Consumers acquire products in a bundle rather than individually (for instance,70 per cent of Canadians buy mortgage and credit cards from the institution in which they do their primary banking services). カナダ人の70パーセントが・・・buy mortgage and credit cards って どう訳せばよいか分かりません。よろしくお願いします。
Dear, yesterday was strange like the day before! On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I'm at school from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm , so,when I come back home I'm too tired!!! But on these 2 past days, I had to go in 1000 places and to do 1000 things... So I slept 3 or 4 hours by night. をお願いします。what a strange day!と言われたのでwhy strange day? と聞いた後の回答です。 辞書とか見たんですが、なんだかちんぷんかんぷんなんです。 よろしくお願いします。
Alot of the action takes place in Seoul. There are areas in and around Seoul that have the sex places, areas such as Itaewon and Hooker Hill. Hooker Hill is Very difficult to get laid there as it is not foreigner friendly, plus a big rip off place and very expensive. Itaewon on the other hand IS foreigner friendly and you are almost guranteed to get laid there.
I am studying adult education science as one of my minor subjects this autumn (my major environmental protection science). I heard I passed the exam of adult didactics, but with a very poor grade - it seems I'm not good at social sciences :/ But I'm happy I passed the exam at least. 宜しくお願いします。
The world is not just a single entity. Another world similar to our own exists in another dimension. There you will find what you might have become, a world of possibilities that might have existed, a whole history that has not been written yet... It is out there somewhere... We are simply unable to see, feel, or experience it.
In recent months, we have experienced perhaps the most significant intelligence failure in American history. That failure was fueled by a demagogy that emphasizes worst-case scenarios, stimulates fear and induces a dichotomous view of world reality.
It is said that, there, the borders of two dimensions fluctuate in such a way as to make the passage between the parallel realities a posibility. お願いします。
But what next? Believe it or not, right now I'm specifically trying to not put too much thought into it. In the past I've found myself trying to hard to figure out what comes next.
One thing certain is that you should not drink because you feel you have to,but because you want do. If others insist that you drink,just be a good sport and show them that you can have a great time,even without the help of alcohol. をどなたかお願いします。
who are you calling? pardon? i cannot hear you! yumiko? oh how are you? ..... what is wrong? yes ... you hate 2channel frends? oh you are so pretty! youmiko come and see me. where shall we make it? OK! see you tomorrow
Your current shipment has already invoiced. I unable to stop or change an order once it has been submitted. You may return the shipment for a refund, if you wish. The return address is ***. Upon receipt of the return, we will credit your account less shipping and handling.
Id like something different compared to stuff you buy here maybe with some japanese phrases on it or something. I will pay you something for it at least let me pay for material and shipping costs. Or maybe I could send you something in return? Is there anything you would like from Canada?
Well thats what I like is different. I like the sort of designs you prefer... that is good that there seems to be some kind of difference between Japanese taste and others'
I'd like you to use what ever designs you like for the T-shirt and sweat shirt. I usually wear Large or extra large I like big and loose in T-shirts & sweat shirts. Hope to hear from you again
I will hopefully be able to get round that as I book my flight and Hotel to Tokyo in about two weeks yeah ! I can Introduce myself, Tell the time, and ask the price of things now..... So I think I am doing OK. We will see as I have my first Exam in about two weeks arrrggghhh
gomen but until now i dont know why you stay away from me. The last time we are together is when im sick, even im going home in Philippines this first week of December after my passport was release it will questionable for me. Maybe you dont like my family background just because my mother has a second family when my father died so when you saw the video you start to become cold. Maybe my only fault is I trust you like a bestfriend who i can lean on and someone who knows all about me.
>>202 because とasをこういう風にくっつけるのがアリかどうかよく分かりませんが (だったら書くなという話だけど...スマソ)as you sayだけ抜けば「あなたが言うように/ あなたが言うので」の意味でしょうかね。すると、 「あなたがそう言うから、もうそれは好きじゃなくなった」 てぐらいかなと思う。参考程度に聞き流してちょ。
I was born in a town approximately 60km south of Hamburg and have lived there ever since. After finishing high school I went to Vancouver for 6 months and took English class and did an internship. During that time I met a lot of people from Korea and Japan who became friends. After coming back to Germany I started an apprenticeship in Hamburg. It's a special German way of education. You get trained on a job in a company and spend two days a week at school.Now I just finished my apprenticeship and became a university student. It's again a special university where I always have some months of theorie at university and afterwards some months back at the company working.
>>180 私見ですが、from this later period の場合は、from は period という 名詞に掛かってますが、from this later in the year の場合、from が 何に掛かるのか考えると、this という代名詞しか考えられなくないで すか?というのはlater は副詞だから this という形容詞が修飾してい るとは考え難いと思うのですが。later in the year というフレーズを 一つの名詞として捉えるのが一般的になっているのなら、そういう 取り方も出来るでしょうね。
・Tite's best-known work is the Royal Exchange in the City of London. ・The most well-known application of radiocarbon must be the dating of the Shroud of Turin. ・The former defense secretary is best known ・movement and the most well known both in Israel and abroad. ・Star is one of the best known insurance companies in the UK ・Functional and multivalued dependencies are the most known classes of data dependencies.
