Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
The Wristomo, manufactured by Seiko Instruments, weighs 4 ounces including batteries. It also hooks up to DoCoMo's hit "i-mode" Web-surfing service. The company plans to sell 5,000 Wristomo phones for between $250 and $330 each, Kono said. The new phone will only be usable in Japan. 長文ですがお願いします。
All other users should have their supervisor manager contact your local administrator or help desk. The e-mail expiration date should be set the same as the contract badge expiration date maximum 1 year
the point of using an unreliable narrator is indeed to reveal in an interesting way the gap between appearance and reality,and to show how human beings distort or conceal the latter.
Lea and Markus Hafner manage the center, which is a home for senior citizens, nursing home, apartments for the handicapped, restaurant and 4-star hotel, and shared with participating members the history and programs for integrating residents into the community.
「OffspringのallIwant」の冒頭。 Day after day your home life's a wreck The powers that be just breathe down your neck You get no respect you get no relife You gotta speak up And yell put your peace So back off your rules Back off your jive cause I'm sick of no living To stay alive leave me alone I'm not asking a lot I just don't want to be contorolled that's all I want
Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
So much has been written about my development as a golfer that sometimes even I have a difficult time distinguishing between fact and fiction. よろしくお願いします。
Got complaints about pictures? Or complaints about people's complaints about pictures? Or maybe you have pictures you like. Then this is the thread for you! Fire away.
Didn't cecil think that there was a person who was good at English freely?
Don't make it a fool.
It is waiting for the answer.
2.I can't understand why I have to explain everything about my life,and why you guys are stil talking about me!Leave me alone!
3.Weren't as for it, you either outstanding?
Very much, if which who is watching to affect individual privacy, I think that it is your mistake that it appears on the Internet which it doesn't know.
All may say a complaint as the rest because it is not the age that cecil is worn.
4.It's none of you guys business neither how old I am or what I wear.Since I don't belong to Cecil official BBS, get off my ass!
When you are on trail you slip into the role of teacher's aide for your naturalist, not only assisting the naturalist with keeping the students focused on the activity at hand, but also by participating in the activities and showing enthusiasm for the program.
Realism about mental states is a prima facie plausible option, holding that our mental states are what they are whatever we think they are, or whatever we would come to think they were if we investigated. 和訳お願いします。mental states are 以下をどう訳すのかさっぱり 分からないのです。
>i suspect you are right about the drugs. という一文が返事の中にありました。 これって「アンタは、ドラッグなんかやってないよね…」という意味か、 「アンタは、きっとドラッグに向いてるよ」という意味なのか、 一体どちらなのでしょうか... 'right'をどう取っていいのかがいまいち分かりません。 私は「やってないよね」の方だと思い込んで「もちろんですとも」という 返事をしてしまったのですが... 物騒な話題で申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。
Chapter President Ernst Honegger shared highlights of the Chapter’s numerous activities over the past year, including 30 Swiss members having attended the PTPE Conference in Stockholm; 5 members of the Chapter participating in the 15th Worldwide Conference in Kansas City; the hosting of 2 Student Ambassador groups of more than 40 students each, and much more.
I didn't know that paypal charged like that either, for the exchange of money, from over seas to the United States. Beside the charge for a credit card to. I don't want you to pay for it, just wanted to let you know, that even using a money order threw paypal, they still did charge. Just live and learn. When it clears my bank, which I think 4 days and you can keep a check on it also, with paypal. I will mail her out and I will email that same day. I hope this will help. Email me if you need to. I am waiting for a doll, which I had paid by paypal and in the U.S. they will not email me and I haven't received the doll yet and I brough her on the 6th of april. I think I am getting worried about this sale.
I for got to tell you that I have her boxed up and ready to go.
Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
I went to ups today and got the papers to send the *** out. In the complete description, you want me to put in small *** and $*** the value. I don't have a identification no. for custons. Getting this all ready to go. If I have any trouble with this they have a number for me to call for help.
Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
>>86 「stuff」にかかる過去分詞「communicated」が、 「much of it rather trivial」の存在により 全体として修飾句が長くなってしまうので後ろに置かれたもの? でも「much of it rather trivial」以降は分詞構文と考えれば それはそれでいいと思うし。
Troughout the book, the treatment is carried far enough to relate to experimentally observable quantities, even thought this often require rather long and wearisome manipulations.
We extend sincere congratulations to Trustee Emily Walker who was recently appointed to serve on the 9/11 Commission based in New York City, which is conducting an investigation of U.S. intelligence agencies, aviation security, immigration policy, diplomacy, emergency response, and other issues relevant to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
But we can infer that several different language were spoken at that time, each group of immigrants bringing its own language and preserving it for a length of time, until the people merged with, or were conquered by, one of the other groups and their language died out.
Oh I think I will busy so if I send e-mail little bit late I'm so sorry about it. My English is no good. Olredy I knew that so plese don't say anything.(>W<)
While two or more languages existed contemporaneously in different regions of the British Isles, we can be sure that many members of the communities will have been bilingual, in order to have effected the inter-regional trade in tools and ornaments, for which there is so much archeological evidence.
