>14 あんまり自信はないが、叩き台として出しておく。 Music boxes are getting more and more popular these days. The sales volume of music boxes has increased up to 35 billion Yen in the most recent year. The sound of a music box is high in frequency and thus easier to hear in a noisy place. A reaction to the modern civilization and an increase of noise in general caused the phenomenum.
Conventionally,I was thinking that resonance tunneling effect could happen when there were two walls.but What could be generated in case of one step wall by an announced thesis was reported by Mr. Chinese Yong-Guo.
>>30 始めの一文をやってみました。こんな感じでよければ続きも訳すよ。 Resonant tunneling effect has long been considered to occur only when there are 2 barriers until the recent publication of a research paper where a Chinese group including Dr. Yong-Guo reported that it can occur with a single barrier.
Conventionally,although resonance tunneling effect could happen when there were two walls,that it was generated at one step wall was reported by Mr. Chinese Yong-Guo.
>>30 2文目以降は、日本語の意味がよく解らないや。 二文目はこれで良い? In this paper, we perform a numerical analysis of what is closeer to the actual device by energizing that single barrier.
>>30 3文目、日本語解ってないから、変なところがあったら指摘してくれ。 To archive that, we solve the Schroedinger Wave Equation on resonant tunneling efefct and investigate what can be said about the results.
>>48 側面支援thanks a Chinese group including Dr. Yong-Guo を Dr. Yong-Guo et al. from China に変えればいいんだね。
>>30 To archive thatは「それを達成するために」て意味で書いたけど For that purpose 「そのために」の方が良かったかもしれない。 >>54 with a double barrier structure は 一文目の when there are 2 barriers と差し替えればいいんですよね?
じゃあ、いろいろあったんで、まとめます。 Resonant tunneling effect has long been considered to occur only in devices with a double-barrier structure until the recent publication of a research paper where Dr. Yong-Guo et al. from China reported that it can occur in those with a single barrier structure. In this paper, we perform a numerical analysis of what is closer to the actual device by energizing that single barrier. For that purpose, we solve the Schroedinger Wave Equation on resonant tunneling efefct and investigate what can be said about the results.
>73 溺酔状態はスラングで言い方が色々あります。 I've had way too much to drink and I am shit-faced. I've had way too much to drink and I am plastered. I've had way too much to drink and I am hammered. I've had way too much to drink and I am pissed. など。
ほろ酔いも言い方は色々あります。 I've had a little bit to drink and I feel a bit tipsy. I've had a little bit to drink and I'm feeling good. I've had a little bit to drink and I feel slightly drunk. I've had a little bit to drink and I feel slightly pissed. など
>>86 The other day I availed your shopping website and purchased XX. When I did shopping, I ordered the same thing twice at a time and then canceled one of the two. At that time I got the following e-mail. However, according to the credit card receipt, I am asked to pay the price twice. I got only one item here. So I need to cancel one of the two purchases.
>86 Thank you for your recent shipment of my order. I recently received notice from my credit card company of the amount charged to my card, but the amount was $金額 over the amount that I was quoted on the estimate I received. Probably that is because I placed the same product twice and cancelled one......Actually I received only one.
I would appreciate it if you would reimburse me for the price of the product by credititing my credit card.
>>89 Thank you for your shipment. However, according to the monthly statement, you charge $300 (for example) , which probable charged twice for the same item. Although I already reported to VISA on this matter, you may receive notice from VISA.
>>103 I wish to travel foreign countries alone someday. I want to speak to many people, feel things, and learn their cultures. I am particularly interested in Mongol.
Do you know the most hottest site? (URL) Do you decide your destiny by your date of birth or your blood type? You can know your true "destiny" by this cite. Please try, and tell me your result.
>>112, 98 I think this class is too easy and so my math skills will not be improved. (I think this math class is too easy for me to make progress.)
