peru's first freely elected president of indian descent,was sworn into office saturday,promising to remain true to his roots and govern for the nation's poor.
Oh, finally a man who judges the book by its cover! Bartender! Room for two please! This is going to be a wild ride, God! Prepare yourself, for this night you shall never forget!
I look forward in seeing you in the very, very near future.
「I look forward in seeing you」とよくメールの最後に書いてる人なのですが 日本語だとどういう感じなんでしょうか? 今回は「in the very, very near future.」がついてきました。 1月に遊ぶ約束をしたから、かな。 あと、時々「really」が付いてたり。 なんというか、微妙なニュアンスがいまいちわかりません。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします!
For her Christmas present this year my mum wanted a night out at bingo, but my dad just wanted some money to upgrade his bike. My mum doesn't know that I have brought her a present as well though.
I wish you and all those that are close to you, even in distance like me, a Merry Xmas and a New Year full of excitement, joy and accomplishments as your life approaches the New Year.
This will not be the first or last chance to make your life happier, we all know. But why not use this little extra motivation that Christmas and New Years usually bring about to take all the opportunities and try the hardest you can to make all your accomplishable dreams come true?
More than a New Year wish take this as my everyday wish to a friend that I miss having around this time of the year: I wish you can make every day of your life the best one you've ever had, so the next time we meet I'll be sharing the best day of your life with you.
Let's remember as well to take few minutes of our time a day, to make others happy and cultivate the Altruistic Love in our hearts. If all of us make this effort, a Worldof Peace will be not just a dream.
You will find no valiant quests from me to dispatch armies of orcs threatening a town, or pleas for help to save my land from a terrorizing dragon, adventurer.
Thank you for your e-mail. As requested, we have made the appointment with Dr. George Eastman on Feb 11th, 2003 at 15.00hrs for the eye examination of LASIK surgery. Please note that we have registered you as a new patient with the hospital number XXXXX. You don't have to pay for the Japanese interpreter.
Upon arrival, please contact the second floor at Japanese Counter to update the information. Kindly confirm the arrangement. Best regards
*If you wish to change or cancel your appointment, please provide 48 hours notice. *If you have a series of appointments booked and fail to show up to an appointment without notice, then all subsequent appointments will be cancelled.
We have had trouble picking from your works so you can just send us two if you would like on a CDR or if you know what one you like the most you can send one.
構造的にはこうだと推理したんですが(>_<;)。 We have had trouble picking from your songs so (that) [ (you can just send us two, if you would like on a CDR) or (if you know what one you like the most, you can send one) ]
124 >>124 「どうぞ」の意味では、動詞としてではなく「Adverb」として分類されています。 ◇adverb, used in polite requests or questions: Please addree letters to the editor / What type of fiah is this, please? [New Oxford Dictionary of ENGLISH, revised in 2001]
長いので、できるところだけでも良いです。 今晩はもう遅い時間ですし、急ぎませんのでお時間のあるときお願いします。 In considering whether the supplier should carry out the verification, the manufacturer should take into account the result of his evaluation carried out under 7.4.1. The decision should reflect competence of the supplier, including whether he has a quality system that covers the activity, the resources. e.g. equipment and the people with sufficient skill and expense to do it.
混ぜっ返すことになるのはわかっての発言なのですが、 じつは最初から a quality system が引っ掛かっています。 品質管理がどうのこうのの文脈ででてくるので「品質システム」と思ってしまうが、 これが「上質の(よくできた)」と言う意味はないのか? まるで「quality meat」のように。そうすると a quality がなぜ a なのか わかるような気がする。でも、やっぱり自分の公式見解は >>143 ですが。
>>139 a quality system = a quality assurance system だと思う。 それから、competence of the supplier, [which is] including whether he has [the following:] A: a quality system that covers the activity, B: the resources. e.g. equipment and the people with sufficient skill and expense to do it. だと思いますよ。systemとresourcesはパラレル。それが両方備わってはじめて compitentになるのだと思います。
>>151,>>157,>>158 ご指摘の通り、コンマやandに問題があるけど、 経営用語でthe resourcesと言うと普通、人材、器材、資金などの事を指すので、 意味の上からthe resources. e.g. equipment and the people and expense を一塊にして考えるのが一番自然だと思ったんですが。
>>141->>173 回答関係者のみなさま。依頼者の139です。沢山のレスに感謝致します。 また、ご察しのとおりISO絡みのものです。(どぉして分かったのでしょう?) ここの章は「Vertification of purchased product」の一部なので 資金に関することも含まれて間違いございません。 また、本書の書き方の傾向として、 「In considering〜the resources. 」を主説明とし、「e.g.」は それの例を挙げているようで、下記のような書き方です。 「In considering〜the resources.(例)equipment and the people with sufficient skill and expense to do it.」 ですので、equipment〜to do it. の3項目全部andで繋がっていますが a,b and c の間違いであると思われます。事実、本書の中の至るところに妙な 英文やミススペルございます。例えば、recognizedはrecognisedになって いたり、equipmentがequipments(複数)であったりと。 訳は>141ですとほぼ内容が通じます。ただ、その後にみなさんのおっしゃって いる要素も含めて整備するときれいにまとまりそうです。 どうもありがとうございました。今回に懲りず、またお知恵をお貸しください。
>>175 7.4.1 of EN ISO 9001:2000 applies. ですから、そのようです。 174でも書きましたがみなさんもお気付きのとおり、本書は英語が完璧でない 箇所が随所にございまして、その理由は「ISOの基準とした欧州標準書」のためと思われます。 ですので、英文化したのはネイティブでない可能性大で、当方、英語レベルがいまひとつと いわれる技術系の者には読んでてさっぱりです。 いろいろありがとうございました。またお願いします。
2chでみつけました お願いします I think we English teachers need TOEFL score and which university we studied English study at more than TOEIC Score. It's no evidence someone has little ability to speak English or communicate English native speakers in English. Where's the evidence?
