どなたか、訳をお願いします。 This is causing you to become very conscious of all that is wrong in your environment. It is somehow making sure that you notice what up until now you had been doing your best to ignore.
As you do this, you are starting to see that not all of your problems are accidental or incidental. Someone is making an actual effort to get your goat.
Some of you may need to guard your intimate life from the prying eyes of jealous friends. These individuals are not bad people but when they are unhappy, they may display unpleasant sides to their characters, including intrusive behaviors into your relationship.
訳をお願いします。 Whatever we plan in our diary, however we organise our particular world,generation follows generation,governments and rulers will succeed each other,crops will be harvested,monsoons,earthquakes and other catastrophes will recur, taxs will be paid, the sun and moon will rise and set,stocks and shares will rise and fall. 一応一文全部書いてみました(長いな)。 前半部分がよくわからなくてうまくまとめられません。
訳をお願いします。 You have grown accustomed to your mysterious power but some others are frightened by you (often while highly attracted to you at the same time).
翻訳をお願い致します。 Practical matters will consume much of your time. Fortunately, you will find your energy corresponds to your business needs, which will be many.
>generation follows generation,governments and rulers will >succeed each other,crops will be harvested,monsoons,earthquakes >and other catastrophes will recur, taxs will be paid, the sun and >moon will rise and set,stocks and shares will rise and fall.
Unfortunately,the Marineland officials heard that Jeff was playing with dolphins without permission. They got angry and took away his pass. Jeff was shocked and very sad at the news. His parents were relieved. They thought their strange son should spend his free time with people,not with animals. One day a phone call came. Mrs Siegel asked,"Jeff,did you enter a contest?" He confessed he had written an essay to get a scholarship. And he had won the prize-a month in Hawaii with dolphin experts. Jeff spent the month teaching dolphins commands to test their memories. The scholarship required him to give a speech at his school about the experience. The other students listened and finally respected him. After graduation Jeff went to a junior college to study biology. He had to have two jobs to support himself,but he volunteered to work with dolphins in his free time.
訳をお願いします。 If you take extra time and seek clarity in communications, your relationships may improve as you find greater depth through intellectual exchange.
翻訳をお願い致します。 It is imperative that you do not succumb to a sense of defeatism or conjure up a conspiracy on which to blame your current difficulty. Its causes are entirely coincidental and its solution is delightfully imminent.
Unfortunately,the Marineland officials heard that Jeff was playing with dolphins without permission. They got angry and took away his pass. Jeff was shocked and very sad at the news. His parents were relieved. They thought their strange son should spend his free time with people,not with animals. One day a phone call came. Mrs Siegel asked,"Jeff,did you enter a contest?" He confessed he had written an essay to get a scholarship. And he had won the prize-a month in Hawaii with dolphin experts. Jeff spent the month teaching dolphins commands to test their memories. The scholarship required him to give a speech at his school about the experience. The other students listened and finally respected him. After graduation Jeff went to a junior college to study biology. He had to have two jobs to support himself,but he volunteered to work with dolphins in his free time.
翻訳おねがいします There was color in in the light now, a reddish gleam that made the air seem colder. The two men faced the east and their faces were lighted by the dawn,and I looked up for a moment and saw the image of the mountain and the light coming over it reflected in the older man's eyes.
訳をお願いします。 You keep encountering criticism. You also keep coming up against problems that ought not to exist. It is almost as if barriers are deliberately being placed in your path. This though, is not the case.
you may experience suspicions about your lover’s loyalty but this may be only your insecurity or business trouble you are projecting upon your lover. 翻訳をお願いします。
Around five per cent of clomipramine users report the side effect, though for most people the drug inhibits the ability to reach orgasm. The New Scientist says that the drug's users have been comparing notes on the Internet and speculating on its unusual consequences : people who experience it would presumably seek out the most boring person they could find at parties. これを日本語に訳してください。
All we can do is never to tell a lie. I don`t know what to do with my leisure. Practice is the best way to learn a language. I would ike something to write with. He woke up to find himself lying on a bench in the park. Needless to say,health is above walth. この6文をおねがいします。
You will sarasare towards hihan. Also, you shall chokumen with aruhazumonai trouble. Continue. It is as if, the shougaibutsu is left on purpose on your path forward, but in fact they are soudenai.
As I look back at those turbulent decades, I see a time of challenge to a basic tenet of modern society: faith in reason.
Religion and extreme nationalism have formed deadly combinations in these decades, impervious to reason. Serbs in the grip of religion and mystical nationalist history killed thousands and expelled millions in their "ethnic cleansing" of Bosnia.
I wrapped the trembling pup, which I named Cecily, in a wool blanket and carried her home. After laying Cecily down on the floor, I prepared a formula ――――a rich mixture of cream, egg and fish oil. It is said that few abandoned pups survive when they are captured ――――either because they are too sickly when found or because they refuse to drink from a bottle designed for human babies. Three hours later, both of us were crying, Cecily with hunger, and me with frustration. I knew I was losing a life-and-death struggle. Although Cecily sucked formula from my arms and fingers, she refused to nurse from the rubber nipple on the bottle. 長いんですけど、訳してください!お願いします!
binded files can be either executed or extracted when the server is ran. they don't have to be EXEs. for example,you can bind with an MP3 file,and when the server is ran ,the MP3 will be played[if the MP3 file is binded as 'executed']. so:'extracted'files are extracted to the current folder and 'executed'files are ran
>102 > your focus will be your work, specifically preparing and organizing for large projects headed your way later this month.< 前後関係が不明なので直訳にしておきます。 「(これからの)あなたの焦点(集中すべき点)はあなたの仕事です。 特に、今月末にあなたのほうへやって来る数々の大きいプロジェクトの 準備をし、組織化することです。」
Moreover, there seems to be agreement that intelligence is a gradual rather than an absolute characteristic, though it is not obvious how it should be measured. This is the task of intelligence testing. 教えてください。お願いします。
この文の訳をお願いしたいのですが、よろしくお願いします。 To some extent we are all victims of this syndrome. We seek that which will give us power, wealth or security and in the process travel ever further away from simplicity, gratitude and contentment.
