The 1973 Arab-Israeli War redefined the Arab-Israeli conflict, the shape of the Arab world and the international economic order -- given that the war triggered the Arab oil embargo. It was a significant event in 20th century history. Its origins were in Israel's victory in 1967 and its overconfidence about its ability to read the Arab mind. Like the Sept. 11 attacks, Oct. 6, 1973, began as a massive intelligence failure. Moreover, the Israeli intelligence failure shaped Arab thinking about the nature of war and the role of intelligence in it. They learned that managing the enemy's intelligence process compensated for military weakness. It is a lesson that is still very much with us.
Yumi:Say Jenny, yesterday's math test was very difficult.wasn't it? Jenny: It sure was! That reminds me. I dreamed lastnight that I got a bad grade on it. Yumi : Really? I had a similar dream. I hope it won'tcome true. Jenny: Me too. I often have a bad dream if I worry aboutsomething. Yumi : So do I. The other day I dreamed that I waschased by a monster. Jenny: A monster? I wonder why you dreamed that. Yumi : I think it's because I had to turn in three reportsthe next day.
"Freud claimed that our everyday life was filled with unconscious behavior. We forget a particular person's name, we play with our clothes while we talk, or we shift what appear to be random objects around in the room. We also make various slips of the tongue or pen that can seem completely innocent. Freud's point was that these slips are neither as accidental nor as innocent as we think. These actions can in fact reveal our deepest secrets." "From now on I'll watch all my words very carefully." "Even if you do, you won't be able to change your behavior. The art is not to repress unpleasant things in the unconscious. It's like trying to block up the entrance to a water vole's nest. You can be sure the water vole will pop up in another part of the garden. It is actually quite healthy to leave the door between the conscious and the unconscious open.
"If you lock that door, you can get mentally sick, right?" "Yes. A neurotic is just such a person, who uses too much energy trying to keep the 'unpleasant' out of his or her consciousness. There is often a particular experience which the person is trying hard to repress. Nonetheless, that person may want the doctor's help to find the way back to some hidden trauma."
"How does the doctor do that?" "Freud developed a technique which he called free association. In other words, he let the patient lie in a relaxed position and just talk about whatever came into his or her mind- however unimportant, random, unpleasant, or embarrassing it might sound. The idea was to break through the 'lid' or 'control' that had grown over the traumas, because it was these traumas that were causing the patient concern. They are active all the time, just not consciously." "The harder you try to forget something, the more you think about it unconsciously?" "Exactly. That is why it is so important to be aware of the signals from the unconscious. According to Freud, the royal road to the unconscious is our dreams. His main work was written on this subject- The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1900, jn which he showed that our dreams are not random. Our unconscious tries to communicate with our conscious through dreams. "Go on." "After many years of experience with patients-and not least after having analyzed his own dreams-Freud determined that all dreams are wish fulfillments. This is clearly seen in children, he said. They dream about ice cream and cherries. But in adults, the wishes that are to be fulfilled in dreams are disguised. That is because
we repress the unconscious even when we are sleeping. And although it is considerably weaker when we are asleep than when we are awake, it is still strong enough to cause our dreams to distort the wishes we cannot acknowledge." "That is why dreams have to be interpreted." "Freud said that we must distinguish between the actual dream as we recall it in the morning and the real meaning of the dream. He called the actual dream image the manifest dream. The content of the dream is always related to what happened the previous day. But the dream also contains a deeper meaning which is hidden from the consciousness. Freud called this latent dream thoughts,
お願いします Many times the secret lies in something we've seen before but whose significance we've failed to recognize.
We can no longer expect the individual owners of this property to give up all there rights of ownership to the company in return for a contract of employment
So, what can you say? I'm writing you this e-mail as you asked me in your profile. I have never been to Japan, but I want to change that as soon as possible.
I've been down and I'mwondering why These little black clouds Keepwalking around With meIt wastes time And I'drather be high Think I'll walk me outside And buy a rainbow smile But they're free They 're all free So maybe tomorrow I'llfind my way home 長くてすいませんm(__)m歌詞なんですけど分からないんです。 教えてください。
Women who perform the act of fellatio on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a North Carolina State University study found. よろしくおねがいします
>>40 I've been down and I'm wondering why ずっとブルーだよ なんでこの小さい黒い雲たちは These little black clouds Keep walking around With me 私と一緒に歩き回り続けるのかな It wastes time And I'd rather be high 時間の無駄なのに ハイになりたい Think I'll walk me outside And buy a rainbow smile 外へ歩いていこう 虹のスマイルを買うの But they're free They 're all free でも雲は自由 雲は自由 So maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home だから多分明日 家に帰る道を見つけるよ
お願いします That might be possible.The last one I had of this shirt sold for $44. So if you want this one on a buy it now that is the sort of price I am looking for. Make me an offer and lets see.
The most common negotiation situation in business is in regard to deciding prices. Naturally, sellers hope to change the highest price possible and buyers hope to get the lowest price possible. The sellers have a general idea of how much they need to charge for goods in order to cover all their costs. But the actual price they charge to each customer will depend on many factors that are negotiated. The most important factor is usually the number of items being purchased. Let’s say, for example , a company manufactures shoes and it estimates that the shoes cost $10.00 per pair to produce. If it hopes to make a profit of 10 percent it will try to sell the shoes to wholesale buyers at $11.00.
But for example, buyer X is going to buy 100,000 pairs of the shoes, while buyer buys 100, naturally buyer X will expect a lower price than buyer Y. Buyer X may be able to negotiate a price of $10.50 per pair. This brings only 5 percent to the seller---only half the hoped-for 10 percent profit---but the seller may accept this lower unit because of the large volume being sold. In making sales contracts between companies, price is not the only factor that is negotiated. Other things may include shipping arrangements, warrantees, liability conditions , after-sales maintenance policies (especially in the case of machinery), and other service agreements. In special circumstances, companies may even be willing to offer prices that are below what it costs to make a predict. スペルミスがあったらごめんなさい。。。よろしくおねがいします!
"There are few better exhibits of state sponsorship for terrorism than the one provided by the Syrian regime," he said.
"Syria would do well to take a hard look at the mirror and count itself fortunate that it has not yet, for unfortunate reasons, been the subject of concerted international action as part of the global campaign against terrorism," Gillerman said. "Not yet."
Well, my house is composed by two floors and a tavern... on first floor we've the kitchen, the living room and a bath, on second floor there are the bedrooms, second bathroom and a little living room... The tavern is very good in summer, because there's a good temperature there...;-) I've also the garden, but however it isn't very big, even if there are some fruit trees...
The TM-Sidhi program is nothing other than a set of sutras (words or phrases), mentally repeated every fifteen seconds after doing a twenty minute session of TM. Each sutra is repeated twice, with a 15 second pause in between each repetition.
