

2名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 00:29
3名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 00:30
2/22 sunny
The tea i had at the client's office was very delicious.
Though my partner didn't drink it,
( because he worked for sales hard)
i drunk it off.
4名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 00:31
5名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 00:44
2/22 晴れ
the お茶 私 摂取した at the 客の オフィス は かった とても 美味し。
のであるが 私の 連れ は なかった 飲ま それを
(ので 彼は 働いた for 販売 熱心に)
私は 飲んだ それを すっかり。
61:02/02/22 00:45
 海外の日記サイトって生き生きしてて面白いなぁ。「puter」って辞書に載ってないけど、文脈から computer なんだろうなぁとか。
7名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:06
2/22 cloudy

Today, I bought the book `Let's write a diary in English'.
I was suprised that this writer is young and beautiful.
I guess it's the reason for this popularity.

8名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:18

yesterday i bought the book which can study english....
9名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:26

I try to write
1038:02/02/22 01:28
let me join in..

Today, I went out to rend movie named Pride.
It is about Tokyo trial which took place right after WW2.
I wanted to see this movie because considering a tragedy of
the world trade center, I am worried the same logic
is going to apply to Mr. Osama and his fellows.
11名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:30
I have a passion for `meet throwing'
Today, I threw meat over the road.
It was 36m ( new record!)
I want to throw farther.
I'll buy more expensive meat.
12名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:30
rend : rent
1338:02/02/22 01:32
apply to : to be applied

14名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:40
15名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 01:50
>>8 頑張りましょう!
>>9 なるほど!
>>10 とりあえず捕まるといいですね・・。
16kj:02/02/22 02:37












17 :02/02/22 09:15
probably, many people encounter the same problem with mine.
yeah, right! i wrote almost the same things everyday.
i'm a ordinary person. nothing happens. i'm NOT an actor in the action
movie. you know, ! it's my kind of headache! goooood! i'm sick of this!

18名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 09:23
Now... I know why you wanna hate me...
'Cause hate is all the world's even seen lately.
19 :02/02/22 09:32
20名無しさん@1周年:02/02/22 13:57
21名無しさん@1周年:02/02/25 02:43
Today, NHK's money collector came on.
I got angry.
Because he acted haughtily Though I'm a customer.
I kicked him out !

22名無しさん@1周年:02/02/28 00:25
23名無しさん@1周年:02/02/28 00:30
24名無しさん@1周年:02/02/28 02:15
I made "Gyoza" for dinner tonight.
Chopping a head of cabbage and 2 bunches of leeks up,
then kneading mincemeat of pork very well.
Next moment I was so depressed when I looked at the package of papers
took out from the fridge.

It wasn't for Gyoza but was for Wonton....
utsu da shinou.
25kj:02/02/28 02:19
That is a piece of lyric from theme song of "M:i-2",
"Take a look around" by Limp Bizkit.
Catchy,heavy,and mellow number!
If you are interested,
get their 3rd album or "M:i-2" sound tracks.
26名無しさん@1周年:02/02/28 02:23
27名無しさん@1周年:02/02/28 09:59
I got up at about seven o'clock at night.
I ate instant.
Recently I have only one meal a day because I have no appetite.
I was watching TV and viewing 2ch of a web site all night,
drinking whiskey.
Now I'll go to bed though I've wanted to go shopping today.
28名無しさん@1周年:02/03/01 02:09

I went a Japanese-style bar under an elevated railroad for the first time.
That is at Shinbashi which is a mecca of the office worker.
I felt as if I was in a TV drama.
I had so much fun.
2921:02/03/01 02:16
 間違い指摘ありがとうございます! 確かに・・・。

400文字か 10sentenceで 3~400えんくらいで提示かしらん・・・。
30名無しさん@1周年:02/03/01 03:20
Saw an incredibly handsome guy at a deparment store today. Perhaps the most
handsome guy I have ever seen.
He was staring at me with a surprized look on his face.

But the next momont I realized it was me myself reflected in the mirror!!
31名無しさん@1周年:02/03/01 03:57

Let's eat Gyoza together.

 You are narcissist...
32名無しさん@1周年:02/03/01 09:49
ここ知ってます? 海外の日記公開サイト。自分も登録してます。
33 :02/03/01 10:37
This Thread Is Nice!
34kj:02/03/02 02:38
Don't waste your precious time.
i know you have neither a girlfriend nor money.
But who cares?
You are the only one in the world.

Turn your PC off.
And then hung your head by yourself quickly.
You may pass away.

35永遠の~:02/03/02 03:05
>Don't waste your precious time.
you too.

>i know you have neither a girlfriend nor money.
36名無しさん@1周年:02/03/05 02:13
I went climbing a mountain last Sunday.
At the foot of the Mt.Tanzawa,
the local farmers ran a direct sales grocery store.
I bought a pack of orange( including 20 pieces + 5 piece as a bonus),
It costed, you know, only 150 yen!
It was very delicious though not nice-looking.
I made a good bargain.
37名無しピーポ君:02/03/05 02:16
Now,I eat ra-men.
38名無しさん@1周年:02/03/05 21:55
It was cloudy and cold today.
I ate Sushi for lunch.
39名無しさん@1周年:02/03/05 22:40
I got up at 10:00a.m.
At 12:00, I had breakfast.
Although It was rainy, I went to shopping.
I worked part-time job after shopping.
I got home some time ago, and I had dinner.

Good night...
40名無しさん@1周年:02/03/05 23:56
I ate curry and rice at midnight.
I'm afraid I'll gain weight.

I ate a hamburger.

People say that "brunch".

41名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 00:31
DUO Dialy ( 101...103)
I am seclusive boy. (seclusive: 引きこもりがちな)
I have been at home in whole winter,
so our electricity bill came to so much.
Mam was much amazed, and yelled in a rage.
"Go out!"
I went out so I will cut cost.

42名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 01:30
DUO Dialy (111-113)

No sooner had I created a new thread than Giko slid into 2 and lay down.
He has become something of a necessity.
We can't do without him, can we ?

 ∧ ∧ ('
 (*゚Д゚) (' (
 |つつ      (' (
~( つ つ≡≡≡(´⌒;;;≡≡≡ (´⌒(´⌒;;
43名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 01:41
Today, I didn't talk to anyone but my family.
Not only today, I haven't done it recently.
That's why I'm coming to such a trivial site.
Ahh, it's a real boring one.
I have no idea what to do tomorrow...
44英検三級ですが・・:02/03/06 04:03
March 6 (Wednesday)
Today, I flyed to my hometown from city. I'm very moarning.
But happy. Now, it started my new life. I want to my room
renewal and tiny and clean. I want to become to love my room.
Now I don't like my room. It's bad. But, I want to make my room
like a school. It seems very exciting and happy!

45名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 06:43

I flyed? You mean you flew?
46名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 07:01
March 6 (Wed)
Yet again, I find myself viewing the Engrish board on 2ch out of boredom.
Some of the idiots who write here never cease to amuse me.
I wonder how long it will take >>41-42 to realise some day how to spell "diary."
47名無しさん@痔:02/03/06 08:07
I felt pain as usual.
Because I had a pain in buttocks.
48名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 09:32
>Some of the idiots who write here never cease to amuse me.
says an idiot who doesn't know how to spell "English" properly.
49名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 16:24
デキの悪いEnglish=Engrish (例: http://www.engrish.com
5041:02/03/06 22:54
51名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 23:04
52名無しさん@1周年:02/03/06 23:49
It was warm today.
The spring had come.
53名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 00:28
I was really surprised when I went shopping with my mother to buy her a new printer
as a birthday present. They are incredibly low-priced. And so I could buy her pretty
good one. She looks happy. Of course, me too.
She said she want to give a picture of my father which is printed with it to him.
How glad he would be. Love each other forever.
5453:02/03/07 00:34
55名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 00:39
lovely tale....
56名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 00:46
>>45=46 は

become to よりは、begin to か、come to が いいと思われ。
(become toってあるのかな・・)
I want to my room renewal も ?だけど・・ こういうのあるのかな。
57名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 00:52
hopely,I wanna go travel u.s.a .
but my english level is still low level.
so that, I have to make a money ,and to study hard.
Oh, shit!!
58名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 00:56
I want to travel the US.
But my English level is still on a low level,
so that I have to make money and study hard.
59名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 01:18
I'm learning English but still far from perfect.
60名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 02:27

Shock, horror!
SSAWS will be closed in September 30 !
After that, where will I do skiing in summer ?
Oh,my God!
Umm..... I might as well go to a country where I can ski all the year round.

(SSAWS .. artificial skiing ground http://www.ssaws.com/ )
61名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 02:45
I heard that the building itself has been designed to last for
only ten years, and this is the reason why SSAWS will be closed.
Is it true?
62名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 10:27
Hi, everybody! Please listen to me.

A korean said to me, "Your English is pretty good." It sounds like praises.
But he added, "in spite of that you're Japanese."
His words made me a little angry, so I said to him,
"Only you Koreans think you speak english better than us. It's a kind of fantasy."

He Couldn't answer back and I felt satisfied.
63名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 10:42
Today I went to the club with my friends
after work and then we denced all night.
We had a good time !!
64名無しさん@1周年:02/03/07 23:38
It's pretty good!!
65名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 00:30
I am looking for the English school,
but you know, there are no good school.
I change my mind.
I go to the French school.
Most of the French school are not to expensive and enough lesson time.
66名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 00:31
has を入れ忘れた。
67名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 00:50

You've made a right decision.
French is more sophisticated language.
French is a language of civilisation.
On the contray, English is ....

Vouz avez choisi a apprendre lan langue Francaise.
C'est tres bien, n'est-ce pas?
Formidable, plustot!
Oui, Evidemnet,Francais est mieux que Anglais.
Felicitation a vous!

6865:02/03/08 01:00
You can speak English and French!!

But actually I hate France・・・・
69名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 04:34
I wanted to get up early today, but I couldn't. I guess I just enjoy
myself being lazy. I went to school, stopped by some places after school,
and I came straight back home. It was just a boring day as usual.
Nothing special happened around me. However, I found this interesting
title here, and I decided to write my everyday life. Is it OK?
70名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 05:21
People spend most their lives on a quest. They are usually
searching for the happiness of fortune and fame.
As your eyes pass over these words in the hopes of
learning a little of what makes this individual tick,
you are giving me a great opportunity to express my refusal
to be the same.
We all could buy fancy sports cars, but aren't those fairly
common? We could dye our hair purple or green, but that too
has no sense of permanence. For beneath the clothes We are all
naked. I yearn to be unique, to shout out at the world...
"I am here" I am a Gypsy at heart with a very old soul.
There is much that shall remain a mystery as I enjoy the thrill
of the hunt. I could place within here of all my qualities
and what might make you the browser think you might have
an interest in myself. That is too easy. In the end you will
still know very little of my inner being or of what makes the
"Who" I am. So for now I shall leave the "table of contents"
out of this book and the pages to blow freely within the mighty
71名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 05:27
72名無しさん@1周年 440:02/03/08 07:14
>>all (T_T) わからん…。
73名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 07:40
Very nice, but unfortunately there are a million people out there who share the same train of though as you;
There are millions who would rather "not be the same," want to be "original";
Your very quest for uniqueness puts you in a group (albeit a smaller one than the fame- and fortune-seeking general public)
of like-minded individuals.
But keep in mind that you are not the only lonely soul wandering this world: there are many others like you.
Keep this in mind, and you will continue to be an intersting, unique person who others find intersting.
Do we know very much about you? No. Does it matter? No, not really.
For your story, your aspirations, though they may be more interesting than the average person's hopes of being rich and famous,
are pretty common. We all wish to be unique and special: that's why a lot of those "other people" want to be rich and famous:
they don't want to be "like everyone else, "they want to have more money, they want to be better-known:
they want to be different.
The quest for a unique identity is a very common trait, second in popularity to only the quest for conformity and a sense of belonging.

There is a great line from the movie "Fight Club" you should know:
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake"
I don't mean to put you down in any way: you are probably a very interesting person. It's just that there are many, many other interesting people out there in the world.
74激しく修正ミス(;´Д`):02/03/08 07:43

Very nice, but unfortunately there are a million people out there who share the same train of though as you;
There are millions who would rather "not be the same," want to be "original";
Your very quest for uniqueness puts you in a group (albeit a smaller one than the fame- and fortune-seeking general public)
of like-minded individuals.
Do we know very much about you? No. Does it matter? No, not really.
For your story, your aspirations, though they may be more interesting than the average person's hopes of being rich and famous,
are pretty common. We all wish to be unique and special: that's why a lot of those "other people" want to be rich and famous:
they don't want to be "like everyone else, "they want to have more money, they want to be better-known:
they want to be different.
The quest for a unique identity is a very common trait, second in popularity to only the quest for conformity and a sense of belonging.
There is a great line from the movie "Fight Club" you should know:
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake"
I don't mean to put you down in any way: you are probably a very interesting person. It's just that there are many, many other interesting people out there in the world.
Just keep in mind that you are not the only lonely soul wandering this world: there are many others like you.
And be kind to your fellow kind, and feel fortunate to meet them, when you encounter one of your fellow kind.

75名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 07:48
>>73-74も (T_T)わからん…。
76名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 13:57
77名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 21:13
I went to a bookstore in Yokohama today. I found a book "Write diary
in English" but I didn't buy it because I remembered about Yahoo
Auction. After came back home, I retirieved the book in the auction
but it wasn't found.
78am pm:02/03/08 21:16
I worked from 9 to 9 today.
79Koji:02/03/08 21:19
Wow, what's your job?
80名無しさん@1周年:02/03/09 01:57
I got my hair cut today. I wanted to get it permed, but it's too
expensive, so I decided not to do it this time. Maybe, next month.
I've been looking for a part-time job now. Today, I saw a sign on
my favorite bakery's window which said (Help Wanted). I might apply
for it. I hope I can get the job, so I can get my hair permed.
81名無しさん@1周年:02/03/09 02:38
I'm going to bed now. See you.
82名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 01:19
Well, I've been suffering from hay fever lately.
My eyes itch. It doesn't make me sneeze, but I feel strange
in my nose. Does anyone here know any good remedies?
A friend of mine keeps telling me to try some kind of tea, but
I don't know where to get it. It's called "Tencha".
83名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 01:25
tweet tweet.
nice sounds...
84れもにぇ ◆Il6vMBLk :02/03/10 03:34
Damn it! I did it again!
I woke up and I got on the net to check my e-mails, and then
I realize that I had been responding to shitty threads at 2ch for
about 3 hours or so.... I have ruined my day!
85名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 04:08
86れもにぇ ◆Il6vMBLk :02/03/10 04:11
an e-mail はよく聞くから、複数形も可能だとおもっている。
それにAOLがYou've got a mail! といっているので(汗
しかし、send me by e-mailはメソッドなのでノンカウント
87名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 13:43
88名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 13:50

I'll email you. とかって
89名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 14:20
I e-mailed you before...ってアリ?
"I faxed you"も使っていいんだかわからないまま使っているのですが
90名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/10 15:00
I'm waiting for my friend to call me up,fou it is today that
the result of his entrance exam is known.
He seemed confident of his success when I phoned him last
but considering his amount of study, I'm afraid not.

wow a call from him!!

He's failed......... He'll go to the private university....
91名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/10 15:29
I'm sorry . I don't know any remedies.
But good news for all suffering from hay fever.
92名無しさん@1周年:02/03/10 21:45
today,i got a comic.
the comic is PEANUTS2000 and
it is english comic.
i can study english.....?
i decided to read the book every day.
9382さん@1周年:02/03/11 03:03
I'm sorry . I don't know any remedies.
But good news for all suffering from hay fever.

Wow!! What a great invention.
Thank you very much for the information.
But I have a quesiton. Is it good for cedars??

94名無しさん@1周年:02/03/11 03:42

I went to city swimming pool.
It costs only 200 yen an hour..
But I reached the limit of my physical strength in only 200 seconds.
I was exhaust and I had trouble going home.

95名無しさん@1周年:02/03/11 04:07
(古くからShakespeareも'But me no buts'など言っています)過去形にするにはedを付けると。
普通はI will email youだけど、
たまに「I will email to you」って言ってる人みかける。

97名無しさん@1周年:02/03/11 04:36
I will stick to saying "I will e-mail you"
99名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/11 12:15
>Is it good for cedars?
I'm not sure. On TV, one of the members who've discovered
the fact just said it's good for "cedars".
But I think his remark amounts to saying that the substance is
good for all kinds of cedars, not only for particular cedars.
Anyway the substance really works; when shaked, the cedar which
was injected the substance gave off little,if any, pollen !
I wonder when it will be put to use on national scale.

「My private diary」
I have nothing to do.I have plenty time,but I can't possibly
bring myself to study or do the assignment.So I watched the
"証人喚問" of Muneo Suzuki on Tv till 11:30 .
100100:02/03/11 13:10
101名無しさん@1周年:02/03/11 13:11
I was watching the TV program "60 minutes" about the INS.
They are saying that the leader of the terrorist group who flew
into the WTC on 9/11 was inadmissible at the time of entry to the
US, yet he was allowed in because the INS agent at the port of
entry did not inspect him carefully. He was inadmissible!!
Because of this mistake made by the US Immigration Service, thousands
of people were killed. I am pissed. They should be held responsible
for their incompetency.
Hope I got 100.
102名無しさん@1周年:02/03/11 17:28
103名無しさん@1周年:02/03/11 17:32
Oh! I've never heard of such a book.
104名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 00:12

Today I got up at 8:30. Usually I must be at company at 9:00. But today I don't have to.
I ate breakfast slowly, read newspaper, brushed my tooth and go out.
Where? Client's company. I had an appointment at 10:00. So I left my home at 9:15.
Sleeping a little bit long that usual. It's my little happiness...
I noticed I don't have so many funny thing. nothing particularly.
105名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 00:41


 英作で使った表現は、読んだだけよりも 印象に残って

106名無しさん@一周年:02/03/12 03:50

107名無しさん@一周年:02/03/12 04:14
I'm glad to hear that it's not bad for cedars.
I don't want to get a shot at the doctor's myself though.
I would screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!!!!!
108102:02/03/12 11:40
109名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 12:51
This morning, I got up in the morning.
Last night, I slept at night.
I'm dieting on small diet, now. My hunger
is telling me that he is hungry.
110名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 22:55
I & one of partner were questioning inference quizes each other during my part time.
He had exact answer about all of them.
I had wrong answer about all of them.
111名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/13 09:34
Though inclined to go out for shopping or to the nearby library,
I'll spend this day killing time by watching TV or reading vacantly as usual.
Everytime I see the beautiful sunshine outside in the morning,an itch toward
going out comes up in me.But as time goes by,it decreases.
112名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 09:35
113名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 09:51
114112:02/03/13 09:59
115名無しさん@一周年:02/03/14 04:02

(My diary)
A friend of mine told me that she went skiing with her
boyfriend. She wanted to ski, but he didn't want to.
He rent a snowboard. So, they ended up doing different
things and they were away from each other while they were
at the ski resort. She told me that she wanted to break up
with him. I didn't say anything.
116名無しさん@1周年:02/03/14 20:18
>I didn't say anything

(My diary)
My mother told me that it will be rain in the afternoon.
So, I went to the eye clinic in the mid-morning.
And I got a box of contact lenses there.

My hair has been growing down.
I have to go to the hair salon sometime this week.
I'll change one's hairstyle!

117名無しさん@1周年:02/03/15 00:29
>I didn't say anything


I got some boxes of chocolate and cookies as a
(White Day) present. I'm so happy. I gave some
chocolate to my co-workers on Feb.14 because they were
always nice to me. I like them a lot. Of course, I
gave them to the girls there too. I like this custom.
I think it makes people happy.

What kind of hair-do would you like to try?

