Egyptian activists are now calling online for another major push against Mubarak and his government on Friday, following afternoon prayers. Between now and then the government will do everything it can to clamp down on organizers and make large protests like Tuesday's impossible.
S&Pのステートメント The downgrade reflects our appraisal that Japan’s government debt ratios?already among the highest for rated sovereigns?will continue to rise further than we envisaged before the global economic recession hit the country and will peak only in the mid-2020s. Specifically, we expect general government fiscal deficits to fall only modestly from an estimated 9.1% of GDP in fiscal 2010 (ending March 31, 2011) to 8.0% in fiscal 2013. In the medium term, we do not forecast the government achieving a primary balance before 2020 unless a significant fiscal consolidation program is implemented beforehand. 日本が2020年以前にプライマリーバランスを回復することは無さそうであり政府負債の減少 はとても遅く・・
Japan’s debt dynamics are further depressed by persistent deflation. Falling prices have matched Japan’s growth in aggregate output since 1992, meaning the size of the economy is unchanged in nominal terms. In addition, Japan’s fast-aging population challenges both its fiscal and economic outlooks. The nation’s total social security related expenses now make up 31% of the government’s fiscal 2011 budget, and this ratio will rise absent reforms beyond those enacted in 2004. An aging and shrinking labor force contributes to our modest medium-term growth estimate of around 1%. 日本がデフレ脱却を達成できないなら、予算の31%を占める社会保障費は増加を続けると見られ・・
In our opinion, the Democratic Party of Japan-led government lacks a coherent strategy to address these negative aspects of the country’s debt dynamics, in part due to the coalition having lost its majority in the upper house of parliament last summer. We think there is a low chance that the government’s announced 2011 reviews of the nation’s social security and consumption tax systems will lead to material improvements to the intertemporal solvency of the state. We even see a risk that the Diet might not approve budget-related bills for fiscal 2011, including government financing authorization. Thus, notwithstanding the still strong domestic demand for government debt and corresponding low real interest rates, we expect Japan’s fiscal flexibility to diminish. 日本の民主党政権は、この問題への解決の戦略がないと見られるので、国会のねじれも加わり、消費税増税がこの問題 を解決する可能性は少なく、国会での予算関連の法案審議のデッドロックさえ予想され・・・財政の柔軟度は失われるだろう
That said, the sovereign ratings on Japan are supported at the lower ‘AA-’ level by the country’s ample net external asset position, relatively strong financial system, and diversified economy. In addition, the yen is a key international reserve currency. 日本の対外債権国である強みがあるのでAA-は妥当・・・
Japan is the world’s largest net external creditor in absolute terms, with projected net assets of an estimated 254% of current account receipts at yearend 2010. The country’s current gold and foreign exchange reserves of over US$1 trillion are second only to China’s. In addition, both the financial sector and the corporate plus household sectors are external creditors. Standard & Poor’s expects continued current account surpluses to further enhance Japan’s net external asset position in the coming years. 日本は世界最大の対外債権国で外貨と金の保有額は中国に次ぐ規模。金融機関や企業セクター、家計セクターは 対外的クレディターである。日本の対外的資産ポジションに変化があるとは予想しない。 The stable outlook on our ratings on Japan balance weak public finances and anemic growth prospects with its strong external position and the flexibility afforded by the yen’s international role. Should the government be able to consolidate its finances and to enact measures to improve its growth prospects?as it did in the early part of the last decade?upward pressure on the ratings would build. Conversely, if we again mark down our fiscal forecasts, downward pressure on the ratings could reemerge… 日本が国家負債問題の解決策を見出し成長軌道への復帰を達成すべきであって、そうした方向に進まないなら・・・
The yen fell across the board, with the dollar leaping by over 1% to 83.22 yen, according to trading system EBS.