Most fish have countershading because they have two different types of surroundings to blend in with---the dark bottmom of the sea below and the silvery surface of the sea or the sky above.
通販でお菓子買いたいんのですが。。。 下記をよろしくお願いします。 Negotiable(Buy at your own price)!! This is a negotiable product! Below is the seller's asking price and minimum order quantity. Negotiate a lower Price. 1-Buyer inputs quantity needed and lower price they want to buy the product at, then add to shopping cart... 2-Buyer is done adding different items to shopping cart, buyer creates purchase order... 3-Seller either agrees or ask for more... 4-When seller and buyer both agree on price, item is sold. Minimum Order QuantityAsking Price 12 piece(s) plus $1.99 per piece Quantity Available: 12 piece(s)
We can call this a firm’s governance profile. 「我々はこれを企業のガバナンスプロファイルと呼ぶことができる。」
A governance profile refers to the percent of inputs (by value) that are governed internally (by hierarchy), by arm’s-length relationships (which rely primarily on legal contracts), and by partnerships (external relationships governed by trust and implicit long-term agreements rather than legal contracts). 「ガバナンスプロファイルは〜意味する。 (ヒエラルキーによって)内部的に統合された(価格による)投入量の割合 アームズレングス関係による(主に法的な契約に頼っている) パートナーシップ関係による(法的な契約よりむしろ信頼や暗黙の長期的な契約により統治された外部の関係)
if we slept in class or read magazines we would get in a lot of trouble from mean teachers do you have to go to school on saturdays or can you choose i would not like that how long in the mornings do they go for
Peoples such as modern Polynesians , whose metabolic systems have adapted by becoming very efficient , often develop a high incidence of obesity when a modern diet is introduced .
Joining these groups, I found bewailing women whose husbands were away in herring or oyster boats, which there was too much reason to think might have foundered before they could run in anywhere for safety.
Tailoring the strikes in such a way as to maximize returns but to limit the likelihood of a North Korean retaliation would be extremely difficult. The North Korean leadership is already acutely paranoid and sensitive to US military actions and might be predisposed to respond any air strikes by initiating a full-scale war.
とりわけ Tailoring the strikes in such a way as to maximize returns の部分がうまく訳せません。
P21(1)The purpose of leisure is not only to make people free from work or duties, but also to give people a chance to develop whatever talents and interests they have. 余暇の目的は人々を単に仕事または任務がなくすることではありません。
(2)To those who study a foreign language, dictionaries are indispensable. 外国語を勉強する人々にとって、辞書は不可欠です。 In order to learn a foreign language well we have to make the best use of dictionaries, which give us lots of information about the language. 外国語をよく学習するために、私たちは辞書を最大限利用しなければなりません。それは、私たちに言語に関する多くの情報を与えます。
P23(1)Fresh vegetables not only are packed with valuable nutrients like vitamins and minerals, but also add color and variety to your meals. 新鮮な野菜はビタミンとミネラルのような価値のある栄養素が詰められるだけでなく、あなたの食事に色と種類を加えられます。
(2)The only thing in the world which one can never receive or give too much is love. Love does not spoil children by giving them too much, but by giving them too little. 受け取ることができなくて与えることができる世界でただひとつものは愛です。
P25(1)Going to a movie used to be a big event but video has changed all that. It's now much more convenient to see a movie. No ride to the theater, no waiting in line for tickets and best of all, no trouble finding a good seat. 映画に行くことはかつて、大きな出来事でした。しかし、ビデオはそれを大きく変えました。それは映画を見るのに今はるかにより便利です。
(2)When we happen to come across things we would rather not see, we have only to turn away our eyes. Noises, however, cannot be shut our by such a simple action as turning away our faces.
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats in Congress find it easy to recommend new initiatives on current controversies just before presidential primaries .
I wanted to say "Happy Christmas!" to him. When I arrived, I found him in the siting-room. He was by the window with some newspapers next to him. There was an old hat on a chair near him, and he had a magnifyingglass in his hand. "You're working on something,"I said."Shall I go?" "No,"said Holmes."Sit down and look at that interesting old hat over there." "Why are you interested in that old hat? Is it something to do with a crime?" I asked.
>>115 > (2)The only thing in the world which one can never receive or give too much is love. Love does not spoil children by giving them too much, but by giving them too little. 人が決して受け取り過ぎたり与え過ぎたりできない、世界で唯一のものは愛です。 愛の与え過ぎによって子供たちがダメになることはありません。与えなさ過ぎによって ダメになるのです。
> P25(1)It's now much more convenient to see a movie. No ride to the theater, no waiting in line for tickets and best of all, no trouble finding a good seat. 今は映画を見るのにずっと便利になっています。映画館まで運転しなくてもいいし、 チケットを買うのに並ばなくてもいいし、とりわけ良い席を見つけるのに苦労 しなくてもいいのです > (2)When we happen to come across things we would rather not see, we have only to turn away our eyes. Noises, however, cannot be shut our by such a simple action as turning away our faces. たまたま私達がむしろ見たくないものに出くわした時は、目を逸らしさえすれば 良いのです。しかしながら、雑音は顔を逸らすというような簡単な行動では 封じることが出来ません
I know there have been some posts lately with links to websites that don't exist saying pics were uploaded. I will be setting the posts to moderated. This means I must approve them before they go through. All content appropriate for the group will be accepted. This is to get rid of the spam. Once it clears up, I'll go back to unmoderated. Sorry for the inconvenience.
No matter how hard I tried,my cluture still appeared in my piece. I have come to realize that being Chinese is an unavoidable and fascinating part of my consciousness.
The Defense Agency on Sunday began considering shifting the focus of Ground Self-Defence Force activities from supporting U.S. troops to supplying humanitarian aid to Iraqis, agency sources said.
I'm looking for a PC programme that will automatically synchronise the directory on my local server with the harddrive on my local PC upon update. Ok, I don't mean the whole drive, but only with the desired folders. One using the FTP protocol would be great. One from Japan would also be ok.
>>89の訳の続きの文章ですが、うまく訳せません。しかも意味も掴めません。 “apple to apple”は調べてみるとゲームのようです。 どなたかこれよりいい訳をお願いします。
Doing an “apples to apples” governance profile comparison between Toyota and GM/Ford is possible for internally manufactured products, but much more difficult to do for arm’s-length relationships and partnerships. 「アップルトゥアップルで遊ぶ、ガバナンスプロファイル、トヨタとGMもしくはフォードとの比較、は内部で製造することができるが、アームズレングスやパートナーシップのような関係にとっては、よりはるかに難しい。」
In this particular analysis,the automaker is believed to have an arm’s-length relationship with suppliers when they use three or more suppliers to provide parts in a particular part category(e.g.,batteries,radiators air conditioners,spark plugs,and so forth). 「この分析から特に、バッテリーやラジエター、エアコン、スパークプラグといった特殊な部品を供給するために、自動車製造業者が3つ、もしくはより多くのサプライヤーにアームズレングス関係の企業をサプライヤーとして用いると信じられている。」
Before pigments could be chemically synthesized cheaply and in large quantities , artists painted with substances they found at hand , such as corroded lead , egg yolks and animal .
