某女性アーティストの歌詞なんですが、どなたか日本語に訳してもらえませんでしょうか よろしくおながいします。 ===================================================================== Because you are not just right here with me, I miss you
Because It's hard to say the words "Stay with me" I get to cry
And because I hear you say "Stay with me" I'm so happy
All the things are because of you
You see, my heart shines bright You see, the moment we share shines bright You know, you make the things bright And now, I wish you have peace of mind Peace of mind
When your walks gets slow and weak, I stop to look
When you looks you need some help and cares, I sit beside you
And as long as you walk with me, I go with you
All the things are just simple
You see, my heart shines bright You see, the moment we share shines bright You know, you make the things bright And now, I wish you have peace of mind Peace of mind
>5 特に固定した意味は無いので、複合語として、文脈に依存して 意味が決まるでしょう。meanは多義語だしね。 7さんが挙げてる以外にも、 財産がみすぼらしい、つまり貧乏なという意味もありうるし、 いろんな手段を持っているという意味もありうるし、 もしかしたら mean and having つまり 卑しくて、欲張りのという感じでも 使われ得るかも知れません。
>>22 いや、でもleisureにtheが付いてるから、単に「休暇」と考えるのは無理が あるだろう。 本当に「休暇を減らせば」という意味ならIf he drops his leisure time とかになるんじゃないかな。 サッカー用語は詳しくないけど、もしかしたらプレイ中に休んでたり、 怠慢なプレーをしていたり、技に走りすぎて(?)遊んでいる時間があると、 それをleisureとか表現するのでは?
If the increase in core inflation is due to social demands (e.g. environmental or workplace improvements), then an incomes policy can provide for the sharing of any additional costs among domestic workers and capitalists who benefit from these social improvements; betterments that the residents of the trading partners have, by hypothesis, not demanded.
As Anton you have a great love of nature and the out-of-doors, and could have a desire to be in an occupation which takes you outdoors and involves you with the products of the earth. All the finer things of life and beauties of nature are an inspiration to you and you are attracted to the mysteries of nature. Difficulty in expression results in your being too positive, blunt, and candid in speech. Although you are easily offended by others, you do not show it. You crave affection and understanding, but rarely find it as others do not understand you and accuse you of being cool and aloof. The average person would never realize the true depth of your nature. A very individual, independent person, you live within your own thoughts. The insecurity you experience from limited verbal expression and social ease results in a jealous possessiveness and suffering through frustration, repressed emotion, and self-consciousness. This name would cause tension affecting the eyes, teeth, sinuses, ears or throat troubles; there could also be sensitivity in the heart, lungs, and respiratory organs, and frequent headaches.
Why did you do that? Why would you do that? 前者は、過去に、なぜそれをやったのか?と言う意味。 後者は、あなたはどうしてそれをなさるのですか?と言う尊敬の気持ちが入る。 あるいは、(ある仮定のもとに)それをやるとしたら、なぜそうするつもりなのか? という意味になる。
Claire bends over him while she spreads her ass open and shits and pisses down in his mouth. The clothes she is wearing is from Resident Evil code Veronica. She is so damn cute in that game.I'm afraid i'm not as tallented as you are in drawings. Claire should be in this position but her panties is not so far up. Maybe you could even make it Jill too?Jill could suck the zombies cock while Claire's taking a dump in his mouth.
From the diversity of philosophical theories on the subject, it is evident that the true analysis, whatever it may be, cannot itself be among the facts which are evident at once, but must be reached, like a scientific hypothesis, as the theoretic residue left by the comparison of data.Here, as in philosophy generally, it is not the few logically simplest facts that form our data, but a large mass of complex every-day facts, of which the analysis offers fresh difficulties and doubts at every step.
> そういった事実に対する分析 それなら the analysis of which と書くほうが自然かな。単文では The analysis offers fresh difficulties and doubts of every-day facts at every step. となる節では。 分析にたどりつくためのデータは我々が日常接する複雑な事実なん だけど、そこから分析を得る過程では逆に、分析のほうがそういった 事実の難点や疑いを提示してくる、という感じかな。
No introduction necessary on this at all. If you don’t buy this you are reading the wrong email. (商品名)£7.50 Not going on the website. You need to get in there with your email orders pronto (credit card details + address).
Steve, setting the translation rule is the easy part, but don't forget you've got to set your OS routing tables in tandem with the NAT rule, and that's where you come unstuck because you're relying on the OS routing that you can't split up on a per-port basis.
I'm intrigued as to how ingate apparently overcomes this problem and FW-1 doesn't.
Public lotteries are beneficial to society in one way, but detrimentral in another. A solid citizen who earnestly devotes his earnings and careful judgment to laying up a modest competence is dismayed by the widely publicized cases, however sparse statistically, of striking it rich in the lottery. There are easier, quicker, and more rewarding ways, he sees, than his patient plodding. Even if he has better sense than to be impelled into the lottery at that point by dreams of glory, he is somewhat demoralized.