Q: What about your Chapter attracts potential members? A: We often invite them to our monthly meeting (sometimes with a renowned guest speaker invited), picnic outing, or golfing. This recruitment scheme works perfectly. At our monthly meeting, we present membership certificates and a memento. We call this our “Pinning Ceremony.” お願いします
I decided that I'm going to marry her. Because, girls like her, they're not in touch with guys like me. The guys that are always trying to impress girls like her by saying "Hey, I bought a new Ferrari" or "I bought a new ship." I will take her to my room and she'll see 10 guns, 15 revolvers.
164さ〜ん・・・ありがとう、やっぱりロフトは日本で言ったらショップですよね、 そう思って「ロフト知ってるんだ、日本に詳しいね」って書いたら歯車が かみ合ってないかも、お互いみたいな返事が返ってきて・・・でも屋根裏なんて言ってるようにも おもえないし・・・最後にきたメールの訳もお願いできますか?ごめんなさい! Hi, I think I am talking about something different or it's hard for me to understand what you mean. I am talking about the cards that have Loft advertising on them. I'll try to send you a scan of one later. Thanks,
Hi, I think I am talking about something different or it's hard for me to understand what you mean. I am talking about the cards that have Loft advertising on them. I'll try to send you a scan of one later. Thanks
I wanted to inform you that 業者名 is raising their prices and everyone needs to follow or they will not allow us to sell 業者の商品名. I will honor the old prices for you. Just know that when you order, you will see the higher prices. I will adjust them when an order is received.
『We know.The time of joy will pass again somedy.Then,fresh wind blows.It treasures that is happy.too,to be sad,too Let’s repeat it eternally, and live, and go!!maybe happy・・・』
the band happened for a few months but we broke up 'cause we were kinda wretched. Then Paul moved into town, this was after The Mets were happening and we got a little more into the scene so we said "Hey, that's a good name. It definitely is a name with motion, it suits us."
>>175 I wanted to inform you that 業者名 is raising their prices and everyone needs to follow or they will not allow us to sell 業者の商品名. I will honor the old prices for you. Just know that when you order, you will see the higher prices. I will adjust them when an order is received.
Mr. Mori is no longer with Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP. Your message will not be automatically forwarded therefore we suggest that you resend the message to the new email address.
If you need assistance from Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, please contact Mary Chris Greene at (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
The most difficult kind of liberty to preserve in a democracy is that kind which derives its importance from services to the community that are not very obvious to ignorant people.
一 Hey Bill. This is Hank. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll be a little late to the game tomorrow night. 二 I have to work a few extra hours at work to finish a report. 三 I should wrap things up sometime between seven and eight though. 四 Oh, then I'm planning on dropping by Lisa's house for about an hour since she's been sick recently.
Hey Bill. This is Hank. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll be a little late to the game tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra hours at work to finish a report. I should wrap things up sometime between seven and eight though. Oh, then I'm planning on dropping by Lisa's house for about an hour since she's been sick recently.
これは、途中の he might have chosenの部分の訳し方が わかりません・・ ↓ It was one of the few careers he might have chosen in which physical disability wouldn't be a serious handicap.
それから、これはthat wasn't how it happendの「that」と「it」が それぞれ何を指しているのががわからなくて訳せないです。 ↓ It would have been brave and required great strength of will, he think, to have chosen such a difficult course deliberately, but that wasn't how it happend.
>>192 P.S. Clearly this new assignment is not your choice. Rather, it is part of "the bargain." But you accepted it, Clarice. Your job is to craft my doom. As such, I'm not sure how well to wish you. Ta-ta. H.
>>187 The most difficult kind of liberty to preserve in a democracy is 民主主義において、もっとも維持するのが難しい種類の自由は that kind which derives its importance from services to the community その重要性が、社会へのサービスに由来する種類の自由で、 that are not very obvious to ignorant people. それは無教養な人には、あまり明白ではない種類のものである。
No sooner had Bob done his homework than he went out. The moment I pressed the button,all the lights went out. By the time Jack gets up,I'll have prepared breakfadt for him.
I'll do it whether you help me or not. As far as I am concerned,it is a good idea. You can wear my scarf as long as you don't spill anything on it. お願いします
Unlike most other black high schools, which were essentially vocational trade schools, the M Street High School's curriculum was based on college entrance requirements.
That is what the British and the Irish say, but Europeans say the opposite. They think it would be more sensible if those two countries changed over to driving on the right. Then these would be a single, simple European and American standard. お願いします。
If you are interested in a special model, please let us know, we will than send you a leaflet of it. If you want the watch, please give us the information and your complete adress after banktransfer, we will send you the watch.
At that time,there were extensive discussion with the Medical Reserch Council on building an extension the ground with the Council. I have recently found the correspondenceon this topic,and in a letter dated 5 June,I wrote to Max,the head of this Council, and explained my view to him.
We now plan to organize some of this information in ways we consider useful both to the scientists concerned with the theory of biogeochemical cycles and the structure, function, and development of forested ecosystems, and to the land-use specialists who are concerned with the production of a variety of benefits, goods, and services from northern hardwood ecosystems.