And so, I wanted to try more advanced class and study hard in that class. この文での、And soはカジュアルな言い方なので(元の日本文が カジュアルだからここではOKと思うが)、きちんとした場面では 避けた方が無難かも。 あと原文では、最初の文が現在形で2番目の文が過去形なので 英訳するのは少し無理があると思う。
>>118 日本語の「わざわざ」にぴったり重なる英語はないんじゃないかな。 状況に応じて、たとえば while there are cheaper ones aroundとか when you have choiceとか付ければ もっと他に(安いものを)選べるのに、なんで「わざわざ」・・・ という雰囲気は出るけど。
誰かがドアをノックしているから、行って誰だか見てきて。 Someone is [ ] at the door. Go and see who it is. 私は建築学を専攻しています。 I am [ ] in architecture. 足が痛い。 My legs [ ]. 久しぶりですね。 Long time no [ ]. 彼に会いたくてたまらない。 I’m [ ] to see him. 来年シンガポールに行こうと思っているんだ。 I’m thinking of [ ] to Singapore next year. 彼はその交通事故で足を折った。 He had his leg [ ] in the traffic accident. 彼は溺れるところだった。 He was almost [ ]. 私が7時に彼に電話することになっている。 I am [ ] to call him at seven. 旅行と言えば、ミラノに行ったことがありますか? [ ] of traveling, have you ever been to Milan? 到着したことをお知らせするためにお電話しました。 I’m just calling to let you [ ] I’ve arrived. 山のことなら俺にまかせておけよ。 When it comes to a mountain, just [ ] in to me. 両親は今二人とも日本にいません。 [ ] of my parents is now in Japan. あなたが買ったもの見せてよ。 Please show me [ ] you bought. 今日の午後お伺いしてもよろしいですか? Can I [ ] and see you this afternoon? 私ができるのはそれだけです。 That’s [ ] I can do. この番号に電話すれば私に連絡がとれます。 You can [ ] me at this number. こちらで少々お待ちいただけますか? Would you [ ] waiting here for a minute? どうかしましたか? What's the [ ] with you? 彼女とは一度も話したことがない。 I've never [ ] to her. ↑お手数ですがどなたかカッコの部分を埋めて下さい。よろしくお願い致します。
>>141 Hello, (John, Mark, jane, etc.). Thank you for introducing a graphic work of mine. I'm very very glad. One thing I would like to ask if possible: Would you link to ○○, which is the top page of my site insitead of △△?
>>144 1. I am in the special course focusing on improving English skills in high school. I was surprised that many of the students were good at English. However, few of them can speak English fluently.
>>161 下手過ぎ My future dream is to live in Germany, and so I will not have a hard time looking for a job, I am currently studying German and computer programing.
If I do not learn many skills while I still can, I will have a hard time with my life in the future.
>>170 the class I am in nowじゃ「取ってる」じゃなくて、「いる」という意味だよ。 それからカンマで切ってandで繋げるなら主語動詞の形にする。 つまり i felt that the class I am taking now is too easy, and it will not ...となる。 それからa harder classじゃなくて advancedとか使えよ。子供の文じゃないんだから
>184 I have been asked by Yuko to send you this e-mail on her behalf. Yuko is unable to send you e-mails from her company PC due to some mechanical failure.
>>91=185 In the technical section, Mr A is the head, and Mr. B and Mr. C are also promising. As for the sales section, Mr. D is fully serving his part. --------------------------------------- 神じゃないんでケチがつくかも知れませんが.
>>213 He is short-tempered/ He is ill-tempered/ He has a short fuse/ He blows up easily The color black readily absorbs heat She is so gullible/ She is a sucker/ She is an easy mark He solved the problem easily The problem was a piece of cake for him It was him who solved the problem
213> He easily loses his temper. Black absorbs the heat a lot. She easily falls for what others say to dupe her. He doesn't have any trouble in solving the question. It was a easy task to him. He solved the quesion.
214> I had fever and didn't feel like doing anything. Now I'm on the mend and feel better today.
215> You must've been playing biliyard at the pool bar.
