yours truly played hooky at work yesterday to drive up to west hollywood for the rush hour premier but my favorite actress didnt show up paid 17 bucks for a lousy disposable camera with no focus stood for 3 hours paid 9 bucks for parking 10 clams for gas and she wasnt there we had to stay across the street so couldnt take any close ups with my lousy camera
chan and tucker ran over to greet everybody but they went by so fast could take pictures in time but i touched their hands my hands still felt tingly today now if i was chang chens hand that touched mine i probably would have cut it off and have it mounted rosalyn sanchez was also there but was upstaged by steven seagal who came at the same time segal said he was there to support chan who is my man in his own words kobe bryant magic johnson lorenze tate robert townsend were also there and the olsen twins yup those annoying twins from full house they hired dancers and everytime a star showed up they greet them with a dragon dance john lone also was a no show the two stars from the movie i wanted to see the most chris tucker was joking about how he will get 20 million for each movie from now on the crowd was chanting for chan to get on the plaform and talk but he went inside probably because of his english pretty large crowd not as many asians as i expected tho これ訳お願いします
>>32 play が具体的に何を指しているかは文脈がないとわからないが、 the state of play という言い回しはネットでもかなり見られる。 この play は、漠然と「こと」というのに近い感じがする。 あえて辞書の定義にあてはめれば、「活動、働き」、 「activity or operation」あたりになるのでは。
The sience of Pure Mathematics, in its modern developments, may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit. Another claimant for this position is music. But we will put aside all rivals, and consider the ground on which such a claim can be made for mathematics. The originality of mathematics consists in the fact in mathematical science connections between things are exhibitied unobvious. Thus the ideas, now in the minds of contemporary mathematicians lie ver remote from any notions which can be immediately derived by perception through the senses ;unless indeed it be perception stimulated and guided by antecedent mathematical knowledge. This is the thesis which I proceed to exemplify.
Suppose we project our ( ) backwards through many thousands of years,and endeavour to realise the simple-mindedness of even the greatest intellects in those early societies. Abstract ideas which to us are immediately obvious must have been, for them, matters only of the most dimapprehension . For example take the question of number. We think of the number 'five' as applying to appropriate groups of any entities whatsoever - to five fishes, five children, five apples, five days. Thus in considering the relations of the number 'five' to the number 'three', we are thinking of two groups of things, one with five members and the other with three members. But we are entirely ( ) from any consideration of any particular entities, or even of any particular sorts of entities, which go to make up the membership of either of the two groups. We are merely thinking of those relationships between those two groups which are entirely independent of the individual essences of any of the members of either groups. This is a very remarkable feat of abstraction; and it must have taken ages for the human race to rise to it.
During a long period, groups of fishes were probably compared to each other in respect to their multiplicity, and groups of days to each other. But the first man who noticed the ( ) between a group of seven fishes and a group of seven days made a notable advance in the history of thought. He was the first man who entertained a concept belonging to the science of pure mathematics.
The sience of Pure Mathematics, in its modern developments, may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit. 純粋数学という科学、その現代の発展の成果は、人類が持つ人間性というものの創造物の中の最たるものと言い表す事が出来る。
Another claimant for this position is music. この地位を主張するものに、もう一つ、音楽がある。
But we will put aside all rivals, and consider the ground on which such a claim can be made for mathematics. しかし、他の全てのライバルは置いておいて、数学についてこのように 主張することが可能であるかどうかの根拠について検討しよう。
I love watching soccer games. I am so enthusiastic about the World Cup held in Japan next year. I hope there would be no terrorism acts during the World Cup. Since the torro acts are being done in many places, I am worried about it. Since the World Cup is the most popular sports contest in the world, it may be considered as a target by the terrorists. I hope Japan would consider about this fact and keep a strict security that sevures the lives of the people of many countries who are coming all around the world. By the way, I am a fan of Beckum from England.
Christians understand that there are universal ways of living,and values which were passed to humans from God through the Bible and Jesus. This means that,in a sense,all people are equal in the face of God and each individual should obey God's rules. Even kings and queens must follow these rules. On the other hand,in japan's native religion,Shinto,the smallest social unit is not the individual,but the family. In Shinto,individual existence is only meaningful when one is part of a group. Buddhism also emphasizes the family as the basic unit of Japanese society. Such a stlong focus on human relations in Japan's religions has meant that it is the values of the group that are most important. Thus,society's values and rules are not passed down from God,instead,what is right or wrong is often determined by the group.
Won't you take my hand For I will be your man So tonight we gonna dance the night away One and one is two Don't you be so cruel Synchronize this love is what we got to do All the time we'll be togher 'cause it's yours and mine Forever we're in this love thing...
よろしく。↓ ちなみにEng Onlyからのコピペだけど作者自分なんで。 Hi Today I came over because I thought I could use your useful advice here. The other day I went for lunch with my korean friend. She is coming to japan for a couple of months as an exchanging student or something I think. We went to Royal host near the station halfway of my station and her station. then I found she eats with disgasting noise. I am not a snob and usually dont care about table manners but I certainly lost my appetite by hearing her chewing food noisily. I wondered if I should say something to her but as a matter of fact I didnt. I just supposed it could be an arrogant remark if that kind of table manners was acceptable in Korean culture. Still I am not really sure if its good for her if I let her eat like a pig. What would you say if you were in my position?
The last Thursday, after the orientation of a seminar, we went for a drink all together of 6. When we all got together over a drink, our talk enthusiastically went for various things over the school. Everybody seemed to have fully laden with his own moan and groan. I for one, of course, have a lot of the things that I want to say against the school. For example, they give us homeworks so much that they practically do not let me have any free time. I like drinking very much as we may express to each others our real feelings to anything which we are usually not allowed to do so freely. We have a word "Bureiko" in Japanese, a kind of unrestricted binge, giving us a special occasion which allow us to speak up anything without social restrictions. I think that's the key word which might enable us to maintain good relationships among our society. It's a wonderful word.
>>77 In the midst of our time when technology makes progress so fast, what would be the standard, on which we could make the best choice for our purchase? These days I'm trying not to spend too much money on the things just because they are so cheap.
> 77 As a result of the rapid progress of technology, the price of high-tech products has declined steeply. This seems to make the exisiting price system disordered. I have been trying not to buy too many things. Although each of them is very cheap, the total amount could be very much if you buy a lot.