Only a fool would rush in to challenge the unknown future without some strategy to protect against error and failure. Smart and successful entrepreneurs are not fools. They only undertake challenges when they can enter into long duration forward money contracts with workers and suppliers, where the dates of deliveries and money payments --- and therefore where liabilities--- are fixed in advance. As long as entrepreneurs feel they have sufficient liquidity to meet these forward contractual obligations as they come due, they can adopt the "damn the torpedoes" philosophy safe in the knowledge that their entrepreneurship cannot sink before the final output has been produced and is available for sale.
Your membership with *************** has been cancelled as of 2002-0*-**. Your account will become inactive on 2002-0*-**. Please allow us to recommend some other adult related sites that may be of interest to you. The following sites utilize CCBill for their billing needs, and you will continue to receive the same world-class service if you choose to join them.
Oddly, I continued to hold this view even though in practice, on those occasions we played st his house when his mother was out, one or another servant was always delegated to watch over our every move. Indeed, especially when we were younger, this would mean some unsmiling figure,no doubt fearing dire consequences should any misfortune befall us, standing within inhibiting proximity while we did our best to play. hisというのは主人公の友人のこと。this viewは主人公の方が、友人より 不幸だ、という考えです。第二文の訳をお願いします。
>130 ありがとうございます。やはり、そういう訳になりますよね。 this would mean のmeanの目的語の部分は、意味上の主語+動名詞、の構造 ですよね。あと、no doubt fearing dire consequences should any misfortune befall us,のshould any misfortune befall usの部分 の仮定法未来の倒置なんですけど、頂戴した訳のようにconsequences にかけないと意味が通らなくなります。これは名詞にかかる特殊な使用法 ということでOKですよね?
Do you mean if my brother and I like each other. Yes,of course.Back in the days we hated us. For me as big brother it was my duty to tease him. But with the time he got stronger and then I stoped hitting him. We even got the same friends.
RESERVE WAS $175.00 FOR YOU, $131.25... Hello; I see that you are the high Bidder on the antique dish, I have a reserve Of $175.00 On it In My Listings I always put in my reserve Like This.........RESERVE $175.00.. ...Ps. Do you have a Reasonable and fair OFFER ( 75% is Acceptable= $131.25) For the Both of Us,.. IF WE AGREE ON A PRICE I WILL RELIST AND ENTER THE PRICE ON "BUY IT NOW" , Thanks, Donal
>145 ええ、もちろんわかっわかってますよ。 抽象名詞の複数形ですから、『結果として生じる事態』 ぐらいですよね。もちろん、結果を機械的に抽象的な『結果』 として捉えているわけではありません。149の訳を見てもらえば 分かるとおり、結果という言葉を用いても、そういうニュアンス は充分出せると思います。で、137の訳なんすが、やはり if節はconsequencesを修飾しているわけですよね。 consequencesの内容どうのこうのではなくて、 副詞節が名詞を修飾する、と言う事実を例外的だと言っている んです。もちろんここでのconsequencesはWhat will become of the servantsというぐらいの内容を含んでいるから、if節が 修飾することも可能ではありますが、やはり、それは 例外的ではないか、ということです。
This would mean him standing within inhibiting proximity while we play. He no doubt fearing horrible consequences may ((at) any misfortune) happen to us.
(a servant = some unsmiling figure = him = He で置き換え)
電話が発明されたという内容に続きます。 After the telephone came radio, then television -- each one a window into a world removed from immediate everyday experience. どなたかよろしくお願いします。
外資企業からのメールなのですが日本人から英語で来ました。 Please reply in return, should you wish to register. We look forward to seeing you then. これは返信しろって事ですよね? さらにお聞きしたいのが英語で返信すべきかどうかなのですが マナーまで聞いてしまってすいません、教えてください。
Konnichi wa, i don't speak much japanese, i hope you understand me! i'm a ★★(ジャンルの名前) collector, and plesae feel free to email me, i would love if you could help me find osme ★★ stuff since i can't find too much in here.
これはいかがでしょう? There are a large number of opinions in the world, which by men of different countries, different thoughts, and different tempers, are received and embraced as first and unquestionable principles; many whereof, both for their absurdity as well as oppositions to each other, it is impossible should be true.
>>194 There are a large number of opinions in the world, which (by men of different countries, different thoughts, and different tempers,) are received and embraced as first and unquestionable principles; many (whereof, both for their absurdity as well as oppositions to each other, it is impossible) should be true. ってことかい?
1)Nobody knows at what stage men acquired the use of fire. 2)It makes no difference what he said. 3)Did she make it known to you why she had no intention to marry him?
I always accompanied my father in these walks and with my earliest recollection of green fields and wild flowers is minglad that of my account I gave him daly and of what I had ead the day before.
