>>34 The original plan was to have you work in this room starting today, but since the room is unusable because of a moving delay, please use this room instead.
>>35 His track record with women over the past 2 or 3 years has been that of absolute misery.
His "her-story" has been miserable in these years. >>35 しかしこの英文、遍歴→歴史→history→His Story(皇帝の伝説)→女性なら her story…… というジョークを込めてみたつもりなので、周りの訳文とあまりにかけ離れるようなら諸刃の剣。
>>40 Thank you for letting me get laid with your wife and your daughter. I am very very happy. I wasn't so up for it at first but when your wife and your daughter started to lick my crotch I beagn to really enjoy.
>40 I'm happy that you could give me such a lot of/useful information. First I was concerned about visiting/living in/studying in UK, but I became looking forward to it while listning to your stories /but now I'm looking forward to it thanks to you.
>>57 I spend everyday in rambling by Lying on the pier 'n listening to the surf Looking above deep into the clear sky Merrily a seagull is cutting through
>59 Prices are now double what they were two years ago. でしょうね。 60さんの The price level has doubled in the last two years. もいいですね。 The prices have doubled over the last two years. でもいいでしょう。
>66,70 「現在、経済的に急成長をしているのは、環太平洋諸国です」 At present, it is the Pacific Rim nations that are undergoing rapid economic growth.
「米作は昨年に比べ、2割かそこら増収の見込みである」 This year's rice harvest is expected to be about 20 percent more than that of the last year. The estimate for this year's rice crop is about 20 percent over the actual figure of the preceding year.
「現在、経済的に急成長をしているのは、環太平洋諸国です」 Today, Pan Pacific Nations enjoy rapid economic animal. 米作は昨年に比べ、2割かそこら増収の見込みである」 America is expected to gain by 20% more than last year.
357 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 投稿日:02/01/23 07:15 ID:9f0BN7/v 298 名前:↑ 投稿日:02/01/22 18:50 ID:??? yan(Seattle): Do you want to make another bet on how Ichiro will do this year?
Rob Dibble: I've already talked to the Japanese media. I told them that if Ichiro hits.400, and if it wouldn't offend the Japanese people, I'd run around Tokyo in ag-string. I'm still waiting for a response. But I'm thinking they like a clothed Robzilla.
>>67 英辞郎で調べてみました。 紙一重 (as) close as wall-paper // fine line between // only a fine line 紙一重だ :〜と【紙一重だ】 be only [but] one remove from 紙一重で by (the turn of) a hair 紙一重である be (as) thin as a knife's edge // be paper thin 紙一重の narrow〔【narrowが修飾する名詞(頻度順】)margin, victory, streets, path, majority, band, win, view, passage, interests, escape, budget〕 // paper-thin 紙一重の →(ひょっとすると、ほんの【紙一重の】差で、私たちが結婚していたかもしれないね) By a twist of fate, we could have been married now. 紙一重の運命の違いで by a twist of fate 紙一重の差 very fine line 紙一重の差だ :〜と【紙一重の差だ】 be only [but] one remove from 紙一重の差で勝つ win by a hair's breadth 紙一重の差の razor-thin 紙一重の差を保つ hold a razor-thin margin 紙一重の優位を保つ hold a paper-thin majority at best
>>84 That's not what I asked. The order history does not have a record of my order. How do you expect me to cancel the order? Are you trying to keep me from canceling my order? Cut the crap and answer my question.
>>101 Long time no see. It's cold here in Japan, but how is the weather in Hong Kong? Let us be careful not to catch a cold. I'm amidst of updating the data that has piled up. I will do best so that I can show it to you at an early date.
Long time no see. はいくらなんでもと思うのですが、お友達の中国人は よく使います。amidst はこれで良いのか? the data は 三単現でいいのか?
It has been some time since I last wrote to you. It's very cold here in Japan; how is the weather in Hong Kong? Let us be careful not to catch a cold. I, too, am in the middle of updating the data that has piled up. I am working hard so that I can show you the result before long.
「お久しぶり」というのは、いろいろな意味にとれますが、いちおう、 「私があなたに最後の手紙を書いてから」という意味に解しました。 「最後にお会いしてから」という意味なら、... since I saw you last. となります。
>106 This skin contains MiniBrowser, AVS, and Album List. I believe it's best to palce the EQ window to the left of the main window. This is my first attempt at creating a skin for Winamp. I have spent six months on it, and I was getting tired of it.
