>>483 peru's first freely elected president of indian descent,was sworn into office saturday,promising to remain true to his roots and govern for the nation's poor.
>7さんが見つけてくれた論文のソースの該当個所の前の段落に Biologists suspect that cells become senescent when telomeres shrink below some specific length.(テロメアがある特定の長さ以下に縮むと細胞が老衰 するのではないかと生物学者は考えている)とあり、If telomeres are allowed to shrink enoughは、ここのwhen 〜を言い換えた表現と思われ。
Moral clarity. It is Bush’s great strength, and potentially his great weakness. The man doesn’t noodle all sides of a problem, as Bill Clinton did, or allow himself to be deterred by complexities.
As economic seers turn their attention to 2003, keep in mind an old saying among forecasters : The consensus is always wrong. That's especially true around turning points in the business cycle. The real trick is to decide which way the muddle in the middle will err : Will the consensus be too optimistic or too pessimistic?
上記文中のwhich way 〜 err の意味がわかりません。どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか。
In Germany, Citibank boasted a cost-income ratio of just 44% in the first nine months of 2002, 40-50% below those of big provate banks' retail operations.
シティバンクは、ドイツでの営業成績の点では、2002年度の最初の九ヶ月において44パーセントの売上高原価率を誇った。それは大手民間銀行の小売り銀行業務の売上高原価率より40から50パーセントも低いものである。 訳が下手でスマソ。経済のことはよく知らないので、その筋の言葉の使い方が違うかも知れない。 とりあえずcost-income ratio=売上高原価率、(cost-income ratio of )just 44%と40-50% below those of 〜は同格の関係、thoseはcost-income ratiosの代名詞。
Classical music offers not merely the basic pleasures of melody, harmony and rhythm, but the meanings which these elements can reveal when explored in the process of composition by a master. It is just this intense emotional and intellectual engagement, shared by composer and listener, that pop music and pop culture reject : it is definitely not cool, a quality which denies complexity, in which work followed by chilling out define the parameters of being human.
最後の文章 it is definitely 〜humanの解釈や文構造がよくわからないのですが、どなたかお願いします。
Miles Davis, a noted jazz trumpeter who turned to rock, pronounced it "dead shit", lacking the instant impact which pop music offers and which pop culture of all kinds has made the global measure of emotional effect.
The 23,500-square-kilometer stretch of Brazil called Amana now makes up the final link in the biggest, contiguous, legally-protected block of tropical rainforest left on the planet.
The pleasure of staying in a hotel was nicely put by Jan Morris, a travel writer. She saw a hotel as the modern equivalent of a caravan serai, an inn where a traveller could reliably expect to be rested and refreshed after a long day. “Staying in a hotel is more fun than accepting a bed in Clarissa's guest room and having a nice long chat after dinner ... where I would also be obliged to admire the holiday photographs, drool over the baby, put up with bath water that is less than scalding and even, at worst, helping with the washing up ... The hotel requires nothing of me (except hard cash or credit card).”
"I think there was a realistic chance that it could have worked, if [Saddam] realized the seriousness of the president's intent," Powell says. "Others would say, no, there never was." Leading those "others" who dismissed the chances of a peaceful disarmament is Vice President Dick Cheney, who warned in August that the U.N. route would provide "false comfort." Presi- dent Bush seems to have fallen somewhere in between. "Were we optimistic? No," says one senior Bush aide. "Did we enter with pessimism that Saddam was going to comply? Of course. His behavior requires it."
Saddam was going to comply の部分は Saddam was not going to comply じゃないと文脈にあわない気がするの ですが、印刷ミス ? それとも私の解釈力が至らないせい でしょうか。
>>111 ラムズフェルド長官お気に入りの言葉らしい。検索したら下記の文が。 >>111: : LEANING FORWARD ? “ ‘Leaning forward’ is one of Donald Rumsfeld’s favorite expressions. An old cold-war term, familiar to soldiers and spies, it means the willingness to be aggressive, to take risks. ‘I want every one of you to know how forward-leaning we are,’ the secretary of Defense told a room full of Marine generals and Navy admirals…” Newsweek, Sept. 16, 2002.
Worries that Turkey may be sucked into the conflict with Iraq look to be exaggerated. Although Turkish troops have been present for the past decade in the rough no-man's land along the 220-mile-long Turkish-Iraqi border, recent declarations that Ankara would be sending in thousands more soldiers to establish a 12-mile buffer zone reignited fears that it would soon be combating Kurdish forces there -- or even rushing to occupy the rich oil fields of northern Iraq.
But General Hilmi Ozkok, the respected head of the powerful Turkish military, held a televised press conference on Mar. 26 to calm such fears. He said Turkey would enter Iraq only in the event of an attack on its forces or a refugee crisis -- and would do so only in cooperation with the U.S.
Although the Istanbul stock market and the battered Turkish currency rallied on the news, the country's economic situation remains dire. President Bush's request for as much as $8.5 billion in loan guarantees for Turkey is far from a done deal - - and is much less than the $24 billion put on the table as recently as late February. More American or European aid is unlikely, since Ankara has little capital left with either the U.S. or the European Union.
Even limited loan guarantees would help to close a large government financing gap this year. But policy zig-zags and incompetence of the new conservative government in Ankara are battering the confidence of investors. The next test could come with a huge redemption of Turkish debt on Apr. 9.
>>115 お手数かけてすみません。ちなみに前の文章は Although the Istanbul stock market and the battered Turkish currency ralied on the news, the country's economic situation remains dire. President Bush's request for as much as 8.5 billion dollers in loan guarantees for Turkey is far from a done deal --- and is much less than the 24 billion dollers put on the table as recently as late February. です。トルコの経済的苦境とアメリカの援助が話題になっています。 問題の文で特に 〜 with either the U.S. or the European Union のところがわからないのですが、これは経済板で聞いた方がいいのかも、 という気もします。
[III〔名〕〔副〕]…を(人に)預ける《with...》; …を(場所に)預ける《in...》 〜 the papers with him|彼に書類を預ける 〜 one's suitcase in a station|駅にスーツケースを預けておく (「駅に置き忘れる」の意にもなる.⇒〔他〕7) They left their children with the babysitter. 子供をベビーシッターに預け(て出かけ)た.
Or the scientists could determine that a fire may actually benefit an area that is in need of one yet is not so overgrown that a burn would become catastrophic.
This additional risk is equivalent to having 25 chest x-rays over one's lifetime or being exposed to cosmic radiation in Denver(as opposed to sea level) for three years.
Radiation doses are often measured in rems. Everyone receives about a quarter of a rem every year from exposure to natural sources, including cosmic rays and the uranium in granite bedrock. In general, people subjected to 100 rems or more develop radiation sickness and require immediate medical attention. Half the people exposed to 450 rems will die within 60 days. Even small doses can increase the risk of getting cancer. On average, if 2,500 people are exposed to a single rem of radiation, one will die of an induced cancer.
Scientists and regulators have long debated what level of radiation exposure is tolerable. Federal regulations prohibit radiation workers from receiving more than five rems annually. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends that a contaminated area be abandoned if decontamination efforts cannot reduce the extra risk of cancer death to about one in 10,000. This additional risk is equivalent to having 25 chest x-rays over one's lifetime or being exposed to cosmic radiation in Denver (as opposed to sea level) for three years. The NRC typically sets a looser threshold, equivalent to a one-in-500 increased cancer death risk over 50 years. But these assessments are controversial because there are no good statistics showing how much cancer increases as a result of low levels of radiation. Currently experts estimate the hazards of exposure by assuming that the chance of developing cancer decreases in proportion to the amount of radiation received. They also presuppose that there is no minimum level of exposure that is harmless.
With the world's protective magnetic shield severely disabled, intensified doses of cosmic and solar particles could knock out satellites -- the least of humanity's concerns under this deadly shower of radiation.
サテライトの言換えらしき-- the least of humanity's concerns の部分が よく分かりません。どなたかどう解釈すればいいのか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。
The American telecoms firm failed to reach an agreement with General Motors, DirecTV's owner, allowing Mr. Murdoch's News Corp a clear run at the American broadcaster.
〜 a clear run at 〜 のあたりどう解釈したら よいでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
>>181 原文を発見 The National Museum was stripped of tens of thousands of artifacts from the cradle of civilization.
In Najaf a meeting that the U.S. arranged between rival Shi'ite clerics to pave a road to reconciliation ended with both being hacked to death by an angry mob.
Americans watched in relief at the sight of U.S. soldiers hugging and feeding Iraqi children at last, hoping that the end of the war had at least begun. But the rebirth of a nation is messy and humbling, especially when it was brought about through battle.
the cradle of civilization = 文明の発祥地 この場合は当然メソポタミア文明。
being hacked to death = 切り刻まれて死ぬ(こと)
But the rebirth of a nation is messy and humbling. しかしながら国家の再生は厄介で屈辱的な作業だ。
Singapore's economy, too, shows signs of trouble. Industrial production fell by 1.4% in the year to February, after rising by 13.4% in the year to January.