上の文は 「当然ながら、茶というものは説明しようと思えばいくらでもできる」 という内容です。英文和訳にはなってませんね。 下の文はわかりません。 your spoon might stand up on its ownのくだりは ジョンソン博士が異常に濃いお茶を好んだというエピソードを彷彿とさせますが、 文意としてはわかりませんね。 どうしてrailway stationなのか(そもそもどうしてaもtheもないのか) 文脈がないとわからない。 どなたか、フォローお願いしたいです。
The scientist looks for order in the appearances of nature by exploring likeness. For order does not display itself of itself, it is not there for the mere looking.
A lot has happened for me since I wrote that last email. I kind-of asked a penpal out, and she kind-of agreed. It's a bit complicated. Hopefully we will get on well. I'm happy but worried at the same time.
The sky above and the bowl of the amphitheatre below comprise a world befor us in miniature, a "world" upon whitch the world at large can -- at this climax of cultural achievement --be mapped.
前半はなんとか訳したのですが、a "world"以下が全く分かりません。 upon whitchのあたりの構造が全く…。 こなれてない日本語でもいいので、文法的に正確に訳すとどうなりますか。
挿入句は「--この文化的功績の絶頂において--」と訳しました。 at largeは「自由に」と訳していいのか「全体に」や「十分に」がいいのかつかめません。
>>248 the world at large can be mapped upon a "world" ↓ the world at large can be mapped upon which ↓ upon which the world at large can be mapped ってことです。前置詞+関係代名詞はひとまとまりになって前に出ます in whichとかat whichとかよく見るでしょ。upon whichもそれと同じです
a "world" は小宇宙、小世界とでも訳せば良いとおもうけど、現実世界を 映し出す箱庭、キャンパスみたいに考えてみて
rear entry position this is one of the sex styles of heterosexual copulation, this position accomplished by the female positioning herself genupectorally the male on his penis vaginally from the rear as with beasts This is a popular variation with many couples &alsoserves
It is said that one lives a full and varied life, with each day passing quickly because it is so active and interesting, upon death one will feel life has been very long and fulfilling. お願いします。
chuff(n) The motions of the female pelvis in copulation so as to keep the penis stimulated to move the pelvis or hips as the passive partner in copulation or pederasty chuffer (n) chuffy huffily(adv)
It is said that one lives a full and varied life, upon death one will feel life has been very long and fulfilling って感じでwith〜を抜かしたら 接続詞が足りなくない?>>275 まあ眠いので・・・あとは任せた。
It is said that one lives a full and varied life, with each day passing quickly because it is so active and interesting, upon death one will feel life has been very long and fulfilling
It is said that one lives a full and varied life, upon death one will feel life has been very long and fulfilling.
となるから、変じゃないの?文章自体が。 修正するのなら 1)oneを1回でまとめるか? 2)one lives a full and varied lifeの前にifを入れるとか?
元の文章は It is said that (ifが入っていて) one lives a full and varied life, with each day passing quickly because it is so active and interesting, upon death one will feel life has been very long and fulfilling. となっていたんじゃないですか?
Leaders of the Air Line Pilots Association met Saturday and approved a temporary 29 percent wage cut effective Jan. 1, ALPA spokesman Dave Kelly said. The Association of Flight Attendants will recommend that its members ratify a 9 percent interim wage cut also effective Jan. 1, association spokeswoman Sara Dela Cruz said. 【The unions are scrambling to preserve their contracts following United's motion filed Friday in U.S. bankruptcy court to scrap its labor contracts if it fails to reach voluntary wage concessions.】 The unions have until Jan. 8 to approve the voluntary wage cuts.
>>265 It is said that one lives a full and varied life, with each day passing quickly because it is so active and interesting, upon death one will feel life has been very long and fulfilling. こういう事が言われる。人生が、あまりにも活動的で面白いので、日が経つのが日に日に早くなって行くが、人は色々な事で満ちた人生を送る。そして、死ぬ時には人生は長くて満ち足りたものだと感ずるだろう。 upon deathの前に接続詞がある無しに拘わらず、こういう意味です。
【】内の部分をお願いします。 "one" の意味が不明なのと、 これは仮定法過去なのでしょうか? In the mid-1960s, not only was a great deal of good work being done on Southern literature, but the work was also being accepted as legitimate scholarship by the profession of literary critics. 【No longer was one an exotic if writing about literature in the South. 】 The academic study of Southern literature had become a celebration of regional patriotism and local color.
During the next two decades, there evolved an expertise in critiquing the Southern writer that involved being able to see beyond the sinmplicity of language and the scope of the area into the deep and passionate emotions that are typical in the South.
Actually, I know. I would be wondering, as I am now, about what could have been, had events taken a different path. Some things never change, I guess...
I should go study at a japanese school instead of attending class at an international school. It's killing my kanji ability. Thanks for making me feel kinda useless but heck reality bites!!
>>336 この人は、今も、過去を振り返っては「あの時ああなってたら、どうなってただろう?」 みたいなことを考えていて、将来も、同じようにしてるだろうな って思ってて Some things never changeってのは、そのこと(今も将来も過去を振り返ってくよくよ(?)すること) を指してるんじゃないのかな? と僕は考えたわけです
During the next two decades, there evolved an expertise in critiquing the Southern writer that involved being able to see beyond the simplicity of language and the scope of the area
the deep and passionate emotions that are typical in the South.
The mail man just arrived here with the copy of your passport. After Customs clearance of your shipment, we will contact you for the delivery arrnagement.
Regarding your shipment, Since it is personal effect,
You will have to fill out C-3 form for customs clearance! I will go ahead and send you the C-3 form out to you today! Please fill it out and send it back to us with the certificate of attendence from your school.
You are garbage. It is waste without the value of being alive. I kill immediately now! Come and be here -- a cowardly monkey Yellow monkey Come! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
"Now folks can be blunt. They can put an eye job in a Christmas stocking, put a bow on a series of Botox injections この「put a bow」ってなんて訳すんだか、おしえてけろ! 緊急緊急おねがいしますだ!
Shots ricochet off cinder block. Around a corner, 45 fifth-graders from the city's largest public housing project pile into a bus bound for the Getty Center. It is a Saturday, the second day in what will stretch into six days of gun and gang mayhem, much of it in and around this Watts neighborhood. Brewster MacWilliams couldn't have ordered a better demonstration of why he is taking kids who keep chattering over the stutter of a semiautomatic to an art museum. "If you can show them another life," he says, "they'll jump at it."
