1. It/The object appears dark in the view field of stereoscopic microscope (using reflected light). 2. It has no fixed shape, resembling a trace of a water flow.
>>47 Wait a minute! Is it you that're gonna go to French? Or you may be confusing my story with someone else's, I guess. I said I'm gonna go to Seattle. これじゃ、変かな。 敲いてくだせー
>>48-51 どうもありがとうございます。 Wait a minute! Is it you that're gonna go to France? Perhaps you may be confusing my story with someone else's, I guess. I said I'm gonna go to Seattle. でいいのですかね(orを変えました)。 ちょっとまた後で、他の方にも聞いてみますね。どうもありがとうございました。
Hong Kong known as a town of shopping and a gourmet. After being returned to China in '97, the width of the charm is expanded increasingly. Of course, the authentic dish restaurant of various parts of China is the high quality dish of every country in the world. The restaurant to offer has appeared one after another. Even if the night view of Hong Kong is raised to one of the world 3 major night views and also excels Hakodate, it is not inferior. It is a scene and impression is given to us. Furthermore, the real thrill of Hong Kong is full of the city after all. Energetic power. Discovery and impression as he walked, when he walked from the main street to the alley of a downtown area. Probably, it is. Hong Kong is a town where the bosom filled to pleasure and the palpitation is deep. Then, we send a trip of wonderful Hong Kong to you after this!!
63>> Hong Kong, renowned as a paradise for shopaholics and gourmets. Contrary to the general expectation that its handover to China in '97 would make it less attractive, Hong Kong has been intensifying its attraction. In addition to authentic Chinese restaurants serving various delicacies of provinces, restaurants offering high-quality dishes of different countries spring up one after another like everyday. Hong Kong boasts a breathtakingly beautiful nightscape, probably comparable with that of Hakodate, which is said to be one of the most beautiful nightscapes in the world. Nobody could see Hong Kong's nightscape without letting out a sigh of admiration. Moreover, the city has an abundance of energy. This is the very thing that makes Hong Kong Hong Kong. Every single step away from a main street into a back street in the downtown gets you closer to surprises and moving experiences. Hong Kong is a city of tolerance, full of worldly pleasure and excitement. Now let us take you to a wonderful tour of Hong Kong!
>>73 Narita will be left in the morning on the first. I show the hotel after the Hong Kong arrival. night -- Beijing -- please relish the Beijing food in a tall building I show after supper to night view admiration at the Victoria peak.
I will guide famous sacred-oracle fortune-telling in a 黄大仙 temple on the second. It is free time after that.
The third day is a free time in the daytime. I show supper to the stateless dish of rye KAIHON. Here many Europeans and Americans come after five for pleasure as night play area. It is just the town which does not sleep.
I will guide duty-free shops after breakfast in a hotel on the fourth. Hong Kong is left, and it wears toward Narita, and is a dismissal the back in the afternoon.
On the first day our plane will leave Narita in the morning. I will bring you all to the hotel after we arrive in Hong Kong. At night, we are scheduled to enjoy the Beijing cuisine at 北京楼. After dinner, we will enjoy the night view from the Victoria Park.
On the second day, I will take you to the famous fourtune telling at 黄大仙寺院. After that you will have a free time for the rest of the day.
The third day will be a free time during the day. For dinner, we will be going to ライカホン to enjoy ethnic dishes. ライカホン is a famous night spot for many tourist from Europe and the US. It is a town that never sleeps. On the fourth day, we will have breakfast at the hotel, and you will be enjoying duty-free shopping. Our plane will leave Hong Kong in the afternoon, and we will wrap up our trip at Narita.