118名無しさん@1周年:02/03/15 00:34
I work at a coffee shop near my house just few days
a week. I've been looking for another job, but I like
this place a lot. I'll probably stay here for a while.
119名無しさん@1周年:02/03/15 02:25
Today, I bought a CD in mediapower. Aftar back to my home,I heard it.
But CD was not so good.
I ganna exchange another one.
120( ´∀`):02/03/15 02:49
The girl printed on the front page of vol.30 is simple and cute.
I like this one.
121ユタ様 ◆UEhy5aKQ :02/03/15 04:38
The U.S with Japan Government does Military colony in Okinawa.
Those don't allowed !!
Therefor American killing everyday.
Yesterday ,killed Five dogs.
122名無しさん@1周年:02/03/16 03:22
I want to buy a printer. I don't have one.
Sometimes, I want to print out my favorite pages,
but I can't do it since I don't have one.
God please give me a printer. I'll be a good girl.
Goodnight all.
123名無しさん@1周年:02/03/16 10:25
i helped my friend lived in foreign country to write her love letter in japanese.
124名無しさん@1周年:02/03/16 10:32
Good morning, everyone.
How are you?
I'm good.
I got up at 9 in the morning.
Now I feel tired because I worked very hard yesterday.
125123:02/03/16 10:33
126名無しさん@1周年:02/03/16 11:02
>my friend lives in foreign country
関係詞がいる ( friend who lives )。countryは可算名詞なので冠詞が
要る。my friend だと読み手にそれとわかる特定の友達という意味に
なってしまうので one of my friend か a friend of mine にする。
one of my friends who lives in a foreign country
one of my foreign friends

>to write her love letter in japanese
write her ~ だと「彼女に~を書き送る」という意味になってしまうので
単に write ~ とする。letter は可算名詞なので冠詞が要る。
to write a love letter in Japanese
127116:02/03/16 19:04
Today, I was a little sleepy all day.


I got a haircut at the hair salon yesterday.
I tried one's bob hair (It's a simple design).
I am refreshed!
128名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/16 20:14
Today I got up at noon.
Because I sat up till late last night.
But I don't regret,for I would have been as free as ever
even if I had got up early in the morning.
129名無しさん@1周年:02/03/16 21:13
Today I finally got a job.
I had to start to work at a shop from today.
I lost my job last Nov,so I have been feeling gloomy since
that day.
I was very tired today,cause I haven't been working for a long
time and for the first day.
I'll do my best to keep on working from now on.
130名無しさん@1周年:02/03/16 21:58
First day of my winter vacation.
I woke up. Then I went downtown
to look for a job.
Then I hung out in front of a drug store.
Second day of my winter vacation.
I woke up. Then I went downtown
to look for a job.
Then I hung out in front of a drug store.
Third day of my winter vacation.
I woke up. Then I went downtown
to look for a job.
Then I hung out in front of a drug store.
131123:02/03/17 01:26
my friendは読み手にそれとわかる特定の友達という概念になるのは知らなかった。

132名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 01:28
A friend of mine tried to write a love letter in Japanese. I helped her.
133名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 04:42
I'm glad to see that many people has written something
in this section. However, I'm really down today because
I found out that a friend of mine was telling people
bad things about me. I don't think I have done anything
wrong. I'm really pissed off. Excuse my language.....
134123:02/03/17 09:24
135132:02/03/17 10:46
I helped a friend of mine translate her English love letter into Japanese.

136名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 13:00
today i got up early morning.
137名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 16:51
→by translating
138名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 17:07
Today I woke up at eleven .
It was sunny .
When I turned on the TV, Akiko Wada
said I don't like Muneo.
I don't eather.
After eating lunch,
I took a walk with my dogs.

139名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 17:09
Akiko Wada said she didn't like Muneo.
Me neither.
140名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 17:14
said 以降はかっこつければ I 使える?

Neither do I や Neither did I
141名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 17:20
>said 以降はかっこつければ I 使える?

>Neither do I や Neither did IもOK?
142名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 20:00
??? お前あほちゃうか。ようそんな英語力で人に指摘できまんな。
143名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 20:05
Great composition!
I am very much impressed!
144名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 21:27
I help my father (to) water the crops.

口語的なもので、to が省略されているのです。

気を落とさずに がんばってくださいね。
145名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 21:30
間違いを恐れずに、これからもひっかかるところがあれば つっついてみてくださいねっ。
146137:02/03/17 21:36
help someone 動詞(原形)くらいは知っているけど。
I helped her send a love letter in Japanese.なら真実だけど、
147名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 21:47
148名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 22:05
149名無しさん@1周年:02/03/17 23:22
150116:02/03/18 12:20
I went to an osteopathy clinic yesterday.
I had a chat with doctor in course of massage.

151名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/18 18:34
When I was sleeping in my room at about 1,
my six-year-old niece came in who lives next door to me.
He told me to play with him as expected.
I got up and had lunch,during which he urged me to eat up immediately.
After that,I played using a ball .It was good exercise for me.
152名無しさん@1周年:02/03/18 21:55
 こう、言い換えると書きやすいかも。try again
最後に 先生は私に言いました。
 でも、あなたは 時々休憩をとるようにしたほうがいいです。
 さもないと、あなたは 凝った体を持つことになります。」
153150:02/03/18 23:05
154名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/21 00:24
Today I got up at 12:00.
Since then,I've been looking at this monitor.
I know it's bad both for health and for mind,but I can't help.
It is getting warmer and warmer these days,so I'm thinking of
hanging around by bicycle one of these days.
155名無しさん@1周年:02/03/21 01:04
>one of these days
156名無しさん@1周年:02/03/21 07:08
Today I got up at 12:00 (noon).
Since then, I've been working with my computer/surfing the web....
I know it's bad for both physical and mental health, but I can't help.
It is getting warmer and warmer these days, so I'm thinking of
going out by bicycle one day.
157( ´∀`):02/03/22 02:08
I got tired of going out,
so I bought a pizza for supper at the first floor pizza shop.
Since I didn't use delivery service,
I got a discount, and It was only 525 Yen.

It was more cheap than I thought.
158名無しさん@1周年:02/03/22 02:15
That's great. Delivery service occupies the great part of
the price. I didn't know that.

BTW, "cheaper" sounds better, doesn't it?
159名無しさん@1周年:02/03/22 02:34
>>150, 152

Finally the doctor said,
" I understand you absorbed in a computer,
but sometimes you had better take a break.
, or you'll have a stiff shoulder."


be absorbed in something : ・・・に夢中になる
160名無しさん@1周年:02/03/22 02:41
おお、そうです。cheaper ですね・・THX。
買ったと事がなく、これがfirst time だったんですが、意外と安くて驚き。
161名無しさん@1周年:02/03/23 17:16
I jogged along the River Kanda in the daytime.

I jog in the night on weekdays,
so I didn't ever notice that thing....

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom !

I stopped jogging in spite of myself
, and I was fascinated by it for a minute.

in spite of oneself : 思わず(我を知らず)
162150:02/03/23 21:53

163名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/24 00:31
>155 「近いうちに」って意味で使ったんですがダメですかね?
>156 サンクスです。勉強になります。phisical healthとmental health か。

It's long since I went out last time;I've been staying at home for about 2 weeks.
My hair was so long as to touch my shoulder,so first I had my hair cut at the barber
near Odori park.I make it a point to go there when it comes to having my hair cut.
After that,I dropped in at Maruzen,one of the biggest bookshops in Sapporo.
It's located on a very convenient place,for there are some other big bookshops
near it and above all, it's near the subway station(it's one-minute walk from there)!

Spring is coming near at hand,which snow melting in the sunshine and birds singing happily
tell me.There is only a week to go till April-a month when everything starts.
At the same time , my daily life as a university student starts again.During this vacation,
I've idled away as I had expected,but I'll never make the same blunder as I did last year!

ちなみにthe same blunder ってのはサボりすぎで留年したことです(泣
164名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/24 00:38
165名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 01:17
"one of these day"ってイディオムならおれも知ってるよ。まあ使い方が


>ちなみにthe same blunder ってのはサボりすぎで留年したことです(泣
166名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 01:22
When does the snow melt away in Sapporo ?

167名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/24 01:34

168名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/24 01:38
169オリジナル見つけました:02/03/24 01:47
■2001/04/07 (土) ■


170165:02/03/24 03:01

According to ~とか使ったときにその情報の出所のようなものをレポートの

なんか思ったよりも長レスしちゃったなあw おれも今のへぼい英語力(特に
171名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 03:17
I've got hungry without notice,
so I get wanting to take a meal though now is midnight 3:00am already.
it's bad for our health of course.
but I'll can't help eating.


wantの進行形の形をあまり見た事がないというのとnow is...といういい方、
あと最後のcan't helpの使い方が不自然だと感じています。
172名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/24 04:10
173名無し ◆TLe2H2No :02/03/24 04:35
・without noticeは「予告なしに」という意味に使われると思う。
 だからwithout realizing か without noticingぐらいがいいでしょう。

・食事をとりたくなると言いたいならfeel like eating を使うのが無難でしょう。
 get wanting という表現は多分ない(見たことない)

・now is とはいはず、it's ~ now と言います。alreadyは「すでに」という副詞だけど

・ourは無くてもfor healthとかfor the healthと言えば一般的に「体に悪い」と言えるでしょう。
 of courseは普通文頭に持ってきます。willとcanのように助動詞をつなげることはできません。
 だからこの場合だとwill not be able to help eating がいいでしょう。

174名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 08:30
175名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 08:36

will not be able to help eating

I'm sure I'll eat something.
176名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 10:42
あそこよく落ちてるし、あと書いた後 saveボタン押したらCGIが逝ってて
177名無しさん@1周年:02/03/24 17:45

1 です。TOEICから帰ってきたところです(鬱だ・・・)。

 えーと。私は その freeopendiary と、その有料版の
opendiary.om しか知らないです。有料版の方が落ちなさそう。
178名無しさん@1周年:02/03/25 00:29

179名無しさん@1周年:02/03/25 00:44
180名無しさん@1周年:02/03/25 00:52
>>171 に関して思ったこと。
「いつのまにか」とかは「first thing I know」って、
そのまま よく知らずにカット&ペーストするのは、よくないんだろうね・・・。

now ってには、まさに今しかつかえないと思います。
181180:02/03/25 00:57
辞書で調べたら,now って、過去形でも使用できるね・・・。
182名無しさん@1周年:02/03/25 00:58
183171 :02/03/25 01:16
最後の文にI'm afraid とかagainst my will使うと不自然ですか?
184159:02/03/25 01:25

今度初めて 準2級受けるつもりです。

難しい語彙を用いずに、何かと なるべく やさしい表現で簡潔に

日記というより「今」の記述だから、NOW でもOKだったんですね・・。
185名無しさん@1周年:02/03/25 01:29
against my willを使うなら、「でも自分の意思に反して食べてしまうだろう」

186185:02/03/25 01:38

187名無しさん@1周年:02/03/26 00:20
I went to a book store.

I took a book, and joined a queue at the checkout counter.
A moment after, my turn had came.

But just then, the register was out of order !
As it was a small store, there was only One register.
So, I and other people had to keep waiting so long.
The line became longer and longer.

After all, a clerk worked with a calculator.

Oh! I wasn't to blame !
188180のつづき:02/03/26 02:31

I got hungry without realizing.
So, though it was 3 p.m. , I felt like eating.
Of course, It was bad for my health.
But I couldn't help eating.

ってか、2:30 p.m. だけど、おいらもおなかが減った・・。
189名無しさん@1周年:02/03/30 03:22
I was very hungry at around 2:00am, so I ate some cookies.
I knew that cookies were fattening, but I couldn't help it.
Anyway, I have to control my appetite. Especially late at
night. Good night all.
190名無しさん@1周年:02/03/30 03:39
191名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 03:58

I had a party at a bar.
I ordered a Kahlua-milk. (カルア・ミルク)
Soon, a waiter took it to my table.


She stumbled, and poured a drink over me !

Oh, my god ! I was soaked with the Kahlua-milk.
192名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 04:09
I'm beat!!
193My dear idiots:02/04/01 05:54
194193:02/04/01 05:55
195名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 14:20
opendiary.com の各日記を調べてしまいました・・・。
196名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 17:38
Today, I got up at around 7:00 and wiped the flower with a dustcloth.
At 8:00 I turned on the TV and I was surprised to find that " Let's "
had already finished. I wondered where Aki Mukai had gone. I thought
that she would be busy preparing for having a baby.

197名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 20:56
She cannot bear a baby.
198名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 22:17
I know that she cannot bear a baby.
I ment that she seemed busy preparing for surrogate mothering.
199名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 22:33
Thanks. I really didn't know that.
200名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 23:44

There was a beef barbecue restaurant near the station.
But it turned into an "Okonomiyaki" restaurant about 2 month ago.
Today, I noticed that it turned into an "Anmitsu" shop.

Mmm. I feel much sympathy for them.
( But I haven't come into it.........)

beef barbecue restaurant : 焼肉店
201名無しさん@1周年:02/04/02 12:17
I understand why a beef barbecue restaurant was changed
into an Okonomiyaki restaurant.
But why did they turn a Okonomiyaki restaurant into an Anmitsu shop?
202名無しさん@1周年:02/04/02 23:22
Well, really, It was my misundestanding.
Today, I checked their menu carefully,
and I noticed they still sell the Okonimiyaki.
It seems they started to sell the Anmitsu recently.
And they give high priority to it.

Ok. Today, I came into the restauraunt for the first time. ( to be continued)
203名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 02:35
「 焼肉店の再出発(200の続き)」

Today, I went into the restaurant for the first time.

Once, I couldn't see the inside of it from the outside because the door didn't have a window. And It was hard for me to enter.

Now, the door has a window, and I could go into it at ease.

The inside was small but cute. the woman cook and waiter were working.
There is no customer except me.

I ordered an Okonomiyaki. It was soft and nicer than I thought.

They must have done cooking practice hard.................

I'm going to have a dinner at the restaurant again.

at ease : 気楽に(安心して)
204名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 02:51
What kind of Okonomiyaki did you order?
Seafood, pork and cabbage, yum yum
205名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 03:29
Oh, I orderd Osaka-style Pork Okonomiyaki.
Because it was the cheapest one there (^_^;).
It's 580 yen. Yes, cheap.

Good night.
206lっぉ:02/04/03 04:15
I was born yesterday.
so I'm a baby.

It's my diary.
207名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 04:17
night night sleep tight
don't let the bugs bite .....

........ Zzzzzzz
208名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 17:56
Today I had my baby vaccinated.
After that I went to a supermarket and bought some Sushi.
It was my lunch today.
By the way, I was moved by Princess Masako's speach on her baby at
the press conference I saw on TV.
209名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 18:08

Princess Aiko is so cute!
She looks just like her father (謎)
210名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 20:27
What was Jack doing?
211名無しさん@1周年:02/04/03 20:37
Re-run of the Detective Story (Tantei Monogatari) starring Yusaku Matsuda began this week. It's become my habit to watch it every morning at home. I have enough time doing nothing because I'm currently jobless.
The whole episodes won't end unitl when another five weeks will have passed.
212名無しさん@1周年:02/04/04 19:40
Today, I ate "tont-katsu-sauce-senbei" for the first time in my life.
It was good, but I prefer shoyu-senbei better.
213名無しさん@1周年:02/04/04 22:50
but I prefer shoyu-senbei better
→but I prefer shoyu-sembei to it
→but I like shoyu-sembei better
214名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 05:39
I am agree with you about Princess Masako's speech.
I'm single and I don't have a baby yet, but I was
impressed by her speech. Anyway, I went to school
today and I had a cheap lunch at the school cafeterria.
Goodnight all.
215名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 06:54
I am agree with you → I agree with you
216名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 11:16
217名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 11:21
218名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 11:50
219名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 14:39







220213:02/04/05 19:47
221名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 00:47

The Sakura Festival will take place in April 7 in my town.
The cherry blossoms unusually feel earier this year,
and There are few blossoms with it now, you know.
I feel sad a little...

Though the cherry blossom has few blossoms,
it is Sakura !!!

I wish the festival would go well.

take place : 催される  fell (3): 散る(fall)
blossom : (木の)花 go well :うまくいく
222名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 01:08
Today I saw three kittens sleeping on the roof with their mother (father?)
I was a lovely sight to see.

223名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 01:09
sorry, "It" was a lovely sight to see. (222)
224ageashi:02/04/06 01:13
Then you WERE a lovely sight itself,
or you were to see the sight, in the
term of archaic syntax?
225名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 01:15
all right.
226名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 01:16

227名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 02:12
Thank you very much for correcting my
(My diary)
I saw a very weired TV program.
On the show, Some wealthy people
seemed to enjoy putting down the guests
who have some dreams. I don't think it's
a good program. It really made me sick.
How could they talk to (一般ピープル)like
that?? Does anybody here watch the
228名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 02:17
Do you mean 'money no TORA (Tigers of money)'?
229名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 17:02

Tigers won seven games in a row since the season started.

I don't usually watch a ball game,
and I know few player's names.
But I was excited as if they had won the victory today.

Tigers is always in the cellar toward the end of the season.
But Tigers fans enjoy it, and continue to cheer it.
Though the Tigers fans love Tigers,
almost all think Tigers can't win the victory. This year, too.

I wonder if Tigers would DONE this year.

in a row : 連続で
be in the cellar : 最下位にある win the victory : 優勝する
toward the end of : ~の終わりの近く(→終わりごろ)
230名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 21:00
Umm. I want one of them. ふあふあの もこもこ♪
231名無しさん@1周年:02/04/06 22:59

I like Joe Hisaishi.
Today, I got Joe Hisaishi CD "Piano Stories" at the auction.
It came out in 1988, and not on sale now.
When it came out, I had enough money to buy.

Fortunately I got it at 2500 yen today.
( At the autction, the goods price sometimes rise very high.)

I'm very glad.

Joe Hisaishi : 今では宮崎アニメに欠かせない音楽家(それでもマイナーかも・)
232名無しさん@1周年:02/04/07 03:26
That's the one! Thank you for the info.
(money no tora)??
Do you like the program?? I'd like to
hear your opinion. Thank you very much.

(my diary)
I'm going to a movie with my friend tomorrow.
We haven't decided what we are going to watch.
I wanted to see "Wasabi" because I like Hirosue,
but we don't know if it's still on. Good night,
233名無しさん@1周年:02/04/07 23:06

I think it was the direction.
Of course, no matter why they did so, they made someone sick.

See also.
234名無しさん@1周年:02/04/07 23:44

I went swimming in the public heated pool.

It costs 250 yen an hour. It is cheap..
There is neither a slide nor a stands.
But it is enough to exercise.

Since it's been about two months since I swam, I got tired early.
I stopped swimming at 250m.

I was exhausted... I'm sleepy...
235213:02/04/08 21:05
236234:02/04/08 21:33
237234:02/04/08 21:44
a stands -> the stands とかかな(小さいミスを自己修復)
neither の使い方に自信がないです
238213:02/04/08 23:13
Since it's been about two months since I swam, I got tired early.
Since I started swimming only two months ago, I got tired soon.
As I have been swimming only for two months,...
Since it's been only two months since I started swimming exercise,...
239234:02/04/08 23:26
 うーん。last を加えて、
It's been about two months since I swam last.


 →「2ヶ月ぶりに泳いだ」 です。

英語には、~ぶりを 一言で表せる表現がないので、こうしろって(^_^;)。


It's been weeks since we had nice weather
-> 何週間かぶりの晴天です。
It's been ages since I had a chance to talk with Ben.
-> 久しぶりにベンと話をしまいた。

I ate out for the first time in a month.
-> 1ヶ月ぶりに食事した

で、なるほど soon の方がいいですね。添削ありがとうです。
240231:02/04/08 23:39
>When it came out, I had enough money to buy.
I didn't have enough money to buy.


241名無しさん@1周年:02/04/09 02:40
I've had this stomachache for 2 days now.
It's probably because of the cold medicine I took yesterday.
My stomach is not very strong. It sometimes hurts me for
no reason. Maybe because of the stress??? I get nervous
easily. And I sometimes can't sleep at night for this pain.
242名無しさん@1周年:02/04/09 18:04
I've had this stomachache for 2 days now.
→thisは指示するものがないから a でいいような。nowはいらなくない?



243名無しさん@1周年:02/04/09 23:18
>I've had this stomachache for 2 days now.
>→thisは指示するものがないから a でいいような。nowはいらなくない?


...for no 'particular' reasonなら成立かな?ただし胃痛の場合はちょと変?
でもここはむしろ'My stomach is not very strong'を問題にして欲しい。
244名無しさん@1周年:02/04/10 02:00

I red funny news.


I wonder if the men who paid 500,000 had an affair ?