>>210 Welcome to 'The Junkyard.' Our research subjects include CGI, Perl, and Prime Minister Koizumi's mane-like hairstyle. We're SAMURAI by the way. As Samurai, we only speak Samuraise, carry a sword, and wear our hair in 'chonmage (topknot).' We live in a house so cramped, it's notoriously called 'usagi-goya (rabbit hutch)'. Needless to say, we play Sumo every single day. As you may have noticed, we only speak Samuraise and don't understand a word of English. Should you desire to visit our site, please use our 'Samuraise-English Translation Service.'
>>226 I know you've been feeling low lately, but don't let things get you down. Think positive. You know what they say about a silver lining behind every cloud... I'm with you, you can count on me as a friend. etc, etc...
>>218 >213 He has a bad temper. Black color absorbs heat well. She is so simple. He solve the problem with no sweat. Solving the problem was like child's play for him. He was the one who solved the problem.
問題の性質によっては problem - solve より answer - question が妥当かも。
>214 I was worn out from the fever that I had for whole week. I'm feeling much better today, though.
>>230 In Japan, the air is getting warmer and spring is coming. How are you doing in Hong Kong? I was surprised that you've gone to the hospital. I'm much worrying, and please take care. Thank you very much for your kind comments on my pictures, and I'm looking forward to see your nice ones again. ---------------------------------- 前もこちらに依頼されてましたよね.余計なお世話でしょうが,ご自分の書ける範囲 の英語のメッセージのほうが,かえってまめにやりとりが出来て楽しめるのでは?
>>244 I fell over in the station and meccha/much embarrassed.
"Miho,who wants to visit America again, can't because you've suggested that she is unwelcome. There's no need to worry about money as she has her own job and therefore earns so much .So you can't invite her too often!"
Actually Miho wants to be there with you any moment. But you didn't sound excited at all about having her over. That's the only reason she doesn't go there. She has a job and enough money to support herself. So you don't have to worry. Call her now and let her be there! >>243
>>243 Miho is hesitating because you sound as if you don't want her there; she wants to visit you so badly. If you think money's the problem, you should realize that Miho has money saved up from work. You'll make her so happy if you'd tell her to visit.
>>231 I'm so glad you could see how I feel. I'm still so sad though, because he is still angry with me. How upset is he? Doesn't he want to see me anymore? I'd do anything if he can forgive me. He's all I can think about day in and day out, I can't eat. My heart is breaking. What can I do to make him understand? Can you give me some advise?
Title “The deep red shout and the meeting by chance for affection, then the pure independence”
My heart of affection. Is it goodness or wrong in comparison with yours one ? My heart will be a sorrowful demon after trample down to the ground where grew in clusters. The ground where I have been is sorrowful, my singing is the deep red shout, I am a steeped in vice. My heart wishes to meet by chance for amazing affection.
>>272 Scarlet wail, Encounter with affection (piety? devotion?), and Mutiny in innocence My heart full of affection, how thy heart compares with mine, good or evil? My heart tramples upon the waste land,altered to goblin damn'd. I tread upon the woeful earth, I cant a scarlet wail, I am destined to manifest nothingness. My heart yearns to encounter astounding affection. 最後の頭韻とかとにかく言葉の選択が安っぽくてすみません
the pictures came out. I felt hollowed when I was looking at me and my ex girlfriend ayumi in a picture. We look very happy. We never imagined what would happen at that time. I can not look at this without feeling emptiness.
細かいこと言ってゴメン。 me and my ex girlfriend ayumi のとこさ、 逆がいいんでないの? っていうかさ、 〜look at the picture two of us, my girlfriend ayumi and I. なんていうのはどう?自信はないです、はっきり言って。
>>306 Actually, I was talking with her that it might be a good idea to have a farewell party for him. It must be pretty exciting to eat and drink all together, and to go on a binge... Is this just a dream? Recently I'm full of these thoughts and miserable itself... Sigh... ----------------------------------------- カナーリ日本語に引きずられてますんで,気に入らなければ直してね.
