アメリカ政府がテロリスト指定している Sheik Abdul Majid al-Zindani、イエメンで演説して “From Tunis to the sultanate of Oman,” Mr. Saleh said, the wave of protest is “managed by Tel Aviv and under the supervision of Washington.” 「チェニジアからオマーンまで、それらの政権はアメリカの監督のもと、イスラエルに管理されているのだ」 ttp://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/world/middleeast/02yemen.html?_r=1&ref=global-home Cleric Urges Islamic Rule in Yemen By LAURA KASINOF Published: March 1, 2011
Joe LaVorgna of Deutsche Bank has this little squib offering his two cents on when we should really start worrying about oil prices choking off the economic recovery:
In our view, the problematic level for oil prices is above $125 per barrel, which raises the energy tax to $174B. This would account for roughly half of the rise in wage and salary income we project for the full year (+5.5%), and it would cut our PCE growth forecast by 50% and push GDP toward 2.0%. Since this is below the trend growth rate for the economy, unemployment could start to back up and economic growth would be at risk of stalling.
ttp://www.debka.com/article/20718/ Iran to build permanent naval base in Syria DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 1, 2011, 8:51 PM (GMT+02:00) イランとシリアが海軍力の協力条約に調印、シリアのLatakia港にイラン海軍基地を建設へ
Just two days after two Iranian warships reached the Syrian port of Latakia via the Suez Canal, Friday, Feb. 25, an Iranian-Syrian naval cooperation accord was signed providing for Iran to build its first Mediterranean naval base at the Syrian port, DEBKAfile's military and Iranian sources reveal.
The base will include a large Iranian Revolutionary Guards weapons depot stocked with hardware chosen by the IRGC subject to prior notification to Damascus. Latakia harbor will be deepened, widened and provided with new "coastal installations" to accommodate the large warships and submarines destined to use these facilities. Iran has much to celebrate, DEBKAfile's military sources report. It has acquired its first military foothold on a Mediterranean shore and its first permanent military presence on Syrian soil. Tehran will be setting in place the logistical infrastructure for accommodating incoming Iranian troops to fight in a potential Middle East war.(ry
This is not just wishful thinking. Japan’s corporations are regaining much of the self confidence and footing that they lost during the downturn, the result of many adjustments and strategic moves that Japanese businesses have made to expand to emerging markets. Japan, Inc. is going global again.(ry
英米はリビアへの飛行禁止区域設定などの介入意図を示しているが、フランスのジュペ外相は明瞭な国連安保理決議 のない限り軍事介入は出来ないとの立場を示している。 カダフィ大佐は首都トリポリの守りを固め反政府勢力の選挙地域にカウンターアタックを続けている。しかしトリポリ市内 でさえカダフィ大佐は支持されているとも言えず、 Tripoli is a clear Gadhafi stronghold, but even in the capital, loyalties are divided. Many on the streets Tuesday expressed loyalty but one man who described himself as a military pilot said: “One hundred percent of Libyans don’t like him.” 政府側を支持しているというトリポリ市内の、軍のパイロットと自称する男は「リビア人の100%はカダフィ大佐を好まない」 と言っている。
Oil giant Saudi Arabia’s Tadawul Index, the region’s largest market, dropped 3.9% to 5323.27, its lowest juncture since April 2009. The gauge has now lost 20% in a 13-session losing streak. The cost of insuring the kingdom’s debt against default meanwhile rose to 145 basis points, its highest level since July 2009, from 139 basis points late Tuesday, according to data-provider Markit. サウジアラビアの株式市場は今日、3.9%下落、2009年4月以降の安値となっている。またサウジアラビアのCDSは 145bp増大した、2009年7月以降の高い値となった。
“Large scale instability in North Africa and protests in neighboring countries [Bahrain, Oman, Yemen] have culminated in a significant sell-off as investors are growing increasingly concerned that protests and subsequent instability could ultimately reach the Saudi market,” said an analyst at Riyadh-based NCB Capital. “We firmly believe that fears of instability reaching the Saudi market are overdone, despite reports of calls for demonstrations in the coming days.” リヤドに拠点を置くNCB Capitalのアナリストは「北アフリカの政情不安の拡大で(バーレーン、オマーン、イエメンなど) 投資家の懸念が増大して売りを誘っている。それら諸国の政情不安がサウジアラビア市場に及んでいる。我々はその 不安は過剰なものと信じているが」と言っている。
RIAYDH ? Saudi Arabia is to announce a major cabinet reshuffle soon as the four-year term for the current council of ministers has expired, an official told AFP on Wednesday. "The government's mandate has expired, but due to the king's absence, the announce of the reshuffle has been delayed," the official said. King Abdullah, who is also the prime minister, returned to Riyadh on February 23, after being away for three months for medical treatment. "We can expect significant changes of some ministers," said the official, who declined to comment on speculations over replacing Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal and Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi.(ry
ttp://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/5572 日本の銀行:死者の生還 2011.03.03(Thu) The Economist The Economist (英エコノミスト誌 2011年2月26日号) 世界は日本の銀行のことを忘れ去った。欧米と中国の銀行家は、その記憶を呼び覚ますべきである。
ttp://www.aei.org/article/103206 What Does the Unrest in the Middle East Tell Us about China? By Dan Blumenthal | ForeignPolicy.com Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The unrest in the Middle East reveals, then, two important facts about China. First, talk of its impending global leadership is greatly exaggerated. Second, we should adequately prepare for China's day of reckoning as well. A tired United States may wish someone else would help manage the global order; wishing is not going to make it happen.
オマーンの首長であるQaboos bin Saidについて、ロバート・カプランの書いているもの。興味深い。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/03/01/omans_renaissance_man Oman's Renaissance Man BY ROBERT D. KAPLAN | MARCH 1, 2011 オマーンのルネサンスマン BY ROBERT D. KAPLAN フォーリンポリシー
*カプランによれば、オマーンのスルタンはルネサンス的な優秀人物で、アラブ世界の中に於いてはオマーンの統治 は最も圧政的でないもので、最も効果的に統治されていて、米国国務省の人権白書でもアラブ世界で#2の人権尊重 の統治である。 ・・・arguably the least oppressive and most competent autocracy in the region: that of Oman. Compared with other Arab countries, Oman has scored comparatively well in recent years in human rights reports compiled by the U.S. State Department.
スルタンの人物像: Qaboos is one of a kind in the Arab world. He is unmarried, lives alone, plays the organ and lute, and composes music. A graduate of Britain's Sandhurst military academy, he may arguably be the most worldly and best-informed leader in the Arab world, who understands in depth both the Israeli and Palestinian points of view even as he balances Americans off against Iranians and provides U.S. forces with access agreements. Infrastructure projects, women's rights, and the environment are mainstays of his rule, and he has avoided creating the sort of personality cult that plagues the region. His shyness on the world stage is in line with the minimalist manner of Scandinavian prime ministers and in contrast with bombastic bullies like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.