1.The following year the U.S. Government became a signatory of the International Geneva Convention. 2.She proposed that the International Red Cross add peacetime disaster relief to its agenda. 3.This allowed the International Red Cross to help victims of natural disasters .
Japan's aging population is barely growing, and in the next 10 to 20 years, the country is going to run out of people who are able to care for its senior citizens. お願いします。Japan's aging population is barely growingの部分だけがよく 分からないのですが、高齢者の人口だけが増えるといういみでしょうか。
I work for a public accounting firm and my job title would be a certified public accountant (CPA). Basically, what I do is to make sure that our clients are reporting correct income to the government for taxes and keeping their books(meaning assets, liabilities, income, capital, etc.) right. 職業の事について、話していると思うのですが、訳をお願いします。
Russia has moved a step closer to ratifying the 1997 Kyoto Protocol following the conclusion by an ad hoc government team investigating the possible effects of the pact on the country that the agreement would be from economic and political risks, The Yomiuri Shimbun learned Monday. よろしくお願いします。
If you are interested in the other bears to send individually the shipping price to Japan is roughly 50p more that the shipping price i have quoted to the UK.
I wanted to stay and watch my father, but he bumped into me while he was scurrying between the counter and the stove, and he promptly asked me to sit down. Instead, I left.
New York City investigating mystery illness cluster (CNN) -- The New York City Department of Health said Sunday it is investigating five patients on Staten Island who have or had symptoms of what appears to be viral encephalitis, but city health officials downplayed the possibility that they represented the harbinger of the outbreak of an infectious illness. ニューヨークで奇妙な病気が流行ってるらしいんですが (乳糞板住人より)
They are confident, and in charge of their lives. Some women who see these images become vulnerable and frightened by the gap between themselves and the characters in the ads. They may then think that what read in the ads will bridge the gap. どなたかお願いします。
Q: I have Spinner installed on my computer, but I'd like to try your channel sampler for kicks. Can I try it out?
A: Sorry, but if you already have our full-fledged Spinner player installed, you won't be able to use the channel sampler. Only first-time visitors to the Spinner Web site and Macintosh users can launch the channel sampler by clicking on any Listen button.
If you're unable to hear any audio with the Channel Sampler, we recommend that you register for and reverse your Audio Settings via the Preferences area. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
It was not long before we were surrounded by a thick mist. We could see only a few yards at the most. To make matters worse, the path we were following became very narrow.
He was the highest-ranking Indian in the colonial government, and it was to him that Lord Mountbatten turned for the final drafting of the charter plan for independence.
* He … インド独立の功労者である V. K. Menon のこと。 * Lord Mountbatten : イギリスの軍人。インド総督を務めた。
And it's something that I see in a lot of people in my generation - not knowing (or sometimes even caring) about how to do these things. And even if they know, most people my age don't seem to care about actually doing them. I wonder how it got this way. But then, maybe it's always been this way. Perhaps I'm just noticing it because I'm at a stage in my life where the discrepancy has become glaringly obvious. In any case, the point here is that I need to get more organized. Perhaps I also need to get better about getting to the point...
He was hard to avoid in the early days of LA rock'n roll because he was a musician, promoter, producer and just a real character that had to be dealt with.
Don't make me wake this baby She don't need to see what I'm about to do Quit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you? How could you? Just leave me and love him out the blue Oh, what's a matter Kim? Am I too loud for you? Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this time At first, I'm like all right You wanna throw me out? That's fine! But not for him to take my place, are you out you're mind? This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine! How could you let him sleep in our bed? Look at Kim Look at your husband now!
First and goal for the Togas on the nine and the crowd was in a frenzy. A give to the halfback, who followed a Clem Baskin block For a four-yard gain. First and goal on the five. A give to Baskin, who, with chemically enhanced legs churning, lunged to the one. First and goal on the one, only eight seconds left. A time-out by Coach George, who appeared to have shaken off whatever psychosis was responsible for his earlier gridiron goof-ups. He looked poised and calm, ready to guide his boys to a fourth straight title. フットボールの試合の描写です。 Togasというのはチーム名です。よろしくお願いします。
The Kitty Hawk and elements of its strike group returned to Yokosuka in early May and has since begun an extended period of maintenance making the Kitty Hawk unavailable until sometime in November at the earliest. The readiness of the rest of the strike group is difficult to determine as some ships have undoubtedly begun yard periods while others have not. There are 466 VLS cells capable of launching Tomahawk cruise missiles.
とりわけ The readiness of the rest of the strike group is difficult to determine as some ships have undoubtedly begun yard periods while others have not. の部分がうまく訳せません。
Next, a very beaten and battered Henry Hanrahan was placed under suicide watch at Cornell Medical Center as a bevy of witnesses came forth with pieces of knowledge about the coach's past. In truth, it was mostly old news, but for some reason racial slurs, assaults, and statutory rape charges that seemed to slide off the winningest coach in section history now seemed just a little stickier to the laughingstock of Conestoga.
Examples are:"At her age,a woman has two choices.You age gracefully.Or stay 39 forever." (Showing a photo of Cybill Shepherd,a middle-aged actress,looking young and vibrant) Renergie...powerful alternative to looking your age. をどなたかお願いします。
He was beside me in the Bombay airport at the baggage counter. I had come to get back my bags and had no Indian money left. The agent would not take a traveler's check, and I was uncertain about getting my baggage and making my plane.
I am a plumber. That means that you install and maintain all the things to do with water in a property. This includes, sanitation, heating, and water supplies to appliances. This job though is very complicated so normally a plumber in England will only do one of the above things. I focus on heating which means I primarally install boilers, which are what heats the water.
---------- The gift was not large as money goes, and my need was not great, but the spilit of the gift is beyond price and leaves me blessed and in debt.
* 文中の gift とは、ある人から言われた 「あなたはあなたのもとへ助けを必要としてやってきた人みんなに借りがあると思いなさい」 という言葉、考え方のことです。 ----------
---------- What did he pass on to the strangers in his life, those in need he met?