The media names contained in the pundit.eng replace only some news types. News such as, e.g., "A well respected pundit...", "Media reports...", "Various newspaper journalists..." are built into the game and will not be replaced upon installing this file.
最後の are built into the game and will not be replaced upon installing this file. をインフォシークで翻訳したら 「ゲームに組み込まれ、このファイルのインストールで交換されないだろう。」と 訳になったんですけど、 組み込まれるけどこのファイルのインストールで交換されないだろうってどういう事?
I am really sorry to tell you that some figures in the document ,which I submitted yesterday, have turned out to be false.
I always tell you that you have to check again and again so that you make no mistakes. But I forgive you this time because you have been diligent. Well, you must be more carefull from now on.
Sorry. I'm slow again to get back to you. As you know, it takes a lot of time for me to write in English. So when I'm busy with my job, I can't write to you as often as I wish.
I had a plan to leave for France on March 21. But it fell through because the job gets quite hectic from late March through April. That was quite a disappointment.
From May on, off-season fare won't be available. So I'm not sure I can go.
Definitely hope to see you some time soon! Until then, take care!
>>346 前半: 手紙の最後で「じゃあまたね」っていうのも、しっくりこないけど。 近いうちに会いましょうね、っていう意味だったら。 See you. See you later. See you later, alligator. などですかね。
後半: I want to send you something. How can I address you? Please, give me your address. または Please, give me your address so that I can send you something. など。
>>350 I can't tell you how sorry I am to have broken the boomerang. Please know that it was purely unintentional. Although I do not think this would make what I have done all right, I am enclosing a little something as an apology. I hope you'd accept it. I sincerely hope that my action has not hurt the friendship between you and Mandy. Please take care and don't work too hard.
すいません。 日本語に訳すと、どうなりますか?↓ Hi, Please tell me whether it is a multisystem, I mean can this video stabilizer work with PAL system (European video system) also or it is only for NTSC (japanese video system). Can you give more rebate?
'I can't tell you...unintentional'を削り 'I can't tell you how sorry I am to have hurt your feeling.'に代える 'friendship between you and Mandy'のMandyを別の名前(ボーイフレンド?)に差し替える なんてどうでしょう。 マンディさんに宛てた手紙なんですよね? でも他の方がもっといい文を考えてくれるでしょう・・・
I derive a great pleasure from playing Badarzewska's "Maiden's Prayer" on the Steinway [Bechstein?] concert grand (list price: \13,000,000) in the basement studio of my house. Currently I'm at the Julliard School, one of the most prestigious music schools in the world. My future as a concert solo pianist is guaranteed. Are you jealous?
Kaori said that she might go there in april, and she asked if Miki will come too. I wish i can go. It'll be nice if I can see you and Joey. I hope I can meet you and apologize to you in person, and say goodbye in the end. However, Yuko said that she won't go. what a pity.
My PC's back on track, and now I can recieve e-mail. I've been waiting to see what you said on your reply. I'll be in front of my PC waiting for you e-mail.
>>438 それを言うなら、 I went out with him for five years. He was my only love at THAT time. でしょう。 でも、この方がベターかも。 I was going with him for five years and he was my only love throughout those five years.
>>476 Japan is now in a decade-long recession. Myth of the lifetime employment and security guaranteed for top jobs, which in turn are promised for those who with best college education, has proved just that -- a myth.
>>479 I would like to inquire about your company's viewpoint (understanding) on the possibility of ・・・アメリカ産のキャラクターというのが良く分かりませんが北米製造の商品が偽造くさいとかそういう事ですか? だったら the U.S. product being unauthentic (unlicenced, forged). This matter was called to my attention through the following website: (URL) なんてどうでしょう
guy : 奴という語感 cracked : 強引に取っていく、盗んでいくという語感 your mp3z : 単にこう書いたら、「あなたの全ての mp3z」という 意味になってしまう。いくつかの、であれば some of your mp3 files と書かなくてはいけない。 また、mp3z と書くと、warez のように違法に共有 しているものという語感になる。 (まあ、実際にそうなのだろうが) last dyas : 末期、晩年という意味 huh : ん?という感じ、馴れ馴れしい
>503 With respect to your visiting us, Unfortunately I won't be able to meet you in person this week end because I will go away on business. So I'll get back to you on schedule of interviews later.