If your husband is disappointed today, let's press him for answer at least for one hour.

have an affair : 浮気する
press one for ~ : ~を、うるさく求める

Take care.
245244:02/04/10 02:06
うぉっと。let's は、一緒に~だから、why don't you ね・・。
246名無しさん@1周年:02/04/10 04:30
Rock 'n' roll!

I visited the web site, i2v -- 'I'nternet 'I'nteractive T'V' --
and one of the grograms got my attention. Can you believe this?
Brian Setzer showed up on the show!! He's soooo hot. Moreover,
During the show, suddenly he took his guitar, and started playin'
rock 'n' roll for all listeners!! It's a live performance!
That was so great. Is there anyone who loves him, anyway?
247名無しさん@1周年:02/04/10 04:34
>>grograms → programs
Oops. I found my mistake.
248244:02/04/10 10:14
あと、発音につられて read(p)を red ってかいちゃった・・。
( U're と同種の、こういう口語もあるんだねと思った方、ただの間違いです・・)
249名無しさん@1周年:02/04/11 02:58
I joined the Shoujo Manga Mailing List.
It's soooo fun!

It seems a lot of mangas are translated into English.

>my parents don't like seeing me reading manga :(,
>so i have to hide them in my bottom bookshelf,
> where there are two doors (closey, closey, they can't see ^^)
>but now, i hardly have any free hidden space left!! >_<

It seems as if Japanease girl wrote, doesn't it ?

I like it.

250名無しさん@1周年:02/04/11 05:27
I went to Akihabara as usual.
251名無しさん@1周年:02/04/11 22:53
Sorry, I don't know him...
But, Is he Brian Setzer ?

>> everyone
Maybe she(?) says about...

252名無しさん@1周年:02/04/11 22:57
>>250What did you go to Akihabara for ?

At work ? Or shopping ?

I don't like Akihabara.. I get tired soon.

253名無しさん@1周年:02/04/12 00:38
Well, I live near Akihabara.. he he
a typical 2 channeler
254名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 06:05
255名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 06:25


256名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 07:21
see, appreciate, enjoy, etc.
257名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 07:30
Suppose a meaning of homework.
You will notice that we don't have to do it.
Because there are differernt ability between human and human.
Teacher always say that you have to do.
I will give in it but they must know it.
258名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 07:38
落ち着いたら URLを教えていただけたらなー。
259名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 07:53
URL は、http://www.freeopendiary.com/

260名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 07:59
その日の日記のタイトルは、garbage policeです。
261名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 08:11
It is really regrettable to know that there is such a New Zealander in Japan.
I thought New Zealanders' personality was very lovely, though.

262Punky Brewster:02/04/14 08:57

This is not the point of the story!!
The point is, that Japanese woman is digging into someone's
garbage, and coming to the door with stinky envelopes to confront
her neighbor. IF she had only come (empty-handed) to kindly
explain that the garbage is out on the wrong day, I would agree
with you. Maybe it is a cultural thing, but I would be very
offended if a neighbor comes to me with my own garbage in her hands.
Although I do not condone "tricking" her with pretending not to
speak Japanese, I can certainly understand the trickster's annoyance.
If I ever move to Japan, I am bringing a shredder machine!
263名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 10:34
264Punky Brewster:02/04/14 15:13
I never lived in Japan, so I do not know about the garbage patrol.
I guess I was wrong to assume that the old woman was digging through
someone else's trash because she wanted to. When I first saw this
story, it was so unbelievable to me. Now I can see the other side,
and I can understand why the New Zealander woman looks rude. If
she can speak Japanese, even a little, she should be a good neighbor
and contribute and do her part.
265佐々成正:02/04/14 23:26
I masterbated twice today.
266名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 23:31
I've never today.
You're lucky.
2671:02/04/25 02:27
maintain just in case.
268名無しさん@1周年:02/05/02 21:51
I met a cute girl, Danielle, yesterday at work. I wish I could ask her
out. I just could not do so because of my job. Job sucks!
269名無しさん@1周年:02/05/21 22:26
Vecrelmo el pasochiano mel tomeo.
Keronia por a la meu colonie ?
Keronia por a la bon scortie ?
Whiz No ! Reveji-celt supa moie die....
270jjjjjjjjj:02/05/23 06:20
271名無人 ◆TCcC3EVE :02/05/24 12:27
In Sapporo, it's been raining heavily since this morning.
Worse, it' been thundering and lightning in my neighborhood,
which I can know by counting the interval between the thunder
and lightning - no more than 5~15 seconds!
According to the TV news, this bad weather will last till this evening.
Though I'll have to go to the university this afternoon, I can't possibly
bring myself to go outside. So I will stay home and indulge in 2 ch,
as I had intended to . lol!
272名無しさん@1周年:02/06/11 03:45
273名無しさん@1周年:02/06/11 06:01
i saw soooooo fuckin cute guy and take his picture.
i hope i can see him tomorrow...
come! come to school, Vinnie!!
don't skip!!
274Punky Brewster:02/06/23 14:52
I was at a stoplight yesterday and I saw the world's most obnoxious
jerk in the car next to me. (I was stopped at the left-turn lane,
and witnessed it all). The main traffic signal had just turned green,
but the man in the car in front seemed not to notice. He had his
radio up very loud and was boogeying to the music. Eyes closed,
swaying back and forth, he was wholly absorbed in the booming disco

The cars behind him could not move with him blocking the way.
They honked their horns, not in little beep-beeps but in a chorus of
sustained tones. At least 10 cars or more held their hands on their
horns for close to a full minute. Still, this music lover did not
seem to notice or care. He held up traffic throughout the entire
green light.

Only when the light turned yellow did he suddenly snap
awake. He zoomed forward through the intersection just before the
light turned red, and thus every car that was behind him was now
trapped at the red light. But as he sailed freely through the
intersection, he extended his arm out the window and flipped off
everyone around him.
275名無しさん@1周年:02/06/23 17:59
276名無しさん@1周年:02/07/14 16:48
277名無しさん@1周年:02/07/29 15:02
278名無しさん@1周年:02/08/06 20:51
279名無しさん@1周年:02/08/26 19:48
281名無しさん@1周年:02/09/02 02:00
I had a drive through Shuto-highway on my motorcycle.
282名無しさん@1周年:02/09/02 02:03
Today, I am going to go to the Tokyo Tower with my girl friend.
Since summer vacation
283名無しさん@1周年:02/09/02 07:48
"Since summer vacation" What?
You do not need to put "go to" after "going to".
284名無しさん@1周年:02/09/02 11:25
I decided not to see 2ch boards but this board.
285名無しさん@1周年:02/09/02 19:07
I was playing the blues harp in the park.
I bought it three days before that day.
Suddenly, a stranger came to me
and said "Don't play instruments here. Look at the plate."
I brushed up with embarassment.
I dicided to go to the riverside to play from then.
286日記:02/09/02 23:36
I got new person in my firm. He is sitting next to me. and I noticed him
running his mouth all the time. I just gave him a nice smile because it's
his first day in our firm. it would be soon to tell "shut up" to him.
(joke) Whoa, it's enough for now. gotta go to bed. Sweet dreams to you guys
287名無しさん@1周年:02/09/07 01:36
I had my last lesson at my English conversation school today.
Since I took an intensive course, I had 50 lessons a week.
After the lesson, the teacher told me that every teacher who taught me
admired me for my efforts to improve my English.
He said they were very impressed and they enjoyed talking with me.
I was glad to hear his compliments, and thanked him for the lesson.
I had a great time in this school.
Meeting many teachers from differnt contries, discussing various topics
in English...
Although before the lessons I was worried that I might not be able to speak
English so well and become embarrassed, I've done much better than I imagined.
I still make a lot of mistakes, but I am sure that I will be able to speak
English with a little bit of confidence than before.
2881 ◆RUaXzM2o :02/09/07 01:40
Fuck you!
289名無しさん@1周年:02/09/07 02:38
I was moved !
290287:02/09/07 02:57
Really? Thanks!
And I have a typo in 287.
×contries → ○countries
291三大紙記者 ◆n0THwRz6 :02/09/07 03:03
I don't have study English enough.
Long time ago, I never have study English, either.
I hope I know how to study English.
If I study English hard, I will fall the examination
of the 2nd grade English test.
Please teach me how to studey English!!
292名無しさん@1周年:02/09/07 03:51
What English school are you attending?
Are you taking private English lessons there?
I'm just curious about that!
293名無しさん@1周年:02/09/07 04:16
I have just come back to my home.
I drunk too mach tonight.
I didn't know there are some good bars around my area.
294289:02/09/07 04:21
I can easily imagine that you have benn studying very hard.
It must have given you a lot of laborious, but exiting times.
I have to study as much as I can, and I want to have a confidence,like you have.

295289:02/09/07 04:22
Oh, shit...

extiting > exciting
296名無しさん@1周年:02/09/07 04:24

C'est quoi?
297295:02/09/07 04:28
I'm sorry, I had to peruse my writing before I push the wrihing button
298295:02/09/07 04:29
I never come here again.. Uwaan...
299287:02/09/07 11:50
Are you planning to go to an English conversation school?
I studied at Berlitz.
I took pravate lessons.
I think private lessons are good because you don't have to be embarrassed
with other students listening to you.
But private lessons are very expensive. Sigh...

300287:02/09/07 12:00
The teacher told me that the best way to improve your English is to
keep talking. I think it is true.
He said making mistakes doesn't matter. If you try to express your
feelings, people will try to understand you.
He also told me that native speakers also make mistakes, and while
you are speaking, nobody cares about such mistakes.
I hope you good luck!
301名無しさん@1周年:02/09/07 12:04
I wish you good luck!
302287:02/09/07 12:08
Yes, I made a mistake... Uwaann
I was trying to write, "I hope you would be able to improve your
English.". But I changed my mind and forgot to correct it.
303287:02/09/07 12:25
×pravate → private
mou damepo... Uwaaaaannn
304名無しさん@1周年:02/09/08 00:04
I went to Omotesandou with my friend.
I had a diner at Soho's restaurant.
There were many foreigner.
Foreign girls were in a sexy dress which is not suitable for Japanese.
I had a very good time, but the check was too high.
305名無しさん@1周年:02/09/08 09:29
306名無しさん@1周年:02/09/08 19:24
I watched Sumo Wrestling on TV.
The Yokozuna Takanohana won.
He had his knees hurt last year, and if he couldn't do well in this season,
he would be made to retire.
Though I am not his fan, he is still young and it made me glad to see him
win the match.
307DAIRLY MAN:02/09/08 19:41
i have felt sleepy all day long today.
i could not think about anything but her, so i decided to
go to sleep.
i indulged in dreaming.
i was very tired of everything surrounding me.
i want to go anywhere i can forget her.
i can not remember anything any more
308日本語でスマソ:02/09/08 19:51
英語で日記を書くと、文の出だしがいっつも"I was" "I did..."
309名無しさん@1周年:02/09/08 19:55
310名無しさん@1周年:02/09/08 20:12
I went shopping with my friend today.
At first,we went to BOM and i bought
Korn's newest album "Untouchable" and"Punk-O-Rama7."
Then,we went to a guitar shop.My friend bought
bass strings and something like plug with codes.
He said "Unbelievabele! These strings are HANGAKU!"
So i said "Pachimon tyaunon? you see?"

I bought large sticker there.
311名無しさん@1周年:02/09/09 18:12
312名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 02:56
It's Tuesday's early mornig now, when I've
found this good sread. Nowadays it's very
quite outside at midnight compared to several
years ago. This society is getting older
and quite, I guess.
313名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 17:49
I must go to my office
314名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 18:26
I don't know English.
learn English, come once again.
315名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 21:31
Tomorrow the result of the examination would be announced.
I am really nervous and I can't sleep.
I hope I would pass the exam.
I'll try not to lose my hope.
316名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 21:38
Today, I didn't go out too.
yestedas, day before yesterday,
i didn't go out anywhere.
i typed for 2ch too much.
i can't help sighing...
317名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 21:55
You are so cute.
318名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 22:39
H2A roket went for lunch in Tanegashoma today.
it was perfect flight!

319名無しさん@1周年:02/09/10 22:42
A rocket eats lunch?
320ナナシ:02/09/10 23:07

I've already done my exam. So I'm waitin' for the ringin'.
But our teacher says that we have a few minuits till the ringin'.
"How many more times... It's borin' for me to wait for it."I said to myself.

oh,the chinme is ringin'! the time has come!
321名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 11:12
I've already done that girl. So I'm waitin' for another girl.
But the girl says that we still have to do a couple of times more.
"How many more times... It's so boring for me to do her again." I said to myself.

Oh the bell is ringin'! New girl has come!
322名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 11:51
323ナナシ:02/09/11 12:57
stillを使うのか… (鬱
324名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 13:08
>320 in'とか省略せずにingと書いた方が良い。
325ナナシ:02/09/11 13:17
326名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 13:18
それから till は使わなくていいです。

I finished my exam early and was waiting for the bell.
My teacher told us we have few more minutes.
"Few more minutes? I can leave NOW. The test was a piece of cake,"
I said to myself.

Time's up. The bell rang and I rushed out of the class.

327名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 13:25
My teacher told us That we had few more minutes

328名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 14:59
Have you ever been to the oral surgery?
I went to the oral surgery to pull out my tooth today.
I'm suffering from an acute pain!!!
329名無しさん@1周年:02/09/11 15:16
What a wus you are. Crying after getting just one tooth pulled?
Think about Ishii; he's got his scull cracked and the nose broken.
330ナナシ:02/09/11 23:18
thanks a lot!
What a poor my English is!
331名無しさん@1周年:02/09/12 02:16
I passed the exam!
My friends and my family congratulated me on passing the exam.
Hip, hip, hurrah! I'm hired!
Recently, I've never been so happy as today!
332名無しさん@1周年:02/09/12 03:26
I'm sleepy.
333名無しさん@1周年:02/09/12 03:39
Today, the evil spirits inside me finally declared to
get out of me.
They have tormented me in various ways and considered
even my death.
I said to them, "I'm gonna go to America", then they
listened to me. They hated me to go to America.
I thank all american people and America.
I think I can lead a happy life I used to from now on.
Cheers!!!! I wanna say to myself, "Congratulations",
even though it sounds to other people just a delusion.
334え?  :02/09/12 11:11
I will promise myself.........
no more smoking cigarette, just smoke ganja
And just drink beer to save water on earth
what a beautiful thinking....doctor is caling me
335名無しさん@1周年:02/09/13 03:52
336名無しさん@1周年:02/09/13 04:10
I can't get hold of what 333 wanted to say.
Evil spirits? Are you Mudo Oda?
I may be too skeptical, sorry!
337333:02/09/13 08:01
I was suffered from severe attacks of evil spirits
from two years ago.
As I wrote in 333, I know nobody is gonna believe me.
The doctor I saw said I was schizophrenic.
But they spoke instead of me using my mouth.
They told me they occupied my body and mind..........

But finally they said they would come out and leave me.
Now I'm happy. :)
338名無しさん@1周年:02/10/22 10:08
Today,I went to Korean town and I ate Korean B.B.Q.
It's very tastely and healthy
But tomorrow I'm going to school,,,,,,,,
I'm very Bad smell.
339名無しさん@1周年:02/10/22 12:56
I'll go to bank, right now.
340名無しさん@1周年:02/10/22 16:00
I practiced playing the piano song named "the raining garden" made by Debussy.
I like this song.But it is difficult for me because this song is too rapid.(-_-;
341_____:02/10/24 00:39
I'm so tired today. Because of running to half hours.

I was sleep nad wake up now. But I don't feel good looks like dezzy.
342名無しさん@1周年:02/11/14 00:24
I got up at 6 and ready for work.
At 7:30 I left my home. In the train, I looked at a man who is reading the newspaper.
He looks about 26 yeas old, and he is very cool and manish!!
His atmosphere made me happy.
I got to my office at 8:30, and then I worked hard until 6.
I forgot call my boyfriend tonight. I have to call him tomorrow.

I was tired today ,,, I will go to bed now.
343名無しさん@1周年:02/11/26 02:20
I went to the office.
A lot of customers came there, so we were busy.
But some customers were very kind people.
That's okay.

uhhhh I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed.
Good night!
344名無しさん@1周年:02/12/22 14:25
345名無しさん@1周年:03/01/07 14:30
346名無しさん@1周年:03/01/07 20:40
miss you so much, sweetie.
our home isn't home without you.
you made me go all tearful last night.
please please don't feel so sad and depressed.
it just made thing worse and even more hard to bare for both of us.
please just think of the time we see each other again in the summer
and stay strong.
we know we can make it,so just keep focused and
do what you have to do right now.
feeling so stuuuuupid right now, writing these silly lines
on some Jpn bbs, but this is the way i can get things off my chest.
i know you can't take it if i break down as you do,
it'd be just too much for you.
i'm going to write to you after i whimper here a bit,
so that all you see is the usual strong and cheerful me.
and so that someone would know my feelings without
knowing who i am, who you are, what we're going through.
to be very honest i haven't got a clue how to pull this off,
staying here alone and sorting everything out.
i just want to have a good cry and feel spoiled with your
cuddle and coffe and your nice hot cup of soup.
love you lots, precious, our bed is not ours without you.
347名無しさん@1周年:03/01/07 20:50
She was so beautiful.
It only made me sexually excited, until finally my penis got erected.
348名無しさん@1周年:03/01/07 23:09
I shall never forget the day I had sex with Makky.
349Masa:03/01/07 23:57
7 Jan.

Dear Yuriko
Do you remember our love?
I miss you really much.
I've already love you deeply.
Where are you now?
350Yuriko:03/01/08 00:30
Get out of my way, Masa!!!
I don't wanna be with you any more.
351Masa:03/01/08 01:04
Are you real you?
You cannot be a so sharp-tongued person.
Please show me the proof which is real you.
352名無しさん@1周年:03/01/08 03:40
Ahoga tureta! (w
353名無しさん@1周年:03/01/08 05:41
354名無しさん@1周年:03/01/08 08:22
It was nice talking to you after the long day alone,
Hope you can get that place you told me about.
I seem to find a weird pleasure in writing these
on this board. It's sort of writing to you, but without
making you worried of me, flooding you with my loneliness.
I'm actually doing all right today, just taking it easy
and recuperating. I'll start working tomorrow, hoping to
sort things out by the end of this month and get back home.
355sachi:03/01/08 08:51
I'm in Australia now.
....Why am I here? Am I just wasting my time?
356名無しさん@1周年:03/01/08 10:05
↑ yes, you are.
just come back home and work!!!
spend money in japan and pay tax!!!
357名無しさん@1周年:03/01/08 16:35
I have a situation!
my wife suspects I having an affair.
I should just do what.
Please tell me!
358357:03/01/08 16:38

I have~>we have
359名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 15:30
360名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 15:41
361名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 16:03
362名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 17:22
Ich trinke mirch gern.
363山崎渉:03/01/11 03:51
364名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 01:31

365名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 02:13
I dropped in at the book store on my way home,
There, I lifted some comics and got away super-quick.
And the next thing I did is that I went to another second-hand book store,
and sell that at 300yen.I went to Matuya to eat 290yen beef bowl.
yes, I'm going to hell one of these days. But if I am hungry, I can not go.
366名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 02:28
Today was happy day.
Suddenly! Oh! No!!
I screamed "I'M GRAD TO MEET YOU!!"
The creature said.
"Nice to meet you... TOO!!"

to be continued.
367名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 02:40
The exam of an introduction of finance was over.
Rest of Exams I'll have to take are only two-Micro Economics,Advanced Finance.
All over and I must prepare job hunting.I'll do my best.
368名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 02:44
Good luck 367
369名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 02:50
I ate a cup of tomato soup.
370名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 03:23
Today is test day.
I don't solve.
oh my god.

371名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 09:47
unnde shiteruno shitenaino?
372名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 09:57
最近はOh! my gush!だ。
373名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 10:15
Oh my gosh
374翻訳修行中:03/01/22 10:34
Oh my gosh や Oh my goodness
Oh my God!の代用として利用することが多いようです。
375名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 10:36
Oh my godは、そんなに深く考えて使ってないよ(神との関連)
Oh my goshは、最近じゃなくても使ってるよ。
376名無しさん@3周年:03/01/22 10:41
377370:03/01/22 16:00
That's kind of you!
378名無しさん@3周年:03/01/23 00:31
let it be
379357:03/01/27 16:52
I don't know.
she's intuition is great good!(bad?)
my life is [the end of the century],but Now is new century.
it's foolish!
my wife is stopped wearing [a mask of good wife].