この辺から意味が不明になります。I was getting tired は、6月もこの仕事に かけて疲れた、ということなのか、その後にくる 「I got a sufficient Skin, neither metallics nor darkishes.」(意味不明!)に「厭きた」ということ なのか?
>>108 Let me talk about my favorite food. Yesterday's news said whales were washed up at Kagoshima beach. Whale is so delicious though it's a long time since I ate last.
My favorite is sushi. I suppose this is the case with most of Japanese. I like them directly because they're so delicious at first. At second, they are premium. Few chances to eat make them tasty. At third, they apear to have good nutritions. So does especially Uni. I heard non-japanese eat avocado and potato as sushi ingredients. I don't care for it very much. I greatly would like them to have Japanese real sushi.
>>108 Today I'd like to talk about my favorite food. Yesterday, I heard on the news that whales washed up on the beaches of Kagoshima. I haven't had them recently but they're very tasty.
My favorite food is sushi. I suspect most Japanese like it. The first reason I like sushi is that it tastes good. It's a pretty straight forward reason. The second reason is that sushi is expensive. It's good because you can only have them from time to time. The third reason is that it appears to be very nutritious. Sea urchins seem especially nutritious.
I hear that in other countries, people roll up avocados and potatoes, but I can't go along with that. I want them to try real Japanese sushi.
>>128 She has an affair with another guy, and when I demanded her explanation, she snapped back that he is the one to whom she really wants to be faithful and that an affair with me was anything but serious.
>>176 I've been attending to driver's school to get a lisence. I was surprised that I was so nervous that I started a car with a hand brake on when an exam. I felt something defferent as usual, because the car was shaking. Anyway, I was happy to pass the exam at my first try. I have to go to take a written exam next holiday.
A「もしもし」 hello B「おい、この薄汚ねえ乞食野郎!!」 hey you! bustard! A「ビルか? 藪から棒になんだ?」 oh bill, whats up? whats wrong with u? B「去年の8月に貸した850$は、いつ返すんだ? このクソ野郎」 remember 850$ i lent u last August, how long should i wait for my money to get back? u clown! A「あ、あの・・・事か。すまない。もうしばらく待ってくれないか?」 oh! that money... im really sorry. do u think maybe you can wait a bit longer? B「いいだろう。だが一月だけだ。それを一秒でも遅れれば、お前はニューヨーク湾に浮く事になるぜ」 ok then, but u have only one month left ! with one more second, youll find yourself in the NY bay. A「わかってる」 i understand. B「それとも、お前の可愛い女房と娘を売り飛ばすか?」 otherwise, youll have to sell out your pretty wife n daughter A「矢、やめてくれ。それだけは勘弁を・・・」 please, dont. im begging you. B「だったら、さっさと金を作って来やがれ。このクソ豚野郎」 then make money in a month! you little pig!
>>184 >>185を訂正 1 Does the dispatch include an insurance premium? 2 I will make a remittance on 27th of Japan time. I am sorry if you won't be able to recieve it by 29th.
「この荷物を夕方5時まで預かって欲しいのですが」 Excuse me... ・Would you please keep this(baggage) until 5 o'clock in the evening? ・Is there anyplace I can keep this(baggage) until 5 o'clock in the evening? ・Is it possible you can keep this (baggage) until 5 o'clock in the evening?
ただしホテル側がどれだけ、その荷物に対して安全を保証してくれるか 分からないので私ならこう聞きたい。 Can I use a saftybox or something to keep this (baggage) safely until 5 o'clock in the evening? または Could you keep this (baggage) in a safetybox until 5 o'clock in the evening?
There are men who love out-of-doors who yet never open a book; and other men who love books but to whom the great book of nature is a sealed volume, and the lines written therein ( ) made indistinct.
Nevertheless among those men who I have known the love of books and the love of outdoors, in their highest expressions, have usually gone hand in hand. It is an affectation for the man who is praising outdoors to sneer at books. the keenest appreciation of what is seen in nature is to be found in those who have also profited by the stored and recorded wisdom of their fellow men.
Love of outdoorlife, love of simple and hardy pastimes,can be gratified by men and women who do not have large means,and who work hard;so can love of good books( )( ) -not of good bindings and of first editions,( )( )excelled enough in their way but sheer luxuries-I mean love of reading books,owing them if possible of course,but,if that is not possible,getting them from a circulating library.