多いですがよろしくお願いします! あと、best-knownとtha most knownの違いについても教えていただけたら幸いです・・・
Far more important to men and women than the pleasures of television or the motorcar is the fact that they can get the food and shelter and the medical care needed to keep themselves and their families in health and reasonable comfort.What happened to our health during the first half of this century is strikingly evident from our increased life expectancy. Not so striking, but of equal significance, is the fact that during this period of time our standard of living continued to increase while the population of our nation doubled. お願いします。
There are two views on higher education: "nice 'non-work' if you can get it, paid for by those who can't," or "a productive investment for the country benefiting theeducated and uneducated alike." Which view people prefer is often based more on prejudiceor personal experience than on a careful weighing up of the evidence. Of course there is plenty of room on the spectrum between these two "tabloid" extremes but many people seem willing to plump for one view or the other. Not surprisingly those whohave enjoyed higher education are more likely to sign up for the latter view, while early education drop-outs are more likely to go for the former.
For both adults and children, the working day was often fifteen hours long. It was not until 1833, when the Factory Act was passed, that children under nine were not allowed to work in the cotton factories.
Children were treated as young adults, and expected to take their share of the work-load from a very early age. They were not, however, encouraged to have opinions or rights. A popular saying from those times says that "Children should be seen but not heard."
gosh...how come they cant be like us chinese? we are obviously smarter than japanese or whites, its in our 500,000 year history. we are genetically smarter and we have a much richer culture than any other nation in the world. i think that all americans and europeans and japaense are jealous of chinese. that is why there is so much negative vibes against us. plus, we are the cleanest of all asian people and we never ever lie or hide the truth, unlike barbaric japanese and americans. our media is the only one that is trustworthy. CNN and other crap news is just brainwashing propaganda
>>235 higer education is a nice non-work if you can get it (=the higher education), (which is) paid for by those who can't (get the higher education) >235の解釈。多分、大学の教育費のかなりの部分が税金から支出されて いることを言っている。(大学教育を受けられる立場にある者は、対極の見方 つまりそれは国のためになる投資、という見方をとりたがる。)
If we feel guilty quitting before our work is done,we tell ourselves that we simply can't afford the time... Whether we choose the serenity at home or clubbing after a busy day, the important thing is to know how to switch ourselves off from work. をお願いします。
1.If I knew her number, I would phone her. 2.The TV program will tell you how he became a famous actor. 3.She did not tell her family when she would come back.
Should business people expose their drunken behavior in public in the U.S., not only do they risk their reputations,but they could even get arrested for drunkenness or disturbing the peace. お願いします。
People are often addressed according to their social status,not by their names,in Japan. Our identity,however,is much more than the role we play in the society or at home. We,as free individuals,must find out who we really are-not who we have been told we should be,not who we think we should be,and not who we image ourselves to be. をどなたかお願いします。
I read on the journal that your Prime Minister was elected... Our P.M. is SILVIO BERLUSCONI Another Bush's dog... He's too rich, and want to carry out a capitalistic politic. But He's in a mistake! おねがいします。
>>312 ”Grand info, could you please email mr Atsushi and let him know nothing was found in room 6-434”という遺失物係からのメッセージ を怠惰なインフォメーションがそのままあなたに流したみたいですね。 アメリカのホテルではあまり英語をよく話せない外国からの移民が多く 働いていますし、フロントデスクはズボラですのでよくこういうことが 起きます。 何も見つからなかったということでしょうが、私でしたら念のため「こ ういうメールを受け取ったがこれでは意味が分からない。再度確認して くれ」ともう一度問い合わせてみます。
To the Japanese, a "foreign culture" has always represented something elegant and superior to their own, a pleasant ornament to wear, a useful accessory to adopt. Since it was never forced on them by foreign invaders, they felt that they could choose to accept or reject as they pleased. As a result, they have eveloped a certain attitude toward things foreign, an attitude that gives varying impressions to outsiders. The ease with which they adopt foreign customs while abandoning their own, irrespective of whether what is abandoned is worth preserving, gives the impression that they are terribly naive and careless about their destiny. The rapidity with which they can give up what was recently adopted suggests their coolness in dealing with foreign cultures---a coolness that seems to hide beneath the exterior of change the constancy of their own culture.
In short , the transaction costs in these exchange relationships will be extremely high. 「つまり、これらの取引関係における取引コストはとても高くなるだろう。」
In addition , without trust the exchange partners will be unwilling to make investments in dedicated assets (because these types of investments are not easily redeployable and the firm making the investments is at risk) and to shore useful knowledge (because they will not trust how the knowledge will be used). 「その上、信頼のない取引相手はdedicated assetsに喜んで投資しないだろう。 (なぜならこれらの投資のタイプは簡単には移動できないし、企業投資はリスクを伴うからだ) そして、ためになる知識も喜んで分け与えようとはしない。 (なぜなら・・・?)」
Sharaku, who met the younger brother of Pandora on Easter Island, teaches the latter how to utilize telekinesis to move the more than a thousand stone images on the island called "Moai." お願いします。
I receibed this e-mail today,thank you for fowarding but I can't understand what he means...
In the message from Lost-n-Found clerks, he says "not nothing was found" Does it mean something was found in the room? Or, it means that he did not find anything at all?
Sorry for putting you to trouble,but could you make sure of the fact again please ?
I on this day,do agree tothe stipulations stated below renderring me the privilege of driving my parents' cars. If,at any time, I viorate the said agreement,the driving privilege will be forfeited to the extent and degree of violation
1. shourd I get a traffic violation ticket,I agree to pay for the ticket as well as the difference in the insurance premium for as long as the premium is in effect.
2. I agree to pay for damages that I incur not covered by insurance
ボールを飾りたかったんでオークションで専用のケースを購入しよう と思ったんですけど↓の文章が商品説明にありました。 これは金を追加すればリクエストのネームプレートを作ってくれるって ことでいいんでしょうか? A custom engraved nameplate of your choice is included with every display , just include your request with payment !