By what standard will we should choose a thing about whether or not the improvement of the technology will should choose early now? Even if it is cheap one, it is this time today to think that wants to be careful so as not to buy much and to use money too much.
>>77 As a rapid progress of technology is taking place, how should we choose what to buy and not to buy? I try not to spend too much by buying too many things just because they are cheap.
>>95 The younger sister of the bald head stood behind me when looking at the mirror casually. I searched so. The younger sister who eats a chocolate too much at what ignored and went away from the place. However, the smiling face of the younger sister in the morning of the next day was the best in the world. The English translation glans
I casually looked into a mirror and found my bold little sister. I asked her, "Why do you eat too much chocolate?" She ignored me and left. But on the next morning, she had an excellent smile on her face.
Right now, がまずいきなり余分では? in what measure should we make どうしてinが必要?それにmeasureだとuseの方がよくない? selections of what to buy when technology is improving so fast. この文のwhat、2つとも意味が違うけどwhatが一文に2度出てくるのはちょっと不自然
>rewrite What kind of meaure should we use to buy products when technology is rapidly improving?
I'm trying to be careful not to buy a lot when somethings were cheap, when よりeven ifのほうが譲歩の意味が出ていいかも。どうしてsomethingのあとが過去形? somethingはsomethingsと複数にはならない
and spend too much money as a result. as a resultはそもそも余分ではない? それに文の前半のnot to buyにすぐつなげてみた方が副詞節とのつながりがすっきりするのでは?
>Rewrite These days, I try not to buy and spend a lot even if a product is quite cheap.
>>77 Technology is rapidly moving forward nowadays. What kind of standard shoud we apply to make selections in times like this? At least I'm trying not to waste much money on cheep stuff.
A cloudy day: do you know what that is in a town of iron-works? The sky sank down before dawn, muddy, flat, immovable. The air is thick, clammy with the breath of crowded human beings. It stifles me. I open the window, and, looking out, can scarcely see through the rain the grocer's shop opposite, where a crowd of drunken Irishmen are puffing Lynchburg tobacco in their pipes. I can detect the scent through all the foul smells ranging loose in the air.
The idiosyncrasy of this town is smoke. It rolls sullenly in slow folds from the great chimneys of the iron-foundries, and settles down in black, slimy pools on the muddy streets. Smoke on the wharves, smoke on the dingy boats, on the yellow river,-- clinging in a coating of greasy soot to the house-front, the two faded poplars, the faces of the passers-by. The long train of mules, dragging masses of pig-iron through the narrow street, have a foul vapor hanging to their reeking sides. Here, inside, is a little broken figure of an angel pointing upward from the mantel-shelf; but even its wings are covered with smoke, clotted and black. Smoke everywhere! A dirty canary chirps desolately in a cage beside me. Its dream of green fields and sunshine is a very old dream,--almost worn out, I think.
"And who was poor Sandy?" asked my wife, who takes a deep interest in the stories of plantation life which she hears from the lips of the older colored people. Some of these stories are quaintly humorous; others wildly extravagant, revealing the Oriental cast of the negro's imagination; while others, poured freely into the sympathetic ear of a Northern-bred woman, disclose many a tragic incident of the darker side of slavery.
"Sandy," said Julius, in reply to my wife's question, "was a nigger w'at useter b'long ter ole Mars Marrabo McSwayne. Mars Marrabo's place wuz on de yuther side'n de swamp, right nex' ter yo' place. Sandy wuz a monst'us good nigger, en could do so many things erbout a plantation, en alluz 'ten ter his wuk so well, dat w'en Mars Marrabo's chilluns growed up en married off, dey all un 'em wanted dey daddy fer ter gin 'em Sandy fer a weddin' present. But Mars Marrabo knowed de res' wouldn' be satisfied ef he gin Sandy ter a'er one un 'em; so w'en dey wuz all done married, he fix it by 'lowin' one er his chilluns ter take Sandy fer a mont' er so, en den ernudder for a mont' er so, en so on dat erway tel dey had all had 'im de same lenk er time; en den dey would all take him roun' ag'in, 'cep'n oncet in a w'ile w'en Mars Marrabo would len' 'im ter some er his yuther kinfolks 'roun' de country, w'en dey wuz short er han's; tel bimeby it go so Sandy didn' hardly knowed whar he wuz gwine ter stay fum one week's een ter de yuther.
That part of my life is over, the way trucks have replaced lorries in my vocabulary, the way Charity Chin and her lurid love life have replased inherited notions of marital duty.
>>125 あなたのメッセージありがとうございます。 私は只今パソコンの前にいません。機械が あなたに自動対応しています。後でもう一度連絡してください。 Thank you for your message. I am not in front of a personal computer now. The machine corresponds to you automatically. Please contact me once again later.
>>136さんありがとうございます。またわからない文があるんですけど すいません訳してください。 In an earlier case relating to some stinging bees, one of our state courts said that responsibility for injuries also applies to bees when they have become domesticated.
> 120,122 Y had had a girlfriend. Hence I hesitated to go out without her, when Y asked me. 'Do you leave her alone?', I asked him. He ignored. I asked him about their relationship again and again, and at the end, he confessed that they had been broken up. We hanged around until midnight. I think we were like lovers. He said, 'I want you to be with me. Do you?' His air made me say 'yes', I suppose.
To be honest, I didn't like him a lot. I said so, simply because I want to have an experience. Now I am disgusted with him not being sincere. He should have confessed he had left her when I asked him about that. But, at the beginning, he said nothing. I can't accept him, if I don't know whether he has a girlfriend or not. If he really loves me, he should tell me the truth. Otherwise, I can't go for it. I am the girlfriend of him now, because I've been letting things ride.
すいません、長文なんですけどどなたか訳してください。 But some other living things, such as bees, can only be owned as long as the person claiming them has them under his immediate control or in his possession. In the previous case cited, the court meant domesticated only in the sense that those particular bees were under the owner's control.
"Sandy," said Julius, in reply to my wife's question, "was a nigger what used to belong to old master Marrabo McSwayne.
Master Marrabo's place was on the other side of the swamp, right next to your place.
Sandy was a monstrous good nigger, and could do so many things about a plantation, and always attend to his work so well, that when Master Marrabo's children grew up and married off, they all of them wanted they daddy for to give them Sandy for a wedding present.