>>205 You can't judge a book by its cover. ってことわざがあるね。 「使う」ということにこだわらなければ、 You can't judge this A by its looking.とかにすればいいかもよ。この、 本のことわざはいろんなバージョンにアレンジされて使われているので。 Aが何かによって、lookingを適当なものに置き換えるとか。
the noise was more than I could bear. I'm gonna leave early tomorrow. Yes. The earlier the better. A is more apart from c than B is. We wish we could have a little bit better grasp of what's happening. I paid ten times more than he did for this carpet. Tanaka is more than a coach to me. He is my true friend. The sooner we find out the problem, the sooner we get the solution to it. The unemployment rate was the worst in the past ten years.
>>251 みたいな文で、時々思う疑問ですえど、 ...was more...than I had expectedのhadは絶対に必要なものではない と思いますよ。hadあるのもないのも実際は両方ある。 微妙な時間の感覚の差異や偶然によって使い分けられていうんじゃないか と思います。どうでしょうか?
I think that the study in the United States progresses in the theory and experience in the business cultivated in the capitalistic economy. Surely I am able to get the knowledge of them by a reference book. But the experience of study in United States gives me to getting the view and culture of the American who cannot know in Japan.
>>276 The cultivated theory and experience of American business have grown from the American capitalism, and they are more advanced than Japannese one's.
If we use the books, We can study American bussiness in Japan. However we cannot study their way of thinking and culture here.
For knowing their attitude of bussiness, we should live in America and study them.
>>294 「英語を勉強しに」って部分訳出されてませんよ。 これを挿入するとするとIt's common for 人 to doの構文はちょっとゴテゴテするね。
It is common for people who have come to England "to study English" from abroad for the first time to get depressed to understand little English that they hear.
>>291 Foreign students who came to UK for the first time to study English are usually amazed and get down to find that Englsh they hear hardly makes sense.
hey guys. just a quick note 2 say that sum1 got in2 my email and changed my password. so sorry if u've recieved sumthin abbusive or different from me in the past few days (or even in the future),
>>310 I really enjoyed learning English through films and so on for three years. Thanks to the instructions of my teachers, I got STEP2. I want to learn English aggressively at college because I'm thinking of studying abroad.
>>323 Your English doesn't make any sense to me. Can't you write more decent English? Isn't English your native language? Are you trying to make fun of Japanese? I'm gonna let you pay for this! You're gonna be sorry!
>332 A pair of words that can be clearly distinguishable from each other by their accent in the southern region are not at all distinguisable in the northern and central parts of the country.
345 It doesn't alone stand for "shimofuri",I suppose. I say, red meat without fiber are avalable called Tender Beef. It seems that they, gurumets, often call it marble chocolate.
出向 external assignment // job assignment system // lease of an employee // temporary transfer 出向いた人 turnout 出向く →(銀行に【出向く】) present oneself at the bank 出向く →(事務所へ【出向く】) go down to one's office 出向く →(本社に【出向く】) report to the head office 出向させられる →(親会社から【出向させられる】) be dispatched from a parent company 出向させられる →(突然子会社に【出向させられる】) be suddenly farmed out to subsidiaries 出向させる send on loan 出向させる →(他社に【出向させる】) decruit 出向して →(一時的に【出向して】;(〜に)) on loan (to) 出向している人々 →(省庁から【出向している人】々) people on loan from government ministries 出向する be on loan to another company // go on loan 出向になる →(親会社から【出向になる】) be dispatched from a parent company 出向検査員 transferred inspector 出向国 country of destination 出向社員 employee temporarily transferred to the affiliated company // loaned worker // seconded staff 出向者 loan employee // workers on loan 出向者 →(親会社からの【出向者】) those dispatched from a parent company 出向中の役員 executive on loan // loaned executive 出向販売員 resident salesman // resident salesperson 出向労働者 seconded worker
>355 「英辞郎」の「和英」で、「出向」で探してみたら? http://www.alc.co.jp/index.html being dispatched to a subsidiary being sent to another firm on a temporary-assignment basis などはどうですか。
彼女がデートしているって??(最近) Is my girlfriend seeing a football player? 彼女がデートしたことがあるって??(前に) Did my girlfriend go out with a football player? ■Was my girlfrine seeing a football player before?