カプランは、このスルタンの開明君主的な統治を賞賛して: Given how dedicated Qaboos has been to his country's well-being, it would be sad if his reputation were sullied over these historic protests. For he should not be spoken of in the same breath as the likes of Muammar al-Qaddafi.
ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703559604576175660916870214.html MARCH 2, 2011, 5:10 P.M. ET Russia Fears China, Not Japan By MICHAEL AUSLIN The decades-long dispute over the Kuril Islands may well be Russia's way of focusing on its real long-term adversary: China. ロシアが恐れるのは中国であって、日本ではない By MICHAEL AUSLIN(AEI) WSJ寄稿評論
Some, including the Chinese themselves, may assume that Beijing would never do anything so destabilizing as expanding into Siberia. Yet faced with a growing country needing to have access to critical raw materials that lie in a largely depopulated region, Russia is already acting. Both the U.S. and Japan should similarly think through the potential for disruption and instability in Northeast Asia lest they be caught unprepared, as so many nations have in the past.
ttp://www.debka.com/article/20720/ The US, UK, Libyan opposition lack military strength to take on Qaddafi DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis March 2, 2011, 7:38 PM (GMT+02:00)
DEBKAfile's military sources say the loss of Brega will cause severe fuel and refined oil shortages in rebel-held Cyrenaica in the east. The reverses suffered by the rebels were implicit in their appeal to the West Tuesday night, March 1 for military intervention, when a few hours earlier they rejected foreign troops coming to their aid. But their SOS came too late.
CARACAS, Venezuela ? President Hugo Chavez has spoken with Moammar Gadhafi about creating a bloc of friendly countries to help mediate a resolution to Libya's crisis, Venezuela's information minister said Wednesday. ttp://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/03/02/venezuela-chavez-discussed-mediation-gadhafi/ Published March 02, 2011 | Associated Press
"Hopefully in the coming days we could create a committee of friendly countries that go to talk with the government of Col. Gadhafi as well as the opposition that his taken up arms in some regions," Maduro said. 「望むらくは数日中に、カダフィ大佐側の友好国がコミティを作り、リビア政府と反政府側とに対話して、和平を調停」
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil rose on Thursday as investors eyed growing instability in key Middle East oil producing countries, which could signal another threat to global supplies, after Libya's Muammar Gadaffi ordered airstrikes near Libyan oil facilities. 木曜日の石油価格はリビアでカダフィ大佐が石油施設近郊の空爆を命じた後で上昇している。
U.S. crude rose 31 cents to $102.54 at 0425 GMT, after hitting a high of $102.94. It had settled at $102.23 a barrel in the previous session, settling above $100 for the first time since September 2008. Prices for U.S. oil could extend its gain to $105 per barrel, says Reuters market analyst Wang Tao. 米国の石油価格は$102.94をつけたあと$102.54に戻した。昨日の終わり値は$102.23で、2008年9月以来初めて $100を上回った。
Brent crude rose 46 cents to $116.81 per barrel. Brent had settled 93 cents higher at $116.35 a barrel, the highest settlement since August 21, 2008, and traded as high as $117.81 during the previous session. ブレント原油は$116.81に上昇し$116,35で終了、昨日の高値は$117.81であった。これは2008年8月21日以来の高値 である(後略)
Noted by the FT’s Jamie Chisholm early on Thursday ? a $3 sell-off in Brent, on reports of a survival plan for Gaddafi ‘peace plan’ for Libya: このチャート(ttp://av.r.ftdata.co.uk/files/2011/03/sg2011030329171.gif)の示すように、カダフィ大佐の親友で ベネズエラの大統領であルチェベスの提案した「和平計画」が報道されて、ブレント原油は一時$3下落した。
A very odd peace plan, and a grimly amusing oil price reaction. これはヘンテコな和平計画というべきで、リビアの緊張から高騰していた原油価格を一時引き下げることになったが、
First of all, this seems to have started with noted world statesman (and Gaddafi ally) Hugo Chavez ? who talked to what’s left of Libya’s regime on Tuesday about setting up a Peace Commission. That’s Hugo Chavez, everyone. そもそもこの計画なるものはカダフィの親友の、あのチェベスのいっているものだから、
As soon as the market realised this, prices recovered. Still, it’s worth noting that the sell-off began with a Reuters story that Amr Moussa, president of the Arab League, had given his backing to a peace plan. この計画についてより詳しい情報が市場に流れると石油価格は、持ち直している。ロイターの報道が(誤って)アラブ 連盟がチェべス提案を「支持している」としたことも、ブレント石油の価格低下の原因だった。
Well, consider:実際のところは
- The Arab League has also said it might consider establishing a no-fly zone over Libya. Now, about that… アラブ連盟はチェベス提案を考慮しているといっている。同時にアラブ連盟は飛行禁止区域設定を考慮するかも、といっ ている
- The Arab League would have no United Nations authorisation for either a no-fly zone or peace talks. Security Council Resolution 1970 seems pretty clear on who’s in the driving seat on next steps for the Libyan situation (and thus, for a pressured oil market): アラブ連盟は国連安保理のような、飛行禁止区域の設定とか、あるいは和平計画による対話推進とかを実施せしめる 権威を持たない。国連安保理の決議1970ではリビアについて以下のように言っている。
“27. [The Council] Affirms that it shall keep the Libyan authorities’ actions under continuous review and that it shall be prepared to review the appropriateness of the measures contained in this resolution, including the strengthening, modification, suspension or lifting of the measures, as may be needed at any time in light of the Libyan authorities’ compliance with relevant provisions of this resolution;
“28. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.”