How, you may ask then, do I know it?I am sworn to secrecy. I dare not reveal my channel of information. But I can tell you this much. You'll do yourself a damage today if you mind anyone else's business but your own. 翻訳お願いします。
Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries, And daub their natural faces unaware More and more from the first similitude.
訳をお願いします。 Galadriel, the elfin queen of Lothlorien, was loath even to touch the ring for a moment. She explained that though she might hope to channel its power for good, ultimately she would find herself drawn by its dark force.
institute something that is instituted : recognized as authoritative, legal
facility. something that makes an action, operation, or course of conduct easier -- usually used in plural <facilities for study> something (as a hospital) that is built, installed, or established to serve a particular purpose
>>144 「便利な施設、所」から、つい想像してしまったんだけど。「公衆便所」。 これは facility だけど、決してinstitute ではあり得ないと思うのですが。 くまのプーさんはどう思われますか? Mr. Pooh the little bear, how do you think about a public rest room? I think it may be a facility, but can't be an institute.
訳を・・ The first preschllos in America were adaptations of the English idea, differing however in aims, motives, and organization. The American preschool was promoted in the interest of psychological and educational research and was concerned with what could be learned from children rather than taught them. Social forces that prevailed in the country after 1980 further influenced their development. The number of schools increased rapidly following the close of World War Ⅰ.
翻訳をお願い致します。 "Power corrupts, power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." You are not likely to end up with absolute power today, so you needn't be too worried. But you should be conscious and careful about the power you do have.
中学生向けの訳をお願いします。 The first preschllos in America were adaptations of the English idea, differing however in aims, motives, and organization. The American preschool was promoted in the interest of psychological and educational research and was concerned with what could be learned from children rather than taught them. Social forces that prevailed in the country after 1980 further influenced their development. The number of schools increased rapidly following the close of World War Ⅰ.
訳をお願いします。 It is currently an anarchic game that can involve any number of players, from one (as in, "it's all my own fault") to six billion (as in "it's all everyone else's fault"). When it does gain acceptance, it is likely to be classified as a dangerous sport. Don't play it today.
>>173 英辞郎より: in the interest of ~の利益のために in the interest of all concerned 関係者一同の利益{りえき}のために in the interest of both parties 双方のために in the interest of brevity 簡略{かんりゃく}にするため in the interest of humanity 人類のために in the interest of party unity 党の統一の利益のために in the interest of physical fitness 健康増進{けんこう ぞうしん}のために in the interest of reducing the clerical work 事務の仕事を減らす目的で In the interest of safety, please assist our employees with luggage exceeding 40 pounds. 《掲示》安全のため40ポンド以上の荷物をお持ちの場合係員に手を貸してください in the interest of the country 国のために in the interest of time 時間の関係で、時間の都合で in the interests of accuracy 正確{せいかく}を期するために in the interests of both sides 日英双方のために in the interests of crime prevention 防犯上{ぼうはん じょう}の理由{りゆう}から in the interests of humanity 人類のために in the interests of justice, be 正義{せいぎ}にかなう in the interests of company // in the interests of one's company 社用{しゃよう}のため in the interests of the community 社会の利益のために
Even though TV reporters may not not lie deliberately, they certainly stretch the truth. We must permit newscasters and photographers to think for us. 訳してくださいお願いします
I'm an American whose lived in several Asian countries, and I can tell you that you gooks are the worst people, the most racist people on earth. Chinese people are so humble and have so much more confidence thatn you ugly, barbaric, dogeating flat faced, ugly 588 layers of makeup wearing gooks. Japanese people are much kinder and open to foreigners than you dog-eating, flat-faced, garlic breathed barbarians. It makes me sick too the way you gooks pronounce foreign languages. Why the fuck can you large-headed gook monkeys can't pronounce the letter "z"? "Z" does not sound like "j" you ugly slitty eyed, other people's regurgitated food-eating gooks!!! You gooks are so dirty and your country smells like shit. I used to live in gookland before I came to Japan, and I can tell you it was the worst 2 years of my life. Japan is so much like heaven here. The people here actually brush their teeth, and clean up after themselves..not like in your barbaric country.
You guys prononce the number 0 as "jero." It's "zero" you subhuman shits. I guess you can't do it because of your fucking 9 foot wide faces. Why do gooks have such large heads, but such small brains? That always puzzled me.
Gooks are just so chock full of racist, arrogant, jingoistic terminology proclaiming Korea to be some "heavenly kingdom"! You call black people "kamddoongi" You always refer to Americans or Chinese, Vietnamese, Blacks, Europeans Japanese as "nom" or attache "seki" to it. Equivalent of saying "bastard" In fact, you always refer to foreigners as some country + seki! How rude and crude your culture is. Purely barbaric. Your people are just animals. You call white people "yang nom" Japanese as "jjokbaree" Chinese as "ddaenom". In Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, Japanese and Chinese, there is NO DERAGATORY word for you ugly gooks or other country. They just attach the suffix "jin" (Japanese) or "ren" (Chinese) to the country name to indicate "person." That is a sign of refineness and politeness..not your ugly shit dirty filthy language.
Stop feeding bullshit to everyone else you fucking weak sore insecure cocker spaniel eating gooks!
