俺もえらそうに一言。バカ記事を探せ。>>33みたいな「ブッシュがモデルのアーミー人形発売!」とか 昨日のThe Japan Timesだと "Legendary Texas cowgirl dies after fall from horse at age 101 (101歳の伝説のテキサスカウガール落馬して逝く)" みたいな、日本の新聞ではまずお目にかからないようなバカニュースが必ず載っているから、それを見つけて 話しのタネにする。もちろんスポーツが好きならそっちに注目してもいい。とにかく一面を見てげっそりしても 中には絶対自分にあった記事があると確信して読むといいと思うよ。
Japan Times Weekly, USA Todayを買って読んでみました。 USA TodayはWeb 版、PDA版を見て、比較的やさしいという印象があったのですが、 紙の新聞を読んでみると、辞書を引いてもわからない記事がたくさんありました。 「USA Today はDQNの新聞」という書き込みを見たことがありますけど、 実際には、やっぱり難しかったです。
ちなみに著名なアメリカの新聞は、 ボストン Boston Globe ニューヨーク New York Times, New York Post, New York Newsday フィラデルフィア Philadelphia Inquirer バルチモア Baltimore Sun ワシントンDC Washington Post アトランタ Atlanta Journal & Constitution マイアミ Miami Herald シカゴ Chicago Tribune デトロイト Detroit Free Press セントルイス Saint Louis Post Dispatch デンバー Denver Post シアトル Seattle Times サンフランシスコ San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner サンノゼ・パロアルト San Jose Mercury News ロサンゼルス Los Angeles Times などなど
デイリーヨミウリの記事に使ってる語法や用語はわかりやすいでしょ。 今日のトップ記事だって U.S.President George W.Bush on Tuesday ordered his staff to cooperate with a full-scale criminal inves- tigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of an undercover U.S.Central Intelligence Agency officer as the U.S.Federal Bureau of Investigation begin the first major probe of the Bush administration. ブッシュは政権スタッフに、ホワイトハウス内にCIA職員についての機密情報を漏洩した人物がいるかどうか、 FBIの調査に全面的に協力するように命じた。 だもん。英字新聞になれた人間なら斜め読みできるすごくいい材料だと思うよ。
デイリーヨミウリのTHE LANGUAGE CONNECTIONに"Do you think? Are you sure?" ってコラム書いていたKate Elwoodさん、日本語間違って教えられてます。 "That appears to be Mr.Suzuki's car over there."の日本語訳は "Asoko ga Suzuki-san no kuruma no yo desu"じゃないです。"Are ga"です。
Osama bin Laden also reportedly says his group reserve the right to retaliate against countries that are involved in the war, including Britain, Spain, Australia, the Netherlands, Japan, Italy and Kuwait
Japan invaded Korea around 1894 or 1895 and resulted in the Sino-Japanese war and the Russo-Japanese war later. However , that was not the first invasion by Japan.
During the Treaty of Portsmouth, Korea was officially handed over to Japan to be a colony against the will of the Korean people.
During the occupation, hundreds of thousandths of Koreans we re abducted to Japan to become forced labors and comfort wom en. Koreans were forced to give up their culture and languag e, just like what was done to the Okinawan people, and speak only Japanese. Koreans were also looted of their assets whi ch were then transported to Japan. To this date, the abducte d Koreans living in Japan are still denied Japanese citizenship.
Just talk to any Korean and you will know What Ishihara said is totally untrue.
Korean groups in Japan protest Ishihara's remarks TheManiac (Oct 30 2003 - 09:36)
A retarded governor for a retarded country anpanman - Maria (Oct 30 2003 - 08:18)
You don't know why WHO would do WHAT?
Why Japanese prisons would consistently ignore basic human rights?
Why Amnesty would be interested?
Actually, Anpan, ... taj (Oct 30 2003 - 12:50)
... I think this is a perfectly appropriate thread for sausage to mention Nick in.