■のは実際言うかわかりませんので、保留しておきます。 「did my〜 see 」にすると単に「見た」という意味になって しまうような気がするのですが。
海外のショッピングサイトから送られてきたメールです。 どなたか綺麗に訳せますでしょうか? あと、文中のoililyというのは子ども服のブランドです。 よろしくおねがいします hello, yes we send quite a few orders to japan,shipping goes by weight, so for example a christing outfits with shoes etc is £6.95 or 2/3 oilily outfits is the same. best wishes michele
>387 「私は新宿まであなたを連れて行く事ができます。 でもその後、私は家に戻らなければなりません。 なぜなら修理に出したカメラを取りに行かなければならないのです。」 I can take you to Shinjuku, but I will have to get back home soon afterward since I need to pick up my camera that's being repaired.
1. I'm sorry, I could not send the money by the 3rd(of January or whatever). 2. Please let me know your address and phone number, so that I can send the money.
1. I apologize for not having made the remittance by the 3rd. 2. Please let me have your address and phone number, which I need for making the remittance.
↑これを強調したいなら、 My father wishes he could buy a car. 素直に言うなら My father wants to bay a car. または My father wants to buy a car but... (これで「買いたいんだけど残念ながら...」という雰囲気になる)
もう一つの方は Have you already finished it?? Have you already finished that job?? または Have you already done it?? (doneの方が「してしまった」という雰囲気が出る。 それから「?」を二つ付けて驚きを強調。alreadyは文末に付けても可)
>>423 When I once had a date with a foreign woman who did not speak Japanese, we felt uneasy each other because we didn't communicate well and were often in unpleasant silence.
>>432先生っすか。 Gather here! All of you! Everyone's here? Okey, We are a little behind schedule. We'd better hurry. It's a lovely day to walk outside though. Let's go now. Be careful of traffic. Roads we are going are very busy.
We'd better go now. Shall we go? wanna go? We should go! Time to leave. We've got to go....
”We do hope that by articulating and releasing the public and parental awareness of the harms of violent entertainment, and encourage a more honest dialogue about what can be done to enhance the health and well-being of American's children” この文をParaphraseするとどんな感じになりますか? お願いします
We do hope that by articulating and releasing the public health community, we may encourage greater public and parental awareness of the harms of violent entertainment, and encourage a more honest dialogue about what can be done to enhance the health and well-being of American's children ごめんなさい、一文抜けてました
>>439 "Spread your legs!" T touched her pussy by the hand. "You aren't still wet. Make my thing feel good first now." T got naked and lay on the sofa. T's big stuff has already erected. "Don't use your teeth. Do it as you do to your husband." She sat before T, and began to slide her hand on his prick. She got it into her mouth slowly. "Use your damned tongue! Concentrate on it!" I took many pictures of them. "The cocksucking of a married woman really works! If your husband saw you do it, he would fall over. How many pricks did you eat after he was transferred to another place?" "No way! I didn't do that! I know my husband only!" " Then you must be dissatisfied, right? That's why you were trying to sooth your aching desire with a vibrator. Doesn't my prick taste good after that?" I watched her pussy behind her. "Hey, wow, look. this bitch gets wet just by sucking your cock. she's really been sexually frustrated." I used the vibrator and teased her. Her cunt is flooded with juice. " Do you want it in, right? Say you want me to get the vibrator in!" She kept silent.
Can I have one more(something) for my friend? Would you give me one more(something) for my friend? Is it possible that I can get one more(something) for my friend?
でも、もっと会話的で自然な言い方だと Can I have one more? Because a friend of mine wants it too.
なぜ上の方の文だとmy friendで、下の文ではa friend of mineを使って いるのかは、めんどくさいから説明省略。ごめん。 まぁフィーリングです。
>>469 Another one for my friend (please). One more for my friend (please). Could I have another one for my friend (please)? [SLANG] Yo, gimmie one more for my bro, man
>524 そういう「受験英語」発想ではだめ。 「本気でいったんじゃないんだよ」っていう意味でしょ。 I did not mean it. このitはいわば、何も意味のないような、it. (beat it とか、make itとかこういう用法は多し) mean itでmeanの意味が強くなって、直訳すると「本気で意味してる」 というようなニュアンスになる。
>>531 俺、お前みたいな奴、嫌いじゃねえぜ。塀の中でアルファベット 覚えたっつう割には、根性あんじゃね〜か。ただ、ちと細けぇこと 言わせてもらえばよう、どっちかってーと、 A real man only applies for the school of his first choice. かも知んねぇぞ。
「私は、たとえ周囲から反対を受けたとしても、自分がほんとうに正しいと思 うことは勇気をもって行う人でありたい。 」 ↓ I want to be a person who, even if others object me, can do with confidence what I think is really right.
