
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/10 19:24
Time is まねい
ファっ苦 めー
754 ◆H9krgTqT2c :03/09/11 01:47

755 ◆EHFosUmvec :03/09/11 01:48

I am a F.

759名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/17 08:47
( ´,_ゝ`) プッ
looks good. can i try one?
761 ◆Upy4wcs9SI :03/09/19 17:03

762 ◆Upy4wcs9SI :03/09/20 10:07

763 ◆Upy4wcs9SI :03/09/21 14:11
I have only 4 dollars now.

[email protected]
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/21 14:18
The Cellular&PHS board is the worst BBS in not only 2ch but also other web sites!
For example Siwota means the maniac hooligans supporting J-phone & vodafone.
And Auwota means the maniac hooligans supporting au in there BBS.
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/10/28 23:14

When I look upon the sky
I recognize I am on the ground

If I had wings like a bird
I would be flying high in the air

As I don’t have them
I can’t fly like a bird

But I know I have something special
Something special to fly on the ground

If I use the special one
I can fly through as if I were a bird
767766(1/2):03/10/29 23:54

[See me fly]

When I look upon the sky
I recognize I am on the ground

If I had wings like a bird
I would be flying high in the air

As I don’t have them
I can’t fly like a bird

But I know I have something special
Something special to fly on the ground

If I use the special one
I can fly through as if I were a bird
I can fly across the period
768766(2/2):03/10/29 23:55

Hey, you, see me fly
Through the sunshine
Through the darkness

Hey, baby, see me fly
Across the past
Across the future

I don’t afraid of what’s in front of me
Because I am “flying” high

I don’t aware of what’s going on me
Because I am “flying” freely

Hey, my lover, see me fly
770†ケソ† :03/10/30 09:47
I put my hand in the top of his pants and find his hard dick.
My fingers encircle it. It is huge. I don't know if I will be
able to take it inside me.
He rubs my legs from my ankles, up to my calves, over my thighs
and then caresses pussy lips. He slides a finger into my very
hot pussy and moves it in and out.
He kisses my hairy triangle. His tongue finds the crack between
my wet pussy lips. His tongue reaches my clit and tweaks it. He
sucks my clit into his mouth.
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/01/17 16:05
イェーツの詩 キボン
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/01/31 18:57
Last Samurai (
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/08 17:44
Dwelt in the midst of shade
Felt the touch of aid
Believing that the Savior has come
Relieving the pain out of my curse

Why am I bound to such place?
Nay, my mind is sunk in depth
Smothered by the weigh of air surrounding me
"Gathered the doom here, upon thee"

I'm now corrupted
Maim the body, scavenge the dead
Whole world is gone out
"All lives are in doubt"

775名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/17 03:38
Desert Walk
Dry skin cracking
Mind is racing
Heart is pounding
Blood has spilled

White sun rising
Breath is gasping
Sweat is dripping
Flesh has burnt

Cold shade leaving
Pace is slowing
Thirst is growing
Sleep has come

Dark buzzards flying
Sound is reeling
Life is fading
Man has died

776名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/17 10:25
I like money.


777名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/17 22:58
続いて 777 gets
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/17 23:09
>776 I laughed a little.
We won't no longer be opressed by theFascism of christianity
We won't no longer be opressed by the Fascism of beauty
I see you 're searching on your way to heaven. From ask
to you.In there be placed by a bunch of asssss!
I think I have to come between 18 and 22.
There live two brothers.
I'm home.
I will be an ape.
It will be harmless for two weeks.

786名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/13 13:27
はあ〜 ぽえっと ぽえっと
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/16 14:34
I designed program.
You can't using program.
You mustn't enjoy for turn up many feinures in sleep.
Because,I designed program.
You can't using program.
You mustn't enjoy for turn up many feinures and resolutiin in sleep.
Because,it is The program .
You mustn't enjoy for turn up many feinures.
I turn up many feinures and program .
Because,it is relinively for turn up many feinures and resolutiin in sleep.
Because,it is relinively in the many feinures and resolutiin in sleep.
Because,it is relinively in the PCs.