I, for one, am very happy to hear that at least one prison is being opened up at least once to outside scrutiny. I really hope it's not just a once off, but a sign of a real change of attitude
Why the prisons, which have lots to hide, would let them in?
the times の火曜日付けの海外ニュースに スーパーフリー事件の記事が載っていて面白かったよ わざわざ、Waseda 、keio todai 、Gakushuinの 社会的評価まででていて面白かった。waseda keioについては 高校生が一生懸命勉強して入る憧れの大学、金持ちの子息が多い。 東大はthe best , the brightest と紹介されてた。ただGakushuinが 日本の皇室が通う「エリート」大学というのはワラタ。
なお、元記事 In 1865 a group of 15 Japanese peasants cautiously approached Bernard Petitjean, the first Christian missionary to work in Nagasaki since 1614. Speaking in the sanctuary of the new church, the peasant leader confessed, "Our hearts are the same as yours." He asked to see an image of "Maruya-sama," or the Virgin Mary. It had been a long road for Japan's "hidden Christians," descendants of people converted by Portuguese missionaries in the late 1500's during a brief window of religious freedom in Japan. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/25/international/asia/25JAPA.html
漏れも The Japan Times は好きでオンライン版を長らく読んでるんだけど とても中立とは言えない書き方になってることがあるので注意を要する。
"Japan, U.S. urge North Korea to scrap its nuclear weapons" (December 18, 2002)
> WASHINGTON (Kyodo) Japan and the United States stepped up pressure > Monday on North Korea to scrap its nuclear arms program, warning the > rogue state that any use of weapons of mass destruction would bring > upon it the "gravest consequences."
米国が北朝鮮を rogue state と呼んでいるのは周知の事実だけど、 上の引用中の the rogue state は引用ではないので記者が北朝鮮を rogue state だと見なしているように読める。
War jitters jar Japan's airline pilots (by Kakumi KOBAYASHI, Kyodo News) 読んだ。 当たり前だけど、やっぱ旅客機のパイロットさんたちも有事のときに徴用されるのイヤなんだねー。 小泉は平気で「痛み」とか言うけど問答無用で撃ち落とされる方はたまったもんじゃないよな。
But the SDF deployment poses risks, not the least of which is a terrorist attack -- as has been threatened by al-Qaeda -- should the troop dispatch go ahead.
Int'l Herald Tribune Announces Expansion http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/business/AP-IHT-Changes.html Beginning in March, readers will start seeing editorial color on the front page and color on the inside pages. The newspaper already carries color ads. The IHT has a circulation of about 245,000.
Yoshinoya D&C Co. said Monday its restaurants will stop serving its mainstay bowls of "gyudon" beef on rice this week after stocks run dry due to an import ban on U.S. beef. : Sales of gyudon "have been increasing day by day, and if we see a further increase on the 11th, which is the national holiday, we are sure to run out (of beef) on that day," Yoshinoya President Shuji Abe told a news conference.
"Tokyo used-panty trade faces ban" (The Japan Times)
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has prepared a bill to ban trade in schoolgirls' used underwear. : By targeting shops with fines of up to 500,000 yen and individual buyers with fines of up to 300,000 yen, the metro government hopes to end the practice.
Los Angeles Times February 10, 2004 Japan has long been North Korea's shopping mall of choice when it comes to military components. It has the advantages of proximity, advanced technology and a large population of ethnic Koreans, many with family ties to the North or to the pro-Pyongyang General Assn. of Korean Residents in Japan. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-uranium24feb24,1,1601905.story
The Cult at the End of the World: The Terrifying Story of the Aum Doomsday Cult, from the Subways of Tokyo to the Nuclear Arsenals of Russia By Andrew Marshall,David E. Kaplan Marshall is Asia correspondent for British Esquire. First serial to Wired; condensation rights to Reader's Digest. http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/0517705435/ref=sr_aps_eb_/250-8958373-1584216
>>497 探すの苦労したぜ。苗字より大切なものは.... Joji Obara was born in 1952 to an impoverished Korean family in postwar Osaka. His father had been a scrap collector, then a taxi driver who worked his way into owning a fleet of cars and a string of pachinko parlors from which he amassed a fortune. Perhaps mindful of the discrimination faced by Koreans, when the young Obara—then known by his Korean name Kim—was asked to pen a farewell sentiment in his junior-high class yearbook, he wrote: "Upbringing is more important than family name."