>>356 お金と言う点ではその贈り物は大きくはない。そして私の行為も偉大ではない。 しかしその贈り物の精神は値段を超越したものであり、私に(神の)祝福を与え、 (人に対する)借りの気持ちを与えてくれるのだ。 as ...go = 〜としては leave O + blessed and in debt = (結果として)私を blessed and in debt の状態にする
彼はその人生で、見知らぬ人たちに何を伝えて( pass on )いったのだろうか、 彼が出会った困窮している(in need) 人たちに。 pass on = 渡す、伝える、回す those = the people の意味で先行詞として使われる。
In simplest terms the inner stream gives off energy in the form of heat to the outer stream and the inner stream exits the tube as cold air. すみません和訳おねがいします。文法がよくわからないのです。
お願いします 。 It has been pointed out that small boys in japan are allowed to express anger and furstration by using their mothers as punching bags, hitting their breasts and tearing at their hair. Desperate for some response, they find no resistance, like hitting a trampoline, which only increases their irritation. Japanese mothers rarely punish directly or rationally: how could they, lacking a rational system themselves?
Maybe for you and to each is own *** but when you revert to sleeping with FARM animals your a sick ass! And I thought that the "sock" was in jail. Then again, maybe that's where he turned to the other side? lol Break on through to the other side!
Unless we know what newspapers are,and how they are made,we'll not know how to tell a good newspaper from a bad one,or whether we should believe any particular piece of information.
Whenever I ride on a bus in Japan I am surprised to see so many people asleep. I usually ride in the late morning,so most of the other passengers are housewives or college students. To them,it seems,to ride means to sleep.
In most cultures,strangers don't talk to each other unless they are introduced. But Americans are uncomfortable with silence. In Americastrangers in elevators,waiting rooms,or other public places often talk to each other. Such conversations are usually humorous exchanges. A good way for strangers to open a conversation is with a simple comment about the weather.
誰か訳してください、お願いします American and European readers would be mistaken if they imagined these characters to be entirely familiar, but in their own quiet way they seem emblematic of creeping globalization in one of the would's most insular and traditional societies.
The people in my school are rather lazy but all in all i know some cool people. For the most part, were all nice to each other and we knwo how to have fun. For example, im a good student, so im in this "smart" persons club and we get to do fun stuff like teach little kids how to read, or get with senior citizens and do stuff with them. Although that can be boring sometimes but its rewarding.
>>399 > What is intended is that the formula φ(y/x) 'says about y' the > same thing that φ 'said about x.' つまり、式 φ(y/x) ' は φ が x に関して言ったのと 同じことを y' に関して言っているのである
Im quite alright with your english, dont worry about it!, i dont care if you mees up or not.....heck i might mess up to sometimes as my typing isnt the best.
お願いします。 this is still largely true even of people who have consciously rejected organized religion. the need for a moral and rationalideology is part of our culture, for better or for worse. in japan people attach for more importance to human feelings and the structure of human relationships than to reason or any universal moral system. there is no god, outside or above society, watching us all.
Since being in England i have been very busy, i have delayed university and am working in London. I hope to enrol for an MA in Anthropology very soon but will have to wait and see how it goes.
Since being in England i have been very busy, i have delayed university and am working in London. I hope to enrol for an MA in Anthropology very soon but will have to wait and see how it goes.
It was precipitated by an incident that took place in 1738 when Captain Robert Jenkins appeared before a committee of the House of Commons and exhibited what he alleged to be his own amputated ear, cut off in April 1731 in the West Indies by Spanish coast guards, who had boarded his ship, pillaged it, and then set it adrift.
So,I try to visit somepleace each time when I travel to japan sometimes I think I can speak japanese may be I can talk to more people and understand lot about japan culture. すいませんお願いします。
Maybe for you and to each is own *** but when you revert to sleeping with FARM animals your a sick ass! And I thought that the "sock" was in jail. Then again, maybe that's where he turned to the other side? lol Break on through to the other side!
If someone is standing,he or she is a little more important than someone who is sitting. Psychologists say that we like visitors to sit down so that we can control them. Office managers and other leaders usually like to sit behind a desk. Only their superiors can walk behind the desk and talk to them. If our superior wants to be nice to us,then he or she may come from behind the desk and sit down with us in a different place in the room. But I expect you to work along with me.
>>466 If someone is standing,he or she is a little more important than someone who is sitting. ある人が立っていて、別の人が座っているとすると、立っている人の方が すこし偉いんです。 Psychologists say that we like visitors to sit down so that we can control them. 心理学者のいうことには、人は客を座らせたがるが、それは客をコン トロールしようとするからなんだと。 Office managers and other leaders usually like to sit behind a desk. 職場の上司とかリーダー役の人間というものは普通机の後ろに座るの が好きだが、 Only their superiors can walk behind the desk and talk to them. その更に後側に行って座っている者に話し掛けることができるのはもっと 上の人間だけなんだ。 If our superior wants to be nice to us, もし上の人間が部下に好かれようと思うのであれば、 then he or she may come from behind the desk and sit down with us in a different place in the room. デスクを離れ、部屋の別の場所で部下と一緒に座るのもいいかも 知れない。(ここのニュアンスは違うかも) But I expect you to work along with me. とにかく君ならわたしと上手くやっていけるんじゃないかと思ってる。 (この「とにかく」というニュアンスも違うかも)
To prevent or minimize a North Korean response the United States might also opt to strike command and control locations as well as artillery emplacements that threaten US troops and South Korean targets including Seoul. Missile garrisons could also be targeted to remove the threat to Japan and the southern areas of the ROK. Depending on the aircraft used, the United States might also have to suppress North Korean air defenses surrounding critical targets, an effort that would be difficult. This presents an additional problem of creating a target list so large that it might be just as simple for the United States to aim for the liberation of North Korea rather than the more limited strikes.
この中の This presents an additional problem of creating a target list so large that it might be just as simple for the United States to aim for the liberation of North Korea rather than the more limited strikes. の部分をお願いします。
The doctor was awarded record damages against her partners for slander. の訳を教えてください。 辞書のslanderの例文で、the legal offence of making a statement of this kind:のあとに書いてありました。
Whether the temporarily empty streets and sky offered an accurate vision of the future, it is clear that the balance between security and liberty, throughout American history a reliable barometer of the public’s mood and collective self-confidence, will now be recalibrated to reflect both new realities and new perceptions.