Shots ricochet off cinder block. Around a corner, 45 fifth-graders from the city's largest public housing project pile into a bus bound for the Getty Center. 銃弾がブロック塀に跳ね返る音がした。 すぐ角を曲がったところでは、市営住宅から出てきた45人の5年生の子供達が がやがやとゲティセンター行きのバスの乗り込んでいる。
It is a Saturday, the second day in what will stretch into six days of gun and gang mayhem, much of it in and around this Watts neighborhood. 土曜日のことである。つまり、ほとんどがワット地区や周辺の地域で起こっているのだが、 これから6日間に渡って繰り広げられるであろう銃とギャングの殺傷事件の 2日目のことである。
Brewster MacWilliams couldn't have ordered a better demonstration of why he is taking kids who keep chattering over the stutter of a semiautomatic to an art museum. "If you can show them another life," he says, "they'll jump at it." ブルースター・マクウィリアムズは半自動小銃が鳴り響くなか、どうして わいわいとおしゃべりを続ける子供(生徒)達を博物館まで送っているのか 自分でも納得のいく説明ができなかった。 「もし別の人生が与えられるのなら、飛びつくだろうよ」と彼は言った。
Basically, when ever you hit a vortex in the game, you can literally "Delete" items. Now, i'm sure plenty of you have discovered this. Well, this, this was the key to my hack. When you create a bot to do 6 different things for you at once, you're going to get a result, and mine happened to be creating items. I figured, hell, if i ping the server with a fuck load of packets, i'm going to get lag, and yes I did. Now, with lag, you dont recieve packets "fast", as we all now. Now, if you drop a item it goes in to a "Vortex", because a client has no problem with sending packets, but they dont recieve them quite to fast. So, in the 5 seconds of nothing, there is basically no communication........... AND, with forcing certain packets into the server at that time you can fuck with the vortex and end up coming back with duplicates.
>>409 映画は見てないけど、そこの最後の一行を読むと、 「そうね。無茶な話ね。だからきっとそうなるのよ。」 trust it の it は彼女がその前に言ったWhen this ship docks, I'm getting off with you.の文章を指していると思う。 これはキリスト教徒ならだれでも知ってる(はずの) 「不合理なるがゆえに我信ず」(I believe because it is absurd.) のもじりじゃないのかな?
Mariko Kumoi enjoys many of the good things in life available to a modern Japanese woman: a rewarding job, foreign holidays and so on. A age 31, she lacks just one thing to make her life complete: a husband. In the past that might have worried her.
Here is the story of those lines. I had to dress up "corporate" to go to work during the day, and sometimes I didn't have time to change before the gig. John thought it was very funny that I would show up wearing polished dress shoes. And the "clap your wrists" was a reference to something I did when dancing.
Many in South Korea and Japan interpret last week's confession as a clearing of the decks, kicking over the old framework to negotiate a new, more stable one.
Different people see the wourld in different ways-a commonplace observation,but one that has a special relevance in situations where different languages are involved. This is because language is the primary tool of human communication, and when speakers of diffetent language is the primary tool of human communication becomes a complex and challenging process-as anyone who studies a foreign language soon discovers.
>>437 Different people see the wourld in different ways -a commonplace observation,but one that has a special relevance in situations where different languages are involved. This is because language is the primary tool of human communication, and when speakers of diffetent language IS THE PRIMAEY TOOL OF human communication becomes a complex and challenging process-as anyone who studies a foreign language soon discovers.
>>438 どうおかしいのですか?京都外大の推薦入試問題ですが解答がありません。 そこの部分は自分でも全然文意がとれません。 あと、 -a commonplace observation,but one that has a special relevance in situations where different languages are involved. もです。
>>442 -a commonplace observation,but one that has a special relevance in situations where different languages are involved. のone that はa commonplace observationで良いのですか?
ちょっと長めですが、よろしくお願いします。 友人からのメールで、本当にあった事件らしいのですが・・ The Grand Canyon in Arizona is cordoned off by a fence around the more treacherous overlooks, to prevent unsteady sightseers from tottering into the depths. Some of these overlooks have small towering plateaus a short distance from the fence. Tourists toss coins onto the plateaus, like dry wishing wells. Quite a few coins pile up on the surfaces, while others fall to the valley floor far below. One entrepreneur climbed over the fence with a bag, and leapt to one of the precarious, coin-covered perches. He filled the bag with booty, then tried to leap back to the fence with the coins. But the heavy bag arrested his jump, and several tourist were treated to a view of his plunge to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
It almost calls for resurrecting the phrase "ruling class," a notion once popular in left-wing circles that claims that the primary function of the highest levels of government is to protect the interests of the very rich. According to this view, big business and the ultra rich influence government at carious levels through campaign contributions, personal relationships and ideological affinity. Policy-making becomes not a "mediation" of competing interests but a not so subtle capturing of policy- making institutions by the rich and powerful.