And the ceremony included the offering of flowers. I remembered you stood holding a bouquet on the platform under the trellis, looking down the gravestones. The sun already rose and the right side of your face was lit up.
The history of the Tudor Church, from Henry's infamous break with Rome to the eventual Anglican Church of Elizabeth is a complex patchwork of reformation and counter-reformation, idealism and ignorance, personal ambition and political treachery.
At that time,there were extensive discussion with the Medical Reserch Council on building an extension the ground with the Council. I have recently found the correspondence on this topic,and in a letter dated 5 June,I wrote to Max,the head of this Council, and explained my view to him.
For this little book, we owe debts great and small to many people --to those whose ideas and enocouragement provided an intellectual thrust to move ahead; to those without whose devotion, skills and endurance there would have been no progress at all; and to those mostly goodnatured colleagues whose shafts of humor and criticisms have helped us all to keep a realistic perspective.
謝辞の部分になるかと思うのですが 最初のFor this little bookの上手い和訳はどうなるのでしょうか? また、 and to those mostly goodnatured colleagues whose shafts of humor and criticisms have helped us all tokeep a realistic perspective. この部分の和訳がどうにも噛み合いません。
これは、途中の he might have chosenの部分の訳し方が わかりません・・ ↓ It was one of the few careers he might have chosen in which physical disability wouldn't be a serious handicap.
それから、これはthat wasn't how it happendの「that」と「it」が それぞれ何を指しているのががわからなくて訳せないです。 ↓ It would have been brave and required great strength of will, he think, to have chosen such a difficult course deliberately, but that wasn't how it happend.
A good horse never turns around to go back to the old grass! 俺の最初の解釈:「良い馬というのは、嗅覚とか動物的感覚が優れていて、元の居場所に 戻るのに、迷うことなくまっすぐに戻ることができる。それくらい嗅覚というか、動物的感覚が 優れている、記憶が優れているものだ」と思った でも、どうもこの解釈が間違っているみたいだけど、実際この文なんて訳すの?
Among the distinguished guests were Jim Lawrence, Director for Partnership Programs at the U.S. Department of State, Office of the President’s Special Representative for Global Humanitarian Demining; Nigel Robinson, Vice President of HALO USA, a global expert on clearing landmines, bombs and other unexploded ordnance; and Dr. Ken Rutherford, an American landmine survivor who was recently awarded the 2002 Humanitarian Award presented by Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills McCartney at the annual UNA Adopt-A-Minefield Gala in Los Angeles. お願いします
>>304 The most difficult kind of liberty to preserve in a democracy is that kind which derives its importance from services to the community that are not very obvious to ignorant people. >>201は読み違えてる。 無知な人間にはすぐ分からないようレベルで人々は社会の仕組みから 色々と恩恵をこうむっている訳だが、そういう陰の恩恵に関係した「自由」 と言うものは、民主主義のシステムでは保持し難い。なぜなら、無知な 大衆にはその重要性が分からないからだ。
Some people especially if they have come from long-lived families, live longer than others;some are able to live as long as 20 years beyond the usual limit of life.
Q: hail to the thief was announced as a pop and guitare cd, but it s almost not like that. A:since ok computer each new album is always described like that. a part of our public is nostalgic to the pop radiohead songs with guitares . this cd takes the inovations we did with kid a and amnesiac but with a faster and more direct songwriting as we did at the begining or on the b sides.
Q:did you record this new cd in a cooler atmosphere? A:the recording was faster and we finished it full of energy. for the first time, we had no period making the recording tedious or depresssing. to change we went to LA in the Ocean way studios. but before going there, we had to rehearse a lot to make these songs that we played last year better. we wanted to be less fastidious, be more present together as a band. we asserted ourself an unprecendented pressure: record everything in 2 weeks. we did almost one song per day in california. and we came back to oxford and did 3 more songs. to make the suffering of the studio quicker, we did it as with a sticking plaster: snatch it away really quick to make it less painfull.
Q:how were the songs prepared? A: lots of programming was worked during a year before that. we all had pieces of songs on our laptops, we only had to connect ourselves together. from this outlines, we put everything together playing live. what s new compare to kid a and amnesiac is that 2/3 of the songs have been written by us together while jamming. but we would find it boring if we had no methods of work, all together with our guitares... we grow weary really fast of the certain methods, that s what prevent us to fall in the routine.
Q: did u go to far trying to avoid this routine with kid a and amnesiac.? A: we had to do that trial. it was an intense experience which gave us the best music we ve ever written. even if during that period we had to feel blue. i hate bands complaining on themselves and on the lonelyness in studio. it can be lots of fun and really profitable. it is when we have results such as pyramid song or like spinning plates. but even if that period worked once, we didnt want to do it again. that s our rule not to do twice the same thing. and we re never pleased of our work.