質問をした者です。 あの後自分でも考えました。強調構文ですから、 It is you that is going to go to France, isn't it? ですね。この場合はわざわざyouを大文字にしなくてもいいと思います。 そして、 Perhaps you may be confusing my story with someone else's, I guess. I said I'm gonna go to Seattle. ですよね。>>85さんは結局あってるのですか?間違ってるのですか? お願い致します。
47(108)さんが、最終的に辿り着いたIt is you that is going to France, isn't it? は、えっと、阿修羅さんのIs it you that is going to,,,?よりも ニュアンス的に正しいと思います。 あなたですよね?ていう感じが付加疑問文をつけたことによって、出てるからです。 Is it you,,,?にしてしまうと、あなたがいくのかいかないのか、ほんとに答えをしらなくて きいてるただの疑問文になってしまうと考えました。
それで、85さんがあってるかどうか 阿修羅さんは間違えてるとおっしゃってるようなのですが 私は、間違ってるというよりも、強い感じにきこえてしまうと思いました。 文章じたいは、あってます。 また、大文字やイタリックにして強調ていうのも、別に間違ってはいないと思います。 英語の小説とかを読むと、強めたいところはイタリックになっていたりしますし 英語を話す人とチャットをするとき、大文字にしていると、 怒っているの?とか、何か意味があるように取られます。 でも、そういうのは学校の教科書とかにはあんまりでてこないんで。 ただ、文章としてよんだとき、85さんのように、普通の平序文で 強調構文を使わずに You are going to France.ていったら、 たんに、あなたはフランスに行く。ていう文章になってしまうから 85さんはあえて強調してるんだ、と示したんではないでしょうか。
あと時制の一致ですが 教科書どおりにやれば I said (that) I was going to Seattle. I said (that) I was gonna go to Seattle. が正しいと思いますが I said " I am going to Seattle."ととることもできるし 別に現在形でかいたからといって、悪い事もないですね。
あと、もし、85さんが間違ってる理由がそこではなく you are going to France.と現在進行形を使っていることにあるという方がいらっしゃったら 現在進行形で確定している未来のことを述べることができますから あえてgoing toやwillを使わなくても間違いではないといえます。
>>110・>>111 丁寧に教えて下さってどうもありがとうございます。 なるほど、時制はそこまで気にしなくとも通じるのですね。 (でも一応 I said (that) I was going to Seattle. または I said (that) I was gonna go to Seattle. がいいですよね。そう書いておきます) >>109・>>112 どうもありがとうございます。 I said I was gonna go to Seattle. ですね。 isじゃないでしょ自分…ごめんなさい。 sayは直接引用はあまり従えない、と…覚えておきます。
皆さんに教えていただいたのを合わせると、 It is you that is going to go to France, isn't it? I guess you are confusing my story with somebody else's. I said (that) I was going to Seattle. こうなりますね。 本当に助かりました。どうもありがとうございます。
>YOU are going to France, not ME. 多分私が知識不足だと思うのですが、これは not A but B の構文ではないのでしょうか。 あ、でもそれだとまた意味合いが違ってくるか・・・ I won't going to go to France but you'll do. やっぱり違うか…
>Isn't it you who's going to (go) France? なるほど、すっきりとですね。goが()でくくられていますが、 Isn't it you who's going to France? という文もありえるのですか? これだとフランスに行っている、という現在進行形になるのでは… 間違いだったらすみません。 あとyouの後はthatでなくてもいいのですか?教科書にはthatしか書いてなかったので、 それ以外はダメだと思ったのですが… しつこくてすみません。
>>116 >YOU are going to France, not ME. あなたがフランスに行くんでしょ、私じゃないよ。 ってぐらいの意味になるよ。
>Isn't it you who's going to France? という文もありえるのですか? 現在進行形と同じ文で、未来形になる場合があるよ。 文法的なことは良く知らんけど、例文をいくつか。 I'm going to France next week. I'm leaving soon. I'm comming right away.
>>118 >>114の指摘、けっこうみんな適当に使ってる気がしたんで、 googleでチェックしてみたら、こんな感じだったよ。なんだかな… It's you who is 〜. 870 It is you who is 〜. 3040 It's you who are 〜. 1060 It is you who are 〜. 6120
>>120 そうだねー なんか、whoてつくと、たとえば二人称や一人称であろうと 三人称っぽく使う人はネイティブにもいるよね? あと、もし、 It is I that/who で、そのあと、it is I who am,,,,ていうのはきかない、、、 ていうか、そんな文章じたい、普通に考えてあんまり使わないのかもしれん
たぶん、正しくは人称を一致させないといけなかった(昔は) でも、きっと、英語もどんどん変わってきていて whoやthatのあとに、youやIを受けていても三人称として動詞を使う人もでてきて どっちでもいいってことなんじゃないの? web検索したら、it is I who listens to youとか ボロボロでてきて、 どっちがっていうと、Iをつかう時の方が、YOUの時より 三人称にされてる時が多かった
それから、 It is me who listens to you. It is him who listens to you. It is her who listens to you. というのは実は間違いで、(ネイティヴでも正しいと思ってる人がいる) It is I who〜 It is he who〜 It is she who〜 というのが正しい。
>116 現在進行形を使って未来を表せます。 ただしwillと現在進行形では意味が違ってきますが ちなみにwillは不確定の未来を表します。 例えば友達と会話していたときに突然次の休暇にフランスに行こうと思ったら i'll go to france next holiday. といいます もし前々からフランスに行くことが計画されていたのなら i'm going to farance next holiday. です
>>50 三人に聞きました。 >Is it YOU that are going to go to France? (カリフォルニアン氏)「are は is にすべし。」 (ニューヨーカー嬢) 「OK」 (カナディアン氏) 「OK」 >You may be comfusing my story with someone else's, I guess. (L.A./N.Y.) 「my story は me に」「else's は elseに」 (N.Y.) 「may と I guess の併用は冗長」と直したそうな仕種 >I said I'm going to go to Seattle. (3氏とも) 「OK」
>>179 熟考を/1時間して/いくらかな If I could make full use of English, I would be, say, a teacher at a cram school of English in Japan, for I don't need money or time it takes to go abroad. こなれてないですよね。がんばったんですけど。 難点があれば、誰かが、修正してくれるようです。
If I had as good skill to use English as I want to, I would be an instructor in English at a cram school in Japan to secure a steady income. Because I don't have enough money, any reason and spare time to go abroad for the time being.