But Master Marrabo knew the rest wouldn't be satisfied if he give Sandy to other on of them; so when they wuz all done married, he fixed it by allowing one of his chilldren to take Sandy for a month or so, and another for a month or so, and so on that away(way?) till they had all had him the same lank of time; and then they all take him round again, and except once in a while when Master Marrabo would lend him to some of his other kinfolks around the country, when they was short of hands; till by and by it go so Sandy didn't hardly knew where he was going to stay from one week (is?) and (in?) to the other.
mars ってmasterの方が音が近いのにmisterなの?それが標準なんだったら、 そうなんだろうけど。 あと、bimeby=by and by=soon でよろしいか?
>>176 Q; In Japan, the images of adult videos with no mosaics are called "mu shu-se-." How do you express the word "mu shu-se-" in English? Although, I think that the pictures usually do not have mosaics in the English area.
DQNだけど・・・。どなたか添削して下さったら有難いです。 >>159 I went to rahmen houses very often when I was in Japan, but I almost never go to those places here because they stink.
>>160 I was a little surprised to find out that even in the same shop, what they sell differs by the year.
Look, this coffee house has sofas instead of chairs. As there are many chain-coffee shops now, they have to make differences like this to manage the shop.
One gram of NaCl was dissolved in 100cm^3 of H2O. AgNO3 was added a little more than required. AgNO3 was titrated by KSCN. Deionized water was used in the experiment.
>>187 This record is their first album and it's very rare. It includes their first single and first LP. If you make a successful bid for this price, you must be very lucky.
My hair is an odd colour to most other people, being that it is a redish blond colour. But today I whent out and dyed it white blond for something new.
I hope you like what I have sent you and I will write again soon.
I hope to meet manny friends in Japan, and hope they will come to America and vist me.
競馬サイトの管理人やってるんだけど、突然、こんなメールが来ました。 誰か訳してくださいな。 勝手に、member of the CECAにさせられてて焦ってます。
Hello, We are the CECA = Centre Europeen Cheval Arabe in Oostende (Belgium). The most important place in the world for your Holidays and training equestrian park call "THEOPOLIS", is composed = hippodrom, training center (racing, draft, jumping, endurance, dressage, all...), Palace, a castel, hotel, restaurants, Bed & Breakfast, Mobilhome renting, club House, night club, Casinos. You could bet 7/7 days, during the year, around the world through the Web (for that you must be a member of the CECA). We rent luxury box for your horses, people trainers/owners/breeders come from differents countries : States, Europe, Russian, Japan, EAU, Egypt... We have French lign Arabian horses, but also we received other races. Studients come to learn French or English language. Tourists come for discover Belgium. We make events : like two years ago : Mickael JACKSON (only concert in Europe), for CARNAVAL & FESTIVAL DU CHEVAL D'O on the 10-11-12 May 2002 we are waiting about MADONNA or Tina TURNER (reserved your places, during these days : Arabian show, races, endurance, jumping, dressage, and also Arts (music, sculptures, drawing, all around Arabians' lovers). Please visit our site and kindly ADD it to your links, perhaps see You soon. Amically EDWIGE
Why would obuchi,who has enjoyed surprising popularity since coming to office a year ago,step anywhere near such a delicate issue?The official explanation is that he wants to eliminate ambiguity over the use of these symbols to avoid incidents like the one at the Hiroshima school. The more likely motivation is complex but reveals the tactical prowess of Obuchi and his leading strategist, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka.Though conservatives in the LDP have long wanted to officially sanction the symbols,in the past they couldn't count on public support.But sentiment is shifting in their favor. Nearly 60% of Jananese recently polled by the newspaper Asahi Shimbun favor recognition for both the flag and the anthem.It's a potent issue, in part because the anthem's lyrics are ambiguous.the song is called Kmigayo,and kimi is generally accepted to signify "emperor".Since the late 1800s,the lyrics have been interpreted to mean "may the emperor's rule last a thousand years".After World War U, however,many Japanese began to regard such praise for the Emperor as unacceptable.Obuchi and his supporters contend that,inthe current context,kimi merely refers to Japan. Singing "may Jpan last a thousand years",they argue,is perfectly acceptable.This kind of parsing of words is typical of Obuchi's ability to finesse delicate issues.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon (news - web sites) chose Lockheed Martin Corp. over Boeing Corp. on Friday to build its high-tech, next-generation fighter jet, a contract that will be worth at least $200 billion, the largest in Defense Department history.
Air Force Secretary James G. Roche announced Lockheed and its partners were the winner of a $25 billion engineering and manufacturing development contract that eventually is expected to lead to the go-ahead to build 3,000 supersonic F-35 jets with radar-evading capabilities.
Roche wouldn't release details of why Lockheed was picked but said during the review process its proposal ``emerged continuously as the clear winner. ... We looked at performance. There was no aesthetics, there was no beauty contest.''
He applauded both companies' efforts and said they will be briefed in detail on the decision in coming weeks.
Lockheed Chairman Vance Coffman said his company would honor the trust shown by the Pentagon ``by building a truly remarkable, capable and affordable multirole fighter, on schedule and on cost.''
Boeing Chairman Phil Condit said the contract loss will cause the company to lower its revenue forecast by a $1 billion next year, to about $55 billion. He expressed hope Lockheed would seek help from Boeing for the project. Lockheed officials said that's a possibility.
I've been waiting for the item to arrive as long as three weeks!! Did u REALLY ship it by airmail? I shoud've received it by now unless u'd sent it by surface mail. Of course I've already paid the fee, and will have to report to the police without a decent reason for this.
>>217 Didn't you airmail it? I did pay you shipping charges for an airmail, didn't I? Then why do I have to wait for three fucking weeks? I should have got it for a long time, if it was airmailed. Are you trying to cheat on me?
I try to find out what happens witn the Gerna Post Office because I sended to you 3 weeks ago (I send you a E Mail when I brought it to the Post Office, you don't got it?).
>>238 きっとアメリカ経由の便で、 9/11に墜落しちゃったかビルにぶつかったかしたんじゃないの? It was surely carried by a airplane via the United States, and crashed into World Trade Center Building on September 11, or fell into the woods in Massachusetts.
