Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, and bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
The White House reacted skeptically to the Iraqi move, calling it an evasive tactic that would fail, but some diplomats wondered if a new U.N. resolution that insists Baghdad disarm -- as demanded by Washington -- would now be necessary.
前スレのイラク問題の続きに当たる部分です。 "calling it an evasive tactic that would fail"の部分がわかるようでわ かりません。「失敗するであろう戦略」といったカンジなんでしょうか? う〜ん、うまく訳せない。
Poor sheepish plaything, organized with prodigal animosity, lived in just a year-- my Father's cottage at Beverly Farms was on the market the month he died. Empty, open, intimate, its town-house furniture had an on tiptoe air of waiting for the mover on the heels of the undertaker. Ready, afraid of living alone till eighty, Mother mooned in a window, as if she had stayed on a train one stop past her destination.
This process comes naturally to children; it doesn't have to be taught. However, parents can help children extend their ability to investigate and to reason by encouraging them to follow their natural enthusiasm for learning. お願いします。
I love you that what she said, but I need you like a hole in the head. Cry all night for a lifetime never forget. Sexual sedative comes so cheap, let's cut is out before you get in too deep. From bedroom to beedrom but never to sleep! The girl that you want... こんな感じのことを唄ってる、のでもよろしいので、お願いします。
Developing the child's thought processes is far more important than training him to store up information. An excellent means of encouraging thinking is to actually involve children in investigating or exploring whatever they are asking about. お願いします。
Three-year-old Marissa, for instance, asked her mother where the stars go in the daytime. Her mother said, "They are still there, but we can't see them.In the bright light of the sun, the smaller light of the stars doesn't show up." おねがいします
OHHHHHHHHHH Fucking great now I'm gonna have NIGHTMARES THANKS A FUCKING LOT. Im gonna have to watch Hours and Hours of Jenna Jameson and others just to get this picture out of my head. I would like the name and address of the person who put this on here so I can send you my Therapy bills. お願いします。
お願いします Chance had been our ally too often. We had grown complacent, over-confident of its loyalty.And so the moment when it first chose to betray us was also the moment when we were least likely to suspect that it might.
Then it occurred to her mother to go beyond a verbal explanation and to do a joint experiment. They turned on a flashlight in a dim room, where they could clearly see its light. Then they took the flashlight outside into the bright sunlight, and found that it was hard to tell if the light was on or off. お願いします。
I do not know what I may appear to the world;but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary,whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. おねがいします
Federal health officials will issue detailed guidelines today for vaccinating the entire U.S. population against smallpox within five days of an outbreak of the dreaded disease. Intended as a blueprint for state and local health officials nationwide, the unprecedented move reveals a growing belief within the Bush administration that even one case of smallpox anywhere in the Western Hemisphere would signify a terrorist assault and should therefore trigger a far more massive response than officials had previously suggested, said two experts involved in the planning.
おねがいします。 I have seen children come to kindergarten not knowing how to carry on a conversation, not knowing colors, not knowing you read a book from top to bottom and left to right, not knowing any counting or how to write their names, not recognizing adult authority, not knowing how to accept responsibility or take directions.
To write or even to speak English is not a science but an art. There are no reliable rules: there is only the general principle that concrete words are better than abstract ones,and that the shortest way of saying anything is always the best. Mere correctness is no guarantee whatever of good writing.
The observations also represented another notch in the belt for one of the most controversial ingredients in the standard model of the Big Bang. Known as inflation, it posits that the universe underwent a hyperexplosive growth spurt early in its existence. Although it is successful as a theory, astronomers admit that they do not know what caused inflation or precisely when it happened. おねがいします。
By fourth grade, they are using obscene language, often directed at the teacher or written on the blackboard. And by sixth grade, a growing generation of preteenage rebels has begun walking in and out of classrooms at will, mocking the authority of adults and even attacking teachers who try to restrain them.
Perceived as youthful, sincere and entertaining, Mr. Fischer drove the Greens to their best showing, about 8.6 percent, well above the 6.7 percent they scored four years ago, making them the third-largest party in Germany and apparently saving the "red-green" government.
I hate my collageThe people in it r so tarty-This means that they hardly wear any clothes,they wear alot of make up,so that they can get with the boys. My collage is mixed and Im finding it hard to fit in cause everyones foreign.
Read the Book of Genesis, the first book in the Bible, either in English or in Japanese: First, summarize the story, in your own words. The summary doesn't have to be very long. Then, give your impressions by answering some of the following questions: Which part of Genesis was most surprising? Which was most touching or moving? Did you learn anything about Judaism from Genesis? If so, what did you learn? What are your impressions of God(yahweh)? Which part was most believable or unbelievable for you?
