We welcome the much needed rain here--a far cry from the wildfires of last October!
With the cold and flu season fast approaching, we have recently updated our "Colds and Flu" page--check for new additions. http://www.iherb.cm/coldflu.html
Turmeric--This Ayurvedic herb is considered a COX-2 enzyme inhibitor. The COX-2 enzyme, if overly expressed, may lead to arthritis and other conditions. http://www.iherb.cm/cox2.html
Life Enhancement--From now until the end of 2004, we are offering the entire line of unique products at a minimum discount of 50% of SRP! Their top-sellers include: Insulife (blood sugar management), Cholestout (cholesterol), and Galantamind (memory). http://www.iherb.cm/life.html
HerbalGram Magazine--Our latest on-line issue is here. It includes an article about cinnamon extract and glucose, and also a comparison of the effects of Asian and American ginseng on glycemia. http://www.herbalgram.org/iherb/herbalgram