But other currencies perceived as risky also fell, with the euro and Australian dollar also falling sharply against the U.S. currency?a shift that indicates a broad blow to sentiment. ?Siva Sithraputhran
"Japan was downgraded as the (Prime Minister Naoto) Kan government has failed to show a clear stance to improve the country's fiscal situation. In such a situation, S&P had no choice but to downgrade Japan's sovereign rating. "The yen came under some pressure after the downgrade, but in general, the market is reacting relatively calmly to the news as such a move was somewhat expected to happen. "With regards to Japanese government bonds, I don't expect today's downgrade would trigger strong sales. Japan's CDS spreads have been widening since around November. I think the market was factoring in such a move would happen."
"Since there has been speculation that JGBs could be downgraded at any time, the downgrade itself is no surprise. "But the forex market, which has become sensitive following the sovereign issue in Europe, is reacting to the downgrade by selling yen. "Since the ratio of foreign investors holding JGBs is low, it is doubtful there will be a direct market impact if the downgrade prompts foreign investors to unload JGB holdings. "As of now, speculators are still long in yen. If these speculators turn short in yen or investors, including retail investors, accelerate yen-carry trades, then there is the possibility that the yen will weaken further."
ttp:// As Peter Tasker, a veteran Japan analyst for Arcus Research, points out, Japan ? unlike some of the eurozone’s peripheral economies ? is entirely self-financing. While government debt is at monstrous proportions, Japan’s private sector saves enough to cover domestic needs and also manages to export capital equal to about 3 per cent of annual output. The result, he says, is “a vast nest-egg of overseas assets”.
Indeed, in the view of NAB market strategist Gavin Friend:
Today’s cut will not have any impact on Japan’s ability to service its huge debt. Most of this is financed domestically . Any foreign investors who have been buying Japan debt at AA, will not be deterred by AA- and in any case the other two agencies remain one notch above (for now).
China increased its purchases of Japan debt last year as it sought to diversify from USDs and we would not expect today’s decision to have any material impact here. This downgrade then should have little lasting impact on markets but at the margin can be used to justify a risk-off approach.
For USD/JPY the move should harden the view that this pair is forming a base above the 2005 low of 79.75 and give support to the notion that the JPY is losing some of its safe-haven lustre. In recent months the CHF has been more popular in times of distress, though this is in part because of its proximity to Europe and investor’s desire to have exposure to something close to Europe, but unaffected by the debt issues directly.
We have argued that a decline through 79.75 would risk plunging Japan into a more pernicious bout of deflation and therefore would expect the MoF/BoJ to protect that level. We continue to forecast USD/JPY will gradually push up through the 80’s to 88 by year end…Until USD/JPY climbs above 84.75… today’s move ? however uncomfortable for Japan ? is likely to be something of a storm in tea-cup. A break above 85 and everyone will be a buyer. Similarly, Tohru Sasaki, JPMorgan’s currency strategist, says the move will have little “material meaning or impact” on the FX market ? not least because “95 per cent of JGBs are held by Japanese investors”, he says in a research note, concluding:
I am almost sure that not many Japanese JGB holders will sell JGBs (or the yen) on this news. If anything, they are probably looking forward to buying JGBs at a higher rate… [As for FX rates] Actually, when S&P downgraded Japan to AA- from AA in April 2002, USD/JPY spiked 0.5 per cent after the announcement, but fell off soon after that. Not only that, but USD/JPY declined about 12 per cent over three months after this downgrade ? so, I believe this news will just provide us with a good opportunity to sell USD/JPY at better levels.
Finally, we’d just like to point out, following big JGB purchases earlier last year, China’s about-face in its net sell-off of Y81.3bn worth of JGBs in November ? Tokyo’s latest official monthly figures for JGB transactions ? seems prescient.