Q: did u make it more simple because of the difficulties to adapt kid a and amnesiac live? A: at the beginning we were recording songs and thinking at the live adaptation at the same time, it gave disapointing results. it s better to separate the 2 ways of doing the same songs. the day we understood that we felt free. the songs of the new cd had their first life on stage but they ll have to be adapted again because they have been changed. a song as backdrifts is now more electronic. on stage i already want to test new songs from a next cd. always move forward
Q:some mythic recording (such as the beach boys) were done at the ocean way studio in LA A: it was the first time we were recording in a place with as much history. before that we have always worked in new places. we never felt this impression of presence, of having to continue... we felt less crushed in the studio without past.
Q:how can you stay a united band even if each of you is a important part of the band? doesnt it make any frustration? A: we dont have any other aspiration than meet to play and record radiohead songs. we were teenagers when we started but we re even closer with each other now. even if since 10 years we re almost living with each other without any rest. there is lots of stimulation between us: we re sharing books, cds, as friends would do... i can even get along with my brother. and god knows how he was laughing at me when i was young (laughs). we know that together we can do great things. maybe it can seem sad but we want to share everything with the others. it can sometimes be frustrating. when i have 3 ideas of new songs and when they are only excited by 2 of the 3, i m disapointed. that s the danger when you work lonely: you dont have any distance and you find all what you do really good or bad. the opinion of the others is often more fair, more reliable
She was just enough older than me and we have different enough personalities that we were constantly at odds with each other. We always fought a lot and a lot of the time she tried to act like a third parent, always telling me what to do and trying to save me from myself. I wasn't completely innocent, either, as I did make a habit of irritating her on purpose
If Si is a family of sets, We define the intersection of this family to be the set consisting of all elements x which lie in all Si. We define the union to be the set consisting of all x such that x lies in some Si. お願いします。数学嫌い
A spirit of self-help, rooted in a deep-seated sense of self-respect, was widely embraced among blacks of all ideological persuasions, well into this century.
There is one group of pre-Celtic people, however, which we can refer to by a historical name. At the time of the Roman occupation of Britain (from 43 A.D. to about 400 A.D.), a period for which we have historical records, there were people living in Central Scotland called the Picts.
I saw being an adult as something great - you could stay up as long as you wanted, your parents weren't always telling you what to do, and you could have candy whenever you wanted. I laugh now when I think about what I thought being an adult meant back then.
BEIJING, China (CNN) -- A major hospital in Beijing has been placed under quarantine in a bid to curb the spread of the deadly SARS virus in the capital.
In most cases, archeologists refer to them by a modern name, which is usually taken from some aspect of their culture, or from the place where their culture was first discovered.
>>406 A spirit of self-help, rooted in a deep-seated sense of self-respect, was widely embraced among blacks of all ideological persuasions, well into this century.
I remember my childhood fondly - I always had so much fun playing with my friends and learning about the world. And, like just about everybody, it seems.
>442(?) Even though warnings were coming in at an unusually heavy pace heading into the earnings season -- always a bad sign -- companies have beat estimates by a wider margin than usual.
This great new wall was not very difficult.It was to run across moors which had enough small quarries for the stones for the wall and enough trees for the timber. よろしくお願いします。
Trying a new conversion program out. I do not understand what I am really doing. Can you tell me what I should be using. Kanji Hiragana Katakana ? This is kind of fun trying to learn and figure out.
For one thing, the beginnings of the Celtic settlement lie back in pre-history: as far back as 800 B.C. possibly, though some scholars judge it to have occurred from the period around 500 B.C.
>>477 Every once in a while a crash, boom, or rattle makes you aware of an odd collection of instruments situated somewhere at the rear of the ochestra.
the english are, understandably, primarrily concerned with keeping warm and admonish impractical fashion victims that they will 'catch their death of cold"
>>523 に同意したい。 形の上では、525・526の解釈のように主語のレベルで比較している可能性も十分にあるが、 our religeous opinions と our opinions in physics or geometry とが、共に 「our opinions + 形容詞(句)」という構造である以上、 この両者が対比されていると考えるのが本線だろう。 any more than のあとに on が書かれていないという点で、この解釈は弱いのだが。
When the chimpanzee grows older and his mother is not always at hand, he seeks the next thing----close physical contact with another. チンパンジーが大きくなり、必ずしも母親が近くにいないときには、それに代わる 一番いい物を捜す---
As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN and Oprah! The health discovery that actually reverses aging symptoms without dieting or exercise! This PROVEN discovery has been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine.
In fact, we'd like you to receive a FREE thirty day supply. Look and feel younger, lose weight, reduce sleep ... the list goes on and on! Have a look at the information to see what else this amazing product can do for you.
but it hardly seems like a realistic thought for the near or even not-so-near future when I'm as single as ever and have been for three years now. I have very close friends and I love them dearly, but sometimes I still feel very alone, in a way, and I know that others do too. I look forward to certain things in the future, but they still seem so far away right now. It doesn't help that so many of my friends have gotten engaged or married in the last couple years, either! I know I'll get there eventually, I don't have any doubt there, it's just interesting to think what will happen in the mean time.