I always accompanied my father in these walks and with my earliest recollection of green fields and wild flowers is mingled that of my account I gave him daily and of what I had read the day before.
Uniformity in the opinions expressed by teachers is not only not to be sought,but is,if possible,to be avoided,since diversity of opinion among teachers is essential to any sound education.
Excuse me for taking your time, but, Send mail why, without waiting for the reply from you.... That is because I wanted to tell you that a mail check may be unable to be carried out since I will make a house absence tomorrow. If the mailing cost which starts in order that you may send LAMBY to Japan is taught, I can transfer the money immediately. It is glad if a reply is given even when there has been free time although a reply may be unable to be returned tomorrow.
訳していただけますか? Old listing was just the EBAY listing with the shipping cost,not a big deal and you can pay byPAYPAL with your credit card and the Shipping charges will be in the EBAY listing (PAGE ) where you seen Clothes case, ThanksAgain, Donal... Address is correct and here is PAYPAL information.....Paypal
Too bad it's censored.My request is from the game Dino Crisis. Regina getting assfucked by a raptor while she pees and shits. Her eyes will be closed in pleasure.She will lay on a stone with her ass in the air. While the raptor fucks her with his big dick full of poop from her ass.
"He was standup in defeat, but let's not award him the Congressional Medal of Honor or Purple Heart just yet. The guy got a few stitches not a heart transplant." I found this kinda funny, but I'm sure some people will take it personally. Don't take it out on poor Mr. Rome though... leave the hate-mail to the Koreans.
Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.
The one thing no average Western visitor ever fails to say,on returning from an Eastern country,is that it offers a continual series of these contrasts between old and new.
Each stage of life is a preparation for the next as well as a complete life in itself.Childhood and youth are too precious to be sacrificed to the present convenience of adults or the later requirements of adult life.
Configuration Error The server encountered an error while processing your request. Please contact the administrator of the referring document and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
It is often said that one of man's most distinct needs is for security, but too much security can be boring. No one likes to be treated like a child. A man in bed in a hospital is pretty secure, but when he ceases to be sick, he soon becomes bored. The fact is, most people do not want to have security provided so much as to be in a position to create their own security. Man has a need to run his own life, to make his own decisions, which we may call the need for self-determination. Thus, just as we can have too much food or too much love, we can have too much security.
I wanna be with you now. Because I know this can't be forever. We can start over, just you and me. I wanna be with you now. Because I know this can't be forever. We should stay together, just you and me. I wanna be with you.
I am interested in this auction. Please, can you ship out of Japan? I will pay all shipping and charges. You receive the money in your currency, you do not need to pay any charges.
@The newspaper press, taken as a whole, will be a fairly accurate reflection of what is in the mind of a people. (taken as a whole=if it is taken as a whole)
ADon't expect friends to be perfect and never make mistakes. If you expect too much of your friends, he is bound to fall short and dissapoint you. Accept your friends for what they are, not what you would like them to be. (Aの最初のandはDon't expectにかかっているのか、前の命令文に続いて〜しなさい、 そうすれば(and)という意味かわかりません。 あと2行目のfall shortとはどういういみでしょうか)
>>303 ADon't expect→「期待するな」 しなわち (friends to be perfect and never make mistakes.)ということを 期待しちゃいけないということ。
If you expect too much of your friends, he is bound to fall short and dissapoint you. shortは「不足する」(形容詞)っていう意味があっただろ? is bound to は「束縛される」、「背負わされる」みたいな意味。 したがって全体的な意味としては、 「必然的に彼は、あなたの期待に及ばず、そしてあなたのガッカリさせることになる」 という感じ。
Accept your friends for what they are, not what you would like them to be. これは分かるっしょ。
訳お願いします It is common in a large city for families that have lived for years in the same building,with only a brick wall a foot thick between them, not to know one another by name.
すまん。 「新聞というものは、全体として捉えれば、人々の心の中にあるものを かなり正確に反映するものになる」 は、原文がthe mind of a peopleとなっていて、peopleを民族とか国民 という意味として書いているから、単に「人々の」というより、 「その国の人々の」という感じで捉えた方がより正確。
The U.S with Japan Government does Military colony in Okinawa. Those don't allowed !! Therefor American killing everyday. Yesterday ,killed Five dogs. すいません、電波が叫び狂っているのですが訳解りません。 誰か教えてください。
訳をお願いします The current,extraordinary spread of the English language around the world would neer have begun,were English a difficult language to learn.Rhetoric is one thing and plain talk is another;and it is in the later realm that English excels.
お願いします You will acquire skill better if you are active rather than if you are in a position to have someone tell you how to do it.Watching someone while he does what you want to do is a slight aid. You must do it.
He decided to take his treasured clock to the shop to have it put right.He carried it himself,and asked to have it inspected with a view to obtaining an estimate of the cost of repair.
One girl boldly asked, ``Everyone at my school wants to know, do you have a girlfriend?'' ○○(男の人の名前です) said that while it's hard to maintain a steady relationship while training for the Olympics, he is seeing someone now.