We can’t quite say the same thing for the Bank of Japan’s (comparatively) bullish growth forecasts for Japan this year, issued on Tuesday…
On the other side of the aisle: evidence of collusion between developers and local governments on over-bidding prices; strong tax incentives for local governments to collude in this way; and not to forget, the power of localities to ride roughshod over existing land rights, as Caixin recently reported. And oh yes, the SIVs. So many SIVs. 地方政府と不動産デベロッパーが談合・結託して、価格を上げている証拠があり、地方政府にとっては税収の増大する という大きなインセンティブがある。土地の利用権利をめぐる地方政府の権限というのは大きい。さらに、不動産開発を ファイナンスする(地方政府絡みの)SIVがあって、これらSIVはまことに多数である。
As you can tell, we’re cleaving to the latter argument at the moment. Which is a shame, given how the current cash crunch will eventually percolate through to property developers, big time. 政府の流動性規制のためにクランチの起こっている今、開発業者にとって、今後問題が起き得るだろう
One last oddity. It’s true that Shanghai and Chongqing both rolled out property taxes on Thursday. Shanghai is targeting newly-bought homes; Chongqing is focusing on houses that have prices more than double the average. Clearly the message is that home-owners are causing prices to explode. 火曜日に公表された、上海など地方政府の不動産税は、住宅購入者がバブルの原因と言っているかのようで頭金の規制 とか、高価な住宅の販売を規制するとか言っているが、これも奇妙なこと。
>>57のMartin Wolf(FT論説主幹)の評論は、よく出来たもののひとつ。下記はヘリテージ財団のサイトにあるもの で、基本的にMartin Wolfと同じことを行っているけれど、元のグローバル化の条件に所有権の保証というのを追加 している。そういう言い方をするのなら法治主義の徹底というのも条件に入れるべき鴨 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// ttp:// Can China’s Currency Go Global? By John H. Makin
Key points in this Outlook:
China is an economic superpower, but it is not yet a financial superpower. China’s currency is gaining more widespread use in trade, but not as a reserve currency. For the yuan to become an international reserve currency, China would have to allow capital outflows, respect property rights more consistently, and guarantee full convertibility of its currency.
In lowering its rating on Japan's sovereign debt, the Standard & Poor's rating agency cited a lack of faith in the ruling party's ability to solve its huge economic challenges, as Prime Minister Naoto Kan struggles to manage a divided parliament and muster unity within his own party. 日本国債の格下げに際してS&Pは与党である民主党への信頼の欠如を言っている。経済的難問に直面する菅政権は ねじれ国会や、自分の党の内部の分裂を抱えており、その運営に苦慮している
"In our opinion, the Democratic Party of Japan-led government lacks a coherent strategy to address these negative aspects of the country's debt dynamics, in part due to the coalition having lost its majority in the upper house of parliament last summer," S&P said in a statement as it lowered Japan's rating by one notch to double-A-minus in its first downgrade since 2002. S&Pは格下げに伴うステートメントの中で「日本の民主党は国家の負債を取り巻くダイナミクスを解決できるような一貫した 戦略を持っていない。また、連合政権であり、昨年夏の選挙で参議院の過半数支配を失っていて、国会運営に苦慮してい る」と述べている(後略)
S&P's analysis should be read instead as a longer-term reminder that when it comes to dysfunctional fiscs, things can't go on forever as they have, even in a large economy. Come to think of it, that's a message some in Washington need to hear, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *WSJの社説はS&Pの言い分はもっともであるとしながらも、日本の国家負債はユーロゾーンの支払不能に陥っている国 (ギリシャ、ポルトガル、アイルランド・・・)とは異なっていて日本は対外的に債権国で国家負債は内国負債なので、そういう 国の格下げと同じではない、と書いている。それであっても、悪い政策は悪い結果しかもたらさず、長期的に危機へと向かう ステップであるから、政策は改められならない、という。
Japan needs to forget about the views of the credit agencies, which have not had a terribly good track record recently, and concentrate on exiting deflation. That’s the only way to wake up from Mr Yosano’s “dreadful dream”
In 1979, of course, Jimmy Carter was the incumbent President, and no sophisticated, intelligent person in Washington thought Ronald Reagan had a serious chance of beating him. The RNC was convinced Reagan would be another Goldwater, and its entire focus was to deny him the 1980 nomination. You know what happened.