A leading woman member of Malaysia's ruling party has condemned a ruling by a senior cleric giving Muslim men permission to divorce their wives by sending a mobile phone text message. Azalina Othman, an outspoken lawyer and head of the Puteri wing of the United Malays National Organisation, says the move may trivialise divorce. The Puteri, or "Princess" wing of the Umno was set up to attract young professional women to the ruling party. Miss Othman, was reacting to a statement last week by senior Malaysian cleric, Hashim Yahya. 長くて申し訳ありませんがよろしくお願いします。
どうもありがとうございました。 続きがあるんですが、よろしかったらお願いします。 A precedent for text message divorces was set last month in Dubai when a 26-year-old woman was divorced by her husband by mobile phone. Under Islamic law, Muslim men who want a separation must first make a declaration by saying "I divorce you" three times. But Miss Othman says divorce is not a matter to be taken lightly, and that it is inappropriate to use mobile phones to end a marriage. She has called on the Malaysian Government not to validate divorce declarations sent by text message, and says divorce cases must continue to be heard and decided in court, to give both parties an opportunity to present evidence. 以上です。よろしくお願いします。
If we get addicted to comparing,no matter what we have or who we are,it never seems to be enough. We are always too far or too skinny,too intelligent or not intelligent enough,young or too old, too aggressive or not assertive enough. Whenever we compare ourselves to others,we lose. Imagine a day -today for example- of just being satisfied with who you are. 長いですがどなたかお願いします。
The abundance of deeply buried underground targets is another issue as a number of suspect sites appear to be under mountains. This limits the type of munitions that could be used as some conventional warheads may not be powerful enough to reach sensitive areas. Entrances to these facilities, once identified, may be targeted resulting in the collapse of those entrances.
After failing to annex Crete in 1841, an attempt that alienated Great Britain, the Greeks staged a revolt in 1843. Otto, a Roman Catholic in an Eastern Orthodox country, was forced to grant a constitution specifying that his eventual successor be Orthodox.
I choose a literature. It is because I can be drawn upon the way of thinking of the others thorough the literature. The characters of the works are pleased, suffered, and cry, laugh or refledt on their lives. The literature depicts more detailes of feelings of the characters than other kinds of the reading materials. In reality, it is difficult to realize how the others feel to hear what I say or do, while in the literature, I can take an objective look at the one's behavior and resultant effect on that of the others. By reading the works, I can indirectly live the lives of man people, whichby I can learn how to form good relationships with the others. Therefore the literature is important for me to live in a society.
We have just examined how language promotes social harmony through a technique based on prevention that is ,polite formulas which the speakers use to avoid creating, social tension.
George Washington High School was the first real school I attended. My entire Stay there might have been time lost if it hadn't been for the unique personality of a brilliant teacher. Miss Kirwin was that rare educator who was in love with information. I will always believe that her love of teaching came not so much from her liking for students but from her desire to make sure that some of the things she knew would be stored so that they could be shared again.
Miss kirwin taught civis and current events. At the end of a term in her class our books were as clean and the pages as stiff as they had been when they were issued to us. Miss Kirwin's students were never or very rarely called upon to open textbooks. She greeted each class with “Good day,ladies and gentlemen”I had never heard an adult speak with such respect to teenagers. “In today's Chronicle there was an article on the mining industry in the Carolinas 【or some such distant subject】. I am certain that all of you have read the article. I would like someone to elabrate on the subject for me.”
After the first two weeks in her class,I,along with all the other excited students,read the San Francisco papers,Time magazine,Life and everything else available to me. There were no favorite students. No teacher's pets If a student pleased her during a particular period, he could on special treatment in the next day's class,and that was as true the other way round.
She was Stimulating instead of intimidating. Where some of the other teachers went out of their way to be nice to me - to be a “liberal”with me - and others ignored me completely,Miss kirwin never seemed to notice that I was Black and therefore different. I wasMiss Johnson and if I had the answer to a question she posed I was never given any more than word “Correct,”which was what she said to every other student with the correct answer.
At a moment when the stakes could not have been higher, voters turned out a seasoned if bloodless technocrat and put their faith in an action hero who waved a broom.
Granting this, and seeing political power as the power of citizens as a collective body, we ask: when is that power appropriately exercised? That is, in the light of what principles and ideals must we, as free and equal citizens, be able to view ourselves as exercising that power if our exercise of it is to be justifiable to other citizens and to respect their being reasonable and rational?
Until ten o'clock, at which time Tietam shut down the set, paid his performers (including what looked to be a whole lot of money for the camel handlers), thanked all of the remaining cars on a one-by-one basis, and basically looked like how I imagined Walt Disney had at the opening of Disneyland in 1955.
幸運なことに、これらの条件は全て君には当てはまっていない。 -- and with so much going for you, このチャンスに対する君の消極性は leaves me somewhat shaken and perplexed and more than a little concerned.
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There are a variety of factors that could complicate military strikes against North Korea. First, while there a number of facilities that would be obvious targets there is a high degree of probability that there are more locations than may have been previously identified making it unlikely that a single round of surgical strikes could eliminate the DPRK capability. Enough plutonium to produce roughly two nuclear bombs is still unaccounted for and the materials have most likely been located at different installations. 北朝鮮に対する軍事攻撃を複雑にする様々な要因がある。第一に、明らかに目標である無数の施設があるが、一巡のピンポイント爆撃では、在韓米軍の能力によって除外できる見込みがないほど、 以前に識別された施設よりも、もっと多くの場所がある公算が高い。大まかに2つの核爆弾を製造するのに十分なプルトニウムは、いまだ釈明されておらず、物質は、異なる工場施設に配置された確率が高い。
The deployment of additional assets to the South Korea and Guam in early March 2003 brough a great deal of capability to the region that would be usefull if the United States were to conduct surgical strikes. 2003年3月初旬の韓国とグアムへの資産の追加配備は、もし米国がピンポイント爆撃を行う際に、 有効な地域への数多くの能力(a great deal of capability )をもたらすこととなった。
I couldn't see well,for my eyes were blinded with tears. I left the trail and ran through bushes. When I got to the cabin,I tried to call for Grandma but nothing would come out.
California's very uniquness is the reason the state provides such a perfect Rorschach test for all those looking to convince themselves - and the rest of us- that they are the ideal candidate for the times.
>>548 >That is, in the light of what principles and ideals must we, as free and equal citizens, >be able to view ourselves as exercising that power if our exercise of it is to be justifiable >to other citizens and to respect their being reasonable and rational?
>>550 > -- and with so much going for you, 君はそんなに恵まれているのに > leaves me somewhat shaken and perplexed and more than a little concerned. 私を幾分動揺させ、当惑させ、大いに心配させるのだ。
Increasing costs have let commercial airlines to cut back on airplains maintenance. Also, reductionins in public spending have led to air traffic control centers being underfunded and understaffed. For these and other reasons it is becoming quite unsafe to fly and one shold avoid douing so.
お願いします。 It is not a father's place to push his son in directions for which the boy has no heart; more sons have had their lives interfered with this way than I care to think about.
辞書を学校に忘れて困ってます!!大学入試なんで難しいのですがもし分かる 方がいたら和訳お願いします! If your friend remainds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not only pleasantly, but thankfully. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful. Such a one alone can remind us of our faults.
I havent talked to you for a long time. I miss the talks we had. I am 18 now, my b-day was september 27. i am officially an adult in america. I will be on tomorrow the same time we used to get on together tomorrow. Hope to talk to you then.