I like to chat. BUT NOT TO KEEN ON RELIGEON/ most other topics are a go, not into kinky sex chats, just friendly banter, keep it peacefull. thanks ↑ある外人の自己紹介です。 どなたか翻訳お願いしまっす。
1、on earth 2、would 3、Being(←自信ない) 4、not to eat 5、Although he resembles his father in appearance , his character is similar to his mother's. こんなんでどうだ?3は自信ない
>>264 1.on earth 2.would 3.Being 4.not to eat 5.Although he resembles his father in his appearance, his character is similar to his mother. (足りない語はmother) グラマーものやったの久々なんで間違ってたら他の人つっこんで。
One of the first businesses to come under scrutiny will be PC monitors using cathoderay tubes (CRTs). With the decline in prices of flat liquid crystal display screens, Sony has been left with a large inventory of unsold CRT monitors. “We knew three years ago that the CRT displays were on their way out,” says Sony President Kunitake Ando. “But we didn’t hit the brakes on production until late last year.”
As the Depression spread to Europe throughout the 1930's,community currency systems were started in Germany,Austria,Scandinavia and neighbouring countries. In some cases,these systems applied "negative interest"to their currency, which is a charge attached to circulation to encourage circulation and prevent hoarding of the currency.Only those holding the money had to pay the tax on it.
Herr Hebecker of Schwanennirchen,Bavaria (population 500) owned a small bankrupt coal mine. Instead of paying his workers in Reichsmarks, he decided to pay them in coal.He issued a local scrip called Wara on the reverse of which were small squares where stamps could be adhered. This scrip was only valid if the stamp for the current month had been applied. It was therefore costly to hoard as it needed stamps to be affixed to revalidate it at the end of each month. The stamps cost two per cent of each note's face value to allow a further month's use.
The "negative-interest" charge was justified as a "storage cost". Food and services were paid for with Wara. As this was the only currency available to the miners, the local traders had no option but to accept them, who in turn convinced their suppliers to accept them. It became so successful that the village became free from debt and by 1931, this free economy movement had spread thronghout Germany involving more that 2,000 businesses.20,000 Wara were issued and 2.5 million people handled them between 1930 and 1931.
これ訳していただけませんか? The weekend before halloween I went to a pimp/hooker ball, dressed to the 9's as a pimp, and who but my X girlfriend was working the door. DOH!
海外の論文です。訳していただける方お願いします。なるべく直訳していただけるとうれしいです。 By 1878, Eiffel was regarded as the leading builder of metal structures in France, and by many, as the leader in the world. His works included major bridges in many parts of the world, the most important of which are: the 1864 viaduct over the Creuse River at Busseau, the four viaducts between Gannnat and Commentry of 1867-1869 (at Bouble, at Bellon, at Rouzat, and at Neuvial), the 1877 Maria Pie viaduct over the Douro in Portugal, and the Garabit Viaduct in the Massif Central, completed in 1884 as the longest spanning arch in the world, with 165 m (5). Eiffel’s designs in the Massif Central reflect the problems of heavy wind loads on very high viaducts and his style was to widen his towers and arches in the lateral direction, giving the strong visual impression of stability (see Figs.3 and 4).
We hope to welcome you soon into the great and ever growing Leica Family. Visit the Leica dealer in your locality and see the many exclusive features that make it the finest photographic instrument available.
>>319 An osembei is made of rice. Generally it has a round shape. There are many kinds of osenbeis. They are so delicious, I don't think I can do without them during winter.
We hope to welcome you soon into the great and ever growing Leica Family. (すばらしくそして常に成長しているLeicaFamilyは あなたを一員に迎えたいと思っています)
Visit the Leica dealer in your locality and see the many exclusive features that make it the finest photographic instrument available. (あなたの地元にあるLeicaディーラーをぜひ訪れてください。 そして最もすばらしい(私達の)写真器具の独特な 機能を見てください。)
A return to classical models and manners characterized much of the architectural production in the industrialized world between 1900 and 1914. In its international scope, the early twentieth century classical revival echoed the spread of Neo-Classicism in the late eighteenth century. Just as Neo-Classicism had found an initial impulse in the reaction against the French Rococo style - summed up by Baudelaire as "an excess of gay and charming frivolities" - so the early twentieth-century classical revival in continental Europe can be seen as a universal rejection of the swirls and curlicues of Art Nouveau. In both instances, a process of purification followed, leading ultimately to a symbolic architecture based on pure geometry and Euclidean forms - the cones, circles and spheres favoured equally by Boullée and Le Corbusier.
Future services in a multimedia environment is easily introduced in a deregurated environment. The rate of the services are determined by merits of the market competition and customers. At this time,the important thing is how to set the specification of network connections between different networks and the network line rate ... The multimedia environment is now facing this problem.
More multimedia services will likely be introduced where deregulation governs. The level of service price will naturally be decided through competition and what kind of advantages the customers will be obtained by the services. One of the most critical issues to note is to agree on a satisfied level of the regulation of inter-connecting between each network service, and the leased line charge from one network to the other.
We are evaluating your request, I'll let you know as soon as possible. Are you asking me to send you the log for email or internet access log. I'm not sure what you want. I'll try my best to assist you. Where are you located in Japan, or are you? My parents-in-law are living in Yokohama. Talk to you.
Who are you and what is your web site? What is the IP address? The log file is too big (over 1G), it's impossible to send you this. If you can tell me your web address/email address (in IP format ....) I should be able to find anything tried to connect to your web/email server.
Did you have a web attack or an email attack? Is your site Let me know. I like to help.
>>351 俺もやってみたよ。 Future deployment of the services under multimeia environments appears to take hold more easily in the market, which is deregulated at higher level. The rate of the services is to be determined through market competition and to the extent of the merits which customers might expect through using them. In this case it becomes a critical issue to decide upon what rules we should apply to establishing connections among various networks and how much we should charge on a connection with other networks through privately leased line.
359> I woke up at 7, and must hurry up because I hafta chatch the train at 7:30. Chime was ringin' off as same time as I reched up the school. I take classes really eanest not only before noon, but also afternoon. Never doze in the classes. I usually have \70 rusk for my lunch. Because I'm poor. I came back from shool at 5pm. Then I had a dinner. Finally, go to bed at 10pm.
Some of us make friends easily enough but find that keeping them is another matter. If you have difficulty holding on to your friendships, it may be time to look at yourself as a friend in order to discover the reasons for your inability to retain friends.