>>503 Concerning your comming to our office, I am sorry to say that I can't meet you myself, due to a planned business trip this weekend. I will fix the date soon.
人の言うことを素直に聞きすぎて、他人を誤解していることが多い。 We often misunderstand someone as a result of listening to other people's remark about him.
自分の目で判断するということは頭にない。 This is because we have no intention to exercise judgement.
もう一つ Many people misunderstand others by not having any doubt what still others say about them. They do not have the slightest intention of judging them with their own eye.
>>513 あ、追加だけど、 The best way to master a foreign language is to go to a country where people speak that language. の方がいいわ。 the countryをa countryに。 英語やスペイン語やフランス語だと、その言葉が使われている国は一つじゃないから。
>>517 a master of English とか a master of skatingとかいう言い方は よくあるけど、masterを動詞として使うことは、あまりないんだよ。 使っちゃ悪いというわけじゃないけど。 大げさというか、あまり一般的じゃないと言うか。 修得する・習得する、というニュアンスとちょっと違うんだよね。 もしいきなり、I would like to master Englishとか言ったら、 ちょっと変な感じ。
>>521 I took a taxi to the station because of the heavy rain. 悪くないけど、ちょーっとだけ、もとの日本文とずれてる感じ。 It was raining hard, and I went by taxi to the station. これもちょっーとずれてる感じがするのと、went byは避けたい感じ。 「go by」という表現があるから。 takeを使うのが普通だから、あえてgo byを使う必要がないかなと思う。
the country where it is spoken 悪くはないけど、英語で言えば、香港でもシンガポールでもフィリピンでも 英語はspokenされているでしょ。 この文だと英語が母国語というニュアンスが、すこし薄いような感じがする。 the country in which they speak it いきなりtheyを出すのは無理があるから、これは良くない。
>>551 >Which is faster, you and I ? fast は動作の速度が速いという意味なので、使えません。 (first なら使える。) 僕なら take time を使って。 The one who takes less time is the winner. 又は The one who takes more time is the loser. とやる。
>>551 ttp://www.pacificnet.net/~johnr/aesop/ からの無断転載ですが The Wind and the Sun The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: "I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. You begin." So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap his
>>528 I am, and will always be, praying for the world peace. Has the peace truly arrived on earth, where there's no war, no pain and suffering of the people?
>>560 How well do I need to speak English to count it as one of my qualifying skills? I think you should at least be able to speak at the 2nd-Grade STEP Test level.
>What's the minimum oral command of English if you want to boast it around? これで通じるのかなあ? if 節によって限定されるなかでの minimum っていうのが。 What's the minimum oral command of English to boast around. なら、解るけど。それでも、oral command なんて難しい表現をする必要はないし、 boast around じゃ自慢という意味が強すぎて、原文とは違った意味になってしまう。
>Well, at least you have to have (英検2級) これだと、実際に英検2級を持っていないといけなくなってしまいますよ。 実際には英検2級相当の実力があればいいのですから・・・
>>612 We cannot reissue xxx in the US and UK due to some authorization problems. We can reissue yyy but we now have a new member who didn't appear on yyy. We have already recorded three songs with this new member. Can we add some songs to these three and release them on your label? Of course, we send the demo tapes of the new songs to you.
Another question we want to ask is about guarantee and authorization. When we released an album in the US before, it was used again and again without our permission. Our right was just ignored. That's because we are a little nervous this time.
Despite of some possible issues, we are very much interested in your proposal. Please e-mail us details.