Mark Fields: A native New Yorker with a Harvard M.B.A., he appeared slick, headstrong and inexperienced. At 38 he was Mazda's youngest president ever.
he usually hits the office by 6 a.m. and closes his days with 10 p.m. weight lifting and a two-mile run. He likes to drive fast too. At Mazda he skipped the chauffeur service in favor of a red RX-7 sports car.
And he had all salaried workers attend a two-day off-site, at which they were told that "Mazda must change or die." To keep up morale, Fields instituted flexible hours, on-site day care and time off to care for a family member. Once a month he would have lunch with plant workers to solicit suggestions for improvements. Mazda squeaked out an operating profit as a result of such changes.
At Mazda, where he started as sales and marketing senior adviser, he found a remarkably inefficient bureaucracy. Shortly after arriving, he requested a report on Japan's domestic-car market. Three days later, a tome the size of the New York City phone book, and about as illuminating, appeared on his desk. "Its conclusions were severely lacking," Fields says. "Our investment bankers knew more about our business than some of our directors."
YOMIURIは月(The LA Times) 水 (The Washington Post:Outlook)土(The Chicago Tribune) 日(The Independent)等のように論説ページをまるまる掲載してくれるのはありがたい。個人的には 水のワシントンポストはchallengingで読みがいがある。まあ、いずれもネットでも読めるが。
A woman is lured in with a relatively cheap first-time fee of $50 to $100. On that visit, she must choose her "main" teacher. Because whomever she picks will receive an up-front commission and half the take from all of her bills whenever she comes to the school. These are the equivalent of Hostess bars, which have their roots in geisha culture, and are places where a woman can go and be doted on by foreign teachers.
Chika Aoyama, 23, is on her fourth jaunt to a host club, this time with a group of associates from her job in TV. As a leggy graduate of one of the country's best schools, Keio University, she defies the stereotype of host-club customers as dateless losers or low-class nightlife workers. "Just a year ago, I thought host clubs were scary places where men tried to fool you out of a lot of money, " Aoyama says. "But I found the boys are so friendly and unthreatening. In the shortest time, it's gone from illicit to normal."
Despite Kazuhisa Ishii's efforts to revamp his delivery, some in the organization are concerned it won't help his efficiency and he should be traded.
Other clubs also have concerns about Ishii's command, though his contract situation has stirred some interest.
Ishii has a salary of $2.6 million this season, of which $1.35 million is deferred without interest. He is guaranteed $3.2 million in 2005, of which $2.05 million is deferred without interest. The Dodgers hold an option for $3.25 million in 2006, or a $2.2 million buyout, and an option for $4 million, or $1.1 million buyout, in 2007.
Ishii was a 14-game winner as a rookie in 2002 and went 9-7 with a 3.86 earned-run average last season.
"We definitely have some pieces we can move," DePodesta said, commenting only generally about the team's situation.
For the record, I am currently employed as a Nova teacher. I think I'm the first actual Nova teacher to actually raise their hand and own up to being one.
Japanese are very good at denial and looking the other way.
I know teacher at NOVA who had coitus with every one of his four female students (two of then were best friends a la 3P) and five out of the OLs employed at the office, including the manageress.
Let us get our nomenclature correct. NOVA is NOT an English school. It is a financial loan organization. Any foreign language teaching that happens to take place there is superfluous and not part of the core business. English teaching there is a sideshow; which is why they pay bottom-of-the-barrel wages for bottom-of-the-barrel teachers. Any dispossessed bum in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, (including non native English speaking Qubecquois) or the UK, with a Chinese forged college diploma can land in any one of the NOVA loan offices throughout the land.
NEW YORK (Reuters)Pssst! Sunday, April 4, 2004 Did you hear the one about the American businessman whose tame joke drew a hilarious response from his Japanese audience?