Personally, I wish that the US dropped the Atomic bombs on your ugly gookland rather than Japan, and I always wished that China would have sent in all her forces during the Korean Gook War and wiped out all of you shitheads once and for all. Too bad it can't happen anytime soon. I hate you gooks so much, it makes me puke. Get the hell out of LA and take your dog-soup restaurants, your liquor stores, and your laundromats with you.
by FLAT FACED GOOKS October 09, 1999 at 03:45:41 cs309-65.spmodem.washington.edu -
51 名前:名無しの歌が聞こえてくるよ♪ 投稿日:02/01/24 02:05 おい、オレ前にMainly A Cappellaっていう海外のサイトでCD買って カタログやらメールやらよく来ていたんだけど今こんなメールが来たよ。
Hello from Mainely A Cappella!
Yesterday, we learned about a television show in Japan that features a cappella singing. We would like your help, if possible, to learn more about this show.
The American group m-pact appeared on this show, called "Hamonet" (or something like that) which is on Fuji Television, this past December. We are told that a group called "Pochie" (or something like that) won an a cappella contest, and that this group has a CD which is on a record label that is part of Watanabe Entertainment.
Do you know this television show "Hamonet"? Could you please tell us something about this show. Do you know this a cappella group "Pochie"? What is their CD like?
Also, we would very much like to communicate with people involved with the Hamonet television show, and the group Pochie, and their record label. If you can help us with contact names, fax numbers or web sites we would greatly appreciate it.
こんにちは。今、九州の田舎で変なバンドをやってる者なんですけど、何故かイギリスの独立レーベルの人が契約をしたいと言ってきてくれたんですけど、その契約書の一部でどうしても訳せない箇所があるんです。 知り合いの、慶應医大と明治大学を中退した人に頼んだんですけどダメでした。 2ちゃんねるの方で訳せる事ができる方、どうか御力を借してください。素人には、とても難しくて訳せません。 1、DEFINITIONS (b)"composition(s)" shall mean "untittle album" and those musical compositions and lyrics recorded during the Term (defined below) (c)"the Term shall mean: Period of 6(six)months from the date hereof The term shall automatically be extended until 6(six)monthsafter delivery of the Commitment masters (defined below) therefor if such delivery has not taken place during the term PROVIDED that in no event shall the term have aduration in excess of 18(eighteen)Months (d)"the Commitment Master" shall mean Recordings sufficient to comprise minimum of 10(ten) track album.
翻訳をお願いします。 Here was a race of kind, courageous characters none of whom could ignore injustice and who would struggle to their last breath to defend the weak, the meek, the honest and the sincere.
どなたか訳をお願い致します。 Today, you can expect to become none the wiser with regard to any of the above. But you should just find it possible, if you are clever, to make yourself a fast buck!
訳をお願いします。 You may not, today, completely manage to destroy your nemesis. But it, he or she, will soon be quaking in its boots. And with good reason. For you have right on your side.
We must find answers to questions like, where does it stop and for how long? We also need to decide whether this is a game that can only be played by young bucks.
はじめまして。高校生に塾で英語を教えているものですが、以下の文について教えてください。 It would be entirely wrong to say that Americans love rules any more than it would be correct to say that tha British love waiting in line. (01 一橋大・前期)
>>246 訳: 英国人は皆列に並ぶ事を好き好む、と言い切る事が正しいのと同じ意味あいで、 アメリカ人は皆、法律を好き好むと言い切る事が全くもって誤りである。 解説: 英国人が行列に並ぶ事を好き好む、というステレオタイプは彼らを知る人なら だれでも大いに賛成する。そしてこの文の作者も強調して賛同する。 従ってit would be correct to say that the British.. さて、米国人が法律を好き好む、というステレオタイプがある事も事実である。 何でもかんでも法廷にもって生きたがる。しかし、この文の作者は、これに 関しては大いに強調して反対したいのである。 従ってit would be entirely wrong to say that Americans
258さん。丁寧な説明ありがとうございます。 私も同様に思います。 解答作成者はおそらく受験英語の定番「クジラ構文」 A whale is no a fish than a horse is. = A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is. と混同しているのではと思ったのですが、 自信がなくて、みなさんに教えていただきたかったのです。
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 "As the great necromancer sat in his dark tower bending all his thoughts to the whereabouts of the missing ring, his eye alighted on the fairyland.
The January day in 1958 on which my father came home and announced that we were moving from Yorkshire to the Midlands might well have been a bitter one indeed.
on whichが何なのか解らないし mightの主語(?)が解らないし、bitter one indeedのoneも解らんです 訳をお願いします。 こんなにアホだと文法からやり直したほうが良いでしょうか?
The January day in 1958( on which my father came home and announced that we were moving from Yorkshire to the Midlands) might well have been a bitter one indeed.
The January day in 1958(←主語)might well have been a bitter one indeed.
となっています。このThe January day in 1958に関係代名詞whichを使って ( )の中の内容がかかるわけですが、on which となっているのは
My father came home and announced that we were moving from Yorkshire to the Midlands on the January day in 1958.