ロイター報道の誤りについて ttp://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/03/03/3154574.htm Arab League secretary-general Amr Moussa denied reports that he and Mr Gaddafi had agreed to the proposal. アラブ同盟のAmr Moussa事務総長は、彼とカダフィ大佐がチェベス提案に同意したとの報道を否定した
"We have been informed of president Chavez's plan, but it is still under consideration," Mr Moussa said. "We consulted several leaders yesterday," he added, without providing a deadline to decide on the plan. 「我々はチェベス大統領の提案を聞いている。しかしその提案については、考慮中である」 「我々は幾人かの首脳と、昨日、相談している」
病@民主党 ttp://twitter.com/yamanoikazunori おはようございます。今日は参議院の予算委員会は、野党が拒否して休み。 そのため全大臣が空くので、衆議院の各委員会を開きたいと考えていますが、 野党の理解が得られず交渉は難航中。三月末までに予算関連法案が成立しなければ、 国民生活に被害が及びます。粘り強く野党との話し合いを今日も続けます 2:10 PM Mar 1st via Twitter for iPhone
ttp://english.aljazeera.net/video/africa/2011/03/2011336535465973.html Libyan cities under renewed attack Last Modified: 03 Mar 2011 10:02 GMT Pro-Gaddafi forces launch fresh assualts on Ajdabiyah and Brega after being repelled by rebels a day earlier. カダフィ大佐側が、東部の反政府側の占拠地域、Ajdabiyah と Bregaに攻勢を強めている アルジャジーラ
"Around two hours ago, warplanes dropped a bomb in the area between the oil company and the residential area," Fattah al-Moghrabi, director of supplies for Brega hospital, told the AFP news agency. "As far as I know, there was no casualties," he said. AFPは2時間前に、2機の航空機に依る爆撃が、石油施設と住居地域の間に行われたと報道している。ソースは Brega病院の資材部長である。この爆撃の被害者はない模様。 A short while later, an air force bomber encircled the town, firing a missile without causing any casualties. The warplane struck a beach near where the two sides were fighting at a university campus. Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley, who was about 70 metres from the missile when it hit, said the opposition managed to repel the strike - maintaining control of the town they seized a week ago. AFPの伝えた爆撃のすぐ後に、両勢力の戦闘地になっている大学のキャンパスに航空機によるミサイル攻撃があり アルジャジーラのTony Birtley記者はミサイル着弾点から70メートルの場所にいたと言っている。 "They tried to take Brega this morning, but they failed," Mustafa Gheriani, a spokesman for the February 17th Coalition, an anti-government group, told the Reuters news agency. 2月17日連合の広報官のMustafa Gherianiは「カダフィ大佐側は今朝、Bregaを奪還しようとして失敗している」とロイター に語っている。
Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid, reporting from the eastern opposition-held city of Benghazi, said anti-Gaddafi activists in the city were unlikely to agree to any kind of mediation. "?All along they have been saying is that the only mediation they will consider is to find an exit strategy for Gaddafi and his family and all his close aides," she said. "They said there is no time anymore for dialogue, there is no way that they will do any kind of settlement. They say there is a complete lack of trust at the moment. Mediation, unless it's with an exit strategy, will be quite difficult.." ベネズエラのチェベス大統領の提案した和平調停案について、反政府勢力の占拠している東部のBenghaziから報告 しているアルジャジーラのHoda Abdel-Hamid記者は、反政府側が調停案に賛成しないだろうという。 「彼らは、受け入れられる調停案はカダフィの退任を伴うもののみといっている。カダフィ大佐とその家族、親近の支援者 らの退任を伴うものであるべきという」「彼らは、今更対話の余地はないという。彼らは政府側に対して、全く信頼しておら ず、カダフィの退任無しには対話は困難だろう」(後略)
People close to the subject said this could include the risk that it might have been the victim of an internal fraud, and was a significantly different position than had been taken by Renault in January. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一方、BBCでは ttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12637164 3 March 2011 Last updated at 14:11 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint Renault says probe into spying claim continues
Carmaker Renault has said that investigations are continuing into possible foreign bank accounts linked to alleged industrial espionage. However, a lawyer for the French company said there was no clear evidence yet of accounts in either Switzerland or Lichtenstein.
Mr Reinhart said: "Nothing has come back to us for the moment, which means that this morning we are unable to say whether we have been manipulated or not." He added that "we have no information that leads us in one way or another to say that the scenario of espionage does not exist". Even if no suspicious bank accounts are discovered, Renault would still want to know what had happened. "In any case, Renault will be a victim," he said. (スパイ行為があったともなかったとも言えない、ルノーが操作されたとも、そうでなかったとも言えない、我々は被害者だ)
オバマ氏は、リビアからチュニジアとの国境地帯に脱出したエジプト人労働者らを本国に送還する人道支援活動のため 米軍機の使用を承認したことや、米国際開発局(USAID)に民間機をチャーターすることを指示したことを明らかにした。 その上で「無防備な市民が危険に陥った場合に行動できるための準備を徹底している」と述べた。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.vancouversun.com/news/Obama+weighs+military+options+Libya+descends+into+bloody+stalemate/4379566/story.html Obama weighs military options as Libya descends into 'bloody' stalemate BY SHELDON ALBERTS, POSTMEDIA NEWS MARCH 3, 2011 2:03 PM
"So what I want to make sure of is, is that the United States has full capacity to act ? potentially rapidly ? if the situation deteriorated in such a way that you had a humanitarian crisis on our hands, or a situation in which defenceless civilians were finding themselves trapped and in great danger," he said at the White House. "I don't want us hamstrung."
ttp://www.debka.com/article/20721/ Tehran's hands-off threat to Riyadh incites Saudi Shiites to revolt DEBKAfile Special Report March 3, 2011, 11:09 AM (GMT+02:00) イラン政権はサウジアラビアに対して、シーア派マイノリティの抗議行動を抑圧するな、と警告
Ahead of the first Day of Anger planned in Saudi Arabia for March 11, a senior Iranian figure close to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Riyadh Wednesday, March 2, against launching preventive security measures against, or cracking down on, the kingdom's two million Shiites who live and work in the oil regions of the east. サウジアラビアで計画されている反政府抗議行動の「怒りの日、3月11日行動」に対して、アファマディネジャド・イラン 大統領に近しい政治家が、サウジアランビアに対して、そのシーア派マイノリティ抑圧の事前の鎮圧行動を非難した。 サウジアラビア東部の産油地域には200万人のシーア派が住んでいる。
Saudi and other Gulf security sources called the Iranian warning unprecedented interference in the domestic affairs of Saudi Arabia and a call to the Shiite minority to rise up against the throne under the shield of Iran's protection. It also struck the match for reigniting Shiite riots in Bahrain, fomenting the Shiite minorities in other Gulf emirates and further complicating the explosive situation in Yemen. サウジアラビア及びペルシャ湾岸諸国の警備当局は、このイランの警告を前代未聞の内政干渉と言っている。サウジアラ ビアはイランの庇護のもとに、サウジ国内のシーア派の反乱を煽るものと非難している。この一連の出来事は、バーレーン でのシーア派の反政府行動ともマッチするもので、イランはイエメンはじめ湾岸アラブ諸国のシーア派の反乱を醸成している。
The warning to Riyadh came from Iranian parliament Mohammed Dehgan, one of the closest and most influential members of the Ahmadinejad circle. It was couched in stark and brutal terms: "The Saudi leadership should know that the Saudi people have become vigilant and do not allow the rulers of the country to commit any possible crime against them," said Dehqan. "Saudi Arabia should account for the suppressions of the Shiite and Sunni people in the country for numerous years." サウジアラビアへの警告を発したのはイラン国会議員のMohammed Dehganでアファマディネジャドの最も近しい、影響力の 大きいとされる存在である。「サウジアラビア政府首脳は、サウジアラビア国民が、もはや国民への政府の犯罪を許容しない 事を知るべきである。サウジアラビア政府は国内のシーア及びスンニの住民への長年の圧政に責任がある」
He went on to threaten that Saudi Arabia, whose Shiite minority accounted for at least 15 percent of its population, could be the next target of the revolution engulfing the Arab world. The Iranian lawmaker went on to warn Saudi Arabia against interfering in the course of events in Bahrain and Yemen. 彼は、サウジアラビアの15%を占めるシーア派マイノリティがアラブ世界に起こっている革命運動の次のターゲットになり得る とのべた。さらに彼はサウジアラビア政府がバーレーンやイエメンの紛争に干渉しないようにと警告した。
DEBKAfile's Gulf sources find three major implications in the harsh Iranian warning to Riyadh: 1. Tehran is for the first time taking an overt stand on the Arab uprisings, using their Shiite minorities as levers of manipulation. 2. Iran is flexing muscle for the first time in the role it covets of regional superpower which calls the shots for the oil states and challenges US supremacy. 3. Iran wants Riyadh to call off the preventive measures Saudi security and intelligence have been conducting for some days to offset a Shiite uprising on the Day of Anger, including the arrests of political and religious activists.