The Grand Canyon in Arizona is cordoned off by a fence around the more treacherous overlooks, to prevent unsteady sightseers from tottering into the depths. アリゾナ州にあるグランドキャニオンでは、ルールを守らない(警告板を無視する) 観光客がよろけて崖下に落下しないないように、危険そうな見晴らし台の周囲は フェンスで囲まれている。
Some of these overlooks have small towering plateaus a short distance from the fence. Tourists toss coins onto the plateaus, like dry wishing wells. いくつかの見晴らし台には、フェンスからさほど離れていない場所に、 そびえ立っている小さな高台がある。旅行者達は、ちょうどコインが入ると 願いのかなう枯れ井戸にみたてて、高台目がけてコインを投げる。
Quite a few coins pile up on the surfaces, while others fall to the valley floor far below. One entrepreneur climbed over the fence with a bag, and leapt to one of the precarious, coin-covered perches. 多くは、ずっと下の谷底に落ちてはいるが、かなりたくさんのコインが 高台に積みあがっている。ある挑戦者がバッグをかついでフェンスを乗り越え 危なっかしい、コインで覆われた高台に飛び移った。
He filled the bag with booty, then tried to leap back to the fence with the coins. But the heavy bag arrested his jump, and several tourist were treated to a view of his plunge to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. 彼は、戦利品を袋に詰め、コインを持ってフェンスに飛び移り、戻ろうとした。 しかし、重いバッグのために、跳躍が足りず、多くの観光客が 彼がグランドキャニオンの谷底へと落下する場面を目撃することになった。
It almost calls for resurrecting the phrase "ruling class," a notion once popular in left-wing circles that claims that the primary function of the highest levels of government is to protect the interests of the very rich. 最も高尚な政府の機能は、財閥の利益を守るためにあるべきだと主張する 左翼の間でもてはやされた言葉ではあるが、「支配者階級」という言葉を 復活させようとしているのとほとんど同じである。
According to this view, big business and the ultra rich influence government at carious levels through campaign contributions, personal relationships and ideological affinity. この考え方によると、大企業と大財閥は政府に対して選挙資金献金、個人的なコネ、 同等の観念などを通して、汚職に関するところにまで、その影響力を及ぼしている。
Policy-making becomes not a "mediation" of competing interests but a not so subtle capturing of policy- making institutions by the rich and powerful. 政策は利権争いの仲裁の場にならないばかりか、財閥や権力者による 政策指南で決定される事が少なくなかった。
Imagine that in Tokyo! And some distance away there is an old covered bridge. Kyoko said that there aren't too many of them around now. 分かりません。教えてください。お願いします。
peru's first freely elected president of indian descent,was sworn into office saturday,promising to remain true to his roots and govern for the nation's poor. というのが以前ありましたが、、どうしてもわかりません よければ教えていただけないでしょうか??よろしくお願いします。 ,was〜saturday,は、同格表現でしょうか? あとelectedは、形容詞的用法になるのでしょうか?? ほんとにわからないです。。 皆さんからの答え待ってます!
It's in a corner of Boyle Heights where one group of enterprising workers is proving that the Southern California car culture is everything it's cracked up to be.
I hoped that this one would get you stumped... Oh well. You seem to be a lot smarter than I thought! Well, I suppose I have plenty of time to think of something even more confusing and difficult while we are out on the road.
というわけで peru's first freely elected president of indian descent,was sworn into office saturday,promising to remain true to his roots and govern for the nation's poor. というのが以前ありましたが、、どうしてもわかりません よければ教えていただけないでしょうか??よろしくお願いします。 ,was〜saturday,は、同格表現でしょうか? あとelectedは、形容詞的用法になるのでしょうか?? ほんとにわからないです。。 皆さんからの答え待ってます!
>>508 indian descentであるPeru's first freely elected (選出された)president が、土曜日に、sworn into officeされた。488参照。of=同格 descentのあとにカンマがあるから、509が言うように、peru's first freely 〜 の前に文章が続いていそう。
For well over a quarter of a century, law schools have been taking race into account in their admission of students in order to promote diversity. This winter, the U.S. Supreme Court will reconsider the 1978 decision that held that this practice was constitutional. As a former law school dean who saw the benefits of diversity firsthand, I fervently hope that the court will reaffirm this precedent. To do otherwise would compromise the core educational mission of American law schools.
Now, whenever a relative helpfully suggests she get hitched, her mind wanders to acquaintances'stories of thankless housework and how they look forward to their husbands disappearing on work trips. That kind of attitude was a no-no until recently in Japan, where family values were the only values socially acceptable. Now, as women are gaining economic freedom with their entry into the workforce, more and more are deciding that, all things considered, they'd rather be single. お願いします。
Big established companies that had hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and lots of satisfied customers disappeared is a short time. New companies, such as Apple, Compaq, Lotus, Oracle, Sun, and Microsoft, appeared to go from nothing to a billion dollars of revenue in a flash. These successes were driven in part by what I call "positive spiral."
From religious liberty to government spying, our country faces more fundamental challenges to basic freedom and liberty than we have seen in a generation.
European copyright protection is expiring on a collector's trove of 1950's jazz, opera and early rock 'n' roll albums, forcing major American record companies to consider deals with bootleg labels and demand new customs barriers.
Already reeling from a stagnant economy and the illegal but widespread downloading of copyrighted music from the Internet, the recording companies will now face a perfectly legal influx of European recordings of popular works.
おねがいします Sure, women cry at movies, but as men are wont to say, women cry at anything. Men have traditionally cried less often and less hard, and even after decades of urging by therapists (and women) for them to express their feelings, most men still feel that crying shows a loss of manliness.
ん、今もとの文を見たら While the U.S. is not prepared to fight a three-front war, ... ってなってるんですけど、現在形で書かれてるってことは この場合違う意味だったりしますかね?(この文は2002年に書かれたもの) そんな違う意味なんて無いですか?どうなんでしょう。
下記、和訳お願いします。 Therapeutic cloning aims to develop medical therapies. Cloned embryos are grown only up to 14 days, long enough to harvest their stem cells, which may eventually prove useful in treating diseases including Parkinson's, leukemia and diabetes. Embryos aren't implanted in a woman's uterus, the step required to clone a human.
Germany is considering a tough defense against linguistic invasion as fears grow that its language is being irrevocably eroded.
asより前は「ドイツは言語的侵攻に対する厳しい防御策について真剣に考えている」、 that以下は「自国語が取り返しのつかないほど(英語に)むしばまれること」と訳しました。 大体言いたいことは分かるのですが、 as fears grow that のところがどういう構造なのか分からなくて困っています。 fearsは名詞なのでしょうか、動詞なのでしょうか。 that以下は直接どこにかかっているのでしょう。
>>569 まあ普通じゃないね。 〜と駆け落ちするっていう場合は以下の二つが一般的。 elope with someone run off with someone 409のタイタニックの場合は、そこが船の上だったんで、 (通常を船を降りるときに使う)get off with you を 使ったんでしょう。 でも思うにローズの意識の中には、駆け落ちするくらいの 意味も少しは含んでたかもしれないけど。 露骨に言うのをさけて、ちょっと歪曲的にこのフレーズを 使ったのかな? 普通の状況でget off withを駆け落ちとする意味では ほとんど使われないでしょう。
Please note: downloads will be unavailable for approximately 24 hours as we perform an emergency upgrade of our network (we are temporarily overloaded by a surge of traffic).