Heyerdahl was a national hero in his homeland,where one newspaper crowned him Norwegian of the Century in a millennium reader poll. He is survived by his third wife,four of his five children,eight grand children and six great-grandchildren. 訳お願いします。
おねがいします。 Yesterday I didn't play truant, simply on Thursday and Friday I don't go to school!!! But remember if On Mon, Tue and Wed I don't reply you, don't worry, it's normal... Its are 3 impossible days for me!
I know 'buot the italians died 3 days ago. But I'm not able to cry... USA and EU "want" this situation. I hate this political interference on Iraq people lives (I hope it say so :)). I know that sometimes war is the only way... But now it isn't!!! Excuse me for this outlet but I'm too angry with my nation and with this EU policy.
これをお願いします LDP heartthrob Environment Minister Yuriko Koike couldn't escape the wrath of Makiko either, perhaps with some justification considering Koike's party affiliation in her decade as a Lower House member reads Japan New Party, Shinshinto, Liberal Party, Conservative Party and now the LDP.
Germany is now showing willingness to allow HDW to instead become part of a Franco-German group, favoring seeing Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft (HDW) in European hands, with Franco-German cooperation. よろしくお願いします。
先日ポルトガル人に Do you living in Japan? と尋ねたところ I'm from Brasil. But I went to Japan on July. というような返事がきました。 これは 「日本を七月に去った」 「日本に七月に訪れた」 「日本に七月から住んでいる」 ととるのはどれが適切でしょうか? お願いします。
Japanese literature, in spite of its beauty and richness, is as yet inadequately known in the West. The reasons for this neglect are not hard to discover. The difficulties of the japanese lannguage prevent all but a handful of foreigners from approaching the literature in the original. お願いします
A study of M.S.graduates of the UCLA engineering school found that the initial earnings disadvantage of immigrants relative to natives in their first job,disappeared with subsequent employment.
It is asserted that the striking under representation of Blacks and Hispanics discourages their entry into the professions, and that the foreign born,who are often temporary workers at the highest skill levels,disrupt incentives to stimulate the latent supply of minority professionals. But what is the causal chain?
It is impossible to move about any great city today without noticing the number of people who seem to have nothing to do that is particularly urgent. お願いいたします。
being the parents of a 16-year-old who has just passed his driver's license examination, we fell that other parents such as we are apprehensive about our child's newly found freedom,and perhaps would like to ease some of that anxiety by deawing up a contract as we did,as a reminder of the seriousness of this new responsibility.it has worked wonders for us.
My father then laughed and said, "Yeah it is," and for the next few minutes I listened with great interest as my father became a teacher, his philosophy debatable, but his integrity beyond reproach. おねがいします。
For the approach to the Philippines, it was prerequisite, on the one hand, to complete the encirclement of Rabaul, thereby nullifying the threat from the Japanese positions in the Solomon Islands and in the Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, New Ireland, etc.) and, on the other, to reduce the Japanese hold on western New Guinea. Great emphasis, however, was put on the advance across the central Pacific through Micronesia, to be begun via the Gilberts.
Queues form for exhibitions,or for plays or films which have been much advertised;and special platforms are erected today so that those who are interested in watching modern buildings go up can gaze undisturbed for as long as they please,while busier people and the traffic hurry by. 長いですが、お願いします。
Do not readily suppose that the general opininons you hear are free from mistakes merely because they are made, or appear to be made, by a great many people.
"Speaking of money," said Beryl--through nobody actually had been--"do you mind my asking what you did with yours? I put mine in real estate. Real estate in California-- you can't lose. I was thinking you could get an electric stove, so you wouldn't have to bother with a fire in summer or fool with that coal-oil thing, either one."
The U.S. thumb force every nation in the world. And always will be so! Remember the history? After the 1ーWW USA force to bring ONU. After the 2ーWW force you to take a new "liberalist and democratic costitution" Probably this events were be right, but thay impose everey they want to everyone they want!
"Human beings are remarkable --- at what we can learn to live with," Father told me. "If we couldn't get strong from what we lose, and what we miss, and what we want and can't have," Father said, "then we couldn't ever get strong enough, could we? What else makes us strong?" Father asked.
Can I order if I'm outside the United States? We can only accept orders delivered to US addresses. If you would like to make an order for outside the United States, please visit our Canadian distributor, Forever Natural.
"Why is it?" I said. "Just tell me, why is it that no man can mention a place like this without getting around to the subject of sex in about two seconds flat? Just say 'hippie' or 'commune' and all you guys can think about is orgies and fancy combinations and non-stop screwing!"
many of the servers here have been greatly affected by 2 computer virus'. Perhaps they will send ○○ over to fix the problems, and she can bring you with!
前半部分の繋がりがよくわからなくて困っています。 教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Wido,a tiny island under the jurisdiction of Puan County, North Cholla Province,has been finally chosen as the site for a storage facility for radioactive waste. However,violent protests from some residents in the county and environmental activists are expected to persist until the construction work starts in October 2006.
Green tea leaves of medium grade and medium size. Tea leaves come in a wide range of grades and size. Boiling-hot water is not used to steep the tea leaves. Instead, boiled water is kept in the kettle or placed in a ceramic container until it cools to 80 degrees C,before it is poured over the leaves in a teapot.It is steeped for half a minute or so.To use the leaves a second time, the tea must be drained to the last drop.Tea of the first serving is sweet, on the second serving, it is bitter yet tasty.sencha is the most commonly used tea in every day life.