In one, three key members of Mr. Kan’s cabinet ? foreign ministers Seiji Maehara, finance minister Yoshihiko Noda and administrative reform minister Renho ? said their respective fund-raising organizations had, or may have, received money from a tainted donor. It makes it worse that, by strange coincidence, the three ministers are all among those seen as the young Turks of the DPJ, relatively speaking, waiting to become future leaders after Mr. Kan’s time is over ? whenever it might be.
SANAA ? Yemeni troops killed four demonstrators and wounded seven others on Friday when they fired on an anti-regime rally in the north, officials and Shiite rebels said, as protests raged across the country. The shooting, which came a day after the opposition and clerics offered embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh a smooth exit from power, took place in the village of Semla, 170 kilometres (105 miles) from the capital Sanaa. "Two protesters were killed and nine others were wounded when soldiers opened fire from a military position on the demonstration calling for Saleh's departure," a leader of the Zaidi rebels said on condition of anonymity.
*DJ US Feb Nonfarm Payrolls +192K; Consensus +200K *DJ US Feb Unemployment Rate 8.9%; Consensus 9.1% *DJ US Feb Average Hourly Earnings +$0.01 To $22.87 *DJ US Feb Manufacturing Payrolls +33K; Svc-Producing +122K *DJ US Feb Government Payrolls -30K; Federal Unch *DJ US Feb Overall Workweek Unch At 34.2 Hours *DJ US Jan Payrolls Revised To +63K From +36K *DJ US Jan Unemployment Left Unrevised At 9.0%
Michael Shaoul, chief executive of brokerage Oscar Gruss, on today's report:
Today's report is not of that ground-breaking variety and has been greeted with a yawn by the Treasury and equity markets. Given yesterday's sharp reaction to Claims data this is reasonable, but the fact that February's Non-Farm Payroll report was in line with consensus does not mean that consensus represents an accurate prediction of the the future trend of employment this cycle. We still would expect a far more rapid improvement than is currently priced into today's marketplace. 予想とほぼ同じ結果であったが、我々は将来さらに雇用拡大を期待している
Steven Wood, over at Insight Economics, has this to say on the participation rate:
The unemployment rate fell for the third straight month by a cumulative 0.9 points. This has been due to an increase in household employment of 664k combined with an decline in the labor force of 704k (likely the result of a large number of people exhausting their unemployment compensation). The 0.9 percentage point decline over the past 3 months was the largest 3-month decline since December 1983. Nevertheless, 13.7 million people are still officially unemployed. In addition, there are another 6.41 million people who say they want a job but are not currently looking for one. Finally, another 8.340 million people are working part-time because of slack economic conditions. 失業率は過去3ヶ月で0.9%低下し、これは1983年12月以来の大きさ。しかし、失業者は1370万人で、求職中ではない 失業者がこの他に641万人いる。パートタイム労働者は8340万人である。これらはまだ経済状況の厳しいことを示す。
The fleet-fingered Ian Shepherdson of High Frequency Economics writes:
The payroll rebound after the Jan snows was held down by a 30K drop in Govt jobs; private payrolls rose 222K, only a bit less than was implied by ADP and other indicators. The gains were broad based, with manufacturing up a hefty 70K and most services strong except retail, -8K. Wage dip shows no inflation threat at all. Expect gradual sustained acceleration in payrolls next few months. 1月の非農業新規雇用は、政府関連雇用が3万人減って、民間雇用が22.2万人増えている。これはADP雇用統計など と一致し、雇用増加は幅広い領域で、製造業が7万人の増加となっている。小売業の8千人減少以外のサービスセクター は強い増加を示している。賃金の低下はインフレの脅威のないことを示しており、今後数カ月は持続的な雇用拡大が 期待できる。 ttp://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2011/03/04/live-from-new-york-its-jobs-friday-3/
(大幅に前略) It's still, to borrow from Tim Russert, "Florida! Florida! Florida!" This is one reason Florida freshman Sen. Marco Rubio is the most likely Republican vice presidential nominee. It's why Republicans are holding their convention in Tampa, Florida. The best offense is a good defense, in sports and politics. 突き詰めると、スウィング州の動きは Tim Russert の言うようにフロリダ州に代表される。これはフロリダ州の新人上院 議員のMarco Rubioが共和党の副大統領候補になりそうな理由でもある。また共和党がフロリダ州タンパで当大会を開く 理由でもある。
Republicans likely need to win Ohio and Florida. Obama likely needs Florida and a Colorado or Wisconsin. Obama will have more problems in Ohio than Florida (one reason: the former is whiter than the latter). 共和党が勝利するにはオハイオ州とフロリダ州を獲得する必要がある。オバマが勝利するにはフロリダ州とコロラド州、 あるいはウイスコンシン州を獲得する必要がある。オバマはフロリダ州を獲得するよりもオハイオ州の獲得が困難だが、 オハイオ州は白人比率が多いのだ。
Yet Florida will prove a hard fight for Obama as well. Both Florida and Ohio shifted to Obama only after the September stock market crash. This is one reason Obama's final performance in 2008 was always a poor predictor for 2012. オバマにとっては、それでもフロリダ州の獲得は難しい仕事で、先の大統領選挙で、フロリダ州とオハイオ州がオバマに 傾いたのは9月の株式市場の崩壊後である。この理由によって、先の大統領選挙の結果は2012年の予測には余り役に 立たない。
The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza recently pondered the 2012 electoral map: "Will it be the playing field of 2004, in which a few large and traditionally competitive states such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania decided the outcome? Or will it be the wider playing field of 2008, in which Obama used his financial and organizational advantage to cruise to a 365-electoral-vote victory?" ワシントンポストのChris Cillizzaは2012年の選挙区の状況について「少数の大型選挙区の、フロリダ、オハイオ、ペンシ ルバニアが結果を左右する2004年型になるのだろうか? あるいは、2008年のようなオバマの全国的キャンペーンが効 果を発揮する形になるのだろうか?」と書いている。
It's the wrong question. The coming map will look more 2004 than 2008. But Republicans were secure in states like Colorado and Virginia in the Bush years. They no longer are. これは誤った設問であって、2012年選挙は2008年より2004年に似ているだろう。だがブッシュ時代に共和党が制していた コロラドやバージニアは今や共和党の安全地域ではない。
The 2012 map will not be a sequel to 2008. (Disclaimer: dramatically poor GOP nominee or an economic recovery that's as dramatic as the 2008 crash.) 共和党候補が極端にマズーであるとか、経済回復の崩壊が起こるということがないなら、2008年のようにはならない。