You may still browse the catalog in the meantime. Thank you for visiting the Sheet Music Archive, and visit us again soon.
For this is the will of God, that bydoing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men-as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. (1 Peter 2:15-17)
Now, whenever a relative helpfully suggests she get hitched, her mind wanders to acquaintances'stories of thankless housework and how they look forward to their husbands disappearing on work trips. That kind of attitude was a no-no until recently in Japan, where family values were the only values socially acceptable. Now, as women are gaining economic freedom with their entry into the workforce, more and more are deciding that, all things considered, they'd rather be single. お願いします。
When one smart person comes into a company, pretty soon another does because talented people like to work with each other. This creates a sense of excitement. Potential partners and customers pay more attention, and the spiral continues, making the next success easier.
For years, NOVA has been slowly chipping away at employees' working conditions. Regrettably, the teachers have rarely questioned or stood up against the management's actions. However, in the summer of 1994, teachers suddenly woke up and shed their apathy. Why? NOVA Management forced teachers to sign a letter of consent for mandatory drug testing. Teachers were threatened with instant dismissal if they refused to sign the agreement. "Sign or pack your things," was the motto of the day. Faced with the threat of unemployment, most teachers elected to sign. At most schools, teachers were forbidden to take copies of the consent letters, nor were they given time to seek legal advice. This violation of human rights spurred NOVA employees to act, thus the NOVA Union of Teachers was born. The NOVA Union is the only body within the company that will protect the teachers' rights and fight with all the legal aid at its disposal.
Whenever a relative helpfully suggests she get hitched, her mind wanders to acquaintances'stories of thankless housework and how they look forward to their husbands disappearing on work trips. That kind of attitude was a no-no until recently in Japan, where family values were the only values socially acceptable. Now, as women are gaining economic freedom with their entry into the workforce, more and more are deciding that, all things considered, they'd rather be single. お願いします。
Environmentalists have had so little to cheer about in the last two years that any victory is worth noting. In recent weeks they have prevailed in two important court cases that represent potentially major setbacks to the Bush administration's aggressive efforts to open up big chunks of the West to development by the oil, gas, mining and timber industries. Nobody is under the illusion that two adverse rulings are going to change the administration's fundamental bias toward commercial exploitation. But it's reassuring to know that there are still a few judges left who care about the niceties of environmental law and the needs of nature.
誰か訳してもらえませんか? ↓ May I say that you are a hot one! Love that look girl, Okay If you can help me out.I am from the USA. I looking to meet a women like you.I am only looking to meet a TO-Girl... If you can write me back and help me I would be thankful for you and your help you now keep up that work oh girl you look so greatwould love to meet someone like you to make my wife, I will take care of that girl for life every thing she needs to help her become that women she wants I am here for her and will be here for her as you there for me... you need to have a friend in the USA. Write me and lets see if we could meet one day if you write back I will send photos I am 41 white male from the use and really need to meet a girl like you!! Have a happy new year girl just know it hard to meet a girl like you someone from over there now hope you have a great day write me as you'd like your new friend Scotty USA... YOUR MAN
One thing I knew of Him. He was a cunnning Enemy. Whitness the fact that in blocking Him in the world I was also given the satisfaction of obstructing a disliked human rival. I wonder which of you will refuse that chance if it is offerd.
Question: How has aging affected your private life and your music? Answer : In my private life, it's made me more aware that there aren't many long-term relationships left in my life. Musically, I know that time and age, experience, whatever, have enriched my talent and my love for music. Also my ability to bring music to others.
I invariably think of them, and wonder if the experiences of tile victim who has vanished from all his familiar haunts have been anything like mine-if he has waited, as I waited, in that terrible lethal chamber, with its false books and its padded doors- if he has tasted the tortures of asphyxia and stared death in the face, but unlike me has never returned from the Vale of the Shadow.
Germany, which is still recovering from calamitous floods last August, has been inundated by rain for several days, swelling the Rhine to dangerous levels and causing its tributaries to burst their banks.
Packing to leave a city after a decade is hard. Leaving via Greyhound is even harder: life has to be collapsed into bags that do not exceed 70 pounds. And a lifetime of experiences must be collapsed into the space of a single bus seat, to be expanded again only when the door opens and lets in the strangeness of a new environment, a new climate, a new stage of life.
But professors say the technology poses a growing challenge for them: retaining their students' attention.
In a classroom at American University in Washington on a recent afternoon, the benefits and drawbacks of the new wireless world were on display. From the back row of an amphitheater classroom, more than a dozen laptop screens were visible. As Prof. Jay Mallek lectured graduate students on the finer points of creating and reading an office budget, many students went online to, a Web site that stores course materials, and grabbed the day's handouts from the ether.
But just as many students were off surfing. A young man looked at sports photos while a woman checked out baby photos that just arrived in her e-mailbox.
By any means possible, in one way or another. For example, The car broke down, but I'll get there by hook or crook. This term has a disputed origin. A widely held theory is that it comes from the custom of allowing commoners to take as much wood from royal forests as they could reach with a shepherd's crook and cut down with a billhook. [1300s]
There is growing concern about invasions of exotic earthworms, especially in [formerly] glaciated regions of North America, where there are few, if any, native species. お願いします。
You are welcome to view the JavaScript source (visible within the HTML page) for personal educational purposes as long as you recognise that it is copyrighted and not in the public domain.
First, inasmuch as maximal heart rate and maximal arteriovenous oxygen difference are usually so similar, the factor most commonly accounting for the different values of V in different individuals is the stroke volume.
inasmuch as で「〜だから」「〜である限り」 Vは「Vo2 max」って医学系専門用語らすぃけど・・・
My view of history is itself a tiny piece of history;and this mainly other people`s history and not my own;for a schollar`s life-work is to add his bucketfull of water to the great and growing river of knowledge fed by countless bucketfuls of the kind.