Following the Chapter Leadership Workshop will be a Global Leadership and Education Seminar where PTPI chapter leaders, Trustees and Directors will partake in a unique instructive experience at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
@Similarly,Chrysler began to recognize the value of a lean extended enterprise as it emerged from the brink of failure in the early 1990s. AAs previously mentioned,most studies (including the 1999 Harbour Report)have found Ford to be a leader at implementing lean production techniques in its assembly plants. BAccording to James Womack,Daniel Jones,and Daniel Roos in The Machine That Changed the World,“Ford has taken lean production to heart”and“is the best example”among U.S. automakers. CHowever,Ford has not been the most effective U.S.automaker at creating a lean extended enterprise. DChrysler has quietly emerged as the leader in this regard. EChrysler's extended enterprise has allowed the company to develop new models more quickly than Ford,and at significantly lower costs. FLike Toyota,Chrysler finally realized that the fundamental unit of competition was no longer the individual firm but rather the extended enterprise.
The flight could be carrying not only local passangers travelling from A to B, but also passangers who started their journeys somewhere other than A and/or will continue beyond B - that is, passangers whose journeys constitute purchase decisions made in numerous different city-pair markets.
94% of people aged 16 to 24 had consumed alcohol, including 89.8% of 16 and 17 years olds. The median age for the first serve of alcohol was 15 for both males and females.
Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
Plans are underway for Peace Camp 2003- An Evolution of Thought & Action scheduled for December 8-19 in Egypt. Applications for youth between the ages of 14-18 years old will be available online at www.-------- or can be mailed from **** World Headquarters. Completed applications must arrive at **** World Headquarters no later than June 16, 2003. For **** members older than 18 years old, there will be a Global Peace Initiative occurring simultaneously.
Different products might be defined by inflight amenities in the separate cabins or by the various conditions applied to tickets purchased by individual travellers in any cabin.
That trend has accelerated through the concluding decades of the twentieth century, leaving fewer and fewer of those engaged in business educated in the liberal arts.
Now that Haughey's political career is being reassessed after his exposure as a liar at a judicial tribunal, this book is more than ever essential reading.
This new reality is clearly refected in the words of Thomas Stallkamp,head of DaimlerChrysler's U.S. car operations and Chrysler's head of purchasing during the turnaround,who argues that in today's competitive arena,“the leanest value chain wins.” Chrysler's success has prompted Womack and Jones to admit that they “were spectacularly wrong”about Chrysler.
この現実は Thomas Stallkampの言った言葉に反映している …?? クライスラーの成功は…
The goals of this event are to mobilize youth and adults to identify and address the needs of their communities through service, recruit the next generation of volunteers, and educate the public about the role of young people as community leaders by highlighting the contributions they make to their communities year-round.
Then as part of the game she completely forgot where she'd hidden herself and she spent the rest of her time trying to find the parts <-- このpartsがどの部分を言ってるのか分からないのです
I am loving every minute and not feeling any stress but then I have been doing it for only two minutes, so maybe ask me in five years, if I am still in management,"
Among the highlights is the June arrival of 14 visitors from their Sister City of Lakewood, Colorado. The 10-day visit marks the first time that adult visitors have been in Chester at the same time as the music scholar from Lakewood.
Now as things change in Iraq, I get nervous again, fearing more conflicts. I can now feel the US Government looking at other nations it feels are threatening and I wonder if we'll soon be at war again in yet another place. And the simple fact that this is all done at the will of a few men and that none of this is controlled at all by the people of the US is unsettling. They constantly try to justify their actions, but they also hide so much that speaks so strongly against their actions. The censorship is overwhelming at times. The information is so controlled and manipulated by those in power that one can hardly believe that what is portrayed in the media is an accurate portrayal at all of the state of affairs in the world. And nowhere is it worse than right here. Nowhere in the news broadcasts are we shown images of the civilian casualties, and in fact they are almost never even mentioned. They hide the unpleasant facts from the public in an effort to keep the people in the dark. If people don't know certain things, they are less likely to speak up and cause trouble for the few powerful men at the top and their personal agendas.
I will spend most of the trip in Austin working on the rental houses. "in Austin working"の訳し方がわからないんです。 というのも彼はミネソタにレンタルハウスをもっているのですが、 Austinって地名にもあるじゃないですか。で彼の息子もAustinというのです がまだ9歳なので??お願いします。
>>674 月刊の機関誌のようなものを読んでおりまして、これをとりあえず全部目を通して おかないといけないから大変です。結構量も多いし。こんなの毎月、、、。ハァ それで前後関係は以前の質問と重複する箇所がありますが、↓です。 ***’s Chester Chapter reports many activities underway this year. Among the highlights is the June arrival of 14 visitors from their Sister City of Lakewood, Colorado. The 10-day visit marks the first time that adult visitors have been in Chester at the same time as the music scholar from Lakewood. Recent fundraisers have included the annual “USA Spectacular” concert held at the Town Hall, a Bridge Drive at Eaton Hall, and the coming “Evening in Romania” complete with Romanian food and guest speakers. The theme of this event was chosen as tribute to the European Conference scheduled for Roman, May 30-June 1. Congratulations to the many individuals who lend their time and talents to the success of these activities! それで以前、訳していただいたのにもかかわらず依然としてわからない箇所が [the annual “USA Spectacular” concert held at the Town Hall, a Bridge Drive at Eaton Hall]です。 Bridge Driveって何ですか?英辞郎にはあったけど、「ブリッジドライブ」とあるだけ。橋をドライブ すること?Town Hall とEaton Hallを結ぶbridgeがあってそこをdriveするってことかなあ? よくわかんないや。 お願いします。
The neighborhood had gone to hell without the benefit of a handbasket for transport. That was the thought that occurred to Essie twice a week when she towed her grocery cart (which had been her husband's golf pullcart) from her house to the grocery store and then back home.
