学習単語 unaided eye deities devised a theory the Renaissance
よくわからない文章 Plato wondered why the starlike planets moved relative to the stars. この relative to the stars って文脈から言うと普通の星と異なる動き になると思うんだけど、relative to ってそういう意味に使えるんでしょうか? 反対の意味に見える。
学習語彙 on the verge of assign blood count advocates respiration rate pulse rate concussion muddy the waters deploy a subject feels pain severity naively phonies fakery malingerer insightful immune to all the aspirin and morphine
チェック語彙 inverting whence rose of Versailles induced As for incommensurable take into account circulates the rumor hypothesis work in common conceived dissenting voice parchment representation affixed ideograms incendiary plastic meaning methodic way pedagogical mind ostensible purpose integral part
チェック語彙 charter members acquisition of a property propensity for drawing child prodigy commission renditions voraciously consuming entrants leg up self-same Impressionistic Hayloft precepts infirmities
チェック語彙 epitomized the home life periodicals On a whim excelled in sculpture militant volatile cadavers frail women impart the principles abhorred apt pupil gouache financial security On occasion affinity norm squandered volition maternal instincts vicariously quaintness
チェック語彙 infamous defection solidify rectify weakling and dunce misusing the gadgets conservationism streaks megalomania beanie subtlety arbitrarily he isn't cut out for driving dissipated oblivious supplement to a manga magazine
チェック語彙 blue-movie luminaries aliases epithets grisly descriptions of murder rodent sewage typical rant unfazed by the screeds voluminous just flat out scary in the clink and a fine magnate smut-mongers contributor raucous discussions audaciousness e-missives flimsy boundaries downright scary popular starlet aggravation purported 25-year veteran liaison lewd unflappable
チェック語彙 prescription medicine nausea stoned their motivation emphysema flurry of new research smoke out a solution pharmacy state legislators sister campus illegal cultivation multiple sclerosis in terms of synthetic compound pharmaceutical company infiltrate the body prescribe brownies sublingual pill alimentary canal suppository
チェック語彙 dwarfed primordial life forms erosion cut-and-dry helped peg the impact date byproduct extraterrestrial origin snuffed out the dinosaurs instantaneously melts and vaporizes rock condenses spherules
チェック語彙 prescription medicine nausea stoned their motivation emphysema flurry of new research smoke out a solution pharmacy state legislators sister campus illegal cultivation multiple sclerosis in terms of synthetic compound pharmaceutical company infiltrate the body prescribe brownies sublingual pill alimentary canal suppository
名実ともにクラシックな本ばかり。 University of Virginia, Electronic Text Center http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ Collections * 70,000 texts, mostly online, including history, literature, philosophy, religion, history of science. Languages include Latin, Apache, Japanese, and Chinese. 10,000 texts publicly accessible 8,000 commercially-licensed titles delivered to the entire VIVA consortium (39 state-assisted colleges and universities within Virginia)
pervasive threats brunt armored vehicles dissipate rocket-propelled grenades munitions warhead short of pulverized disperses deployment In use RPGs can total a carrier detonate depleted uranium
【News, diplomacy】 KAWAGUCHI MEETS COUNTERPART Iraq urged to accept U.N. inspections, 809 words
unilaterally 一方的に c.f. bilateral come amid 〜ing 〜により始まる, 〜の最中に行われる concerns about 〜に対する懸念 (concerns: 複数形) the SDF =the Self-Defense Forces military campaign 軍事行動 be cautious of 〜ing "of"をとることに注意
【Show Biz/Tech, 1404 words】You Oughta Be in Pixels
fidget with 〜をいじり回す jumble =chaos fledgling 駆け出しの fall for 〜に惚れる oeuvre 全作品 potboiler 金目当ての粗末な作品 leverage てこ入れする drawback 難点 grainy 粒子の粗い pony up 決済する end up in the black 黒字を納める counteract 〜の影響を弱める glitch 技術的なミス, 故障 yore 昔 auteur 映像作家
プロジェクトグーテンベルグに The Crimson Fairy Book The Orange Fairy Book The Brown Fairy Book The Yellow Fairy Book などの Fairy Tale があるのですが、それぞれ500KB以上あり、 今まで敬遠していたのですが、今、The Crimson Fairy Bookの中の Gifts of the Magician を読んでみたら、(語彙数 多分5000前後の 能力で)ほとんど辞書なしで読めるということが分かり、これは 多読に役に立つのではないかと思い始めています。ちなみに、 上のGifts of the Magicianの単語数は、 2307。
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でありましたら、教えてください。 あなたが書いたショートエッセイでもいいです。 help できれば、ひとつ調査結果の引用のようなものがあるといいです。 なくても結構です。 よろしくお願いします!