>>196 I find it very tough to speak English. There, however, seem to be many people out there that feel it easy. I hope I will find myself feeling that way someday.
>197 "Come here together, you who are angry." "Protect that damnable weakness." "It is our collected power that takes back what the moon has to share." "Darkness befalls us all again and aims at our inestimable despire." "Hold your breath and fire." "We are here" "all with one destination" "for all the mistakes that have ever been made."
At least it didn't hit kangaroos. Remember how we Japanese saluted you guys when Apollo 11 landed on the moon? Cut us some slack, eh? (Don't be so hard on us.)
Thank you for your reply. But why didn't you do earlier? I mailed to oder them on July 3rd. I sent it three times because you didn't reply. It was one week later that you finally replied. I don't understand the shortage because they were in your stock on 3rd. Since I really need "A", I will insist on this commodity. In addition, some commodities have got more expensive than on 3rd. I also wonder why in this matter.
Please find followings; the list of wanted goods and their prices when I ordered.
Thank you very much for your reply. Still, I am wondering what took you so long to respond to me. I had to e-mail the same order 3 times before I finally heard from you a whole week after I had sent the 1st one. And, frankly, your reply was a sheer disappointment to me, just informing that you have run out of the stocks of so many items, which must have reached me by now, had you responded more quickly. I must buy "item A" in particular no matter what. Please do understand that. Another thing I cannot accept is that you re-set the prices of several items upward. Reproduced below is the list of ordered items and their prices as of July 3rd. Please recheck the list.
>227 Hi, there. There seem to be people who pretend to be Japanese slandering the U.S. and people who pretend to be American slandering Japan. Japanese people know how considerate and kind American people are. And I hope you will be up to their 'trick'.
>228 What is your nationality? Why are you trying so hard to make Japanese and American people break up?
I am sorry, but I can't draw that kind of pictures. Why don't you go around some other websites? Personally I would more like to see him taking a shower rather than what you had told me.
I don't speak English very well, and I had someone translate my Japanese into English so that I can communivate with you. I am afraid you really might wanna try some other websites.
>>233 Excuse me , but I can't draw a picture as you want me to. How about browsing other web sites? Honestly , I want to see him showering rather than such situation. This sentense was translated by other person , because I'm poor at English.
>233 I'm afraid I can't draw a picture up to your request. That is, if that's a request at all. Maybe some other sites can do it for you. By the way, I myself want to see him having a shower than in that situation.
I'm not good at English but a friend of mine helped me in making this message.
Being in a packed commuter train in the morning rush hour is something that I cannot stand. It is amazing in some sense that the number of people never decrease despite the fact that hundreds of trains are running.
I realized that people from big cities, like Tokyo, and those from the countryside have different senses of distance. It seems to me that those from the countryside do not mind a long distance.
From time to time I have realized the cultureal differences, but the largest difference lies in language.
The painfulness of being in a packed commuter train in the morning rush hour is beyond description. It is amazing in some sense that the number of people never decrease despite the fact that we have this many trains. I realized that people from big cities, like Tokyo, but not confined to it, and those from the countryside have different appreciation of distance. It seems to me that those from the countryside do not mind a long distance. From time to time I have realized the cultureal differences, but the largest difference I have found lies in language.
Yes, You would be a good choice as a wanker of the fucking 2ch... You take risks, but you calculate them first. You are not afraid to be alone with yourself. You are cautious enough and clever enough to be still confused. Because you neglected your medical needs, and most important thing, you seem actually to enjoy the illusion. お願いします。
>299 I came to Tokyo to attend a university in Tokyo and discovered both good and bad points of my local speech. I also discovered how important the environments and cultures in which you are raised are. The necessity of intercultural communication is in understanding your coulture better by knowing other cultures.