という文章のthe January day in 1958の部分が前に出たために、残った on がwhich の前に出るという訳です。
問題となっている文はいわゆる「鯨の構文(~でないのと同様...でない)」 の2つの形 1 no more ... than ~ 2 not ... any more than ~ のうちの第2の形のさらなる変種と思われます。 主節に否定語がありませんが、筆者としては、「まったく間違っている」 という否定的評価を行っているので否定文の気持ちです。
同様の例 It was impossible for me to make a phone call much less to visit him. 前半は肯定文ですが、否定的な内容につられて much less を用いて います。文法的には much more が正解ですが、実際上は このように much less が用いられることが多々あります。
鯨の構文では、主節の否定的内容を強調するために than 以下に明らかに 「そうでない例」を引合いに出すわけですが、筆者はイギリス人についての ステレオタイプ「みんな列が大好き」を「んなこたあないだろ」という気持 ちで仮定法の帰結 would を用いていると思われます。
258さんの言うように than をはさんでどっちも肯定する趣旨なら、 more では なくて、no ... less than または as much ... as のパターンになるはずです。
模試の場合: 目的は、受験生の達成度を測ると共に、欠けている点を見つけて その後の学習に役立てることにあるから、ポイントとしてたとえば on which might well (←may well) might have p.p. (←may have p.p.) one などの処理に細かく点数を配分する。
There are of course, other issues to be resolved before the game of buck-passing can become a true Olympic sport. 直訳 「buck-passing」が本当のオリンピック種目になれる前に、もちろん 他にも解決されるべき議題がある。 ↑ 変な日本語(笑
The Germans know that life is no laughing matter. The Germans hate whimsy;they dislike surprises and things happening by chance. Great ideas do not happen by chance in Germany. They are the products of trained minds which have many sorts of qualifications,especially academic qualifications.
Moreover, various biochemical techniques now make it possible to remove and isolate large numbers of nuclei, cytoplasm granules, membranes, etc. from cells of liver or muscle, for example, without destrying the ability of these cell parts to carry on the same chemical reactions they perform in the intact cell. By such means, and by comparison with findings made with the electron microscope, biologists have been able to determine the chemical composition and the function of a large number of cell parts
Moreover, various biochemical techniques now make it possible to remove and isolate large numbers of nuclei, cytoplasm granules, membranes, etc. from cells of liver or muscle, for example, without destrying the ability of these cell parts to carry on the same chemical reactions they perform in the intact cell. By such means, and by comparison with findings made with the electron microscope, biologists have been able to determine the chemical composition and the function of a large number of cell parts
>>287 もうすんでいるかな。あのあざらしの赤ちゃんの話でしょう。 Then, with the sponge barely showing under my arm, I squeezed a steady stream of formula down the outside of my arm. そして、私の腕の下にわずかに見える程度にスポンジを挟みこんで、それを絞 って、調整乳が私の腕の外側をたらたらと(続いて)流れるようにして、(飲ませた)。
There are men who love out-of-doors who yet never open a book; and other men who love books but to whom the great book of nature is a sealed volume, and the lines written therein ( ) made indistinct.
Nevertheless among those men who I have known the love of books and the love of outdoors, in their highest expressions, have usually gone hand in hand. It is an affectation for the man who is praising outdoors to sneer at books. the keenest appreciation of what is seen in nature is to be found in those who have also profited by the stored and recorded wisdom of their fellow men.
Love of outdoorlife, love of simple and hardy pastimes,can be gratified by men and women who do not have large means,and who work hard;so can love of good books( )( ) -not of good bindings and of first editions,( )( )excelled enough in their way but sheer luxuries-I mean love of reading books,owing them if possible of course,but,if that is not possible,getting them from a circulating library.
A:No one ever said this would be a fun job. B:Yeah, but I get so attached to some of these people and then we lose them. A:I've been working in the emergency room for five years,and I still hven't gotten used to it. 二人の医者が会話しているところです。Bの訳をお願いします。
>love out-of-doors outdoor : activitiesの方が普通 >the lines written therein : the lines drawn (therein)だろ、普通 あと、thereinっていうかどうかも・・・inbetweenならまだ、ただ口語 っぽくなるが >those men who I have known the love of books and >the love of outdoors, in their highest expressions, have usually gone hand in hand. なんだこれ、まずthereinとか格式語っぽい言葉使ってんのにthose men who I have known ...なんてwho使ってるしhave gone hand in hand ならhave come hand in handだろ、どちらかっていうと >It is an affectation for the man who is praising outdoors to sneer at books. 不自然。It is affected of the man who is ~ じゃないだろうか、普通 他色々
すいません、これの翻訳お願いします。 You don’t like to let on to others how much you care about certain people, causes or situations. It’s as if by allowing them to know what you feel you make yourself vulnerable. On the contrary, they’ll understand you, and what you care about, all the better.
訳お願いします。 This hardly seems the ideal time to be revising plans. But it is becoming increasingly clear that even relatively straightforward arrangements can’t remain as they have been. In fact the more you talk things through, the more you’ll realise how worthwhile the changes you so recently rejected would be.
訳をお願いします。 The time has come to sit down with certain individuals who are close to you and talk things through. You may have hoped that problems would resolve themselves. They won’t. In fact if you don’t discuss issues in detail now, there’s every possibility that they’ll get worse.
Planning is well and good, but there are times when no amount of forward thinking can prepared you for life’s unexpected twists and turns. In fact the more open-minded you are, the more likely to are to be able to take advantage of this week’s extraordinary developments.
どなたか翻訳お願い致します。 This is not merely a time of change. It’s a time during which even those things that are part of your everyday life are in transition. Disruptive as this is, you’ve a rare opportunity to examine what you do, how worthwhile those activities are, most importantly, which should go.
和訳をお願いします。 However dramatic the events that accompany an eclipse, such as Thursday’s pivotal eclipsed Full Moon, the most important developments often take place in the following weeks. Certainly this is only the beginning of what are unsettling but long overdue changes in your daily routine or working life.
すみません、訳お願いします。 While no one would describe you as sentimental, letting go of past plans, ideas or passions is a struggle. It’s vital that you release certain of these, however. Doing so clears the way for the exciting developments that are only now emerging, but which promise to revolutionise your life.
訳お願いします。 While you wouldn’t want anyone else making decisions for you, certain matters have been more difficult to deal with than you expected. In fact you’re worrying that there’s no single solution that will work for everyone. If not, your interests come first and others will just have to cope.