Obama won nine states in 2008 that Democrats did not in 2004. But, to repeat myself, Obama was tied or trailing in six of those states prior to the market crash. オバマは2008年に、2004年には民主党が獲得できなかった9つの州を獲得したが、この中の6つは株式市場の崩壊後に オバマの獲得したものである。
Recall the time before the crash. Subtract a conventional recession, George W. Bush and Democrats' fat ranks. Add a struggling Democratic president and a marred Democratic brand. That schema illustrates why the 2012 map is anything but 2008. It's going to be a tight race on familiar terrain. But that's not news. It's the physics of modern politics. 株式市場の崩壊前を思い出し、民主党の最近の評判低下を考えると2012年の選挙状況が予測できる。それは2008年の 状況とは全く異なる。民主党・共和党の接戦になるのであろうが、それは近年のいつもの選挙状況である。
West Texas Intermediate crude oil is getting jumpy. At last glance it’s up another 1.4% Friday, to $103.49 a barrel. Brent crude, the European benchmark is already above $115 a barrel, as Europe is the end market for much of Libya’s oil. Check out this chart of benchmark WTI crude since the end of 2007. That spike on the right, is the recent surge amid the Mideast turmoil. 金曜日のWTIは1.4%上昇の$103.49、欧州のブレント価格は$115。
President Obama's vision for a national high-speed rail network was dealt a significant blow today when the Florida Supreme Court upheld Gov. Rick Scott's authority to unilaterally kill a cornerstone of the plan. Scott last month rejected $2.4 billion in federal stimulus money to fund new express train service between Orlando and Tampa that had been under consideration for decades. オバマ大統領の高速鉄道計画が、今日のフロリダ州最高裁の判決で大きな打撃を受けた。オバマ政権の計画した フロリダ州高速鉄道計画のための$2.4Bの連邦政府の景気刺激政策資金をフロリダ州のスコット知事が拒否し、 計画を支持するグループは、知事にその権利が無いとして訴訟していたが、フロリダ最高裁は知事の権限を承認した
The court ruled that Scott had not acted illegitimately. The decision effectively ends prospects for completion of the rail project. 最高裁は知事にその判断の権限を認め、これによって、オーランドータンパ間の高速鉄道計画は実際的に終了した。 (後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *政治的には、このフロリダ高速鉄道というのは、オバマの大統領選挙を睨んだフロリダへのテコ入れ政策で(ry
An oil facility at Zueitina, south of the Libyan rebel-held city of Benghazi, has been damaged and was on fire, Al Jazeera said, showing a video of black smoke rising from an oil plant. リビアの反政府側の占拠している都市、Benghaziの南部にある、Zueitinaの石油施設が攻撃され、火災発生。 アルジャジーラTVは石油プラントから黒煙の上がっている映像を示して報道している
Naturally, there’s nothing like images of oil facilities on fire to unnerve the commodity markets. 当然ながら、石油価格に影響が出ている
WASHINGTON?After weeks of internal debate on how to respond to uprisings in the Arab world, the Obama administration is settling on a Middle East strategy: help keep longtime allies who are willing to reform in power, even if that means the full democratic demands of their newly emboldened citizens might have to wait. オバマ政権は中東アラブ諸国への戦略について、数週間の議論を重ねた後で、アメリカの長期的な同盟国に対して 改革の意図がある場合は、その政権の維持を支持する。それは、当該国の民主化が遅れることになろうとも、政権の 急速な交代は求めないことを意味する。
Instead of pushing for immediate regime change?as it did to varying degrees in Egypt and now Libya?the U.S. is urging protesters from Bahrain to Morocco to work with existing rulers toward what some officials and diplomats are now calling "regime alteration." エジプトやリビアのケースような、早期の直接的な政権交代を後押しするのではなく、モロッコやバーレーンに対して現政権 を支持する。一部の外交官はこの戦略を、政権交代ではなく政権調整(alteration)といっている。
The approach has emerged amid furious lobbying of the administration by Arab governments, who were alarmed that President Barack Obama had abandoned Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and worried that, if the U.S. did the same to the beleaguered king of Bahrain, a chain of revolts could sweep them from power, too, and further upend the region's stability. この戦略についてはアラブ諸国からの禿しいロビー活動もあって、ムバラク大統領を見捨てたオバマ大統領に対して憂慮す るむきが働きかけを強めていた。もしアメリカ政府が、バーレーンの国王を見捨てるなら、連鎖反応がアラブ諸国に発生しか ねない。それは中東アラブ諸国の、さらなる不安定化をもたらす。
The strategy also comes in the face of domestic U.S. criticism that the administration sent mixed messages at first in Egypt, tentatively backing Mr. Mubarak before deciding to throw its full support behind the protesters demanding his ouster. Likewise in Bahrain, the U.S. decision to throw a lifeline to the ruling family came after sharp criticism of its handling of protests there. On Friday, the kingdom's opposition mounted one of its largest rallies, underlining the challenge the administration faces selling a strategy of more gradual change to the population. この戦略はまた、アメリカ国内からのエジプト政策への批判にも関係している。ムバラク大統領を一時的に支持し、そのあと 見捨てたことを批判している。バーレーンでは反政府活動が今週、活発化している。
Administration officials say they have been consistent throughout, urging rulers to avoid violence and make democratic reforms that address the demands of their populations. Still, a senior administration official acknowledged the past month has been a learning process for policy makers. "What we have said throughout this is that there is a need for political, economic and social reform, but the particular approach will be country by country," the official said. ある政府高官は、先月の中東政策は政策立案者の学習過程であったと言っている。「我々の言ってきたことは、政治的、 経済的、社会的改革が(アラブ諸国には)必要ということであるが、実際の政策対応は国ごとの個別のものになる」
A pivotal moment came in late February, in the tense hours after Mr. Obama publicly berated King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa for cracking down violently on antigovernment demonstrators in Bahrain's capital. Envoys for the king and his Arab allies shuttled from the Pentagon to the State Department and the White House with a carefully coordinated message. バーレーンで反政府活動が暴力的に抑圧されたときに、バーレーンの特使は国務省、国防省、ホワイトハウスを訪問して 注意深いメッセージを届けた。
If the Obama administration did not reverse course and stand squarely behind the monarchy, they warned, Bahrain's government could fall, costing America a critical ally and potentially moving the country toward Iran's orbit. Adding to the sense of urgency was a scenario being watched by U.S. intelligence agencies: the possibility that Saudi Arabia might invade its tiny neighbor to silence the Shiite-led protesters, threatening decades-old partnerships and creating vast political and economic upheaval. オバマ政権がバーレーン国王を支持しないなら政府は倒壊して、ペルシャ湾岸におけるアメリカの重要な同盟国はイランの 属国になりかねない。アメリカの諜報機関もバーレーンの政権が危機になれば国王側を助けるべく軍事介入するだろうとして オバマ政権に危険性を警告した。