>>377 この文章では、time(好機) と yourself as a friend(友人としてのあなた自身) だけが難しいんだと思います。
英辞郎から、time 【名-5】 適切な時機、ふさわしい時、潮時、好機、チャンス ◆【用法】・ Everything has its time. : 《諺》何事にも潮時というものがある ・ It's high time to : まさに〜すべき時である◆強調表現 ・ There is a time and a place for everything. : 《諺》物事にはそれにふさわしい 潮時というものがある。 【
1. The tourists visited the ruins of classical civilisation in Rome and Churches, palaces and art collections in France and Italy. Most of the art collections were in the homes of the nobles in these countries, but could be viewed by arrangement.
2. The early Grand tourists travelled in hired carriages, or by the ‘post’ system, where driver and horses were changed every so often along the way at a ‘post’. Travel could be frustrating for the tourist.
3. It required a small army of men and animals to carry every tour operators began overbooking, sometimes by many times, or booking beds in hotels that had not been finished.
The British kept their upper lips stiff under the assault of Hitler's V-2 rockets and of the IRA's bombs decades later. Others have cracked. I watched Lebanon's riven society disintegrate as Beirut's fabled avenues of pleasure turned to streets of horror and rubble.
The path ahead has three distinct phases. Mr. Bush's overarching task is to link them in the public mind to overcome America's prime weakness - a short national attention span and the susceptibility to distraction it brings.
>>400 3. It required a small army of men and animals to carry every tour operators began overbooking, sometimes by many times, or booking beds in hotels that had not been finished.
↓に直したら意味が通じる。 It required a small army of men and animals to carry (out) every tour (that) operators began overbooking, sometimes OR many times, BY booking beds in hotels that had not been finished. (大文字にしたところが入れ替えたところで、カッコのところは挿入したら意味が分かりやすいところ)
Recklessly, my prudent husband signs away traveller's checks. how he intends to smuggle it all back I don't dare ask. With a microwave, he calculates, we could get rid of our cook.
>>413 区切りをいれるのは以下の場所ではないでしょうか? >3. It required a small army of men and animals to carry (that) every tour operators began overbooking, sometimes by many times, or booking beds in hotels that had not been finished.
洋書の文でわからないとこがあります。 どなたか訳してください。 An ancient Greek playwright once declared, Dreadful indeed are the feuds of relatives - and difficult the reconciliation.
So many young women have begun to smoke that, on current smoking patterns,when today's young women reach middle age there will be more than a million women a year killed by tobacco.
[So] many young women have begun to smoke [that]<, on current smoking patterns,><when today's young women reach middle age> there will be more than a million women a year killed by tobacco. これで問題ないよね? ※:<>は副詞句・節
どなたか和訳してください。 But the testimony at the preliminary hearing showed very plainly that Elizabeth hadn't taken the money. Elizabeth's attorney told the court, Wilhelmina swore to a criminal complaint against her cousin, charging her with a serious crime - that of embezzlement.
437> there will be more than a million women a year killed by tobacco. ↓ there will be more than a million women killed by tobacco in a year. の方がしっくり聞えるんじゃがなぁ・・・ どっちゃでもええかいね・・・
>>475-477 ありがとう オレもね、I just did what I thought I was rightってのはおかしいなーとおもったんだよね で、allにしても文としても成り立つってことね
困ったなー、どっちが正しいの?オレの考えとしては[with one saturday a month off] ってのは one saturday a month is offっていうまず文を考えて付帯情況のwithで句にしたんだけど。 one saturday is off a monthだと一ヶ月につきというニュアンスが出ないと思ったもんで もっかい判定お願い!
Actually, we could not get it from the Afilias round robin registration process, so we have credited the charge placed on your card. We were entering domains and billing them based on a list that was NOT accurate. Luckily we caught this before we finished the billing process, but unfortunately we did have to retract some domains from some of our customers. I am really sorry about the let down and we honestly did not intend at all for this to happen. I know it is disappointing for you and the customers that were effected by the inaccurate list that we were billing, but we all do feel bad here.
大体の意味だけでも教えていただけるとありがたいです。 特に、so we have credited the charge placed on your card. の意味が…
>>483 the gakushuin school was started as an educational system only for the royal family. it's true the institution of the royal family and the special limit of entrance except them were abolished after the war,but they have a great effect even now . the value of the gakushuin school needs a status of a family. it seems nonsense that ordenary people without it enter there. if you have a same level as them,you may go to anther school. we are old royal family .so most of us have learned there since the elementary school.
スレ違い覚悟で頼みたいことがあります。 FOX NEWSでジョン・ギブソンの『BigStory』のCMを よく見ますが、あの中でワンフレーズ意味の分からない個所があります。 確か『whats gonna take to bring this(?) thing(?) wide open?』 ((?)の個所は自信がありません) だったと思いますが、どなたか意味を教えてもらえませんか?
>>496 Before she often said, "the person who is worried or wants to kill himself should be sent to a place like a battlefield ,so he will find smallness of his own trouble. " Then I thought" because her home is rich , she still lives off her parents even past thirty ,is dull,and is full of confidence without reason, so she would not know the person who has some serious trouble." One day she seemed to have a deeply worried thing ,so I unexpectedly said to her to remind her of her own words ," I am also worried as much as you now, but I realized how smaller my trouble is than that of the people in a battlefield as you said " You know,my intention to have said very ironically is that; didn't you say?,"the worried person should go to a battlefield " now you are in some trouble , should you go there and realize how tiny your own trouble is? I inderectly mentioned of myself ,so she seemed to receive just as an encouragement
お願いします。 Not to be removed untill deliverd to the consumer. This label is affixed in compliance with The Up-holsterd and Stuffed Articles Act. ボートとかに乗る時に使うジャケットのタグなんですが。
すいませんどなたか和訳してください The act of stopping the district attorney from making an investigation before arrest, and insisting on an immediate complaint, plainly indicates Glenda's malice.
>>468 レスありがとう。 でもkinda girl working at barはどうかと・・・。 それにwhore は要は体売ってる系の女の人のことで(売春婦とか)ちょっと 軽蔑まじりの表現じゃないですか。でshow girlもまた違うと思うんです。 女の水商売=ホステスのことを指すなら、そのまま a hostess at a nightclub 等で十分だと思うのですが、私が聞きたいのは、あくまでも「水商売」。特に 夜の仕事に限らずです。意味分かります??分かる方御返事ください。
すいませんどなたか和訳してください By insisting on her cousin's arrest, rather than permit further investigation, Wilhelmina showed she wasn't interested merely in doing her duty as a citizen.