>>265 That political climate also was a factor in the S&P decision. The agency's Japan analyst, Takahira Ogawa, said that while the government had given an appearance of being serious about fiscal restructuring, "the political situation has become more unstable" with the opposition taking a firmer stance against the government's program.
Police pen Egypt's ElBaradei in protest area ttp:// CAIRO Jan 28 (Reuters) - Police prevented Egyptian opposition activist Mohamed ElBaradei from leaving an area in Cairo on Friday where protests against President Hosni Mubarak erupted, Al Jazeera reported. It initially reported that he had been detained.
Speculation about the potential closure of the Suez canal is mounting on Friday, probably the reason that WTI prices are heading higher. スエズ運河の閉鎖可能性を言うスペキュレーションから、WTI相場に影響があって、価格が上昇
ttp:// Just Whose Side Are Arab Armies On, Anyway? Tunisia’s military saved the people’s revolution. But in other Arab countries on the brink -- such as Egypt and Yemen -- the armed forces are far less likely to do the same. BY ELLEN KNICKMEYER | JANUARY 28, 2011 チェニジア、エジプト、イエメンなどで、国軍はどちら側についているのか? BY ELLEN KNICKMEYER フォーリンポリシー
○エジプトについては、現時点では軍の態度が明瞭ではない。しかし、 But what's clear is that the odds of the Egyptian military joining in a popular revolt are far more unlikely in Egypt than they were, in hindsight, in Tunisia. エジプト国軍が反政府行動のデモ隊の側につく可能性はチェニジアなどに比べて低く、ありそうに無いように思える
○チェニジア、エジプトなどの国内紛争をみてアラブ世界の独裁者たちのやりそうなことは、自国の軍のご機嫌をとって それを自分の側につけておくこと(により自己の政権の存続を保証する)であろう。 ・・・says Kristina Kausch, a researcher at the Spanish-based FRIDE think-tank who has worked here in Tunisia since 2004. In "the other Arab autocracies, the regime and the military live off each other," Kausch told me. "They don't need the Tunisia lesson. For the other regimes, keeping the militaries happy has been a central pillar of survival."
Optimistic Western observers might hope to see moderate conservatives take a different view from that of their archconservative rivals. But on the issue of Tunisia, the conservatives seem to be marching in lock step. While they have been more likely to read the events in Tunisia as a revolt against authoritarianism as such, even some of Ahmadinejad's main conservative critics see the uprising as evidence of the reach of the Islamic Revolution. A commentator in the often critical Mardom-Salari daily wrote that it was clear that Iran had shown Tunisia that "Islamism is superior to non-Islamic and secular governments in Islamic countries."
ttp:// Pharaoh's End:Protests rocked Egypt, calling into question whether President Hosni Mubarak's regime can survive. FP asked five top experts how Barack Obama should respond to the growing signs of revolt on Egypt's streets. JANUARY 28, 2011
○Nathan Brown: Speak Softly, But Sweet Talk Them Out of Using a Big Stick (ジョージ・ワシントン大学) Egypt's regime is teetering. Most of those out on the streets have known only one president; over nearly six decades, Egypt has known only three. At this point almost any outcome is possible --return to stagnation, continued unrest, a gentle retirement for President Hosni Mubarak when his term ends later this year, even regime collapse. U.S. interests in Egypt are many and they are long term in nature. The United States needs to make policy with an eye on the future without knowing what tomorrow will bring. But it is therefore especially important to remember that while this is a critical moment, it is primarily an Egyptian moment with primarily Egyptian players. ・・・ Nor is this a time to succumb to Ikwanophobia. Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is a player in events, but not the primary one. If it emerges as a more savvy and influential political player, that is a positive development for Egypt -- so long as it is one player among many others. Egypt's rulers missed an opportunity to build a healthier political system that incorporated more actors earlier in this decade. They decided to shore up cronyism and autocracy rather than embrace pluralism and democracy. They may now be given a second chance. We cannot make them take it, but we can sweetly suggest they resist the urge to smash it.