788名無しさん@えいご勉強中:04/05/16 14:45
I'm a machine.
I'm moved by you.
I'm sad,very sad.
But,you may need me.
So I'm slave for U.
789 ◆YEKLZm8p/E :04/05/23 21:50
Continuing such things shortens life.
I've felt weak these days and somebody said I would die around 50.
Everybody's lifetime is limited.
I'd like you to give me a call soon.
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/26 20:11
Nullifying the past
Unite all those abandonded
Reign the world, now it's the time
Unless He comes to visit us.
Protect yourself, won't you hear the murmur?
O, He comes now. Aye, I, eye, aiming, argh.
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/26 20:13
Why Aya had her hair cut?
792名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/26 20:33
There were times
walking on my own
When I thought I wouldn't need anybody
But after years
Feeling all alone
I began to see a reason for living
As time is going by
Like the stars up in the sky
We'll make a way together
We are gonna stay together till the end
Cause we all know together we can win
It is more than you and me
It's together

794名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/26 21:17
stay paris or new york
when you cry, i cry.
when you laugh, i laugh.
when you have pain in your body, i have pain in my heart.
when you smile, i smile in my heart.
when you get angry, i console you.
when you say something, i listen to you.
when you get over something, i feel relieved.
when you die, i lose everything.
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/07/30 19:15
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/05 01:11
Time, all the long red lines, that take
Control, of all th smokelike streams that flow into yr
Dreams, that big blue open sea, that can't be
Crossed, that can't be climbed, just born
Between, oh th' two white lines, distant gods an' faded
Signs, of all those blinking lites, you had t' pick the one tonite...

Holes, dug by little moles, angry jealous
Spies, got telephones for eyes, come t' you as
Friends, all those endless ends, that can't be
Tied, oh they make me laugh, an' always make me
Cry, til they drop like flies, an' sink like polished
Stones, of all th' stones i throw, how does that ol' song go
how does that ol' song go...
798名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/05 16:41
I used to pride myself on being the other man
But now it's flipped and I don't want you with no other man
Why can't you understand anything I'm offering
I gave you the world, but you just wanted arguing
From the time I picked you up, until the time I dropped you off again
Even if flipped out on at the mall again
"It's all his fault again" that's what you tellin all ya friends
I ain't pointing fingers ma, i just wanna call again
See how ya day going I know they stressin on ya
I know them times get hard that's why I'm checkin on ya
It's yours truly ma, I got little message for ya
Anything he can do, girl I can do better for ya
When we laugh or we cry it's together
Through the rain and the stormiest weather
We gon still be as one it's forever, it's forever
Won't you come on and go with me (oh girl)
Come on over to my place
Won't you sit ya self down and take a seat
and let me ease ya mind girl
We gon do it our way

799名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/10/13 19:36:07
all th smokelike streams that flow into yr
dreams, that big blue open sea, that can't be
rossed, that can't be climbed, just born.
800800:04/10/21 01:08:48
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/11/14 11:28:53
http://www.eigotown.com/culture/story/limericks/limericks.shtml 『五行でわかる日本文学 英日狂演滑稽五行詩(リメリック)』 ロジャー・パルバース(著) / 柴田元幸(訳)

<<< Murakami Haruki 村上春樹 >>>
He is the great Japanese challenger
Who took on the pugnacious Salinger
   To him we're be'Holden
   For a translation that's golden
And a Caulfield who's raunchy and mad at ya!

あっぱれ日本の チャレンジャ−
翻訳したのは サリンジャー
   おかげで新たな ホールデン
   読者は感謝 しておるでん
インチキ大人に 怒ってるんじゃ!

### 感心したので自分でも作ってみた:

"Untranslatable" meant nothing to the man
Who brought Finnegans Wake to Japan.
   Yanase Japanized proper
   James's jumbled jabber
To reJoyce the delighted [tout le monde] !

それは「翻訳不能」の一句 !

FW limericks in E&J (C) by stzz http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/study/4383/


闇を泳げ そして光の方へ



Here come dawn,that say good-bye
to live with my dark side.
Come, And go out from sweet home.
It's just will sing a song so long.

Anyway, We have no time more!
limit of morning near of us.
Swim in dark and toward one light
The taugh and solitary dream that noone knows