They also heard stories describing America as "heavenly." Told that they would be sent to husbands in America,many women had their own reasons for going,reasons such as curiousity and a sense of adbenture.
>>373 一般的に略称は多義的だと思いますけど、確かに ad の場合は advertising の略であることが、多いでしょうね。あとラテン語からの 借用語で使われることがあると思います。例えば ad hoc だったら、 「場当たり的な」とか「臨時の」という意味です。 周りにある語句が普通の英語であれば、advertisingの可能性が 高いという事です。
訳お願いします Argument is always a little dangerous.It often leads to coolness and misunderstandings.You may gain your argument and lose your friend,which is probably a bad bargain.
The pleasure derived from a good scientific book arises not from an easy flow of language but from the clarity with which meanings are perceived.Simplicity is the key word here.
お願いします With every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase enlarges our capacity of realizing our purposes,and therefore enlarges our capacity for evil,if our purposes are unwise.
なんだか大事なことを言われてるような気がするのですが イマイチどこで切っていいのかとかas sad asの解釈がわかりませんでした。 お願いします。 Life's too short to shut everything out hoping for one dream you have to come true, as sad as I would be to recieve it the one email I truly want to get from you is one that tells me you are happy and more in love than you have ever been, with someone who feels the same about you.
>>384 Life's too short to shut everything out, hoping for one dream you have to come true, あなたの一つの夢が実現することを望みながら、すべてを遮断するには人生は短すぎる。
as sad as I would be to recieve it, the one email I truly want to get from you is one that tells me you are happy and more in love than you have ever been with someone who feels the same about you. 私があなたから本当に受け取りたいと思っているメールは、それは同時に 私にとってこの上なく悲しいメールでもあるが、あなたが幸せで、 あなたと誰かがお互いに人生の中でもっとも深く恋に落ちていている、 と報告してくれるメールです。
この部分は日本語にすると、回りくどい言い回しになりそうで訳しにくいね more in love than you have ever been with someone who feels the same about you
(you are)more in love than you have ever been with someone who feels the same about you 一応、直訳しておくと、 「あなたが、あなたに対して同じように感じている誰かと (すなわち、あなたと人生の中でもっとも深く恋に落ちていると 感じている誰かと)人生の中でもっとも深く恋に落ちていている」
ポイントは、この文章の構造が、いうなれば「(A+B)*C」のようになってる点。 この場合、 A="Without care and method,the largest fortune will not" B="(and) with them,almost the smallest will" C="supply all necessary expenses" となっているわけ。
>>393 >who feels the same about you >で、同じように感じているのは、このメールを書いている人でしょう。 ↑ これは違うよ。 384のメールは別れのメールにほぼ間違いない。 「あなたの一つの夢が実現することを望みながら、すべてを遮断するには人生は短すぎる」 と訳したが、これはすなわち あなたの(夢の)ために、すべてをささげるには人生は短すぎる(残念だが、 私にはそんなことはできない) ということ。
訳してくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。 as sad as のところに悩んでいましたが、ようやくわかりました。 自分の中では「いい友達でいようね、いい恋愛してね」的な内容と 受け取れたんですが、なんか奥深いですね。 まあ、私も相手に対して同じ気持ちです。 でもそんな報告のメール受け取ったらやっぱりかなりブルーになりますがね・・・
>>401 >as sad as I would be to receive it の部分は譲歩で, >「それ(それ以降のEメールのこと)を受け取るのは悲しいだろうけど,」 なるほど、そうも読めるね。 けど、これに続く文が、 the one email I truly want to〜というように差出人が主語になっている。 そこでas sad as I would be to receive itは、ストレートに差出人が主語 だと読んだのだがどうだろう。 もし401の言うように、相手に気持ちを思いはかっているのだとしたら、 これに続く文が差出人が主語になっているのだから、 you may be as sad as I would be to receive it but〜のように しっかり相手が主語になっていることを書くんじゃなかろうか?
それから、 Life's too short to shut everything out, hoping for one dream you have to come true, は、本当は 「一つの夢を実現することを望むがゆえに他のすべてをことを無視してしまう には人生は短すぎるよ」というように受取人(の人生)を主語と考える方が 自然だと思うけど、やはり後に続く文が差出人が主語になっているので、 差出人の人生を主語として訳したんだがどうだろうか。 普通、英語では一つの文の中で主語を変えることはしないので、そう読んだ んだけど、文章が混乱していて、もしかしたら「受取人の人生」が主語なの かもしれない。
407> わざわざ検索ありがとう! 今日会社で、I want to you, but I don`t need you to live の解釈の話になって、「それはparty without ticketだよ って」誰かが言ったら周りの女の子たちが爆笑したんですすよ。 俺はちょっと意味がわからなかったモンで取り残されたきぶんだった。 で、今日、ずっと不思議におもってたんです
"Actually, ○○(人の名前です。仮にA) came up to me and told me he was sorry," ○○(人の名前です。仮にB) said. "He said he didn't mean it like it came out. He said it was an Italian saying, like, the only way to stop him is to shoot him with a rifle."