I feel sorry for these people because in many cases they probably had everything going for them when that glove was tossed their way -- except the courage to pick it up.
The inclusion of assets normally stationed at Kunsan and Osan Air Bases will only slightly increase the total number of JDAMs that could be used as only two of the three F-16 squadrons, the 35th Fighter Squadron at Kunsan, is an F-16CD Block 40 that has been updated so that it can use the JDAM. 群山と烏山空軍基地に普段配置されている資産を含めても、使用できるJDAMの総数を若干増加させるだけだろう。なぜなら、JDAMを使用できるのはF-16飛行隊の3分の2だけだからだ。 群山の第35戦闘飛行隊は、改良されたF-16CDブロック40 なのでJDAMを使用することができる。
To prevent or minimize a North Korean response the United States might also opt to strike command and control locations as well as artillery emplacements that threaten US troops and South Korean targets including Seoul. 北朝鮮の反応を妨害もしくは最小化するために、米国は、また指揮統制所と同様に米軍とソウルを含む韓国の目標を脅かす砲兵部隊の砲座(artillery emplacements )への攻撃を選択するかもしれない。
Bush says he hopes the trip improves perceptions of the United States. But he also says Muslim and government leaders in the region have a responsibility not to let -- as he put it -- a few killers define their faith or their countries. (
Caligula is Roman emperor from 37 to 41, in succession to Tiberius, who effected the transfer of the last legion that had been under a senatorial proconsul (in Africa) to an imperial legate, thus completing the emperor's monopoly of army command. Accounts of his reign by ancient historians are so biased against him that the truth is almost impossible to disentangle.
a few killers define their faith or their countries
というのは、a few killersの主観的な行為ではないのですか? their faithとはa few killersの信念ではないのですか? 彼らといえども何を信じようと勝手だと思いますが、その基本的人権である信条の 自由をテロリストに関しては禁じよう、という意味にとれたのですが、違いますでしょう か。もしそういう「主観的行為」なら、それは「権力を持つ」こととは違うと思われたわけ ですが?
One danger of diversification is that buying into different businesses is expensive. You may have to borrow the money and get into debt in order to keep going,and the new product may not live up to expectations. どなたかお願いします。
「 I want me to lend you money? 」 「 Absolutely not! The last time you borrowed money from me, it took you a month to pay me back! 」
簡単な英文で恐縮ですが、ある英会話の本からの引用なのですが、上記英文の最初の分 「You want me to lend you money? 」 は、「君、ちょっとお金貸してくれない?」 という意味の文でよろしいのでしょうか? 日本語に直訳すると、「お金を貸してくれない?」とも 「お金を貸して欲しい?」とも両方ともとれるような文章に 思えてしまうのですが。
Come along with me to my little corner of the world Dream a little dream in my little corner of the world You'll soon forget that there's any other place Tonight, my love, we'll share a sweet embrace
And if you care to stay in my little corner of the world We could hide away in my little corner of the world I always knew that I'd find someone like you So welcome to my little corner of the world
And if you care to stay in our little corner of the world We could hide away in our little corner of the world We always knew that we'd find someone like you So welcome to our little corner of the world
If I could have been inspired with a knowledge of the science of navigation, taken the command of a fast-sailing expedition, and gone round the world on a triumphant voyage of discovery, I think I might have considered myself completely suited. But in the absence of any such miraculous provision, my desire was to apply myself to some pursuit that would not lie too heavily upon her purse; and to do my duty in it, whatever it might be.
But he also says Muslim and government leaders in the region have a responsibility not to let -- as he put it -- a few killers define their faith or their countries.
let a few killers define their faith or their countries の解釈について
their は Muslim and government leaders を受けると思います。 「少数の殺人者達 ( = テロリスト ) に自分達の信仰 ( 宗教的信念、信条 ) や 国を定義させる」とは、 テロリストに、例えばイスラム教とはこれこれこういう宗教である、また、イラクと はこんな国家であるべきだ、とか規定(定義)させ、自分達はそれを代表しているのだ 、と言わせること。 言い換えれば 一般的なイスラム教徒が考えているイスラム教や、イラクの一般庶民が考えている イラクの国家像とテロリストの考えるイスラム観や国家観とはずれがある(はずだ)。 テロリストに勝手に普通の人民の声を代弁していると言わせてはならない ( = let a few killers represent their faith or their countries ) ということでしょう。
Much spam and many viruses are delivered in such a way as to fail if treated this way. Real mail servers simply try again later. Spammers do this because it costs them less money and effort. Viruses do this to remain hard to detect.
Briefly, it works by telling the connecting server to try again later. We keep track of the IP address and the sender. If that IP+sender pair try again later, we let the message in. Once an IP+sender successfully gets a message to you, we keep track of that success for a considerable period of time so later such messages are not delayed.
One day I saw a man asleep in a doorway on the street through walls of sheltered inhibition I perceived his condition. Dying of hunger, and exposure food and shelter, two blocks over.
歌詞なんですが、"through walls of sheltered inhibition"と"exposure Food and shelter, two blocks over."の意味が不明のため全体の意味がわかりません。 宜しくお願いします。
Earth's encounters with extraterrestrials. The statement of those who purportedly have had actual contact with "space people" should not be dismissed offhand as mere romance.
I never said you had to offer me a second chance I never said I was a victim of circumstance *victim of circumstance 境遇の犠牲者, とばっちり I still belong, don't get me wrong And you can speak your mind But not on my time
One of the major reasons why I became a biologist was my early impression of the bewildering diversity of species that were apparently out there in the wild, living lives that I did not understand.My direct experience as a child living in the British country side is partly responsible for this.
"that were apparently out there in the wild,"の部分がうま く和訳できませんのでお願いします。いちおう前後の 文章もつけておきます。
>>649 > "through walls of sheltered inhibition" セキュリティーのための塀越しに > exposure は「夜露に晒されて(死にかかっている)とでもしておきましょう。 > Food and shelter, two blocks over 食べ物と寝るところ 2ブロック向こう
Choose the type of card to be attached to your flowers below,then fill out and send the form that follows.The person to whom you are sending the flowers wil receive a card with you name and message.
Birthday Friends Funeral Graduation Love Marriage Thanks Others
問題 Which phrase should NOT be included in the title of your card? A.It serves you right. B.Many happy returns of the day. C.Get welll soon. D.Congratulations!
I feel sorry for these people because in many cases they probably had everything going for them when that glove was tossed their way -- except the courage to pick it up.
I regret I do not take Paypal - only 」 sterling cash sent by registered mail or a 」 sterling cheque drawn on a UK clearing bank (so that I am not involved in the expense or complexity�of changing currencies) - 教えてください。 こうも言ってます。 Purchaser to pay by 」 cheque (1 week to clear), or by cash (by registered post) or postal order for immediate despatch. 郵便局から、為替を送ればよいのでしょうか?