However dramatic the events that accompany an eclipse, such as Thursday’s pivotal eclipsed Full Moon, the most important developments often take place in the following weeks 木曜日にあった月食のように、劇的な出来事によって皆既月食があったのにも関わらず、 最も重要な発見は翌数週にある。
While no one would describe you as sentimental, letting go of past plans, ideas or passions is a struggle. It’s vital that you release certain of these, however. Doing so clears the way for the exciting developments that are only now emerging, but which promise to revolutionise your life.
No one knows better than you the importance of sticking with what you believe in. At times of transition such as this, however, you may have to examine those beliefs in the light of dramatic changes in circumstances. Certainly you’d regret being stubborn for the sake of it.
This hardly seems the ideal time to dispute minor ? but persistent ? issues with others. There are so many more pressing things to be dealt with. But as you sort these out you’ll reveal the source of other difficulties, enough that you’re able to put these to rest as well.
訳をお願いします。 Even the most unexpected ? and inconvenient ? of events can sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Certainly this is a time when you’re likely to benefit from surprise developments. That being the case, say no to nothing, at least until you’ve explored ideas, offers or opportunities in depth.
翻訳お願いします。 True, some are triggered by changes in the lives of partners or associates; ironically, you benefit more than they do. Still, you must be patient.
和訳をお願いします。 This, combined with the surprise offers triggered by constantly shifting circumstances, results in burdensome situations being exchanged for happier commitments.
訳をお願いします。 You've dealt with unstable situations in others' lives. Initially you found this unsettling. Now, you've realised they're thriving and happy, so you are too.
you realise that you're doing new things and seeing places that you'd otherwise have missed. What you experience, and who you meet, goes a long way to compensating for disappointments in late May.
Ironically, the more you've been introduced to during the year's first half, the more open-minded you'll be about the sudden and frequently disruptive changes in your life, work and relationships this cycle demands of you.
すみません、翻訳お願いします。 It's not that things are difficult during the year's first half.It's just that you must let others make decisions and live according to their rhythms.
The bell in Gion Shoja temple Rings out with the mutability of life. The changing color of 'sala' flowers Shows that what florishes today must perish tomorrow. Welth does not last long, just like a dream of spring night. Prosperity goes to ruin, Just like dust before the wind...
Desperately, I replaced the nipple with a piece of sponge. Then, with the sponge barely showing under my arm, I squeezed a steady stream of formula down the outside of my arm. この文前載せてたんですけど、スペルミスがあったので、もう一度かきます。 訳お願いします~!
economics has three aspects or functions-to try to understand how an economy operates,to make proposal for improving it,and to justify the criterion by which improvement is judged.The criterion of what is desirable necessarily involves moral and political judgements. Economics can never be a perfectly pure science,unmized with human values. 訳してもらえますか?
I wrapped the trembling pup, which I named Cecily, in a wool blanket and carried her home. After laying Cecily down on the floor, I prepared a formula ―――― a rich mixture of cream, egg and fish oil. It is said that few abandoned pups survive when they are captured―――― either because they are too sickly when found or because they refuse to drink from a bottle designed for human babies. Three hours later, both of us were crying, Cecily with hunger, and me with frustration. I knew I was losing a life-and-death struggle. Although Cecily sucked formula from my arms and fingers, she refused to nurse from the rubber nipple on the bottle. Desperately, I replaced the nipple with a piece of sponge. Then, with the sponge barely showing under my arm, I squeezed a steady stream of formula down the outside of my arm. Cecily greedily sucked this off, coming closer and closer to the sponge nipple. Finally, she took the sponge fin her mouth and began to drink out of the bottle. . When she had had her fill, she sneezed and snorted a couple of times, rolled over on her back and fell asleep. >>479訳ありがとうございます。これが、全部の文なんです。。。。こねみてやると、 なんか訳変わりますか?
"Three Chasers, one Keeper," said Harry, who was determined to remenber it all. "And they play with the Quaffle. OK, got that. So what are they for? He pointed at the three balls left inside the box. お願いします!訳してください!
Snape bent over the troll. Professor McGonagall was looking at Ron and Harry. Harry had never seen her look so angry. Her lips were white. Hopes of winning fifty points for Gryffindor faded quickly from Harry's mind. これもお願いします!
but Iam hoping implies that the speaker has not fully comitted himself to the hope: he is ready to change his mind about his feelings should the listener's reaction be discouraging. の和訳をお願いします、必要部分だけ引用しましたので訳し辛かったら すみません、迷惑でなければもう少し伸ばします。 特にshould the listener's reaction be discouragingの 構文が判りにくいので、よろしければ合わせてお願いしますm(__)m
Tom did not go as far as Ken in suggesting the extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis, but he left his readers little room for doubt that he leaned toward that hypothesis.
The basic concepts of classical analysis involve the economic characteristics of social classes. This framework,taken from Quesney's original picture of peasants,landlords,and artisans, was transformed by Adam smith into a structure composed of workers,capitalists,and landlords. The consumption of workers was near the subsistence level,the function of the capitalists was to accumulate,and the consumption of landlords was a deduction from the surplus available for accumulasion.
I hope you'll give us some advice leaves the adress little room for polite refusal; but I am hoping implies that the speaker has not fully comitted himself to the hope: he is ready to change his mind about his feelings should the listener's reaction be discouraging.
Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hercules To fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life
Although I am destined for superstardom after my debut on the big screen "STAR WARS", and is a sure bet for some sort of Oscar, I insist I am simply a regular guy.