>>299 It was after I entered a university in Tokyo that I came to realize both the good and bad aspects of my local vernacular. Now I can see what a significant influence the environment and culture one was raised in can have on oneself. It is in a deeper understanding of one's own culture through the interraction with foreign cultures that the necessity of crosscultural communication lies.
I have come to Tokyo for my college education, and that made me realize the good and bad points of the way people from my hometown talk. Also I realized how important the environment and culture that I have been brought up in are. Cross-cultural communication serves as an opportunity to better understand our own culture by learning other cultures.
「心を込めて季節のご挨拶をあなたとご家族にお送りします」 Warmest Greetings of season to you and loved ones. 「家族とわかちあう特別の時間が最も幸せな思い出をもたらしますように」 May the special times a family shares bring the happiest memories.
The speed at which we talk and the choice of words that we make vary depending on what environment we grew up. Not until I came to Tokyo have I realized that talking with friends from my hometown made me feel relaxed. And that relaxed feeling is most prominent when I have a chat with those friends that I have grown up with. That is probably because we share an environment and culture.
>>314 Speaking speed, balance, the choice of words, -------they all depend on the environment the speakers grow up in. Until I moved in Tokyo, I wasn't aware of the fact that I feel comfortable when I talk with my friends, especially ones of my early childhood, in my home town. It may be because we grew up in the same environment and culture that I feel so.
>>312 There exist quite a few genres in novel-fictions, non-fictions, hard-boiled novels, romantic novels, historical novels, and fantasy novels. What I like most in those genres is non-fiction. The list of my favorite writers starts from Ryu Murakami, ノノ. What those writers share is their sophistication in depiction of scenery and characters. Once I read their stories, it is not easy to get out of their worlds. Since novel is something that we can meaningfully spent our time on, I would like to recommend those who do not have that much interest in novels to give it a try,
うーんムズカシいね たとえば 料理とかをして、それで、がんばって、さあ、あとは食べるだけ、てシチュエーションなら (Now the cooling part is over, and) we are ready to eat!とか We are only left with the eating part!とかかなあ
これで?とはちょっと違ってくるかもしれないけど他にも 色々考えられ たとえば Oh, you have just cleaned your room? を、いぶかしげにいっても、ほんとに??ていう感じにはなるし Did you say that you cleaned your room? と聞き返すのもよいし、、
>>345 ・Stop being so confrontational. What's your prob? ・I don't know what to say about the joke you've just made. ・There's no point in us talking with him.
>>347 And as I'm sure you have noticed it already, I'm no good writer of English. That's why I'm so afraid that some mistaken expressions would allow unintended interpretations with which you're not pleased that I ask you just to laugh at them instead of being offended.
Those pets who are kept by Japanese people live in rich. They get fed everyday, and when they get sick, they are taken to the hospital to see the doctor to be diagnosed. On the other hand, 24% of the world's population can only spend less than a dollar per day. In terms of the money spent per day, 34% of the world's population are estimated to spend less than those dogs kept by Japanese people.
I understand your frustration, but I only have one of each item sometimes, I have over 100 emails a day, so it takes time to locate the figures and to answer, I will look again at your list, but certain figures are now sold out in the United Kingdom, the only way I can get them is to locate and buy in, these will have to cost more, please confirm if you would like me to locate them.
Thank you for your e-mail. I understand what you were telling me, and I still would like to get the item. It is OK with me if it will cost more. Would you be able to locate one for me and buy in?
Also I saw in the list that some of the items got more expensive than the last time I ordered them. Would you be able to sell those items at the prices that I first checked?
I would be grateful if you could get back to me with some information!
こんなんで申し訳ないのですが 2. Computers that once took up entire rooms are now small enough to put on desktops and into wristwatches. 7. A prolific an artist, the Canadian composer Barbara Pentland wrote four symphonies, three concertos, and an opera , among other works. 9. In bas-relief sculpture, a design project very slightry from its bachground, as on some coins. 13.The first explorer to reach California by land was Jedediah Strong Smith, a trapper who crossed the southwestern deserts of the United States in 1826. 14.Written to be performed on a stage bare of scenery, Thornton Wilder's play Our Town depicts life in a small New England community. 15.There are many copper mines in the state of Arizona, a fact which contributes significantly to the state's economy. お願いします!!
He had made up a dummy company called ○○、 and had been selling products from your company , claiming those were made in the US.