380名無しさん@3周年:03/01/27 17:46
I'm zonked today.
'cause of rain, it made me sucks!
I tried to tribizalize it, but was in vain, and
I have started to assure that I couldn't help
but staying at home whole day.
At the time, I stopped watching TV in an end of
the day time, my old friend called me to go out.
I was not detered to leave home with lacking in poise.
Actually the old friend is a person I could seldom to
see thsese day. It will be first time in five years.

381名無しさん@3周年:03/01/27 19:23
who farted?
382357:03/01/28 10:15
383名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 10:20
Good for her!
384名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 10:25
today is my birthday and I ate sweet!!!
385名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 12:07
happy birthday >>384
386名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 12:44
This is first time I write this dialy.
I annoy what shall I wtite.
I like coffee, and drunk a cup of coffee at this morning,
but I feel stmackache now.
*If I have some misses, please tell me that.
387名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 13:48
This is my first entry for this shitty thread.
To put something on here, I squash my head and
tweak something comes out of it. Then look what I've
got here, "I like coffee, but a cup of coffee I had this morning
is killing me now" Is this enough to make you laugh?
Comes another awful day...
Talk to ya later
388名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 14:08
there is a big snow fall today.
389名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 14:11
We're having a lot of snow today.
We had heavy snow today.
390名無しさん@3周年:03/01/28 14:21
391名無しさん@3周年:03/02/03 21:58
392a:03/02/03 22:08
I woke up at 7:30 and had pizza.
I took the bus to go to work.
I worked overtime for one hour and half.
Keeping diary everyday is a difficult task for me, 'cause I
end up writing the same thing everyday.
Things we do everyday rarely change.
393 :03/02/03 23:29
today i chatted with many foreigners in yahoo chat.
at first they commonly asked me my asl.
but i had not known what "asl" means
so i assumed it about a question of internet connection,
and i answered them just "cable".
well,this is not so funny.
some americans saw my picture and called me,"Jerry's kids"
at first i felt that they cast me some sexual words
so i asked them about "Jerry",but i couldn't figure out who really he is.
but i understood that he is an actor and a comedian and have a tv program.
after the chat,i checked what "Jerry's kids" means.
yeah,i finally got what does it mean.
394名無しさん@3周年:03/02/03 23:58
I'm trying to write a diary here, but I have no idea what to write.
395名無しさん@3周年:03/02/04 00:25
I'm sorry but I might make some mistakes in English. But I had better
try to type the sentence.

Whenever I typed my diary on computer, I use software "WORD".
It help me how I should make the sentence in English. But, of course,
software can't judge it in more details. So, I always consider
how I make the sentence. At first, it takes a long time,
almost two hours. But not, it takes about 30 or 40 minutes.
If you're not interested in typing your diary on computer,
I recommend you should make a topic based on textbook or newspaper.
I guarantee you’ll spend a wonderful time on the activity.
If you're concerned if the sentence you typed made mistake,
you should check the sentence on the Internet, especially, forums
or chat rooms.

Anyway, you shouldn't be afraid of typing any sentences in English.
All language, of course besides English, will be very useful
for your life if you effort to use the language every day.

396名無しさん@3周年:03/02/06 03:16
In NOVA, we talked about the website “2ch” with two people
for the rest time. He seems to be excited with seeing some channels
of the website. In my case, I do, too.
When I start to go on the Internet, I was 26 years old. My boss
forced me to connect with NIFTY SERVE that changed to @NIFTY.
At first, I was very bored with Internet. But I began to be excited
after I participated in some forums of NIFTY. I liked to type and
paste my opinion in the forum related to classical music. I always
use my family name as my handle name. It’s BEKKU. After several years,
I started to be very ashamed to participate in the forum because
BEKKU began famous in the forum. In addition, I began to be really
into studying English and other qualifications. Consequently, I had to
stop doing. Recently, since three months ago, I’ve participated
in the website “2ch”. The website sometimes make me elated because I
find out some information about new products, especially, English study
materials. It might be more wonderful website than the forum of @NIFTY.
So, I decide to participate in the website once a week or sometimes more.
397名無しさん@3周年:03/02/06 03:18
398①④⑧:03/02/06 05:31
I broke a promise again yesterday morning. I was late and maybe at the wrong place.
I sould have left home twenty minutes earlier and might have gone to S.S.P.
I have to apologize to them. I sould be a clock or a memorandom sometimes
since they are orderly. Then I find myself writing in that disorderly style,
so I must be even more careful to practice this attitude. But it might be too late.
399①④⑧:03/02/06 05:40
>>398 かなり変なこと言ってる。
might have gone to S.S.P.→might have had to bo SSP
400①④⑧:03/02/07 02:55
Didn't I notice it's the sign, or is it not a sign?
I'm regretful and wondering if it's real at the same time.
Is it real? I might be gonna get insane but I don't see any
reasons to evade it when I think about what I've done to X.
And this might be the only step I can take to see X.
I must think it's real. Well so, will X give me another chance?
Do I have the fortune to know the right way to take?
SS'sP, TS'sP, or both?
401Bekku:03/02/08 01:21
I'm sorry but I had some troubles yesterday. So, I didn't paste my diary.
Today, I have enough time to paste.

I’m sometimes worried about my grandmother. She has been hospital
over for 5 years. On December thirtieth, 2002, I went to the hospital
with my father and brother. But she looked unconscious. I have no idea
how I express my regret if my grandmother dies.
If my grandmother dies, my boss will send me a letter like them.

You have my deepest sympathy.
My thoughts are with you at the difficult time.
Please express my regret to your family.
My condolences.

If I speak to my friend about the accident, they’ll express their regrets
to me like them.

That’s too bad.
I’m sorry to hear that.
If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.

But it may be very trouble to make a reservation for hotel for them.
I‘ll have to call the hotel and ask to them like this

Do you have some rooms available from XX to XX?
Can I get some rooms with a nice view?

Anyway, they may be difficult for me. So, I’ll try to watch the movie
“the Japanese funeral ” that was produced by JUZO ITAMI many years ago.

402名無しさん@3周年:03/02/08 01:53
This is yummy,
munch munch,
crunch, crunch,
I'm eating amaguri and osenbei.
403①④⑧:03/02/08 06:27
I went to SSP but...
So next time I'll go wait on TSP from 750.
I wanna see X.
404①④⑧:03/02/08 23:02
X is still missing. I saw something white like an UFO in the morning, which I thought might
lead me to the right place, but I didn't follow. If I see it again I'll fly after it...miaow.
405名無しさん@3周年:03/02/09 00:32
Do you think he is OK?
406Bekku:03/02/09 01:58
I’m sorry but I have to apologize to you. I sometime type two versions of my diary.
On the other, I sometimes complain about my company. If I paste the version
on the website, my company will sue. That is why I have to type
two versions of my diary.

By the way, I like to listen to classical music, you might know.
But I sometimes listen to Rock music and Japanese pop music.
My favorite music band is Rolling Stones. I used to collect
their LPs. But now, I sometimes listen to their CDs. Recently,
I'm really into listening to the music of Beck. My favorite his album
is "MIDNITE VULTURES". It used to be famous in Japan and America in 1999.
When I listened to the CD at the first time, I was impressed because
there’re a lot of ideas in the album.

I think musical revolution is very important. If they are successful
in changing their music style or making new music style,
they’ll be very famous and make us impressed in the future.
For example, Mozart and Beethoven are very famous because they are successful
in making new music style.

So, I guess he is a very good Rock musician. But when I listened to his new album
SEA CHANCE” a few months ago, I felt little disappointed. In the album, he didn't
make new music style. But all music has good mood. As a result, it might be
a good album, especially, in middle-aged people. But I didn’t feel content
enough with the album.
407Bekku:03/02/09 02:04

I'm sorry but I have no idea what he want to say in his diary.
He might be wrong, I guess. But something is wrong with my English, too.

408①④⑧:03/02/09 02:58
409名無しさん@3周年:03/02/09 07:21
410Bekku:03/02/10 02:52
After I saw your comment, I’ve been considering what you want to say.
ButI still have no idea what exactly you want to say.

Of course, I understood you could use some difficult words in writing.
But something may be wrong with your English in grammar and the usage
of some words. I think you’re wrong about the first sentence-
X is still missing”. Do you think it means “X still misses being caught”.
In addition, you make some mistakes about the usage of relative clauses.
It's very important in English, you know. But you have to separate the sentence,
not using the clauses.

According to my imagination from your comment, it's like this.
Is it OK?

X still misses being caught. I saw something white like the UFO in the morning.
At the time, I thought it would take (not lead) me to the right place,
but I didn't follow it because I was scared (?). If I see it again, I'll do it.

※lead = show (someone) the way by walking in front, holding by the arm, etc.

It might be difficult to distinguish lead from take, even if in native speakers.
I studied these usages when I saw a dictionary, LONGMAN INTERACTIVE AMERICAN
411Bekku:03/02/10 02:57

I'm sorry but something is wrong with my comment
because I forgot some information in a sentence.
The correct sentence is like this.

After I saw your commen I’ve been considering what you want to
say for several hours.
412名無しさん@3周年:03/02/10 04:13
Dear diary,

It rained all day today and I was rather down because rainy day
and Monday always get me down.

413名無しさん@3周年:03/02/10 09:45
よいことがあるということです。ぼくは、「which I thought might lead me to the
right place」のようなことを感じたので「which I thought might lead me to the
right place」と書いただけです。具体的には、白い鳥のような細長い影が頭上をよ
407を見てカチンときてしまったぼくですが、Bekku さんがかなり真面目な方だとは
414①④⑧:03/02/10 09:48
415名無しさん@3周年:03/02/15 22:01
When I got on by running into the bus, my leg bumped against the door.
So, the driver got angry with me.
416①④⑧ ◆J0ObnmYQAQ :03/02/16 00:27
About five months ago I dreamed a dream which fortold I would get a phone call from F yesterday.
I do something as the dream told me to recently for the dream to come true. But the phone call
didn't come. Things are going wrong. I feel in my bone that my dream might not come true.
417名無しさん@3周年:03/02/20 16:32
i found a GREAT thread here!:D
..these winter days, I kept on gettin depressed.
all i can do for such a season is takin exercise and
laying my body under the tannin machine my thick dick shown,
like frozen dead body! just wanna blow the cold wind off,
I can never wait for the sizzling summer,f**kable summer!!
..coconut insence is burnin in my room now.
somethin like my temporary summer~
418①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/02/20 22:36
I drank sake till 2 o'clock at an izakaya, which I think I've been to once
but not for certain. Then I slipped into my school, and read 'Black Jack'alone.
I gradually became absorbed in the story in the silence of night. A lot of
people in the story die or nearly die, so it had me thinking about the meaning
of life. Suddenly I came to myself―I found myself in my dream hundreds nights
ago, wandering in the world of the foretelling dream. This book, this page,
this desk, this chair, and this cold, this air, this rain...all things that now
surround me are the same things in that dream. If I continue dreaming this dream,
I am to meet X. I recollected X's brilliance―pureness, delicacy, talent for
everything, and his amazing mental power. He can do it! A mental power like his
could trasmit messages to some other heads in nonphysical ways, and musw7ve done
so, to me, that night. I must've been to the izakaya and the master
probably called me X's friend and even asked me to be good friends with him.
But why did he say he doesn't know me...
'Black Jack' was telling me Love is all there is in the darkness of the room.
419名無しさん@3周年:03/02/20 23:15
By the way, I decided to go to yoshinoya and order 'L-size, Plenty Onion and Adding an Egg.'
The date and time of that is 2/22 2:22 or 22:22.
It's 'Day of '2-channel.'"
Why don't you join us?
420419:03/02/20 23:18
Oops, I made a mistake.
L3, wrong:'Day of '2-channel'" right:"Day of '2-channel'"
421名無しさん@3周年:03/02/20 23:32
when i saw NHK, i found that interpreter school is vicious
such as fraud firm selling training materials with
eye-popping price.
imagine how long you would continue studying so that you could
finally pass the course of interpreter school.
you cannot believe the school's opinion.
it does not square with the facts.
422名無しさん@3周年:03/02/20 23:45
if iraq trashs its weapons of mass destraction,
we can avert the war against iraq, and possibly arabs.
but it is not connected with north korea.
the incidence of danger of north k is 100 times higher than that of iraq.
the reason is iraq may not use its nucs to dodge criticism from OPEQ.
north k however, will possibly take advantage of nucs when in desperation.
423aaaa:03/02/21 00:53
Today,I studied English after an interval of two days.
I found that English should be learned every day.
I feel my lack of English words.so,let's study.
424名無しさん@3周年:03/02/21 03:19
My の English 力じゃ ↓が限界
Good life
425名無しさん@3周年:03/02/21 03:25
Dear diary,

Today, I thought of beating the hell out of fools who post their
entries without a proper opening. I mean it's unthinkable that
one can make an entry without saying "Dear diary." O-well, it's
not like what it used be. Good night!
426①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/02/21 04:21
I'm sorry I didn't die. I learned to live like ume blossoms with my weak
nerves. You'd say I should've died long ago. But I wanna live to see X,
which could get on your nerves.
I want you to tell me what you want me to do, or how I should live.
427名無しさん@3周年:03/02/21 04:30
or I must die?
428bekku:03/02/21 06:41
After I had a lesson of NOVA at 12:30, I got home and watched TV drama.
The title was “the teacher KINPATI of 3-B”, that used to be a very famous drama.
I felt very excited because the story showed us some educational problems
of junior high school.

I was also very surprised that a man had a plan to rape a woman because
he hated her. She had a very serious disease– gender dysphoria. She was supposed to
undergo operation to change male after she was graduated from junior high school.
On the other hand, he had a very problem. He suffered from violence by his classmate
because his behavior and speech were like woman (He wasn’t homosexual or gender
dysphoria). But the teacher and his classmates looked her intently. So, he hated her
and decided to rape her on a party. But the teacher KINPATI knew the plan and
persuaded him not to do.

Personally, I think it’s not usual problem in schools. But I had to consider
the problem –gender dysphoria, which is to be more like man psychologically
and emotionally. It’s not homosexual. But it might be difficult for us to
distinguish homosexual from gender dysphoria.

I remembered these problems when I heard the topic related to high school
students in NOVA. I felt very confused because other students were interested
in some special uniforms only, not their mind. We have some generation gaps
in our life. But we also should consider their problems, I think.
429名無しさん@3周年:03/02/21 23:46
as you know, you can not get a job only if you can fruently speak english.
do you know there are various types of job needing english skill?
you may probably think those are limited such as translator?
trading business, starting own company in America or travel company are
truly advantageous to you.

430名無しさん@3周年:03/02/21 23:51
Dear diary,

I had a dream today. In the dream I killed some strange kid
who had a face made up of some numbers in circles. I was thoroghly
confused but I was using my golden sword and hack hack hack the
hell out of the kid. When I woke up, I was drenched with sweat
and mum thought I had peed in the bed and spanked me. O-well,
another day, another fun. G'night!
431①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/02/22 04:27
Come to think of it, the man I saw two days ago looks much like the person I met a few
years ago. I need to go to the izakaya again. He must be the man that shook my right hand
and said, "I'm glad to meet X's friend so much". Tell me when I should go, X.
432①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/02/22 04:31
433①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/02/24 00:47
Yesterday I recognized my fault but too late. I feel like my innards were being moved out of
my skin. Now I see through the window facing west, and wait for you. But my dream foretold..
No. It's time I was wide awake. If I see you, anything is ok. Hope to see you this morning.
434名無しさん@3周年:03/02/24 02:03
Are you O.K?
435名無しさん@3周年:03/02/27 20:35
"AYU ready?" is fuck
436名無しさん@3周年:03/03/04 18:03
It was very fun.
I will try to read this book in English again.

437①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/04 18:16
Dont go

its absolutely impossible.

i got a watch yesterday

a lot of people

watch me

dream is continuing but..

438名無しさん@3周年:03/03/04 20:40
you Go home now.

I dont remember such a sad moment falling over me in my life.
I know you are shy and dont wanna see a lot of people.
So I cant see you today. Ive got to have them go away first.
439Bekku:03/03/06 02:27
Several topics related to ISMS

Recently, I received a newsletter from BSI of England. It was related
to ISO17799. The certificate isn’t still organized by ISO. But BS7799,
that is made in England and is based on ISO17799, is very famous
in most European and American companies. So, some companies in these
countriesgot the certificate and ISO9001, which is related to quality
control. ISMS certificate is Japanese version based on BS7799. It means
"Information Security Management System”. But the word isn’t original
and it’s form a part of BS7799. I think it’s very important
for most companies, especially related to computer and Internet.

Personally, Security means “ANZEN” in most English-Japanese dictionaries.
But I think they’re nothing in common. Security is including protecting
from lawbreaking or accidents. In the word, they have to make security system,
otherwise they can’t protect from every accidents. So, to have security
isn’t always normal for their life.

But “ANZEN” means quite opposite. It means staying in very confident
without any accidents. In the word, the situation is very normal for
their life. So, most people sometimes have no careful about any accidents.
For example, I was very surprised whenever I drove my car on the road.
In every evening, some cars go through the intersection, even if the signal
changes to red. I sometimes saw some cars go through the road of residential
sections in the speeding over 70 km per hour. Maybe most drivers who live
in my town, TAJIMI city in GIFU prefecture, drive carelessly. But I insisted
we should consider how the accident is happened in our driving.

The reason Japanese government makes ISMS system might be the result
of considering why the security system is very important very seriously.
I think we should begin considering the security system.
440名無しさん@3周年:03/03/12 11:57
441①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/12 12:09
442名無しさん@3周年:03/03/12 12:19
443①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/12 13:23
Now I live in my dream at a night.
I already lived today once, and am living today again.
Dream is living, or life is dreaming.
This is the first time I live in a dream,
and probably the last time.
Even after I die, my dream will continue.
Now I understand what the eternity is.
444名無しさん@3周年:03/03/12 17:21
445440:03/03/12 21:39
3/11 Wednesday hail

I begin to keep a diary to learn English and not to forget various things from today.
I wish the diary I finish writing contribute my learning of English the future.
I bought a study aid of CBT of TOEFL today.
As soon as I returned my home,I tried to solve the book.
but I couldn't solve the book completely.
I becomed uneasy to think I can't get a English all my life.
Anyway,I disided to continue to study having soul of Continuation is power.

446名無しさん@3周年:03/03/12 22:42

「日記を始める」は begin より started の方がいいかも。
... so that I can communicate with foreign friends. とか。
「家に帰る」はreturnよりget back homeとかの方が英語らしい。
solve the bookじゃ「本を解決する」になるから、問題を解くと言い換えてみよう。
最後の文は I make up my mind to keep learning English with spirit of "continuation in power." とか。
447440:03/03/13 03:47
448名無しさん@3周年:03/03/13 04:45
3/11 Wednesday hail (一日中霰だったのかと小一時間)

I begin this diary to help me learn English and to record what I did and happened.
I hope my keeping a diary will contribute to improving my English.
I bought a study aid for CBT of TOEFL today.
As soon as I returned home, I tried to solve some problems
in the book but I couldn't solve any of them.
I became uneasy thinking maybe I won't become good at English at all.
Anyway, I decided to continue studying it with a soul of perseverance.
449440:03/03/13 06:26
感服です( ;゚∀゚)=3
450山崎渉:03/03/13 12:41
451440:03/03/13 17:35
3/12 Thursday freezing cold

I go shopping at UMEDA today.
I wandered in various places of UMEDA ━ HEP FIVE,UMEDA DAIMARU,UMEDA HANKYU ━ for six hours.
At first,I want to purchase a bag and shoes within fourty thousand yen
but shoes I am pleased are not so I purchased a bag at four thousand in POLE SMITH .
I am going to carry the bag in a new college.
452名無しさん@3周年:03/03/13 23:12

>I go shopping at UMEDA today.

I went shopping to Umeda today.

>I wandered in various places of UMEDA ━ HEP FIVE,UMEDA DAIMARU,UMEDA HANKYU ━ for six hours.

I walked around various shops, HEP Five, Daimaru, Hankyu, and so on, for six hours.