It seemed that Jeff could understand how dolphins think. His boss had trained 200 volunteers in ten years,and she said Jeff was the best. In 1994 when Jeff was 26,a terrible earthquake damaged the park where he worked. The roads were blocked,but Jeff reached the dolphin pool somehow and found three frightened animals. The pool was cracked and the dolphins had to be moved fast. Jeff stayed with them day and night for four days until they could be taken to another pool.
fourth means for stopping the scan caused by said third means on one of said channels and listening for a predetermined busy signal on said one channels and in response to the absence of said predetermined busy signal on said one channel,determining that said one channel is non-busy and enabling said first station to be operated on said non-busy channel in response to said absence of said predetermined busy signal thereon,and in response to the presence of said predetermined busy signal ,continuing said scanning.
It seemed that Jeff could understand how dolphins think. His boss had trained 200 volunteers in ten years,and she said Jeff was the best. In 1994 when Jeff was 26,a terrible earthquake damaged the park where he worked. The roads were blocked,but Jeff reached the dolphin pool somehow and found three frightened animals. The pool was cracked and the dolphins had to be moved fast. Jeff stayed with them day and night for four days until they could be taken to another pool.
Bandwidth on Demand provides download capacity beyond your account's standard daily allocation. It is not subject to time expiration and may be accumulated and drawn upon for as long you're a member of the service. The cost is $5 per 1 GB, and for purchases beyond 20 GB please click here. For your security, we may ask for your CVV when placing your order. This is a 3-4 digit number that is imprinted on either the back or front of your credit card.
Somewhere after midnight In my wildest fantasy Somewhere just beyond my reach There's someone reaching back for me Racing on the thunder end rising with the heat It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet どなたかおねがいします
When an order is billed or shipped to an address outside the United States, it often requires additional time to verify order information with the credit card issuer. We appreciate your patience while we process your order. We will ship your new memory to you as soon as possible.
Your mission is assist an airstrike on a bridge, which the enemies main supply route crosses, located in a populated area. お前らのミッションは橋の空襲を助けることだ その橋は敵のメイン供給路とクロスし人の住むエリアに位置する。 こんな感じなんでしょうか、英和辞典片手に調べましたがわかりません お願いします。
The nature of the cognitive impairments associated with seizures may depend on the particular neurological insult that precipitates the seizure disorder. A patient who experiences seizures following an obstruction (infarction) of the anterior cerebral artery that supplies blood to the dorsolateral frontal lobes, for example, may suffer impairment in the ability to briefly retain and process information in immediate (working) memory.
The impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into the planet Jupiter between July 17 and July 22, 1994 was of great interest to astronomers worldwide. The KAO travelled to Australia to view particular collisions at wavelengths inaccessible to ground-based telescopes. Highlights and results from the deployment, including a mission overview and a travelogue written by the Mission Manager, are available for review. NASA Ames also produced a press release describing this mission. All are linked below.
Their art made the rounds at three prestigious avant hip venues. In 1989-1990, "On the Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time" -- named after a Guy Debord film he will no longer permit to be shown -- went from the Musee national d'art moderne (Centre Georges Pompidou) in Paris to the London ICA and on to the Boston ICA where I took it in. As delicately phrased by the catalog, the exhibit posed "a unique museological challenge," much as the remains of a downed UFO pilot would present a funeral home with a unique mortuary challenge.
In the paper [11], the authors have shown that the familiar central F-distribution can be considered as an asymptotically approximate distribution, in a heuristic sense, of the null distribution of the F-statistic for testing a partial null hypothesis in a randomized PBIB design with m associate classes under the Neyman model.
The second part consists of the more general maximum-likelihood factor-analysis regression model, which is derived from the generalized inverse of the product of two singular matrices. Also, it is proved that factor-analysis regression can be considered as an instrumental variables estimator and therefore does not depend on whether factors have been "properly" identified in terms of substantive behaviour. Consequently the additional task of rotating factors to "simple structure" does not arise.
hey guys. just a quick note 2 say that sum1 got in2 my email and changed my password. so sorry if u've recieved sumthin abbusive or different from me in the past few days (or even in the future),
よく考えたら、やっぱり前後の文が欲しい。 たとえば前後のつながりから、 That is how I wanted to give him this beatiful moon ! のような感じだとしたら、 「それが私が彼にこの美しい月を(見せて)あげようと思った方法なのです」 という感じになるから。 前後の文がないと確実なことは言えない。
オークションで、軽くて薄いモノを落札したのですが、その送料が高いんです。 それで、small packetで送ってほしい、とたどたどしい英語でお願いしてみました。 そのメール送る前に、高いのでもっと安い方法はないですか?と聞いたら以下の返事が。 Let me know what you would like me to do. If you find the shipping to costly we can end our auction contract. 怒ってるのかなぁ?さっさと終らせたいんだよ!って読めちゃって・・・ どなたか正しく訳していただけますか?
The whole annual produse of the land and labor of every country,or what comes to the same thing, the whole price of that annual produce,naturally divides itself, it has already been observed,into three parts:the rent of land,the wages of labor, and the profits of stock:and constitutes a revenue to three different orders of people...
The profit of all yearly products made from the land of all parts of the country,and also the out put is divided to three parts, as I mentioned. That are land fees, wages,and interests, flowing to three different class of society to be theit revenue.
It's not good enough. But I hope this will help you.
Is this right as follows? "If so, you can try to spend your time in ; avalavle unsolved questions, pendings, offerrings or research for the future plan."
"We are much keener on the idea of trying to address practical grievances one by one and get them sorted out, so that there is a fair deal for those who because of their sexual preferences can't get married."
What would I do with a seal who hated the sea? Twice a day I drove Cecily to the harbor, but she made little progress. At her most daring she would only swim around me in tight circles. As soon as I tried to go out of the water, she followed. . She wasn't about to do any serious swimming without me. この訳おねがいします!