I pointed to him that the fact that he was making a false claim about the country of origin, and the fact that the company called ○○ did not exist. He admitted that the products were made by your company. However he cliamed that your company was subsidiary of the dummy company that he had made up, and he let your company make products that they had developed.
What is more, he claims in his own website that your company does not have enough technologies to produce what he had expected, so he had terminated the contract to have your company as a subsidiary. He also claims that the products from your company are like toys and he suggest others not to buy the products.
Things that you can easily get once you have money Things that is hard to get even if you have money Things that is almost impossible to get regardless of how much money you have
The bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi recognizes ○○bank to have a potential to be a failed financial institution. Thus I will not be able to pay through the bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. Could you be able to designate another bank account?
There was a descrepancy between what was on the invoice and what was actually debited from my bank account. On the invoice it said 200 dollars but actually 300 dollars was taken out from my account.
>>395 I went to (会社名)'s jobinterview, but it was not good. or I went to (会社名)'s jobinterview, but I dont feel I could express myself there. or I went to jobinterview, but the interviewer seemed not satisfied with. >>400 I will get bit someone's cake(tekitou) >>401 check cars each by each pack cups each by each
gomen. >>395 I went to IBM's jobinterview, but I dont feel I could enough express.. or I went to jobinterview, but the interviewer seemed not satisfied with it(or my presentation)
>>413 Thank you for your mail. I realize I'm asking a big favor, but could I add product A and B to my order? This will be my final decision, please give me a total amount including A and B. I really appreciate your co-operation. My address is:住所
MXでキュー(リクエスト)が来たときに、断りたいときに使いたいんですけど。 Now, I decline the request of those other than those who are performing the present transmission. のdeclineって、requestに対して適切な英語ですか? 後、refuseよりやんわり断わりたいのですが、declineは調べるとやんわりと断ると 出ていたので、そんな雰囲気をもつ動詞を使って文章を作りたいと思ってますが、文 章的におかしいでしょうか?
>>430 I always read books on my way to school and coming home from school. これ、単数形a bookの方がいいと思うんだけど、どう?あとto and from schoolがいいかな? >>433 I just want to lead such a life as I can think has been fullfilled and happy when I look back.
>>430でbooksと複数形にするのは、いわゆるdistributive pluralという規則があるからです。 「いつも〜読む」のような文では、「今日読む本」、「明日読む本」、「X日読む本」 が違う可能性が高くなります。したがって、頭の中で予め合算して複数にするわけです。 習慣的・反復的行為に伴うdistribute pluralの用法については、Michael Swan著、Practical English Usageなどご参照ください。
>>430の場合、and coming home from schoolの部分は、原文の「学校に行くとき、 帰るときは」に合わせたつもりです。「行き道はもちろん、帰り道も」というニュアンス を出せないかな、と思ったわけです。 原文が「学校への行き帰り」であれば、わたしもto and from schoolにしてたと思います。
送料及び手数料を国際郵便為替で送付致しました I sent fees of shipment and charge to you by international postal money order
当方の注文書を受け取ったかどうかお調べ下さい Could you check our order form whether you would receive or not? 当方の注文書が未着とのことで電話を頂いたので 再度お送り致します I got a call our order form has not yet arrived to you, I will resend one.
>>462 「生きている」を意訳するといい感じになるような気もします。 I'm looking forward to seeing you someday. I always believe that I can see you someday. It makes me happy to think I can see you someday.
>>471 I've been busier, than I expected, responding to the needs of my daily life since the beginning of this month. So I got to write an e-mail to you today. I'm sorry.
得意じゃないけどきてみました。 >>485 途中まで Seeing this movie, at first, I recognized the fact that there used to be descrimination against women in old ages. I think it striking that strong women exsisted in those days. The difference between storng women and weak ones is whether or not they had a little courage and pride. Strong women had the confidence that they had no less conpetence than men. It moved me very much that they lived through that man-oriented society with confidence. 直してください。
The first thing that came to my mind after I watched this movie was a recognition that there used be a time when women were looked down. But I was moved by the fact that there always were those women who were tough enough to live through those times. I felt that the differences between those tough women and the rest of them were just a little bit of courage and self-esteem.
つづき、、 I was moved by that those tough women have lived through male-dominant society with their self-confidence and courage that made them feel that they would not be beaten by men, The main character in this movie also got back her courage and belief in herself to chose her own life, and left her husband. These days we take it granted that women and men are equally treated. However this was made possible because of those women who have survived the mail-dominant societies in the past.