>>200,201,202さん 有難う御座います。 そーなんですよねー。the year っていつの年? 1.4%とか13.4%とかなにを基準にしてるの? (前年? 前月?)ということなんですよねぇ問題は。 202さんの解説によると前年対比1.4%の下落(前々 年対比13.4%の上昇後)ということでしょうか。 慣用でこういう言い方をするんでしょうか。普通の 英文では in the year to (月名)なんていう表現は 使わないと思いますが。
In general, the 12-month inflation in goods and services purchased by the combined Nairobi income groups, increased to 7 per cent in February from negative 0.1 per cent in the year to February 2002 and 5.9 per cent in the year to January 2003.
The old Carl Sagan riff begins with his describing "a species of primate" that likes to gather in packs of 50 or 60 individuals, cram to gether in a darkened cave, and hyperventilate in unison to the point of almost passing out.
hyperventilate in unison to the point of almost passing out.のあたりが よく分かりません。どういうことでしょうか?すいませんよろしくお願いします。
Since April 1, the British Red Cross has seen twice the number of expected donors giving 50 percent more than usual ; the International Fedration of the Red Cross and Red Crescent have raked in nearly 9 million dollars in cash donations. 〜
has seen 〜 than usual の部分がいまひとつスッキリ しないのですが、どなたか解説お願いします。
Since April 1,(4月1日から今まで) the British Red Cross(英国赤十字には) has seen twice the number of expected donors(予想された寄付者の2倍の人が来ている) giving 50 percent more than usual ; (しかも彼らは普段の5割増の寄付をしている)
Newsweekの記事からです。 クリントン大統領との関係で有名なモニカ・ルインスキー嬢がテレビ番組 の司会をすることになったそうです。 dating games を内容とする reality-TV show です。 その司会ぶりを評した文、
Is she any good ? "I watched the first episode today and was astounded at how natural she is, " Gadinsky says. " People either come through on screen or they don't. She's got it."
come through 【句動-1】《基本イメージ》陸や空中を経由して目的地に向かって進む 【句動-2】〜を通り抜ける、(困難・危険・病気を)切り抜ける、耐え抜く、病気から持ち直す、持ちこたえる、生き延びる、生き抜く、生き残る 【句動-3】〜の間から出てくる、はっきりと表に現れる、明白に分かる、発表される 【句動-4】〜をやり通す、やり遂げる、成し遂げる、約束を果たす、成功する、必要を満たす、要求にこたえる、期待にこたえる、期待に添う、期待どおりに姿を現す 【句動-5】(知らせが)届く、通信する、通じる、伝わる、連絡してくる 【句動-6】〜を提供する、手渡す、(金を)支払う 【句動-7】頼りになる、力になる、力になってやる 【句動-8】回心する / 【用例・句動-5】 Maybe old feelings will come through. : 懐かしい感覚すらも蘇ってくれるだろう
The development of liquid nutrituional supplements is a continuation of the trend that our ancient ancestors started: gaining as much nutritional returen from our food in as little volume and with as little physical effort as possible.
our food inのinとas little volumeのasが分かりません。 すいませんお願いします。
出典が同じで、困っている文があるのでこれも手伝ってもらえないでしょうか? Skeletal remains indicate that our ancient forebears the australopithecines were bipedal by four million years ago.
SARS has crippled travel, transport and retail industries, but the damage is largely confind to a few "hot zones" like Hong Kong, Singapore and, most recently, China. No, SARS isn't all in our heads, but predictions of an economic disaster assume a regionwide epidemic, which now looks less and less likely.
SARS[主語] crippled[動詞] travel, transport and retail industries[目的語], but damage[主語] is largely confind[動詞] to a few "hot zones"(like Hong Kong, Singapore and, most recently, China. )
No, SARS[主語] isn't all in our heads[動詞], but predictions of an economic disaster[主語] assume [述語]a regionwide epidemic[目的語], which now looks less and less likely.[修飾語句]
No, SARS isn't all in our heads, (いや、SARSはわれわれの頭の中のものというわけではない) →(SARSは現実の脅威なのだ) but predictions of an economic disaster assume a regionwide epidemic, (ところが、経済に大変な打撃を与えるとの予測は、地域全体に 広がる伝染病という仮定に基づいている) which now looks less and less (現在その可能性はますます少なくなっている)
Our idea was supported by a report published in 1996 by Pablo Lapunzina, who found that three young and otherwise healthy women whom he had attended gave birth to infants with neural tube defects after using sun beds to tan themselves in the early weeks of pregnancy.
What "Shutter Island" lacks in originality and depth --- the qualities that made "Mystic River" stand out --- it makes up for with lots of enjoyably over-the-top gothic melodrama.
In an electronic mail program, the short line of type that indicates what the message is about.Using a well-chosen subject line will help both the sender and receiver identify the subject of the message at a glance, without having to open and read it.Some email filtering programs can filter mail by subject line, so that all mail on a certain subject is filed, given high priority, or thrown out.
In 1980, IBM licensed an obscure piece of software known as DOS from an unknown start-up called Microsoft --- thus creating the conditions for Bill Gates to build the world's largest software firm.
前半の部分で licenced のあとに誰に対して licence したのか書かれてないよう ですが、どういうことでしょう。 from ... で目的語を表している んでしょうか。それともこの from は an obscure piece of software known as DOS にかかるだけの形容詞句ですか。
325さんお手数かけました。ありがとうございます。 was licensed 〜 の was がぬけた印刷ミスかなとも思ったのですが 検索してみると他にも licese を got the licese の意味で使っていると 思われる文に遭遇しました。
When IBM licensed the operating system PC-DOS from Microsoft, Microsoft was very careful not to sell an exclusive license. This made it possible for Microsoft to license the same thing to Compaq and other (以下略)
Microsoft once licensed Unix source code from AT&T Corp., Unix's creator, but that license ran out after Microsoft abandoned the Unix-related project that had prompted the licensing, Sontag said.
「(特許権などを)与える」の意味の license (give the licese to )が逆の 意味の get the license で使用されるということになりますが、 日本人が日本語の使い方を誤るようなネイティブの誤用なのか、この使い方が ある程度市民権を得ているものなのかが問題です。自分でももう少し調べて みますね。
It has become a familiar refrain in this lackluster economy : Strong growth will depend on capital spending. Well, don't look now, but the outlook for business outlays, especially for new equipment, is improving rapidly.
出典は BusinessWeek の 6/16日号 Why the second half isn't looking half bad というタイトルで 副見出しの文章が Tax breaks and demand mean companies will finally buy equipment という記事の冒頭です。
引用した文のあとは And that's a key reason why projections for a better economy in the second half may well be on the mark. と続き第一段落が終了します。
The alterations are evidence of a reduced ability to make and use serotonin, a key neurotransmitter known to be lacking in the brains of impulsive people and in those suffering from depression.
In the fiscal year that ended in March, a collection of 1,600 non-financial companies tracked by the Nikon Keizai, a business daily, earned roughly Y5.23 trillion ($44.4 billion) in combined net profit, after losing money the year before.
For every The Da Vinci Code, there are thousands of volumes that come back to publishers from retailers, who have a guaranteed right to return any unsold books for full credit.
今週の The Economist の小さい囲み記事で阪神について触れられている。 その中で they have been perennial no-hopers とあるのがちょっと面白かった。 perennial (永続的な) no-hoper (見込みのない者) 日本語訳としては「万年下位チーム」ぐらいか。
あからさまな言い方だけどそのあとで Yet this year they have staged one of the most remarkable resurgences in Japanese sporting history. とちゃんと書いてある。
Analyzing the results of a survey that found support for the war at its lowest point (47 percent), The Times of London concluded last week that "more than half of voters would not trust [Blair] further than they could throw him."
オンラインの辞書 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary に I wouldn't trust 〜 as far as I could throw them. という例文があり INFORMAL something that you say which means you do not trust someone at all と書いてある。 また、リーダーズ英和中辞典にも not trust 〜 as far as ... throw で 同様の説明があるよ。
一方ランダムハウス大辞典にはこんな慣用表現が載っている。 can't trust (a person) any further than I can see up an alligator's ass at midnight [or than I can throw a ball by his prick] (米俗) (人を)全く信用できない
ここで問題になっている語句と微妙に違いがあるにしても結局 not trust 〜 at all ということでよいのでは。
Their forceful opposition to Big Media persuaded the House of Representatives last week to, in effect, overturn a recent ruling by the Federal Communications Commission that would have relaxed media ownership rules, allowing companies like Viacom and News Corp. to own TV stations that reach 45 percent of the national audience, up from 35 percent. If the House's vote becomes law, it could mean Viacom and News Corp. will have to sell some stations to get back under the cap.
Newsweek からです。最後の get back under the cap はどういう意味でしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
This engaging memoir isn't another saga of recovery. It's about a New York girl in her 20s who builds disposable friendships, hustles as a Conde Nast editor and schmoozes with Tina Brown. But she comes to question her ideal of a "girl in heels, clicking away" --- and walks off. Saroyan, granddaugher of novelist William, has writing in her blood. Her coming-of-age tale will resonate with a generation of girls trying to become women in an image-driven society.
Boeing announced a loss of 192 million dollars in the second quarter, a week after announcing that it would cut a further 5,000 jobs. The aircraft-maker was forced to take a charge of 1.1 billion dollars at its satellite unit.