>615 I have been using a mail service on a site named J-mail. I sent out an inquiry to the site as I did not receive your mail for such a long time, and got a response that the site was having some problem in delivering mails. Did you send a mail to me? Or did you decide to quit correspondence with me? I would appreciate your clarifying this. Waiting for your response, XXXX
>>653 I'm gonna jump in this plane and go far away. I'm not sad because my heart is full of good memories. But life isn't always that easy. And always I'm on edge. If anything bad happens, I'm gonna crash into it like air force(????) No one knws what lies ahead. We just go down the road of life.
(1)Differing from the conductor,the resistance of semiconductor decreases with the increase of the temperture.
(2)Generally this kind of experiment doesn't have a high reproductibility.
(3) The name of a person is one of the most difficult thing to memorize. When someone tells you his name,you should listen to it carefully. Repeat the name then and there. For example,"Oh,hello,Sandy. Nice to meet you." If it is not an ordinary name,or if there is something to associate with the name,ask the thing. For example, it will be right to ask a person whose name is Andrew, "Andrew,si this Scotch name?"
(1)Unlike 導体, 半導体's resistance(?) decreases as the temperature goes up. (2)This kind of experiment generally does not have reproducibility. (3)は長くて面倒くさい
>>716 Okay, if you prefer a word-for-word translation, you might say :
"You are the customer with whom I made a deal for the first time this year."
But it sounds redundant to me because a 'customer' of a person is someone whom he or she makes deal with. In most cases, >715 and the translation above should mean the same thing.
>712 I live in a empty world, the Internet. I will stay here until all things surrounding me go away. However, I don't feel misery. I'm not lonely. Being alone doesn't mean living alone. I have many invisible friends.
>I send facsimile on 2002 22 Feb. >Has the facsimile reached there? 上記の文では、ファックスそのものを送ったことになってしまいます。 もっとも、この程度の内容では誤解されるとは思いませんが。
Dear sir, Have you received my order faxed on 22th Feb? I'd like to make sure if you've already shipped the item out. Hoping to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Muneo Suzuki
we assume that technology and the capital stock are constant not because we believe that they really are, butbecause doing so helps us understand what happens when they change. The rela tionship between the quantity of labor employed in the economy and the total quantity of output produced is called the aggregate production function.
>756 The product I ordered arrived on 日付 When I opened it, I found the capsules were all moulded. I want to exchange or return the product. Is it possible?
>>720 While in Toyama, thank you very much for showing us the way to the hotel when we were lost. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. なんてどうでしょうか
>>747 I am going to fine-tune the layout and other details so that I can get the site up and running within a few days. I will e-mail you when I'm done.
768さん。 煽りではなく、純粋な質問として聞いてください。 geekという単語は僕の英和辞典には載っていませんでした。 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionaryでは、 "a person who is boring, who wears clothes that are not fashionable, etc." 「ダサい服をまとった、退屈な人。」でした。 オタクのスラングと考えて良いのですか?
>>712 I am, and forever will be, a denizen of the void that is the Net, until the end of the time, when everything will turn into dust. I am not sad though: I am not the only one; I am not alone.
>>706 試訳一例 In this reality I must always watch my back (or, 'I must always be on the lookout') Somebody is watching (over) me...again. People with emotionless faces, they've lost all their ability to feel. Do I belong anywhere?
あと、「ドアにご注意ください」、「足元にご注意ください」っていうのは、 ”Mind the door”、”Watch out your steps!”でいいですか? あと、「今日は凍えるように寒い」、「今日は蒸し暑い」は、 ”It's chilly”とか”It's humid today”でいいんですか?? それと、「喉が痛いです」はI have a sour throatですよね?
>>793 1. I feel dizzy 2. I'm embarassing 3. What should I do? 4. You're great. I envy you. 5. I am happy with your word, thank you. 6. I'm sorry for my bad English. 7. Thank you today, good bye. 8. I'll give you best regard. 9. I'm in a bad condition lately. 10. Do you have a time? 11. Good job! 12. I'm bad at speak english. 13. I'm sorry. I can't hear you. 14. Oh...