Thus , trust facilitates both investments in dedicated assets and knowledge sharing. 「このように、信頼は専用資産と知識共有を促進する。」
Similarly , it is typically the case that investments in dedicated assets improve coordination , thereby resulting in greater knowledge sharing between firms. 「同様に、? それにより、企業間の多くの知識を共有するという結果になる。」
Likewise , greater knowledge sharing results in the alliance partners' discovering new way to create value in the exchange relationship through dedicated investments. 「さらに、より多くの知識共有は、専用投資を通じた交換関係の新しい価値の生み出し方を発見する、という結果になる。」
Thus , dedicated asset investments and knowledge sharing are also mutually reinforcing factors. 「このように、専用資産投資と知識共有は互いに強みのある要因ともなる。」
When Pasteur was a young boy in France,he was very curious. Louis was especially interested in medicine,sohe spent many hours every day with the chemist who lived in his small town. The chemist sold pills,cough syrups,and other types of medicine, just as modern pharmacists,or druggists,do today. At that time,the chemist had to make all the medicines himself. Young Louis enjoyed watching the chemist as he worked and listening to him assist the customers who came to him each day. Pasteur decided that one day he wanted to help people,too.
He reasoned that people who have a relatively positive view of themselves benefit from a compartmentalized organization because their generally positive view of themselves would not routinely be qualified.
>>503 He reasoned that 彼は推論した people who have a relatively positive view of themselves 自分自身を比較的肯定的に見ている人々は benefit from a compartmentalized organization ある区分された組織から恩恵を受ける because their generally positive view of themselves なぜなら彼らの自分自身に対する概ね肯定的な見方は would not routinely be qualified. 通常は適格だとされないだろうから
Series of quakes shake up residents. Residents of northern Miyagi Prefecture expressed fear and anxiety after a string of strong earthquakes Saturday triggered landslides that destroyed homes, cut off power and disrupted transport and communication services. 単語の意味はわかったのですが、うまく文章にする事ができません。 力を貸していただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
The jungle is a part of the forest overgrown with thick grass and bushes. It is chiefly there that the tiger has his haunts. There, by day as well as by night, he is on the watch for his prey.
we have other areas to which we can turn.If you have only one friend,and that friend bocomes angry with you,it may feel like the whole is angry with you. Having more than one friend allows you to enjoy and learn from multiple friendships.It is easier to keep your proper perspective when one friend becomes angry. It is the same with multiple interests and activities. They provide varied possibilities and perspectives.
The number of women working in business has been steadily increasing for many years ; however , there are still many barriers to women who what to attain the highest positions in companies. In Japan , women have often been restricted to the role of “office ladies” ----meaning that they work in lower level clerical positions rather that in management positions. In many Western countries it is considered discriminatory and illegal to restrict someone’s employment opportunities on the basis of sex. It is increasingly common to see women in top executive positions. As an example, in the 1990s the Hewlett Packard Company appointed a woman as president. Many women , however , complain that there is still a “glass ceiling” in the business world----an invisible barrier that discriminates against women reaching top positions in management. よろしくお願いします。。。
Sexual harassment is not a new phenomenon in the world, but in recent times it has become more openly criticized and has become an increasingly important issue in the business world. For example , in the 1990s the Mitsubishi Motor Company was heavily fined by a US court for sexual attacks to more subtle uses of language that put women (or occasionally men) in an uncomfortable or unfair situation. Japanese men may often be unaware of the meaning of sexual harassment , or of its seriousness. Different cultures may have different ideas about what is a proper attitude toward the other sex, but sexual harassment is a serious social and moral problem that is likely to remain with us until we are able to establish true respect between the sexes. すいません。読みにくいかもしれませんがよろしくお願いします。。。
I looked up through my fast-closing eye, through the blood and the goofy glow that exists along that fine line between incoherence and consciousness. I briefly pictured Vinnie DelGratto as John went to his knees, but it was John's voice that shook me out of my trance. おねがいします
Because I run this school, and if I get a report that one of you, just one, saw a thing, I will personally guarantee that you will know pain. Got it?" The class did.
She helped me climb in, then it was out of the lot and down Broadhurst Road until the school's visage was history, although the afternoon's memories were still open and raw. おねがいします
Men esteem truth remote, in the outskirts of the system, behind the farthest star, before Adam and after the last man. In eternity there is indeed something true and subline. But all these times and places and occasions are now and here.
I wasn't real big about changing in public, a fact that almost made me feel blessed that my hand exempted me from phys ed and those post-workout showers that allowed pecker-checkers to size up the competition. おねがいします
In the 20th century most large Japanese companies were known for offering workers a lifetime employment system. Under this system once a person entered a company he or she could normally expect to continue working there until retirement and could expect a range of benefits , such as for housing , transportations , and health care. Compared to Americans and Europeans, the salaries of Japanese were rather low , but people appreciated the other benefits and job security they received, and so they felt loyal to their company----almost like members of a family to a parent. In times of economic downturn , Japanese companies tried to keep all their workers employed. In contrast , in other countries when bad economic times come , companies were quick to lay off or fire workers. Workers in general felt less loyal to their companies. お願いします。
I was sleeping, I am in hospital tonight because of my stomach pain! They give me some medicine and slepy all day long! You are not paitient and you are very strange to me!
Boys and girls need chances to be around their father,to be enjoyed by him, and if possible,to do things with him. Unfortunately,the father is apt to come home wanting most of all to slump down and read the paper. If he understands how valuable his companionship is,he will feel more like making a reasonable effort.It is better to play 15 minutes enjoyably and then say“Now I'm going to read my paper,”than to spend all day at the zoo,crossly.
Sometimes a father is so eager to have his son become perfect that it gets in the way of their having a good time together. The man who is eager for his son to become an athlete may take him out at an early age to play catch. Naturally,every throw,every catch,has its faults. If the father is constantly criticizing,even in a friendly tone,the boy becomes discomforted inside.It isn't any fun. Also, it gives him the feeling of being no good,in his father's eyes and in his own. A boy comes around to be interested in sports in good time if he's naturally seif-confident and outgoing.Feeling approved of by his father helps him more than being coached by him. A game of catch is fine if it's the son's idea and if it's for fun.