Writing in The Nation (where else?), Edward Said hammers away at Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" thesis, which has been invoked frequently in recent days to explain the rise of radical, bin Laden-style Islam. Said, doubtless preferring his own theories of American imperialism, Zionism-as-racism, and Muslim martyrdom, accuses Huntington of being "an ideologist, someone who wants to make 'civilizations' and 'identities' into what they are not: shut-down, sealed-off entities that have been purged of the myriad currents and countercurrents that animate human history." Those who accept Huntington's paradigm of the "West versus the rest" (a rhyme worthy of Jesse Jackson!) are paying "scant attention to complex histories that defy such reductiveness and have seeped from one territory into another, in the process overriding the boundaries that are supposed to separate us all into divided armed camps."
When the world's major media companies gave in to the idea of selling music over the Internet, it seemed to herald a sonic paradise, where every song ever recorded would be available to listen to and perhaps download, legally, with a few clicks and a small monthly fee.
But for the online services trying to get there ・chief among them MusicNet, Pressplay and Listen.com ・the road to paradise is proving to be more like an intellectual property labyrinth paved with administrative quicksand.
For years Mr. Letterman has berated CBS program executives for the network's lackluster lineup of 10 p.m. shows, complaining ・both on the air and off ・that the ratings-impaired lead-ins left him at a disadvantage to Jay Leno's "Tonight" show on NBC. Now, after one very public dalliance with ABC, Mr. Letterman's anguished cries for help are being answered. CBS is challenging NBC's long-time dominance in the 10 p.m. time slot with its strongest slate of shows in years.
Such an experience does more than help the child find an answer to the specific question she has asked. By seeing what happened in her back-yard experiment with her mother, Marissa had a chance to observe that the same principle works for things that seem very different: the stars in the sky and the flashlight in the yard. お願いします
お願いします!。。。 All national commercial banks required by law to be membar of the Fed , and all depsit-taking institutions are subject regulations by the Fed regarding the amount of deposits that must be held in reserve and , therefore , are not available for lons.
If the Federal Redrrve provides too little money , interest rates tent do be high borrowing is expensive , business activity slows down , unemployment goes up , and there is a danger of recession.
>>162 すいません。スペル間違えまくりでしたね。。。 直しました!!お願いします。 All national commercial banks required by law to be members of the Fed , and all deposit-taking institutions are subject regulations by the Fed regarding the amount of deposits that must be held in reserve and , therefore , are not available for loans.
よろしくお願いします。 If the Federal Reserve provides too little money , interest rates tent do be high borrowing is expensive , business activity slows down , unemployment goes up , and there is a danger of recession.
I have had an overwhelming response about the closing of my website. Honestly, I had no idea that so many people liked it. The reason I was closing it was because the site is going over in bandwidth and the price for keeping it up has been unbelievably high. This site is a hobby for me, it's just for fun and I don't make any money on it, and I can't keep paying the price that I have been paying to keep it going. (Sorry, I *really* like having a roof over my head )
BUT, as of right now I am looking into getting another server to house this site. (A less expensive one.) I'm not saying that I *will* be bringing the site back... but if I can, I will. It will definitely be down for a while, though.
A huge thank you to the people who wrote to tell me how much they liked the site. Those people really were the deciding factor in this decision... believe me, it would be a lot easier to let the site go, and I had every intention of doing so even though it would have broken my heart.
I really like having a roof over my head は go through the roof 天井しらずに突き抜ける。コストがとんでもなく跳ね上がる という意味のroof と、そうすることで、自分の住む家を失いかねないという 冗談の意味をかけていると思うのですが、うまく訳せませんでした。
>>183>>184 なるほど,そんな意味でしたか。ありがとうございます。 出典元は Boy's will be boys.になってます。 インターネットで検索しても諺らしきものが無く??でした。 Boy will be boy. なら 男の子はやっぱり男の子(男の子の悪戯は仕方がない) とありました。こちらが正しいみたいですね。 ありがとうございました。
The furniture of the room consisted of but three pieces― an armchair,a small reading-stand supporting a candle,and a long kitchen table supporting the body of a man. All these,as also the corpse,seemed to have been recently brought in,for an observer,had there been one,would have seen that all were free from dust, whereas everything else in the room was pretty thickly coated with it,and there were cobwebs in the angles of the walls.
If you are at the sea-side,and you take an old,dull,brown penny and rub it hard for a minute or two with hand-fuls of wet sand,the penny will come out a bright gold colour,looking as clean and new as the day it was made. Now poetry has the same effect on words as wet sand on pennies.In what seems almost a miraculous way,it brightens up words that looked dull and ordinary.Thus,poetry is perpetually `re-creating language.` おながい
this seat can use video chat&MSN Messenger. but can't use TV phone. これは、「この座席はビデオチャット&MSNメッセンジャーを使用することができます。 しかし、テレビ電話を使用することができません。」という訳になっていますでしょうか? 自分で英文を書いて、機械翻訳にかけたら上のような訳になったんですが、機械 翻訳なので、いまいち心配です。
Democracy is, historically speaking, something very recent. It is first of all the belief that individual human beings are what matter most-more than the State, or the total of national wealth, or anything else whatever. Then it is the belief in equality, not in the sense that everybody is alike or equally gifted, which is obviously untrue, but in the sense that everyone should have certain basic opportunities.
Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, now lost and confused, now checked in a blind alley. But always, if we have faith, GOD will open a door for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of, but that will ultimately prove good for us.
all this side of the world are very excited about the new ova of seiya, though we will see it in 2004 :(((
I would die if in this new ova seiya and saori show the love betwen them maybe with a kiss... do you belive possible if we write to Shueisha and ask a little prove of love betwen them in this ova?...
I have to explain you the dificult to obtein a mail in a japan server I DIDN T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!!! I would like to be your frien and to know about you but i m not sure you will recive this
学術論文の一文ですが、特にthermal components と athermalの意味がうまく取れません。 Addtions of oxygen to V,Nb, and Ta are expected to affect both the athermal and thermal components of stress.
In order to be unique, it is not necessary to be born unique. Even a machine can become unique; indeed, every machine does. The typewriter that Mr.A is said to have used was one of thousands like it, yet what it typed was said to be as revealing as his handwriting. In short, a machine acquires an individuality, as I do.
Our mother was one of those women of the old school who totally merged her own personality in that of her husband and children. Gentle, devoted, worn with household cares and the difficulty of making ends meet, she was of that perfectly faithfulreligious temperament whose idea of a Heaven was a brightly tranquil home with lots of child angels whom she could mother and delight in.
Even more valuable is the fact that she has had the experience of experimenting in order to see how something works. Although children have a natural tendency to learn and test by action, as they get older they often learn more passive ways of getting information. お願いします。
It is after all quite difficult to remember exactly what it felt like to be a small person when you yourself haven't been one for thirty or forty years.
Even more valuable is the fact that she has had the experience of experimenting in order to see how something works. Although children have a natural tendency to learn and test by action, as they get older they often learn more passive ways of getting information. お願いします。
My mother had a good deal of trouble with me but I think she enjoyed it. She had none at all with my brother Henry,who was two years younger than I,and I think that the unbroken monotony of his goodness and truthfulness and obedience would have been a burden to her but for the relief and variety which L was valuable to her. I never knew Henry to do a vicious thing toward me or toward anyone else―but he frequently did righteous things that cost me as heavily. おねがいします
I would never bother you, I would never promise to If I say that word again, I would move away from here You won't be afraid of fear I am walking in the piss, always knew it would come to this Things have never been so swell and I have never felt so well You know you're right
Even more valuable is the fact that she has had the experience of experimenting in order to see how something works. Although children have a natural tendency to learn and test by action, as they get older they often learn more passive ways of getting information. お願いします。
"They’re loving? it’s the whole rest of me that’s horny. お願いします。まったくわかりません。
How noble to get on with business when he could have made the ★ squirm if he’d wanted! But ○ was like that?kind when it was least expected and harsh when he should be kind. あとこれも。○と★は人名です。よろしくおねがいします。
The person who uploaded the virus had his IP address logged by the site and will be reported to the FBI if he does not upload a fix in the next hour. を和訳して欲しいのですが、 The person had his IP address logged by the site. このhadの使い方は文法的に正しいですか? あと、fixをどう訳していいかわかりません。
Even more valuable is the fact that she has had the experience of experimenting in order to see how something works. Although children have a natural tendency to learn and test by action, as they get older they often learn more passive ways of getting information. お願いします。
>>307 he had no less than 100yen 「かれは百円を全く[一円も]下回らぬ額を持っていた。」 「かれは百円も持っていた。」 こっちは、百円もってたことになるので、 百円もってる可能性が全くない、 "he didnot have less than 100yen" とは、書き換え不能だと思います。
There he had told her his love; how that his whole happiness and future joy lay in the hope that he might win her for a bride; that if she would trust her future to his care the devotedness of his lifetime should be hers, and his only thought would be to make her life one long day of sunshine and peanut candy.
ながいですが、訳お願いします。 1. Never before in the history of civilization had it been so generally taken for granted that man's freedom, his dignity, his happiness, even what we call his "prosperity", were the only things that count. 2. There are no feminine characteristics more marked than a passion for detail and an unerring memory. Women can give you an exact and circumstantial account of some quite insignificant conversation with a friend years before; and what is worse, they do. 3. He had sunk in up to his chest. I anchored my ax and held fast. But he didn't need help. He crawled out by himself. He couldn't see the bottom. Crevasses are to mountaineering what sand traps are to golf; you put the ball in the sand trap once in a while, and that's part of the game. 4. It is gnerally accepted that death is the end of life. What we call "animals", it seems, are not aware of life itslf. And they do not know abou the existence of death,either. It is only human beings that "discover" death, are troubled about it, think about it, and even publish magazines featuring special articles on death. 5. The heat from a wood fire is irregular, sometimes very hot and then cooling suddenly. A charcoal fire, on the othe hand, burns slowly and with a steady even heat. And what is even more important in metal work, you can raise or lower this heart, at will, by the amount of blast you force from your bellows.