The second point, to be expanded later on in this chapter and in Chapter 11, is that if responses are normalized or scaled by expressing them in relation to the relative oxygen uptake, then diverse groups such as those in Figure 9-1 appear to respond in virtually identical fashion. That is, cardiovascular responses are more closely related to the relative metabolic demands than to the absolute de
If my individual view of history is to be made at all illuminating,or indeed intelligible, it must be presented in its origin , growth,and social and personal setting.
PLEASE NOTE: due to extremely heavy load (everyone loves us), we have been forced to perform an emergency system upgrade; file downloads will be unavailable for approximately 24 hours as we upgrade our server system. You may still browse the catalog of sheet music files. Please check back soon for updated information and expanded download options. 3 Jan 2003
When one smart person comes into a company, pretty soon another does because talented people like to work with each other. This creates a sense of excitement. Potential partners and customers pay more attention, and the spiral continues, making the next success easier.
A 1970 government survey found that 93% of Japanese women were married by their early 30s; by 1996, the figure had dropped to 80%. More than half of Tokyo men in their early 30s are unwed. Given the choice between swapping work, play and freedom for housework and waiting up late for a husband, many women find little advantage in tying the knot. Instead, it has become an option to take if --- and only if --- the right partner comes along.
A downturn lasting longer than the recessions we are used to is possible. Any downturn, however, would more likely manifest itself in steady prices with falling output and employment rather than in price deflation.
Given the choice between swapping work, play and freedom for housework and waiting up late for a husband, many women find little advantage in tying the knot. Instead, it has become an option to take if --- and only if --- the right partner comes along.
The Indonesian government appointed a human rights commission soon after the voting. The commission held 200 people, including six generals, "morally responsible" for the violence. Holding people legally responsible is tougher, but not as difficult as the Indonesian court's results indicate. The failure to provide justice makes reconciliation between the oppressed former colony and Indonesia even harder.
All countries boast national identities and are supposed to possess national characteristics. The French are known for, and are proud of enjoying the pleasures of life such as food, drink, and love.
Want to save a lot of time and effort? Treat yourself right and help support the continued growth of a valuable service! Together, you and Sheet Music Archive can unlock the musical treasure trove awaiting us.
"I'm looking for a soul mate. Otherwise there's no point," says Junko Sato, a 38-year-old photographer. Men too feel a diminished need to settle down, though their reasons tend to be less romantic.
Lying dormant in virtually every digital cable box in America is technology that can prevent viewers from recording certain programs to watch them later. Soon, several Hollywood studios are planning to tell cable operators to flip the switch.
お願いします。 Yet, at the risk of being accused of going native after 23 years in New York, Nia Neuromuscular Integrative Action has given me, a Type A personality who grew up dancing, great joy and a chance to do some internal choreography.
お願いします。 First,because I was born by my mother into the next generation to hers, and my mind was, therefore,not yet set hard when history took my generation by the throat in 1914.
he was pleased to be the center of so much attention,but between these periods of pleasure,when all was quiet and no one concerned themselves with him, Mahmud(人名)felt nervous and featful.
And they have survived for centuries, not because of their superior skill in agriculture or their genius for planning, but simply because their members have been with one another, in real communion.
Mental and emotional health are maintained, with no quarrelling, no crime or suicides. A sense of security encourages self-confidence, directness and dignity.
The 'we-feeling' is strongly developed, for the centuries-old behaviour patterns call on each member to participate in the common effort, and important decisions are made by direct vote in the General Assembly. The colony is restricted as to size, thus keeping all relationships on a face-to-face level of intimacy.
All this might have been written with Buber’s philosophy in mind, and will be worth elaborating in relation to that philosophy; but for the moment I am only concerned to emphasize that on the basis of his study of the Hutterite community.
Metaphysics is the opium of the isolated individual: a community seeks, not so much a religion, as the concretness of a ritual.
The bankruptcy of historical materialism as a social philosophy is paralleled by the bankruptcy of logical positivism as a general philosophy. The two movement are, of course, closely related expressions of the Zeitgeist.
The poverty of both historical materialism and logical positivism is explained by their denial of instinctive modes of thought, of super-rational intuition , of the aesthetic nature of perception―in a ward, by their surrender of existential freedom.
Freedom can be defined logically, psychologically, even metaphysically, but equality can be defined only in a sociological sense. Even if we fall back on the equivocal formula of the Christians and say that we are all equal in the sight of God, we are still defining a social relation ship with reference to a point outside society―erecting a triangle is level and the Christian, in politics, must inevitably be a Leveller.
As little as the Christian lives or can live without a physical body, just as little can be live outside the differences of earthly life to which every individual by birth, by condition, by circumstances, by education, etc., belongs…These differences must continue to tempt every man who comes into the world.
The possibility of such an instinct as mutual aid is foreign to his false Darwinism, his conception of evolution as a blind struggle for existence, a manifestation of some universal “will to power”.
It is by the loftiest and strongest instincts, when they break out passionately and carry the individual far avobe and beyond the average, and the low level of the gregarious conscience, that the self-reliance of the community is destroyed.
Want to save a lot of time and effort? Treat yourself right and help support the continued growth of a valuable service! Together, you and Sheet Music Archive can unlock the musical treasure trove awaiting us.
レポートいやん I invariably think of them, and wonder if the experiences of tile victim who has vanished from all his familiar haunts have been anything like mine-if he has waited, as I waited, in that terrible lethal chamber, with its false books and its padded doors- if he has tasted the tortures of asphyxia and stared death in the face, but unlike me has never returned from the Vale of the Shadow.
”Drive to the nearest police-station. I must give information.without a moment's delay," I said to tile Cabman. But that is the end of the adventure. Strange, incomprehensible is it may seem, from that day to this I have never solved the enigma. of that dark house in that solitary square. West, very far west, it lies, truly; so far that the police, whom I instantly put on the alert, could never from that day to now obtain the slightest clue to its whereabouts. For aught that I can tell, Leonora Whitby and her father may be still pursuing their deadly work. When I read in the papers of sudden and mysterious disappearances I invariably think of them, and wonder if the experiences of tile victim who has vanished from all his familiar haunts have been anything like mine-if he has waited, as I waited, in that terrible lethal chamber, with its false books and its padded doors-if he has tasted the tortures of asphyxia and stared death in the face, but unlike me has never returned from the Vale of the Shadow.
