Cezanne and van Gogh had pointed the way to an explosion of painting and sculpture in the twentieth century. Two men ,above all others, picked up where they left off--Pablo Picasso and Henri Mattisse. In one way or another most of modern art can find its roots in the work of these two men ,although they were not alone in developing the varieties of art that have marked this century.
They typify masculinity in American society. American boys have to struggle to prove to their peers that they are tough and masculine.Unlike in Japan,masculinity in America requires physical strength.You have to be tough inside and outside to be a man,many Americans believed.American women may have long struggled to fight against the "feminine mystique," but men in America have had to live with the "masculine mystique" based on machismo. よろしくお願いします。
Anxious about the steady rise of his own total radiation dosage, Demeo sought to reduce exposure for himself and his staff. "I entered the radiation-shielding business for reasons of self-preservation --to allow me to live longer,"he recalls.
For those who come into contact regularly with x-rays or unclear material, limiting one's dosage is difficult. "Most practitioners, for example, work in different hospital facilities, each of which use different dosimeter badge sets,"Demeo notes. "Hardly anybody does the math and adds up all the separately measured doses." Complicating the situation is an abiding ploblem: regulations forbid medical and radiation workers from continuing in their jobs if they have exceeded safe cumulative dosage levels. "People often don't want to know what their total dose is because they don't want to be forced to stop working," he says.
."Champion Sportswear likens their vision of winning and success in the clothing business to that of athletes and life.They are "proud to provide the NFL with practice wear that can take a hit.Just like Tom." の部分はニュアンスはわかったのですが直訳でもお願いしたいのですが、、、。 って>>950さん今日でいなくなるんだった、、。 どなたかお願いします!!
Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand! In other words, darling, kiss me!
Fill my heart with song And let me sing forevermore You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true! In other words, I love you!
Deering told attendees to the first Annual ELSPA Games Summit 2003 during his keynote address ‘Future Challenges for Console Platforms’, that games on the Universal Media Disc (UMD) for PSP would be priced, “as high as ?50 or ?60 no doubt, but probably the mass of games given the time slots these will be played in will be more the £20 range, ?20-?30.”
Deering told attendees to the first Annual ELSPA Games Summit 2003 during his keynote address ‘Future Challenges for Console Platforms’, that games on the Universal Media Disc (UMD) for PSP would be priced, “as high as ?50 or ?60 no doubt, but probably the mass of games given the time slots these will be played in will be more the £20 range, ?20-?30.”
He not one of those big and tough players always in the spotlight being cheered by the fans."Other players are more physically blessed than I am.But if I have an advantage over them,it's that I don't mind taking the hits.And if getting hit is a God-given talent,I guess I have it." He admits that he is not like other players. And,he is not ashamed. In fact,he is proud of himself because he knows exactly what he can do for his team,the Chicago Bears.He may not be big,but he's a tough guy who can take hits from his opponents without falling apart. 長いですがお願いします。
Take the simple sentence "This is a pen", with which I am greeted by small children everywhere when I travel round Japan. It begins with the sound {∂}, which is found in very few other languages in the world. Then you have s with two different values, {s} and {z}, without a following vowel, so that Japanese are likely to say {izu} for is. The third word is pronounced {eの逆}, a sound unknown to Japanese, and even the last word, although it looks Japanese, contains a final {n} without a supporting vowel, whereas the corresponding Japanese word is pronounced {pei} when it stands in isolation, though you can hear an {n} in the combination "pen desu". when you come to the grammar, 「is」 is a special form of a lind unknown in Japanese, only used in the third person singular of the present tense, while the indefinite article 「a」 presents almost insuperable difficulties to speakers of languages which do not use articles.
またまたお願いします。 He had charisma and is given credit for elevating football to a cultural status it never had before."He threw the ball like a bullet;His accuracy was second to none;He was an inevitable winner;" such was the praise he won from the media.Joe Namath was handsome,outspoken,and glamorous. He made himself one of pro sport's first modern media superstars.
International Maritime Organization 国際海事機関 International Mathematical Olympiad 国際数学オリンピック International Meteorological Organization 国際気象機構 in my opinion 私の考えでは
Champion Sportswear likens their vision of winning and success in the clothing business to that of athletes and life.They are "proud to provide the NFL with practice wear that can take a hit.Just like Tom."
Water was pouring down my face. I was flat out under a tap and there were faces above me looking down. Somebody shouted,"He recover.Is all right." Hat said,"How you feeling?" I said, trying to laugh,"I feeling all right." Mrs Bhakcu said,"You have any pains?" I shook my head. But,suddenly,my whole body began to ache. I tried to move my hand and it hurt. I said,"I think I break my hand." But I could stand,and they made me walk into the house. My mother came and I could see her eyes glassy and wet with tears. Somebody,I cannot remember who, said,"Boy, you had your mother really worried." I looked at her tears, and I felt I was going to cry too. I had discovered that she could be worried and anxious for me. I wished I were a Hindu god at that moment, with two hundred arms, so that all two hundred could be broken, just to enjoy that moment, and to see again my mother's tears.
Thus far, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has done little to deliver on his campaign promise to revitalize the German economy. That may be changing, however. His party this week voted to back a package of reforms designed to modernize the country's economy. Acceptance by the public is another matter -- yet few tasks are more essential to Germany's future.
Before the green dot system, the cost of recyclring system materials such as milk or juice cartons was not included in the price of the product. Instead public paid taxed care of some packaging waste and arrange for recycling programs.
The real problem is the weak economy. How long will we continue to edge along with productivity outrunning demand, and unemployment and excess capacity weighing down families and firms? If stimulus is called for, it is a pity that the Bush administration has been allowed to give away the store in tax reductions to the already satiated.
TOKYO (Reuters) - David Beckham criticized the handling of his transfer from Manchester United to real Madrid Thursday and vowed to send a personal farewell message to his adoring Old Trafford fans. "I think things went on that, of course, I wouldn't have been happy about, " Beckham told reporters on his promotional tour of the Far East with his pop star wife Victoria. 長文ですみません、よろしくお願いします
TOKYO (Reuters) - David Beckham criticized the handling of his transfer from Manchester United to Real Madrid Thursday and vowed to send a personal farewell message to his adoring Old Trafford fans. "I think things went on that, of course, I wouldn't have been happy about, " Beckham told reporters on his promotional tour of the Far East with his pop star wife Victoria.