省略されたみたいなので続きです。よろしくお願いします。 Crevasses are to mountaineering what sand traps are to golf; you put the ball in the sand trap once in a while, and that's part of the game. 4. It is gnerally accepted that death is the end of life. What we call "animals", it seems, are not aware of life itslf. And they do not know abou the existence of death,either. It is only human beings that "discover" death, are troubled about it, think about it, and even publish magazines featuring special articles on death. 5. The heat from a wood fire is irregular, sometimes very hot and then cooling suddenly. A charcoal fire, on the othe hand, burns slowly and with a steady even heat. And what is even more important in metal work, you can raise or lower this heart, at will, by the amount of blast you force from your bellows.
That statue has turned up in some very interesting hands at all the wrong times?even ●’s. これと、この下の。 And he will not know that you have acted on your own if it turns out to be a false move, お願いします。
>>329 小説の内容だったら、もう少し前後関係を説明してくださいな。 ●'s って、なんですか。 プライベートな手紙だったらわかる気もするけど、 小説だったら、わざわざ伏字にする必要もないでしょう。 all the wrong times の後にあるクエスチョンマークはなんですか? 文字化けですか?
Martin Luther King Jr. discusses paralyzing chains of conformity, while Langston Hughs remembers his own loss of faith when acting against his blief.Indeed, we often find ourselves in situation when for the sake of community we do things we do not feel confortable with. Write an essay in which you define the concept of conformity and discuss its strengths and weakness, as well as its alternatives, such as the concept of civil disobedience suggested by King.
Think on your own because it's your assignment. You need to understand English of that level sooner or later. I don't want to hinder your development by giving you an easy answer.It's your nutrition. Take it.
>>341 You'll never understand its translation because it's a very difficult concept if you don't see what it means in English. You have to write an essay, right? Just try to think how you write it by just understanding the passage. You have to do more than just reading it. So I never translate it.
>>347 I'll give you some Tips. What is conformity? What are the strong points and weak points? What would come instead of it? Try to look up these things above, and you could write an essay.
Foreign language skills are needed not only by experts for specific negotiations but by all Japanese in order to help them establish contacts with others.
1. Explicit costs are \5,000. Implicit costs include her forgone earnings of \16,000 plus forgone interest of \2,000 she could have earned had she invested the \20,000 of savings at 10 percent.
2. Between 10 and 30 units of output, input doubles, and output triples: this is increasing returns to scale. ATC falls from \15 to \10. Between 30 and 60, there are constant returns to scale (as both input and output doubles). ATC stays at \10. Between 60 and 90. There are decreasing returns to scale (inputs go up 100 percent but output only goes up 50 percent). ATC rises from \10 to \13.33.
3. Diseconomies of scale are what keep companies and plants from gettingtoo large. However, computers allow a single manager to do more and monitor more workers. This increase in the span of control allows a smaller bureaucracy to control any given level of output. Or, alternatively stated, the diseconomies of scale will not set in until the firm reaches a larger level of production. So computers will allow a larger scale of production, although one with perhaps fewer workers and managers.
4. All three statements ignore opportunity cost. Statement (a) ignores that three may be more valuable projects the government could spend the money on, Statement (b) ignores that there were more profitable projects that the savings and loan institutions could have lent money to.In both cases, alternative spending would have created about the same employment. Statement (c) ignores that the money spent elsewhere may have saved more lives.
His young wife, whom he loved with a devotion and strength that the presence of the king of terrors himself could not alter, moved about the apartment, weeping and sorrowful, sometimes arranging the sick man's pillow and inquiring of him in low, mournful tones if anything could be done to give him comfort, and again, with stifled sobs, eating some chocolate caramels which she carried in the pocket of her apron.
The servants went to and fro with that quiet and subdued tread which prevails in a house where death is an expected guest, and even the crash of broken china and shivered glass, which announced their approach, seemed to fall upon the ear with less violence and sound than usual.
How plainly he remembered how she had, with girlish shyness and coyness, at first hesitated, and murmured something to herself about "an old bald-beaded galoot," これお願いします。
The predominance of foxes over lions,to use pareto's metaphors, made democracies weak and unstable. Predominance of the combination instincts and enfeeblement of the sentiments of group-persistence result in making the governing class more satisfied with the present and lessthoughtful of the future(Pareto,1963,para,2178).
アメリカのホテルにe-mailで予約を入れようとやり取りしています。 12月31日から予約を入れようとしたけど、12月31日のチェックインは できないので1月1日チェックインにしてくれ、という返事が返ってきました。 しかしすでに12月31日現地到着の飛行機を手配してしまったので、なんとか チェックインできないかという以下のメールを送りました。 I have already reserved an air ticket arriving LA on 12/31/02. Could I by any means reserve a room from 12/31/02?