The only wonder was why, my life had been spared. Drive to the nearest police-station. だったの奇跡は自分の命だけは余ってることだ。もっとよりの警察署までお願いね。 I must give information without a moment's delay," すぐ通報しなければいけない。I said to tile Cabman. But that is the end of the adventure.運転手に言った。 しかし、これが私の冒険の終わりだった。 Strange, incomprehensible is it may seem, from that day to this I have never solved the enigma of that dark house in that solitary square. 理解できないかもしれないが、その日一人広場での暗い家のなぞは解決できなかった。 West, very far west, it lies, truly;遠い西方面は本当にうそだった。 So far that the police, whom I instantly put on the alert, could never from that day to now obtain the slightest clue to its whereabouts. これまで警察では私が通報した警告のどのあたりにも軽い手がかりを得ることがなかった。 For aught that I can tell, Leonora Whitby and her father may be still pursuing their deadly work. おそらく言えるのはLeonora Whitby and her fatherは犯罪を続けて犯していることだ。 When I read in the papers of sudden and mysterious disappearances私が、突然で不可解な消失の書類の読んだ時 I invariably think of them, and wonder if the experiences of tile victim who has vanished from all his familiar haunts have been anything like mine-if he has waited, as I waited, in that terrible lethal chamber, with its false books and its padded doors-if he has tasted the tortures of asphyxia and stared death in the face, but unlike me has never returned from the Vale of the Shadow.
If at first you don't succeed, go back to the drawing board, you moron, trying it again WON'T work! ... Trust me, I know this from experience...When in doubt... and life comes up and smacks you in the face... hit its ass with a bat, man!
Surviving with a family in high-rent Tokyo is a financial challenge. According to a simulation, if you had to pay for housework and child care, as well as education, housing and other expenses, it would cost $662,000 to raise a child in Japan. With companies less willing to guarantee the security of a job for life, familyhood is a responsibility fewer people are willing to accept.
Any large computer these days can emulate a computer of some other design. You have Dell computers running Amigas. The Amigas, could, if anyone wanted them to, run Commodores. There is no end to how many nested worlds can be built. So imagine what a universal computer might do. If you had a universally equivalent engine, you could pop it in anywhere, including inside the inside of something else. And if you had a universe-sized computer, it could run all kinds of recursive worlds; it could, for instance, simulate an entire galaxy.
この中のIf you had a universally equivalent engine, you could pop it in anywhere, including inside the inside of something else.というのが よく理解できません。どなたか教えてくださいまし。 お願いします。
Americans have the image of being frank; also friendly, and conservative due to their Puritan background. Image of national characteristics may be exaggerated or mistaken. However, if there were not a certain amount of truth in them, these images would certainly not have existed as long as they have. At the moment, national identities are in the process of change.
We are both well and looking forward to the next leg of our trip to Boston and then to Washington. この訳しは、「私たちは両方とも健康です、またボストン、そしてその後のワシントンへの旅行を楽しみにしています。」 でいいのですか?
In a recent election, city voters became the first in the United States to pass a law requiring all employers to provide "smoke-free zones" in their workplaces.
Any large computer these days can emulate a computer of some other design. You have Dell computers running Amigas. The Amigas, could, if anyone wanted them to, run Commodores. There is no end to how many nested worlds can be built. So imagine what a universal computer might do. If you had a universally equivalent engine, you could pop it in anywhere, including inside the inside of something else. And if you had a universe-sized computer, it could run all kinds of recursive worlds; it could, for instance, simulate an entire galaxy.
この中のIf you had a universally equivalent engine, you could pop it in anywhere, including inside the inside of something else.というのが よく理解できません。どなたか教えてくださいまし。 お願いします。
With regard to this last question, it would have to be located beyond humanity if it were to escape the main premise, because arbitrary power entrusted to human beings will always explode into corruption.
>>834 If you had a universally equivalent engine, you could pop it in anywhere, including inside the inside of something else. あらゆるPCで通用するエンジンであれば、いかなる所にも入り込ませることが可能です。 あるものの内部に組み入れることもできます。
The new law says that employers must write an office policy that takes into account the wishes of smokers and non-smokers. But if even one non-smoker objects to the policy, smoking in the workplace must be banned altogether. Any employer who doesn't comply with the law will be fined 500 dollars a day until he does. お願いします!
>>843 よく分かりました。ありがとうございますm(_ _)m ところで、その直前のセンテンス(最後の疑問)は "If you consider individual self-interest as antagonistic to the general interest, where do you propose to establish the acting principle of coercion?" なのですが、先ほど質問したセンテンスのitは"the acting principle of coercion"でよろしいでしょうか。
They watched the bright promise of the '60s turn into the harsh reality of the '80s, leaving them not so much with new opportunities as with new responsibilities piled on top of the old ones. Yet a look at women's history suggests that such periods of disillusionment often contain the seeds for the next stage for the next stage of social change. フェミニズムの話らしいです。 長いですがお願いします。
We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.
When I told the florist what it was for,she laughed out of embarrassament: Japanese think giving a plant with roots to a sick person means wishing they stay ill for a long time. お願いします!!
>We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition の部分が良く分からなかったので、この場で質問させていただきました。 「fool about with 〜」で意味を持つということを知らなかったんで。。。 分詞構文だとは思いもしませんでした・・・
"In general we believe the Internet is a ubiquitous medium that is a basic tool that should be available to as many people as possible," Mr. Pozar said. It's a slam-dunk and very easy to do."
"I thought that if the University of Michigan didn't think I was good enough, I wasn't," Ms. Gratz, now 25 and working at a computer company in San Diego, said in an interview last year. "I think my life would be significantly different if I had been admitted."
Health and Human Services officials says the new legal review is needed to ensure that the FDA can back up its claims about misleading ads if challenged in court. Still, the procedural change signaled a politically well-connected industry - which has given more than $45 million in campaign contributions since 1999 - that intensive, quick-hit promotional campaigns are effectively immune from sanction.
Consumer advertising of drugs was authorized on the premise that it would make people aware of potential treatments for ailments they were suffering in silence. That assumes drug makers are telling the truth about what they're marketing.