I am a left-hander. Due to this, I used to be often scold by adults in my childhood, My parents and teachers often told me to stop being a left-hander. However, these years others have not said to me, ''You are a left-hander.'' I think that left-handers get a little of rights of being cithizens.
544くん 君が言っていることはすこし変だよ。 "If you are a man, just apply for the college of your first choice." でも悪くはないけど、原文の「男はなぁ!、志望校一本で、行くもんなんだよ!」 だったら、やっぱり、a real man, real men を使った方が良い。531,532 を少し変えて、A real man applies only for the school of his first choice. (school はcollege でも良い。「大学」とはいっていないので、第一志望の 「高校」ということもありうるし、大学の場合でも、ここでは schoolでOK.) 大学院でも graduate school だよ。)あたりが適訳。
「real man なんていう妙な言い回し」?? a real man, real men はよく 使われるよ。 Real men don't eat quiche. っていう有名な表現、聞いたこと ないかな? Google で "real men don't"で検索してごらん、たくさんでてくる から。「本とのオトコは、〜なんかしない。」ということ。
>>548 「私は、たとえ周囲から反対を受けたとしても、自分がほんとうに正しいと思 うことは勇気をもって行う人でありたい。 」 ↓ I want to be a person who, even if others object me, can do with confidence what I think is really right. object me→object to me with confidence→bravely, courageously
>>551 I am a left-hander. Due to this, I used to be often scold by adults in my childhood, My parents and teachers often told me to stop being a left-hander. However, these years others have not said to me, ''You are a left-hander.'' I think that left-handers get a little of rights of being cithizens.
scold→scolded these years→for several years get a little of rights of being cithizens. →have got some recognition
「私は左利きだが、子供の頃はそのことでずいぶんと厳しく叱られたものだ。 親にも先生にも、左利きを直しなさいとしょっちゅう言われてきた。ところが、 ここ数年は誰からも「左利きですね」と言われてない。おそらく左利きは、 少し市民権を得たのだと思う。」 ↓ Because I am left-handed, I used to be severely reprimanded by adults. My parents and teachers habitually told me to correct my left-handedness. For several years now, however, no one has mentioned my left-handedness. Perhaps the left-handed people are gaining some social acceptance.
>>561 Do you know an anime named "Kyojin no hoshi"? It is a manga that belongs to a field of so-called Supokon, created more than 30 years ago. In those days there was no restriction on f-words (in Japanese, of course) used on TV, so you often heard a lot of words like "hiyatoijinpu (daysman) and "mekura"(blind), that are unimaginable today. The Japanese society today seems to be inclined to do too much "kotobagari", or ban on words which are politically incorrect, and people are beginning to feel awkward to say what they really want to. "baka-chon"----As an example, there is a phrase that means a camera ,which discriminates Korean people. But if we look at the great variety of words in Korea which look down on Japan, The Japanese should not feel too irritated by one of these.
>>564さんの言うように難しいところで間違いがありました。 .....a camera, のあとに called "baka demo chon demo"を入れてください。 あと、by one of theseをby insulting words pointed toward Japanにしてね。
↓ Although I have already been waiting for two hours, he have not come yet. He has been my friend for more than ten years, but he has never come late. Why don't he call me at all?
althogh i have already been waiting for him for two hours, he hasn't showed up yet. he's never come late since we became friends, which is 10 years ago. why doesn't he give me a call?
>>622 If the teacher isn't really interested in communicating in English, the study in school gets very tasteless. I've spent too much time doing grammar.
>627 「この前TOEFLのテストを受けたが、確実に低い点をとったと思う。 ショックで何もやる気がおこらない。」 → In the TOEFL I took the other day, I'm sure I scored very low. Now I'm too shook up to do anything.