I strongly felt that every individual should be respected, and the discrimination based on gender or racial background should not take place for whatever reason.
続き、でも遅かった The heroine of this movie also recovered her confidence and courage, divorced her husband and lived her own life. Nowadays it is quite natural women and men are treated equally, which I think we owes to the strong womens at that time. Every person should be respected individually, and we inevitablly make no allowances for sex and racial discrimination.
You have asked me when on travel whether I would like to visit historical places or newer tourist spots, but all I can say is that it depends where I am going.
For example if I am to visit Kyoto, I would like to visit historical places like Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkakuji Temple. If I am to visit Tokyo, I would like to visit one of the newer tourists spot like the Tokyo Disneyland. If in Osaka, I would like to visit both Osaka Castle for a historical place, and the Universal Studio for a newer tourist spot.
distributal pluralという「規則」ということなのですが、Swanによれば、singular and plural nouns are both possible.です。これについてコメントしてくださった方も「どちらでもいいのでは」としていたような気がします。 私も「単数形の方がよい」と書いており、「複数形がだめ」ということではありません。
私も複数形じゃなきゃだめ、という意見には、賛成しかねました。 たとえば、とくに、 私は昔よく電車の中で学校の行き帰りに本を読んだ、など、 過去の話となったら 私だったら I used to read a bookにすると思いました というのは 一回に読んでいたのは一冊であって 何冊も持って乗っていたのではないからで 自分には単数の方が自然に聞こえますね。
【冠詞の基本〜独断編】 I like girl 無冠詞→音・抽象 「私はgirlという音が好きである」 I like a girl 不定冠詞→新情報 「私は、へっへっへー女が好きだ」←「どんな女?と突っ込む」 I like the girl 定冠詞→旧情報の確認 「私は例の女がすきなんだ」 I like girls 複数形→一般論・総称 「私は女好きだ」 I like the girls THE+複数→集団化 「私はあの子達が好きだ」 I like that girl 指を指して言う 「私はあそこにいる女が好きだ」 I like his girl 所有格→関わる 「私は彼の女にほれている」
>531 "tomorrow never knows"でググルと2万4千件だぞ。 さらに「文法」も付けてみると、 「Tomorrow Never Knows. 作詞・作曲:John Lennon & (Paul McCartney) ジョンの曲ですが この文法無視のタイトルは"A Hard Days Night"と同じく、リンゴの言葉(リ ンゴ語とも言われます)から生まれています。」 と書いてあるページ発見。
I have some food in my refrigerator, so you can have whatever you want when you feel hungry. But it would be very helpful if you can go and buy your own food during your stay.
Have you received my previous e-mail? I really liked your new website. When you add a link to my website, please add it as one of your frined's sites if you don't mind.
No one is stronger than they are in terms of physical power. However, when it comes to a fight, the stronger does not always win. And the organizer plans to make him, the main character, a winner.
>>610 英辞郎はたまに、全然使われていない表現を定型表現として紹介していることがあるから、 気をつけたほうがいいよ。この The battke is... がそうだと言うわけじゃないけど。 でも、googleでフレーズ検索すると、 The battle is not always to the strong. 108件 The pen is mightier than the sword: 11,500件
>>631 Please send me your wine price list, which has each vintage clearly stated. How many bottles is the minimum order lot? Would you tell me how many units your minimum lot is?
For althogh the evening air was no longer black and thick,but a clar blue,with a pattern of insects whizzing this way and that across it, everything else. の和訳教えて下さい。お願いします。
There will be a meeting on December 26th in Los Angeles. We will be discussing our principles and aims for the next year. Please prepare yourself so that you can make some contribution.
Wouldn't it be possible to think that the foreign material had got into during the production sequences?
The possibility (that the foreign material had got into during the production sequence) is really unlikely, but we will immediately begin investigating the matter.
三年間欠席しました。 >>685 案 I think the forien substances might mix in the producting process. It's not so likely to have happened but I'll look into it imediately.
>>695 それであれば、 Don't you think it possible that 〜?になりますよ。 因みに技術翻訳では、ストレートな言い方が普通なので、 >>693の言ってるので概ね正解。 ただ、製造過程はin the process of productionかat some stage(s) of the production processが普通の言い方のように思われ。
お帰りの際:「ありがとうございます。」 (これはThank youでよろしいのでしょうか?) Thank you, ma'am. お会計の際:「〜円になります。」 That'll be 895 yen. 「〜円お預かりします。」 Out of 1000, sir? Out of 1000 and 5. 「〜円のお返しになります。」 Your change would be 105 yen, sir. 「無料ドリンクのチケットになります。次回ご使用ください。」 Here is a coupon for a free drink for your next visit.