Now it's about time to work seriously. I want to feel more satisfied with my job. I want a job with more responsibility. I want to try another possibility. I want to open a new door to myself. I want to fulfil my dream. From A to Beyond Now it's time to throw away my part-time job and get up to the next stage. From A to NEXT. Then you shoud take a step forward. You can make your job more interesting.
Every year one hundred thousand students fail in the entrance exam. because of their addiction to "2ch"
they are confused because on one hand they like to get the load off and feel comfortable as soon as possible and on the other they feel that they don't have enough time to work
Even when they are having fun,their parents groan The fact is that they cannot really enjoy themselves because they always feel anxious somewhere in their mind Yes,that's "ronin"
"Will then." rejoined Dominicus Pike,"let's have the latest news where you did come from. I am particular about Parker's Falls. Any place will answer."
"Well then, rejoined Dominicus Pike, "let's have the latest news where you did come from. I'm not particular about Parker's Falls. Any place will answer."
The other day, I forget to tell you in the E-mail. You gotta a beautiful tatoo. I've never seen like that before. If it doesn't hurt much, I wanna get it on the shoulder and ankle necks.
We looked at each other. Then we kicked into the room; full of trash, MDs, reference materials of studing abroad or English speaking schools. And more, the text of Radio English course "Easy business English", English papers that you probably coouldn't afford, foreign pornograrhy. To top it off, we coludn't turn away from seeing the application forms of TOEFL or something that were torn apart. And only to find poor him, crying holding a mouse of his PC.
Hi! Mr.>>1,how do you do!?(*⌒ヮ⌒*) I came here,coz the title is so cute! It is pretty dull,isn't it?…{{ (>_<;) }} Ummm,trembling! This topix is very poor,you know Mr>>1, did YOU alone think out perhaps? (@@;)Amazing... First of all,the greetings!\(^o^)/ Nice to meet ya,all! Well,now I go watching other topics!C= C= C= C=┌(^ .^)┘
because it makes sense!!, forgetting about Hannibal, that drawing makes me think that Manson has really Been doing that(eating his own brain, I mean), because there's no new ideas left in his brain for us................... and I don't want to seem rude, but it's the truth. he's been teasing us all the time saying he would come out with a new album one of these days, and I don't see anything n ew. oh well...............
"The Sad 1" At the end of the Pacific War, when Japan's signs of defeat became intence, the military authorities decided to kill by poison all the beast because the airstrike might destroy the cage in the zoo and escaped beasts might try to attack the people. But,the Uncle,an animal handler,could not kill three "Tyuubou",Tonky,Onely,and 1 at all. The Uncle had brought up them carefully from child TYUUBOU as they were his own children. They were very wise.They won't eat the poisoned potato. Reluctantly,he tried to make them starve to death, but,they were desperately trying to coax him into food rewards by showing tricks. つーか、つかれた、続きはまた今度。間違いは指摘してね。 それから、うざかったら言ってください。
"Will then." rejoined Dominicus Pike,"let's have the latest news where you did come from. I am particular about Parker's Falls. Any place will answer."
There are many other cultural examples of body langueage― how you wave goodbye,how long you maintain eye contact with another person,hand gestures that express apprival or disapproval, and how you hold your head and body when you are listening to someone else are just a few examples. Unfortunately,the problem is that we do not always realize that these are cultural matters,so we tend to make judgmebts about other people. People from an ゛eyes downculture think that NorthAmerican children are very rude when they look at the eyes of an adult or a teacher. NorthAmericans are too friendly (i.e.,they get too close)un impersonal situations. These judgments add difficulty to communication between culturess.
It's a chilly Saturday in May. I could be home curled up on the couch with a good mystery novel. Instead I'm sitting on a cold metal bench in the stands of a baseball park. An icy wind creeps through my heavy winter jackt. I blow on my hands,wishing I'd brought my woolen mittens. “Mrs.Bodmer?” It's the coach my son Matthew admires so much that he gave up soda pop to impress him with his fitness. “I'm starting your son today in right feld. He's worked hard this year and I think he deserves the opportunity.” I'm proud of my son. I know how badly he wants this. I'm glad his hard work is being rewarded.
これってホーソンの「Mr Higginbotham's Catastrophe」じゃないの? だったら "Well then, rejoined Dominicus Pike, "let's have the latest news where you did come from. I'm not particular about Parker's Falls. Any place will answer." でしょ?引用を正しくしないと答えようがないよ。
mama om visnu-padaya drsna-presthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine. I offer my respectful oveisances uoto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabjupada, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter of His lotus feet.
Suddenly I'm nervous for him as the team members, in their white pin-striped unjforms, trot onto the field. I searched for my son's number. It isn't there. Instead, Eddie,the most inexperienced player on the team, takes right field. I look again,unbelieving. How can that be? I want to run over and ask the coach what's going on, but I know Matthew wouldn't like that. I've learned the proper etiquette for moms;talking to the coach is not acceptable unless he initiates it. My son, gripping the chain-link fence in front of the dugout, is yelling encouragement to his teammates. I try to read his expression, but I know he, like most males, has learned to hide his feelings. My heart breaks because he has woekrd so hard and received so much disappointment. O don't understand what drives boys to put themselves through this. “Attaboy,Eddie,”yells his father,proud that his son is starting. I've seen this same man walk out of games in disgust when his son dropped a ball or made a bad throw. But,for now,he is proud of his son,who is starting, while my son is on the bench.
By the fourth inning my fingers are stiff fron the cold,and my feet are numb,but I don't care. Matthew has been called into the game. he stands,chooses a batting helmet,picks up a bat and struts out to the plate. I grip the metal seat. He takes a couple of practice swings. The pitcher looks like an adult. I wonder if anyone has checked his birth certificate. Strike one. “Nice swing!” I yell. The next pitch is a ball. “Good eye!Good eye!” Strike two. I pray. I cross my fingers. The pitcher winds up. I hold my breath. Strike three. My son's head hangs,and he slowly walks back to the dugout. I wish with all my heart I could help. But I knoe there's nothing I can do.
For eight years I've been sitting here. I've drunk gallons of terrible coffee,eaten tons of green hot dogs and salty popcorn. I've endured cold and heat,wind and rain. Some people may wonder why a sane person would go through this. It's not because I want to fulfill my dream of excelling at sports through my kids. Also,I'm not doing this for the emotional highs. Oh,yes,I've had some. I've seen my two sons score winning goals in soccer, hit home runs in baseball,and spark come-from-behind wins in basketball. I've seen them make some incredible leaping catches in football. But mostly I've seen heartache.