The American, curious why they liked the joke so much, later asked his official translator, who replied: "The joke was not appropriate, so I did not translate it. I simply said: 'The gentleman has told a joke. Please laugh.'
I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Japan has long been North Korea's shopping mall of choice when it comes to military components. It has the advantages of proximity, advanced technology and a large population of ethnic Koreans, many with family ties to the North or to the pro-Pyongyang General Assn. of Korean Residents in Japan. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-uranium24feb24,1,1601905.story
One day earlier, a reporter joked with Matsui about hitting a home run on opening day and he responded, "No chance." Instead, he became the third Met to homer in his first major league at-bat, the first player since 1938 to hit his first major league home run leading off on opening day, and the first player since Dwight Evans in 1986 to homer on the first pitch of the season, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
This was the same guy who hit .192 in spring training, led the Mets with 19 strikeouts and became the subject of concern from New York to Japan. Amazingly enough, he was 3 for 3 with three runs batted in in his regular-season debut, reached base all five times, and ripped a pair of doubles to right field.
Before the opener, Mike Cameron had told Matsui to close his eyes and pretend he was back in Tokyo. That piece of advice worked, in a way, for everyone.
Amnesty International's report revealed that China, Iran, the USA and Viet Nam accounted for 84 percent of the 1,146 known executions carried out in 28 countries in 2003. In China, limited and incomplete records available to Amnesty International indicated that at least 726 people were executed in 2003, but the true figure was believed to be much higher. A senior Chinese legislator suggested in March 2004 that China executes "nearly 10,000" people each year. At least 108 executions were carried out in Iran. Sixty-five people were executed in the USA. At least 64 people were executed in Viet Nam. http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGACT500122004?open&of=ENG-392
NJ senators urge CDC probe of racetrack Creutzfeldt-Jakob cluster Monday April 05, 2004 By LINDA A. JOHNSON Associated Press Writer TRENTON, N.J. (AP) New Jersey's senators are urging federal scientists to determine whether eating mad cow-tainted meat could have caused a cluster of deaths from the fatal, brain-destroying disorder Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease among people linked to the defunct Garden State Racetrack. http://cbsnewyork.com/njnews/NJ--MadCow-Racetrack-jn/resources_news_html
Shares of Yahoo Japan trade at 87 times earnings, excluding some costs, making it the world's most expensive Web stock, according to Jordan Rohan, an analyst at Schwab Soundview. He cut his rating on Yahoo, which owns 34 percent of Yahoo Japan, to ``neutral'' from ``outperform,'' saying a decline in Yahoo Japan shares will make the parent expensive.
http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com/StoryFT/FullStory&c=StoryFT&cid=1079420257476 The Financial Times However, the overwhelming public response has been that Japan should not cave in. An online poll conducted by the left-leaning Mainichi newspaper on Friday, showed that 70 per cent supported the government's decision to keep the SDF in Iraq, while 26 per cent thought it should leave the country.
Culture lessons with The Guardian Weekly Pregnant and proud amongst the pigeons in Trafalgar Square A controversial new statue depicting a naked and pregnant woman is to be unveiled in London's most famous square. (Intermediate +) http://www.onestopenglish.com/Culture/lessons-English-teaching/elt_esl_lesso ns.htm
-------------------------------------------------------------------- US to take fingerprints of all visitors -------------------------------------------------------------------- The United States has announced plans to fingerprint and photograph all tourists from Britain and its other closest allies when they enter the country. Under existing rules to strengthen security against terrorists, those in the US with work or student visas have already had to undergo such checks since January 2004. They will be extended to all visitors, even those who previously did not require a visa. --------------------------------------------------------------------
You know my policy. We don't negotiate with terrorists. If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. If we start now, all of America becomes a target.
このイタリア人はすごいですね。 Mr. Frattini said that when the killers put a gun to his head this man tried to take off his hood and shouted: Now I'm going to show you how an Italian dies.