The Economist からです。ロシアの企業のトップが逮捕されたことに関する 政府の記者会見について述べている中で
Mr Putin, said the anonymous official, knew that the affair was bad for the economy and did not want to undo privatisations. But he would not explain why the president does not say so publicly ( insisting weakly that he has done so several times privately ). He could not explain who was behind the attack. He said repeatedly that the Kremlin has "no formal influence" over prosecutors, but avoided the question of why it cannot, or will not, use informal influence, when whoever launched the prosecutions evidently did just that. And he had no solutions to offer.
Investor panic, capital flight, even civil war --- the battle between Yukos, Russia's biggest oil producer, and the authorities has given rise to the direst predictions. Since arresting Platon Lebedev, one of Yukos's main shareholders, on July 2nd, prosecutors have linked the company to everything from tax evasion to extortion to murder. The stockmarket index, the RTS, has dived. Doomsayers, not least Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the Yukos boss, talked it all down with warnings that if the privatisations of the lawless 1990s were to be revisited, then the entire foundation of Russian capitalism would be under threat. More sober admonitions about the damage to investor confidence have come from everyone from Communist politicians to government officials. including the prime minister, Mikhail Kasyanov --- whom prosecutors promptly told to mind his own business.
真ん中あたりの talked it all down with warnings that 〜 は どういう意味にとったらよいでしょうか。
it all というのは前の文章の内容、ユーコスの主要株主 Lebedev氏の 逮捕、ユーコスの税金逃れ、脅迫・殺人事件との関わり合い、会社の 株価下落を指すのでしょう。
そういった話すべてを that以下の〜という警告の言葉で talk down した ということ。 この talk 〜 down は、オンラインの Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary に次のように説明されている。
to talk about something in a way that makes it seem less important or less serious than it really is: He began his lecture by talking down the initiatives of a rival company
ひきこもりのゲームオタクに一日か二日外出禁止にしても意味がないよなあー、と思っていた のですが、ぐーぐるで検索してみると you are grounded for two weeks とか、辞書の例文にも for a week とかあって結構長い期間に渡ったり、 "You are grounded from the card shop this Sunday." とか日を指定して外出禁止にするようです。 週末の休みの日に、例えば、新作のゲームを買いに街にくり出せないとしたらやはりこれは こたえるでしょう。
Jonathan Wendel could serve as a poster boy for this videogame generation. Wendel first picked up a Nintendo control pad when he was 5. A year later, in 1987, his father brought home a personal computer. He started running flight-simulator software and spent hours absorbed in mastering aerial maneuvers. By the time he was a teenager, he had gotten into shoot-’em-up action games like Duke Nukem and Castle Wolfenstein. 【“My parents hated me playing videogames all the time,” he says. “They grounded me constantly.”】 When he was 18 he entered his first professional videogame competition. Since then the native of Kansas City, Missouri has won three world championships and taken home $150,000 in prize money. To keep his skills sharp, he spends more than 40 hours a week behind the monitor.
Though he's 74, Gehry shows no inclination to slow down. He works out, and he's an inveterate dieter. After cheating with fried calamari, he orders skinless chicken and iceberg lettuce spritzed with lemon juice. ("Hey, don't stop," he tells the waiter wielding the pepper mill. "That's all I got goin' here.")
最後の That's all I got goin' here. はどういう意味でしょうか。 それとこの文章のあとの方にも同じ got going という表現が出て来ます。
But with all he's got going on, Disney Hall is a defining masterwork --- because of his love for music, for Los Angeles and for his art.
Where has Apple been innovative ? Look at the iPod [digital music player]. We sold over 300,000 iPod last quarter. Just to put that in perspective, we sold about 750,000 overall units --- so if you look at each of those iPods as a 400 dollar computer, that's a 40 persents increase in our volume. And it's a whole new product category.
30万台の iPod がイコール75万の overall units ? なにを言ってるのかよくわかりません。
すみません。単なる思い込みから解釈が出来なかっただけのようです。 読み直してみると、30万売ったのは last quarter (最近の四半期)、それに対して 75万の overall unit ですから、今までの売上トータルが75万になるということ ですよね。overall unit でなにか特別な製品単位があるのかと思い込んでいました。
なるほど、cheating with fried calamari は、前の he's an inveterate dieter と緊密な関係にあったのですね。diet には fried (油で揚げた)は確かに禁物。
That's all I got goin' here の部分の解釈 「(この料理では)胡椒ぐらいしか食える(好きな・食欲を刺激する・ 食べる気にさせる)ものがないんだから」 のところは that's all (それがすべてだ) → (せいぜいそれが精いっぱい、せいぜい それだけ) というふうに解釈できる英語でよくあるパターンが含まれているわけですね。
As a symbolic victory, none is greater than Koizumi's sidelining of Hiromu Nonaka, the last of the great LDP kingmakers, who exercised power mafia-style, using blackmaik, money and threats.
とあります。 using blackmail 〜 threats と野中氏が全くやくざ、暴力団員そのもの のように表現されているけど、ザカリヤ氏はどんな根拠、ニュースソースに 基づいてこう言い切っているのかちょっと気になりました。
Wilson has repeatedly suggested that the chief culprit was the White House's political director, Karl Rove. "It's of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in hand-cuffs," Wilson said at a public forum about Iraqi intelligence failures on Aug. 21. "And trust me, when I use that name, I measure my words," Wilson's comments clearly implied that he knew that Rove was the leaker, 〜 (以下略)
上記文中の I measure my words は「自分は慎重に言葉を択んでいる」といった 意味でいいでしょうか。
It used to be that investors demanded bo be rewarded for this risk. In the seven years to 1996, Mr Hickey point out, Dell increased its sales 20-fold, to 7.8 billion dollars. Its p/e ratio never exceeded 13. Now it is a fairly mature company struggling to grow by 15 percent a year and its stock has a p/e of 37. "Go figure," says Mr Hickey.
ケンブリッジのオンライン・ディクショナリーで調べたところ、 Go figure! MAINLY US used when you tell someone a fact and you then want to say that the fact is surprising or strange or stupid: It's a terrible movie and it made $200 million. Go figure!
promotion of waste reduction by curbing the amount of waste and by promoting the recycling of used products and parts as raw materials or heat energy as well as the establishment of safe and appropriate waste-processing systems. あのこれは、環境問題の記事で浪費について書かれていますた。 それで私たちが今後取り組まないとならないことって上記のように 書いてたのでつ。サパーリわかりません。and,or,as well asなどでてきすぎで どこで切るのかとか全然わからないのです。 全訳おねがいしたいです・・・泣
promotion of waste reduction = (産業)廃棄物の削減を促進すること waste は「浪費」じゃなくて「(産業)廃棄物、ゴミ」 by curbing the amount of waste = 廃棄物の量を抑制することによって→(産業廃棄物の 削減を促進すること) 最初のand は by curbing 〜 waste と by promoting 〜 systems をつなぐ。 products and parts でセット。 raw materials or heat enegy でセットかも。 as well as は the recycling 〜 enegy と the establishment 〜 systems をつなぐのでは。
California is probably the most "democratic" polity in the world, with initiatives and recalls galore. But it's also one of the worst governed polities in the world. The people of California have just said so, loudly and angrily. Just conceivably, there may be a connection between the extent of California's democracy and the quality of its governance. Perhaps the same can be said for other places on the globe. Or is one allowed to say that ?
"Things don't have to be mundane," he says. "You can make a statement." With statements like that, Albaisa is driving car design in a whole new direction.
Or is one allowed to say that ? の one は一般的な「人」を 表し、that は前の文 Perhaps the same can be said for other places on the globe. (おそらく、同じことが世界の他の地域でも 言えるだろう)を受ける。 「それともそういう風に言っていいだろうか」 (そんなふうに言っていいのかな)とは、結局、(そう言うと世界の 他の地域に住んでる人に失礼にあたるだろうか、やはりこのことは カリフォルニアだけにあてはまる特殊事情だろうか)ぐらいの意味 だと解釈しました。
Back home, the neocons and hard-liners who surround the President are just waiting for the poofy multilateral deals to fall apart. Then they will have the case they want to go full bore after regime change in the rest of the "axis of evil."
〜 . If Cosby is hard on the younger guys, it's because he thinks their job isn't limited to getting laughs. Whether they know it or not, they are role models as well. Though it may have gone over the heads of many, "The Cosby Show," which reigned for nine years on NBC, was practically a public-service announcement on behalf of equality, a 30-minute reminder that minorities can and should enjoy the same success, quality of life and family joy as every other American.
上記文中の it may have gone over the heads of many はどう 解釈したらいいでしょうか。また、it は何を受けているので しょうか。
どの英語雑誌のページなのかわからないのでここで質問をさせていただきます。 The failure to understand that the war was not over - and in some ways,had barely begun - when Bush stood on the deck of the Abraham Lincorn,has. ブッシュの戦艦アブラハムリンカーンのことだと思うのですが、訳がわかりません。(特に最後のhas)。どなたかわかりますか?