>800 そう言われたのでやってみた。 1:ドキドキします。。 My heart is beating. 2:なんか緊張する。。 I'm feeling somthing nervous. 3:どうしよう・・・ What should I do? 4:すごいですね!尊敬します。 That's great! I respect you. 5:そう言って頂けると嬉しいです・・・ありがとうございます。 I'm happy to hear that. Thank you. 6:つたない英語ですみません。。 Excuse my poor English. 7:今日はありがとうございました。それではまた。 Thank you for today. See you later. 8:よろしくお願いします。 Nice to meet you. <人にあっていると仮定して 9:なんか最近体調が良くないみたいなんです。。。 I'm feeling something wrong with me these days. 10:ちょっとお時間いただけますか? Do you have a minute? 11:おつかれさま〜〜! Good job!/Well done! <本来英語にはこう言う習慣はないが 12:私は英語を話すのが苦手です。 I'm poor at speaking English. 13:すみません、、ちょっと聞き取れませんでした。 Sorry, I couldn't hear you. 14:そういえば・・・ By the way....
>>817 No other nation than the United States attracts more gifted and talented people from all over the world. Recently the U.S. has seen (is seeing?) an influx of computer engineers, mainly from China and India. なんてどうでしょうか
>>815 試訳 Muneo has spoken thus: 'Jobs, jobs, jobs. That's what I brought to Tokachi once. This time it's Kushiro. There will be no jobs where there's no support for me.
暇なんでまとめて。かなり適当だけど >>834 Where shall we go for our honeymoon? >>835 Well, since you aren't saying anything I take it that I can do whatever I want? Phone calls are OK? So are letters? Great! Bye now! >>838 Lately the wind's strong and it rains frequently, and it's annoying. >>839 On New Year's, I went to the temple to pray for good health.
>>833 I thought that you are my friend.But I must be under wrong impression. while I waited and waited for your reply you don't seem to have intention of answering me. I was deeply hurt.I'm verry sorry.
>>843 I nuked the kitty in the microwave. I didn't have the guts to do it before, but finally! I finally did it! The effects are greater than what I imagined! As a urination/defecation countermeasure, let's stuff it into a transparent plastic bag beforehand, and try 30 seconds at 500W for starters! Even if it IS a kitten, it's heavier than a convenience store box-lunch, so I thought that it would be no problem... But after just 12 seconds it kicked and clawed the bag open. Its eyes were dead so I let it out for the time-being. The tongue it was panting and sticking in and out like a dog is bright red.
>853 Two lovers have a fight and retreat to separate watering holes to hit the bottle and forget their troubles, only to make up later. という文を以前英文サイトでみましたがこの場合は意味が違うでしょうか?
>>791 Although time may change my appearance or nature (character) It cannot change (touch) the feeling I have for you I am saving my heart for you So that someday you may notice me That's the only thing I can do あくまでも試訳という事で・・・
辞書見ながら自分なりにやってみたんですがよくわからなくて… なんせ中学校程度の英語力なもんで。。 She studying globe and foreign study. She study abroad. She says she want to study globe economy. 合ってますか?
>>873 アフォ。むちゃくちゃやな。それでは俺が正しい訳を、、 She is studying International studies and Foreign studies. She is going to study abroad. She said "I want to study International economics in America." どうよ?
She is studying International studies and Foreign studies. She is going to study abroad. She said "I want to study International economics in America." どうよ?
>881 同じ言葉の繰り返しを避ける、というのが英語だから。 たとえばstudyを1回だけにして、「専攻する」系の言葉でまとめてみたらこんな感じ。 She specializes in International studies and Foreign studies. She is going to study abroad. She said "I want to major in International economics in America."
I saw Muneo SUzuki today. He started his favorite "horse story" again, which pissed me off totally. But I kinda pitied him, and pretended to listen to him.