go to hell in a handbasket というのは辞書に載ってますが、これはどう訳したらいいのでしょうか。
となると、 We have also had a lot of exposure in the national newspapers and both local and national radio.(ネットから) は、 「我々は、全国紙、地方・全国の両方のラジオでたくさん宣伝されています。」 みたいな感じ?
A:Let's go! We're going to be late. B:Don't worrt! We'll get to the airport early enough. A:Not if the traffic is heavy. この3番目Aの言葉の意味は、 道路が混んでいなかったらね。 という意味であっていますか?
☆The third world If there is one opinion that dominates in the Third World, at least among its politicians and intellectuals, it is that there is little hope for Third World countries to get over poverty unless they free themselves from their present state of dependency on the rich countries.
This difference applies also to the closeness with which people sit together, the extent to which they lean toward one another in conversation, and how they move as they argue or make an emphatic point.
They can be observed putting a sympathetic hand on a person's shoulder to demonstrate warmth of feeling or an arm around them in sympathy, nudging a man in the ribs to emphasize a funny story, patting an arm in reassurance or stroking a child's head in affection; they readily take someone's arm to help them across a street or direct them along an unfamiliar route.
どなたか訳お願いします。 This was part of the European movement called the Reformation, which had started with attacks on corruption in the Catholic Church and led to the founding of non-Catholic, or Protestant, Churches.
Not the least of the Zoological Gardens' many attractions is their inexhaustibility.
There is always something new, and -- what is not less satisfactory -- there is always something old that had previously missed.
How is that? How is it that one may go to the Zoo a thousand times and consistently overlook of the most ingratiating denizens, and then on the thousand-and-first visit come upon this creature as though he was the latest arrival?
There the quaint little absurdity was, all that long while, as ready to be seen as today, but you never saw him, or at any rate, you never noticed him.
***’s Chester Chapter reports many activities underway this year. Among the highlights is the June arrival of 14 visitors from their Sister City of Lakewood, Colorado. The 10-day visit marks the first time that adult visitors have been in Chester at the same time as the music scholar from Lakewood. Recent fundraisers have included the annual “USA Spectacular” concert held at the Town Hall, a Bridge Drive at Eaton Hall, and the coming “Evening in Romania” complete with Romanian food and guest speakers. The theme of this event was chosen as tribute to the European Conference scheduled for Roman, May 30-June 1. Congratulations to the many individuals who lend their time and talents to the success of these activities! 【和訳をお願いします】
それで以前、訳していただいたのにもかかわらず依然としてわからない箇所が [the annual “USA Spectacular” concert held at the Town Hall, a Bridge Drive at Eaton Hall] でした。とりわけBridge Driveって何だろうと思ったのですが、>>688氏の回答で 今のところ納得しております。
Easter weekend (Last weekend) is the celebration of the rebirth of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion but it has always been a time of renewal even before the Christians came. It is soon to be 'May day' or the ancient festival of Beltane which was a pre - Christian festival. It is still a national holiday though and in various parts of the country, celebrations are held involving Morris dancers and maypole dancing (which is thought to be the remnants of an ancient fertility ritual).
Most men in America and Europre see Japanese women as being very beautiful and exotic like rare flowers. In reality, they are just women trying to make something of themselves and some sense out of this crazy world.
Tacit understanding is more important than extended speech. Consequently, people who cannot understand speech in its social context are frowned upon. Furthermore, people who resort to extended speech are viewed by others to be noisy trouble-makes. Many Japanese would like to believe that if they are really Japanese, they should be able to understand each other without words.