Your estimation form is only for US address. So I put the address of the logistics company in US to which my parcel will be provisionally shipped. Please chatch me on the followings. ・メアド ・住所
サンフランシスコのマリア像はクリーム色だ Maria in Sisco is creamy おれの部屋の壁は緑色で 腐った魚が泳いでる Wall paper see green with bad wish 夜になると深海魚が泳ぎだして おれはうかうか寝ていられなくなる At nihgt deep sea fish begin swim make me awake だからそんなとき コカコーラを一気飲みするんだ one shot of Coke make me great そうすりゃ、眠れるぜ he take me away 歌の詩なのですが、お願いいたします。 This is a ryric pwkease
>735 The statue of Mary in San Francisco is cream. My room's walls are green. Rotten fishes are swimming there. At night, deep-sea fishes start swimming and I cannot sleep anymore. So I drink up a Coke and I can sleep well.
>>735 サンフランシスコのマリア像はクリーム色だ The statue of Maria in San Francisco is creamy color おれの部屋の壁は緑色で 腐った魚が泳いでる The wall paper of my room is green. Rotten fished are swimming. 夜になると深海魚が泳ぎだして おれはうかうか寝ていられなくなる At night, the deep-sea fishes begin swimming and I cannot sleep in peace. だからそんなとき コカコーラを一気飲みするんだ At times like this, I gulp Coke そうすりゃ、眠れるぜ By doing so, I can sleep
>>753 I want to Keep dreaming on no growing up I Want to Keep dreaming on Something can’t give up Something can’t get enough My dream is childish and very VAKA But I’ll make it come ture
サンフランシスコのマリア像はクリーム色だ Cream is the color of The Virgin Mary standing in San Francisco. おれの部屋の壁は緑色で 腐った魚が泳いでる green walls soround me. I see funked fish swimming. 夜になると深海魚が泳ぎだして おれはうかうか寝ていられなくなる as the darkness come, abyssal fish start thretening my sleep. だからそんなとき コカコーラを一気飲みするんだ そうすりゃ、眠れるぜ I swallow coke such night, and I can dream a sweet dream.
>>757 低案 It's true he has dreamed of becoming a grocer since he was a child, but it appears to make his life ruined that he left the position of prime minister.
Today I have a question to ask you. Please forgive me if I sound rude.
My quetion regards to A. How is he doing? We, his fans, haven't heard anything since he had a match with B at PRIDE. Did he quite participating in matches? Or is he doing fine in his academy?
Well, she's got this personality that she wants to do everything in her own way, I think she might find me uninteresting.
I really had a good time with you the other day. Let's go and have a drink some time again.
なんか、最初の方、ネイティブからしてみれば なんで、気が強いともてあますのかってとこが分かりにくいと思う、、 だから、もうちょと分かりやすくいったほうがいいのかなあと。 とりあえず、上の文では、僕のことを面白くないと思うかも、とかいてみた。 別の可能性は I think she might find me unqualifying for her. とか I think she might find me not enough for her.だとか I think she might think something is missing in me.だとか、、 いろいろ考えられた。
I was watching a movie called "Sen to Chihiro no kami kakushi. from 7 pm to 10 pm last night. I knew that it was during my exam period, but because I bought the DVD, I couldn't help watching it, and I was not able to concentrate on my study.
>>776 This year's World Cup was held by Japan and South Korea. Japan and South Korea were both able to get to the semi-finals so it turned out as a big event. The result was Brazil that won the tournament.
>>776, >>780 This year's World Cup was co-hosted by Japan and South Korea. We were very excited over both hosts making it into the second stage. The final victory was, however, Brazil's, as it turned out.
Japan and South Korea co-hosted the last soccer World Cup. Those two host nations both proceeded to the semi-final tournament which excited their fans. Brazil turned out to win the final in the end.
Excuse me, but I have something to ask. What is A doing now? We haven't heared anything about him since his match with B at PRIDE. Won't he appear in any match anymore? Or is he doing well in his academy? I want to see him fight again.
Today I have a question to ask you. Please forgive me if I sound rude.
My quetion regards to A. How is he doing now? We, his fans, haven't heard anything since his last match with B at PRIDE. Did he quit participating in matches? Or is he doing fine in his academy?
>>798 A: I can borrow video tapes for nothing, because I'm working part-time at a video rental shop. So I watch at least two videos a week. B: Thah's lovely. But are you goint to see Star Wars Episode2 in a cinema? A: Yes, I definitely want to.