すみません、この文がうまく訳せないのですが、どういう意味ですか? You know that the intentions of certain individuals are good. But you won’t let anyone make your mind for you, and that’s exactly what others are trying to do. Remain true to yourself. But life will be considerably easier if you at least let them think that they’re in charge.
これは,なんて書いてあるのですか? Even the most charming of Shelley can be formidable when they feel that they've been crossed or are irritated.Unless you set them straight, certain individuals are likely to misinterpret your irritation as evidence you're upset with them.
Jeff received an award for his work,and he is now a dolphin trainer. Once when some school children visited his workplace,Jeff noticed a boy standing by himself. He thought,"That boy is lonely just like I was!" So Jeff asked him to help carry a meter-long shark around the room. The boy was so proud! Later his teacher wrote to Jeff saying, "That was the happiest moment of Larry's life! Thank you for understanding his needs."
Some hold that Americans have always agreed so much among themselves that it was convenient to turn to the law, because when you agree on the basics, you can afford to make everything appear as technicalities.The opposite view may be just as true: that there was no way to bridge the many cleavages in American society-especially ethnic cleavages-except by appealing to the law.
>>749>>750 不自然じゃないと思います。 既に実行してしまったことが必要なかったことですから。 たとえば I did not need to tell it to him. だと言ったか言わなかったかは問いませんが、問題の文では間違いなく 「言った」ので、そのことを必要なかったと思っているのです。 それとも need を助動詞で使ったのが不自然といっているのかな?
「She is a severe woman. She plays with my heart severely. She said “This is play”. Although I was earnest. Can I never meet her any longer? Was the dream only shown, as for me? It never returns any longer on that day. I also think of you tonight.」
すみません!英検4級すべったのでお願いします。 ahh, that's confusing....? FISH? hmm, i'll think about it tonight. oh by the way, i've also remembered another japanese racist term for koreans which is "bakachon"... i know it is a term used for "throw-away" cameras, but it also has another meaning to it which is: bakachon = stupid koreans i remember that from my japanese friends' teachings of culture. they told me of the war, new japanese vocabulary that i didn't know of, etc.
well, i'll think about the FISH meaning you mentioned. tks.
i dont know if you understand what i'm writing but i'm interested in the korean vocabulary you wrote. i think most of them are negative meaning words, right?
Daniel Pearl made his name at the Wall Street Journal writing "A-heads," those quirky and colorful feature articles that run down the middle of the paper's front page, and in a macabre way his own story might have appealed to him.
in the beginning good always overpowered the evils of all man's sins.... but in time the nations grew weak and our cities fell to slums while evil stood strong.... in the dusts of hell lurked the blackest of hates for he whom they feared awaited them.... now many many lifetimes later lay destroyed,beaten,beaten down, only the corpses of rebels ashes of dreams and blood-stained streets.... it has been written "those who have the youth have the future" so come now,children of the beast be strong and shout at the devil
Waterloo station,I am told,was at one time the most ill-planned and confusing station in London,but now it is one of the most perfect. It is almost impossible for anyone to go wrong if he is not too proud to ask from what platform his train starts.
すみません、この文の訳をお願いします。 Getting others to discuss either their feelings, viewpoint or plans for the future hasn't been easy. In fact you're still not entirely convinced that they've told you all that they could. Be patient. What you're seeking requires trust, and that can only be created over time.
There is no doubt an art in saying something when there is nothing to be said,but it is equally certain that there is an art no less important of saying clearly what one wishes to say when there is an abundance of material.
どなたか、訳をお願いします。 Worthwhile as recent discussions may have been, you still haven't seen the kind of progress you'd hoped for. You're considering forcing issues. Don't. While patience doesn't come naturally to you, there's really no option. Use pressure and things will only become more complicated and further delayed.
You are by no means a loner. But you tend to make decisions on your own and, equally, tackle challenges without necessarily seeking any kind of back up. With what you’re facing now, however, not only could you use others’ help, certain individuals are ready and waiting to help you.
次の英文が読み取れません。↓他スレで拾ったものですがお願いします。涙・・。 (テニスプレーヤーについての話です) There is not an experienced player alive who has not practically won the game on the tennis surface only to lose it in his head and in the final score.
There is not an experienced player (alive)/ who has not practically won the game on the tennis surface/ only to lose it in his head and in the final score.
There are always two games taking place during a tennis match: the one on the court and the one in your head. [There’s not an experienced player alive who hasn’t practically won the game on the tennis surface only to lose it in his head and in the final score.] Tennis is often compared to chess because of the almost limitless strategic alternatives and the enormous mental pressure that can increase as you play through your strategy. Keeping all this under control is what a good mental attitude is all about.
There are always two games taking place during a tennis match: the one on the court and the one in your head. [There’s not an experienced player alive who hasn’t practically won the game on the tennis surface only to lose it in his head and in the final score.] Tennis is often compared to chess because of the almost limitless strategic alternatives and the enormous mental pressure that can increase as you play through your strategy. Keeping all this under control is what a good mental attitude is all about.