Some members of the public were equally unsympathetic; the hostages' relatives received countless harassing telephone calls and were bashed on Internet bulletin boards, including the well-known Channel 2.
Rumours could cost brand Beckham its US earnings, say experts -------------------------------------------------------------------- The rumours and allegations about the Beckhams' marriage could cost the couple a lot more than their private happiness. The welter of tabloid headlines is going to hit their earning power as well, marketing experts said yesterday. The Beckham brand is said to be worth some £200m, thanks partly to the careful presentation of a happy private life. Along with sporting deals, the couple also endorse Marks & Spencer, Vodafone and Pepsi. Last year they made a highly publicised - in this country at least - visit to America to try to raise their profile there. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 不倫騒動で米国でのベッカム・ブランドの収入に打撃も、と専門家 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ベッカム夫妻の結婚生活にまつわる噂や疑惑は、幸せな私生活の破綻以上の 打撃を同夫妻にもたらす恐れがある。マーケティング専門家らは昨日、タブロ イド紙の見出しの渦は、同夫妻の収入にも打撃を与えるだろうと述べた。 ベッカム・ブランドの価値は、幸せな私生活を入念に売りこんでいるおかげ もあり、約2億ポンド(約390億円)相当と言われている。ベッカム夫妻は、ス ポーツ関連広告のほか、マークス・アンド・スペンサー、ボーダフォン、ペプ シの広告にも出ている。同夫妻は昨年、米国での知名度アップを狙って同国を 訪問し、少なくとも英国では大いに話題になった。
Leaders 'scarcely trying' to tackle Third World issues -------------------------------------------------------------------- World leaders are making woeful progress in their 15-year mission to tackle poverty, hunger, disease, war and terrorism, according to a damning report released last night. Attempts to drive up standards of education, protect the environment and ensure basic human rights around the globe have also fallen flat, it says.
Scholte conservatively estimates that 3 million North Koreans have died because of famine and 500,000 to 1 million have been murdered in the country's prison camps.
Schools to teach UK's six main religions -------------------------------------------------------------------- Children should begin to learn about another religion alongside Christianity from the age of five, according to new government guidelines on teaching religious education published yesterday. By the time they have finished compulsory education, they should have learnt about the six principal religions represented in the UK - Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 英国の主要6宗教を学校が指導へ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日発表された宗教教育に関する政府の新ガイドラインでは、子供は5歳か ら、キリスト教と一緒に他の宗教についても学び始めるべきだとしている。 義務教育終了時までには、子供たちは英国の6つの主要な宗教 -- キリスト 教、仏教、ヒンドゥー教、イスラム教、ユダヤ教、それにシーク教 -- につい て学んでいるべきだ(としている)。
To produce "Super Size Me," Morgan Spurlock's riveting and often revolting indictment of American eating habits and the fast food industry, he consumed nothing but McDonald's food and drink for 30 days.