The fruitless hunt for WMD has not cost American lives. The failure to understand that the war was not over and in some ways, had barely begun when Bush stood on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln, has.
これなら has が直前の has not cost 〜 を受けた表現である ことがわかります。つまり、has のあとに cost American lives が省略されています。
it は、ジーニアスの「代名詞」5、[後方照応的]にあたるものと思う。 いわゆる「後のものを指す it 」。 例文 I did not know it at the time, but she saved my son's life. (その時は知らなかったのだが、彼女が私の息子の生命を救ってくれた のだった。)
問題文では it は、The Cosby Show was practically a public-service announcement on behalf of equality, a 30-minute reminder that 〜 の文の内容を指すのでしょう。
Diplomats and observers in Ankara allocate responsibility for the fiasco in many ways: some blame inexperienced A.K. ministers who overplayed their hand with the U.S., while others point the finger at Wolfowitz,who,say his critics,never understand that with the election of the A.K.,military and secular leaders with strong ties to the U.S. no longer monopolized power. Says Emin Sirin,an A.K. parliamentary deputy and Istanbul businessman: "The Americans thought that if you talk to two or three people,you have Turkey in your hands. The whole system has changed,and they did not appreciate that."
It is important to note that at this early stage, the neocons did not have the enthusiastic backing of Vice President Cheney. Just because Cheney had spent a lot of time around the Get Saddam neocons does not mean that he had become one, says an administration aide. "It's a mistake to add up two and two and get 18," he says. Cheney's cautious side kept him from leaping into any potential Bay of Pigs covert actions.
Newsweek の、チェニー副大統領に関する記事です。 文中の add up two and two and get 18 がわかりません。特に18という数字 がなぜ出てくるんでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
If Blair looks like a poodle, it's partly because he seems to get so little for his loyalty. " Tony has walked the walk for Bush," one of his ministers told NEWSWEEK. "We'd like just a little reciprocity."
Rumsfeld was early in his understanding of the threat of terrorism and "asymmetrical war" --- including "suitcase nukes" --- but he is late in getting it through his head that, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, the United Nations is the worst way to address today's global issues --- except every other way.
Newsweek 11月3日号です。 except every other way はどういう意味でしょうか。また、 意味上、どの部分にかかっているのでしょう。 よろしくお願いします。
When Carr's article appeared in May, " it was greeted with horror here [ in California ]," says economist W. Brian Arthur. " It was like saying that Beethoven can't play piano." And the outrage continues. Shane Robison, chief strategist of HP, tells of a meeting with corporate information officers on its advisory board last month. "They were wrapped around the axle by that article," he says. Peter Godfrey, the CTO of 3M, has a typical response : "It's utter nonsense --- so far from the truth that it's laughable."
They were wrapped around the axle はどんな意味でしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
You've been working on software for almost 30 years now and you're still excited ?
That's right. The potential impact is much greater than ever before. There are things like managing through a large organization that make it slightly more complex, but [ we're doing ] things I've been thinking about and wanting to do going back 20 years. It's very cool to have the R&D budget we have, the hardware advances we have and finally being able to say, "OK, this decade we make so much of this real."
最後の this decade we make so much of this real の解釈が自信が ありません。文法的構造もどう解釈したらいいでしょうか。
TIMEのエッセイの文章について質問です。女流詩人シルビア・プラスの 伝記の書評で下記の文中の一節 the word is hard to avoid with Plath. はどういった意味なのでしょうか。
The facts of Sylvia Plath's life are better known, but the story that lies behind them is no less mysterious. She met Ted Hughes at a party at Cambridge University in 1956. He was 25 and craggily handsome. She was 23, bright, pretty and vivacious --- the word is hard to avoid with Plath. Both were aspiring poets. But Plath's gleaming American smile hid dark, ravenous appetites --- for food, for fame, for love, for sex. It also hid gulfs of despair ; three years earlier, she had attempted suicide.
Lea and Andy were, by most accounts, a very close couple. At a company notable for the number of philanderers among senior management, Andy stood out for lacking a wandering eye. "Lea adored Andy," says one art world contact. "I remember once we had a meeting at Enron and when we walked into his office, they both lit up to be with one another. She told me Andy was the golden boy at the company."
最後から二番目の文の they both lit up to be with one another は どう解釈したらいいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
The IMF and World Bank urged nations to liberalize their capital accounts, Williamson told NEWSWEEK, which ushered in a flood of outside money that raised exchange rates to uncompetitive levels, stifling exports.
The Economist のロックフェラーセンタービルの歴史を綴った本に 対する書評記事からです。
Work on Rockefeller Centre started in earnest in the winter of 1929-30 when, as a contemporary observer put it, the whole economy of the United States clapped a hand over its heart and uttered a piercing scream.
The Eupropean Commission says that it will look into the legality of the directive under world-trade rules. In general, though, France, Germany, Canada and Russia affect not to be too offended. Rather it is American politicians who have the strongest bile.
The Economist 12/13-19 の記事からです。affect not to be too offended は どう解釈したらいいでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
"Now this is a big breakthrough. They do have the new Iraqi ambassador to the U.S. on the front page. That is a breakthrough," he repeats, adding, sotto voce, "I have been beating the crap out of them for two weeks on this."
Newsweek 12/15号の記事からです。beating the crap out of them の 意味はどうなりますか。よろしくお願いします。
アルクの英辞郎に出てるよ。 beat the crap out of 〜を思い切りたたく[振る]、〜をしたたか打ちのめす、〜をぶち壊す、〜をたたきのめす、 〜をひどくやっつける、〜を厳しく懲らしめる、(人)を徹底的に[気を失うほど・さんざん ・激しく・こてんぱんに]ぶん殴る[殴りつける・ぶったたく・打ちのめす・ぶちのめす・ やっつける・痛めつける]、(人)をぶっ飛ばす[ぶちのめす・負かす・気絶{きぜつ} させる]、(人)をぐうの音も出なくする、(人)をケチョンケチョン[ギッタンギッタン] にする、〜を乱暴に扱う、(人)の自信をなくさせる
However, the euro's strength might start to pinch soon --- especially if the European Central Bank does nothing to offset its tightening effects. Dollar bulls may still hope that the greenback is overshooting, but past experience shows that overshooting can go a long way. And the dollar is still far from cheap. On a trade-weighted basis, it is above its average over the past 30 years. A continued slide should surprise no one. (The Economist 12/6-12)
The timing was, at the very least, interesting. At Buckingham Palace on Wednesday night, the President of the United States and the Queen of England traded toasts to their common birthright. George W. Bush did his aw-shucks bit about the pomp and pageantry, telling reporters that he had to rent his white tie and tails (the queen sipped Puligny-Montrachet '96; the teetotaling president drank Coke). But there was no mistaking their common purpose, to stand fast in the defense of liberty against the tyranny of Islamic fanaticism.
文中の their common birthright の意味がよくわからないのですが どなたかよろしくお願いします。
>>546 common birthright (皆に共通する生得の権利) といえば様々なものが 挙げられるけれどもその言葉でまともな教育を受けたアメリカ人が 連想するのは unalienable right 。すなわち、有名な独立宣言の文章
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 〜
この unalienable right には life, liberty, pursuit of happiness が含まれると書いてある。これを頭の片隅に置いておいて先を読んで いくとtheir common purpose, to stand fast in the defence of liberty と出てくるから、結局 common birthright とは主に liberty を念頭においた言葉だとわかる仕組みになっている、ということでは ないだろうか。
traded toast to their common birthright 「自分達の生得の権利(すなわち自由)を称えて杯を交わした」
"What they used to do with lacrosse when the aboriginal people would play it, they would literally play for days until somebody died. Jean Chretien was always the last one left standing."
Canadian Heritage Minister Sheila Copps, on the prime minister who stepped down last week after 10 years in office. He was replaced by Paul Martin.
最近開かれたEUのサミットが不首尾に終わったことを受けたNewsweekの コラム中の Europe kicked the can down the road の意味は何でしょうか。 段落全体は以下の通りです。
The "collapse" and "crisis" in Brussels thus has a silver lining. So what if Europe's grandees went home empty-handed ? Another early-morning compromise in Brussels last week might well have triggered yet another vicious circle of rambunctious referendums, continuous crises, contentious negotiations and deeper public disillusionment. Gisela Stuart, the German-born British M.P. who participated in the EU convention and is somewhat disappointed with the result, sums up the matter succinctly : "It is in our own interest and in the interest of our children to get this right ! " A little patience is in order. Europe kicked the can down the road ? Good. That's the smart play. (Newsweek 12/22)
If Nokia wants to guarantee its share of future mobile-data traffic, "it will need to take the fight to the streets like Microsoft does," says Andy Buss, a senior analyst with market-reseach firm Canalys.
take the fight to the streets like Microsoft does のところ、意味が いまいちよくわからないのですが。どなたか教えてくれませんか。
I CANNOT quite say goodbye to Edward Said, because he remains so present among us and alive in the world. He was our conscience and our ambassador to the world, who never tired of resisting the new world order and defending equity, humanity and the sharing of civilisations and cultures. But he has finally tired of the long and absurd fight with death. For 12 years he was heroic in his battle with illness, heroic in his constant creative renewal, through writing, music, chronicling the humanist spirit, continuing the vital quest for meaning and essence and the intellectual appeal for rigour.