すると"I will let you know. Thanks." という短い返事が返ってきました。 この返事は「あとで可能かお知らせしましょう」というように取るべきでしょうか。 それとも「無理だというのをわかってください」とでも取るべきでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
I definately don't think that all of the problems that there are with the environment are totally manmade either. Granted deforestation does increase the risk of mudslides and other such disasters the fact remains that these events have occured long before man came on the scene.
Pleasure and pain are so contrived by nature as to be constant companions. これと It is said that students in one foreign country must graduate in the upper fifty percent of their high school in order to insure success in classes at colleges.
They recognizes the behavior-pattern of the middle 65 percent of students... の「middle 65 percent」がわかりません。 どなたか、お願いいたします。 下から計測して65パーセントぐらいのところにいる、平均的な生徒たち、 という意味でしょうか。でもなんか、文法的に説明が付かないような・・
Welcome to the Japan Information & Culture Center, Embassy of Japan (JICC)! The JICC is located on the lower level of the glass enclosed Galleria at Lafayette Centre III in downtown Washington, DC. Its facilities include a research library, a 152-seat auditorium, and a 1500-square-foot exhibition gallery where a wide variety of events sponsored by the JICC are hosted throughout the year. It is the mission of the JICC to provide a variety of informational services to the general public and to offer opportunities to learn about Japanese culture through a variety of programs. We are thus committed to fostering friendship and promoting mutual understanding between Japan and the United States. There are currently no events or exhibitions at the JICC. Japan-related events in the DC area
Information for bidders VAT at 17.5% is to be added to the final bid price. This item will be despatched by Royal Mail Special Delivery or our courier (a flat P&P charge of £5.00+VAT applies, no matter how many of these items you successfully bid for) on receipt of cleared funds. This rate is for UK mainland only, if you are bidding from anywhere else, we ship via Fedex or Royal Mail at cost. If you have any questions, please email us prior to bidding - our contact details are below. This item is OEM packaged, and has a 30 day warranty. If you need DVI cables or adaptors, we can supply these as well.
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Credit Cards - Visa, Mastercard (2.5% surcharge applies). We do not accept credit cards on international orders - only bank transfer / wired funds or international money order / bank draft / Western Union acceptable. Debit Cards - Switch, Solo Cheque, Postal Orders, Cash, Direct Bank Transfer
>>447 ビッダーのみなさんへ 最終入札価格に17.5%のVAT(税金)がかかります。 この商品はクリアード・ファンズを受け取り次第、 Royal Mail Special Deliveryまたは私どものと提携する国際宅配便 (この場合は入札商品の個数にかかわらず、均一£5.00のP&P手数料がかかります) で発送されます。 ただし上記のレートはイングランド島のみです。 その他の地域からの入札の場合は金額によりFedexまたはRoyal Mailで発送されます。 何かご質問がございましたら入札前にe-mailでご連絡ください。 連絡先の詳細は下記をご覧下さい。 この商品はOEM包装されており、30日間の保証が付いています。 DVIケーブルやアダプタが必要な場合、サービスでお付けすることができます。
クレジットカードはVISA、マスターカード(2.5%の課徴金がかかります)のみ受け付けております。 海外からのクレジットカードでのお支払いはできません。 銀行振り替え、国際郵便為替または電報為替、銀行手形、 ウェスタン・ユニオンのいずれかでお支払いください。 デビット・カードはSwitch, Solo Cheque, Postal Orders, Cash, Direct Bank Transferが利用可能です。
補足: P&P charge、OEM packaged、DVI cables or adaptorsについては知識不足で何のことやら…。
Consultants are a good source of knowledge. On the other hand, letting them make configuration changes the transfer of knowledge will be harmed 2文目をお願いします。
It’s so that I can spend Xmas with my family I’m totally behind this experiment You know how laughter can be infectious Why would we do that? Do either of you have the keys? Can you go any faster with that? He has more embarrassed about that than anymore
Some of us can do more difficult mental work than others, just as some of us can do more physical work. Different minds are not equally good at the same kind of work. Some minds are good at finding out what is wrong with a car. 和訳お願いします!
He was more embarrassed about that than anymore. Any of the rest of you guys think it? I think Tom’s a little out of your league I’m not sure I know what you’re getting at. What you are left with is trust. You gotta promise you’ll never ever tell Tom that I told you. You better act surprised. Looks like I was the second to last This probably isn’t the best time to bring it up
This is an automatic ally generated delivery status notification. This is a warning message only. You do not need to resend your message. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed. 和訳よろしくお願いします。
I don't know what happened, whether he went down in a heap or not, but he should not have been out there in the first place. Why he ran out after the whole situation had been diluted and gone away I've no idea.?"
Managers often want to know the level of productionat which the cost of committed resources is covered by the profits earned from producing and selling goods and services. お願いします。。
>>510 サンキューです。 これもお願いします。 As mentioned previously,the level at which sales volume covers the fixed costs of comittied resources is called the breakeven point.