A boy doesn't grow spiritually to be a man just because he's born with a male body. The things that makes him feel and act like a man is being able to copy,to pattern himself after,men and older boys with whom he feels friendly. He can't pattern himself after a person unless he feels that this person likes him and approves of him. If a father is always impatient or irritated with him,the boy is likely to feel disscomfort not only when he's around his father but when he's around other men and boys,too. He is apt to draw closer to his mother and take on her manners and interestu.
There is a stretch of fertile land running from the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers northward and westward and then bending southward along the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. おねがいします。
Responding to critics of Marx who held that the concentration of capital had not occurred in the way Marx expected, Hilferding's Finance Capital (1910) pointed to the role of banking and finance, arguing that the banks' increasing influence over industry led to monopoly and cartels and through them to economic imperialism and war. This work foreshadowed his role as the party's chief theorist and financial expert.
Mr Rumsfeld replied that he appreciates Japan for its financial aid to Iraq. He said he hopes that each country will do what it considers best as an independent country in light of its conditions
best as an independent country in light of its conditions の部分をお願いします。
Some people think that they cannot spare time for exercise. They cannot be told too soon that they must find time for exercise, or they will have to find tine for illness.
In the 20th century most large Japanese companies were known for offering workers a lifetime employment system. Under this system once a person entered a company he or she could normally expect to continue working there until retirement and could expect a range of benefits , such as for housing , transportations , and health care. Compared to Americans and Europeans, the salaries of Japanese were rather low , but people appreciated the other benefits and job security they received, and so they felt loyal to their company----almost like members of a family to a parent. In times of economic downturn , Japanese companies tried to keep all their workers employed. In contrast , in other countries when bad economic times come , companies were quick to lay off or fire workers. Workers in general felt less loyal to their companies. よろしくお願いします。
何問もあるのですが良いですか?英語で欠点取って近い内に再テストするらしい ので宜しくお願いします 1a tooth consists of three major parts 2no teeth are present at birth 3sixth week 4a few months after birth 5at age 2・1/2 to 3 years 6permanent teeth 分かるのがあれば教えてください
"It is what it is.Are you?"The meaning is not as simple as it looks. "It " refers to the watch in this ad. "What it is"means what you see here:a simple,yet reliable watch. It won't let you down.What kind of question is,"are you?" The question is asking, "Are you true to yourself and others?" をお願いします。
>>622 "It is what it is.Are you?"の意味は見た目程簡単ではない。 "It "はこの広告に載ってる時計をさします。"What it is"はあなたが ここに見るシンプルだが信頼できる時計です。あなたをがっかりさせません。 "are you?"とはどういう質問でしょう。これは、あなたは自分自身そして、他人に 対して正直かということを問うものです。
・Fruits and vegetables give our body fibers and vitamins ・The heart consists of four cavities that fil with blood (cavities:空洞、fil with:充満している) ・they succeeded in reaching the top with the exception of three (succeed in〜:〜に成功する、with the exception of three:3人を除いて)
>>622 "It is what it is.Are you?" この文の意味することは、見た目よりも単純ではない。Itはこの広告の腕時計のこと。 "What it is"の意味は、この広告であなたが目にしてるもの、つまり、シンプル だけど、信頼のおける時計。この時計は君を裏切らない。 "are you?"とはどういった質問だろう。これは、あなたは自分自身や他人を偽ったり してないか?という意味だ。
Important stuff, irreplaceable stuff: all theze may come to 'arm with superlative eaze. And wot'z frightenin' is... There be absolutely no meanin' to wot 'appens in our daily livez... Meanin' is non-existent. No matter wot'z born, lost or changed... It'z beyond calculation. There be no one or nothin' wathin' over you... Such is life.
The reasons why I like the United States are it is the nation with full of enagry, and I think...it matchs with cheerfulness of me. Whenever I come back to Japan, I have surge emotion to go there again! お願いします。
I ask you what's wrong but you never answer. You think you're the worst in the entire world. You think nobody suffers worse than you. I cared for you. I liked you. I tried to help you. I Gave you my feelings. I gave you my regards. Have you ever paid for what you've done? Have you ever thought for a moment, someone might be suffering? Have you ever had an idea of thanking people all around you, caring for you. Have you ever thought of caring me back?
You'll never be capable of caring anyone. You'll never find somebody worth more than your life. You'll never love someone with broken heart. You'll never love anyone who cares you the most. You'll always have self-pitty, you'll always have self-abuse. You'll always care for yourself the most.
Hunter-gatherers are not less intelligent, either. They must do everything for themselves ---- there are no specialists, no "occupations" in our sense of the word. In addition, they must carry in their heads a very accurate map of the area they live in, as well as a knowledge of all the edible plants and animals in this area and their ways and habits.
Sorry for the question, but I don't understand if you like America (States and people not the policy) I don't like very much, I never been in Japan (and I wish to do it soon) but I prefere your mentality and your places. ---- And I prefere your history!!!!
お願いします。 Order any two Country/Country Rock titles at regular Price and receive a free CDfrom this section!!!
The price of your free CD or DVD cannot exceed the price of the more expensive of the two items purchased. For example, if you buy one item at $19.95 and one for $14.95. the free item must be priced at $19.95 or less
前文みつけました。 In this course which our ancestors took there was a show of prudence at least, as if their principle were to satisfy the more pressing wants first. But are the more pressing wants satisfied now? When I think of acquiring for myself one of our luxurious dwellings, I am deterred, for, so to speak, the country is not yet adapted to human culture, and we are still forced to cut our spiritual bread far thinner than our forefathers did their wheaten. Not that all architectural ornament is to be neglected even in the rudest periods; but let our houses first be lined with beauty, where they come in contact with our lives, like the tenement of the shellfish, and not overlaid with it. But, alas! I have been inside one or two of them, and know what they are lined with.