Re: IS there anyone Anti-War here by: jyuga 03/17/03 10:24 pm Msg: 38797 of 38996 The Bush administration adamantly insists that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, but despite 12 years of inspections, bombings and spying, it doesn't have a clue as to where they are. It frequently warns us of terror attacks, but always says it doesn't know where, when or how. Nor have there been any terror attacks in the United States in the past 18 months. Is it any wonder that millions of people around the world and in the United States don't support President George Bush's personal crusade to topple Saddam Hussein? Keep in mind that after the Sept. 11 attack, which Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with, virtually the entire world united in sympathy with us. Never has one president destroyed so much support by so many people in so short a time. The fact is, the people in the Bush administration who want to go to war with Iraq wanted to go to war with Iraq before Sept. 11. As a matter of fact, they wanted to go to war with Iraq before George Bush was even elected president. That's a matter of record. This war against Iraq has nothing to do with disarming Iraq and nothing to do with terrorism. It has to do with the United States creating a situation in which it and Israel will dominate the Middle East and its oil resources. The thing to remember about these alleged weapons of mass destruction is that nobody in the Bush administration or with the United Nations has ever laid eyes on them. What exists is a discrepancy between two numbers in reports ・both supplied by the Iraqi government. One report stated that so many chemical bombs were used; another report had a different number. And the Iraqis are certainly right in that nobody can prove a negative; you can't produce for inspection what you don't have. I personally don't know if these weapons exist in Iraq or not.
I do know they exist in many other countries. I do know that in the Gulf War, Iraq did not use any chemical or biological weapons, even when it was being routed from Kuwait and "bombed back into the preindustrial age," to use an American phrase. I do know that in the 12 years since, Iraq has not used any chemical or biological weapons, even though it has been subjected to the harshest economic sanctions in modern history and to practically regular bombing. I do know that in the past 12 years, Iraq has not threatened, much less attacked, any of its neighbors, while during that the same period of time we have attacked Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Yugoslavia. I do know that every one of the "neighbors" George Bush claims Iraq is a threat to has said repeatedly that it does not feel threatened by Iraq. I do know that the only leader threatening the world with nuclear weapons and pre-emptive attack is George W. Bush. It gives me no pleasure to point that out. But it is not the role of an American citizen to be a sheep. It has become apparent that those of us who supported Bush made a mistake. I'm beginning to believe that a philanderer and a liar is less dangerous than an upright but ignorant man who thinks God has appointed him to rule the world. The best way to support our troops is to try to prevent the Bush administration from sacrificing their lives for the hidden agenda of the crazy neoconservatives in his administration. Young Americans should not die because a bunch of chicken hawks have a cockamamie idea that they can bring liberal democracy to the Middle East by making war. That's like trying to sell pork barbecue in Mecca. What the president is intent on doing is committing a crime against humanity. If he goes through with it, he'll have to change his ritualistic "God bless America" to "God forgive us."
このPSPは、新規格UMD(ユニバーサルメディアディスク)というディスクを利用しており、そのサイズは直径6cmととても小さい(CDの半分程度)。 容量は1.8GBとなっている。 画面は4.5インチのTFT液晶で、480px x 272px(16:9)。MPEG4の再生やポリゴンも表示可能。外部端子として、USB2.0とメモリースティックコネクタが用意されているという。
上の方のレスを読んで、自分もマネしてProject Gutenberg でchildrenで検索してみた。 おお、思ったより面白そうなタイトルが並んでる。 「A Kidnapped Santa Claus」「Life And Adventures Of Santa Claus」 こういうのはつい邦題考えてしまいたくなる。 「さらわれたサンタクロース」「サンタクロース、その人生と冒険」? 「人生」じゃなくて「生活」なんだろうけど。 双子のシリーズものとかもあって、収穫でした。ありがとん。
>>226 最初 asian german japanese "porn star" と入力してぐぐって 普通の検索結果でなく広告として右側に現れるところで名前がこれかな? とわかった。(この広告サイトのためには asian "porn star"でよかったようだ) で、その名前でもう一度ぐぐった。 面白そう。読んでみるわ。あ、見てもみるわw。
>>297 diary of fired flight attendant でgoogle して 左側の She was never told which pics were "inappropriate," but click here to see some of the pics she may have been fired for. のhere の部分を辿った人ですか?