たとえば、こういう文章 「体重が最大で10kg減少した。」 「減少」というマイナス向きの概念と 「最大」というプラス向きの概念が同時に出てくるときって どうなるんでしょうか? The weight was decreased by 10 kg at maximum. みたいに、 プラス向きの単語(decreased)と マイナス向きの単語(at maximum)を同時に使っていいんでしょうか? どなたかご教示ください。
>901 または、 At the max, 10kg has been reduced in my weight. たしかに一番落ちたときが10kgで、それ以下の変化があったということを ひとつの文で表すことは難しいですね。 なんとなく、日本人同士では同じ感覚を前提にものを言い合うので どのような状況下で話されているのかを限定していく必要がありそうですね。
>> 906,907,908 フォローありがとうございます。 実は報告書を書いていて、 ある種の実験をしたときに、 その結果が最大で10%ほど減少していたということを書きたかったのです。 The weight was decreased by 10 kg at maximum. と書けば、日本語的には通じると思うのですが、 10kg 減った状態というのは、実は weight は minimum なわけで.... 908さんのおっしゃるように、at maximum が 10 kg を修飾していると 解釈されればありがたいのですが、英語としてそういう論理は通るのか? と思ってしまったもので.... つまり、 「体重が最大で10kg減少した。」と書くとき The weight was decreased by 10 kg at maximum. The weight was decreased by 10 kg at minimum. のどちらが正しいのだろうと思ってしまったのです。 ご存知の方お教えいただけないでしょうか?
>>935 901 >その結果が最大で10%ほど減少していたということを書きたかったのです。 > The weight was decreased by 10 kg at maximum. > と書けば、日本語的には通じると思うのですが、
そういう意味なら、普通の表現は、 The weight decreased by a maximum of 10 kg. です。 was decreased というと、何者かがweightを減らした、ということの 受動態になります。I decreased the weight (of something) by 10 kg. → The weight (of something) was decreased (by me) by 10 kg. weightが自然に(自ら)減ったのなら、The weight decreased ... ですね。
>> 942 おお、no more than 10 kg ですね。 これがいいような気がします。 この場合の by ってあったほうがいいんでしょうか? The weight was decreased no more than 10 kg. ではだめですか? by no more than というのがちょっと冗長な気がしたもので...
>商品が到着しましたが、カプセルの封を開けましたところカプセルの中身は変色し、黒っぽいカビのような物 が発生しており、とても摂取できません。 The item has arrived. But the substance which is inside the capsule is covered with something black like mold. Also color of the surface has been changed.
>商品の代金は支払っていますので、ぜひ返品交換をお願いしたいと思います。 I've completed the payment. Please send the replacement right away.
>また注文したいと思いますので、その時に一緒に梱包されてもかまいません。 As soon as I give you an additional order, ship out the replacement togerther. (追加注文を受け次第、交換品と追加品を一緒に発想してください。)
または、 Please send the replacement immediately so that we can do bisiness again. (また取引が続けられるよう、至急交換品を送ってください。)
>The weight was decreased no more than 10 kg. > ではだめですか? > by no more than というのがちょっと冗長な気がしたもので...
The weight was decreased 10 kg. では不自然でしょう? The weight was was decreased by 10 kg. ですよね。 この 10 kg. を no more than 10 kg. (= equal to or less than 10 kg.) に置き換えるだけ ですから、ここはどうしても by をはずことはできないと思いますが。
>953 遅くなりました。 >先日メールをいただいてから、そちらの言うとおり1週間待ちましたが、 >いまだ商品は1個しか届いていません。 A week have already passed since I received your last mail. But still one of my order has not arrived.
>注文したのが2月9日なので、もう1ヶ月以上経っています。 >早急にもう一つの商品を発送するか、注文をキャンセルしてください。 It already has been taking more than a month since I ordered on FEB 9th. Ship it out on the double or I will make this deal void.
>>948, 964 割り込むようで恐縮ですが、英語では一般に受動態は出来るだけ避けるという風潮があると思います。 (実験に影響した物)influenced the experiment, resulting in approximately (or, 'by no more than') 10% increase/decrease of the output (outcome) というのも一例でどうでしょうか。でも冗長ですね。シツレイシマシタ