○Emad Shahin: Obama Still Doesn't Know What To Do About Arab Autocrats (ノートルダム大学) President Obama, in his State of the Union address this week, assured Tunisians and the people of the Middle East of America's support of their democratic aspirations. Yet, on her statement on the same day on the popular protests in Egypt, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described Hosni Mubarak's government as "stable" and said it was "looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people." This apparent contradiction clearly demonstrates that when it comes to aspiration of democratic changes in the Arab world, the U.S. administration is completely out of touch with reality.
○Daniel Brumberg: Mubarak Is Prepared to Fight (ジョージタウン大学) President Hosni Mubarak is not going anywhere: that's the message of his late night televised statement. And it is hardly surprising. Whatever we may think of him, he is not going to grab the gold and head for the hills (or sands), Ben Ali style. There is no reason to assume that he doesn't believe what he said: Mubarak views himself as a loyal Egyptian citizen who has steered a difficult course between the quest for stability and economic modernization and the exigencies of democracy. He believes that the quest for safety, jobs and security must bound the limits of freedom, or there will be chaos (fawda). He has spent his life striking this difficult balance, he told us, and thus he is not about to give up now.
Douglas Mavrinac, a shipping analyst at Jefferies and Co. writes: In fact, not only are Chinese iron ore port inventories at historically high levels standing at approximately 80.1 million tons, given that China accounts for over 60% of the seaborne iron ore trade, any potential overtightening by the government could have major negative implications for the global seaborne iron ore trade.
However, the President's special emissary, George Ball, "reportedly concluded that the Shah cannot hope to maintain total power and must now bargain with a moderate segment of the opposition . . ." and was "known to have discussed various alternatives that would effectively ease the Shah out of total power" (Washington Post, December 15, 1978). There is, furthermore, not much doubt that the U.S. assisted the Shah's departure and helped arrange the succession of Bakhtiar. In Iran, the Carter administration's commitment to nonintervention proved stronger than strategic considerations or national pride. What the rest of the world regarded as a stinging American defeat, the U.S. government saw as a matter to be settled by Iranians. "We personally prefer that the Shah maintain a major role in the government," the President acknowledged, "but that is a decision for the Iranian people to make." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *この↑、1979年の評論を、今回のエジプト紛争は思い出させるという記事
As legitimate as the grievances against the Egyptian government are, it is entirely possible that whatever comes after Mubarak and his allies could be dramatically worse. We seem to forget that political change can also be change significantly for the worse, and that empowering a dispossessed majority can lead to economic catastrophe, ethnic and/or religious violence, and contribute to an overall decline in the public’s welfare. Iraq war propagandists are busily trying to lay claim to the Egyptian protests as a legacy of the war. This is ridiculous, but it is possible that a post- Mubarak Egypt could suffer the same kind of upheaval, civil strife, and turn to majoritarian semi-authoritarianism that Iraq experienced as a result of its crash-course democratization. What is most amazing about the critiques directed against the administration’s cautious response is that the people making them show no awareness that their arguments about Egypt have all been made before, and have very often been seriously wrong:
エジプトに政権交代が起こって、ムバラク大統領が下野した場合の、アメリカ(&イスラエル)中東政策への影響につい て、AEIのMichael Rubinが書いているもの。ムバラク政権が親米というのは見掛け倒しだ、という。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The value of the Egyptian alliance is less than meets the eye. Certainly, Mubarak's predecessor Anwar Sadat deserves praise for accepting peace with Israel, although he did so only after failing to achieve his aims through war. Mubarak's Egypt votes with the U.S. at the United Nations only 17% of the time, making Egypt a less reliable partner than Cuba, Vietnam or Zimbabwe. During both the 1991 liberation of Kuwait and the ouster of Saddam 12 years later, Mubarak's support was ephemeral at best. Privately, Egypt often backs the American position on Iran, Libya, and Hamas, but that has less to do with Washington's desires than with Egyptian self-interest. アメリカの同盟国としてのエジプトというのは、言われているほど(見かけほど)大きなものでもなくて、前任者のサダト 大統領はイスラエルとの和平を受け入れるなど重要であったが、ムバラク政権の国連に於けるアメリカ提案の支持率 は17%に過ぎない。これはキューバやベトナム、ジンバブエ以下のアメリカ支持率である。1991年のクエート解放以降 のサダム政権の12年間に、ムバラクはサダム・フセインの最上の支持者であった。エジプトはイラン、リビヤ、ハマス などの問題で個人的にアメリカに同調することはあっても、エジプトの国益を超えてそうするわけではない。
But even if Mubarak is not a good ally, can the U.S. say for certain that what comes next will not be worse? Iran's Islamic Revolution scarred American policymakers. The Shah had his faults, but they were mild compared to Ayatollah Khomeini's. Unseating dictators need not bring about an Islamic Republic, however, if the U.S. is proactive. 問題はムバラク政権が倒れた場合に、次にくる政権が(アメリカにとって)さらに悪いものになるか?ということだが、 アメリカの政策立案者はイスラム共和国というのを恐れる。イランのシャーは問題があったけれど、アヤトラ・ホメイニ ほど悪くはなかった。とはいえ、もしもアメリカが積極介入するならば、独裁政権の次がイスラム共和国とは限らない。
Egyptian-American sociologist Saad Eddin Ibrahim speaks of a dynamic in Arab states in which autocrats and theocrats recruit based on fear of the other. The key, he argues, is to create a liberal alternative in the middle. This was the philosophical underpinning of George W. Bush's approach, at least during his first five years in office. But, after setbacks in Iraq and Gaza, Bush reversed course. Under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's tutelage, he reversed course, reverting to the realist notion of prioritizing short-term relations with any regime over efforts to win long-term reform ブッシュ政権のアラブ独裁国家に対する基本政策は、独裁に替わる中道派のリベラルの政権をプロモートすものであった が、エジプト系アメリカ人の社会学者. Saad Eddin Ibrahim はこの政策を支持している。しかしこの政策はイラクとガザの 問題のために挫折している。
The mistake the White House has made in the past--both under Bush and Obama--is that it has accepted the rhetoric of democracy and liberalism without setting tough standards. Militias should never be accepted as political parties, nor should any group that legitimizes terrorism ever have America's imprimatur. The sooner the White House and State Department engage non-violent opposition groups in the Middle East, the more influence the U.S. will enjoy when the going gets rough and the dictators get going. ブッシュ政権の後期とオバマ政権での中東政策のミスは、タフなスタンダードを設定することなく民主主義とリベラリズムの レトリックを受け入れたことである。武装派勢力は政治集団として受け入れられてはならないものであったし、テロリズムを 正当化するグループも同じである。ホワイトハウスと国務省は中東に於ける、非暴力の野党勢力にエンゲージすべきであっ て、そうした手を早期に打っておけば今回のような事態により大きな影響力を持つことが出来る。
ttp:// The US Should Not Fear Egypt Regime Change By Michael Rubin | Friday, January 28, 2011
No doubt Mr Mubarak believed that making a scapegoat of the government would buy him time. He is probably trying to hold on until the presidential elections in September. ムバラク大統領が9月の大統領選までは地位に留まる為に、政府のスケープゴートを仕立てて、時間稼ぎをしていること に疑いの余地はない
Analysts said on Saturday that the uprising sweeping Cairo and other major cities this week had already ensured that this would the last year of Mubarak rule, with no chance of either re-election or succession by his son Gamal. The question, they argued, is whether the president can last for several months more. アナリストは、今年がムバラク大統領の最後の年になることは確実という。今の状況では彼に再選のチャンスはなく、彼 の息子も再選のチャンスを有しない。問題はムバラクが後、何ヶ月地位にとどまれるかであるという