Ask Palestinians to name their greatest source of pride and they will tell you immediately: Edward Said. Our cultural history has known no genius to equal his, so plural yet so unique. For the foreseeable future, he will remain the pioneer who brought the name of his homeland out of the political sphere into universal cultural consciousness. Palestine fathered him, yet his fidelity to the values of justice that are so terribly undermined in his homeland and his defence of its children’s rights to life and liberty make him one of the symbolic fathers of the new Palestine.
Edward Said was an indivisible whole. The man, the critic, the musician, the thinker, and the politician were brought together in him, never contradicting each another. He was a charismatic personality with worldwide fame, a rare example of someone both an intellectual and a star, both elegant and eloquent, deep, scathing, and yet a gentle aesthete of life and language.
We are uneasy at saying farewell to him because we want to deny his absence. The universe converges on Palestine for a precious moment. His family now is the world. Our loss is shared, and so is our sorrow. He set Palestine at the heart of the world and brought the world into the heart of Palestine.
さて、少し古い号になりますが The Economist 11/8-14号のイギリス の最近の教会事情について述べた記事から。ゲイの聖職者を認めるべき かどうかが現在問題になっています。
Christian churches have been struggling with the issue for decades. The Bible thunders against homosexual (and heterosexual) promiscuity. Yet it has nothing to say about long-term gay relationships. Is that because they are a modern phenomenon ? Or are they no better in principle than the practices that doomed Sodom and Gomorrah ? And if homosexuality should be tolerated or accepted, how publicly and where ?
上記文中の are they no better 〜 Sodom and Gomorrah はどんな意味 でしょうか。
The Economist 12/6-12号より 現在イギリスでベストセラーリストに挙がっている "Eats, Shoots and Leaves : The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation"のタイトルのもとになっている小噺。
A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, draws a gun and fires. As he is on his way out, the waiter asks him why. The panda hands him a badly punctuated wildlife manual. The waiter reads, "Panda : Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."
One day a panda walks into a cafe, eats a sandwich, shoots a gun into the air and starts to head out the door. When pressed for an explanation for his actions, the panda throws a badly punctuated book at the waiter and tells him to turn to the section about his species. The waiter turns to the page and reads : "Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."
The Economist より話がくどくなっていますが、こちらのほうがより 原著に忠実なのかもしれません。
James Nachtwey has been described --- by a fellow photographer --- as the Angel of Death. If you see Nachtwey in a ravaged land, and people are not dying in front of his lens, they soon will be. Amongst the dirt and blood and shell casings, he prowls with unreal grace. His hair is well groomed, his attire just so. As he steps gingerly around the rubble, you could be forgiven for wondering if he got lost on his way to a Paris soiree. (Newsweek 12/22)
上の文中の you could be forgiven 〜 a Paris soiree の意味が よくわかりません。どなたかお願いします。
〜 And just as Enron proved to be the tip of the polluted iceberg, analysts last week began asking whether Parmalat might be a leading indicator of rot at other big, family-run corporations throughout Italy, or even throughout Europe. The yogurt first hit the fan when a Parmalat document claiming to hold 4.6 billion in cash in a Bank of America account on the Cayman Islands was exposed by the bank as a crude forgery.
段落の冒頭の文章 The yogurt first hit the fan の意味がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。
The yogurt (first hit the fan when a Parmalat document claiming to hold 4.6 billion in cash in a Bank of America account on the Cayman Islands) was exposed by the bank as a crude forgery.
そのヨーグルトはその銀行(Bank of America)に粗悪な偽造品だと暴かれた。 The yogurt/ first hit the fan:最初にヒットしたヨーグルト。
shit hits the fan 大変{たいへん}な事態{じたい}になる、窮地{きゅうち}に立つ、 困った[面倒な]ことになる、小さなうわさが広まって大衆に知れ渡る、 秘密が公になる◆【直訳】うんこがファン(扇風機)にあたる(そして 飛び散る)◆shit は下品な言葉なので使わない方が無難。 ・ You're in big trouble when the shit hits the fan.
>>615 遅いレスで悪いけど訂正したい。前後関係・文脈がなかったので 617の解釈をしたけどその後少し検索してみると I have curves は 決して肯定的なニュアンスの発言ではないことがわかった。 irishexaminer.com のサイトの文章を参照してみるとビヨンセが 10代の頃自分の体型にコンプレックスを持っていたことが書いてある。
she vividly remembers when she did not feel comfortable in designers’ clothes. また When I was 17 it was hard to accept my body because I was always curvier than everyone else
この流れで Now, she says, she has learned to accept herself and like her body. “I have curves - most women do - and I’m happy with them,” she says.
ファッションモデルのようなほっそりした痩せ気味の体型を羨ましく 思っていたわけで、それと対比しての have curves だから「肉付きが いい、豊満である」とかのニュアンス。このタイプはマリリン・モンロー とか、今では死語のボディコンという言葉が似合う女性ということになる。 だから問題の文は 「私は肉付きのいい方よ。女性は大抵そんな風だわ。でも、今ではそれに ついて不満はないわ。」ぐらいになると思う。 この文脈の I have curves はほとんど「太ってる」というニュアンスに 近い。
Mr Bronfman once predicted that the internet would propel the music industry from a 40 billion dallor business to one worth 100 billion dallor in a decade. Instead, album sales have shrunk by a fifth since 1999, partly because the internet's file-sharing networks have enabled people to get music for nothing. Investors have never been so pessimistic about the industry.
Even so, it was possible that, in the post-9/11 period, the Republicans would become isolationists. No --- they would become super-isolationists, venturing from the angry citadel only to drop bombs or impose unilateral sanctions, and then returning, leaving the roiling, boiling world behind. Such was the nightmare of many ; a sort of post-Somalia America, cubed. The reality was utterly different.
Newsweekの記事からです。最後のほうの a sort of post-Somalia America, cubed はどう解釈したらよいでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
in political terms とあるのがちょっと気になるけどそれを 無視するとこんな意味だと思います。
wash はランダムハウスに(米話)として「損にも得にもならない行為、 どちらともいえないもの、プラスマイナスゼロ」と出ていますから。 The company's financial position is a wash compared with last year. (その会社の経済状況は昨年と比べて変わらずだ)
It wasn't quite what you'd imagine: Hollywood's most bankable film star, at home in California, wearing sweaty workout clothes (she'd just finished a yoga class), knitting (a blanket for a friend's newborn) and confiding that, "It's tricky to swing dance in a girdle." We'll get back to the girdle. For now let's put it this way: that's Julia Roberts.
"It's tricky to swing dance in a girdle." We'll get back to the girdle. For now let's put it this way: ここがよく分かりません。 We'll get back to the girdle. これは何かの冗談なんだろうけど。
>"It's tricky to swing dance in a girdle." swing danceを英治朗で調べたらスイングダンス(名詞)となっていました。 まあ、それはいいとして。「girdleでスイングダンスをすることは、コツがいる」
>We'll get back to the girdle. 「ガードルに戻る」←意味不明
>For now let's put it this way: put it this way こういう表現{ひょうげん}[言い方]をする
We'll get back to the girdle. は、この記事を書いた記者の言葉なんですよね? girdleをいわゆる下着と解釈すると何だか訳が分かりません。
>>642 We'll get back to the girdle. この記事のあとのほうでまたガードルの話題に戻りましょう。 For now let's put it this way: that's Julia Roberts. ここではこう表現しておきましょう - これがジュリアロバーツだよ。
>>647 let's put it this way it は Hollywood's most bankable film starからジュリアの言葉 "It's tricky to swing dance in a girdle." までの冒頭の彼女の 描写を指して、これがジュリアロバーツだ、彼女的なことだ、としたんだが。 647と根本的に異なってると思われないが。
GOOAAL! On December 5th Michael Schumacher, six times champion of Formula One motor racing, and other glitterati are due to make the draw for qualifying tournaments for the 2006 World Cup in Germany.
The Economistの記事なんですが make the draw for qualifying tournament をどう訳しますか。よろしくお願いします。
The United States entered the 21st century with an ecnomy that was bigger and by many measures more succesful,than ever この文わかりません助けてください なんでmany measures more succesfulと2つ名詞が続いてるのかも不明です 全然わからないですおねがいします!
The fact that a president who promised to bring a new tone to Washington has actually polarised his country may prove a sensible electoral gamble on his part : the Bush lovers probably narrowly outnumber the Bush haters. But it is playing blue murder with political books.
The Economist の記事です。最後の But it is 〜 books の部分の 意味がよくわかりません。どなたかよろしくお願いします。
"It is not right to sell our honor and our soul for a plate of lentils, flogging for the nth time the same Airbus."
Former Socialist minister Jack Lang, criticizing French President Jacques Chirac's diplomatic embrace of China. Chirac issued the strongest Western protest yet of Taiwan's plan to hold an islandwide referendum, and called for an end to the EU arms embargo on China.
nth = n番目の、n倍の flogging (for the nth time) the same Airbus flog = (怪しげな商品を)売りつける Airbus = フランス、西ドイツ、イギリス、スペインの共同出資でフランスに 設立された航空機製造会社 a plate of lentils は「取るに足りないもの」の比喩と思う
この文の意味はどういうものでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 When the jury was home asleep, Edwards was not always Sheriff Andy, according to his former legal adversary Sammy Thomoson.