Some people say that human beings ,plants,and animals are all the same. If we only see the similarity and do not see the immense difference as well,we fail to live as human beings.
Your order has been shipped Airmail today. Let me know when it arrives. Shipping was a little less than the shopping cart charged. I can discount your next order a little or send a small rebate.
It could mean that if you give a diamond as a gift,you may succeed in winning the recipient's heart.It could also be interpreted as the gift either for or from someone successful.Then again,the giver and the receiver may both be successful,like the couple in this picture. お願いします。
The market shifted to iage processing hardware in the form of single boards designed to be compatible with industry standard buses and to fit into engineering workstation cabinets and personal computer.
Also, for those of you who are actually reading this, substitute a numeral version where we ask for your IQ: seven six five two one -- Don't stop there though, there's more to do.
SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis. You can write programs to generate or process sound in real time or non real time. SuperCollider can be controlled by MIDI, the mouse, Wacom graphics tablet, and over a network via Open Sound Control. SuperCollider can read and write sound files in AIFF, WAV, Sound Designer 2, and NeXT/Sun formats. SuperCollider supports sound cards using Steinberg's ASIO driver api.
お願いします。 特にこの辺がwebの翻訳サービスだと変になります。 SuperCollider can be controlled by MIDI, the mouse, Wacom graphics tablet, and over a network via Open Sound Control.
Shantih soon became a very important part of jean's life. Her understanding of words grew and grew, and now she knows over 300. According to Jean, she even understands the difference between red and blue. If Jean asks her to get a red sweater, Shantih brings a red aweater, not a blue one. This is surprising, for dogs are thought to be unable to see color. "But Shantih is not a robot," Jean expains. "An independence dog not only makes life easier but also provides love and companionship day and night. It becomes your best friend-and your protector. A burglar armed with a knife broke into my house a couple of years ago, but he left in a hurry as soon as he saw Shantih coming for him." Shantih changed Jean's life. With Shantih by her side, shopping or going for a walk in a park became a plesure instead of a struggle. But soon Jean was dreaming about bigger things than shopping. "If a dog can change my like this," she thought,"other dogs can do the same for other disabled people, especially if Shantih and I show them how." And since 1984, when she started Independence Dogs, Jean has devoted her life to realizing this dream.
David Beckham has criticised the handling of his transfer from Manchester United to Real Madrid, vowing to send a personal farewell message to his adoring Old Trafford fans. 長いのですがどうかよろしくお願いします
Sorry... My name is Ken Takahashi. Given name is Ken. Family mame is Takahashi. My TRN nummber is UDFA212.
Several days before, I registered eVisa in this site<https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/visas/jsp/index.jsp?visaType=OFFSHORE_STUDENT>. At that time,the family name and the given name were written conversely. It is wriiten“Family name is Ken,Given name is Takahashi.” there, but,“Family name is Takahashi.Given name is Ken”is correct.
It is urgent. I am sorry but need your help as early as possible.
Ronald McDonald Houses are located next to hospitals.They provide accommodation for the families of seriously ill children who have to spend a long time in hospital. The children can stay there too if they are well enough. よろしくお願いします・
Alex James collaborated with film composer Simon Boswell for the score of the British football film "There's Only One Jimmy Grimble". The soundtrack album (out now - Wrasse Records - WRASS023) features Alex & Simon collaborating with Echo & The Bunnymen's Ian McCulloch on the track "Do You Believe" and a cover of "Blue Moon".
So a tree doesn't have a stomach.. It has limbs,but that doesn't make it a track star,does it? And if a tree has a trunk,does that make it an elephant? And if it has bark,does that make it a dog? HA HA HA HA! "During interview patient suddenly became hysterical."
和訳お願いします。 Being bilingual should be a positive advantage, intellectually, socially and culturally. That this is so often not the case is due, not to the fact of bilingualism itself, but to the attitudes toward it held by wider society.
George Szell, who has probably done more for Dvorak in America in the past ten years than any other conductor, doesn't know it but there was a time in my early life when I was rather tired of him (Szell).
Shantih soon became a very important part of jean's life. Her understanding of words grew and grew, and now she knows over 300. According to Jean, she even understands the difference between red and blue. If Jean asks her to get a red sweater, Shantih brings a red aweater, not a blue one. This is surprising, for dogs are thought to be unable to see color.
The philosophy of Dr.Tong is expressed in the book "A", a difficult work whose serious scholarly study remains in its infancy. Later philosophers claim Tong's philosophy to be inseparable from the philosophical tradition and cite from the book "A" selectively. どなたか和訳をお願いします。
Looking over your buyer's account I found out that our guarantee departement refunded EUR 14,00 at 03/18/03 and EUR 7,58 at 03/20/03. The refunds have been transferred to your Mastercard (last 5 digits 14013).
"But Shantih is not a robot," Jean expains. "An independence dog not only makes life easier but also provides love and companionship day and night. It becomes your best friend-and your protector. A burglar armed with a knife broke into my house a couple of years ago, but he left in a hurry as soon as he saw Shantih coming for him."
Shantih changed Jean's life. With Shantih by her side, shopping or going for a walk in a park became a plesure instead of a struggle. But soon Jean was dreaming about bigger things than shopping. "If a dog can change my like this," she thought,"other dogs can do the same for other disabled people, especially if Shantih and I show them how." And since 1984, when she started Independence Dogs, Jean has devoted her life to realizing this dream. 長文系です。すいませんが、宜しくお願いします。
But I don't like it because, before I got into the business, no-one would give me a second look. I have been with my girlfriend Lucy, for five years, so I know that she doesn't just love me for being a Football player.