McDonald's reacts Since Spurlock finished his film, McDonald’s has begun eliminating super-sizing and is rolling out healthier choices. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4917189/
BBC 小野キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! 53 mins: GOAL England 1-1 Japan Shinji Ono levels the scores for Japan and it is a fabulous team goal, ending with the Feyenoord midfielder slotting the ball between David James' legs http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/euro_2004/england/3767275.stm
http://thebonewoman.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/ram/2004_15_tue_01.ram http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams?/rnw/hotspots/au-rwa040521.rm http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=Er722M14UU&sourceid=00401817138236160632&bfdate=06%2D11%2D2004+03%3A02%3A02&isbn=1400060648&itm=1 http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=0676976069 The Bone Woman: A Forensic Anthropologist's Search for Truth in the Graves of Rwanda, Bosnia,Croatia, and Kosovo From the Publisher Published ten years after the genocide in Rwanda, The Bone Woman is a riveting, deeply personal account by a forensic anthropologist sent on seven missions by the UN War Crimes Tribunal. To prosecute charges of genocide and crimes against humanity, the UN needs proof that the bodies found are those of non-combatants. This means answering two questions: who the victims were, and how they were killed. The only people who can answer both these questions are forensic anthropologists. Before being sent to Rwanda in 1996, Clea Koff was a twenty-three-year-old graduate student studying prehistoric skeletons in the safe confines of Berkeley, California. Over the next four years, her gruelling investigation into events that shocked the world transformed her from a wide-eyed student into a soul-weary veteran -- and a wise and deeply thoughtful woman. Her unflinching account of those years -- what she saw, how it affected her, who went to trial based on evidence she collected -- makes for an unforgettable read, alternately riveting, frightening and miraculously hopeful. Readers join Koff as she comes face to face with the human meaning of genocide: exhuming almost five hundred bodies from a single grave in Kibuye,
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日本人好きの変態外人が帰国してから行った犯罪 Rapists bet on victims' silence and lose Seattle Times On a cold, clear morning last November, three Japanese teenagers waiting at a bus stop accepted a ride from a smiling American woman in a maroon Subaru. What happened next is called by Spokane Police Chief Roger Bragdon "one of the most despicable crimes" he's ever dealt with. The driver picked up two men waiting nearby. The students were handcuffed and blindfolded. One woman was driven a short distance and released; the other two were brought to a Spokane Valley house where they were raped over seven hours. The assaults were videotaped and photographed. The students were informed that if they told anybody what happened, the videotapes would be sent to their fathers. A week later, three locals were charged with multiple counts of kidnapping, rape and witness intimidation: Lana Vickery, 43, a clerk at an adult-novelty store; David Dailey, 38, a former carpenter who had been investigated in previous sex offenses; and Edmund "Eddie" Ball, 40, a leader in a local sadomasochist sex club. The rape victims, 18 and 19 The leader was Ball, a former truck driver and a devotee of bondage and sadomasochism. He co-founded the Spokane Power Exchange, or SPEX, a sex club of about 200 members, which met regularly for sex parties and bondage workshops.
Debatable: An evil deserter or just an old man? By David Steinkraus
When Charles Jenkins set foot on Japanese soil Sunday, he risked arrest by U.S. authorities who say he deserted the Army and went to North Korea in 1965. The question is: Should we bother with a 64-year-old man in ill health? No Jenkins left the Army a long time ago. He hasn't lived in the United States for years, and likely he won't ever do so. His Japanese wife says the family wants to live in Japan. The evidence against him is far from convincing. Here was a 10-year veteran of the Army with a spotless record. The government says it has notes which Jenkins wrote and that indicate he deserted the military, but this evidence hasn't been released, and Jenkins' family has questioned the authenticity of the notes based just on what they've been told. Jenkins is not a Nazi concentration camp guard who was involved in mass murder. He is not an escaped criminal who has been tried and convicted. He may have been kidnapped, as his wife was. He may be a deserter. But he is no danger to anyone. http://www.journaltimes.com/articles/2004/07/19/local/iq_2996841.txt
注: The success of the Harry Potter series has provoked a lively discussion among French literary theorists about the novels' underlying message and the structure of Harry's school, Poudlard (Hogwarts). This article, which appeared last month in the French daily Le Monde, got particular attention, including an essay published in response arguing that Harry is an anti-globalist crusader.
Harry Potter is a capitalist pig by Ilias Yocaris (professor of literary theory and French literature at the University Institute of Teacher Training in Nice)
Korean massage parlor http://www.worldsexguide.org/stamford.txt.html My choice was a thirtyish korean lady with a very shapely figure (artificially enhanced I'm shure). After that we returned to the bedroom and she proceeded to give me a very good massage with a few erotic touches like rubbing her breasts on my back. After I was totally relaxed and somewhat aroused she asked me if I wanted 'that' (pointing to my erection) taken care of and when I said I did she asked how and I asked for full service and offered $100. She accepted and I gave her the money. At this point she left the room for a few minutes to get some supplies. When she came back she proceeded to very vigorously (too vigorously) give me a hand and blow job for a couple of minutes. She seemed to feel that it was her job to get me to cum as quickly as possible and did not seem to realize that even a penis has a pain threshold.