We will mail you playlists once a week for the current shows (wherever possible). Unfortunately, for various reasons, we won’t be able to mail you every playlist for every show - this mainly applies to archive shows which were recorded prior to May 2002, but also to some current shows. IF A PLAYLIST DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE WEEKLY EMAIL PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL BACK ASKING FOR IT – IF IT’S NOT IN THE MAIL, WE DO NOT HAVE IT!!!
Enjoy the station - and keep in touch - CONTACT is ESSENTIAL!!!
Important stuff, irreplaceable stuff: all these may come to harm with superlative ease. And what's frightening is... There be absolutely no meaning to what happens in our daily lives... Meaning is non-existent. No matter what's born, lost or changed... It's beyond calculation. There be no one or nothing watching over you... Such is life.
Other than through their sheer numbers, how would the foreign borndisplace minorities? The most straightforword arguments are that the foreign-born professinals, much like their blue collar counterparts,are willing to work longer hours for less pay.
everyone, nsync slept with groupies.... a girl who is a groupie had nsync webpage and she exposed their nite life on that webpage!!!! now she closed her webpage but she said she keeps in touch with Joey... If you wanna know the truth TELL HER! here is her addy
Some people rely on material goods to create their identity. They wear designer clothes,a top-of the line Swiss clock,and drive an expensive foreign car. These things represent their personal values and taste ,as well as the fact that they are able to afford them. While they make a clear fashion statement,these things are not enough for us to know a person's true character. This picture suggests that being who you are is important than fancy clothes. をお願いします。
The people I met were so helpful, that I was really touched. Once in Kyoto I lost my way at 11.30 p.m.and I asked with my rudimentary Japanese a Japanese young man whether he could help me find my hotel. He immediately called the information with his cell phone (this was the first time, that I was happy about cell phones!) then called the hotel which told him the address. Everywhere people were rushing to help me, if I asked for advise. I never met so friendly people before, really! Well,about my descent:I was born in Romania and used to be a teacher there for 6 years until I left in 1981 for Germany.
Austria ceded its possessions in the Low Countries (the present-day Belgium) to France and secretly promised France the left bank of the Rhine, pending later ratification by the estates of the Holy Roman Empire.
Greeks-sixteen million of them came, many in "steerage" of a steamship, sharing the crossing with cattle; they came in funny-looking clothing, speaking languages sounding far stranger than any Americans were used to, sticking together protectively, full of hope and fear, both justified.
【原文】 There is a well known rule that in the Win32 environment, a control is "owned" by the thread that created it; therefore, no other thread should (or can) safely update a control in any manner. All updates should be "posted" to the thread that owns the control. This posting actually takes place in the examples, by using the Windows Message loop - something that has existed back from Win 3.0 (perhaps earlier) days. This Message Loop still exists in .NET and forms the basis of a "Single Threaded Apartment" which VB 6 knows all too well.
We talked for about an hour, mainly about politics and how the tour life was going. He mentioned that his girlfriend is an artist or something and he told me that when reading a book always have a dictionary handy, so when you come across a word you don't understand, look it up and make sure you learn it. He was really encouraging me to learn and stuff - it was cool. He also said how he has trouble getting out of the bed in the morning, because they are like 'coffins', he was neat to speak too. He was so easy to speak to, considering show are my biggest idols - he was really a great guy.
But how do we get to clean code that works? Many forces drive us away from clean code, and even from code that works. Without taking too much counsel of our fears, here's what we do: we drive development with automated test, a style of development called Test-Driven Development (TDD).
おながいします。 Congratulations on your recent stock award. On behalf of the management of ○○○ & Co.,Inc., I am confirming that the Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Borad of Directions has granted restructed units and stock options to you.
Britain's large anti war movement say Bush shouldn't be coming at all, and even rightwing comentator think the trip is little more than an opportunity to polish his image ahead of next year's US presidential election. 英国の大きな反戦運動団体は、ブッシュは来るべきでないと言っている。右派の論客すら、この訪問は来年の大統領選に向けてのイメージアップのためのもの以上の意味はほとんどない。 で、良いのでしょうか?
「no more than」=「〜よりこえている量は no=ゼロ」=「〜しかない」 と考え、その類推から、 「little more than」=「よりこえているのは量は little=少ししかない」で、 >のためのもの以上の意味はほとんどない。 としたのですが。
Note that recently arrived that Asian immigrants make 18 percent less than whites after controlling for human capital characteristics, training,specialty,and government employment.
This is possible because a successful manga artist can earn an amazing amount of money. First,there is the basic page rate. An artist working for major publishers will typically be paid a minimum of \10.000(around $100)per page. Furthermore,since Japan has also been a pioneer in artists'rights, and artists own their work even after it's printed, royalties of 10 percent are typically paid on paperback or hardback book collections.
in an american home, one often hears the hostesssaying to the house guest, "make yourself at home. and help yoursrlf to whatever you like. there is beer and soft drinks in the refrigerator---please feel free to help yourself at any time." why? because it is the responsibility of the hostess to see to it that the guest is offered the best choice that she can offer as well as the freedom to select whatever he would like whenever he would like it. よろしくお願いします。
I will ask at my local post office and bank and write back to you. Please confirm it will be an 'INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER FOR US. POUNDS STIRLING' that you would be sending me in payment. This is so I can ask about the correct item at the bank.