In order to ship your order out to you, we will need some additional information. For verification purposes, we will need the 3-digit code that follows your credit card number and the back of your credit card. You will find this by turning your card over and going from left to right, the 3 digits are listed right at the end in the signature field on the back of your card. Once this information can be verified with your credit card company, the order will be shipped. If for any reason the card has been used in a fraudulent manner, we will cancel the transaction immediately.
Your orange are here! Please re-confirm your mailing address, so that we can make sure we ship them to your correct address. Also we did not include the price of the two pairs of banana. Somehow we missed those. Our apologies. We will ship your orange to you once we have confirmed your address.
宇宙艦隊戦モノで、敵に襲われて危機に瀕している母星の為に 古代兵器Sajuuk(戦艦)を手に入れて戦火の真っ只中に戻って来たプレイヤーに 作戦部から「Bring Sajuuk to bear! Bring Sajuuk to bear, Bring Sajuuk to bear!!」 と言う通信が入るんです
It is curious to note that in almost no species of higher animal does one member of the species kill another for any reason, though they might fight with each other for many reason.
Ramen is perhaps the only thing in the world that can lift the sour, world-weary expression from a salariman’s face as he prepares to suck down his bowl of stamina ramen in 18 seconds flat, and what would a night of drinking be without a stop for noodles and gyoza at 4 am? Possibly the most amazing thing about this simple food is the fierce debates it inspires. Just tell someone from Kansai that their pathetic, stringy noodles and pig broth is to orgasmically good Hokkaido ramen what Yamanote Line puke is to Chateau Briand and see what happens.
>>702 > from a salariman’s face ( as ) he prepares to > suck down his bowl of stamina ramen in 18 > seconds flat ここの as に関してですが、関係代名詞の形容詞的用法 という捉え方で合ってますか?面白い使い方だと思ったんですが。
Whenever Sherlock Holmes spoke of Irene Adler, it was in terms of great respect. She was always the woman. (← the はイタリック体) This did not mean that he was in any way sentimental about her, but ...
>>722 ごめん、やっぱ 関係代名詞用法かな。。 He was an American as I could tell from his accent.なんかが 代表的だけど、これって先行詞を説明してる。 >>702のも、よく読んだら、どのようにしてlift the sourするか 後の文章が説明してるね。
The man wore a mask and pretended to reperesent a second person, but Holmes soon recognized the man. The fellow was the King of Bohemia. He had come, he said, to ask Sherlock Holme's help in a matter of great importance. It seems that five years earlier, before he had become king, he had been in Warsaw on a visit and had fallen in love with a beautiful American Actress, Miss Irene Adler.
It seems that he had spent all day in and around Irene Adler's home talking with other cab drivers and with anybody who seemed to know anything about Miss Adler. He had seen her personally and, by one means or another, had even talked with her.
Although she herself is a highly respected person, who knows what advantages her husband, a lawyer, may see in a photograph of her and the King of Bohemia taken together?
If legitimacy requires, minimally; that a majority of citizens must freely support the democratic regime described by the conception of justice as fairness but the freedoms implicit in that conception ensure that there will be wide pluralism and that different people will have quite different comprehensive doctrines, then it might seem unlikely that liberal political institutions could achieve legitimacy!
In fact, there were so many theories about the origins of speech in the 19th century that in 1866 the Linguistic Society of Paris passed a rule against any more theories about the subject.
A British engineering firm and its Indonesian counterparts are designing this bridge with more than enough strength and stability to withstand current traffic loads .
すみません、二つあるのですが、 1, The fossils have been found that are almost 400 million years old. 2, They are also too big to pass through so-called "tight junction", which are protein complexes that stick cells together and present a barrier to certain kinds of poisonous substance. です。特に2番目の文が全くわかりません。宜しくお願いします。
The chubby, seven-centimetre-long, purple amphibian with a pointy snout was found in western India. Its head appears too small for its body and it looks more like a squat, grumpy blob than a living creature.
promotion of waste reduction by curbing the amount of waste and by promoting the recycling of used products and parts as raw materials or heat energy as well as the establishment of safe and appropriate waste-processing systems. あのこれは、環境問題の記事で浪費について書かれていますた。 それで私たちが今後取り組まないとならないことって上記のように 書いてたのでつ。サパーリわかりません。and,or,as well asなどでてきすぎで どこで切るのかとか全然わからないのです。 おねがいしたいです・・・・ウッウッ泣
promotion of waste reduction ゴミを減らすプロモーション by curbing the amount of waste and ゴミの量を抑制することや by promoting the recycling of used products 中古品のリサイクル活動を促進することによって
and parts as raw materials or heat energy 原料または熱エネルギーの一部
as well as the establishment of safe and appropriate waste-processing systems. 安全で適切なゴミ加工システムの設立と同様に
中三男子なんですけどカテキョの先生からこの文を明日までに 訳して来い!!っていわれたのですが、辞書をどう引いていいかも 分かりません。訳せる人がいたらお願いします。中高スレでは無視られてたので。 What you have to learn,if you are to be a good citizen of the world , is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours , and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them ,that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them. 長文で一文なのでどこから訳していいのか分かりません!!お願いします。
His views may be perceived as too extreme for most Americans, who prefer to think of the United States as pursuing violence only when attacked and manifesting primarily altruistic goals toward other nations. お願いします。
777.779さん 感謝の気持ちで胸がイパーイです。 ありがとうございます!!!私の人生を大きく左右してもらいますた。 ありがとうです本当に。 なんせこれは受験問題の一部で、何の引用が全くわからないのです それでしつこいのですがA as well as Bですよね? ってことは by promoting (the recycling of used products and parts as raw materials or heat energy) as well as (the establishment of safe and appropriate waste-processing systems.)でいいのですかね? おおまかに訳すとすると・・・・どうでしょう
It was a meeting without fanfare. This year's gathering was smaller than last year's; next year's, no doubt,will be smaller still. The thiety men were gathered in a small room off the eighthfloor cafeteria in the Carson Pirie Scott & Co, department store in Chicago's Loop. They had all been telegraphers; each of them had operated telegraph keys back in the days when sending dots and dashes over the wires was the fastest, most efficient way of communication. They had worked for railroads, for brokerage houses,for Western Union,for the Postal Telegraph Company.
If you ask a random selection of people for a listing of their least favorite activities, you are likely to hear"going to a job interview" at the top of the list,together "getting my teeth drilled. お願いします
The most important day in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which *it* connects.