I think things went on that, of course, I wouldn't have been happy about, Beckham told reporters on his promotional tour of the Far East with his pop star wife Victoria. But when a club comes to a decision on the money side, it was my decision after that. For me it's a good decision now." すっごく分の内容が気になってます。 長文ですがよろしくお願いします
People differ with regard to their productive abilities,preferences,opportunities, development of specialized skills,willingness to take risks,and luck.These differences influence incomes because they influence the value of the goods and services individuals will be able or willing to provide to others. どなたかお願いします。
One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?" "It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?" He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma." And they say blondes are dumb....
お願いします The first manifestation of that was the 1999 Seattle protest, which triggered a global movement. Seattle had its idiotic side, but what the serious protesters there were saying was: “You, America, are now touching my life more than my own government."
Just how, or in what specific branch of the human evolutionary family collectively known as the Hominidae these adjustments first began to be made, is unknown, but without them man could not be the creature he is.
He isolated a bacterium of this disease and by cultivating an attenuated form of it and inoculating the fowls with the culture,rendered them immune to virulent attacks of the disease.
Pasteur suggested the term vaccination for the general procedure of prophylactic inoculation in homage,as he put it, "to the merit and to the immense services rendered by one of the greatest of Englishmen,Jenner."
お願いします The first manifestation of that was the 1999 Seattle protest, which triggered a global movement. Seattle had its idiotic side, but what the serious protesters there were saying was: “You, America, are now touching my life more than my own government."
Dear maniac MC's annd DJ's inn the whole country. Ya'll neba seen the real street,ya just plain' wit yourself and do the f**kin' masuturbation all night long. Ya heard Kass and Maniacs!! Ya just prostrate to this sound,to this Lyrics and to this reality.Let me tell ya something. Ya dead!! Ya will be sorry about what ya did cause' there're always street hiphop and street law. f**k off bi*ch!! P.S. BIG F**k to sucker posse close. Ya betta watch out meeeen cause game is just started.
The King of Wands in this position exposes the fine line between bold leadership and irritating, autocratic bossiness. At times those who would benefit from some helpful management resist it the most, even though their situation could be vastly improved if they were receptive to some direction.
If you see the need for a new way of doing things, then you will have to inspire others in that direction without setting off their anti-authority alarms. It's less important, however, to care about image than to get the job done. Stay centered on the challenge and others will not be tempted to find fault.
"To just leave without saying anything wouldn't be right because I owe them a lot. Like they feel I've done a lot for the team, I feel that they've done a lot for my career and my life." よろしくお願いします
Term in Indo-European linguistics for the use of forms based on the stem of the indicative in orders and prohibitions. Attested mainly in Indo-Iranian.
The effect of railways was to bring all the regions of the country into close relation with one another, and to make extensive travel possible for all the social classes for the first time. They had, in fact, aneffect on single coutries comparable to that which air travel is having on the entire world in the 20th century. The formely enclosed, regional cultures lost their self-sufficiency, so that British civilization in the 20th century has become much more uniform than it once was. The railways were breakers of social barriers, too; they were a comparatively democratic mode of travel. Hitherto only the rich and leisured had been able to afford the money and time to travel extensively, but now the poor could manage it too; and trains mixed the social classes, despite the provision of first, second and third class coaches. perhaps the most impotant effect of all was that railways greatly increased the movement of population from the coutryside into the towns, althouogh this had already begun in the 18th century. Many industrial towns in the north owed their rapid enlargemnet to railways, so that railways are one of the most important explanations for England bocoming the first thoroughly urbanized coutry in the world.
Man occupies a peculiar position in the animal kingdom. Unlike the other higher mammals, he has no species-specific environment, no environment firmly structured by his own instinctual organization. There is no man-world in the sence that one may speak of a dog-worldor a horse-world. Despite an area of individual leaning ande accumulation, the individual dog or the individual horse has a largely fixed relationship to its environment, which it shares with all other members of its respective species. One obvious implication of this is that dogs and horse, as compared with man, are much more restricted to a specific geographical distribution. The specificity of these animal's environment, however, is much more than a geographical delimitation.It refer to the biologically fixed character of their relationship to the environment, even if geographical variation is introduced. In this sence, all nonhuman animals, as species and as individuals, live in closed worlds whose structure are predetermined by the biological equipment of the several animal species. By contrast, man's relationship to his environment is characterized by world-openness. Not only has man succeeded in established himself over the greater part of the earth's surface, his relationship to the surrounding environment is everywhere very imperfectly structured by his own biological construction. The latter, to be sure permits man to engage in diffrent activities. But the fact that he continued to live a nomadic existence in one olace and turned to agriculture in another cannnot be explained in terms of biological processes.
1 Last week, talking about typing, I said it's ridiculous that computer can't simply hear and understand what people say. Well, this week I have another complaint: why can't computers learn English?!
Since the directional orientation of the body has no effect on comfort in a weightless environment, sleeping bags in the International Space Station are vertical to the floor , and attached to a wall.
I go over there to Spain in early July to finalise it all and do my medical and once that has been done I'm going to do a message for the Manchester United fans because they have been a massive part of my life and my career. よろしくお願いします
One member of the capacity audience in New York's Carnegie Hall remarked on the large representation of conductors who had come there "for a lesson" from this impressive master of the baton.
お願いします Scotch shaved and bathed himself in the bed, blushed his teeth, careful not to disturb the tube, and, even though he had a brief feeling of air hunger, he insisted he felt strong enough to dangle his legs over the side of the bed.
Ecology helps us understand how each from of life affects ─ and is affected by ─ other living things and how all,in turn,are affected by their environment 横線入りはじめた所から分からなくなりました どなたかお願いします。
People should not help others only because they are friend co-workers or part of one's group, nor because they are of the same race, religion, or nationality, and not even because one feels there is an obligation to help.
Essentially,profits and losses direct business investment toward projects that promote economic progress and away from those that squander scarce resources.This is a vitally important function.Nations that fail to perform this function well will almost surely experience economic stagnation. どなたかお願いします!!
Although large-scale image processing systems still are being sold massive imaging applications,such as processing of satellite images, the trend continues toward miniaturizing and blending of general-purpose small computers with specialized image processing hardware.