>At first,I want to purchase a bag and shoes within fourty thousand yen
>but shoes I am pleased are not so I purchased a bag at four thousand in POLE SMITH .

I wanted to buy a bag and a pair of shoes within forty thousand yen, but I couldn't find any shoes I prefer,
so I only bought a bag at Paul Smith at four thousand yen. (安いな~。4千円か?)

>I am going to carry the bag in a new college.


I'm going to bring the new bag to college tomorrow.
453440:03/03/14 01:56
ブランド名まで間違えるとは_| ̄|○
and so onの表現を始めて知りました。
new college は次から大学1年生になるのでこういった表現をしました。
454名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 02:19
I walked around various shopsはI wandered about Umeda visiting
various shopsなんてのもいいかも。
within forty thousand yenはunder forty thousand yenのほうが自然。
I am going to carry the new bag to my new collage.
455454:03/03/14 02:26
>>451 拙訳でつ
I went shopping to Umeda today. I spent six hours wandering about
various stores like HEP Five, Umeda Daimaru, Umeda Hankyu and so on.
I had planned to buy a bag and a pair of shoes for under 40,000 yen
but I couldn't find any shoes I like. So I settled for a 4,000-yen
bag at Paul Smith. I am going to carry this bag to my new college.
456440:03/03/14 02:27
3/13 Friday unknown

I passed all free time today.
It's rare for My cellular phone to ring all time today
so I investigated a pair of shoes to kill time with internet for I couldn't find any shoes yesterday.
Though I investigated various kinds of shoes,I didn't feel good any kinds of shoes.
I really have no idea what to buy kinds of shoes!

457440:03/03/14 02:28
458440:03/03/14 02:33
459名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 02:39
一日暇だったの? それとも一日自由に過ごしたのかな。
携帯が一日中鳴り続いていたの? 後述からみて逆のような気がするのだが。

I spent the day free, all on my own.(今日は一日一人で勝手に過ごした)
It's rare for my cellphone to stay quiet all day long.
So I went online to look for a pair of shoes since I couldn't find
a pair yesterday at Umeda. Though I went to many sites and looked
at many shoes, I didn't none of them felt right. I really have no
idea what I want!
460名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 02:40
461名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 02:42
462440:03/03/14 03:18
not入れるの忘れてた…_| ̄|○

463440:03/03/14 03:22
I didn't none of them felt right.
I didn't felt none of them right.
none of them が先に来てるのかわかりません。
464名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 03:26
ごめんNone of them felt right.でI didn'tは消し忘れでした。
どれもしっくりこなかったという意味でつ。I didn'tを使うとしたら
I didn't find any of them feel rightだと冗長なのとIばかりで
465tm:03/03/14 03:34
Let me join in...

Today I practiced football.
Player gathered only 3,but I enjoyed.
My left thigh pains me...
When I came home,my mother was in an angly mood.
I can't see this reason.
466名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 03:39
I practices football today.
Although only three players came to the practice, I enjoyed it.
My left thigh hurts from working out...
My mother was acting angry toward me when I got home.
I can't see the reason why.
467名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 03:40
468440:03/03/14 03:41
469名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 08:00
i didn't get enough sleep last night, 'cause i had so much home work which is due today.
im soooooooooo tired.....
i wanna have a rest!
in addition, we don't have any break on March.
we have it at the end of the April...
470名無しさん@3周年:03/03/14 16:18
just popping out for a breath of fresh air.

471名無しさん@3周年:03/03/15 08:13
i didn't get enough sleep last night, 'cause i had so much home work which is due today.
on Marchはinかduringだけど、次の文との繋がりを考えると、We don't have any break until
the end of Aprilでいいかも。
472tm:03/03/15 19:56
473名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 01:53
そしたらMy mother was in bad mood when I got homeでつ。それからI can't→I couldn't
474名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 02:01
I went to hospital today for I have an allergy to SUGI.
The medicines for this allergy is expensive,
and I have to take them for as long as three months.
For now, my symptom is not so serious.
But I'm afraid of its getting worse.
475名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 02:10
I went to the hospital for my cedar pollen allergy.
The allergy medicines are expensive but I have to take them
for a long time -- up to three months.
Right now, my symptoms are not so serious but I'm afraid (that)
they are getting worse.
476440:03/03/16 03:00
3/14 Friday mild

3/14 is Write day!
I gave my girl friend Hiroka a rag doll Micky Mouse Hiroka wanted before.
Hiroka made a stuble pleasure.
After that,I watched the TV program "The Castle of Raputa in sky".
Thought I like The film Jiburi maked,I have never seen the TV program until now.
I longed a thrill and an adventure as Pazuu experoenced!

金曜ロードショーをfilmと言ってよいかどうなのか…_| ̄|○
477名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 03:37
Today was White day!
I gave my girlfriend Hiroka a Mickey Mouse rag doll. She had mentioned
that she wanted it before. She was ok with it.(あんまり喜んでなかったのかな)
After that, I watched "The Castle of Raputa in Sky" on TV.
Although I like the films Jiburi made, I have not seen this show until now.
I wish I could experience the thrills and adventures like Pazuu did!

478名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 03:40
I stayed at nakadi's home last night.
We promissed to go playing ビリヤード
But I didnt sleep at all.I cound not wake up in the morning.
When I got up,It was raining (13pm
I went to Drive's school.There were many DQN in the school
after finishing everything,I got ICQ.
add a AUSTRALIAN and chat with him for 2 hours.
I found I am poor at English.
479名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 03:40
3/14 is White day!
I gave my girl friend Hiroka a rag doll Micky Mouse that she had been wanted.
She showed pleasure all the time.
After that, I watched the movie "Laputa : The Castle in the Sky" on TV.
Though I like Ghibli films, I have never seen this one.
I felt the strong urge for going off breathtaking adventures as Pazue had.
480478:03/03/16 03:41
英語の文法がおかしいのは置いておいて、「 I 」の使いすぎっぽい。
どうすれば I を減らせるの?
481名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 03:47
482名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 03:56
483440:03/03/16 04:00

She showed pleasure all the time.
484名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:02
she had been wanted:彼女はお尋ね者だったのか?
the strong urge→a strong urge
going off breathtaking adventures→going off on such breathtaking adventures
485477:03/03/16 04:05
She was pleased but not overly soとか.
486名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:11


487名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:15
She showed pleasure all the time.

つーか、a stuble pleasureってなによ?
488名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:19
489名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:25
went to bed at 3.
490名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:28
went to bed at three.
491名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:29
stable pleasure と書きたかったのかも。

492名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:31
493名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:34

494名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:37
495名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:39
いっそのこと stupid でどうだ?
496名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 04:56
I stayed over at nakadi's place last night.
We promissed to go play pool.(いつ逝くの?)
I didnt sleep at all. I cound not wake up in the morning.
I didn't sleep until early in the morning so I couldn't get up until 1 pm.
It was raining when I got up.
I went to the driving school. There were many DQN at the school
After finishing everything, I went on ICQ.
Found an AUSTRALIAN guy and chatted with him for 2 hours.
I found I am poor at English.
497440:03/03/16 09:35
498名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 12:41
499440:03/03/16 18:26
3/15 Saturday mild

I played with my high school friend Sasaki today.
After We played a game,We went to Gusto to eat lunch by 50cc bike.
Thought I enjoyed today,What to keep My diary is few.
500名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 18:39
My diary

I'm still doing my homework now. My brain and body works much slower
than usual because of the medcine I have to take these days.
I'm sleepy and tired all the time. So, please don't wait. I hope you
enjoy it and refresh yourself.
501474:03/03/16 18:44
>>475 てんさくさんくす
502名無しさん@3周年:03/03/16 18:45
I woke up before 10 a.m.
When I checked cellphone, I found my friend called me.
I called back to her,and talked for a half hour.

503 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/17 04:31
I played with my high school friend Sasaki today.
After we played a geme (of なんのゲームだろ), we went to Gusto to eat lunch
on my (his?) 50cc motorcycle.
Thought I enjoyed the day, there were not much of anything to write.
504 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/17 04:35
I'm still doing my homework now. My brain and body work much slower
than usual because of the medcine I have to take these days.
I'm sleepy and tired all the time. So, please don't wait. I hope you
enjoy it and refresh yourself.(最後の2文は誰に話しかけているのかが???)
505 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/17 04:36
I woke up before 10 a.m.
When I checked my cellphone, I found my friend had called me.
I called her back and we talked for a half an hour.
506名無しさん@3周年:03/03/17 23:45
We thought about war in class today.
But any of my friends has no idea about war, and neither do I.
I think that seems like someone else's problem.
We were born and raised in peaceful country.
But we shouldn't believe the peace like this is forever.

507名無しさん@3周年:03/03/18 00:16
I love her.
Good night!
508名無しさん@3周年:03/03/18 18:05
I'm going to go to see the doctor tomorrow afternoon.
Except seeing the doctor about once a week, nothing
seemed to be supposed to stop me from doing anything,
but my brain and body disagrees with me.
What can I do now?

I'm thinking of seeing the nightscape at a same time everyday
from tomorrow and sometimes staying in one of the rooms.
I haven't decided what time and when yet, though.
509 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/19 00:53
We had a discussion about the war in my class today.
But none of my friends had any idea about the war and I didn't either.
I think the war seems like someone else's problem.
We were born and raised in a peaceful country.
But we shouldn't believe the peace like this lasts forever.
510 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/19 00:56
I'm going to go to see the doctor tomorrow afternoon.
Except for seeing the doctor about once a week, nothing
should stop me from doing anything, but my brain and the body
disagree with me. What can I do now?

I'm thinking of seeing the nightscape at the same time everyday
from tomorrow on and sometimes staying in one of the rooms.
I haven't decided what time and when yet, though.
511名無しさん@3周年:03/03/19 02:35
I'm too tired to write diary,becase of stupid clients came to see me.

…Fuck your ass!<stupid clients
512 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/19 04:11
I'm too tired to make an entry to the diary because of the stupid clients
who came to see me.

...Fuck their assess!<-Stupid clients
513Bekku-1:03/03/19 08:44
On Tuesday March 18th, 2003
Why does the US government decide to have a war on IRAQ?

Basically, Freedom is very important in the US. In the country the American Civil War
happened from 1861 to 1865 caused by freedom of slaves, you know. But you have
to remember the other reason why they had the war in US.

In 1850s, the North differs widely from the South in the opinion how they live.
The reason was caused by that main industry of each states are very different.
The Northern economy was based on free laborers who could work where they chose
and received a wage. The main industry depended on the factories.
But the Southern economy was quite different. It was based on slave laborers
who were not free to leave and received food and lodging but no wages.
The main industry depended on small farms. The South thought that a state could
leave the Union if it voted to do so. But the North didn’t permit it.
So the war happened in the country. As a result, The North won and the policy
became base on American government.

In the US, the government argued if a state or people try to be independent
from the country. So, the American Civil War happened in the country.
But in other countries the US agrees with the people who want independent
from the government because Freedom is a part of the policy of the country.
All the people seem to depend on the word. If the word is no worth in them,
the government will be divided.

514Bekku-1:03/03/19 08:47
In all activities about the problem with IRAQ, I think that the US government was
very suffered because some countries – including France, Russia, argued the proposal of the country.
The US thinks that IRQ won’t change to normal country as long as the president
is Saddam Hussein. But what is normal country by US. Is Freedom very common even
if in Middle East? In the world there’re a lot of values in each country.
In the case of IRAQ, two races are quite opposed as a whole, especially,
in the way of their life or their religion. It might be much difficult to solve
than the case of the North and the South of US. So, they have to obey an effective
leader like Saddam Hussein, I think. If he dies or escapes to other countries,
IRAQ will be divided.

In these sentences, I insisted that the case of the American Civil War is very similar
to the case of IRAQ. Maybe it’s very difficult to solve than the case of the American Civil War.
Middle East has quite unique and special character in the world. They made good civilization.
In addition, they have strong spirit by means of a religion. So, the US government has to consider
their characters in this case.

※ Reference: Everything You Need To Know About AMERICAN HISTORY p.54-65
515名無しさん@3周年:03/03/19 09:21
Is that a dear diary or an essay? Cedar too long.
516名無しさん@3周年:03/03/19 18:01
Now I feel like seeing that night scene, instead of the
517名無しさん@3周年:03/03/19 18:42
Today,i wakeed up at am 4 oclock.
because,yesterday,i slept at pm 4 oclock.
ah,i am time loser.
i am universal student.
so i have much time

518名無しさん@3周年:03/03/19 19:06
Although my English is still poor, I have started to study a new other language, German.
I know it is unproductive for me because I consider myself that I am
not young enough to do it.
Please let me know how to study German effectively if someone knows.
I have some German friends but I always use Enlgish with them.
The problem is that I hate grammar and German grammar is more complicated than English one.
519名無しさん@3周年:03/03/19 19:30
Today, I got up at 9am, and I left for school at 1pm.
I had a psychology class, which required a lot of readings.
I will have its test next week, so I've got to study hard this weekend.
Now, I'm doing my homework. I have to finish about 30 page
readings in an hour. It is written in English!
And, I need to answer some questions on this!
520 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/19 22:05
Today, I woke up at four in the morning.
Why? Because yesterday I had gone to sleep at four in the afternoon.
Ah, how I manage my time.
I am a university student so I have a lot of time for myself.
521 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/19 22:09
Although my English is still poor, I have started to study another language, German.
I know it is unproductive for me because I consider myself too old to do it.
Please let me know how to study German effectively if someone knows.(ヲヒヲヒこれは日記じゃなかったのか?)
I wish there'd be someone who can help me study German effectively.
I have some German friends but I always use Enlgish with them.
The problem is that I hate grammar and German grammar is more complicated than English.
522 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/19 22:11
Today, I got up at 9am, and I left for school at 1pm.
I had a psychology class, which required a lot of reading.
There will be an exam next week, so I've got to study hard this weekend.
Now, I'm doing my homework. I have to finish about 30 pages of
reading in an hour. It is written in English!
And, I need to answer some questions on this!
523名無しさん@3周年:03/03/20 02:05
Today,I got up at 4pm.
the bus to the Driver's school leaves Station at 3:53
I could not catch the bus,so My mothe Drived me to the School
but I caught up the bus on the way to the school
after school,I had a dinner.
After the dinner ,watched a movie "THE PIANIST"
the hero in THE PIANIST looked so sad

"War is not Answer"
524 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/20 02:16
Today,I got up at 4pm.
The bus to the driving school leaves the station at 3:53.
I could not catch the bus, so my mother drove me to the school.
But I caught up to the bus ant taken it on the way to the school.
After school, I had dinner.
After the dinner, I watched a movie "THE PIANIST".
The hero in THE PIANIST looked so sad.

"War is not the answer"
525名無しさん@3周年:03/03/20 13:09
im irritated by myself having kept the person i love the best in the world suffering such hardships
526①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/20 13:15
I'm sorry. It's really confusing to me. I kept contact from about 7 to 9
yesterday, since then I've lost the way to contact from out. So I think I
have to write in this way. I came up with a good idea while staying. Before
I get into a room, I'll tell you my check-in name. So you can give me a call
anytime I'm in the room. I have to make up excuses for going out now, and the
next time I can do that is going to be Friday. I'll tell you where afterwards.
527名無しさん@3周年:03/03/20 19:15
I haven't got any mails from my friend for these days. He stays in Indoneisa
and does his reserch there. I guess he is in a very rural place now so there is
no possibility to email to me. He will go back to Jakarta tomorrow, I am
looking forward getting his mails. I want to know how his research is
going on.
528 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/20 22:11
I haven't got any e-mails from my friend these days. He lives in Indoneisa
and does his reserch there. I guess he is in a very rural place now so there is
no possibility to email me. He will go back to Jakarta tomorrow, I am
looking forward to getting his e-mails. I want to know how his research is
529名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 00:24
I'm on a diet for about ten days.
So far I've lost my weight more than 2kg.
So I'll halt the diet tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I'll have a lot of sweets, ice cream, snacks, and delicious meal.
Then I'll resume the diet from the day after tomorrow.

530 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/21 00:28
I've been on a diet for about ten days.
So far I've lost more than 2 kg.
So I'll take a break from the diet tomorrow.
I'll have a lot of sweets, ice cream, snacks, and delicious meals.
Then I'll resume my diet on the day after tomorrow.
531名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 00:32
i forgot to go out for a walk yesterday. i think i should go back sometimes, or that i should've then.
532名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 00:50
At the first, the reason why I chose this theme is that, I have been studying Kokubungaku,
I really excited the world in Genjimonogatari. The main cast who is Hikarugenji is so powerful man.
He was love in so many women, one of them was Ukibune. But they fall in unfortunate that she was killed
someone while they were in bed. The fact that“someone”is one of his lover is well known. It is my point
that Hurin is ancient culture in Japan. This is the same opinion that Junichi Ishida, who is very famous actor
in Japan, said. Junichi Ishida is similar to Hikarugenji,but I think, Hikarugenji is superior to Junichi Ishida.
As Hikarugenji’s love story is not only excit but also 1000 years love. Today, his play is spoken all over the world.
533名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 00:52
534 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/21 00:56
>i think i should go back sometimes, or that i should've then
タイムトラベラーですか? これからでも逝くべきか、気付いたときに逝っておく
535名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 00:58
From first sentence,
Your diary looks boring. No one will read it
536 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/21 01:08
Is this a diary entry or an essay? スレ違いじゃない?

537名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 02:19
today is a holiday. ill go for a walk twice at 10:00 and at 20:00. i wanna be
stronger and am planning to walk to the top of a hill.
538 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/21 02:23
I'll go for a walk twice -- at 10 am and at 8 pm.
Capitalize your sentenses!
539名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 12:07
I overslept this morning and I need to alter today's menu.
Go out at 2 pm and have a break on the top at 3 pm, at 5 pm,
at 7 pm, at 9 pm and at 11 pm. I need to train foot and legs.
540名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 12:08
Thank you.
541名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 12:22
>foot and legs
feet and legs?
542 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/21 12:46
I overslept this morning so I need to alter today's menu.
Go out at 2 pm and have a break at the top of the hill at 3 pm.
Go out again at 5 pm and break at 7 pm. Again at 9 pm and at 11 pm.
I need to train my feet and legs.
543名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 16:24
Thank you. But I intended to do five sets today.
544①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/21 20:03
I can't do that today because of cant-alway-be-a-bad-boy-situation. I'm sorry.
545名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 20:06
but two trials are left
546名無しさん@3周年:03/03/21 20:36
Where is sheep!
Where is!Where is!
Kill you!Kill you!
I'll kill all the sheep!
I'll go away all Mokomoko!
I'll go out my zamin and Gero on Mokomoko!
It's the best!The best!The action is the best feeling!
Mokomoko is mine.
Mokomoko is mine.
Oh,Mokomoko,I'll never lose you.
Mokomoko is with me forever...
547①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/21 22:33
im sorry. while walking around here and there, i came to myself.
if i cant believe you or believe in you, i wont be able to believe
anything in the world. so asking if you exist or not is utter nonsense
to me. i wanna apologize to you hundreds times.
but ive gotta make another apology. i cant do that today for some other
reasons. but i swear to you that i do tomorrow. im gonna go for the last
trial today now.
548440:03/03/21 23:45
3/17 Monday mild

I went to Kyoto to buy the clothes and the pair of shoes to go to college with Nomura and Tagami by train of Keihan.
I was bad condition and very sleepy for I didn't sleep over twenty-four hours.
I walked around various shops feeling dizzy.
After all,I bought only the pair of shoes of Tarmac of Gravis and I got back home.