オサーンとかいう人のサイト見てみたけど、 It's like a dream come true.のcomeを受身形だと解釈する人がいるんだね。
そりゃそういう風に理屈をつけることも可能なんだろうけど、 「a dream comes true」っていうのは、もう、お決まりの定番表現で、 It's like 「a dream come true」って意味にネイティブは捉えてると思うよ。
なんで、comesじゃないかと言うと、一つの名詞節というのか、一つの形容詞に してるから。 これだけじゃ説明はイマイチかもしれないけど、 It's a boy meet girl situation. みたいなもので(ちなみに、boy meets girlも 定番の表現)、この場合も「boy meet girl」を名詞説というか、一つの形容詞に しちゃってるんだよ。 It's a boy meet girlと言うことも出来るし。
「a dream comes true」も同で、It's a dream come true situation. とか It's like a dream come true. とか言えるわけ。 で、これは、It's like 「a dream come true」という意味であって、 「これは、まさに'a dream comes true'ってヤツだね」という意味に受け取るもの (だとオレは信じてる)。
「a dream comes true」や「boy meet(s) girl」っていう表現がいかに 定番の表現かを知ってれば、comeが受身形だなんて理屈を付けずに、 すんなり、It's like 「a dream come true」っていう意味に受け取ると思うけど。
My dream comes true. (この文を完了形にすると) My dream is come true.(となり、S=My dream, V=is, C=come true) "come true" は形容詞であるから、この形容詞を使って "my dream"を修飾すると、 "my dream come true" という形になります。
従って "my dream come true"は文ではなく"come true"という形容詞によって修飾されている名詞 ということになります。このことが理解できていないと "my dream come true" を 文だと思ってしまい、"come" というverb になぜ「3単現の"s”」がついていないの かという疑問を抱いてしまうのです。日本のある歌手のグループなどは「文法的誤り」を指摘させれるのを恐れて "dream" の代わりに"dreams"として"Dreams come true"として いますが、このような現象も 日本の英文法教育がもたらす悲喜劇だと言えます。 では、このようなことはなぜ文法書で説明されていないのでしょうか?その理由については 「序文-3」の項を参照してください。
>>821 そのオサーンていう人のことは知らないけど、 「a dream comes true」や「boy meet(s) girl」っていう表現が定番中の 定番表現だってこと知ってれば、そんな理屈こねくり回して解釈しなくても、 すんなり、It's like 「a dream come true」っていう意味に受け取れると思うよ。
Once in residence your guest will discover there is very little reason to leave our 607 superb rooms and suites,each tastefully designed for comfort and convenience.
>>832 わしゃ829じゃないけど、しごく一般的だと思う。 a dream come trueの方は定型句として辞書にものってる。 文法的根拠というより、それが慣例だってことだね。 で、英語を外国語として学ぶ人の中には文法的根拠が示されないと 納得できない人も多いから、いろいろ根拠をめぐって論議が起きる。
>>838 そういうことだよ。 しかし、It's like a dream come true.の「come」が形容詞だか過去分詞だか、 そんな風に考えたり、解釈したりするのはおかしいと思うよ。 「a dream come true」(「dream come true」でもいいけど)は、 一つのかたまりだよ。
Think of the S Club brand - with the seniors and the juniors, and the magazines, and the clothes, and the TV series and the (shortlived) S Club TV venture. Then think 10 times bigger. Morning Musume are Japan's biggest pop concept - a sprawling network of groups, subgroups and intertwining pop careers held together under the Hello! Project.
Things started sensibly enough in 1997: an existing group of five musicians were challenged by Japanese pop veteran (J-Pop) Tsunku to sell 50,000 copies of their own, independent CD, in five days, in exchange for a management deal. Six years later the band is now 13 strong: the line-up is constantly changing and the all-female members are frequently involved in various spin-offs - including Tanpop (who are "quiet and gentle"), the quartet Mini Moni (all members 150cm or shorter), Coconuts Musume (all of whom hail from Hawaii) and Country Musume (they wear cowboy boots).
Their material is still written by Tsunku and, while their UK equivalents would be back in Kwik Save by now, Morning Musume are going massive: they host a weekly TV show, Hello Morning, have their own PlayStation 2 game and are ubiquitous in TV dramas, musicals and movies.
Fact! Last year a compilation of Morning Musume covers was released in Japan, featuring performances by the likes of Irene Cara and Sheena Easton.
Buy this: Best Morning Musume V1 - the girls' hits up until 2001.
The members and friends of *’s Sault Ste. Marie Chapter in Michigan are planning a Goodwill Mission to Japan in August of this year, complete with homestays in Ryuo-cho, Sault Ste. Marie’s Sister City. Ninth-grader Tyler Finkel was awarded a $500 scholarship toward a trip to Japan in June. In September, he will in turn host a student from his family in Japan.
Indeed, nothing so beautiful like a flower does stay for very long. All the same, I would always rather see the beauty in it and watch it fade and disappear than to never know it at all.
**************************ここから************************** International Customers ordering for the first time from iHerb will need to fax (626-303-7275) the front page of their credit card statement (monthly statement/ bill sent to you indicating how much you have spent), or a copy of the front and back of your credit card along with a utility (water, electricity, or gas) bill indicating your shipping address. This information is used to verify that you are the owner of the credit card. Please note that, unlike with the credit card purchases originating within the U.S., we can't verify your address electronically or through the phone, so this extra step is necessary to authenticate you as the actual credit card holder. Once you have placed your order, please fax (626-303-7275) or email ( attachment to [email protected]) these documents to us ASAP. Your order will be shipped out once we have received one of the above sets of faxes or email attachments. Please note that this requirement is only for International customers ordering for the first time. If you have ordered from us before, you don't need to fax us your credit card information. Note: If you are faxing us a copy of your credit card statement, you may delete any purchase history from this document. All we need is your credit card company's Logo and address, your name and address, and the last 4 digits of your card. **************************ここまで**************************
Transfer-related costs of £13m and a one-off £12m reduction in the first-team squad's estimated value are blamed for most of the loss and the club stressed there were improvements in turnover and operating costs.