Indian kari rice,Chicken&Beef Birani An execellent delicious foods for all health,home made Every day packet lunch\600 って書いてあるチラシを渡されて訳してくれっていわれたのでお願いします。 Biraniってのはビラニって料理みたいです。
I want to ask you about living-costs in Japan. I think that it won’t be so expensive as an exchange student, because of all those governmental and scholar allowances. That makes about 68,400 yen per week (+45000 yen per term if I’ll study Japanese before leaving Sweden). Is it enough for decent living?
The copy gives the man's point of view:"There's no one to blame.At least not on this one.She'll produce.I'll direct.Together we wrote the script.A first as a team. The shooting starts tomorrow.The celebration started tonight,when she gave me a man's ruby." Lucy guy!This attractive woman gave him a ruby to celebrate the shooting of their new film. よろしくお願いします。
>424 「もし一匹の犬が私(の生活)をこんなに変えることができるのなら」 と彼女は思った、「他の犬たちも他の障害者たちに同じことが出来るわ、 特に、もしシャンティと私がやり方をみせてやれば」 she thought は 「考えた長い内容」の途中にコンマで挿入されただけです。 初めの部分は change me like this か change my life like this かなと。
In fact, for no reason he found his heart is beating in jolts, so that quite out of character he went to the night club, unlocked it and poured himself a shot glass of brandy. どなたかお願いします!!!
The guiding principle(基本原則)with regard to arm's-length relatonships versus partnership is to use arm's-length relationships when inputs are low value;commodities or standardized (open architecture)products; stand-alone,or modular with no or few interaction effects with other inputs; and characterized by a ow degree of supllier-buyer interdependence.
>>450 There are still things (@come up in my life) (for Awhich I'm unprepared), but Bthey don't bother me <the way (Cthey did <when I was a teenager>)>.
( )は形容詞節、< >は副詞節を表します。 @のcomeが原形であるのは少し変な気がします。 Aのwhichはthingsを指す関係代名詞です。 BおよびCのtheyはthings for which I'm unpreparedを指す代名詞です。
>>434 The guiding principle(基本原則)with regard to arm's-length relationships versus partnership is
to use arm's-length relationships when
1 inputs are low value; 2 commodities or standardized (open architecture)products; 3 stand-alone,or modular with no or few interaction effects with other inputs;
and characterized by a low degree of supllier-buyer interdependence
Last week, talking about typing, I said it’s ridiculous that computers can’t simply hear and understand what people say. Well, this week I have another complaint: Why can’t computers learn English? There are some online translation services, like Alta Vista’s Babel Fish, and they can sometimes provide decent translations, but sometimes, it’s totally wrong. When you enter ”魔法使い”, for example, Babel Fish translates it as “magical using” or sometimes even “magical errand”.
Go ahead and try it for yourself (http://babelfish.altavista.com). Enter some text you want to translate in the big, white blank. Maybe you can just copy and paste from another document. Be sure to choose the right language combination, such as “English to Japanese” or “Japanese to English”. Then press the Translate button. You’ll find that the translation is OK perhaps two-thirds of the time, but there are still for too many wrong translations. Some day computer translation will achieve 99-percent accuracy, but until then, keep studying your English!
who'll appreciate your kindness and your true self, Also don't ever look down upon yourself because everyone of us is special in a different way, like I see you.
The evolutionary changes by which snakes have evolved from crawling reptiles include not just the loss of the limbs, but also the reduction or loss of one lung and the elongation of many organs.
I'm paying shipping costs to send you a new DVD. This is absolutely ridiculous your emailing me these questions. You don't want to pay for the DVD your sending back? Then keep it. How you would actually ask someone that is beyond me. Were not Blockbuster or the US Post Office. Were being more then fair sending you a replacement of your choice. Some of those DVD's on that list are $6 more. Should I ask you for the difference? Were also paying for shipping on the new DVD. If thats still not enough for you then move on.
No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately delete it and all copies of it from your system, destroy any hard copies of it and notify the sender. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient.
Go ahead and try it for yourself. Enter some text you want to translate in the big, white blank. Maybe you can just copy and paste from another document. Be sure to choose the right language combination, such as “English to Japanese” or “Japanese to English”.
Then press the Translate button. You’ll find that the translation is OK perhaps two-thirds of the time, but there are still for too many wrong translations. Some day computer translation will achieve 99-percent accuracy, but until then, keep studying your English!
What is the effect of our doing so and what is the consequence for our view of the political world, and even the world as a whole? どなたかお願いします。後ろの方がよくわかりません。
But what if, instead of misrepresenting my car, I try to raise its price with ads or articles claiming—falsely or tendentiously—that old cars are safer and more reliable than new cars? Am I committing fraud? Or am I stirring controversial ideas into the public debate? Or both? If you think the answer is obvious, there is a seat waiting for you on the Supreme Court
I'm paying shipping costs to send you a new DVD. 新たに配送するDVDの送料は、こちらが負担します。 This is absolutely ridiculous your emailing me these questions. 大体、こんな質問をメールしてくるのは馬鹿げてますよ。 You don't want to pay for the DVD your sending back? Then keep it. 返品するDVDの送料を負担したくないと? それでは(返品も認めないので)そのままにして下さい。 How you would actually ask someone that is beyond me. このような要求をすること自体、信じられません。 Were not Blockbuster or the US Post Office. 我々は、ブロックバスターでも郵便局でもありません。 Were being more then fair sending you a replacement of your choice. 手元のDVDの交換商品を送るだけでも、十分に公平だと思いますよ。 Some of those DVD's on that list are $6 more. ところで、リストのDVDの中には手元の商品より6ドル高いものもあります。 Should I ask you for the difference? 差額を請求しましょうか? Were also paying for shipping on the new DVD. 我々は、交換商品の送料も負担すると言ってるのですよ。 If thats still not enough for you then move on. それでも満足できないのなら、勝手にして下さい(頭を冷やして下さい)
>>510 アドバイスありがとうございます。 Some of those DVD's on that list are $6 more. Should I ask you for the difference? 私は不良品じゃない正しい品を送って欲しいだけなのに、 この辺は相手の良識を疑わざるを得ないですが、こういう相手と取引してしまった自分を責めて今回は諦めて、 こちらの送料は自分で持つことにします。
再度おねがいします(^^; Scotch shaved and bathed himself in the bed, blushed his teeth, careful not to disturb the tube, and, even though he had a brief feeling of air hunger, he insisted he felt strong enough to dangle his legs over the side of the bed.