このitの指すものは? 1.the day life 3.the contrast 4.wonder
Before we could thank him for the dinner and say goodbye, he said, ‘Since I am going back to Higashi Osaka, why don't you let me take you home be car?’ お願いします
Sometimes, people say that they are your friends, but one day you find that they were pretendding friendship. sometimes you give people trust but maybe the next day you will find that they were just using you. maybe it is a bit strange. but i wrote this to all of the people whom i know, so that they trust the people who deserve trust and to choose their friends carfully. So please my friends, take care of your self always and always remmber that a real friend is better than 1000 false ones.
I nodded again, thinking of his layers and just how many I had gotten through . . . and how many more were left. "And I think that if you got through all those layers, you would find a lot of pain there in the middle."
Hokos or shrine wagons used in the Gion festival, famous as one of the three largest festivals in Japan, move through Shinji Avenue with pleasant bell-ringing sound of Konkonchikichin every year.
Come along with me to my little corner of the world Dream a little dream in my little corner of the world You'll soon forget that there's any other place Tonight, my love, we'll share a sweet embrace
And if you care to stay in my little corner of the world We could hide away in my little corner of the world I always knew that I'd find someone like you So welcome to my little corner of the world
And if you care to stay in our little corner of the world We could hide away in our little corner of the world We always knew that we'd find someone like you So welcome to our little corner of the world
But it's also possible that they understand the Western meaning of upturned thumbs, an explanation that the Army's Defense Language Institute subscribes to. According to a recent DLI manual on international gestures, after the first Gulf War "Middle Easterners of the Arabian Peninsula adopted this hand movement, along with the OK sign, as a symbol of cooperation toward freedom." Iraqi civilians may have noted this shifting meaning, perhaps via TV reports.
he is not the greatest talent. i heard even when he was in japan, he was more of a very hard working player developed from nothing. he is pratice frick rather than a natural talent. he gives 100%every practice as he knows that he isn't the naturally gifted player. i expect much better than this year from him next year. he already produced a very quality number for the first timer in mlb. i was always not sure if this guy really worth 40 mil, however, i think he is a very down to earth guy with tremendous patience. everytime i take kids to stadium, he was signing auto for every kids outthere without any compain. and i never saw him getting annoyed by million reporters outthere everytime i go to game. however, i still think he needs to improve his defense
I didn't know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. Have you ever seen at sea in a dense fog,when it seemed as if a tengible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen?
Why are you crying in the temple? When I looked back I cannot find you and I asked Mummy why you cry. But mummy said you are not crying. But I saw you put the handkechief on your face. I don't understand because I am not your girlfriend and why you cry? Mummy says this is her email address and you can use this one to email to me.
THE FIRST SCENARIO focuses on a large law firm that, despite deploying protective firewalls and filters on its e-mail gateway, discovers that an invasive Internet worm has found its way inside the company network and crippled desktop PCs running the latest operating system from Microsoft.
"The court finds that the evidence, taken in a light most favorable to the prosecution, is sufficient to 'induce a reasonable belief' that the defendant committed sexual assault as charged," said Judge Frederick Gannett in his ruling. お願いします。
The bullfight, as we see in Death in the Afternoon, epitomized this fundamental life-and-death predicament for him because he thought it the only art "in which the artist is [literally] in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter's honor."
Your banana shipped out via Global Express Mail this afternoon. They should be to you in the next couple of days. We hope you enjoy them! Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you. We thank you again for your business.
>>948 闘牛は、「Death in the Afternoon (午後の死)」に見られるとおり、 彼にとってこの根本的な死と生の苦境の典型となった。 なぜなら闘牛こそ、その中で芸術家が「文字通り」死の危険に直面し、 その中で演技の見事さ(の程度)が闘牛士の名誉となる 唯一の芸術であると彼は考えていたからだ。
Hi ○○-san.rough First of all, I'd like to say to you terribly thank you... It's really, have you just pay the carriage on a parcel right? Okay, I got it but you don't mention it such a things, coz I'm a broad-man,right? So, I'll wait it and then I'll call you when I get it. See ya.
4行目 「そんなことは商品説明になかったけど、私は心の広い人間だからそれでよしとしよう。」 って怒ってるわけでは‥ないですよね。 terribly thank you っていうのも大げさな気がして、 もしかして皮肉?とか思ってるんですけど。
Boston police are seeking misdemeanor assault and battery charges against two New York Yankees players for allegedly attacking a Red Sox grounds crew worker during Game 3 of the American League Championship Series.
I can still hear the cold surprise in his voice as he said,“I cannot pretend to be happy about this.” This hurt me terribly,but I tried to laugh. “Well,Holmes,”I said,“I hope you won't be too lonely when I go home to my wife.”
The United States today is the only truly global power. Its military reach extends to every corner of the world. Its economic achievements fuel international trade and industry. Its political and cultural traditions and values appeal to people around the world. And while no one questions America's paramount position, many raise the issue of how the United States is trying to transform this unique power into sustainable influence. 今日の米国は、唯一真実の世界勢力である。その軍隊の手の届く範囲は、世界の隅々にまで及ぶ。その経済業績は、国際貿易と産業を活気付ける。 その政治的・文化的伝統と価値観は、世界中の人々を魅了する。 そしてアメリカの極めて重要なポジションについて誰も質問しない一方、米国がどうやってこの独特な力の外見を持続する影響力に変えようとしているのか、という論争を無数に引き起こす。
September 11th may have marked the end of the age of geopolitics, defined by containment and balance of power. It also signaled the advent of a new age - the era of global politics, primarily focused on global threats. It has become a demarcation point for U.S. foreign policy, now rooted in the two new phenomena of the times catastrophic terrorism and American uni-polar power. Although America's pre-eminence began with the collapse of the Soviet Union over a decade ago, until Nine- eleven the United States did not see itself as a global policeman. 9月11日は、封じ込めと勢力均衡によって定義された地政学の時代の終わりを記したかもしれない。 それはまた、新しい時代の到来(世界政治の時代、主に世界的な脅威に注目した)が合図された。 今、時勢の2つの新しい現象である破滅的なテロリズムとアメリカの一極支配を根源としたものが、米国の外交政策の境界点となった。 アメリカの卓越は、10年以上前にソヴィエト連邦の崩壊から始まったにもかかわらず、9月11日まで、米国が世界の警察官として自らを見ることはなかった。
He said that America had to become independent because the rights of its people were not protected−those basic human rights that all people were entitled to.
Time to drop Matsui from the starting order. First he f*** up a play off the Green Monster, which leads to the winning run. Add to that his 3-strikeout performance. He has no business in the starting lineup. Please Joe, get rid of his azz! Start Sierra!
From: TequillaSunrise Oct-14 4:06 am To: surjay unread (6 of 35)
i saw this slimshady guy at the bosox forum and he was one of the korean trolls. let's just ignore him since he just learned how to spell puberty.