In any event, the security services seem unable to prevent further bombings. The terrorists may not float in the air or vanish spontaneously, as Bulgakov's characters could. But for all the good that perfunctory new security measures at metro stations will do --- more document checks of dark- skinned people, the occasional sniffer dog --- they might as well be able to.
The Economist 2/14-20号からロシアのテロについての記事です。 for all the good 〜 の文章の訳、またその文中の they は何を 指し、be able to の後に省略されている語句は何でしょうか。 ちなみに Bulgakov というのはロシアの小説家の名前です。
Newsweek の記事からなのですが、下の How 以下の文章の意味を教えて いただけないでしょうか。
He testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"
Each day to facilitate the process by which the United States washes her hands of Vietnam someone has to give up his life so that the United States doesn't have to admit something that the entire world already knows, so that we can't say that we have made a mistake. Someone has to die so that President Nixon won't be, and these are his words, "the first President to lose a war ."
We are asking Americans to think about that because how do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?....We are here in Washington to say that the problem of this war is not just a question of war and diplomacy. It is part and parcel of everything that we are trying as human beings to communicate to people in this country - the question of racism which is rampant in the military, and so many other questions such as the use of weapons; the hypocrisy in our taking umbrage at the Geneva Conventions and using that as justification for a continuation of this war when we are more guilty than any other body of violations of those Geneva Conventions; in the use of free fire zones, harassment interdiction fire, search and destroy missions , the bombings, the torture of prisoners, all accepted policy by many units in South Vietnam. That is what we are trying to say. It is part and parcel of everything.
Such stores tend to have high operating costs, but they can command high margins, assuming that their in-house brands are both fashionable and popular. Marks and Spencer is still struggling to recover after getting that part of its equation wrong.
エコノミストの記事なのですが、終りのほうの that part of its equation とはなにを指しているのでしょうか。
Does Britney Spears still have it? Up against Beyonce, J.Lo Britney's stripped-down new look, together with the revelation that she is no longer the virgin she once professed to remain, has moved her away from her former teen fan base. Those teens are currently embracing Disney TV star Hilary Duff, 16, and Canadian punk singer Avril Lavigne, 19. Her overtures to the young adult audience put Britney up against the likes of Beyonce Knowles, who is enjoying a runaway success both as a solo artist and actress, and Jennifer Lopez, whose love life and revealing outfits have ousted Britney as the world's most talked about celebrity. Music has also moved on, with rap and R&B singles dominating mainstream U.S. radio playlists where five years ago bubblegum pop from pigtailed girls (and boys) next door reigned supreme. http://www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Music/11/10/sprj.caf03.leisure.britney.reut/
Governor Shintaro Ishihara relishes his role as the thorn in the side of Japanese bureaucracy. But the most powerful man in Tokyo is also one of the few people getting things done in the capital, he tells Tama Miyake.
its equation=to have high operating costs, but they can command high margins のやり方 that part=assuming that their in-house brands are both fashionable and popular
ではないでしょうか。つまり、Marks and Spencerはfashionable and popularで ないので、ハイコスト-ハイマージンの成功方程式をうまく解けなかった、 ということではないでしょうか。
OPEC is the cartel we love to hate, and no self-interested politician will defy public opinion by admitting we ought to have a shared agenda. But by their silence, government officials behave as if we do.
Finally, Washington wants to make sure any step Sharon unilaterally takes does not foreclose options when negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians are eventually renewed. "He can't do anything that can't be undone in the future," says the Western diplomat. With a fresh infusion of American cash, that is.
Newsweek の記事からです。文中の He can't 〜 future の意味と最後の that is の意味をどなたか教えてくれませんか。よろしくお願いします。
that is 【1】 すなわち、〜というのは、換言すれば、つまり、少なくとも 【2】 〈話〉〜ってことだけど◆【用法】補足の末尾に付けて "Can I really do that?" "Sure. If you have money, that is." 「本当にそんなことができるのですか」「もちろん。お金があればの話だけど」
Washington wants to make sure any step (Sharon unilaterally takes) does not foreclose options アメリカ政府は(シャロン首相が一方的に採用する)措置が他の選択肢を 排除することになる事態を確実に避けようと注意している。
とあるので、He can't do anything that can't be undone in the future は
Yet talks will continue, at least for a while. America wants to show that it has tried negotiations with the North, should sterner measures eventually be called for. And George Bush will surely not want a nuclear crisis to disrupt his hopes for re-election in November.
二番目の文の America 〜 for の訳をどなたか教えてくれませんか。 よろしくお願いします。
but his cock was still as hard as ever and standing out proudly, 9" long. She let it slip from her mouth, pondering her next move. Nate didn't dare move an inch, for two reasons: (1) he didn't want to collapse and (2) he was hoping she would suck him off again. But she had other plans. She stood once again, and his cum-covered dick slid across her tits, and along her belly. She scooped the semen from her cheek and her breasts and licked her fingers clean. She wrapped her hand around the base of Nate's cock and slowly tugged him toward the bathroom counter. She turned around and kissed him fully on the mouth, letting her hot, moist lips envelop his. Her tongue danced around his. As much as she wanted him to cum in her pussy, she didn't want to risk getting pregnant. "Don't cum in my pussy, baby! Don't cum in my pussy!" she screamed.
SEOUL -- In a swank neighborhood renowned for designer boutiques and plastic surgery clinics, anxious parents drag frightened toddlers into Dr. Nam Il Woo's office and demand that he operate on the children's tongues. It is a simple procedure: Just a snip on a membrane and the tongue is supposedly longer, more flexible and--some South Koreans believe--better able to pronounce such notorious tongue-teasers for Asians as the English word "rice" so it does not sound like "lice." "Parents are eager to have their children speak English, and so they want to have them get the operation," said Nam, who performs about 10 procedures a month, almost all on children younger than 5, in his well-appointed offices in the Apkujong district here. "It is not cosmetic surgery. In some cases, it really is essential to speak English properly." In this competitive and education-obsessed society, fluent and unaccented English is the top goal of language study and is pursued with fervor. It is not unusual for 6-month-old infants to be put in front of the television for as long as five hours a day to watch instruction videos, or for 7-year-olds to be sent out after dinner for English cram courses. South Korean parents will spend the equivalent of a month's salary here on monthly tuition at English-language kindergartens and up to $50 an hour for tutors. Between the after-school courses, flashcards, books and videos, English instruction is estimated to be a $3-billion-a-year industry--and that doesn't include the thousands of children sent abroad to hone their skills.
'National Religion' In another display of linguistic zeal, the Seoul city government recently set up a hotline for citizens to call if they see English spelling or grammar mistakes on public signs. "Learning English is almost the national religion," said Jonathan Hilts, the host of a popular English-language talk show on South Korea's Educational Broadcasting System. Not surprisingly, a backlash is developing against the mania. Linguists warn that children pushed too early or too hard to learn the language might end up in linguistic limbo, speaking neither English nor Korean with skill. Child psychiatrists report cases of preschoolers suffering anxiety from too much pressure. "English makes children's lives hell!" declared a recent cover story in the weekly magazine Dong-A. The most controversial aspect of the English craze is the tongue surgery, which critics say is unnecessary. The procedure, known as frenectomy, has been used for years to correct a condition popularly known as "tongue-tie," in which the thin band of tissue under the tongue--the frenulum--extends to the tip. If the tongue can't easily touch the roof of the mouth, it is difficult to pronounce some sounds.
No statistics exist in South Korea about the number of such operations, which usually are done in private clinics. However, doctors say the procedure's popularity has soared with the boom in English instruction. "This is a recent phenomenon," said Jung Do Kwang, an ear, nose and throat specialist at the Hana Nose Institute in Seoul. "Korean mothers have a fervor for education. They think it will make their children fluent in English." Jung said the operation involves a simple cut in the frenulum, which takes as few as 10 minutes and can be done as outpatient surgery with local anesthetic. It usually costs between $230 and $400. Jung said it helps pronunciation in English and Korean if the procedure is performed on a child younger than 5 and if the patient has a tongue that is genuinely too short or inflexible. "If the tongue is really short, you can't pronounce Rs and Ls properly," Jung said. "But this condition is relatively uncommon, and you get 10 times as many parents who want the operation as children who really need it." A study published in 2000 of 37 children who had undergone the operation was inconclusive because young people usually cannot pronounce words properly until about age 9, according to Koh Joong Wha, a throat specialist who wrote the study.
"This operation is taking place more than in the past. The reason being that the younger generation is affluent and having no more than two children, they pay a lot of attention to each child and their expectations of their children are getting higher," Koh said. "And, of course, there is the income these operations generate, so doctors are reluctant to say no." In Seoul, the operation is most often performed in the fashionable Apkujong neighborhood, especially near a strip known as Rodeo Street. Interspersed among designer stores such as Gucci and Jil Sander are dozens of clinics specializing in plastic surgery.