One member of the capacity audience in New York's Carnegie Hall remarked on the large representation of conductors who had come there "for a lesson" from this impressive master of the baton. お願いします
In the past most human beings were born,lived,and died within a limited geographical area,never encountering people of other races and cultural backgrounds. Such an existence,however,no longer,prevails in the world. Even once isolated groups of people now frequently have contact with other cultural groups. Marshall McLuhan characterizes today's world as a "global village" because of the rapid expansion of worldwide communication networks, such as jet airplanes,communication satellites,and telephones. 少々長いですが、ご教授お願いします。<m(__)m>
When the news of the order was broadcast,Tamaki and Hayane paid a visit to Francis Aebi to talk about the watering system in the Ninomiyas' greenhouses. Francis promised to help his friends. "We'll keep the greenhouses safe until things are back to normal," he said.
すいませーん。アメリカ人とメール始めたんですけど以下の文がさっぱりわかりません。 単語は簡単なのに。どなたか訳してもらえませんか? I had heard that no matter how much Japanese you know, and no matter how long you live there, Japanese people will never consider you Japanese. Even if you were born there they won't think you are Japanese. Are they really that way? Also, I had heard something about people in Hokkaido being looked down upon for some reason. Forgive me if I am wrong.
しつこいようですがお願いします。 The copy gives the man's point of view:"There's no one to blame.At least not on this one.She'll produce.I'll direct.Together we wrote the script.A first as a team. The shooting starts tomorrow.The celebration started tonight,when she gave me a man's ruby." Lucy guy!This attractive woman gave him a ruby to celebrate the shooting of their new film.
I go over there to Spain in early July to finalise it all and do my medical and once that has been done I'm going to do a message for the Manchester United fans because they have been a massive part of my life and my career. よろしくお願いします。
I am Mrs. Roselyn Savimbi, please I need your help since after the incidence that lead to the death of my late husband Mr. Jones M. Savimbi of Unita of Angola. I know we have not met before, but I am contacting you with due sense of humanity responsibility, and the few awareness that you will give it a mutual understanding. I am soliciting for an assistance to move the sum $24 million USD to your country for investment. But for now I am not in Angola due to the condition of the money in my country I decided to live my country for a friends house in Nigeria, The fund is presently in a security company in Ghana for safety, since on the 12/08/1999. The real content was not declared as it was kept as photographic equipment. I need you as partner to assist in transferring the fund and provide good investment plans for it. The fund will be under your investment control for three (3) years during which only the profit will be shared annually, 70% for me and 30% for you annually. I am a Christian with the fear of GOD in any thing I am doing, so please I want us to build trust to each other. My lawyer, Barrister Chukwu, shall send all deposit contract documents to you as soon as you indicate your interest.
One member of the capacity audience in New York's Carnegie Hall remarked on the large representation of conductors who had come there "for a lesson" from this impressive master of the baton. お願いします
You are listening when your real attention is given to something.
To bring in the quality of time is destructive, and create confusion.
So, then, let us keep in mind that we want to examine what is, to observe and be aware of exactly what is the actual, without giving it any slant, without giving it an interpretation.
>You are listening when your real attention is given to something. >君の関心がよそに向いてるときに聞いている。 オイオイ、頼むぜ。「よそに」にじゃないだろ。 >To bring in the quality of time is destructive, and create confusion >時間の質を導入するのは 勘弁してよ。自分で意味わかって書いてるのかよ。わかんねえよ。 >偏見と解釈なしに実際のものを観察して何なのかをはっきりさせる >ということはどういうことなのかを調べたいという点を肝に銘じておこう。 あのな、もう見てらんない。作るなよ。「ということはどういうことなのかを」って ど こ に ?? 書いてあんだよ!(怒
>>566 You are listening (when your real attention is given to something.)
To bring (in the quality of time) is destructive, and create confusion.
(So, then,) let us keep in mind that we want to examine what is, to observe and be aware of exactly what is the actual, (without giving it any slant, without giving it an interpretation. )
>what isのあとのコンマはどういう使い方なんでしょう? ここで一度文章をきってる。 >あとobserveの目的語は?自動詞として使ってる? what is the actual, >andはobserveとbeを並置しているの? we want to observe and (we want to) be aware of
>>570 じゃあ、and は to examine と to observe と be を並置してるってこと? A, B and C の形ってことね? じゃあどうして be だけ to がつかないの? あと、この3つを並置してて、なおかつ observe の目的語が what is the actual だってことは、examine what is のあとにも what is the actual が来るってこと?
Are you interested in making $$$$ fast? Here's an incredibly simple way to do it, and there is nothing to buy, no investment to make, no money to lose! Try it now!
Follow this simple procedure:
1) Hold down the shift key. 2) Hit the 4 key four times very quickly
The random nature of genetic mutations provides a functionally neutral series of change which are sorted out according to non-random process of natural selection.
I knew that he had to leave before it gets dark. なのか I knew that he had to leave before it got dark. なのか どっちになるのでしょうか。 間違っている文の理由まであわせて教えていただけると助かるのですが。。 He read the newspaper before he eats breakfast. He read the newspaper before he ate breakfast. He read the newspaper before he had eaten breakfast. これも。。。
The install of Traktor FS is somewhat different from usual software. Before proseeding to install Traktor FS, switch back to Windows and make yourself a printed copy of the Installation Manual provided as PDF file (install.pdf) on this CD, because you might need it, if you encounter problems during the installation.
Audrey became single-minded about making a real difference in the lives she touched. Though usually patient, she became angry at the slowness with which wells were dug.