"We need the full support of the United States," a top Bahraini diplomat beseeched the Americans, including Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffery Feltman, Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, and other top policy makers. バーレーンの外交官は「我々はアメリカの支持を必要とする」として、米軍統合参謀本部議長のMichael Mullenや 国務省(中東担当)Jeffery Feltman国務次官補、NSC安全保障・副アドバイザー、Denis McDonough,などを説得した。
Arab diplomats believe the push worked. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emerged as leading voices inside the administration urging greater U.S. support for the Bahraini king coupled with a reform agenda that Washington insisted would be have to be credible to street protesters. Instead of backing cries for the king's removal, Mr. Obama asked protesters to negotiate with the ruling family, which is promising major changes. この成果はあって、ヒラリー国務長官やゲーツ国防長官がオバマ政権内部でバーレーン国王支持の指導的な発言者と なった。
Israel was also making its voice heard. As Mr. Mubarak's grip on power slipped away in Egypt, Israeli officials lobbied Washington to move cautiously and reassure Mideast allies that they were not being abandoned. Israeli leaders have made clear that they fear extremist forces could try to exploit new-found freedoms and undercut Israel's security, diplomats said. イスラエル政府もまた、ムバラクの凋落に際して、エジプトとイスラエルの和平協定の蔑ろにされることのないようにと アメリカ政府に働きかけている。エジプトの新政権が過激派に握られイスラエルとの和平が危うくなることを危惧した。 (後略)
omg the Japanese media were talking right through the 2 minutes silence in front of the families. Why? #eqnz 8:59 AM Mar 1st webから 83人がリツイート (オーマイガー、日本のメディアが、家族の二分間の黙祷の間、ぺらぺらとしゃべっていました。何故?) http://twitter.com/KateRushbrook/status/42373288323858432
@kiwinerd I just find it amazing. The Japanese are usually such beautiful, respectful people. Obviously their media are not. Shame. #eqnz 11:46 AM Mar 1st webから kiwinerd宛 22人がリツイート (私は、それが驚くべきものであることがただわかりました。 通常、日本人はそのように美しくて、 礼儀正しい人々です。 明らかに、日本のメディアはそうではありません。 恥です。) http://twitter.com/KateRushbrook/status/42415483353440256
Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi has always paid special attention to his air force, staffing it with his most loyal followers and supplying it with the best training and equipment. The recent bombing raids in Brega might just be a small foretaste of the overwhelming punch his air power can deliver. リビアの独裁者であるカダフィは、常に、その空軍に特段の注意を払ってきた。彼の最も忠実な部下を配属し、最善の 訓練と機材を与えてきた。近日のBregaの空爆は、彼の有する空軍力の与える事のできる圧倒的な打撃力の、ほんの 前触れであるかもしれない。
Libya's air force is made up of roughly 18,000 men and women, most of whom are staunch supporters of the regime. The elite military branch recruited from followers who were 100 percent loyal to the regime, and members of Gadhafi's Gadhadfa tribe and its closely allied Magariha tribe were given preference during the selection process for recruits. They have shown a blind obedience to their commander in chief. Only a handful of pilots and officers have switched sides to join the opposition. 18,000人のリビア空軍は、その殆が忠実なカダフィの支持者である。政府に100%の忠誠を誓う人材の中から選ばれた エリートはカダフィの属するGadhadfa部族や、同盟関係にあるMagariha部族の出身者で、彼らは指揮官に盲目的に従う。 彼らの中で、ほんの一握りの士官やパイロットが反政府側に寝返っている。
The fighter wing is reportedly made up of roughly 100 MiG-21 and MiG-23 fighter jets as well as 15 Mirage F-1 and 40 SU-22 planes. The arms depots are thought to be filled to the rafters with munitions. 空軍は報道によれば100機程度のMiG-21およびMiG-23戦闘機と、15機のミラージュF1、および40機のSU-22を有する。
The planes' missiles are from the arsenals of the former Soviet Union or of more recent Russian makes, according to a report by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. The report also states that Libya's air-defense system is very well equipped. As Lieutenant-General David Deptula, who recently retired from his position as an air force expert at the Pentagon, told Britain's The Economist, if the West decides to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, the country's surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) could present a serious danger to Allied jets. 戦闘機のミサイルはロシア製のもので、シンクタンクのCSISによればリビアの対空ミサイルシステムは優れたものを有する。 最近米国空軍を退役したDavid Deptula中将にインタビューした雑誌エコノミストの記事によれば、西欧が飛行禁止区域を 設定する場合に、リビアのSAMは連合国側の航空機にとってシアリアスな脅威になり得るという。
The planes in the Libyan air force are stationed at 13 bases spread throughout the country. The bases are also home to Russian Mi-25 attack helicopters, which can be a deadly weapon both in open country and in urban combat. Rebel forces advancing on Tripoli, the capital city, should expect to encounter massive firepower from these helicopters. 空軍基地はリビアの全土に13ヶ所の広がりを持っており、空軍基地にはロシア製のMi-25攻撃型ヘリコプターがある。 反政府側がトリポリに迫るなら、ヘリコプターからの圧倒的火器攻撃を予想すべきである。
In the end, however, the really decisive factor in the battle might turn out to be the large number of military transport aircraft that Gadhafi purchased from Russian and American manufacturers. In just a few hours' time, the seven squadrons of helicopters and transport planes can ferry government units and reinforcements to scenes of fighting anywhere within the country. The rebel army forming in the eastern part of the country also has almost nothing to counter them with. Although it has a handful of bombers that defecting pilots landed in enemy territory, the only thing it has to supply and transport its own forces are trucks and civilian vehicles. 反政府側との戦闘の、本当の最終カードになりそうなのは、カダフィがロシアとアメリカから購入した多量の軍用輸送機 であるかもしれない。数時間以内に、7戦隊のヘリコプターと輸送機が政府側の戦力を移動させることができるので、国 内の戦闘の支援には何時でも役に立つことが出来る。東部の反政府勢力は、これらに対抗するすべを全く持たない。 反政府側が戦力を移動させるにはトラックや民間の自動車に依るしか無い。
Experts see Gadhafi's apparent decision to hold his pilots back in a reserve capacity as a tactical maneuver. "There have been no large massacres, air power is being used in a calculated way and he is launching probing attacks," Shashank Joshi, a military specialist at London-based think tank the Royal United Services Institute, told the New York Times. Even if Gadhafi has appeared somewhat mentally unstable during his recent televised appearances, Joshi believes Gadhafi's tactical maneuvers do not show "the decision-making of a man totally out of touch with reality." 専門家はカダフィが今のところ空軍力の全面的な使用を留保しているとみている。