Political forces and civil society groups earlier had been preparing to issue a statement that would underline that the only acceptable outcome of this crisis was a total change of regime. Opposition groups were also trying to organise themselves into a coalition so that could negotiate with the army. Hilmi Jazzar, an official with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist opposition, said Egypt had been left this week with only two forces: the army and the people. While he said the movement was co-operating with the army, he made clear that real power now had to derive from the people, not the military institution. “The army cannot take the power away from the people anymore,” he said. 野党や市民政治運動のグループは、政権の全面交代のみが解決策であるという声明を出し、連立の構成をめざし、また 国軍との交渉を始めている。Muslim BrotherhoodのHilmi Jazzarは、現在のエジプトに二つの顔だけがあって国民と軍で あるという。彼は軍がデモの国民に協調的であるといい、さらに今やリアルパワーが軍組織ではなく国民から導かれるべ きという「軍はもはや国民から権力を取り上げておくことは出来ない」。
Despite the scenes that played out in Egypt after the military's deployment yesterday, with the military exercising restraint from violence and engaging in occasional fraternization with protesters, the military's ultimate intentions remain a mystery.This is all the more so following the Egyptian president's truculent response to his people. Was their deployment the first step toward a military-initiated ouster of Mubarak or an effort to crush dissent? デモ隊沈静化のために動員された軍は暴力衝突を避け、一部はデモ隊に同調する動きを見せているものの、国軍の 究極的な意図は、依然としてミステリーである。軍の動員が、軍の主導するムバラク追放の最初のステップとなるか、 それとも衝突が起こるのかは(今のところ)解らない。
Protests will continue, and both the protesters and the regime will watch the military carefully for its response. 抗議行動が継続し、デモ隊の側も、政権側も、軍のレスポンスを注意深く観察することになる。 (後略)
Tensions in the arms sales relationship between Russia and China have been visibly on the rise in recent years. Yet, in November 2010, Moscow and Beijing announced a large new package of arms sales that appear to have turned a new leaf in this relationship. Much of the tension stemmed from the Chinese defense industry's practice of reverse engineering Russian weapons technology, indigenizing it and then reselling it in third party markets in competition with Moscow. In negotiations, China has long demanded that Russia sell it advanced technologies in its defense platforms or advanced weapons, something that Moscow has been loath to do regarding both the weapons and their components [1]. Russia has also always been concerned that China might ultimately employ these advanced technologies and systems against it or its friends in Asia. 中国とロシアの間の武器輸出をめぐる緊張が、ここ数年間、高まっている。昨年11月には、それにもかかわらず大規模な ロシアの中国への武器輸出商談が成立した。両国間の武器輸出をめぐる緊張というのは中国の軍需産業がロシアの軍事 技術をコピペしたりリ、バースエンジニアリングして、自己の製品として第三国に輸出していることから来る。ロシア側には 輸出した武器や軍事技術が対ロシアに使われたり、アジアの友好国に対して使われることを懸念してきた。
Russian concerns about Chinese competition in Asian, African, and Latin American arms markets and the fact that China’s J-11B and J-15 fighter planes were essentially "clones" of Russia’s SU-27 and Su-33 fighter planes, respectively, are public and cited. ロシアの懸念する開発途上国への中国の武器輸出は、たとえば中国のJ-11BやJ-15戦闘機で、これは基本的にロシア 製のSU-27 や Su-33の「クローン」であるという。
Russian arms sellers have found that the only way they can discuss their concerns about unlicensed copying is to actually have a relationship with China through formal sessions like that of the Intergovernmental Commission so they cannot simply cease and desist from selling weapons to China if they wish to influence its behavior (Interfax-AVN Online, November 17, 2010). ロシアの対中国武器輸出側の発見したことは、中国の武器コピペについて、中国と交渉する唯一の手段は政府間コミッ ションのような中国との公的チャネルを通じて中国との関係を保つことであって、単純に武器輸出を中止したり停止しても 効果的ではない。