>One can tell a man's commitments by that for which he is willing to die. thatにあたるものが、これの前の文にあるんでしょう? だとすれば、 それ(thatが指すもの)によって、人が死ぬこともいとわない理由(←意訳) を言い当てることができる(理解することができる)。
If this is true , then throughout history Japanese commitments have typically been to country. それが当たっているとすれば(真実だとすれば)、いつの時代においても 日本人の行動原理(←意訳)は典型的には国のためと言える。
>>805@努力 ================================ only to . . .結果を表す不定詞 win only to lose = win but lose (勝っても、結果負ける) live only to die = live but die (生きても、結果死ぬ) =================================
There's not an experienced player alive who hasn't practically won the game on the tennis surface only to lose it in his head and in the final score. ↓ NOBODY hasn't won the game on the surface only to lose it inside and in the final score. (Nobody hasn't won the game on the surface BUT LOSE inside&final...) ↓ NOBODY hasn't won the GAME1 only to lose the GAME2&3 (NOBODY hasn't won the GAME1 but lose the GAME2&3) ゲーム1に勝っておいて、ゲーム2&3には負けたという人はいない。 ↓ EVERYBODY HAS won the GAME1 only to win the GAME2&3 みんな、ゲーム1に勝てば、その結果ゲーム2&3にも勝った。 ↓ テニスの表面上の試合に勝ったのに、頭の中の試合には負けて、ファイナルスコアをも奪われる人などいやしない。 ↓ テニスの表面上の試合に勝ったなら、頭の中でも、ファイナルスコアでも勝った。 ↓ 経験を積んできた現在活躍中の選手達は1人残らず、精神面でも勝利し、ファイナルスコアをものにしてきたからこそ、実際テニスの試合に勝ちつづけているのだ。
================================ only to . . .結果を表す不定詞 win only to lose = win but lose (勝っても、結果負ける) live only to die = live but die (生きても、結果死ぬ) =================================
There's not an experienced player alive who hasn't practically won the game on the tennis surface only to lose it in his head and in the final score. ↓ NOBODY hasn't won the game on the surface only to lose it inside and in the final score. (Nobody hasn't won the game on the surface BUT LOSE inside&final...) ↓ NOBODY hasn't won the GAME1 only to lose the GAME2&3 (NOBODY hasn't won the GAME1 but lose the GAME2&3) ゲーム1に勝っておいて、ゲーム2&3には負けたという人はいない。 ↓ EVERYBODY HAS won the GAME1 only to win the GAME2&3 みんな、ゲーム1に勝てば、結果ゲーム2&3にも勝った。 ↓ テニスの表面上の試合に勝ったのに、頭の中の試合には負けて、 ファイナルスコアをも奪われる人などいやしない。 ↓ テニスの表面上の試合に勝ったなら、頭の中でも、 ファイナルスコアでも勝った。 ↓ 経験を積んできた現在活躍中の選手達は1人残らず、精神面でも勝利し、 ファイナルスコアをものにしてきたからこそ、 実際テニスの試合に勝ちつづけているのだ。
only to を昨日、837さんが出してくださった he came here only to lose. で考えると、「来る」のが先で→結果「負けた」ことになると思います。
There's not an experienced player alive →そんな奴はいない who hasn't practically won the game on the tennis surface →コートでの試合は勝ったことがない (↓結果) only to lose it in his head and in the final score. →頭でも、ファイナルでも負ける。
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 You thought that you’d settled various issues involving partners around. As now becomes clear, however, things weren’t quite what they seemed. In fact you’re likely to spend a good portion of this week unravelling one set of plans and making other ones.
この文の意味なのですが The old man was too clever not to be well aware that his servant had a dislike to him,and wanted to leave the shop. 「老人が奴隷が彼のことが嫌いであり 店を離れてほしいときずくほど賢かった」 という風にちょっと変な意味になるのですが、これでいいのでしょうか?
It was not,however,till sunrise on the following morning that they saw land and then it was not the island they had expected to see;for they had been swept by a current some thirty miles in the wrong direction.
I didn't win the game but lost it. 私はゲームに勝ったのではなく、負けたのだ。 ↓ 私は、実際には、ゲームに勝ったのではなく、頭とファイナルスコアで負けたのだ。 (という人はいない) ↓ 実際にゲームで勝ったが、頭とファイナルスコアで負けたという人はいない。 ↓ 実際のゲームに勝つには、頭とファイナルスコアでも勝たなくてはならない。 ↓ ゲームに勝っている選手はみな、頭でもファイナルスコアでも勝っている。
"Admittedly, a warning to the effect that a garment would be dangerous if exposed to a naked flame and would burn rapidly, would not do wonders for the marketing of such products. Might it not be argued that the trade off for manufacturers and distributors allowed to market such products without flame retardants should be the protection of children - the most vulnerable consumers in our society - through the provision of explicit warnings to their carers in graphic, unequivocal languages," said Mr. Schuster.
One of the ladies who listening in silence to his conversation smiled and seemd about to speak. Then suddenly her expression changed. Her eyes widened , then grew small. ってなってます。
>>968 アリガト。でも、、言いにくいんだけど、 実はいまだに正解の書き込みがどれなのか分からないんだ・・・・ 多分、898さんの>>901だとは思うんだけど、 そうすると、 He who hasn't practically won the game on the tennis surface only to ....
になると思うんだけど、only to loseを副詞句ととる 動詞が分からないんだよね。。。 "hasn't won"じゃないんでしょ? "surface"が実は動詞かなと思ったけど、sがついてないし、 "There isn't"のisn'tかなとも思ったけど・・・
「…, only to ~」 ならば 「…, but ~」と同意で、 前後の文脈的にも納まりが良いのですが。
ジーニアスより only to do (1)その結果は…するだけだ 《◆(1)結果の副詞句 (2)onlyは結果が期待外れであることを示す》 He worked hard to carry out his plan, only to fail. 彼は自分の計画を実行しようとけんめいに努力したが、 結局失敗に終わっただけだった。(= …, but he failed.)
There's not an experienced player alive who hasn't practically won the game on the tennis surface, only to lose it in his head and in the final score. ↓ Every experienced player might have the experience that he almost won the game on the tennis surface, but lost it in his head and in the final score. ↓ 経験豊か選手であれば、勝ち試合を、メンタルな理由で 落してしまった経験の一つぐらいはあるはずだ。