For now, it is also unclear just how many of the 45,000 ground troops have defected to the opposition. The fact that entire regiments have apparently deserted in eastern Libya appears to have been something that Gadhafi correctly anticipated. Gadhafi has never trusted his army, because it was primarily made up of conscripts, many of whom belonged to tribes opposed to his own. "Gadhafi has retained significant elements of the army and lost the elements he was always afraid he could lose, those affiliated with tribes he had targeted," George Joffe, an expert on North Africa at Cambridge University, told the New York Times. 45000人の陸軍兵力の、どの程度が反政府側に寝返ったのか、今は不明である。東部リビアでは政府機構の全てが反 政府側についたが、それはカダフィの予想の範囲内で、彼はいつも陸軍を信用してこなかった。それは基本的に徴兵制 に依る軍隊なので、カダフィに反目する部族の出身者を多く含むためである。
Having come to power himself through a military coup in 1969, Gadhafi has surely calculated that he could one day face a putsch himself. As a hedge against the danger of an uprising, Gadhafi has always made a point of providing regiments in the notoriously rebellious east with poorer training and older equipment. What's more, he has supposedly also built up a parallel army consisting of up to 20,000 mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa. 1969年の軍事クーデターで政権を奪取したカダフィは、彼が同じ目にあう可能性を計算しており、彼に反抗的な東部には 古い軍備や行き届かない訓練を与えてきた。それに加えて、彼は2万人のサブサファリ地域の傭兵による陸軍を並行的に 保有してきた。
Libya could now be facing civil war. If Gadhafi should decide to continue fighting, the rebels' chances of victory are slim, argues Yehudit Ronen, a Libya expert at Israel's Bar-Ilan University. "The anti-Gadhafi alliance can only rely on the soldiers who have defected," Ronen says. Even if these soldiers were reinforced by volunteers, she adds, they would be facing an almost invincible enemy: the air force and the mercenaries, who have nothing to lose. Ronen predicts that the fighting will last a long time and that, afterwards, Libya "will no longer be like it once was." リビアは内戦に直面している。カダフィが戦闘継続を望むのであれば反政府側の勝利のチャンスは少い、とイスラエルの Bar-Ilan大学のリビア専門家であるYehudit Ronenは言う。「反政府勢力は政府から寝返った兵士に期待する意外にない」 彼らがボランティアで強化されるにせよ、政府側は空軍と傭兵という強力な戦力を有する。Yehudit Ronenは戦闘が長期化 し、その結果は「これまでのリビアとは、全く違ったものになる」という。
4 March 2011 Last updated at 23:27 GMT Help In an exclusive interview for Newsnight, Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Nato had ''no plans to intervene'' in the crisis in Libya.
However, he added: ''If we can be of any help, we stand ready with the assets at our disposal''.
この評論に対する、反論として書かれたコメントが、ちょっと興味で Gates has argued that, before we expose our pilots to such risk, we would have to take out his anti-aircraft missle batteries, and that would certainly involve engaging Qaddafi's ground forces. We would need tankers to refuel the aircraft that would enforce the "no-fly" - tankers we are currently using in another war in Afghanistan - and we don't have any to spare. And, we would probably need bases in the region for rescue of any pilots who might be shot down over Libya. A US military already stretched to the limit by a war in Afghanistan and still maintaining a force in Iraq (why is that?) does not need another battleground. JAYDEE001 6:24 PM ET March 4, 2011
THE phrase “new normal” is usually used to explain the persistence of underwhelming economic data, such as today’s employment numbers. Nonfarm employment rose 192,000 (or 0.1%) in February from January, but that was after a sluggish, weather-depressed 63,000 gain in January (which was revised up from 36,000). Over the two months employment advanced an average of 127,500, in line with the last five months. Many economists will say that 127,500 is just a neutral number, only enough to keep up with population growth. This, then, is the new normal: an economy that grows only fast enough to keep unemployment from rising, not strong enough to create the jobs needed to bring unemployment down.
So if the new normal was slow growing employment, the new new normal is a slow growing labour force. Put the two together and the unemployment decouples from the overall health of the economy. Why? Perhaps the Great Recession has permanently diminished work opportunities for big swathes of the work force, in particular prime-age men. Perhaps America is now experiencing an echo of what older Europe and Japan already have: a demographically driven slowdown in potential growth. Or perhaps it’s one of those temporary statistical mysteries that will disappear soon. 新規雇用創造の遅さがニュー・ノーマルであるとすれば、ニュー・ニュー・ノーマルは労働力(人口)増加の遅さである。 この二つを一緒にすれば失業率は経済の全般的な健全度合いからデカップルする。 どうしてそうなるのであろう? 多分、大恐慌は労働力のある年代層への就労機会を永久的に縮小させたのかもしれない。とくに働き盛りの男性を。 或いは、恐らくアメリカもまた、古きヨーロッパや日本の既に経験した人口構造(変化)に依る経済成長の低下の類を 経験しているのかもしれない。あるいは、恐らくそれは一時的な統計上のミステリーで、すぐに消えてしまう類なのかも しれない。
Enough dreary long-term analysis. There were lots of good short-term signs in the report suggesting that the recovery, though hardly a barn-burner, is intact. Manufacturing employment continues to outperform, rising 33,000 or 0.3%. Total private employment was up 222,000; state and local payrolls dropped 33,000. The average workweek was unchanged at 34.2 hours. Hourly earnings did not grow, so the yearly increase fell back to 1.7%. Even if gasoline is about to lift inflation, it’s hard to see a wage price spiral developing. 長期傾向の分析は、そういうぞっとしないものだが、短期的には経済回復のサインが見られる。まあ急激な改善とは ゆかないにせよ、製造業の雇用改善とか、賃金の上昇傾向が抑えられていてインフレ圧力は感じられないとか(ry
ttp://blogs.aljazeera.net/live/africa/live-blog-libya-march-5 アルジャジーラ、リビア・ライブ・ブログ 2:04pm Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley, reporting from Bengahzi, tells us several funerals have just taken place for several of those killed in yesterday's ammunition dump explosion. He also compared the situation to the end of the first war against Iraq, when President George Bush incited Kurds and Shia iraqis to rise up against Saddam Hussein. But Saddam, in control of the skies, brutally crushed the uprising - which came without US military support - using helicopter gunships.