549名無しさん@3周年:03/03/22 00:11
I got an email from my friend who lives in Indonesia finally.
I replied to him but my mail was very offensive to him.
He would be very upset....however it is his fault because he wrote
in his email "I met many nice girls and everybody wanted to be close to me".
What the heck is this?
550名無しさん@3周年:03/03/22 00:43
After all the Unintes States started to attack Iraq. To some extent
I understand Bush's view point. Sadam rejected U.N. inpections for
about four years.
Also it is said that Sadam is making weapons of mass destruction.
But is it true that he is gonig to attack other countries? If we see
the world situation, I think it's impossible for Sadam to attack other
countries, of course including the United States. If he attacks other
countries, he will lose all his power, because not only U.S. but also
all other countries will try to kill him and take away his power
551名無しさん@3周年:03/03/22 01:09
552 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/22 02:10
I went to Kyoto with Nomura and Tagami by Keihan train to buy some clothes and a pair of shoes to wear to college.
I was in a bad condition and very sleepy for I didn't sleep over twenty-four hours.
We walked around and went to various shops. I was feeling dizzy.
I ended up buying only one pair of Tarmac of Gravis shoes and came home.
553 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/22 02:12
I replied to him but I'm afraid my mail was very offensive to him.
554440:03/03/22 08:19
to wear to collegeだと大学で着るための服(大学に着いてから着る)になりませんか?
555 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/22 08:33
556 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/22 08:35
>>554 しまった。ごめん。
to wear to collegeで大学へ着ていく服で大丈夫だよ。
557440:03/03/22 09:06
558名無しさん@3周年:03/03/22 09:23
22 March, 2003

I HATE Bush! I HATE the US!!
Bush is no doubt a bigger threat to the world peace than Sddam.
I hope he will rot in hell for bumbing thousands of innocent Iraqi people.
If by any chance, he gets reelected in the next presidential campaign,
Americans will prove themselves to be the dumbest people in the world.
559440:03/03/22 11:36
3/19 Wednesday unknown

I thought I go to my friend house.
so I tryed to fix contactrenz,It don't fix my eyes easliy.
After all,When It fixed my eyes,A pair of needle of Aa clock pointed two hours after I tryed to go out!
560 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/22 12:57
I thought I'd visit my friend at his (her) house.
So I tryed to put my contact lens in my eyes. They don't go into my eyes easliy.
After they were in my eyes, the clock hands were pointing at two hours after
the time I tried to leave!
561440:03/03/22 14:22
時計の針ってthe clock handsって表すんですね。
562名無しさん@3周年:03/03/22 15:27
Who am I? Oh! My heart hurts! Ok but I'm leaving home now. The game
is starting at 4:30 pm. I'm always eager to play in the pitch. Sometimes
I'm forced to watch the game on the bench because of my heart disease,
though. Give me a call please.
563名無しさん@3周年:03/03/22 18:24
I felt like seeing us that night from behind?
564 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/23 00:46
時計の長針短針秒針はlong hand, short hand, second handでつ。
565 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/23 00:49
The ball game is starting...
I'm always eager to pitch in the game.
I'm often forced to...
566440:03/03/23 02:44
3/20 Thursday warm

I went to PC shop to buy the memory tip of 512MB my PC suit with Sakai and Hiroka on my 50cc motorcycle.
I bought the memory tip and joined the insurance in case the memory tip don't suit my PC.
As soon as got back home,I put the memory tip together my PC.
I did by tiral and error after the memory tip ran normality.
My PC graded up 128MB to 640MB!

567 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/23 04:07
I went to a PC shop to buy a 512MB memory chip for my PC with Sakai and Hiroka on my 50cc motorcycle.
(50ccのバイクに3人乗りして行ったように読めるので、...Hiroka. We each rode our 50cc motorcycle.かな)
I bought a memory chip and insurance in case the memory chip don't work on my PC.
As soon as got back home, I put the memory chip in my PC.
I did it by tiral and error and the memory chip worked fine.
My PC has been upgraded from 128MB to 640MB!
568①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/23 15:16
I haven't gotten any answers from the beginning till now.
569①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/23 15:30
It'll be possible if it has an answering function.
570名無しさん@3周年:03/03/23 15:33
571名無しさん@3周年:03/03/23 15:40
572①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/23 15:49
I haven't seen the reason you didn't give me a call yet.
573名無しさん@3周年:03/03/23 15:51
>I haven't seen the reason you didn't give me a call yet.

Yet I haven't seen the reason you didn't give me a call.
574名無しさん@3周年:03/03/23 16:44
575名無しさん@3周年:03/03/23 23:17
when open the gate
go three times
576名無しさん@3周年:03/03/24 00:47
am tired
wanna sit still for sometime
577名無しさん@3周年:03/03/24 18:40
do you have something?
578①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/24 18:42

579①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/24 18:57
Shall I walk around?
580名無しさん@3周年:03/03/25 00:31
I consoled myself that yesterday's could be the preliminary practice of tomorrow's.
581名無しさん@3周年:03/03/25 01:05
still don't understand how to get a point.
582名無しさん@3周年:03/03/25 01:56
①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODEとそのお友達。おまいらなに雑談してんだよ。出てけ。
583①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/25 16:24
I'm sorry to interrupt you All.

I tried to find something but I couldn't. I'll continue looking for.
Today I'll pray at 8 pm, at 9 pm and at 10 pm.

****************@**impossible(in Japanese prefix)...
***@**love (in Japanese)...

Both are waiting for you.
584名無しさん@3周年:03/03/25 17:55
>①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE

585①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/25 18:03
And I have an appointment with my doctor for 3 pm tomorrow.
I'll pray today.

I started to find it luckier, however, to wait in a place in the
rectangle because you can see me from in a car or something.

Anyway I'll pray today as I told.
586①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/25 18:23
568-573, 575-581は私が書いたもので特に雑談にはあたらないと思いますが、
587①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/25 23:19
At home
I couldn't pray at 9. Shall I pray or wait tomorrow? Or do you have something?
588名無しさん@3周年:03/03/25 23:30

589①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/26 00:21
at my house

590名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 00:57
1レスまともなカキコ。①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODEは、いい加減に汁。
591 :03/03/26 01:01


592①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/26 01:01
593 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/26 01:04
594591:03/03/26 01:08
595名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 01:13

596①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/26 01:40

597①④⑧ ◆Nj6JxTsODE :03/03/26 01:52

598名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 01:58
japanese people have weird teeth and they look retarded. something animal looking... the atomic bomb must be still the reason. but why? u got so much plastic surgery going on. use all your technology on good things for once.
i won't say anything bout chinese cuz i just feel sorry for them.
actually, just wash once in awhile
599名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 02:57
  / ´_ゝ`)  hey! i hand 600 over to you
  |    /
  | /| |
  // | |
 U  .U
600名無し:03/03/26 05:15
601名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 12:21
602名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 12:24
603名無しさん@3周年:03/03/26 13:37
these days...
I keep staying at my home.
I have no effort to do.

but I went to touring on my bike. to Lake near my home
It was really beautiful.filled with Natural. and found a fox
604 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/27 05:56
I just stay home these days. (調子悪いんか?)
I never feel up to anything.

But I did ride my bike (motorcycle?) to a nearby lake.
It was really beautiful -- full of nature. I saw a fox, too.
605名無しさん@3周年:03/03/29 01:48
Spring has come! It's beautiful and I feel so good.
Took a little walk to the nearby park to see the cherry blossom.
I sat at the bench and took in the magnificent view. Very relaxing
and refleshing. It was a nice bath to my soul. Stopped at a noodle
shop and had zaru-soba on the way home. Then dinner and movie at home.
606名無しさん@3周年:03/03/29 02:29
I watche a soccer game in the office with my collegues.
To be honest, Suzuki and Kawaguchi is not at all necessary for Japan.
They are HETARE.
We got very angry to watch the two repeatedly making mistakes.
On the contrast, Inamoto, Nakamura, Hide, Santos have worked out pretty well.
I hope they will lead the Soccer of Japan.

607 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/29 03:38
608 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/29 03:42
is not→are not
to watch→watching
On the contrast→On the contrary
Hide, Santos→Hide and Santos
Soccer of Japan→soccer in JapanかJapasene soccer
609606:03/03/29 11:02


なんですけど、watch +O + 現在分詞

610名無しさん@3周年:03/03/29 11:48
I had my hair cut this morning.
It was finished earlier than I thought.
When I went home, my grandmother said to me,
「You have fanny hairstyle!!」
I was chocked to hear that.
I like my hairstyle.I think it's nice.
What make her disgust?
611 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/30 03:58
612 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/03/30 04:02
I got a hair cut this morning.
It was finished earlier than I thought.
When I came home, my grandmother said to me,
"You have funny hairstyle!!"
I was chocked to hear that.
I like my hairstyle. I think it's nice.
I wonder what made her disgusted?
613610:03/03/31 12:59
get a hair cut で髪を切るっていうんですね。
614名無しさん@3周年:03/03/31 13:11
today, im gonna have coffee with an e-pal in Namba.
it'll be my first time to meet an e-pal.
oh, then im gonna a concert of FAKE?, Japanese band.
i've never seen Ken Lloyd as a new band's vocalist.
im so excited... also worried about it.
615名無しさん@3周年:03/03/31 16:42
I went to the zouheikyoku to see cherry blossom.
But it was not still full.But it was beautiful.
616名無しさん@3周年:03/03/31 17:13
I had my cum yesterday.
617 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/01 03:50
Today, I'm gonna have coffee with an e-pal in Namba.
It'll be my first time to meet an e-pal in person.
Oh, then I'm gonna go to (or I'm going to) FAKE? concert, a Japanese band.
I've never seen Ken Lloyd as a new band's vocalist.
I'm so excited... also worried about it.(なんについてworried aboutなのか?)
618 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/01 03:52
I went to the Mint Bureau to see cherry blossoms.
It was not yet in full bloom. But it was beautiful.
619名無しさん@3周年:03/04/04 07:08
No one writes dialy sage.
620名無しさん@3周年:03/04/04 23:58
Today,I Drived a car my self
I dont have a driving license.but I love driving
Tried to change the tires @ gasstand.My cloths got so dirty but filled with 充実感
I haven't got dirty these days.

When I saw my dirty fingers,I remembered the days I was a soccer player.
Tommorow,I join the NO WAR DEMO in YOYOGI with my friend
If I get microphone,I am gonna say"War is not the answer!!"
and sing a song"BUSH,Die quickly"
I dont hate U.S but I hate war.Because many people is killed or dying in hanger

621 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/06 03:54
Today, I drove a car all by myself
I don't have a driver's license, but I love driving.
Tried to change the tires at gas station. My clothes
got so dirty but I was content with myself.
I haven't got dirty these days.

When I saw my dirty fingers, I remembered the days I was a soccer player.
Tomorrow, I'll join the NO WAR demonstration in Yoyogi with my friend.
If I get microphone, I'm gonna say "War is not the answer!!"
and sing a song "Bush, Die Quickly".
I don't hate U.S. but I hate the war. Because many people is killed or dying in hanger.
622名無しさん@3周年:03/04/11 00:14
Silence in this thread is deafening!
623名無しさん@3周年:03/04/11 21:54
I dislike the English.
But I come to this bulletin board to get interested English
So I try to keep a diary of English.


624名無しさん@3周年:03/04/11 23:03
I spend too much time on 2channel lately.
I know it's bad for both mind and body.
I'm going to go to bed earlier than usual tonight.
Good night everbody!
625名無しさん@3周年:03/04/11 23:08

626623:03/04/11 23:46

I dislike the English. (×)
I am poor in the English,

be good at ←→ be poor(weak) in
like ←→ dislike

627 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/12 00:51
わたしは英語が不得手だなら I'm not good at English とか I find English very difficult.
わたしは英語が嫌いだなら I dislike the English language(嫌いなのは英語で英国人じゃないから)でいいYO。
But since I started coming to this BBS, I became interested in English.
So I've decided to keep a diary in English.
628 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/12 00:54
I've been spending too much time on 2ch lately.
I know it's bad for my mind and the body.
I'm going to go to bed earlier than usual tonight.
Good night everbody!
629名無しさん@3周年:03/04/12 22:20
I couldn't find my dictionary since Thursday.
I thought I had left it in my school.
Today, I went to the school to get it. But the school doesn't open today.
I need it tonight because I have a test tomorrow.
So, I'm lending my father's dictionary now. I have to study more tonight.
630名無しさん@3周年:03/04/12 22:23
>>629 自己訂正w
×doesn't open today. ○didn't open today.
×I'm lending my father's ○I'm borrowing my father's
631 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/12 23:48
I can't find my dictionary since Thursday.
I thought I had left it at my school.
Today, I went to the school to get it. But the school wasn't open.
I need it tonight because I have an exam tomorrow.
So, I'm borrowing my father's dictionary. I have to study more tonight.
632one sentence:03/04/13 22:05
I am poor at a vocabulary to keep a dairly in English
So, I will make a one sentence everyday.

I did without internet all day.


endureA standA =A(マイナスなモノ)を我慢する
do without A =Aなしで済ませる
make do with A Aで間に合わせる
633 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/14 00:13
My vocabulary is not rich enough to make long entries to the diary in English.
So I decided to make a one-line entry each day.

I endured the day without internet.
634one sentence:03/04/15 07:22
My vocabulary is not rich enough to make long entries to the diary in
So I decided to memorize three short usage examples each day.
Today, this plan did well.

usage examples :例文
do well :うまくいく(自動詞)

memorize 暗記する(単純暗記?) lean 体得する(身に付ける感じ?)
635 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/15 13:58
This plan worked well today.

You would memorize a word then learn how to use it by trial and error.
636one sentence:03/04/17 00:17
I am very sleepy.
I will keep a dairy tommorow.

637山崎渉:03/04/17 09:30
638 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/17 10:34
I am very tired. (sleepyという言い方は子供っぽく聞こえるんだって)
I will make an entry tomorrow. (tommorow→tomorrow)

639one sentence:03/04/18 00:35
Today, Yamazaki Wataru comes to this thread.
Some hate him.
But I like yamazaki wataru.
Because he is always smile.
I think that a smile make everyone happy.

640 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/18 03:02
Today, Yamazaki Wataru came to this thread.
Some hate him. But I like him.
Because he is always smiling.
I think that a smile makes everyone happy.
641名無しさん@3周年:03/04/18 14:13
The what?
Today,Yamazaki Wataru doesn't come to this thread.
642one sentence:03/04/19 00:38
I lose a little money in trading on oil market.
But, I know I have an talent with maikng money on markets.

By the way,
What has become of people to write in diary ?


643 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/19 06:18
I lost a little money on oil market.
But I know I have the talent to make money on the market.

By the way, what happened to the people who used write diary here?

644名無しさん@3周年:03/04/19 19:16
I went to library today.I read two books there.

645bloom:03/04/19 19:17
646名無しさん@3周年:03/04/19 21:07
I went to dance school with my daugter.
647問題児:03/04/19 21:09

648 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/19 23:22
I went to the library today and read two books while I was there.
649 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/19 23:23
I went to the dance school with my daughter.
650名無しさん@3周年:03/04/20 04:24
The cherry blossoms is a essential item of Japanese spring.
A couple weeks ago, I went to see them with my friends, but we
just took a walk around there seeing them. We went to some famous
places as a beautiful spot. One of them is the castle near my town.

651初心者です。:03/04/20 09:25
The leeson I took yesterday was very interesting for me.
It gave me how important exactly to think about something in English deeply.
The most important thing I noticed was there are many diffrent ways and
angles when I think about something.

652名無しさん@3周年:03/04/20 19:54
653名無しさん@3周年:03/04/21 20:06
My work is closed today, so I sleeped until noon.
And I cleaned my room afternoon.
654名無しさん@3周年:03/04/21 22:47
Last friday, I met nice man who spoke in the Kansai dialect.
I was told " You are so pretty" for the first time.
My heart has been beating fast since that time.
I wish I could meet tomorrow.
655 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/22 00:44
The cherry blossom is an essential item for Japanese spring.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to see them with my friends.
We just walked around some places to look at them. We went to some places
known for their beauty. One of them was the castle near my town.
656 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/22 00:48
The leeson I took yesterday was very interesting for me.(なんのレッスンだったのだろう)
It showed me precisely how important it is to think about something in English deeply.
The most important thing I noticed was that there are many diffrent ways and
angles when I think about something.
657 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/22 00:49
My company is closed today, so I slept until noon.
Then I cleaned my room in the afternoon.
658 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/22 00:50
Last friday, I met a nice man who spoke in Kansai dialect.
I was told "You are so pretty" for the first time.
My heart has been beating fast since that time.
659名無しさん@3周年:03/04/22 10:59
I want a new washing machine. Yesterday I went to a washing machine shop in a newly developing area
but I didn't find one I want to buy. Then I went to a long-established shop belonging to the same
chain, but I didn't have enough time looking at all the washing machine in the shop.
I'm going to go to the shop again but I wonder if I will find a good one there.
660名無しさん@3周年:03/04/22 18:42
Today I received an e-mail written that ordered goods will be sent.
I'm forward to the goods.
661名無しさん@3周年:03/04/22 21:41
I read http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4806116653/qid%3D1051015180/249-1930245-7221919
I think it is useful to write diary.
I try evryday.
662 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/23 04:20
I want a new washing machine. Yesterday I went to a washing machine shop in a newly developed area
but I didn't find one I want to buy. Then I went to a long-established shop belonging to the same
chain, but I didn't have enough time for looking at all the washing machine in the shop.
I'm going to go to the shop again but I wonder if I will find a good one there.

I need a new washing machine. Yesterday I went to an household appliance store in a newly developed area
but they didn't have the one I like. Then I went to a store that has been around for a long time belonging
to the same chain but I didn't have enough time to look at all the washing machines there.
I'm going to return to the store but I wonder if I will find a good one there.
663 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/23 04:21
Today I received an e-mail that the goods I ordered are being shipped.
I'm looking forward to receiving the goods.
664 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/23 04:23
I read http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4806116653/qid%3D1051015180/249-1930245-7221919
I think it is useful to write a diary.(なんの役にたつのだろう?)
I will try writing it evryday.
665名無しさん@3周年:03/04/24 03:52
It's been two months since I last heard from you.
I always debate whether to write you a mail or not.
I know I have hurt you and I should apologize to you
for my swearing but I can't do that. If you write me first, I would...
666鼻くそ:03/04/24 05:09
667 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/24 08:23
強いていえば「I always debate with myself whether to write you or not」ですかね。
668名無しさん@3周年:03/04/24 20:28
It was rainy today.
So I couldn't hang out the washing to dry.
Then my tooth hurting, I went to the dentist.
I thought the doctor cool.
669 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/25 00:43
It was a rainy day.(日記なので、特記していなければ今日だという暗黙の了解)
So I couldn't hang the laundry outside to dry.
Then my tooth was hurting, so I went to the dentist.
I thought the doctor was cool.
670名無しさん@3周年:03/04/25 21:17
My nephew visited my home,and I played him.
His mother who is my syster came to take back in the evening.
671名無しさん@3周年:03/04/25 22:52
I'm 668.
>669 Thank You for your kindness.
It was cloudy day.
I dislike cloudy weather,because I'm suffering
from a headache.
I was busy at work,so I was exhausted.
Heigh-ho...I went to go beauty salon tomorrow.
672名無しさん@3周年:03/04/25 23:31
I went to Bic Camera to buy DVD player.
I made a order the player which can play not video and DVD
but CD and DVD-R.
I can take this 5/3.
So I'm going to watch DVD and record NHK Language's program.
I will enjoy!
673名無しさん@3周年:03/04/26 00:02
×I made a order the player which can play not video and DVD
but CD and DVD-R.
○I made a order on the player which can play not just video and DVD
but also CD and DVD-R.

674 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/26 01:06
My nephew visited my home,and I played him.
My nephew visited us [my family|our house], and I played with him.
His mother who is my syster came to take him home in the evening.
675 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/26 01:09
You're welcome.

It was a cloudy day.
I dislike cloudy weather because it gives me a headache.
I was busy at work so I was exhausted.
Heigh-ho...I will go to the beauty salon tomorrow.
676 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/26 01:17
I went to Bic Camera to buy a DVD player.
I ordered the player which can play CD's and DVD-R's -- not VCR's and DVD's.
I can take it home on 5/3.
So I'm going to watch DVD's and record NHK Language programs.
I will enjoy it!
677名無しさん@3周年:03/04/26 04:33
At last I turned 29 years old this month and I'm about to go through the
last year in the 20's generation. But I don't care of my age at all.
Also I have never told a lie about my age and feel I have not to.
678名無しさん@3周年:03/04/26 17:09

679 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/04/27 04:37
At last I turned 29 years old this month and I'm about to go through the
last year of my twenties. But I don't care about my age at all.
Also I have never told a lie about my age nor feel I have to.
680名無しさん@3周年:03/04/27 22:11
I have spent 9000yen at pachinko
thats really sorry.I desided to stop pachinko
tommorow,I spend 500yen for books or Movie.
I found that I spent much time and much money for pachinko....
681名無しさん@3周年:03/04/29 23:29
I intention was to clean the room.
...I hasn't finished clean yet.
By the way I has put on weight recently,so I'm
in great trouble.
682名無しさん@3周年:03/05/02 22:36
I went to the community center. and entered a circle.
I will participate in the various events there for a half year.