The division of labour - and let us say also of play - between poets and scientists, and the cleavage of the two commodities they make, does not any more mean the end of poetry than of science.
We didn't have any Georges among *the colored people in Piedmont ; nor were there colored Georges living in the nearby town and working at the factory. *the colored people = 黒人
As my mom would put it, one of those things that provided a vision of another world that we could not affect but that affect us.
A strict fundamentalist might, no doubt, defend such behaviour and argue that it was a part of the traditional culture of Islam. However, just because something is a tradition dose not make it immune form all criticism. After all, there all, good and bad traditions. This is not to say that there exist such things as "absolute good" and "absolute bad."
Rather, we can say that it may be bad for women in that it may prevent them from achieving what they might be capable of achieving and restricts their independence. Ultimately we could say it a question of men's control over women, rather than being a specific cultural problem.
I have always admired Nomo for his toughness and general all around good guy for baseball. L.A. fans congrats on a fine pitching staff. Today's game and his overall record against the Giants says it all. If he's not pitching in the Allstar game something is wrong.
To avoid being vulnerable to cultural and social value system,we must understand what makes us decide to buy something.Most of all,we must learn to appreciate the things that are genuinely valuable to us. Because they are truly priceless. どなたかお願いします!!!
measurements confirm an old hypothesis: that the ocean is mixed primarily at its boundaries, including the mid-ocean ridge, where the local mixing rate are orders of magnitude larger than those in the ocean interior.
The copy gives the man's point of view:"There's no one to blame.At least not on this one.She'll produce.I'll direct.Together we wrote the script.A first as a team. The shooting starts tomorrow.The celebration started tonight,when she gave me a man's ruby." Lucy guy!This attractive woman gave him a ruby to celebrate the shooting of their new film. よろしくお願いします。
>>659 Longman の「よくある誤用辞典」にも 「arrive の意味のときは go to ではなく get to を使え」 と書いてあるだけで、ますます???だ。日本語から考えるからだめなんだ、きっと。 たとえば、go を使うと 「どんな方法(交通手段)で」とか 「どうしてこの俺があんたの家へなんか行けようか」って意味になるからな。 よくわかる人、フォロー頼む。
Fucking my cute 15 year old sister sucking my cock and cumming over her tiny tits and then fucking her in ass - xxx mpg mpeg avi divx lolita porn sex britney spears.mpeg これもお願いします。
Accidents with guns are the number seven cause of accidental death, behind traffic, falls, poison, drowning, fire and suffocation caused by ingested object. With 900 out of the 92,200 accidental deaths in 1999, guns were right in front of poison gas. お願いします。
In most socially phobic people, both the anxiety around people and attempts to avoid social contact build over time, but many point to a single moment or event that marks for them the "beginning" of the disorder, a "last straw" that causes them to give up the internal struggle with their fears.
Some people argue that if you have the real thing inside;meaning love, respect and all the important human values,you don't need to prove anything. At the same time,it is also true that a single rose can eloquently communicate what is in your heart. お願いします。
"There's no one to blame.At least not on this one.She'll produce. I'll direct.Together we wrote the script.A first as a team. The shooting starts tomorrow.The celebration started tonight, when she gave me a man's ruby." Lucy guy!This attractive woman gave him a ruby to celebrate the shooting of their new film. 誰も責めるものはいない。少なくとも???。彼女がプロデュースするだろう。 私が監督するだろう。私達は一緒に台本を書いた。??? その撮影は明日始まる。祝賀は今夜始まった、 その時彼女は私に男のルビーをくれた。ラッキーな男!この魅力的な女性は 新しい映画の撮影を祝うためにルビーを彼に与えた。
こんな感じでいいですか?? At least not on this one. A first as a team. がよくわかりませんので教えて下さい。
Among primitive people, a person is seen as a dependent part of nature, a frail reed in a harsh world governed by natural laws that must be obeyed if he is to survive. お願いします
A Bushman can, for example, return after many months and miles of travel to find a single underground tuber, noted in his previous wanderings, when he needs it for his water supply in the dry season. お願いします
She said "The buck stops here,pal.Let's make film history." We're ready on set. "The buck stops here" means that responsibility is accepted and cannot be passed on to someone else.If she means "here" to be "with her," not "with them," she is telling her partner outright that she'll take full reponsibility.She is in charge. "Don't tell me what to do or what not to do.Because I'll take the full reponsibility for the process and outcome." なにがなんだかさっぱり。。。 簡単でいいのでお願いします。
Laws relating to local government have also been amanded, which has resulted in the abolition of the approval system for local government bond offerings, the creation of a system by which local government can relay its opinions concerning the calculation of Local Allocation Tax, and the abolition from the Local Tax Law of the approval system for non-statutory general taxes. 難しいっす・・・・ 誰か英語に自信のあるから、通訳してください。 よろしくお願いします。
続きがありました… すいません。続きがありました… Together these changes are transforming the sperior/inferior and servant/master relationships between central and local government that have existed in the past into relationships based on equality and cooperation.
I have always admired Nomo for his toughness and general all around good guy for baseball. L.A. fans congrats on a fine pitching staff. Today's game and his overall record against the Giants says it all. If he's not pitching in the Allstar game something is wrong.
In the false-color image, water appears black, vegetation-free lands appear as a range of pale-salmons to vibrant orange-reds, and vegetated lands appear as a range of greens. お願いします
measurements confirm an old hypothesis: that the ocean is mixed primarily at its boundaries, including the mid-ocean ridge, where the local mixing rate are orders of magnitude larger than those in the ocean interior.
For one thing, one might say that this is what Bentham and others really meant by them, as least as shown by how they were used in arguments for social reform.
as least as のところがどう訳したらいいのかわかりません どなたかお願いします(´・ω・`)
It is well to be thoroughly impressed with a sense of the difficulty of judging about others; still, judge we must, and sometimes very hastily; the purposes of life require it. We have, however, more and better materials, sometimes, than we are aware of: we must not imagine that they are always deep-seated and recondite: they often lie upon the surface.
pink の get the party started って言う曲があるんですが その中に I can go for miles if you know what I mean って歌詞があるんですが 和訳を見ると 「わかるかしら、どこまでだっていけそうな気分なの」 とあるんですが この場合のifは「もしも〜」って使い方はされてないみたんなんですが どう解釈すればいいんですか?