すみません!どなたか助けてください 。英訳できず、困っています・・・ It is all too easy after this nerve-jangling wezezk to imagine a sequence of events in which the occupiers become so unpopular that the coaliationforces are conpelled to quit early,leaving Iraqis to sort or fight things out for themselves. ...... It was at the Ayatollajh's behest that America dropped its plan to use caucuses to select a constitution-writing body and proposed a direct election instead.
It is all too easy これは全く難しいことではない after this nerve-jangling week 神経のいらだつ一週間のあとで to imagine a sequence of events 一連のできごとを想像するのは in which the occupiers become so unpopular そのできごととは支配者の人気がおちたために that the coalition forces are compelled to quit early, 連合軍が早く撤退させられ、 leaving Iraqis イラクを残していくことである。 to sort or fight things out for themselves. イラク人が独力でものごとに対処していくようにするためである。
>>905 it was at the ayatollah's behest アヤトラの命令で that America dropped its plan 米国は計画を途中で放棄した。 to use caucuses to select a constitution-writing body その計画とは、憲法を起草する団体を選ぶために党集会を利用するというものである。 and proposed a direct election instead. その代わりアメリカは直接選挙を提案した。
Zare's sending off was the turning point of the match, and put the Iranians on the back foot for the rest of the match. in a match marred by poor referring decisions, mostly in favor of the home team. http://www.iransportspress.com/artman/publish/article_980.shtml China owe one to the ref for their place in the final China should pat the referee on the back for his another great favor. Iranian ace Ali Karimi, who cleared his marker to meet Liu alone was brutally brought down on the edge of the penalty area but the Chinese player was fined just with a yellow card by gracious Najm, who revealed his double standard. http://www.irankicks.com/cgi-bin/iknews/viewnews.cgi?newsid1091569714,64773,
'We are going to beat China,' said the dreadlocked defender. 'We don't care about the booing -- we're used to it. But during the national anthem it's out of order.'
Nakazawa, who has scored three goals during the tournament, predicted that the Chinese players would try to provoke Japan in the final.
'I'm sure China will try to wind us up and but we won't react,' he said. 'They can overheat if they want but we will stay cool.'
China coach Arie Haan refused to collect his runner-up medal in protest at the officiating of Kuwaiti referee Saad Kameel. "The first goal was from a free kick to Japan that should have gone to us, the second was handball and the third was after a foul on Sun Jihai," fumed the Dutchman. "I didn't feel ready to take the medal. How can you win when this happens? I will say Japan have more experience, experience to make fouls the referee does not see." A bus carrying delegates was attacked, with bottles and garbage thrown, Meanwhile, around 2,000 Japanese fans, heavily protected during the match by security officials, were locked inside the stadium for over almost three hours to save them from being attacked. http://www.abc.net.au/sport/content/200408/s1171325.htm
Shannen Doherty Heads To FOX's 'North Shore' Beginning Sept. 20, the former "90210" alum will play Alexandra Hudson, the "ambitious" long-lost sister of series star Brooke Burns. http://www.fox.com/northshore/
釣りキチ日本人 Anglers who pursue America's bad-boy fish in Japan risk sneers. So bassers come here for what they can't get there: big dawgs, a wide-open bite and their peers' respect. The couple spent $2,500 to travel from Japan to Diamond Valley Lake near Hemet to catch the fish that could change their lives. "For me it is bass or die," says Suzuki. "I have bet my life for bass." This is not as singular a passion as it might seem. Each year hundreds of anglers like Suzuki head for the other side of the Pacific to Bass Central. They know U.S. fishing hot spots as well as they know Disneyland and the Grand Canyon: Lake Fork, Texas; Lake Okeechobee, Fla.; and Lake Casitas, northwest of Ventura. They come alone or in groups, sometimes with family or on a honeymoon, always with big dreams and pricey tackle. 続はサイトで、1週間以内なら無料 http://www.latimes.com/features/outdoors/la-os-japanbass10aug10.story