そとにある自動販売機をなくすことによって 20才未満の人はたばこを吸えなくなるだろう、 なぜなら、今日までずっと 彼らは外にある自動販売機でたばこを買ってきたからである This idea will keep under twenty people from smoking. Since they have been able to buy cigarrettes by using vending machines placed outdoors. (this ideaはそとにある自動販売機をなくすことです) 書いてみたんですけど、 under twenty people→under twenty by using vending→by vending にした方がいいんでしょうか? 後他に、文法ミス等があったらダメだし頼みます
>637 This ideaがなにか不明です。それを説明する句なり節なりが必要ですね。 それと、「もし撤去されれば」という仮定なので、willよりはwouldの方がよい と思います。また、「外にある」は直訳するとoutdoorsですが、状況を考えると streetsの方が適当かと。 ちなみに私はこう訳しました。
Removing tabacco vending machines placed on the streets would make it impossible for those under 20 of age to smoke since they can reach tabacco through them.
since they can reach tabacco through them は少しおかしいのではないでしょうか。
これの意味することは理解できますが、読みようによっては、「自動販売機で たばこが買えるので(since they can reach tobacco through them)」、 「20才未満の人はたばこが吸えなくなる (would make it impossible for those under 20 of age to smoke)」というようにも解釈できます。そのように 解釈すると、話が合わなくなります。これを、since, until now, they have been able to reach through them と書き換えると、多少は良くなりますが、 それでも、since に問題があります。 since は原因・結果を示唆しますが、 ここでは、(a) until now they have been able to reach ... と (b) would make it impossible for those ... との間に、原因・結果関係は 存在しません。(つまり、(a) は (b) の原因ではないのです。)
Removing tobacco vending machines from the streets would make it difficult for those under twenty to continue their smoking habits considering those machines have been their primary source of obtaining tobacco products.
「もし撤去されれば」という仮定が存在するかどうかは、前後関係を見ないと わかりませんので、いちおう will と、直説法にしておきました。例えば、すでに 法律が変わって自動販売機が撤去されることは時間の問題だとしますと、ここでは 単に、「〜のようになるだろう」と、未来の状態を述べているだけのことになって、 仮定法を使うのは行き過ぎです。
which one is correct? please give me the answer for this. this cake is the same cake as i ate this morning. this cake is the same cake as the one i ate this morning.
are these sentence correct. if not, please correct the mistakes i made. (1)my skill became worse compared to when i was 17 years old. (2)this test is easier than i expected.
下の英文の添削をお願いします。ほんとにお願いします。。。 (1)this cake is the same cake as i ate this morning. (2)this cake is the same cake as the one i ate this morning. (3)my skill became worse compared to when i was 17 years old. (4)this test is easier than i expected. (5)my skill became worse than when i was 17 years old.
「そのおなじ話題には(自分に対しての話題)うんざりさせられたけど」 の英訳は I was fed up with the same topic about me, though. でいいのでしょうか。 fed upっていらいらというニュアンスもあるらしいのですが、なるべく 軽めに「その話題に困ったけど」くらいの表現にしたいのですが。 どなたかいい表現ご存知の方教えてくださいな。
tire1 2 〈人などを〉(…で)飽きさせる《 with... 》;…をうんざりさせる《 out 》 〜 (out) a person's patience 人を辛抱しきれなくする His long stories 〜 me. [=He 〜s me with his long stories.] 彼の長話にはうんざりだ.
>>714 Improve body and soul; A simple thing but one must do it as long as he lives. One hardship comes after another; Just fight it and achieve a new goal.
>714 I dared to use exclusive 'he' to represent general people. If you don't like it, change the precedent subject 'one' to 'we', 'you' or any other word that you think is fit. Wishes, 716
>>714 "A sound soul in a sound body": Old-fashioned as it may sound, the motto still holds true. And the achievement of your present goal is merely a step to a yet higher one.
別解: Have you ever hosted oversea students for/as a homestay program? from a 〜 にすると、 「どのホームステイ・プログラム」とか聞き返されそう。for か as の 方が分かり易そうな。。。 それから、overseasって複数でなきゃだめだっけ?
I have a very much worse memory than I did when I was junior highschool kid. より I have a memory much worse than I did when I was a junior high school student. の方がすっきりしてると思うが。 さらに言うと My memory is much worse than it was when I was a high school student. の方がもっとすっきりしているけど。
>>749 I have a very much worse memory than the momory I did when I was junior highschool kid. より I have a memory much worse than it was when I was a junior high school student. の方がいいと思うよ。
I visited your web site. cool,man! your cool design of your web site seems like the one somebody professional fixed up, dog. i heard from somebody that you drive rx-7. i used to drive fc. now, i drive r34. it's not gtr, alright? ps:i'm kinda relieved that your car is not made by hyundai.