683 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/05/03 10:32
I spent 9000 yen at pachinko and I really regret that.
I decided to quit pachinko tomorrow and I'll spend 500 yen for books or a movie.
I found that I spend too much time and money for pachinko....
684 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/05/03 10:33
I had intented to clean the room.
... but I haven't finished cleaning it yet.
By the way I have put on a weight recently, so I'm in a great trouble.
685 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/05/03 10:37
I went to the community center and joined a group(なにをするサークルなのだろう).
I will participate in a various events for a half a year with that group.
686名無しさん@3周年:03/05/11 00:40
\\  ビ    \\  \  \\\  \\ \ \
 \\ \\ ュ    ウ     \\ \ \\
 \\  \\  \\  \ ウ  \\\ \\
 \\\  \\ \∧_∧      ウ  \\ \
  \\  \\  (`Д ´ ∧∧      ゥ\ \\
     \ \   (   (゚Д゚ )  \\ \\ゥ\\
 \  \\   \| | |  ヽ    \\    ゥ
 \\ \ \\  (_(_UU( )~′ \\  \\
 \  \\ \  | ̄ ̄|     ̄ ̄\ \\ \\
   \ \ \  / Y \  ∨  |   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽヽ
 \\  \\  |  |  |  \  ヽ
687名無しさん@3周年:03/05/11 20:19
Today is Mother's day, and I gave my mother a shirt
Though she looked embarrassing, she was very grad.
688 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/05/12 04:21
Today was Mother's day, and I gave my mother a shirt
Though she looked embarrassed, she was very grad.

Though she looked embarrassingだと、おかあさんの格好が恥ずかしいことになっちゃう。
689名無しさん@3周年:03/05/13 22:37
I studied a lot but wasn't able to solve any questions.
I want to go to ◎ for a change and study hard tomorrow.
690名無しさん@3周年:03/05/14 01:56
\\  ビ    \\  \  \\\  \\ \ \
 \\ \\ ュ    ウ     \\ \ \\
 \\  \\  \\  \ ウ  \\\ \\
 \\\  \\ \∧_∧      ウ  \\ \
  \\  \\  (`Д ´ ∧∧      ゥ\ \\
     \ \   (   (゚Д゚ )  \\ \\ゥ\\
 \  \\   \| | |  ヽ    \\    ゥ
 \\ \ \\  (_(_UU( )~′ \\  \\
 \  \\ \  | ̄ ̄|     ̄ ̄\ \\ \\
   \ \ \  / Y \  ∨  |   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽヽ
 \\  \\  |  |  |  \  ヽ
691名無しさん@3周年:03/05/14 02:47
dear my diarie..
this week, i'm in the pretty nice mood for some good news.
indeed, i just got scored 160 in kawai pre test on sunday,the subject is english.
someone can say it's not good news enough,but it's completely good news for me because
of my dqnness. i've got many thing i wanna say for this test,but i just wanna tell you
there's less time to solve questions.if much time had been given,i would have got
much more high score! anyway,i enjoyed my testing time gave me some kind of dead heat
in the silence. ..cheerful mind let me bought some carnations. mom got so pleased,
with her cheeks red.and the flowers are in yellow and orange now.it suit her.
692名無しさん@3周年:03/05/15 05:46
>>691 dqnnessワラタ

693名無しさん@3周年:03/05/16 00:47
694名無しさん@3周年:03/05/16 01:50
correction pleaseとか
695名無しさん@3周年:03/05/16 06:33
well comfortably tired..
I'm filled with fatigue of hope,
so sleepy sinking into somethin like delight.

sleep well,
a peaceful night my curtain creates☆  :)
696名無しさん@3周年:03/05/16 21:07
697693:03/05/17 00:00

698名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 00:46
Because of there was not writing in this thread,
I wrote here today.
699名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 00:59
700698:03/05/20 01:16

701名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 01:21
ofが要るのは、because of 名詞の時。
702名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 01:45
I took a cable car in Tateyama.
The slope is extremely steep.
It was exciting.
I am going to take it again.
703名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 05:08
I hear birds singing
It's already 5 c'clock
I should go to bed quickly
704名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 06:10
in 30 min
705名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 06:19
Today, I was excluded from the college. this is because of my laziness
that I spent lots of time for the gambling.
Anyway, I have to find a job or other college, but in a bad economic situation,
maybe it is impossible to find it.
I want to die.
706名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 07:25
To >>705
There are yet many chances ahead of you, so do your best in your life.
Sorry for my poor English. But I hope you understand what I tried saying, and your happiness, as well.
707名無しさん@3周年:03/05/20 10:09
My final exam is coming!!!! That drive me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
708名無しさん@3周年:03/05/21 00:08
Today I had a canker sore ・・・・
I bited it many times ・・・・・・・・・
709_:03/05/21 00:09
710名無しさん@3周年:03/05/21 01:03
lately i have get the parallel importation business started.
it's just like a childish playing yet,
and i believe my challenge surely glows in the future.
now waiting for the arrival of the goods i orderd,
praying japanese customs not to reject that.
yeah i am takina risk like a ropewalkin,
and the risk bring me lots of advantage!!
actually i can't sleep well these days :{
but i'm sure my challenge get successful.
all i can do is believing myself, I take that!
711名無しさん@3周年:03/05/21 04:47
[self correction of fatal mistakes‥] 
i have get the → i have got my
glow → grow
orderd → ordered
bring → brings
get → gets

do i hafta be worry 'bout my less talent for english
rather than customs' import regulation?! X-(
good night
712名無しさん@3周年:03/05/21 23:16
I made up my mind to lose weight.
I bought the healthmeter.
713名無しさん@3周年:03/05/22 03:02
wanna kick Yamazakinkie out, shit!!
714名無しさん@3周年:03/05/22 03:54
You're never gotta die!
Live on, anyway.....
715名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 01:21
716名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 02:22
I don't think so>>715

Anyone wants his sentense corrected has to just only say,"Please correct".
it's only simple
717名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 02:38
718名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 19:42
who cares
719_:03/05/24 19:44
720名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 19:59
Anyone who wants his/her tentative phrases to be corrected
has only to say, "please correct it". It's so simple.
721名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 23:18
I want it that way♪
722名無しさん@3周年:03/05/24 23:32
I got up at 6,
and ate breakfast,
and had lunch,
and drink tea,
and enjoyed dinner,
and watched TV.
Good night.
723名無しさん@3周年:03/05/25 02:44
Today,I found The new verzion of Wataru Ymazaki.
My ferstsight,It be into a line wiche coller of black and white.
What is it? I was looking so hard.
And I found his name In the midle of this line.
I unconsciously shouted [opps]! It was the tracks! And he is the YAMAZAKI station.
Why he selected this topics? I want to question him closely in middle an hour seriously.
724名無しさん@3周年:03/05/26 10:43
725名無しさん@3周年:03/05/26 11:22
726名無しさん@3周年:03/05/27 00:29
When I read books in tha library, eeathquakeoccurred.

So thhe
earthquake very big,I was very surprised.
But it was lucky that it only shook and damage didn't occur in my city.
727名無しさん@3周年:03/05/27 03:26
728名無しさん@3周年:03/05/27 08:49
729名無しさん@3周年:03/05/27 20:02

730名無しさん@3周年:03/05/27 23:45
731名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 00:54
732名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 00:59

733名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 01:01
734名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 01:04
735名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 01:05
736山崎渉:03/05/28 14:56
ピュ.ー (  ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕
  = ◎――◎                      山崎渉
737名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 21:36
I understand yamazaki is script
738名無しさん@3周年:03/05/30 11:21
I've got a problem.
739名無しさん@3周年:03/05/31 00:47
This is Houston. What seems to be the problem? Over.
740名無しさん@3周年:03/06/06 04:09
Recently I came to know commissionaires' stale cliché-"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?".
They seem to always ask the way but I've never done that.
Could I ask them at a time?
741名無しさん@3周年:03/06/09 05:43
I have to study but I'm getting worse I'm getting worse but I have to study
I have to keep early hours any way
742名無しさん@3周年:03/06/09 06:17
I went to a museum the other day. I went through a wrong gate and
asked an anthropotomist a geophysical question, but she was kind to
me. I was relieved she didn't seem to find me a suspicious person.
743名無しさん@3周年:03/06/09 11:02
school seems to be nonsense for me.
why we have to go to school?Because of an academic background?
now that everyone enter university or college,in itself,i think
although my parent said anyway enter the university ,or you won't get the job.
i understand what she said,but...
i turn out to be only one things in my life.
everything is garbage...

744名無しさん@3周年:03/06/09 20:23
Does anybody in here listen to a band called LAGWAGON?
they're one of my favorite band and they really kick ass,
but the problem is that their lyrics seems to be too
hard for me to understand.
745名無しさん@3周年:03/06/09 21:17
I am sick of being here, because it seems to me that nothing is going
to better or worse. I get this feeling that I have to go somewhere,
somewhere I belong to, somewhere I am happy to be.
I can't stop thinking about it. It just stuck in my head...
746名無しさん@3周年:03/06/09 21:39
i'm going to buy a radiohead's new album today.
i'm great fun of them.because their sounds is really cool.
some said this work comes back to their real style!
you had better listen to a new album.you would love it!
i had difficult in understanding their latest work, so i expect
that their new album is special one.

Let me tell you alone, dear diary..
I had no sex with anyone,even with myself these 9 days.
'cause i got some kinda ED temporarily.
i know it comes from too much masturbation,
in short,"HARD TEKOKI".
such a bad habit spoiled my thick,hot rod into mere log..
Today, I tried having intercourse again
after the long "abstinence" time.
Actually I gave the friend great fucking!
i bought a new cell phone yesterday.
'cause i lost it somewhere.so I had no choice but to buy it.
as it was no less than 15,000yen,and now i'm broke.
however,i find ex-cell phone in my desk drawer.
what a unlucky day...

750名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/12 23:12
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/12 23:52
it had a wonderful time at the party.
A woman who is giving off a lot of pheromon came up to me
and she said,hey cool guy!could you drink with me?
why not, i replied.
she was most beautiful girl i have ever seen.
i thought i wanna absolutely got her.so i determined to
make advances to her forcibly.
consequently i was dumped on her.
in short,what i wanna said is persistent man is hated by woman.

I was sick in bed all day.
i saw a line of flowers.
Title: Long time no see!

Long time no see! I came back to the thready. After I typed the latest diary,
some accidents were happened in my life. The most shocked accident for me
was the one related to NOVA, which is the biggest English conversation
school in Japan.
A few days ago, a staff, which is an employee of NOVA, phoned to me.
She said. "We’re sorry but you should pay the money for 47 lessons
because you had more lessons than you bought in advance.“ “What?
Why do you make me have more lesson?” I said. She said in apologize
to me. “Our staff made a mistake when she played changing 100 lessons
of Ekimae-ryugaku to to Ochanoma-ryugaku. We couldn't believe but she
increased 100 lessons to Ekimae-ryugaku in her mistake”
Luckily, the next day was my day-off and I hurried to the school to
listen to her excuse on details. After 90 minutes we discuss the problem,
I have to pay the money for these lessons. Of course, I felt mad about
the deal. But it couldn’t be helped and so, I decided to type the accident
in Japanese on a website.
Other people, who saw my comment on the website, of course, felt furious
about the deal. But if I sue the company, I'll pay a lot of money to achieve
the purpose and it'll take a long time to listen to the answer by the judge.
So, I didn't.
It might be a good idea to find other schools to study English. But I
don’t have fixed days to study English. So, I have to find a English
teacher on a website or join some lessons on a website. But it’s very
important for me to communicate with English people. So, I have to select
NOVA to study English, even if I felt reduce to have lessons in the
756☆gooofy gurl☆:03/06/13 14:25
OMG!!! I did again...I 8 5pieces of OKONOMI-YAKI, 7pieces of chicken and L-size Coke. Hey guyz, plz let me know honestly...Am I Fatso ???    Burp!! lol
757☆gooofy gurl☆:03/06/13 14:25
OMG!!! I did again...I 8 5pieces of OKONOMI-YAKI, 7pieces of chicken and L-size Coke. Hey guyz, plz let me know honestly...Am I Fatso ???    Burp!! lol
758☆gooofy gurl☆:03/06/13 14:30
759名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/13 23:10
Is that why you are goofy goil?
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/13 23:15
I cut nails of me leg yesterday.
It cut too much.
Brood come from a finger of my leg.....
I had pain.....(T-T
i was absent university again...
763名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/14 11:48
>>760 leg..? U hav the nails on ur leg ? *Cough* Wow...cool...!!! HAHA----!!!
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/14 11:58
Not only that he has a nails on his leg, he has fingers on his leg too!
765SAMURAI:03/06/14 12:00
>>763        Yeah It's funny....Not "leg", but "toe".
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/14 12:15
He/She cut the fingers on his leg.........SCARE........!!!
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/15 10:37
i met an old friend yesterday.
he is my junior high school days friend and he looked great.
he has already got married and has two children.
he told me one is boy,the other is girl.i was suprised to hear that.
in those days,we used to go fishing a near river.
i go on fishing since then,so does he!
so,he said to me why don't you go fishing again like then?
he reminded me of my the best pleasant days in my life.
768 :03/06/15 21:07
After I had Eiken exam, I went to drink with my friend.
It was fun to nudge him over his past love affairs.
He looked embarassed, but he told one after another.
I didn't feel gealous that much, I enjoyed his story as if
it was ones of another world.
769Jennif:03/06/15 21:10
Hey you. What I wanna say is it takes time.
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/15 21:45
today, i didn't do anything speciall, staying at home for all day.
cause i'm now going on the depresion, that's on the run in mind.
sometimes, i think i wanna die, wanna be away from anything,
anybody that i've ever known..
771名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/15 22:47
to 770
take it easy!
i can assure that you will happen something good in the course
of time certainly.

772名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/16 15:28
>>771 But you have Nothing . Right ?
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/16 17:33

774770:03/06/16 22:41

thanx much.

Dear Tom
Thank you very much for inviting me to dinner. German beer got me feeling reallygood! I haven't had such a nice dinner for a long time. I really appreciate your hospitality
Thank you once again.You must

Just wanted to say thanks for cooking that great meal.
It was definitely the happiest experience in my life, and I'll
cherish the great memory forever.

訳 「素晴らしい食事を作ってくれて有り難う」と一言いいたくてメールします。


776名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/17 09:07
yesterday, i picked up wallet at the university.
as i knew it by sight,thought no doubt it frind Syoko's.
she is one of the most beautiful girls at the university,so i decided
to took it to her.
but she had the misteken idea that she was stolen me her it.
i wanna rape that fucking girl!!!

777名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/17 09:35
Calm down,please!
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/18 04:39
I think I've been followed. Just the other day, at school, I thought
I misplaced my wallet but later found out it was picked up by an ugly
boy who's been eying me every chance he's got. A pervert. Thought of
his hands touching my wallet and looking at my stuff in it gives me a
chill. I wiped wverything with rubbing alchol but I think I'll just
through it away. What a yucky day it was.
779776:03/06/18 09:44
I succeeded in solve the problem regarding this matter.
The truth is that it appears she has been giving her heart to me
since we entered university,
so she was telling a lie because she wanted to draw to me.
and then,I made up my mind to assocciate with her.
now we spend very happy days.Do you believe destiny?

780名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/18 10:05
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/18 13:15
a while ago,
i had a quarrel with my mom so hard terribly .
everyone is not perfect,to be sure,but i think it's so important
to strive toward an ideal.she has nothin about it,at least has nothin about
improvement of quality of life.i don't wanna be son of real bitch,
so i let her know what i think.may be it's not my duty as her son,
but i wanna love her,wanna get along with her together from now on,
so i ever wanna take a sttrugle.

somethin like melancholy surrounds me now, it's sweet little bit.
anyway, i wish i can go well on removing to Tokyo next year.
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/20 01:36
 In general, the expression looks like exaggerated, especially
for German. You should express your feeling more simply because
he might be wondering you were not satisfied with the dinner.

Of course, it's general opinion. In fact, according to some
magazines,some American think that Japanese seems to type longer
sentence for emails or letters than they expect.

You should consider about their opinion.
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/20 09:56
I'm expected to drink with my colleague every day.
They say this is one of study of society.
The bottom line is that I hate so-called social drinking very much.
I don't know why I must listen to their complaint!
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/20 09:58
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/20 19:26
this afternoon,some ugly "gentleman" called me suddenly and
shouted an advertising copy out. "our loan plan makes you happier!!"
i hung up the line with no answer.*what kinda fool do you take me for?*
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/21 19:42
788厨でスマソ:03/06/21 20:00
Today I ate ra-men at 12 o'clock in this noon.
It was bad. No! It's very bad! I thought that The cook go to Hell.
I will not go to that place again.
If I go to ra-men-ya , I will go to near the station.
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/22 11:23
I have been working present company since 3years ago and now
I'm gradually get use to this job.
However, my company was decided to go out of business last week.
How should I do from now on...?
Not least I have no qualification, besides came from trird-class university.
needless to say, I don't possess some connection at all.
If I can find a job that turn my previous experience to advantage, this makes
me happy very much.
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/23 08:20
On my way home , a car dashed by me fast.
Then, the car spatterd me with mud.
At first I thought It was raining suddenly, however, it was not rain but mud.
It was proper that the driver should apologized to me for doing it and
paid me a little money for cleaning.
I'm tring to put up with this matter but cannot help losing my temper.
Anyway the most important things is everyone should be careful in order not
to drive too fast when you pass through.
Universally that person's acumen is esteemed very little perceptive
concerning whatsoever matters are being held as most profitably by mortals
with sapience endowed to be studied who is ignorant of that which the most
in doctrine erudite and certainly by reason of that in them high mind's
ornament deserving of veneration constantly maintain when by general
consent they affirm that other circumstances being equal by no exterior
splendour is the prosperity of a nation more efficaciously asserted than by
the measure of how far forward may have progressed the tribute of its
solicitude for that proliferent continuance which of evils the original if it be
absent when fortunately present constitutes the certain sign of omnipollent
nature's incorrupted benefaction. For who is there who anything of some
significance has apprehended but is conscious that that exterior splendour
may be the surface of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the
contrary anyone so is there unilluminated as not to perceive that as no
nature's boon can contend against the bounty of increase so it behoves
every most just citizen to become the exhortator and admonisher of his
semblables and to tremble lest what had in the past been by the nation
excellently commenced might be in the future not with similar excellence
accomplished if an inverecund habit shall have gradually traduced the
honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity
that that one was audacious excessively who would have the hardihood to
rise affirming that no more odious offence can for anyone be than to
oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and
promise which on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with
diminution's menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever
irrevocably enjoined?
792 ◆XY3/ZuPmBM :03/06/24 12:14
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/26 00:40
a little best friends sustain me to let a life in my mind healther.
lotta love is given,i can stand alone everyday.
wanna show them lotta love from bottom of my heart too.
and wanna remain hand in hand in our hearts.
thanx,my moms,my sisters, my brothers... sleep well :)
794名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/06/28 20:27
life is trash where in the hell can i find kinda mercy
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/02 21:53
where's evri 1 gone?
i have been busy with my graduating thesis.
it will consider the English Middle.
gathered some main papers, but im at a loss.
i have to begin with summarizing them, and propose questions.
ok, lets start it tomorrow. let me sleep for today.
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/07 19:47
suck my dick suck my big dick!!! come on.. taste my ass.. oh yeah my twincle boy!!
798名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/07 20:34
im having a test tomorrow.
but im sleepy now.
i feel like going to bed now.
but i should not.
i gotta hit the books hard.
what am i doing now?
what am i doing in front of the monitor
when i have something very important to do?
before i knew it,
i saw some pics of a girl that i like recently............
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/11 12:04
may be within 2 months,we family hafta leave away from our home forever.
cuz we can't pay for the so much dept my dad made,it's at least 70 million yen.
mom's cry in her heart,but our shiba dog and a few drinkin make her stabilized.
granma's life seemed to be gettin much more shorter,we're worry bout her.
i can do nothin but makin my complainin for dad unsaid,and makin some books and so on
into the removin packages. i don't believe this situation yet,
but it's real,it's really my concerned.....fuck!!!
to make my heart protected,i decided to abondon my memories of goldie life in our home.
next house is lika log house,it is to rent for our employee's family.
couldn't compare with my home i live now.i can never imagine we live there.
but it's my realitie....
...no way! we surely come back here. yes!even obtain other home in much higher class area certainly!!!!!
this writing incourage me well.yes, now i helped myself.it means i have power!
i'm gettin cheerful more and more. OK, let me worry to restart my studying to enter university! :D
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/11 12:08
Who told you to share your fuckin' boring story with us??
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/11 15:30
Long depression beats everything down.
Not only >>799 nor >>789 but also
many people in japan are suffering
in the depression days now.
Can you really say you have no connection
with it tommorow?