“They have obviously reached the Bush-red audience in a big way,” said Laulence Kirshubaum, chairman of AOL Time Warner’s books unit, referring to the color coding used on television news reports to denote states voting for President George W. bush in the 2000 election. “It has been a seismic shift in the business, and to some of us in publishing it has been a revvelation.”
どなたかお願いします >>1 Hey 1, do you know what happed? Oh, by the way, this is nothing to do with this thread. I went to Yoshinoya the other day. YOSHINOYA! And there were so crowded and I couldn’t even find a place to sit. Then, I found the advertising saying “150 yen off!.” My goodness! How come you are all coming, and sitting at Yoshinoya for just “150 yen off?” I saw a familie, like four of them with their kids. This guy’s saying “All right, your dad is ordering an extra large bowl.” What a pathetic! Hey you bastards. I can give my 150 yen. So, just give me a break alright? Yoshinoya should be a place where people are fighting, like two jerks facing on each other against “U shaped table,” then one of them can be stubbed to death by any chance. This is how Yoshinoya’s suppose to. This ain’t a place for no woman and no kid. Alright, I finally found a place to sit. Then, the jerk next to me was ordering a large size with putting extra juice on it. That pissed me off once again. Hey jerk, we ain’t order “putting extra juice on a bowl” no more today! What a stupid you looked: ordering extra juice with his goofy face! Do you really want to eat a beef bawl with extra juice on it? I really want to ask you, interrogating you for an hour. Don’t you just want to say “an extra juice!?” As a professional Yoshinoya customer, I would rather order “extra scallions.” This is the coolest way. You get more scallions, and less beefs. This is it! It can be the best, if you put a raw egg on it. No one can beat this. But you have to be careful because if you order this way, the Yoshinoya employees gonna put you on their black lists. This can be so dangerous, like a risk of fighting with a double edged blade. So, I don’t recommend the beginners to do this... 1, you’d rather ordering some ordinary set menu instead.
The discount chain’s narrow selection is increasing the industry’s dependence on hit books, CDs and videos, making it harder to call attention to new works and sell older works. “Once a book gets on the best-seller list, it becomes entrenched at the big discounters,” said Paul Aiken, executive director of the Authors Guild. Other bookstores discount the best-seller list, “so, in that way, they help determine what gets sold at traditional bookstores as well.”
But conservative groups praise the stores’ stands. A. William Merrell, a vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention, said they did a public service in that “they have said, ‘ Don’t send us smut.’ ”Glenn Stanton, director of social research at the evangelical group Focus on the Family, said Wal-Mart’s policies had hit the entertainment companies “like a brick in the head.”
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquak look thousands of lives and left many more thousands without homes. There was a tremendous need for help after this disater. Volunteers rushed to help at a rate never experienced before in Japan.
There is something else and something vital in this arrangement and that is that this person gives her or her writers creative security. This creative security is the basis of great work in a newspaper and it comes out of a peculiar mix of knowing that you are valued and that you are safe and being worried like hell that the story you are working on right now is any good at all or will ever pass muster. That kind of worry is within a framework of security.
部分訳なんですが、 The main function of the National Gemological Institute is to provide buyers with an independent verification of the authenticity and quality of gem before purchasing it.
No problem I will get that out to you. In the future if you want to make an order just let me know. I can process the order since I now have the information from you last order. That way I can enter the correct shipping cost.
1. I am working on some serious incidents. 2. She turned up later than usual. 3. We thought nothing of his plan. 4. I don't think much of his play. 5. there is no telling when he will be back.
The growing power of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and other big discount chains in the United States has bent American popular culture toward the tastes of their relatively traditionalist customers and is provoking criticism from authors, musicians and civil liberties group who argue that the stores are in effect censoring and homogenizing people read, see and hear.
Music executives say the chains have helped turn country performers like Toby Keith into superstars. And major book publishers say the growth of the mass merchandisers has helped produce a string of best-sellers by conservative authors like Ann Coulter and Bill O’ Reilly.
The mass merchandisers and clubs typically carry an assortment of fewer than 2,000 books, videos or CDs, and are more aggressive than specialized stores in returning those that do not meet minimum sales thresholds.
No problem I will get that out to you. In the future if you want to make an order just let me know. I can process the order since I now have the information from you last order. That way I can enter the correct shipping cost. Thanks Richard
> Hello. > The figure arrived. Thank you. > Please ship out the difference for shipping.
> > No problem as soon as your figure arrives ,I will send out the difference for shipping. > > Thanks Richard
> > > Thank you. > > > I will let you know as soon as I receive the products, and pleaserefund me the balance.
> > > > Your order has been shipped Airmail today. Let me know when it arrives. > > > > Shipping was a little less than the shopping cart charged. I can discount > > > > your next order a little or send a small rebate. > > > > Thanks Richard
Well if I had listened to it before seeing it, I would never have liked it. But they were just so much fun, barely able to speak english, they were singing their asses off, jumping around.. Damn Japan owns. Favorite part of the set? "Buy our album so we can go home!"
However,the rebolutionary impact of information technology is obvious, involving not just personal computers and the Internet but the real-time, low-cost retrieval and transmission of a large amount of data by individuals as well as businesses.
Hi.I think so,too.I don't wanaa go to work day of wether is fine.I wanaa go to see the sea day of like this.Don't you think so?I was fucking tired last night.So I couldn't have a shower that why is fell in sleep...I must have a shower right now!Smells bad...finally let me say that you are liar!I know I'm not just your type!You're always teasing me...Anyway see you later at our work. お願いします
Crucially, though, the proclaimed benefits of the tutorial system extend far beyond academic progress-chasing. Its supporters believe that its sharpfocus on thnking rather than mere accumulation of knowledge is vital in an age where information is readily available, but reflection is often in short supply.