Where not otherwise prohibited, bicyclists are permitted to use interstate highways in New Mexico provided that they ride on the shoulders of the interstate highways.
>Sorry for sending you so much e-mails,but many letters returned and then you`ve send me again a letter. So I tried to reach you by sending every day a mail.
I only drink at the weekend.Of course it doesn`t taste so good, but you haven`t tasted german beer yet.;-)
How was you weekend,what have you done? Friday I was at a boring party and >saturday we went to our main pub and drove then to the disco.It was terrible. We wanted to drive home by taxi and I had no money anymore. I wanted to >get new money but I`ve forgotten my code , because I have a new card.So it took finally an hour till I remembered the code.
>>452・>>453 お答え下さってどうもありがとうございました。 ケン・シャムロックという総合格闘家です。 452さんの回答だと「トレーニングに関する情報」という事で自分がやる時のようですが (彼はジムのオーナー?なので)ケンの近況報告みたいなものかな… MMA、自分も全くわかりませんでした…色々とわかりやすい解説、本当にありがとうございます。 実は、会費は年間か何なのかがよくわからないんですよね…二つ書いてないって事は入会金て事は ないだろうな・・ ↓どうやら二つあるようです。 As a Fan Club Member you will receive: Limited Picture of Ken Shamrock Official Lions Den Fighter Short Sleeve Shirt Fan Club Membership Card 4 Issues of the "Inside the Lion's Den" Fan Club Quarterly Newsletter Special Seminar Discounts 10% Discount on all merchandise Yes sign me up in the platinum club for only $ 39.95 ----------------------------------------------- Ken Shamrock Annual Gold Fan Club Kit ! As a Fan Club Member you will receive: Limited Picture of Ken Shamrock 1 Issue of the "Inside the Lion's Den" Fan Club Quarterly Newsletter Fan Club Membership Card Yes sign me up in the gold club for only $ 19.95
I had a 10mbit connection on the server, I thought for sure it would work out great, but it turns out that I don't have enough bandwidth HERE, to broadcast the songs to the server.
Morales and Alvarez call a truce; Brass wants to know who cut his tendon; Rebadow turns to the lottery to get money for his grandson's cure; Jia returns to Oz, but Ryan O'Reily doesn't believe he's a changed man; Schillinger gets out of the hole and wants revenge on Pancamo; Redding and Morales form another uneasy alliance; Schibetta wants to make a move on Schillinger, but ends up raped; Keller returns to Oz, only to be hit with an ID from an old murder charge; Said continues to mentor a reluctant White; the burned Rev. Cloutier's mysterious influence over his followers grows more intriguing: he appears to Hoyt telling him to kill Timmy Kirk, and then disappears from the hospital ward.
Wonderful Steiff Lamb Lamby with a size of 24cm ~ 9,4 inch. On a page the skin is missing, it looks like crop . He still has his small silvery button! VERY VERY NICE!!!!! I have more Steiff animals in my auctions! The parcel cost 11 US dollar! I accept cash or Bidpay (www.Bidpay.com)! You will paid a check, arrive 8 US dollar for bank charges!
あともう1つお願いしたいんですが・・ for example, no one can look at a brilliant night sky without emotion, but the realization that the earth and planets move in great orbits according to simple laws gives proportion and significance to this experience.
The smell can only be described this way : stick 4 lbs of meat into your garbage can, put that can under your sink for 2 weeks, then stick your head in it and inhale really, really hard. Even my badge stunk for 3 days afterward 何方かお願いします。
there is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman!) to appreciate the richness and variety of ths English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it.
We attempted to deliver your item at 11:04 am on March 20, 2002 in SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the post office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender.
My isolated arrival preceded a wave of refugee offcomers. City life was transformed when the new guests arrived. Confronted by the vending walls (ずらっと自動販売機と思われる), they discarded their shyness with the speed of new lovers in the heat of sex. (わからないのはここから先です) On-line celebrities, all cut-price grunts of narrowband culture and none of them known to the strangers, beckoned them forward, offering change tokens in exchange for cash or credit
I've seen Hide's funeral...I don't think I've ever seen that many people in one place before! When I was in Tokyo I was in there, and when I saw the videotape of it much later I realised that it was the same place. Very strange.
>>582 give me five=give me high five ('give me a five'とは言いません) 手をパチッと合わせる動作ですね、何か上手くいった時とか挨拶するときに。 子供に'Gimme five!'とあやしたりもしますね。 take five(休憩する)とは違う意味ですよ
どなたか和訳おしえてください。 問題やっていたのですが、難しくてわかりません・・・ (できればthat there is 以下の文法的な説明(どれがどこにかかっているか) なども教えて貰えたら嬉しいです) 二点注意書きがかいてあったのでそれも書いておきます。 でも注意書きがなんでそうなるのかもわかりません・・・
The very bigness of America creates the belief that America is defferent, is exceptional, that there is reserved for its citizens another destiny from that which is to befall the Old World.