例 cool! your web site seems like one of those fixed by a professional designer. cool! your web site seems like fixed by a professional designer. cool! your web site seems like designed by a professional.
>>793 I said to him, " I can translate English as it is, but I have no time to edit, like, to decide how many words I should cut out." Then he said, " I'll find another person".
>>793 I said to him that I was able to put them into English as they were but had not enough time for further editing like which part should be taken for the film or how much should be cut off so that they would sit well in each scene of the film.
Then He replied to me if that's the case he would go for another person.
I said to him, " I can simply translate the script, but I have no time to edit, shape up words to fit in and so on" he said then, "I'll find somebody else". とか。 >>799さんの訳を元にしてます、すみません。
>813 はーい。これみてー。805さんの書いたやつ。 I was able to put them into English 見たらこれ訳してみてー。 次、これみてー。 ー英文をそのまま訳すことはできるけれどー これ原文ねー。 805さんが書いたやつだと英文にそのまま訳すってことになっちゃうんじゃないのー。 ねー。はーい、おしまーい。
元の日本語を見て、ちょっと校正 I said to him, " I can simply translate the script, but I have no time to edit like placing each line where it should sit, shaping the words to fit in each scene and so on..." he said then, "I'll find somebody else". (やはり799さんの訳を基にしてます)
じゃ、煽られたので英訳チャレンジいきます。 I don't like the texture of outside skirts in my mouth. so, i'll get one order of beef short rib. also, let me get one order of prime tripe. あーなんか言われそー。 ちなみに食感の訳でtexture使ったけど、これ実際ネイティブから教えてもらったから あってるはず。
>>834 That must be a lot of fun. But I'm going to take entrance exams this year. They say it's hard to graduate American universities, but speaking of Japanese universities, it's hard to get in.
That sounds fun. But I, on the other hand, must be preparing for college exams this year. It's said in Japan that Japanese collegs are difficult to enter while American colleges are difficult to graduate (from).
>>846 How have you been? Wow, long time no see. I thought you quit school. Yep, I've just quit. Then what are you gonna do from now on? you're going to get back to your home country? Well, um.... XX, hurry up! I'm coming. See ya. yeah, bye. It makes me sad.
Long time no see! How have you been? I thought you've already quit the school. Yeah, actually, I did it now. I see, so, what are you going to do? Are you going back to your home country? Well, you know... **, hurry up! I'm coming. Bye now! See you. しょぼーん(オチ)
>>878 MAZDA is said to be trying to overcome sluggish sales that they've gone through repeatedly by resetting their policy with much more focus on the production of sports cars promoting the concept "a car you can play with" and expect eventual recovery from their money loosing business. If so, I might well speculate that cars like Roadster and RX-7 have a good chance to survive. As for Skyline, ardent fans of the car are heavily disappointed to find out that R35 has lost its characteristic idenity without round tail lamps, a straight six engine, nor a horizontal panel indicator.
Disheartened as well as I am, I would never buy Nissan car again.
Have you ever been to Korea? It's kind of funny and almost makes me laugh in a way to see so many cars, whose appearances are dead similar to Japanese ones and I almost cried, "Gee! I might well have been in Japan!"
It's nothing surprise, though, If we consider the fact that they do not work at the same place for more than 4 years in average and cannot aford to make their own design from scrach.
>>889 However, his recovery from the deadly situation did not mean anything to her at all at that time, because for her, the joy she had when she got freedom mattered far more than his recovery.
It's been a long time. Your site has been renewed! The top page also looks nice and mysterious. I hope you continue to improve it. I'm looking forward to seeing wonderful pictures of you too.
895の訳 "I worked for introduce new project to our customer by using the telecommunication." はちょっとひどいね。
I worked to generate new customers by introducing them to the company's new products and by explaining to them what new products are available and how they excel over the competitive products.