I've waited with them for that phone call telling them they'd made the team. The call that never came. I've watched them sit on the bench game after game. I've sat in emergency rooms as broken bones were aet and swollen ankles X-rayed. I've sat here year after year observing it all and wondering why.
mama om visnu-padaya drsna-presthaya bhu-tale srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine. I offer my respectful oveisances uoto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabjupada, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter of His lotus feet. だれか訳してください
The game ends. I stretch my legs and try to stomp life back into my frozen feet. The coach meets with the team. They yell some rallying cry and then descend on their parents I notice Eddie's dad has a big grin and is slapping his son on the back. Matthew wants to get a hamburger. While I wait for him,the coach approaches me. I can't bring myself to look at him. “Mrs.Bodmer,I want you to know that's a fine young man you have there.” “Why?” I ask,waiting for him to explain why he broke my son'sheart. “When I told your son he could start,he thanked me and turend me down. He told me to let Eddie start,that it meant more to him ” I turn to watch my son stuffing his burger into his mouth. I realize then why I sit in the stands. Where eles can I watch my son grow into a man?
Among the many puppeteers spreading the Czech tongue to remote towns and villages only one has been instated as a symbol of the importance of the puppeteer in the awakening of national identity:Matej Josef Kopecky. He was born into a family of touring comedians, and his father, Jan, was a conjuror and puppeteer. Matej spent his childhood living in the family cart, knowing no other life but that touring player. Married young, he had at once to find food his family. He tried various other professions, but his destiny was in the puppet theater. He settled in Mirotice (South Bohemia),which became a place pilgrimage for any Czech puppeteer, and from here he set out on his many tours, accompanied by his children, who helped him in his work.
Kopecky was a difficult citizen: he gave local authorities many reasons for complaint. He refused to send his children to school; he allowed his older son to perform with his father’s license; his sons lived unmarried with young woman, to the outrage of society, and he avoided sending his sons to the army. Naturally he was summoned on many occasions to explain himself. In spite of all this Kopecky became known as an eminent puppet master and his name became famous in all Bohemia. His sons followed in the father’s footsteps but never archived more than the shadow of his fame.
>>771 The master of a neighboring baker was taken to the police as a suspect of the serial killing of seven women. When the police searched his room, a map on which 38 cross marks were put with the red pen was found. Each of the seven dead bodies was found from the place of the marks. Does it mean that he had killed as many as 38 persons? For the moment, he claims "I killed nobody."
Jaya and Vijaya were born as two very powerful and terrible demons. One of them became the demon Hiranyakasipu, and the other was his younger brother Hiranyaksa. Hiranyaksa was personally killed by Lord Krsna in his incarnation of Varaha. Hiranyakasipu knew that Krsna is supposed to show equanimity to the devotees and the demons. He then accused Krsna of having been partial to the demigods. It is explained that Hiranyakasipu could not forget the death of his brother at Krsna's hands, and was always thinking of the Supreme Lord. Srimad Bhagavatam explains that if a conditioned soul somehow concentrates his mind upon the Lord whether by enmity or devotional service that the result will be the same, for the Lord is never affected by enmity or friendship. (Srila Prabhupada explains in the purport that this doesn't mean we should therefore blaspheme the Supreme Lord, but that we should serve Him very favorably.)
Mother was an incubator Father was the contents Of a test tube in the icebox In the factory of birth My name is 905 And I’ve just become alive I’m the newest populator Of the planet we call earth
A baker,who is a middle-aged man and lives in the neiborhood,was taken to the police suspected to be the serial killer of seven women. When the police searched his room they found a map which had 38 crosses marked with red. Each of the seven dead bodies was found from those places marked. Does this mean that he killed as many as 38 persons? For the moment he claims that he didn't kill anyone. The map he had was that of a mountain and has nothing to do with the place where he goes to sell his bread. By the way his hobby is hunting. Each of seven women was shot with a gun used for hunting and it is proved that they were shot with his gun. This is a true story that really happened in America. He had a wife and kids and behaved as an ordinary husband and father. But on weekends he went to the entertainment district,picked up prostitutes,took them to the mountain and killed them. The dicicive evidence was found in the attic. He brought home one ornament as a prize taken from each woman he killed and four pieces of evidence were found in the attic. However,nothing else was found. After all he was executed as a criminal who killed the four women.
>827 I sucked the bitch last night I dug the bitch's asshole deeply last night man~ You know what? The bitch's butt was so nice man~ I got her last night
Later that year, CBS News gave the UNIVAC1 national exposure when it correctly predicted Dwight Eisenhower's victory over Adlai Stevenson in the presidential election with only 5% of the votes counted.
This method is now known as retrosynthetic or antithetic analysis. Its merits and power were clearly evident from three types of experience. First, the systematic use of the general problem-solving procedures of retrosynthetic analysis both simplified and accelerated the derivation of synthetic pathways for any new synthetic target. Second, the teaching of synthetic planning could be made much more logical and effective by its use. Finally, the ideas of retrosynthetic analysis were adapted to an interactive program for computer-assisted synthetic analysis which demonstrated objectively the validity of the underlying logic. Indeed, it was by the use of retrosynthetic analysis in each of these ways that the approach was further refined and developed to the present level. 論文の一部なのですが、どなたか翻訳お願いします。retrosyntheticは逆合成解析です。
>>869 ありがとうございます。 申し訳ないのですが、もう1ヶ所だけ翻訳お願いします。 On this and many other points, analogies exist between retrosynthetic analysis and planning aspects of games such as chess. The sacrifice of a minor piece in chess can be a very good move if it leads to the capture of a major piece or the establishment of dominating position. In retrosynthetic analysis, as in most kinds of scientific problem solving and most types of logic games, the recognition of strategies which can direct and guide further analysis is paramount. A crucial development in the evolution of retrosynthetic thinking has been the formulation of general retrosynthetic strategies and a logic for using them.
>>876 Sometime, other country people think that Japanese colledge students are not smart. I know the Japanese poor carricuram of education always leads such a problem.
The Japanese colledge is one of the good place for people who want to graduate with no studing. Some of my friends believe, most students are going to colledge for killing a time.
To study hard in colledge is the most important. I propose to Japanse colledge and university must change the their carricuram and be more strict for students.
However, keep in their mind, if students do not have desire to study hard, nothing is changed.