Jim expected her to say something rude to him―or even to hit him with the thing she had in her hand―but all she did was to hang it on the front of his car.
When he got out to see what she had put there, he saw that it was a notice which said 'FOR SALE'. He was very surprised, but the girl said to him, "Try starting your engine now."
In the club People use material things To increase their chances of a pick up Such as diamond rolexes, prada bags And versace outfits I guess it makes them feel special In japan they just two to the one and two
In an American home, one often hears the hostesssaying to the house guest, "Make yourself at home. And help yoursrlf to whatever you like. There is beer and soft drinks in the refrigerator---please feel free to help yourself at any time." Why? Because it is the responsibility of the hostess to see to it that the guest is offered the best choice that she can offer as well as the freedom to select whatever he would like whenever he would like it. よろしくお願いします。
Sherdog.com: A lot of people question the Takada fight, that's no secret. You've touched on your wife being sick and everything, and you've heard what people have said. I just wanted to give you a chance to touch on that.
Mark Coleman: Basically my wife was sick, meaning I went into that fight totally unprepared. It's a fight I don't worry about, I took it for my family, and a lot of people got the wrong idea. I didn't have any time to prepare, no excuses.
Sherdog.com: Ok, I know in an interview I read that it was for your family, and a couple people just said "Oh, it was a work."
Mark Coleman: For my family, meaning I shouldn't have taken the fight. I didn't train, I wasn't prepared, but I did it for my family, that explains that.
There hasn't been a single presentation where a young person, and usually many of them, hasn't come up afterward and thanked us and told us we are doing something very important and wonderfull.
その下の 3) の段落には、「サイトへのリンクは自由だが(Feel free to provide links...)、 トップページ(the Max Galleries Homepage)か被写体の人のホームページ(the Star's Homepages) *だけ* にしてくれ」とのこと。
下のリンクのサイトは、"FAQ & Facts" に飛んで、更にページ末尾の "Terms of Use" に書いてある。 真ん中あたりの”Linked Sites and Advertising”を読むべし。 If you are interested in creating hypertext links to this Site, you must contact KidActors at [email protected] before doing so. リンクしたけりゃメールを出せとさ。
I will ask at my local post office and bank and write back to you. Please confirm it will be an 'INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER FOR US. POUNDS STIRLING'that you would be sending me in payment. This is so I can ask about the correct item at the bank. Sorry to put you to all this trouble best wishes
As the seller, I would like to take a moment to personally thank you for your purchase. I know that you have many choices on eBay and I appreciate your business.
I would like to assure you that your transaction will proceed smoothly. Let me highlight some key pieces of information.
These images depict different stages and signs of a magnesium deficiency. The first picture is a Mg deficient plant in flower , and the second two are of the leaves to show what I mean by Intervenial Chlorosis.
Treating with an Epsom salts mix will clear this right up.
With your feet in the air and your head by the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse, and there's nothing in it and you'll ask yourself: Where is my mind?Way out, in the water see it swimmin' I was swimmin' in the Caribean Animals were hiding behind a rock Exept the little fish, when they told me east is west trying to talk to me to me koy-koy Where is my mind? Way out, in the water see it swimmin' With YOUR feet in the air and your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeahYour head will collapse and there's nothing in it and you'll ask yourself: Where is my mind? Way out, in the water see it swimmin' With your feet in the air and your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah...
There are some nations that favor queues and some that don't. The British definitely fall into the first category, the Italians, Spaniards and French into the second. If there is one thing a Latin hates it is having to stand in line. So next time you are in Italy waiting to catch a bus, don't bother to look for the queue. You won't find one. What you will find instead is an amorphous crowd of people spread round the bus-stop. There's no point trying to work out who arrived there first, who is entitled to a seat, or who is even waiting for the bus. None of this will matter when the bus arrives and you are swallowed up by a wave of people pressing forward.
For example,the expansion of foreign-born scientists,engineers, and mathematicians has been substantial and some observers argue that minorities might have been able to fill the jobs taken by foreigners. They calculate that,if minorities were educated and took these types of jobs at the same rate as white males, their numbers would nearly supply the actual labor force numbers counted in the 1990 U.S.Census.
Only two animals have entered the human household otherwise than as prisonersand become domesticated by other means than those of enforced servitude: the dogand the cat. Two things they have in common, namely, that both belong to the order of carnivores and both serve man in their capacity of hunters. In all other characteristics,above all in the manner of their association with man,they are as different as the night from the day. There is no animal which, in being domestic, has alteredits whole way of living, indeed its whole sphere of interests, as radically as the dog; and there is no animal that, in the course of its age-old association with man, has altered so little as the cat.
Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 05:52 JST TOKYO ! Tokyo Broadcasting System Inc (TBS) said Wednesday its group net profit for the half year to Sept 30 plunged 80.6% from a year earlier due to declining advertising revenue and a one-off charge related to retirement benefit obligations.
According to its consolidated interim earnings report, TBS l ogged a net profit of 1.54 billion yen, or 8.77 yen per share, and a pretax profit of 11.27 billion yen, down 17.7%, on a 1.1% fall in revenue to 146.60 billion yen. Operating profit declined 13.1% to 12.02 billion yen. (Kyodo News)
・President Bush is not a man. He is a monkey. Good old "curious George" is trying to imitate the best he can his father's presidency. ・He is a monkey, so he could've been mistaken too.
Talking about Japanese. I know that in Japanese the verbs are at the end of the sentence, right? Ex. SEITO WA SENSEI NI TEGAMI O KAKU KAKU is the berb "write" and it's at the end of the sentence. Is this the rule? And are "WA, NI, O", that we call "pos-position", compulsory?