いずれにしても、906の "Having quit my job will give me aplomb. I'll bet unconfined time will fill the shortage of money." は「美文」だけど、悪訳ですね。すくなくとも、適訳ではない。原文は 旧知の人に送る手紙がemailの一部でしょう? こんな文章を書いたら 笑われますよ。「良い英語」というのは、修辞をさけて、簡単な文で あることが大事です。違った表現があれば、意味が同じである限り、 簡単な方を選ぶのが鉄則です。以下は、有名な Strunk and Whiteの The Elements of Style からの抜粋。
Avoid the elaborate, the pretentious, the coy, and the cute. Do not be tempted by a twenty-dollar word when there is a ten-cent handy, ready and able.
902と919は、このルールに従っています。906は、用途から考えて、 必要以上の "the elaborate, the pretentious, the coy, and the cute" words を使っています。 だから適訳とは言えないと思います。
>923 「あなたがその会社をやめたら、あなたの代わりにその仕事をできる人はいるのですか?」 の訳として、924の "Is there anyone who can take over your job when you quit?" は正しいですが、ただしこれは、「いる」ということを想定していない、という 含みになります。(いなんでしょう?そうじゃないですか?)誰かいそうだ、と いうことを想定している場合は、anyone のかわりに someone を使った方が 良いでしょう。(例えば、誰かいますか?いるならその人に連絡をとりたいの だけど、などという含みがある場合。) また、「その会社を」という意味で、when you quit that company? when you quit the job in that company? などした方が良いかも。
>>941 The old type FairLady Z(like the one "warau salesman" has) was too large and heavy for itself to be proud of being a "sports" type. But it offered the best acommodation in which you have sex inside.
>>942 Stability of catechin is required/necessary for the reaction/process. 聞いてはみたもののカテキンとかよく知らんので変だったらスマソ. 大学レベルの論文書いてるなら,英語の参考文献いろいろ読んでヒントになる表現を 探すといいかも.
>>947 私は彼らに予算のことで誰に相談したらよいか、教えてあげた。 I told them who to ask(to get advice) about the budget.
>>853 そこの事務所に行ってカードをもらってきてください。 Go to the office over there(Officeの場所がどこかによってdown there, in thereなど) and get the card.
>>957 「お手数ですが」を訳すことはできると思いますが、英語では人にものを 頼むときに、そういう表現はあまり使わないです。 なにかを頼んで、その後に when you have time, if possible というように付け加えるのが普通です。 単に頼むのではなく本当に心から「お手数かもしれないが」 と言いたいのなら、「お手数というのは理解しているのですが」というように 言うことは可能ですが。
>>962 ポルノサイトから引用しちゃおう! From the other end of the line came a familiar voice that asked, "Linda, is that you, Tommy here, how have you been!?!" Linda quickly looked around the office to see if anyone was watching her, and when she was sure that the coast was clear, she answered in a subdued but very excited voice, "Tommy, it's been a long time, how have you been!?!" "Just great, baby," he replied enthusiastically, "do you have time to talk!?!" "It's been pretty busy here today, but I think I can spare you a couple of minutes," she replied quickly!!!
Just saw that Willie Jorrin went over to Japan and kept his title by getting a draw with the Japanese contender. This leads me to wonder if in fact Jorrin is the luckiest man in boxing. Two judges had it even and one judge had it for the contender. Im starting to wonder if Jorrin is ever going to lose that title as he seems to just keep on getting decisions. Jorrin has to be the weakest titlist in the world. . . that is aside from the WBA titlist that are under their super champs.
>>982 over:向こう、down:あっち 程度の違いではない? もちろんシチュエーションによっては、どちらか一方が 他方よりしっくり来るとか、go down the street. とか go over the rainbow みたいに、どちらかでないといけない っていう場合も確かにあるけれどね。
ただ、go over there.は、かなり狭い範囲での スペシフィックな位置の指定にもよく使われてて、 そういう用法で使われる範囲ではgo down there.と 全く同義と言っても間違いでは無いと思う。
駅とか空港などの開けた場所で、見える位置にある窓口や カウンターをさして「あの窓口」とか「あっちのカウンター」とか言う、 基本的にover, down, up のどれを使っても良いシチュエーションで、 カナダの東部では圧倒的に up を使う頻度が高いように感じた。 で、アメリカの東北部はほとんど over だったと思う。
アメリカでover に順応した頭に、いきなりカナダ北部ののフレンチ訛りで Go up there and come back with the schedule. とかいわれた時は、 go up とくれば stairs と脊髄反射して、Go up stairs and… と思いこみ、 一瞬本気で階段を探しました。