"Carelessness is our greatest enemy"
[yudan taiteki]
802山崎 渉:03/07/15 12:39

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/17 01:17
>>802 Begone!!
804_:03/07/17 01:22
805名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/17 15:30
seventeenth july,Thursday 2003

Yesterday one of my friend tried to catch heart of his girlfrend,and failed it.
And today he tried again it,and failed again. X(
What I can do to him?
...and if I missed spell,you check and say to me!
cu all.
by one of 2channneler.
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/17 15:38
Today,I go to sea.
807名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/17 16:21
>Yesterday one of my friend
>Yesterday one of my friend

>he tried again it
>he tried again it

>What I can do to him?
>What I can do to him?
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/17 20:43
what you want to say?
810名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/18 01:59
These days, I'm very very tired of studying to pass university examination.
Today, I met a girl is very beautiful.
I am apt to try talking with such a girl. I tried talking with that girl.
I said "hello!".
but... that girl neglected me.
I said to that girl "why did you neclect me?"
She said "Your appiarance is very ugly!!!"
I shocked this message.
I went home crying....

811名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/18 02:15
I met a girl who was very beautiful.
I went home in tears.
I tried talking to her.
I was shocked at it.
813:03/07/18 03:46
You don't have to be depressed.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes.
Keep on working!
814名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/18 03:50
Yes sir .
I'll make it a point to work on writing !
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/18 10:35
Nah, you ain't gonna make it.
You know why? cuz' you are a big loser who wastes a big chunk of time in this stupid thread.
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/18 11:07
Fuck off 815!
817(;´Д`):03/07/18 11:13
818???:03/07/18 11:15
Oh my god!!!
my girl friend has discarded me!!!!!!!

dream is over...
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/20 11:49
I wonder whether to go to school to take exam or not.
Because I haven't studied at all, so I think it is no use taking it..
It is likely that I will get a score of O on exam if I take it normally.
but also I heard everyone my classmates seems to have studied for it hardly,
so they must get a high score abosolutely.
Compared to me..

821名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/20 17:37
Forget about the exam.
Just smoke L til' you get happy, alright?
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/20 19:40
I'll arrest you.!!!!!!
L is very very harmful!!!!
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/20 19:43
You ain't know nothin'
L is harmful? Who told you B.S. like that?
Tabacco & alchohol products are more deterimental. Whey are these legal? I never know.
Where are you from?
Your English is difficult for me to understand, because I think
there is likely many slang in your sentense.

You kwow what? So many pepole use"ain't".
So it ain't nothing special.

If you wanna use slung, get listen Hip&Hop.

even you r in japan.
Try it!
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/21 09:32
What does ain't mean?
828名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/21 10:29
I’m an examiny.
I have to study hard...
but I don’t know how to study English...

829名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/21 11:49
I wanna study abroad very much.
coz I'm interested in American culture and language.
However, my parents don't allow me to go to U.s. as there are
a lot of danger(such as terrorism, murder, and so on).
I understand what they said, but I'm keen to go abroad.
so I persuaded my folks to allow and managed to solve the problem.
To put it in a nutshell,they accept a proposal with reservation.
I mean,I have to earn not a little money for funds.
so It'll take at least a couple of years to go there...
Until then, I make an more great effort frow now on and
intend to procceed in my Engish ability.
Wish me luck, bye.
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/21 13:36
Keep your hopes high, and do what you gotta do, alright?
831829:03/07/21 22:36
Yeah. I know.Thank you for your kindness!
A short form of "am not," "is not," "are not," "has not," or "have not"

It ain't cool!
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/23 12:40
I was gonna go to school yesterday,but I didn't.
you know, recently summer bargain is held by various stores.
so I thouhgt I wanted to drop in at them for a while.
at first I didn't intend to purchase anything but aggressive sales woman
came close to me and said, This T-shirt look good on you.I recommand you.
I lost at a pushy sales talk only to buy this T-shirt as well as jeans
at this store.
To make matters worse, my monetary feeling was broken, I bought a few items
another store, totally, I paid for no less than 40,000 yen.
when my shopping was over, it was at 4:30pm,so I wondered whether to go
to school or not.consequently, I was determind not to go.
As a lot of baggages which I bought were too heavy for me to carry.
that's why I'm broke right now.
However, this month I have to still buy some textbooks for exam.
I don't know what should I do...
834:03/07/23 12:57
お願いしますm( _ _ )m

Hey, everybody, let's have some fun
You only live but once
And when you're dead you're done, so

Let the good times roll, let the good times roll
I don't care if you're young or old
Get together, let the good times roll

Don't sit there mumblin', talkin' trash
If you wanna have a ball
You gotta go out and spend some cash, and
Let the good times roll, let the good times roll
I don't care if you're young or old
Get together, let the good times roll

835:03/07/23 12:59

Hey mr. landlord, lock up all the doors
When the police comes around
Just tell 'em that the joint is closed
Let the good times roll, let the good times roll

I don't care if you're young or old
Get together, let the good times roll

Hey tell everybody
Mr. king's in town
I got a dollar and a quarter
Just rarin' to clown
But don't let nobody play me cheap
I got fifty cents more that i'm gonna keep, so

Let the good times roll, let the good times roll
I don't care if you're young or old
Get together, let the good times roll

No matter whether rainy weather
Birds of a feather gotta stick together
So get yourself under control
Go out and get together and let the good times roll

836名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/23 20:38
>>833 Take care not to be brought to some where like hell by high school girls around Shibuya.
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 00:07
today.I joined english chat for the first time.
but I cant speak english well...

next joinning, Ill speak english more .
839名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 00:47
I shoplifted seven books today.
I think that the sum total of the amount of money by the shoplifter
from last year has probably exceeded 100,000 yen.
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 00:57
jesus...i never did that in my life...but i sometimes think
what would i do if i was suspected of shoplifting.
and what if i felt like getting some stuff out of the shop with me..
it makes me feel kind of strange and makes me wanna die.
i would be ashamed of myself with a sense of guilt all day long.
What do You mean of "i" ?

842名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 16:25
i is i.
Which part do you not understand???????
843 :03/07/25 16:29
844名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 22:26
I think that “i” means “I”.
845名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 23:48
>>841 in describing diaries, we tend to use "i" instead of "I".
846名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 01:01
i also think 'i' means I.
'cause it's so bothering to imput I...
847名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 01:16
I have a friend of African student. His English is very fluent.
He also use "U" instead of "you" in handy phone e-mail.
It's nice, indeed.
848名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 06:01
He uses U just because it's pain in ass to type all out "you”
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 09:37
EXCEPT native speakers of English,
you should not use 'ain't'.

850名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 11:52
851名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:04
Except [FOR] ね
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:18
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:18
854名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:19
855名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:20
856名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:21
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:22
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:23
I'm tired of just sitting on my ass for whole day long every day.
My room is not that big but still bigger than one i lived in japan.
But what i'm doing everyday here is just wake up, go school, come back
read books, drink a lilltle bit.
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:24
here is 厨房's park.
get out soon!
860名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:24
My room is not that big but still bigger than the one i lived in japan

the が抜けてんだよ
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:27

862名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:27
if you want to edit my diary, go ahead and re-Correct them ,but be perfect.
do u understand jark?
863名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:27
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:28
i tell you a thousand times.
You are missing "the" right there, stupid.
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:29
Don't you have a dictionary?
Can't you buy it?
866名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:30
so what idiot?
i said, if u buraburabura..."be perfect".
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:31
just admit your mistake.

I see a big "L" on your head.
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:32
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:33
anyway, i just wanna write what i want to write.
and you just correct all my mistakes.
thanQ jark hahaha
870名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:38
He doesn't have it.
Because he can't read English at all, you know?
...might be japanese, neither. (藁
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:39
A guy like you is the definition of "jerk," you got that straight?
Plus, I didn't correct all the mistakes you made.
I just corrected one of them.
So, you are aware that you made multiple mistakes.
hey, that's good. Let's start from there.
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:41
no way...give me a break ×××
873名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:45
You should quit to write any more, I think.
874名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:46
you mean, "you should stop writing anymore"?????
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:49
quit to do ×
quit doing ○
876名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:51
any more ×
anymore ○
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 13:53
Here's so nice. So fun.
878名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 23:50
Today, I was deeply shocked because my dream end in failure.
No one know my deep disappointment.
God gave me the greatest test of my life.
He seems to think that I need more trials to cultivate my character.
OK,Ok! I'll never give up until I become one.
Let's walk step by step!
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 06:47
I was shocked deeply.....ends.....


I found out a lot of mistakes in >>878.
But it's too many to show them all.
Sorry, I can't do it.
880名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 08:42
I'm so sad today that i broke my precious pipe.
I and the pipe have been together for over a year, and we had lots of
enjoyments together.
Now the pipe is gone.
I feel like my memory with the pipe is also gone.

881名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 08:47
that's your diary huh?
882名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 08:53
Thank you
883名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 17:58
One day i may
One day you may
One day we may
884名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 18:43
One for the money
Two for the honey
Three for more money
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 19:03
How about yours?
886名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 19:06
887名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 19:43
Last night, I had a sort of a big party with my buddies.
The party was a real blust, we just kept drinking.
We ran out of beer around 6 in the morning, and we decided to go get some more.
But, when we tried to buy some beer at the convenience store, a guy at the cashier said, "We can't sell alcohol from 2 am to 7am. It's a law."
We are all like, "what the fxxk.."
So, we waited til' 7pm for stupid beer. Can't you believe that shit?
After getting beer, we again drank like crazy, and many of us just got hammered or passed out.
Damn, the last night was just one crazy night.
888名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 23:58
↑ it's kinda "american graffiti" ! i love this!
889_:03/07/27 23:58
891Alice:03/07/28 00:15
I got up at nine in this morning and prepared to go school.
I ate brunch fastly. So, I could go out in a hour.
I studied all the day....very tired.

Now, i wanna eat Easy mac. I love it!!
but i don't want to be fat girl!! I should stand up to myself..

892名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 01:46
>...a hour...

893名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 02:12
You mean the "what the fxxk" part's screwed?
894名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 02:24
895名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 02:31
【こんくらいは】 マフィア化の実像公開 【知っておけよ】

●ニセ札づくり  マネーロンダリング  高利貸し
●ストーキング殺人  レイプレイパーレイプット  
●極右  ネオナチズム  デマゴーグ(~ちゃんねる)
●児童虐待  性的虐待  ストリートチルドレンの臓器売買    
●カニ密漁(ロシアコネクション)  希少動物密猟
●不法移民出入国 ←ハァ?→ 人種・移民差別
●産廃不法投棄  コンピューターハッキング
●自動車窃盗団  ピッキング  違法建築
●児童売春  幼児ポルノ(撮影したあとに口封じして埋める)  
●毒ガス散布  空中浮揚と解脱(!?)
●金融詐欺(バブル崩壊の一因)  企業役員脅迫  総会屋 
●誘拐ビジネス  保険金殺人  
●警察買収  涙目でグレ息子を劇団へ(もしや、こちらも裏金?)
●武器密輸  核物質入手  科学者亡命(北チョソ)
●麻薬取引  覚醒剤(ヒモが女をシャブ漬け)  
●破壊テロリズム  暗殺  たてこもり  時代遅れニセ赤軍(革マル派)
●アウトロー気取り厨房(ガキ) ←ハァ?→ ヤヴァイと警察に逃げ込むwhy!
●組織のっとり秘密化 ←ハァ?→ 裏切り者に対する制裁 
●個人情報の売買  盗撮メディア販売


896名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 03:20
The girl we picked up at the bar was real freaky.
Her mouth was kinda filthy, but her skin was milky like cereal. Plus, she got a body like "whoa," truely bootylicious, know what I mean?
After a little more drink at my crib, we let her some table-dancing skit (which she agreed to).
But, then, when it was about to go too far, she got freaked out, and flew away.
Shiiiit, we shulda taken steps slowly.
do が抜けてるな、Typoか?
we let her do some table-dancing skit

898Alice:03/07/28 17:28
899899:03/07/28 22:09
900I shall obtain the №900:03/07/28 22:09
obtain "900" now!
901名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 22:25

903名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/29 00:53
I'm seriously considering whether drop out of my school or not.
Of course I did my best to go with my school of environment as far as
I could. Consequently, I noticed that it was impossible.
What is responsible for that? my teacher, friends , myself,,, I have no idea.
I always pretend to go to school due to my folks not to be worried about.
But I'm not able to continue such a things any more,so I think I intend to come out
real things.
It has been 3 months past yet since I entered the high school.
so It is obviously that they will get angry at me...
I have no choice but to depend on them, I'm going to persuade them time and time again.
It's just easy to blame external environments for things that have gone bad.
You don't even think about a possibility that you chould have done something wrong.
That adds up to "being a kid," know what I mean?
Depending on your family, thinking everything else is wrong, but not me.....
You deserve the situation you are in, I tell ya.
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/29 06:43
It was this flight attendant's first day of work, they didn't give her a uniform yet.
That would make a big difference, don't you think?
I mean, here's just a regular girl, going, "Would you bring the seat back all the way?"
You would be like, "who the hell are you??"
"I'm the flight attendant."
"Yeah, right, then, I'm the pilot. Why don't you sit down because I'm about to bring the plane in."
906名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/29 09:53

907名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/29 10:25
You are right.
Truthfully, I don't know why I want to leave my school so much.
I merely feel that I don't want to go to school..
Like you said to me, I might be blaming for the environment
surrounding me at all times.
Parhaps I had so many expectations to my high school life.
However, it turn out to be unsatisfactory.
So I think I'm being disappointed about it now.
Everyone might laugh at me as if I were childish,but it is
primary problem for me.
I'm tired of thinking about it.
so I wanna solve it as soon as possible.
Thank you for listening to my complaint.
You gotta find something you can put yourself into.
That way, you will forget about all the B.S. that has been dragging you down.
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/29 12:56

I'll cross my finger for that, man!
911909:03/07/29 15:27
912名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/29 22:36
I don't feel I'm going to pass it.
913名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 01:04
feel like には「~のような気がする」「~のような雰囲気だ」の意味合いもあるぞ?
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 01:25
それはたとえばIt feels like rain(雨になるような気がする)とか
Feels like a Sunday morning(日曜の朝のような雰囲気だ)ということで、
I feel like [action]は「気がする」「雰囲気だ」にならずに、
わたしはコーフンしているをI'm excitingとか
わたしは退屈しているをI'm boringとかな。
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 04:15
I don't feel like I'm going to pass it
は間違ってない。 「なんかPassする気がしない」ってなる

I don't feel like dancing とかすぐLikeのあとにingなら、~したくないになるけどな。
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 05:23
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 05:32
920名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 06:17


921名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 06:49

922名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 08:11
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 09:52
924名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 11:00
925英語成績3:03/07/30 11:29
today I eat meny TAKOYAKi!
926名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 11:40
I was thinking what she was thinking when I called her.
That was the day I had been born. Yeah! My Birthday!

I and she have been together for 4years and keeping a long distance relationship for 3 years.
The last time i met her was 7 months ago.

When she took the phone, i said, "hi honey, what does it make today Sooou Special?"
She said, "I had really busy day today and i'm still working. if you don't
have any crap to talk, may i go back to work?"
Holly shit! I said to her that I was sorry and let her hung up the phone.
Idiot! Why didn't I tell her it was my birthday?
She may just forget about it 'cuz she is fuckin so busy as a typical japanese business soldiar.

It's been a week now from the phone call.
Now I'm thinkng what she is thinking.
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:29
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:31
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:32
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:33
931名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:35
932名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:35
933名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:36
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:40
それでは、I don't feel like I'm going to pass the examが
935名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:40
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:42
now im thinking about those people here at 2ch.
who are they? where do they live? what do they do?
what kind of food do they eat and what kind of clothes do they
wear every day?
some say they are a bunch of fucking losers.
some say they are just ordinary, average japanese middle class people.

who are they?

but before that, who am i?????
im far from being an ordinary, average type.
you dont know me, but im sure thats true.
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:43
I don't feel like
938名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:45
I don't feel like
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:46
940名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:49
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:51
        まもなくここは 乂1000取り合戦場乂 となります。

      \∧_ヘ     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ,,、,、,,, / \〇ノゝ∩ < 1000取り合戦、いくぞゴルァ!!       ,,、,、,,,
    /三√ ゚Д゚) /   \____________  ,,、,、,,,
     /三/| ゚U゚|\      ,,、,、,,,                       ,,、,、,,,
 ,,、,、,,, U (:::::::::::)  ,,、,、,,,         \オーーーーーーーッ!!/
      //三/|三|\     ∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧
      ∪  ∪       (    )    (     )   (    )    )
 ,,、,、,,,       ,,、,、,,,  ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧
      ,,、,、,,,       (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:51

943名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:53
       ,,、,、,,,       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   \∧_ヘ
,,、,、,,,             俺一人で行くか…… >   / \〇ノゝ  ,,、,、,,,
           ,,、,、,,,  ________/   /三√´д`)
                                /三/| ゚U゚| \
   ,,、,、,,,    ,,、,、,,,      ,,、,、,,,         U (:::::::::::)∪  ,,、,、,,,
,,,,,,,,    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ,,,,,               //三/|三|\ トボトボ
,,,,,    ∧_∧ うまいモナー,,,,,   、 ,,,,,,     ∪  ∪
 ,,,   ( ´∀`)___,,,,___ ,, ∧_∧ ゲンキニ シテルカナ・・・___,,
  / ̄ ( つ日ヽ   ∧_∧    (    )               /
/    (__))   (´∀` )   (    )    ∧_∧∧_∧ / マターリモナー
 ∧_∧∧_∧ドーゾ (日ノ )  | | |    ( ´∀`) ´∀`)
 ( ´∀`) ´∀`)    ((__)  ,(_(_) (○)⊂   ) つ日⊂ ) モーナー
―(つ⊂  ) つ⊂ )―――――――――――ヽ|〃(⌒)(⌒) (⌒)(⌒)
   (⌒)(⌒) (⌒)(⌒)グーグー
944名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:54

 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
 |   次でボケて!!!   |
    ∧ ∧||
    ( ゚д゚ )||
    /  づΦ
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:55
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:56
AllNippon 251, cleared to Fukuoka airport via ZAMA 6 departure,
Nagoya transition then flight planned route, maintain FL350,
maintain FL150 until further advised, departure frequency will be 126.0, SQUAWK 2274.
Read back.
AllNippon 251, cleared to Fukuoka airport via ZAMA 6 departure,
Nagoya transition then flight planned route, maintain FL 350,
maintain FL150 until further advised, departure frequency will be 126.0, SQUAWK 2274.
AllNippon 251, read back is correct, contact Ground, 121.7
Contact Ground, AllNippon 251.
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 12:57
            /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /
           /   このスレは無事に  /
           /  終了いたしました    /
          / ありがとうございました  /
          /                /
         /    モナーより      /
         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
  ∧_∧  /                /∧_∧
 ( ^∀^) /                /(^∀^ )
 (    )つ               ⊂(    )
 | | |                   | | |
 (__)_)                  (_(__)
[New Thread Information]

∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうⅡ☆ Diary∵
950名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 14:08
(σ・ω・)σ 950 ゲッツ!!!
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 17:17
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 17:43
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 18:28
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 23:22
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/07 22:13
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/14 21:52
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/19 15:13
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/19 15:16

961名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/20 00:53







963名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/20 13:40
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/20 13:42
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/20 13:57


∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうⅡ☆ Diary∵

社会ニュース - 8月23日(土)15時55分



 ■気 温 