Of special interest is tha case in which managers must evaluate whether investment in abusiness venture will be profitable. Breakeven analysis in this case determines the output volume at which the profit from the business venture equals zero-a profit that can also be esrned under a decision alternative in which managers make no investment in the business. 長いです・・・。すいませんがお願いいたします
The traditional breakeven analysis here relies on the decomposition of costs into fixed and variable costs. Recall that the cost equation can be written as follows where; お願いいたします・・・
1.I saw many ( ) ( ) on the beach. 2.They relaxed on the ( ) with no ( ) on. 3.It is ( ) to be wrong to clap your ( ) when you ( ) in the temple. (a)hands (b)lawn (c)worship (d)thought (e)people (f)shirts (g)lying 解いて1.2.3の和訳頼みます。。
すいません、和訳スレッド見つけれなかったもので、こちらにレスします。 http://www2.hyo-ka.net/~academy/cgi-bin/imgboard/img-box/img20020923205052.jpg 機械翻訳機では、 「ガードマンはボートを残すことを拒絶した捕虜を削除する準備をします。朝鮮の1953.」 となっているのですが・・・ 原文では、 Repatriation (left). Guards prepare to remove Prisoners of War who refused to leave the boat. Korea 1953. Prisoner of War Exchange Site (right), Freedom Village, Korea 1953. Both photos from the Jim Knoke Collection.
1. I saw many people lying on the beach. 2. They relaxed on the lawn with no shirts on. 3. It is thought to be wrong to clap your hands when you worship in the temple.
1.She is ( ) typing her term paper now. 2.He applied ( ) three universities. 3.Where do you come ( )? 4.He lives in the dormitory ( ) campus. 5.He works hard and ( ) hard too. 解いて1〜5の和訳頼みます。
>>528 Repatriation (left). 本国帰還 (左) Guards prepare to remove Prisoners of War who refused to leave the boat. Korea 1953 下船を拒否する捕虜の撤去の準備をする護衛兵達。 韓国1953年 Prisoner of War Exchange Site (right), 戦争捕虜交換現場 (右) Freedom Village, Korea 1953. フリーダム村。 韓国1953年 Both photos from the Jim Knoke Collection. 両写真共にジム・ノーク・コレクションより
1.You can apply to the office for further details. 2.The woman is not what she used to be. 3.Japanese people today are very different from those of the prewar days. 和訳おねがいします。
In my opinion to search means nothing in painting. To find is the thing. Nobody is interested in following a man who,with his eyes fixed on the ground, spends his life looking for the pocketbook that fortune should put in his path. Among the several sins that I have been accused of committing, none is more false than the one that I have,as the principal objective in my work,the spirit of research. What one does is what matters and not what one had the intention of doing. よろしくお願いします。
1.She is not typing her term paper now. 2.He applied to three universities. 3.Where do you come from? 4.He lives in the dormitory on campus. 5.He works hard and plays hard too. 和訳お願いします。
1. The policy change had one quite dramatic consequence - those obtaining legislative divorces before 1816 could remarry, while those securing relief during the following decade could not. 2. Dashiell,an evangelical preacher, had lost a bitter contest to James Kemp for the post of bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland just one year earlier.
・He was more embarrassed about that than anymore. ・Any of the rest of you guys think it? ・I think Tom’s a little out of your league ・I’m not sure I know what you’re getting at. ・What you are left with is trust. ・You gotta promise you’ll never ever tell Tom that I told you. ・You better act surprised. ・Looks like I was the second to last ・This probably isn’t the best time to bring it up
Breakeven analysis in this case determines the output volume at which the profit from the business venture equals zero-a profit that can also be esrned under a decision alternative in which managers make no investment in the business. おねがいします、たすけてー
Your Mission, Mr./Ms. Owner, is to teach and reward the pup for coming reliably, willingly and happily when called - and you have just three months to get it done.
I like the bed I'm sleeping in It's just like me, it's broken in It's not old -- just older Like a favourite pair of torn blue jeans This skin I'm in it's alright with me It's not old -- just older
1.He is a man of absolute honesty. 2.That dish is fragile, so be carful. 3.He can't stand the pressure of his job. 4.Is there some private corner in the restaurant? 5.The cookery book would be a practical gift for her. 和訳お願いします。
1John lives opposite me. 2He sat in the rear of the church. 3I was away on vacation for three weeks. 4The gale knocked over trees in our area. 5Their house is full of luxurious furniture. よろ
Most of the people who settled the United States were poor. The country they came to was a wilderness. Land had to be cleared of treese in order to make farms; mines had to be developed; houses, shops and public buildings had to be built. Everyone had to help buildthem. Manual labor was highly valued. Lafter it was the man who worked with his head to achieve success in business and industry who was looked up to. Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no lomger necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hands.