Most worrisome is that the FTC can't proceed unless Congress fronts the cash. Money was the roadblock a decade ago when the Federal Communications Commission flirted with the idea of a do-not-call registry. Supporters now argue that Washington has no choice but to side with irate citizens.
Current and historical events inform us that personal failings are often part and parcel of great achievements; even where they are not, personal shortcomings of great achievers often make an important societal impact of their own.
訳をお願いします。 とくに、even where they are not, と of their own が何のことをいっているのかさっぱりわかりません。 お願いします。
The encouter that a portrait records is most tangibly the sitting itself, which may be brief or extended, collegial or confrontational. Cartier-Bresson has expressed his passion for portrait photography by characterizing it as "a duel without rules, a delicate rape." Such metaphors contrast quite sharply with Richard Avedon's conception of a sitting. While Cartier-Bresson reveals himself as an interloper and opportunist, Avedon confesses -- perhaps uncomfortably -- to a role as diagnostician and (by implication) psychic healer: not as someone who necessarily transforms his subjects, but as someone who reveals their essential nature. Both photographers, however, agree that the fundamental dynamic in this process lies squarely in the hands of the artist.
Tom and Miss Baker, with several feet of twilight between them, strolled back into the library, as if to a vigil beside a perfectly tangible body, while, trying to look pleasantly interested and a little deaf, I followed Daisy around a chain of connecting verandas to the porch in front.
この文章の、as if to a vigil beside a perfectly tangible body,の部分 分る人いませんか?
>>919 現在や歴史の中の出来事をみると、ある個人の欠点が が偉大な業績の一部分になっている事が分る。そうでない場合でも、 偉業を成し遂げた人々の個人的な欠陥はそれ自身、社会的に影響を及ぼす。 even where they are not=たとえ、その欠点が偉業の一部になっていなくても of their own=それ自身。
Here in Seattle as well, smokers are finding life a little rougher these days, Convinced that healthy employees mean healthy profits, Seattle businesses are actually firing workers who smoke and replacing them with those who don't. As a result, you see fewer and fewer people sitting at their desks smoking, which is the way it should be. But we still can't help feeling a little sorry for those workers who do their best thinking with a cigarette hanging from their lips and smoke reddening their eyes.
"There ought to be but one large art warehouse in the world, to which the artist could carry his art-works, and from which he could carry away whatever he needed. As it is, one must be half a tradesman." -- Ludwig van Beethoven, January, 1801
It persists, it grows worse, as would happen in the biological world if the imprudent acts and excesses committed by the inhabitants of one hemisphere took their toll only upon the inhabitants of the other hemisphere.
子供のお稽古や社交生活に髪の毛を振り乱し必死の毎日。ふとそんな自分 を客観的に形容すると「I am running around like a headless chicken」 。文字通り、首を切られて訳もわからず走り回っている鶏の様子と重ね合わ せて自嘲し、ほっと一息つくのである。職場でなら大ボスに叱られてオタオタ している小ボスといったところ。他人にせよ、自分にせよ、この表現ってとっ てもビジュアル。チキンといえば、「chicken out」という表現もある。 「怖気づく」とか「しり込みする」といった意味で、 「I chickened out to ask her out for dinner」 (彼女を夕食に誘いたかったのにびびってしまったよ。)のように使う。 どちらにせよ、罪もないのに使われてしまう可哀想なニワトリである。
よろしくおねがいします。 The Clinton-era plan to "change welfare as we know it" has been a dramatic, if qualified, success, helping to transform millions of people who had lived off others' taxes into working taxpayers. Under California's version, the 1998 CalWORKS program, the numbers dropped by almost half, to about 475,000 cases from a 1997 high of nearly 732,000. A booming economy helped by generating jobs at record pace. But everyone agreed that the real test would come later, after those most employable or most eager to work had moved on and those without skills or, perhaps, motivation or with addictions or children needing care hit the new five-year lifetime limit on benefits.
"There ought to be but one large art warehouse in the world, to which the artist could carry his art-works, and from which he could carry away whatever he needed. As it is, one must be half a tradesman." -- Ludwig van Beethoven, January, 1801
When Mr Bush unveils his long-promised stimulus package on January 7th, he knows he will stand accused of pandering to the rich: hence the president's insistence that he is concerned about all the people and his pre-emptive strike against those he says want to turn the package into an issue of class warfare.
It persists, it grows worse, as would happen in the biological world if the imprudent acts and excesses committed by the inhabitants of one hemisphere took their toll only upon the inhabitants of the other hemisphere.
Sometimes it looks as if a full-scale war were about to break out between smokers and non-smokers. But we really think common courtesy will win out in the end.
If the privilege of living a virtuous life is only possible for the poorest people among us, and the bane of immorality is the inevitable outcome for thouse who are well-off, what kind of society would be best?
Axes and swords will not help you through, Yet it and a little push will do. Some on the road would have fought and soon died, Were it not close at hand, to let them inside. What is it?
これは謎々で答えは「鍵」になるのですが、 Axes and swords will not help you through, Yet it and a little push will do. までしか分かりません。 後半部分を訳して頂けないでしょうか? お願いします。
Herald Bribune They have gotten so good at the job that some of them now long for the days when prices in industrialized countries rose by a predictable handful of percentage points each year.Price increases are falling ever closer to zero, with inflation rates already negative in Japan and threatening to head that deirection elsewhere,too. Deflation-sustained decreases in prices over an economy-may sound attractive to consumers hoping to snap up bargalns.But to economists, it is the NO.1 nightmare scenario as the global economy struggles to bounce back a stubbom downturn."it's not bad if supermarkets are fighting it out over the price of baked beans,"said Paul Donovan, global economist at UBS Warburg in London."The problem is when nobody wants to buy baked beans."If falling inflation remains simply that, there is problem.Low inflation brings stability.But if it tips over into deflation,the global economy could sink into a situation more followed World WarU,Donovan said. 以上、経済の文らしいんですが、読めません。 誰か、具体的に訳していただけたるという お暇な方がいましたら、よろしくお願いします。
If the privilege of living a virtuous life is only possible for the poorest people among us, and the bane of immorality is the inevitable outcome for those who are well-off, what kind of society would be best?