CAIRO - Hundreds of protesters stormed the headquarters of Egypt's widely feared State Security Investigations agency in Cairo on Saturday and began sifting through thousands of potentially inflammatory documents, marking another step toward dismantling the administration of ousted President Hosni Mubarak. 数百人の抗議行動者が、これまでエジプトで市民に恐れられてきた国家公安警察の本部を土曜日に襲撃した。彼らは 公安警察の保存してきた秘密ファイルを持ち出しており、その秘密にされてきたファイルの内容は従来の政府の行動を 暴く可能性もある。
State Security was responsible for suppressing domestic political dissent, as well as for internal counterterrorism, and had a reputation for torturing detainees. The unearthed documents could provide information for cases against senior members of Mubarak's government, from the former president on down, and could prove explosive if publicized, analysts said. 国家公安警察は国内の反政府活動の抑制や国内のカウンターテロリズムを担ってきて、拘束した容疑者への拷問などの 疑い(悪評)が言われてきた。
"This could be bigger than Mubarak's fall in terms of the effect it could have on the country," said Elijah Zarwan, a Cairo-based analyst with the International Crisis Group. 国際クライシスグループのカイロ在住のアナリスト、Elijah Zarwanは「これはムバラクの辞任よりも大きな政治的影響を、 エジプト国内に与える可能性がある」と述べている。
State Security also collaborated with the United States on counterterrorism and was likely to have kept files on the rendition program under which terrorism suspects from around the world were relocated to Egypt by U.S. agents, Zarwan said. 国家公安警察はアメリカとカウンターテロリズム活動で協力しており、世界のテロリズム活動について両国の共有して きた情報を保有する。 Zarwanはアメリカの諜報機関がエジプトに移動させたテロ容疑者についての情報もあるだろう という。
But there were indications that some of the most sensitive documents might have been destroyed or removed, and most of the rest were taken away by prosecutors, witnesses said. しかし一部の目撃者によれば、秘密ファイルの最もセンシティブな文書は検察に依って破棄、或いは移動させられていた 疑いがあり、残りの大部分も検察が持ち去ったという。(後略) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *エジプトの軍事政権が、こういう反政府活動グループの行動を容認しているのか、それとも警備保証・統治の能力に欠 けるのか、情報がないので今のところ判断できない・・・
(Reuters) - White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley said on Sunday the Obama administration is considering tapping into the U.S. strategic oil reserve as one way to help ease soaring oil prices. ホワイトハウス首席補佐官のBill Daleyは、国家戦略備蓄の石油放出を検討中と述べた。
CAIRO ? Gulf Arab officials are considering setting up a fund that would help Bahrain and Oman deal with some of the economic issues that have helped stoke unrest in those two countries, an official with the six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council said Sunday. バーレーンやオマーンの反政府活動の活発化に対してGCC(ペルシャ湾岸アラブ諸国協力機構)は日曜日に協議し 両国の国民の直面する経済的不満に対応して経済協力基金を設立することを検討している
GCC finance ministers had met a day earlier in the Saudi Arabian capital and expectations were that they would announce what officials, ahead of that gathering, had described as a Gulf "Marshall Plan" to help Manama and Muscat. The plan called for a hefty financial contribution by the four wealthier GCC member states that would target key economic issues such as a housing shortage and unemployment. GCCの6ヶ国の財務大臣はペルシャ湾岸諸国向けのマーシャルプランというべき基金を設立しバーレーンやオマーンに 支援することを検討中。経済支援が、両国の住宅の供給増大や失業問題の改善などに寄与することを狙っている。
It appears unlikely that the ministers will make any formal announcement about providing funds for Bahrain and Oman during that gathering, and many experts expect that the steps could take place behind the scenes, without the official framework of a fund or a specific plan. Analysts said the general hope in the region is that propping up Bahrain and Oman will help the two nations address some of the economic catalysts behind the disquiet and that, in turn, could buy other GCC nations with more time to gradually phase in at least some of the political reforms that are being demanded. このマーシャルプランはGCCから正式に公表されることはないとみられるが、バーレーンやオマーンへの経済的支援が 非公開で進められる事になるのでは、とみられている。
Moody’s has downgraded Greece to B1 from Ba1 on Monday, a move which follows Greek five-year credit default swaps hitting 1049 basis points last Friday.
Here’s the statement: London, 07 March 2011 ? Moody’s Investors Service has today downgraded Greece’s government bond ratings to B1 from Ba1, and assigned a negative outlook to the rating. The rating action completes a review that commenced on December 16, 2010.
Moody’s decision to downgrade Greece’s rating is driven by three reasons: 1.) The fiscal consolidation measures and structural reforms that are needed to stabilise the country’s debt metrics remain very ambitious and are subject to significant implementation risks, despite the progress that has been made to date. 2.) The country continues to face considerable difficulties with revenue collection. 3. ) There is a risk that conditions attached to continuing support from official sources after 2013
will reflect solvency criteria that the country may not satisfy, and result in a restructuring of existing debt. Moreover, the risk of a post-2013 restructuring might lead the Greek authorities and investors to participate in a voluntary distressed exchange before that time. (後略)
* Oil hits 2-1/2-year high, pulls back on Gaddafi rumor 石油価格は2.5年ぶりの高値 * Gold hits record peak, silver at 31-year high on Libya 金価格は31年来の高値 * U.S., European stocks turn lower on rising oil prices (Updates with oil pulling back from highs, U.S. stocks falling) 欧州と米国の株式市場は下落
Rumors that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was seeking a deal with rebels caused oil to erase some gains. But U.S. crude prices remained more than 1 percent higher, trading around $105 a barrel. カダフィ大佐が反政府側との(和平)取引を模索との噂が流れて、石油価格が下落したが、それでの米国市場の石油 価格は1%上昇のバレルあたり$105に達している。
The euro fell against the dollar after having earlier hit a four-month high as expectations of a euro zone interest rate hike next month faded. ユーロの対ドル相場は4ヶ月来の高値に達した後下落。ユーロ圏の金利上昇期待が低落のため
U.S. crude oil futures CLc1 jumped to as high as $106.95 per barrel, the highest level since September 2008, as Gaddafi's counter-offensive against rebels deepened concerns that Africa's largest holder of oil reserves is headed for civil war. Prices were still 1.08 percent higher at $105.55 after rumors that the Libyan leader was trying to secure a safe exit from the country merely curbed initial gains. 米国石油先物市場は2008年9月以来の高値、$106.95をつけた。リビアの内戦が本格化し、カダフィの調停交渉の噂の後も $105.55を維持している(後略)