1He quit working for the day. 2This sea air is most exhilarating. 3I'll be back in a couple of minutes. 4They live on a country lane outside of the town. 5He makes some lame excuses for being late for work. おねがい。
At first I couldn't stand it. I didn't like the smell of new tatami and it made me feel sick. I couldn't sit cross-legged for a long time and I couldn't kneel at all. Everything seemed to be wrong and I never felt comfortable. お願いします。
My back always ached, and so I wanted to sit back always ached, and so I wanted to sit on a chair,but I couldn't because the chair legs might make a hole in the tatami. In England all the doors are strong and made of wood, but here the doors were made of paper, so in winter the room was very cold. 和訳おねがいします。
The policy change had one quite dramatic consequence - those obtaining legislative divorces before 1816 could remarry, while those securing relief during the following decade could not.
TVメディア関連の英文なんだけど storyboards have three important elements: pictures that show the main action of the commercial, written descriptions of what the viewers will see, and written descriptions of what they will hear. 上手い和訳ないかな。おながいします。
失業中の男が、同じく失業している友人の幼い息子に対して 「学校?そんなん無駄無駄。オレやオヤジさんを見ろよ。 ふたりとも仕事ねぇんだぜ?それより "You had better learn to " do the double" like us" というのですが、このdo the doubleってなんでしょうか?
もう一度読んで見たのですが、原監督が「試合に勝ちたかった」と 言った。の後、原監督の目を通して、過去の巨人阪神戦で、 ”このような場面があった”と言うことで、 "But to be a part of this kind of game at Koshien before the passionate fans of both the Tigers and Giants was extremely moving." (過去の同じような、試合場面で、巨人阪神両チームのファンは 試合を見てお互い感動していたのだ。)
We usually expect objects to appear to be smaller and higher up the picture when they are in the distance. 恐らく騙し絵の説明だと思われますが、さっぱり分からないので、どなたか知恵を貸してください。
なんて訳していいかサパーリ。誰か和訳キボンヌ Gandhi said, "Nehru, you are right, you have three great rivers in your town, but my share in those rivers is only one jug of water a morning and no more."
He was more a scholar than an executive, and his greatness lies not in his Presidency but in what he did for the nation prior to assuming office. この最後らへんがよくわからん
これはジェームズマディソンっていうアメリカの大統領についての文っす。 but in what he did for the nation ←ここで切れるんですね prior to assuming office これが就任前って意味なんですね。ここらへんでつっかえました。 教えてくれてみなさんありがとうございました
I have been writing short stories for more than thirty-six years. Often I thought I should like to select from my own stories. Those chosen should be those fit to survive―stories on which my reputation, if any, could hope to rest. Also from the first I have had my favourites; those, I thought, I should easily single out. The selection was to have about it an ideality―not that any one story I had written had been ideal, but I thought the best should benefit by being no longer placed beside lesser neighbours.
I wanted thick curtains on the windows because I wanted to feel private in this room, but the windows had thin paper screens. They were so delicate that I was frightened to touch them. This kind of room was abosolute nonsense. 和訳おねがいします。
But now, I have changed and I really do love tatami. The room is simple and yet beautiful, and when I sit there I feel relaxed in a way that I could never feel in an English room. On a fine day the sunshine filters gently through the paper screens and I don't feel so hot. 和訳よろしくお願いします。。
In winter I sit at the low table with my legs under the quilt, with my feet becoming warm from the little heater under the table. A tatami room is very practical indeed. I can use it as a living room during the day and I can also use it as a dining room to eat my meais. 和訳おねがいします。
The introductory or survey course in history, even at the college level, can scarcely do more than scratch the surface of the historical record in its infinitely rich detail. Even the familiar advanced courses, concentrating on countries or periods, must of necessity leave many historical stones unturned. Half a loaf is nevertheless better than none, and whatever college work in history a student can manage to undertake, his perspective on human affairs will be that much clearer.
Accordingly, the remedy should not necessarily require either the admission of women to VMI, or the creation of a VMI clone for women. An adequate remedy in my opinion might be a demonstration by Virginia that its interest in educating men in a single sex environment is matched by its interest in educating women in a single sex institution. To demonstrate such, the State does not need to create two institutions with the same number of faculty PhD's, similar SAT scores, or comparable athletic fields. See ante, at 34-35. Nor would it necessarily require that the women's institution offer the same curriculum as the men's; one could be strong in computer science, the other could be strong in liberal arts. It would be a sufficient remedy, I think, if the two institutions offered the same quality of education and were of the same overall calibre. http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/94-1941.ZC.html
The masses are likely to replace an unchanging mode of life by fashion which it will be in the economic interest of certain people to change as often as possible.
Liberal arts は一般教養と訳しましたが、人文科学と訳したら 間違いでしょうか? 誰か、教えてください。 一方はコンピュータ科学が強みであって良いし、他方の長所は 一般教養過程であって良い。 思うに、これら二つの施設が同等の 教育水準で全体的に同じ規模であれば、十分な改善を証明することとなる。
You didn't know that the earth rotates ? Well ,I suppose there are a lot of things you don't have to know if you're abird... Life is more difficult for dogs ,we're required to know ever-ything . Yes, most of us remain quiet humble .