依頼された英文 The members and friends of *’s Sault Ste. Marie Chapter in Michigan are planning a Goodwill Mission to Japan in August of this year, complete with homestays in Ryuo-cho, Sault Ste. Marie’s Sister City. Ninth-grader Tyler Finkel was awarded a $500 scholarship toward a trip to Japan in June. In September, he will in turn host a student from his family in Japan. >>874の訳(すばらしい) 「ミシガンのSault Ste. Marie 支部のメンバーや後援者たちは、 今年8月に日本への親善使節団を計画しており、その内容は Sault Ste. Marieの姉妹都市であるのりゅうおう町(どこなのそれ?)でのホームステイです。 9年生(中3)の タイラー・フィンケル君には 6月の日本旅行に向けての奨学金500ドルが贈られました。 彼は交替に9月に日本の彼の家族から学生を一人迎え入れることになっています。」 >>877の訳(ハア?) ミシガンでの * のスーセントマリー章のメンバーと友人たちは Ryuo - cho 、スーセントマリーの姉妹都市で今年の8月に、 homestays を完備して日本に好意のミッションを計画している。 9年生タイラー Finkel は6月に日本への旅行に向かって500ドルの奨学金を与えられた。 9月に、彼は日本で順番に彼の家族からの学生の主人役を務めるであろう。
あのさあ、 chapterを「章」だとか、 「Ryuo - cho 、スーセントマリーの姉妹都市で」 「〜を完備して、」、「好意のミッション」、「旅行に向かって500ドル」 in turnを「順番に」、「主人役を務めるであろう」
The primary objective of this book is to explain why firm networks are the new unit of competition in the network economy. この本の主な目的はなぜ企業ネットワークがネットワーク経済の中で新しい競争の単位になるのかを説明するものだ。
これで合ってますかね? この文章に続く英語なんですけど和訳をお願いします。
To accomplish this,I provide a detailed examination of the key characteristics of the lean extended enterprises that have been developed by Toyota and Chrysler.
To accomplish thisがどのように訳せばいいのか分かりません。「これを成し遂げる事」? 私(筆者)は 与える 重要な特徴の詳しい調査 リーン生産企業グループ トヨタとクライスラーによって発達してきた
>895 フィンケル君は使節団より早く出発して、6月から8月まで、竜王町でホームステイするんだろ? 使節団は、8月に日本にきて、(complete with homestays in Ryuo-choとあるから)最終目的地の 竜王町でフィンケル君と合流して、短期のホームステイの後、一緒に帰国。 フィンケル君(達?)がステイしてた家庭の人が9月に米にホームステイに行く。
Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
後半の文章はどうやってつなげればいいのか、迷ってましたι 特に,I provide a detailed examination of the key characteristics ここが分からなかったです provide の使い方述べていた、主語はI=this book? 調査した結果っていうのはexamination一語のみ?keyって形容詞は無いですよね?重要なってすると変かな?って思っちゃって。でも形容詞風に訳した方がスムーズにいきますよね。
He told his story simply and eagerly, but at one point became choked up and had to be given a recess to recover after trying to describe what it was like to buy canola seed in 1999 after relying on his own seed for many years.
For some years now, there has been an alarming rise in pneumoconiosis in Western coalmines. Regulatory bodies in both Europe and North America are currently involved inreviewing exposure limits and monitoring methods. お願いします。
after trying to...がbecame choked upにもかかるのかどうか は文法的には定かでない。でも、かかるとすると、at one point との関係が変です。したがって、まずchoked upして、次にtried to describeして、最後にhad to be given a recessだと考えた わけです。 944の論理的反論を期待します。
Steve:They were until you told them that we were making the same product for there competitors. You never tell them that. James:I am sorry. But I cannot lie just to make a sale.Maybe that's why I'm terrible at sales. Steve:Yeah,that's right. From now on you just stick to designing and programming,and leave the selling to me. Larry:Don't be too hard on him,Steve. Mr Wang might appreciate his honesty.Even if you had lied to him, he is smart guy,especialy when it comes to computers,and he probably would have known anyway. Now he knows you guys and our company are honest;we'll just have to see what happens.
>>960 ありがとうございます。 ちなみに、最初のSteveの発言の前にJamesが I think they are sold.(theyは商品のこと) と言っていて、それを受けたSteveが おまえがあんなこと言うまでは確かに売れた(売れる見込みがあった)かもしれん。 言っているみたいですね。 あんまりたくさん書きすぎるとうっとうしいだろうと思ったので省略していました。
>>969 And there was nothing remotely like the enormous business in currencies now generated by world trade and investment. そして、今日世界の貿易と投資によって生み出されている通貨(為替?)の巨大なビジネスに 少しでも匹敵し得るものはなにもない。
はじめまして明治大学生です。単位が危ういので助けてください! what i am saying is that you are mistaken every time , when , aware that some busines of yours is clearly known to someone else you fail to be convinced that it is common knowledge , whatever harm or shame this may bring you. お願いします。