I can hear Japanese really well, but when I have to respond, its really hard because there is so much I can say. I always stutter! People do not like hearing me talk to much because I always have to start again. LOL (Laugh out loud)
He described how in the winter of 1841-1842 he was using chlorine in an experiment,when the apparatus containing it broke,and he was almost overcome by the poisonous chlorine.
the idea flashed into my mind that I had made the discovery I had for so long a time been in quest of―a means of rendering nerves of sensation temporarily insensible,so as to admit of the performance of a surgical operation on an individual without his suffering pain therefrom
a meansの前のダッシュからso as to の部分のつながりがよくわかりません 訳をお願いします。
Go ahead and try it for yourself. Enter some text you want to translate in the big, white blank. Maybe you can just copy and paste from another document. Be sure to choose the right language combination, such as “English to Japanese” or “Japanese to English”.
George Gershwin's work was his life, and central to both stood the piano. It represented much more than the tool of his trade as a song-plugger and tunesmith; it was even more than the medium of his musical expression --- it was the essential catalyst of his musical thought.
We are shocked by the constant flood of news of crime and violence.The human capacity for cruelty has been consistent. Human beings should be capable of fighting against cruelty. The question is: how much are we willing to take action against crime and violence? どなたかお願いします。
My telephone card is just numbers. When I paid for it and the newsagent only gave me a piece of paper with numbers on it I was shocked. It is already different to when you were in Australia but it is better becuase you cna call from any phone.
Then press the Translate button. You’ll find that the translation is OK perhaps two-thirds of the time, but there are still for too many wrong translations. Some day computer translation will achieve 99-percent accuracy, but until then, keep studying your English!
1. There's no telling when he will be back. 2. I'll play you back this day week, that's to say on July 21. 3. Younyo tends to talk too much. 4. She took the trouble to find homes for them.
The Canadian photographer Floria Sigismondi is definitely a major shooting star of contemporary imagery. With her photo sessions and her prize-winning video clips she created the visual appearance for blockbuster acts like Marilyn Manson, Jimmy Page/Robert Plant and David Bowie. Redemption, her first publication, includes a stunning blend of new photos, unreleased images from the above mentioned shootings as well as Floria´s drawings, sketches and extra artwork in high quality reproductions.
THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY ** ** YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old.
He was never a great sight-reader. In fact, the story is told that he once lost the favours of a chorus girl to Scott when she wanted to hear that tune played through.
>>911 カナダ人の写真家、Floria Sigismondiは間違いなく現代映像の大家である。 彼女の撮影会や賞を受けたビデオクリップはMarilyn Manson, Jimmy Page/Robert Plant and David Bowieなどの有名な人々を映し出した。 彼女の最初の出版物、Redemption(償い)は上記の撮影などで発表されなかった 新しい写真の数々や、高いレベルを誇る彼女の描いた絵画やスケッチ、 芸術的作品など驚嘆に値する作品が織り交ぜられている。
Like just now. I accidentally typed “squggly” instead of squiggly. A right-click on “squggly”, brings up various other spelling, such as squiggly , snugly and smugly. You can see the correct spilling is the top choice.
Even though the computer can’t do everything for you, at least it can help. For one thing, it can be pretty useful as a spell-checker. Many people already have some version of Microsoft Word, the most popular word-processing package. While you type, it will put a red, squiggly line under words it thinks are misspelled.
Occasionally persons do so stand to one another; but this is not the general case, nor, more importantly, is it the case when it is a matter of the justice of practices themselves in which participants stand in various relations to be appraised in accordance with standards which they may be expected to acknowledge bofore one another. 長文ですいません。特に nor のところがうまく訳せません。 どなたかお願いします。
To meet a wolf unexpectedly is frightening enough, but to find that one’s loving grandmother has turned into this terrifying beast is to add to the situation that basic insecurity which springs from a sudden loss of trust in a person upon whom one relies.
These clothes are about bringing the community together for something other than a funeral.Funerals are held as a result of death of fighting. They certainly bring the families together.But,it's a sad and pathetic way to bring the community together. どなたかよろしくです。
Crown Prince Akihito married Masako on June 9,1992. New Crown Princess was formery Masako Owada. In her childhood Masako experienced living in many countries. Thus,she speaks English fluently. she graduated from Harvard University with accademic distinction: MAGNA CUM LAND. Masako also graduated from Tokyo University. Then she passed the royal clan she received was given orientation in preparation to enter the royal family. Their wedding ceremony was a grand celebration. すみません、お手数かけますがよろしくお願いします。
"THE WORLD WAR ONE" The first World War started in 1914. Germany and France began to fight with each other. then, other countries joined the war. Germany invaded Belgium, Flance, Poland, Lithuania and Austria. Thus, Germany occupied these wide area of Europe in 1917. America entered the war with Germany and put an end to it. Russia, Austria and Germany fell to the allied forces and surrendered. すみませんがもう一丁、お世話になります。よろしくお願いします。
But you still have to be careful about computer spell-checking. Once, using an old English version of Word, I correctly typed “Kanagawa”, but the American software wanted to change that into “Kansas”.
There are things one should know if they read books at all, and out of respect for them one is apt to assume more familiarity on their side with the history of twentieth sentury than is objectively justified.
Of course, whenever some new law or act of Congress is passed, they justify a loss of rights with the suggestion that it will help keep 'us' safe. I put 'us' in quotation marks because it's not clear who 'us' is, exactly. So many American citizens have been victims of the government's actions that if 'us' is mean to mean the American people as a whole, then are we being protected from ourselves? Everybody's a suspect now, everyone is always being watched. Say something wrong or do something that looks suspicious, and you're likely to be held and questioned. It's almost become a police state, in a sense.
Nothing in the notes describes the recording process, but from the instances of voice dropout I would hazard to guess that two microphones were placed in the worst seats available in the hall with the subsequent recordings transfered directly to disc with no review or attempt at editing. What an engineering travesty!
Those who have not had the benefit of such direct experiences have either accepted or rejected the 'evidence' of those who have as a matter of personal preference - acceptence,of course,being an act of faith rather than of reason.