(that=the destiny) (there is reserved for its citizens another destiny ←another destiny is reserved for its citizens)
ある小説の一文ですが、誰か訳してくれ。 I think Ty, for all his experience with the basics of farm contriviance, where convenience and practicality, and even happenstance, precede any notions of appearance, still envisioned the barn transformed and these other buildings laid out in a parklike setting, parhaps even magically elevated so they could be viewed from a distance and admired, the way we admired farms down near Tama or Cedar Rapids, that crowned hillsides and looked off the south.
The 1825 print by French inventor Joseph Nicephore Niepce, which shows a man leading a horse, was bought by the Musees de France, which runs the country's museums, for France's National Library, officials at Sotheby's said.
>>624 The 1825 print by French inventor Joseph Nicephore Niepce, which shows a man leading a horse これに「,」があるのは、whichがJoseph Nicephore Niepceではなく、 その前の「The 1825 print」を修飾しているから。
by the Musees de France, which runs the country's museums これに「,」があるのは固有名詞を関係代名詞で修飾する場合「,」が必須だから。
Theoretically, if the signalis not bandlimited, there is no way of avoiding aliasing program with the basic sampling scheme employed. However, the spectra of most real-life signals are that they may be assumed to be bandlimited. Furthermore, a common practice employed in many sampled-data systems is to filter the continuous-time signal before sampling to ensure that it does meet the bandlimited criterion closely enough for all practical purposes.
>>636 何か英文に違和感があるなあ。書き写し間違いは無いですか? 2行目の aliasing program は aliasing problem じゃない? program だと、アンチ・エイリアスを 行うプログラム(を作る事)という風に、無理やり読むしかないけど。 3行目の are that も、本当?
>>639>>641 レスありがとうございます! 写し間違いでした!ごめんなさい。正しい文を書きます。 直した点はproblemとare such thatです。
Theoretically, if the signalis not bandlimited, there is no way of avoiding aliasing problem with the basic sampling scheme employed. However, the spectra of most real-life signals are such that they may be assumed to be bandlimited. Furthermore, a common practice employed in many sampled-data systems is to filter the continuous-time signal before sampling to ensure that it does meet the bandlimited criterion closely enough for all practical purposes.
One night just before nine,the doctor answered his telephone. 「Glens falls is calling Dr.Van Eyck,」said the voice on the telephone. 「This is Dr.Van Eyck,」said the doctor. Soon he heard another voice: 「This is Dr.Haydon at the Glens Falls hospital. We have a very sick boy here. He was brought in with a bullet in his brain. He's very weak and may not live. We should operate at once, but I'm not a surgeon.」
「I'm 60 miles from Glens Falls,」said Dr.Van Eyck. 「Have you called Dr. Hercer in Glens Falls?」 「He's out of town,」said Dr.Haydon. 「I'm calling you because the boy is from your city. He was visiting here and shot himself while playing with a gun.」 「You say he is from Albany?」asked Dr.Van Eyck. 「What is his name?」 「Arthur Cunninghan.」「I don't think I know him, but I think I can get there before 12:00.」 「I should tell you that his family is very poor. I don't think they can pay you.」 「That's all right,」said Dr.van Eyck.
A few minutes later the surgeon's car had to stop for a red light. A man in an old, black coat opened the car door and got in. 「Drive on,」he said. 「I've got a gun.」「I'm a doctor,」said Van Eyck. 「I'm going to a hospital to operate.....」 「Don't talk,」said the man in the black coat. 「Just drive!!」 Outside the town he told the doctor to stop the car and get out. Then he drove away. The doctor stood for a moment in the snow,then began o walk. Half an hour later he found a telephone and called a taxi. At the train station he learned that the next train to Glens Falls would not leave until 12:00. It was after 2:00 in the morning when the surgeon reached the Glens Falls hospital. Dr.Haydon was waiting. 「I did my best,」said Van Eyck. 「But I was stopped on the road and...」 「It was good of you to try,」said Dr.Haydon. 「The boy died hour ago.」 The two doctors walked by the door of the waiting room. There was the man in the old, black coat with his head in his handas. 「Mr.Cunningham,」said Dr.Haydon,「this is Dr.Van Eyck. He is the surgeon who came all the way from Albany to try to save your boy.」
It hardly needs to be said how much older a civilization Japan possesses that the United States.
上記に続く文は下の文ですがこれはわかるので結構です。 上の一文、どなたかおしえてください。
It hardly needs to be saidはほとんどいわれる必要がない、という意味でいいですか? あとhow以下がよくわかりません。 どれが主語か、thatはいったいなんなのか・・・どなたかおしえてください。(訳も)
(下に続く文:参考までに) America's history is usually considered to have begun in 1492, the year Columbus discovered America, and it was a little over two centuries ago that America became an independent country.