Nam, a former professor at Seoul National University who specializes in jaw reconstruction, runs the Cleo Plastic & Dental Clinic in a sleek new building, upstairs from a chic cafe aptly called Plastic. Most of the parents who bring their children in for surgery, he said, were themselves frustrated by an inability to learn English and want their children to have an easier time. "Some people blame the length of the tongue instead of recognizing how difficult it is to learn a foreign language," he added.
Language Differences Linguists also sneer at the idea that South Koreans' tongues are too short to speak English properly, pointing to the unaccented speech of hundreds of thousands of Korean Americans. "OK, since Westerners are taller they might have longer tongues. But this operation lengthens the tongue by only a millimeter or two and that has nothing to do with it," said linguist Lee Ho Young at Seoul National University. The real problem for South Koreans, as for Japanese, is that their own languages make no distinction between Ls and Rs, so their ears cannot detect the difference, Lee said. Although English has long been the most popular second language here, people say enthusiasm picked up after the Asian financial crisis of 1997, when hundreds of thousands lost their jobs and South Korea turned to the International Monetary Fund for a bailout. That episode brought home for South Koreans just how vulnerable they are to the international economy. "The 21st century globalization school" is the slogan of the Phillip School, painted on the side of its shiny bus, although many students arrive in chauffeur-driven foreign cars. The school, which opened last year in Apkujong, was the first English preschool in Seoul aimed at South Koreans. The students, as young as 18 months, are taught exclusively in English, except for two hours a week when they have Chinese lessons. Although tuition runs to nearly $800 a month, a steep price by South Korean standards, there is a waiting list.
Child psychiatrists do not dispute the importance of English, but they warn that South Koreans might be going too far. "Parents are very competitive here," said Shin Yee Yin, a psychiatrist at Yonsei University. "They feel the only way to enhance social class is to educate the children well, and if the children can speak English like a native they are guaranteed success. But the children, they lose hair, they bite their nails, they have sleep terrors. There is too much pressure from the mothers and teachers to learn English." In the last year, Shin has treated two patients--ages 4 and 2--who had the tongue operation and a larger number who have what psychiatrists here have identified as a syndrome caused by spending too much time watching language-training videos. Shin, who has lectured about this syndrome at international conferences, said it has been reported in only two countries: South Korea and Turkey. "These children watch videos maybe five hours a day," Shin said. "They know a lot of words in English, like 'chair' and 'table,' but they speak like robots in a monotonous accent and cannot communicate properly." All this is bewildering to parents struggling to do the right thing. "The whole society is going for English," said Kim Yeon Ju, a 34-year-old homemaker whose 6-year-old son has studied the language for three years and now attends English-language kindergarten. "My children will learn Korean at home, so they can go to school in English." Another mother, Kim Young Pun, a fashion designer in her early 40s, is conflicted about whether to get a tongue operation for her 14-month-old daughter.
"It is so difficult to know what to do," Kim said. "At first when I heard about this operation, I was shocked by the idea. But a mother's ambition for her child is unlimited. You don't want them to miss any opportunity."
>>733 The World in 2004 は毎年、過去一年の総括と次の年の予想を 主要国ごとに述べたやつじゃなかったかな。書店で普通に売ってる から実際に手に取って見てみたらいい。 年末年始に読むのは楽しいけど、実際のところ毎週The Economistを 読んでいるならわざわざ買うほどのことはないという気もする。
At one point, Roberts volunteered a summary of his management beliefs. "It comes down to people, execution and not getting ahead of yourself," he said.
>>755 副見出しの文章中の 1.3 billion 言い換えると a billion (and) three hundred million を省略したものと思います。見出しを簡潔にするためと three と me で 韻を踏むために hudred million を略したんでしょう。 a billion three =「中国の人口13億の市場」
I have been reading Fareed Zakaria's WORLD VIEW column for about two years now, and have often wanted to write and compliment him on his insight and courage. Now he is recommending the firing of William Boykin, and I think he's calling this one square on the nose. I am an unabashed patriot, and a supporter of the United States of America --- right or wrong --- in the Middle East. But I also think that we allow entirely too many idiots in high places. Zakaria is right. There is no room for Boykin in an American administration as long as we live in a world in which mutual respect, not mere tolerance, is fast becoming an imperative.
Newsweek の読者からの投書欄の文章です。文中の I think he's calling this one square on the nose はどういう意味でしょうか。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。
A Great delusion fostered by recent corporate scandals is that companies will now release results in a way that is comprehensible to more than the few people capable of reading between the lines. Had anyone believed this, AIG, America's biggest insurance company, has produced a tutorial on how a fall in profits can be presented as a small gain, and a small gain as a whopping improvement.
Economist の記事からです。上記文中の Had 〜 tutorial の部分の解釈を どなたか教えてください。よろしくお願いします。
Culture lessons with The Guardian Weekly Pregnant and proud amongst the pigeons in Trafalgar Square A controversial new statue depicting a naked and pregnant woman is to be unveiled in London's most famous square. (Intermediate +) http://www.onestopenglish.com/Culture/lessons-English-teaching/elt_esl_lesso ns.htm
>>767 Had anyone believed this の部分だけ見ると If anyone had believed this のif省略倒置のよくある形に見えるんだが、そうすると主節の部分の形が対応し ないし意味もわからない。仮定法ではないと思う。 >>764 そうか、そう解釈するか。漏れはよくわからんかった。 >>768 何がどうアホ?
Which must have made Lord Hutton's conclusions this week all the sweeter for Mr Blair. On just about every aspect of Lord Hutton's report, it was game, set and match to the government. BBC had got it wrong about as badly as it could have.
上の文中の it was game, set and match to the government は どういう意味でしょうか。どなたかお願いします。
Mr Kostunica has talked of "cantonisation" ; in UN parlance, this is "decentralisation". Whatever the label, it means some form of autonomy for Serbs in parts of Kosovo. For many Serbs it points to eventual partition. Both Serbs and ethnic Albanians have been looking at how fighting ended in Bosnia and Macedonia, hoping for lessons for Kosovo. If they hold open lines between Serbia and Kosovo, the violence may even galvanise their work. But that is the hopeful scenario.
The Economist 3/27-4/2 の記事です。文中の If they hold open lines は どういう意味でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
lines (電話回線)を閉じずに open lines の状態に hold (保つ) する ということで、訳としては「対話の余地を残しておく」とかになるのかな。
オンライン上で見つけた open lines の似たような使用例を挙げておきます。 This is a story about a Quaker mediator in Sri Lanka who worked to open lines of communication between the warring factions when no other forum for communication was available.
One of my primary objectives as your new Mayor is to have open lines of communication with all of the citizens of Carolina Beach.
"Taxes are the new third rail of U.S. politics." says consultant Brian Lunde, who is organizing Democrats for Bush. "The Democrats may have just touched it."
the third rail は a rail through which electric current is supplied to an electric locomotive。 高圧電流が流れているので、触ったら it would be fatal。 the third rail of なんとかは、the one you're not supposed to touch because it shocks you。 But, if you don't touch it, you can't fix it。
Brin and Page knew that doughters predicted that going public would be the end of Google's employee amenities like free lunches cooked by Jerry Garcia's former chef and rubdowns on call. But "when you look at the financials, that costs nothing," said Brin recently. "It's less than a rounding error." He and Page are telling shareholders to "expect us to add benefits rather than pare them down over time."
Newsweek のグーグル社株式上場をめぐる記事です。 文中の It's less than a rounding error はどういう意味でしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
レーガンが表紙の号の TIME に ベストセラーの「ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記」を書いた ヘレン・フィールディングの記事がちょっとだけ載っている。 彼女の新作はスパイ小説らしい。
主人公が女スパイで タイトルは Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination 。
It's rather fun writing a female spy, because she has so much more kit. Bond never carried a hair dryer or a makeup bag. And he certainly didn't wear an uplift bra. It's amazing what you can put in the booster packs in the underwiring.
Even if it wasn't always morning in America during the years of his presidency, Reagan's eagerness to insist that it was tapped into a longing among voters. They didn't want to picture themselves turning down their thermostats and buttoning up their cardigans. They wanted to strut again.
注 : morning in America はレーガンの使用した有名な選挙スローガン。 Regan's eagerness to insist that it was (morning in America) と省略を補う。 tap into 〜 は熟語で = make an advantageous connection with turning down their thermostats and buttoning up their cardigans は、クーラー・エアコン等の使用を控えてカーディガンを着、冷暖房費 の節約にはげむ、の意味でしょう。
At our last Kennedy Center Honors show, Walter Cronkite went back onstage at the end and brought out all the cast, performers and crew to salute us. By this time, the aisles were filled with ushers, and he gave a very touching tribute. The audience then turned, faced us and sang "Auld Lang Syne". I had dissolved into tears by that time. But Ronnie called down, "Beats getting an Oscar." Only Ronnie could do that.
同じ号のレーガン夫人が夫を回顧した文章の中の一節です。 最後の But Ronnie 〜 Oscar の意味がよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。
If they had devoted a fraction of the energy to editing this text that they did to marketing it, then the turkey might have had a chance to fly ; as it is, it is destined to sit on the coffee tables of liberal America, lightly thumbed and quickly discarded.