In the study of the behaviour of the higher animals, very funny situations are apt to arise, but is inevitably the observer,and not the animal, that plays the comical part.
Even if immigrants do not work for lower wages, a "glut of any group in the markplace" may lower wages because even equally qualified unemployed would be willing to work for less.
It won't be long before we view each other on screens as we chat on our telephones, a change that is bound to bring more makeup and fashion into our homes.
There's no denying that the age of communication is upon us.
With them, my writing deadlines are easier to make; I have extra days to prepare and can send my stories off right at the last minute when pressed for time.
A fax or e-mail often can take the place of a meeting and save many people much time.
And for those like me with absolutely no sense of direction, getting around in Tokyo is so much easier when maps can readily be delivered with the push of a fax button.
And for those like me with absolutely no sense of direction, getting around in Tokyo is so much easier when maps can readily be delivered with the push of a fax button.
How I managed without these conveniences years ago, I can't imagine.
In our race with time,we often run out of time.There are so many "must dos" in life that deprive us of time that we can spend for ourselves.They often make it difficult for us to be what we want to be.
The truth is nothing bad lasts forever,and nothing good lasts forever.
We say "time is on our side" when we are not pressured by time. We may have all the time in the world but don't know what to do with it but waste it.
There are few things that can stand the test of time in life.We get sad or angry if those nearest and dearest to us change or leave us. When we become more aware of the fact that change is constant and our life is finite,we come to appreciate the wonderful moments in life much more profoundly. We can also make a difference by creating such moments of truth for other people and for ourselves. Each one of us is blessed with life.Before your time is up,have the time of your life! です。
Market gets grip on elusive yuan November 10, 2003 p.32 Restrictions fail to prevent currency from floating away A bus carrying dozens of people travels between Hong Kong and Shenzhen several times a month. The passengers have all the appearances of being part of a tour group on its way to the neighboring Chinese city for a half-day sightseeing trip, complete with lunch.
Risin' up,back on the street. Did my time, took my chances. Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet. Just a man and his will to survive.
So many times, it happens too fast. You trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past. You must fight just to keep them alive.
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight. Risin' up to the challenge of our rival. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night. And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger.
Austria ceded its possessions in the Low Countries (the present-day Belgium) to France and secretly promised France the left bank of the Rhine, pending later ratification by the estates of the Holy Roman Empire.
During our children's adolescence we must try to recall our own, and not complain of them for having the thoughs, feelings, and moods that belong to adolescence. This is difficult. At twenty we all say : 'If I ever have children, I'II be able to get close to them and be the sort of father that my own was incapable of being.' But at fifty we resemble our own parents fairly closely, and in their turn our children, as we so greatly desired (and so uselessly), will resemble us.
It seemed that there was no alternative to doing it the way we were instructed to as we were unable to come up with any better idea. お願いします。特に "to doing it the way we were instructed to as " のところ、どのようになっているかわかりません。 *ちなみに訳は書いてましたのでわかります。
>>940 'as'の前で切ればいいんだよ。 It seemed that there was no alternative to doing it the way we were instructed to/ as we were unable to come up with any better idea.
>>940 It seemed that 〜に思われた there was no alternative to 〜に代わるもの・代案は無い、〜をするしかない doing it < the way[=as] we were instructed to > < 指示されたように・通りに > それをやる < as we were unable to come up with any better idea > < 他に良い考えが浮かばないのだから >
There is an opportunity now for a mid-course correction which may not be perfect but which may be safer for all sides and the political tea leaves will be easier to read as the December 15th deadline at the U.N. approaches.
And she shone with a beauty so natural and clean that I surely knew if she asked me for Nat I'd give it up quick, with no questions asked. Natは人の名前です。 よろしくお願いします。
Moths, and some other insects, cannot help flying towards a light of any kind. Theattraction seems to be too strong for them. As a result, they often destory themselves by flying into something that is burning, such as a lighted candle.
Yet in a way,the summit is a start at what the protesters are demanding:world leaders are discussing how to help poor nations become richer,and how to reduce the glaring divide between the world's haves and have-nots.
Confidence is still high, and even with the defeats we've had in the last few games we are still seventh. So we're a great position and we can go into the sox game knowing it's all still to play for.
..."Japanese contest"... Ok, "(Subject) + Object + Verb fundamentally" and every parts of the sentence is connected with the others for the postpositions. How much are these? Well, now I can't use only the present verbs, but how are the conjugation of the other times of the verbs?
He didn't want to drink; when he was alone with me he was as sober as anyone; it was only when there were other people there that he got excited, and after two or three drinks there was no holding him down.
The new charges, known as "top-up fees," could prove to be one of the most controversial issues of Blair's tenure. Already bruised by public discontent over the Iraq war, Blair may face a rebellion by Labour Party backbenchers when he puts the legislation to a vote in the parliamentary session that opens in late November. A defeat would prompt fresh doubts as to whether the British PM has lost his once-golden touch.
Others are successful because their product is useful enough to appeal to many people, and cheap enough for ordinary people to buy. Buying parts and labour in large quantities,like buying in bulk at the supermarket,means lower prices. You make what are called economies of scale. をお願いします。
Things have been pretty bad for me at work. I have been working 60-70 hours a week at work, and it has been very stressful. It is bad enough that I am thinking of leaving my job, and I have only been there for 3 months. This is especially bad because I'm not making as much money as I had ben lead to believe.
I am here to get my Master’s degree in Civil Engineering.More specifically I am studying Earthquake Engineering which is why I was in Japan for the conference where I met you.Civil Engineers design buildings, roads, and bridges, and I am interested in constructing buildings. It is a very hard field to study at times because there is a lot of math and physics and it can be a lot of work, but I enjoy my studies most of the time.