It's been a year since I last visited Tokyo. I found it beautiful!! And I found the people very respectful, very kind. They helped us in everything... People in here a very different... We are very funny, very "latin" but very unpolite. Don't you think now that we are horrible!!! I'm talking about the way you treat your parks and town and the way you respect your neighbours. Many people in Spain have forgoten how to do that!!!
The window of the money order of a post office was closed today. Therefore, I was not able to send a money order. I am very sorry to have not been able to send it to you early. I surely send it to you on Monday. Although I am sorry, please wait for me to send it to you.
>>699 ある郵便局の為替窓口が今日閉まりました。 #でも、なんで、the post office じゃなくて a post office なんだろう・・・ #あと、今日はもう閉まった、って意味だろうけど、そうは読みにくいな。 よって、私は為替を送れませんでした。 私は貴方に早く送る事が出来なくて申し訳ないです。 きっと、月曜日に貴方に送ります。 私が悲しいにも関わらず、私がそれを貴方に送るのを待ってください。
A:Hi,Ann. How do you like your new apartment? B:It is very nice. A:Do you have a roommate? B:Yes. Maria Hall is my roommate. Do you know her? She is from Miami. A:No, I don't know her. Do you get along with her? B:Yes, We enjoy living together. You must visit us sometime. Maybe we can come over for dinner sometime soon. A:Thanks. I'd like that.
夕方から寒くなるのは普通のことだから、 but it became (very) cold late afternoon とか it became (very) cold after dark ぐらいの普通の言い方に なるんじゃないかな。 それとin the eveningっていうと夕方より夜っぽいと思うけど。
>738 誤訳かどうかは微妙ですね。文脈による。 文脈から見て不自然じゃなければいいと思うけど。 でも「2 最も人気のある車」は、ちょっと無理があるんじゃないかな。 そういう意味なら最初から、the most popular carって書いてるだろうし。 わざわざone of the 〜って表現をぼかす必要がないでしょ。 というわけで、good night〜
(例)the only bridge across the Thames →(訳)テムズ川にかかっている唯一の橋
(1)the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (2)four out of every ten students (3)the idea of going to him for advice (3)Santa Claus busily loading his sleigh with all sort of toys (4)Europeans seeking a different route to India (5)the gas drained from tired blood cells (6)power produced by such things as falling water or burning oil (7)a son to send to college (8)ideas to express and words with which to express them(注them=ideas)
A:What should I do with my coat and umbrella? B:You can put the coat in that closet. I'll take the umbrella and put it in the kitchen where it can dry.
A:How much longer do you need to use a computer? B:Why? A:I need to use it too. B:Just five more minutes, then you can have it.
A:Would you like an egg for breakfast? B:No thanks. I'll just have a glass of juice and some toast.
A:Be sure to look at the moon tonight. B:Why? A:The moon is full now, and it's beautiful.
無理やり推測すれば、たとえば Are there many Brazilians in your class? Do they like soccer as most Brazilians do? と聞かれて、 Well, there are few boys but (they) like baseball in Japan. 男の子は何人かいるよ。でも日本では(みんな)野球が好きなんだ。
━ 曄《関係代名詞》《否定を伴った先行詞に続いて》《文》…ないところの(that [who]... not) There is no rule but has some exceptions. 例外のない規則はない There are none of us but respect his honesty. 我々の中で彼の誠実さに敬服しない者はいない.
>809 >There is no rules but has some exceptions これね、たぶん典型的な日本の受験英語だと思うよ・・・
ちなみにgoogleで 「no rules but has some exceptions」で検索したところ0件 「no rule but has some exceptions」で検索したところ実質的に一ヶ所だけのよう。 John - Chapter 4 - Matthew Henry Complete Commentary 他に二ヶ所あったけど「英語」で登録されているが実際には英語のサイトではないようだ。 一つは日本人のサイトみたい。
私は普段多読で英語を勉強しているけど、この用法の but は日常的に目にする という印象があるなあ・・・別に古い文ばっかり読んでるつもりはないけど。 こういう抽象的な構文は、検索するってわけにも行かないけど、例えば "there is no man but" みたいなそうとう絞った表現で見ても 413 件ヒットするよ。
最近は受験の世界も、いろいろなところにネイティヴのチェックが入る様 になって、通じない英文はなくなってきたような気がするなあ。 だけど、There is no rule but has some exception.はダメだな。 今試しにネイティヴに聞いたら、分からない、文として成り立たないと 言われたぞ。
>818 いや、"there is no man but" で検索してみてくれれば、初めからガンガン there is no man but is in dread ... there is no man but would recognise that he was beautiful ... There is no man but has loved me there is no man but would be ashamed みたいな表現で出てくるけど、関係代名詞の but ってこういうのでしょ? それに確かに良く見るよ。
My first language is Dutch. But I can speak French, English and a bit of German too. I would love to learn Japanees. But I don't think I'm up to that yet. A friend of mine wrote my name in Japanees, or as far es you can write my name in Japanees cause the biggest part of my name doesn't exist in your language, does it?
by Chris Millar Madame Tussaud's has unveiled one of the most lifelike waxworks ever produced.