Japanese matriculation system is good, so I want Japanese colledge and university to make fovarable environment where student turns willing to study.
I entered college by recommendation. I had no witten exam. I just went through an interview. But I remember that I felt so nervous that I couldn't sleep the night before . In the interview I was asked about a lot of things,for example what I wanted to learn in this college or my dreams in the future. Of course I said various things including lies thinking that it was anavoidable because it was first priority to get in anyhow. I think that I am really stupid entering college so easily and brought down so far I remind me of those good old days when I felt so nervous.
It is often said that Japanese college students are mediocre,but I think that it is because there are problems in the educational system. It seems that it is so easy to graduate from Japanese colleges that students don't need to work hard. Some of my friends think that colleges exist just for having fun. I think that what you learned in college is very important,therefore colleges must be stricter to students. But I suppose that there is no way to change that because what students do depends only on themselves in the end. It is important to set up circumstances where students have to work harder after entering college without changing the Japanese entrance-examination system.
今、受験勉強中!!(+_+) 訳の問題でわかんないこと発生!! It is more difficult to understand a language, be it your native language or a language you are studying, if you do not see the speaker.の部分なんだけど、途中のbe it〜ってのが どういう文法になってのかが不明!!
>>893 be it [they, he, she] A or B (挿入句として)AであれBであれ, AであろうとBであろうと, AといいBといい, AにしてもBにしても, AにしろBにしろ, AにせよBにせよ, AでもBでも, AあるいはBといった, AやBなどの
all computers, be they small ones or mainframes, ... 小型にしろ、大型にしろ、コンピュータはすべて〜
the new technology -- be it A, B, or C --... Aであれ、Bであれ、あるいはCであれ、新技術は〜
Be it data communications, memories, gate arrays, or microsystems, the latest technology will be on display at... データ通信、メモリー、ゲートアレイ、あるいはマイクロシステムといった最新技術は、〜において展示される(ことになっている)
If thise profits were paid from profits which the company has paid tax, the taxpayer will be entitled to share of the tax paid known as [imputation credit].
>>903 Many scientists have proposed various kinds of algorithm in each way for the research of artificial intelligence Here I would like to introduce one of them
What I introduce here is a practical algorithm to which one for classic artificial intelligence was converted Its basic structure is similar,however one can say that its function is far superior
Now let us together see the world of artificial intelligence
When a company makes a profit it must pay tax on that profit to the government. Dividends are paid out of the tax-paid profit, so when you receive a dividend you, as a shareholder in the company, have already paid the tax on that money. Imputation credits show that tax has already been paid (by the company) and therefore are a way to make sure the money is not taxed twice - once at source, then again when it gets to the shareholder.
As long as the task is treated inside the computer man must always give the task One or two rules are given to the algorithm which I introduce here
The program is to operate alongside the rules and simulate movements of living things That is,what we should first consider is what kind of rules we should give Unless we make consistent rules the program does not operate properly
>>916 Of course that is not all,there are a lot of places where you could have fun You should first visit Tokyo tower when you come to Tokyo. I suppose that its view is counted as one of the best five in the world. At night you can enjoy its beautiful illumination Next you should go watch Sumo. Sumo is one of the traditional sports in Japan You can say that you cannot talk about Japan without knowing Sumo In case you feel hungry after watcing Sumo you should go and eat Dojou at Asakusa Djou is nutritious and very healthy. You can eat a lot of them because it is not so expensive Next you sholuld take a walk around "Koukyo". If you go around "Koukyo" you can see the core of Tokyo. Also it will serve you as a good exercise Lastly,you should ride Ferris wheels at Odaiba. Its night view of Tokyo will dispel your exhaustion caused by travel
>>918 Please acknowledge that part of the lyrics may or may not be inculuded in the sound source by inevitable accidents with the intention of the artists
laughing tortures and brothered to carnivorous beetles, He springs(WIngs!)his corporeality across entirties instinct-wise,motive-seared,vision-spread through mountains deserts,friends(an francisco calling like a beautiful golden criket West,wet and east never setting always glowing, "for this here life on this Earth is our true Heaven"
laughing tortures and brothered to carnivorous beetles, He springs(WIngs!)his corporeality across entirties instinct-wise,motive-seared,vision-spread through mountains deserts,friends(an francisco calling like a beautiful golden criket West,wet and east never setting always glowing, "for this here life on this Earth is our true Heaven"
Later that year, CBS News gave the UNIVAC1 national exposure when it correctly predicted Dwight Eisenhower's victory over Adlai Stevenson in the presidential election with only 5% of the votes counted. Mr. Eckert is shown here instructing news anchor Walter Cronkite in the use of the UNIVAC1. どなたか教えてください。お願いします。
Her reason: "Why start from scratch with every program you write when a computer could be developed to do a lot of the basic work for you over and over again. 教えてください。お願いします。
“A good parent”can be a confusing phrase. It is almost impossible for one person to be “a good parent”at all stages of a child's life. Some parents are at their best before their children begin to speak. Others are most successful before their children enter elementary school. Still otehers make their finest contribution to older children or teenagers. Every parent can understand one stage of a child's development better than another. It is a rare person who possesses superior capacities throughout the entire period of a child's growth. A mother might be “a good parent”from her baby's birth until it is three;that it is period when it needs her protection and loving care. Then the start of her child's independence might upset and alarm her,and she might then become less helpful for a few years. A father might be awkward and uncomfortable with a younger child,but could turn into a splendid parent when the child os old enough to be taught the skills of cycling, fishing and so on, or to be taken on trips. Some parents feel easier with boys,and others with girls -and then only at certain ages or stages. It is important for parents to understand and accept their own limitatioms in these matters,ust as they must accept the child's faults of personality and limitations of talent. Otherwise,fathers and mothers will feel guilty and blame themselves for weaknesses that may not be their fault. Much of the guilt experienced by modern parents comes from the mistaken feeling that they ought to be all things at all times to the child,which is clearly absurd. In past ages,grandparents and uncles and aunts lived with the family,and provided different kinds of support;in our present “nuclear”family, too many roles are demanded of the two parents,which they cannot possibly fulfill.
この前外国人に、Are you a Japanese? と聞かれたので、Yes, Can't you see me as a Japanese? と聞いたところ yes と言われました この場合のyesの意味は、いいえ、日本人に見えます。の意味ですよね? そうすると、何故最初にAre you a Japanese? と聞いたのか意味が分かりませんでした。(日本でです)