>>799 うわ〜っ、ほんとありがとうございます!催促しちゃってすいません。 最後のAのセリフはYes,I want to go.じゃだめですか? definitelyって言いにくい。。 >>800 ‥そうなんですよ、レンタルビデオ屋って何て言うんだろう。 a rental video shopて和製なんすかね?
”Is everything perfect for the tomorrow's camp?" "I have called an assistant principal just now, and he said that we will not possibly have to do anything because each of the students are supposed to make his or her own plan."
>>817 良い文だと思うんですがせっかくだから違うアプローチさせてください。 A: Are we ready for tomorrow? B: On the phone the vice principal said each student is to have their plans for tomorrow. and they shan't need any helping hand of ours.
>>827 q さん、こんばんわ。もう、お休みになっておられたかと思いました。 too much は、僕も最初そうしようと思ったんですけど、何か別のいみ があるそうで、かっこわるそうだけど、 long にしてみました。 sounds like は、なるほどなー。うまいなーと、思いました。 しかし、まあ、ものすごく、迅速に、問題を解決なさいますね。 鮮やかなお手並みに、感心しています。
>>856 the blessed moment is when you are following your desire. 原文からさらに離れた the most brilliant time one can have is when he is doing what he likes to do.
>>878 Origami, or the Japanese art of folding paper into attractive shapes such as animals, is one of the traditional amusements in Japan. They are small and easily fit in envelopes. I'll send you some if you don't mind.
that was a beautiful night, with the moon looming up gently in the sky. i was skipping down the street, waving my arms jauntily in the air and suddenly, i felt my weight getting lighter and lighter. then, i started floating up. i was walking. walking, only i was actually walking on the air. really, that night was full of fun. the night, i could be a peter pan.
>>882 みんなしないねえ。。 the 222th street - where the tenement is standing alone. the room No.222 on the second floor of the sordid bldg - that's my den only what could bother me is the guy next door. the nut. you know, the wall is all painted violet... but i dont give a fuck. maybe it's cool, ha? a phychedelic streak out here.. and, some holes on the windows, which seemingly implicates gun-shots. scares me? nah. i like this shit, for it's like something straight out of some flick. on the floor are holes that just look like the nest of ants..well, i can sweep up dust and stuff in the holes when i clean the floor. oh, seems like the "nut" want to share some carrots with me, which his(her?) relative sent." Yeah, I'll be right there!" if you cant find anywhere to stay when you come around here, why dont you come to my place,,if only you will like it this way.
「中学校」の英訳について質問です。 日本では junior high school が一般的な訳ですが、これはアメリカでしか通じず、 英語圏内全体では寧ろ lower secondary school のほうが一般的であると聞きました。 本当のところはどうなのでしょうか。 どなたか詳しい方、お教え願います。
>>927 >子供の頃、「外国航路の船員さん」というのに凄く憧れた。そういう叔父さんが家族の中にいて、 >普段は家にいないんだけども、年に一ぺんか二へん外国から帰ってきて、 >日本じゃ誰も持っていないような珍しいお土産を買ってきてくれる。 In my childdhood, I really was fascinated sailers who works for ocean liners. I had an uncle who worked for the territory.And he was almost all absent from his house. But, he occasionally came back to his house and brought me worldwide-rare souvenirs each time, and which was never seen by anyone else in Japan.
When I was a little, I adored saliers who sailed across the seven seas. I had an uncle who was a sailor. He was not at home most of the times, but he came back home once or twice a year, with exotic souveniors which no one else had ever seen in Japan.
>>950 拙訳: The most important thing when you make up your own points of view is not what kind of view you have got but by what process your idea has been created. 主語がちと長いですね。
MORNING MUSUME Japan Fighting style: Rhythmic gymnastics Strengths: They could lose eight members and still outnumber 'N Sync Weaknesses: All those restraining orders against 60-year-old "fans" takes a financial toll
I will make a payment under your name for the product. So if you receive it could you send it to me? How do you like it? Of cource you can ship it via COD.
A この商品の料金に、運送料も含まれていないのですか? No delivery fee included with this product prce B はい、含まれていません。 しかし1万円以上お買い上げの場合は、運送料は当社が負担します never but if you buy >10000 we pay your deli fee all
She is fudging on her age by 3 years. She fudges on her age by 3 years. 両方とも、同じように聞こえます。 でも、上は、現在嘘をついているが、将来は分からない気がします。 下は、日頃常に3歳年をご魔化しているように聞こえると思います。