あと、大統領になってからのページは、ところどころ brilliant political analysis (才気にあふれた政治的分析コメント)がある との TIME の評です。もともとクリントン氏は頭のきれる人間なのでこれも当然のことといえるでしょう。 問題は残りの大部分を占める退屈なページをどれだけ我慢して読み進められるかがポイントで、クリントン大統領にもともと興味が それほどない人間にはかなりつらい読書となるようです。
と書いてる人がいるけど、なんでアメリカの三大誌とされるタイム、 ニューズウィーク、USNews and World Report をはずすのかな。 この三誌が世論形成に大きな影響力を持ってるのは常識だと思うけど。 しかも >The Economist はいいと思うよ とイギリスの The Economist は入れてる。
次に念のためウェブで調べてみたら We'll take up a cup of kindness yet for Auld Lang Syne.' As the entire house joined in singing the final refrain, Reagan ad libbed from the presidential box; 'This beats getting an Oscar.' とありました。 これによるとAuld Lang Syneのリフレインの歌詞をレーガンがアドリブで "Beats getting an Oscar"に変えて歌い、観客もそれに和して歌った という解釈になると思います。それならいきなり"Beats getting an Oscar" となる理由が納得できます。 たぶんこの説明が正しいのでしょうが、今度は新たな問題点が発生します。 元の文のBut Ronnie called down, "Beats getting an Oscar."からはたして そんな事情が推察できるのかという点です。 いずれにせよ原文を読んでスッキリしないところが残るという感覚は 打ち消すことができません。
It wasn't easy being Brando. In her 2001 biography, Patricia Bosworth quotes an ex-girlfriend who was watching TV with the actor when they came across "Streetcar". "Marlon told me, 'Turn it off', but I said, 'Please let me watch'. So we did for a while, and then Marlon, groaned, 'Oh, God, I was beautiful then'." Was he ever.
Newsweek のマーロン・ブランド追悼記事の最後のほうの文章です。 Was he ever の部分はどう訳したらいいでしょうか。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。
Lieberfarb was in line for a payday, but would it be cash or stock options? Gerald Levin, then the CEO of Time Warner, suggested he forgo a payment of 25 million and take options, according to Lieberbarb. "I'm going to make you very rich," he recalls Levin saying. But when AOL Time Warner cratered, the options did, too. Levin quit in 2002, and his successor, Parsons, wasn't hearing any special pleas from employees to be made whole.
Newsweekからなのですが、最後の and his successor 〜 whole は どんな意味でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
to be made whole whole は「完全な、欠けたところのない」の意味と思う。 25 million の給与のかわりにストック・オプションを選んだけれども 株価の下落とともにストック・オプションの価値も下がったので その分、損をした。その分をいわゆる損失補てんしてほしい、もともと 受けとるはずだった額を完全に払ってほしい、(という社員の要望) ということかと。
White House insiders insist Bush would never dump Cheney, whom they plan to use in laser-guided fashion to bring out the GOP vote. Nor will they bother attempting a makeover. "We're not going to put him in earth tones," said one.
Newsweek の記事からです。最後の We're not going to put him in earth tones の意味を 教えて下さい。
Mexico is the world's largest consumer of soft drinks, by a factor of about three to one. (The United States is No.2) But here in the southern province of Chiapas, Coca-Cola is more than just a fizzy drink.
上の文の by a factor of about three to one のところはどういう意味でしょうか。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。
... Do I look better in pure white and clear colors such as browns and golds? Do I look better in Earth tones such as Peach, Dark Brown or Beige?
... Colors are earth tones, muted, creamy whites, yellows, terra cotta and the array of colors found naturally in our environment. Natural fabrics again, in earth tones, project the solid, dependable type of energy of someone who can get the job done.
もともと和訳スレ part 79 で出た問題ですがスレ違いの気配が濃厚に なってきたのでこちらの場を借りて議論を続けたいと思います。
問題文再掲 The draft version for the human genome was announced, which revealed a shocking fact that a human has ~30,000 genes. It has revealed not only the number of the genes but a number of new remarked facts. An example is a glimpse of the profile of structural biology in the human genome as well as the disclosure of a lot of disease-related genes. It can tell the evolutional history of humans and provide an answer to the fundamental question "Why is a human a human?" Now we have got in our hands genuine imagination for that fascinating human genome!
>"genuine imagination for the human genome"はそのまま「ヒト・ゲノム >に対する真の想像」。つまり「(これまでは一時構造が全部わかって >いなかったから)憶測レベルの想像しかできなかった。(配列がわかった >から)より真実味をもって予測の議論できる」ということ。
b : the life processes especially of an organism or group; broadly
2. The life processes or characteristic phenomena of a group or category of living organisms:
と出ています。 すなわち、life process あるいは life (characteristic) phenomena です。
structural process (in the human genome) structural phenomenon (in the human genome) なら英語としてそれほどすわりが悪くないのではないかという気がします。 ただ日本語には依然訳しにくい。下手に訳すとまたツッコミがはいりそうです。^^
life process は「生命活動の過程」 life phenomenon は「生命活動現象」ぐらいでしょうか。 「現象」というのは「表に現れた姿・かたち」ぐらいの意味ですから、 これを「様態・態様」と訳してもそれほど的はずれにはならないでしょう。 (自分が最初に訳した「生態」もこの線に沿うものでした)
>>914-930 時事さん structural biology in the human genome はヒトゲノムの構造生物学と訳しておけばいいと思います。 実際そのstructural biologyがここでどういうことを指してるかは、ヒトゲノムの構造生物学という 言葉が何を指しているかといういう問題です。とりあえずそう訳して、特にこの文章の出典とかわから ないですし、あとは突かなくてもいいと思います。
Is an accomplished sketch and portrait artist. In fact, she was an artist before working on Gone With the Wind.
Gone With the Wind was the only movie role Rhett did. She was offered other roles, but moved back to South Carolina citing she did not think she was right the parts.
Originally tested for the role of Melanie
Is an accomplished sketch and portrait artist. は文頭に She の省略。 「彼女は優れた技量を持つ写生画家であり肖像画家である。実際のところ "風とともに去りぬ"に出演する前から絵を描いていた」
Kay Brown discovered Alicia Rhett during the first "Invasion of the South." Later, during his trip South, George Cukor had her read for the part of Melanie. He was impressed by her poise and charm, but as his teletype to Selznick (below) shows, he did not feel she had the acting experience to play the role. She was eventually cast as India Wilkes, Ashley's sister.
(続き) 英語の議論としては、そもそも仮に筆者がstructural biologyという言葉で普通に了解さ れるstructural biology以外の概念を意味していたなら、それを説明する表現を用いるべ きで、単にstructural biologyと書くべきではなかったといえます。imaginationも議論の 対象になってましたが、これもそもそも ”genuine imagination for that fascinating human genome” というのがものすごくふんわかした曖昧な表現だからだと思います。意味 不明とも考えられる。ゲノム配列が解明されるまではいろいろgenuine imagination、つまり 純粋に想像するところはあったかもしれませんが、全配列が解明されたなら、我々は想像で はなく現実のデータを手にし、それを基にこれからいろいろさらに他のことを解明していく わけですから。そういうわけで、structural biology とimaginationの文は原文がよくない、 >>937で書いたようにremarkedは誤り、ついでにもうひとつdraft version for the human genome の for は、version of と of が普通ではないか、というのが私のあの英文への考えです。 私はアメリカの政治記事などは背景知識がなく、時事さんの解説や訳で参考になることも多いの ですが、上の文章に関しては突くだけの意味はあまりなかろうと判断してるのです。
イギリスの週刊誌を直接購読しようかと考えてるんですが、週刊誌が自宅に届くのは日本の書店に並ぶのと同じ時期になるんでしょうか?それとも、もっと遅れるとか? あと、購読案内に rate ROW £115 Europe £108 USA £115 Canada £82 などと書かれています。 ROWって何ですかね? the rest of the worldの略で、日本はこれに含まれるんですかね?
Attacking a Kerry strength, the Bush campaign launched a new advertisement touting the president's "practical plan" for healthcare and tying Kerry with "liberals in Congress" who support a government-run health care plan.
>>961 >頭の Attacking a Kerry strength とはどういう用法でしょうか? 分詞構文でしょう。 そして、strength の意味は「強み、長所」。直前のパラグラフの冒頭に 以下のような文があります。 One of the issues where Kerry has maintained a lead over Bush has been healthcare.
Boycott Abercrombie & Fitch http://www.petitiononline.com/BCAF/petition.html As citizens against racism in any form, we are shocked and disgusted at Abercrombie & Fitch's recent line of graphic T-shirts adorned with Asian caricatures. The prints on the Tees are degrading misrepresentations of Asian Americans that rely on racist stereotypes for their source of "humor AF sells Racism
Slogans such as, "Two Wongs can make it White" or "Get your Buddha on the Floor," partnered with stereotypical portrayals of Asian laundrymen wearing rice patty straw hats and Asian woman in a passive manner, have no place in a modern organization looking for the business of Asian Americans or well minded Americans