Admit it, you thought this was David Beckham
With his skinhead haircut and furrowed brow, the extraordinary new waxwork of David Beckham is sure to fool many who visit a new exhibition to celebrate England's World Cup qualification.
Poised moments before firing the historic free-kick that sent them to the finals, the model even boasts an audible pulsating heart to allow visitors to share Beckham's tension. Next to him sits worried-looking manager Sven-Goran Eriksson.
A Madame Tussaud's spokeswoman said: "It recreates one of the most heart-stopping moments in English soccer. We worked with the Football Association to allow guests to relive the drama and elation of England's journey to Japan
A:Were you at the meeting yesterday? B:What meeting? A:Did you forget about the meeting? B:I guess so. What meeting? A:The meeting with the president of the company about employee benefits. B:Oh. Now I remember. No,I wasn't there. were you? A:Yes. I can tell you all about it. B:Thanks.
If you read and study the way American people write English it will be easier for you. But to make things easy, I will not say anything very complicated. So you like wrestling and stuff? What kind of things do you do in your free time (hobbies)? I like Chinese class because I get good grades hahaha. Sorry I'm a little short on time, bye. Please right back.
His sences were consumed by the joy of their own fulfillment: the satisfying swat of a tennis ball, the dappled damp and light of the dirt road after rain, the alternating sensations of sand, mossy stone, and pine needles under bare feet.
I apologize for the error. If you can use the HDT 5 Plus 1 Whey Protein Strawberry I can offer you a 25% discount on that product. The regular price per jug is $27.95. Your price with your 10% discount is $25.15. After the 25% discount your price would be $18.86. I can credit the difference between what you paid for the EAS Simply Protein Complete Whey and the the HDT 5 Plus 1 back to your credit card ($67.45) and you can order the EAS Protein on your next order.
This would be the best way to handle it. Please let me know if this is acceptable to you.
Chaos needs to know what kind of business suits Japanese business men wear. What are the suits called (name). Also, can you tell us names of different uniforms, such as: maintence man, police man, construction man etc. What kind of perverted things are in right now? Is a school girl uniform considered perverted? If so, what are the names of the school uniforms. Chaos is performing at Macao in Osaka. If you can help them, it will be rewarded. Thanks
>>893さん ありがとうございます やはりコスプレでしたか(笑) 通販申し込んだら Maybe you can help the Chaos band out. They need to know some things about Japan. Are you interested? Let me know.....Thanks ってなメールが来たんでYesと答えたら上記のメールが来たんですよ 衣装の手配はわたしには無理そうです 断りの返事書くのにもう少し細かなニュアンスを知っておきたいので お手すきの方がいらしゃれば全文訳していただけないでしょうか? 厚かましくて申し訳ありません
>>900 まじでもってないの?MSNメッセンジャー?(mess"e"ngerだよ) ya=you=u そういう場合は i don't believe in microsoft or anything that's got to do with the company. って答えると良いでしょう >>902 na!=nah=NOかな
Thank you and I hope to talk to you soon. ahhh, ya do you have MSN MESSANGER?? >>904-905 ↑前文とそれなのですが、それはどういう意味で聞いているのでしょうか? MSNがどういう機能を持っているのかもよくわからないので…(MSNメッセンジャーは 返事が早いのにって事かな?) バカにされてるんでしょうか…
During he course of this delightful tour,I have thought of you perpetually;and never have my eyes burst upon a scene of particular loveliness but I have almost instantly wished that you could for a moment be transported to the place where I stood to enjoy it.
To men at the end of the fifteenth century there was scarcely a year but brought another bit of received and recognized thinking to the scrap-heap;scarcely a year but some new discovery found itself surpassed nd in its turn discarded,or lessened in significance by something still more new.
Hello this is a sad note. I can no longer be your boyfriend. I will be leaving soon.I must move on. Im sorry that it did not work out as we planned. Please be happy and live a good life. And remember be a safe driver.Take care.Good bye.
Published,as it was,at such at time,his book attracted much attention. と I wished I had written down her words.As it was,I had to speak from my memory. のas it was は訳の違いはどうすれば良いのでしょうか?
>>956 ありがとう。 ほんと素っ気ない・・・。しかもこんな大事な話メールでなんて。 彼女は彼の携帯に電話したそうです。そしたら留守電だったって言ってました。 で、その後 Can not call you.I can not use my cell phone. I hope you understand that I. Am going away. っていうメールが届いたそうです。
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