Johannesburg aims to put equal stress on the twin aspirations of sustainable development. Those who profess to care about the environment yet scorn the goal of development only undermine both causes.
now that is the nastiest shit i have ever seen the bitch is so fat that she cant even wear underwear to cover up that filthy pussy. complete filth. お願いします。
fuck the churchs, they deserve too be burned down and every one thier members drug out in the street and shot 50 times in the face with a .357 snub nose then take a shovel and beat the shit out of the rotting corpse with it !!!
Won't you take my hand For I will be your man So tonight we gonna dance the night away One and one is two Don't you be so cruel Synchronize this love is what we got to do All the time we'll be together `cause it's yours and time Forever we're in this love thing・・・
The artist must himself be sincere. Only so long as he obeys an impulse to express the thing he sees, reaching into the unconquered spaces of life, is he protected against falsehood. Responding to a genuine inspiration he will leave the moral result of his endeavours to look after itself. But if he is, as an artist, immoral; if he repeats a message which he has not himself realized imaginatively, he is then at the mercy of mischance.
Lo there do I see my father. Lo there do I see my mother. Lo there do I see my brothers and my sisters. Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning. Lo they do call to me; they bid me take my place among them in the Halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.
これの Lo there do とか Lo they do とかってどう訳すべきでしょう? ヴァイキングの祈り文句らしいんですが。
I think,, it's just out of it, but they never seen the event that happened at that time, so I thought it would be a great weighter that I have and you need it right away. So is he, decided one thing when he leave, with a long spectacles and middle of the night, they had a experiences that you never ever felt it before. You can recond it on and on until the dawn. Possible, it's just the sending of negative side of it, but I'll look on what's digging into your mind.
The diffrence between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the would's problems. For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him,he must regard himself as greather than he is. お願いします。
At night, I can push the furniture to one side and pull out the bedding from the cupboard and sleep happily between soft quilts. If I lived in England, I would need three different rooms. Tatami is delicate and so are the paper doors and window screens. Because they are so fragile, I have to be gentle in a tatami room, so I guess that tatami has made me become a different person. 和訳おねがいします。
Iraq and UN agree new inspections Blair bows to be bolder Archer pays back libel damages Backlog of police checks remains Ner inquiry into Claudy bombing South of England braces for floods BBC NEWS 南部行くんですが、どういうことですか? 大丈夫ですよね?
Halloween, the last day of October, is a pleasant time for American children. On Halloween night, they put on scary costumes and visit houses in their neighborhood, shouting “trick or treat!” The children are given a treat ? usually candy or chocolate. If they are not pleased with the treat, they are allowed to play a trick. But most children are quite pleased with their treat and leave for the house next door
ハロウィーンの話で教科書からです 931共々おねがいします The old tradition of Halloween was kept in Celtic countries, especially Ireland. Halloween night was the time to pacify the dead and other spirits. People believed that the souls of the dead appeared on this night along with witches, ghosts, and fairies. Bonfires were built on the tops of hills to keep the bad spirits away.
Men are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they difffer. Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads. They are able who think they are able.
In a few short hours his spirit would rise up at the call of the Destroyer and, quitting his poor, weak, earthly frame, would go forth into that dim and dreaded Unknown Land, and solve with certainty that Mystery which revealeth itself not to mortal man. お願いします。
How plainly he remembered how she had, with girlish shyness and coyness, at first hesitated, and murmured something to herself about "an old bald-beaded galoot," but when he told her that to him life without her would be a blasted mockery, she threw herself on to him and froze there with the tenacity of a tick on a brindled cow. お願いします。
麦茶改造長文・ワールドセンターです。文法的にミスがあれば指摘お願いします。 It was able to be laughed at the airplane having plunged into World Trade Center Building! I am having counted for every 100 dead persons. 200 means breakthrough! It is give up and break through 300 of the next. But are only 4600 persons dead after all? I do not think at all that it is a thing to the extent that noise is made. It was interesting that the airplane plunged into World Trade Center Building even if taken. It knew by news, and struck and laughed at the hand. these while you are in an inquiry men -- it is foolish -- it became, and the pasta was eaten at home, considering And I wished to carry out commemoration photography therefore with much trouble in New York. But it is in World Trade Center Building also in the person who got some profits by what the airplane thrust in, and is the kana which was not good as a result. Although the governor and the mayor were reluctant to relief request of a rescue 911 surely, since there are many Native Americans, you want to destroy there totally as it is. It is our tax although support money will seemingly appear in a victim! Please do not use freely! by the way, what the situation of the body which jumped down from World Trade Center Building had become -- is it bloody? make it which -- as the image from a helicopter was just a movie, it was a magnificent view It was pleasant evening.
"We were all hoping that he would get back, but speaking to medical people who've seen similar injuries they said it would be very difficult," he added.
"The fact that he's been able to get so near is really down to the strength of the man.
"Anybody with a lesser character wouldn't have been able to get so near - it was a terrible injury and even to get mobile from that was a big surprise to everybody."