China is reportedly interested in buying at least 100 117-S aircraft engines (the upgraded version of the Al-31F engine intended for the SU-35 Fighter, the S-400 air defense missile, at least a 100 RD-93 engines, the existing Al-31F and Al-31FN engine for its existing Fighter component, consisting of SU-27s, SU-30s and its own J-10 (a knockoff of the Israeli Lavi Fighter). Russia has offered it New Ilyushin-476 military cargo planes, MI-171E Helicopters, and the SU-35 Fighter and the Irbis-e radar station. Meanwhile Rosoboroneksport, Russia’s designated arms seller, hopes to reach agreement with China on a formula for licensed arms production by Chinese firms of Russian arms that protects Russian intellectual property (Vedomosti Online, November 23, 2010; Interfax-AVN Online, November 16, 2010; 今回の武器輸出商談の対象は、117-S 航空機エンジン少なくとも100個、S-400対空ミサイル、RD-93 航空機エンジン 少なくとも100個、Ilyushin-476 軍用輸送機、MI-171E ヘリコプター、SU-35戦闘機、Irbis-e レーダーステーション。また ロシア側は中国に武器のライセンス契約に依る製造を提案。
These trends suggest that China remains, to some degree, dependent on Russia for the provision of advanced weapons and defense technologies, notably aircraft engines. This would also suggest a reason why Russian analysts profess not to be unduly alarmed at the unveiling of China’s fifth-generation J-20 stealth fighter. They apparently believe that despite the hoopla attached to this unveiling, that China will remain behind Russia and the US in aircraft technology for a long time even if it will try to compete with Russia once it starts selling the plane (RIA Novosti, December 29, 2010). It should be noted here as well that the Pentagon too has its doubts as to just how advanced the J-20’s technology is (Bloomberg, January 26). Meanwhile China also needs to ensure that Russia does not lean closer to Washington than it does to Beijing. On the other hand, Moscow wants to ensure that a Sino-American rapprochement does not occur at its expense and, more importantly, it still has no means of controlling what China does with its systems. Despite Moscow’s successes in selling arms to smaller countries like Algeria and Vietnam in the global arms market, Moscow still needs to be able to sell in large quantities to China. Furthermore, it needs a friendly China on its border even as there are growing signs of alarm in Russia about China’s economic and military prowess. この傾向から解ることは、中国が依然としてロシアの軍事技術に依存していること、特に航空機エンジンに付いてそうであ る。これはロシアの軍事アナリストが、中国のステルス戦闘機の公表について、過度に心配はしていないという理由になる ことでもある。彼らは中国が戦闘機開発の分野でロシアに先行すると思っていない。ロシアは中国への大量の武器輸出を (外貨獲得のため)必要とする。またロシアは中国と米国の接近をおそれ、さらに自国の中国との国境を穏やかな状態に しておきたいと思っている。
As Mubarak refused to quit, influential Arab cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi accused him of having turned "blind, deaf and dumb" and asked him to step down, "President Mubarak ... I advise you to depart from Egypt ... There is no other solution to this problem but for Mubarak to go," Qaradawi said. The widely respected Sunni Muslim cleric asked Mubarak to quit for the good of the country, as his ouster was the only solution to Egypt''s crisis.
Meanwhile, the official MENA news agency said that the pan-Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera has been banned in Egypt now. Egypt''s outgoing information minister Anas al-Fikki has "ordered the closure of all activities by Al Jazeera in the Arab republic of Egypt, and the annulment of its licences, as well as withdrawing the press cards to all its employees as of (today)," MENA said. The unrest in Egypt also affected stock markets across the Middle East, which kept on tumbling. Cairo stock exchange will remain closed today -- despite Sunday being a full trading day in the Middle East -- because of the turmoil in the city.
の中に >Sunday saw a number of Egyptian political movements issue a joint statement calling on leading opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei to form a transitional government.
Buildings Burn in Latest Central Nigeria Clashes Witnesses report renewed violence in the Nigerian city of Jos, where authorities are trying to halt a wave of fighting between Muslim and Christian gangs. 目撃者はJosのナイジェリアの都市で再開された暴力行為を報告します、そこで、権威者はイスラム教徒とキリスト教 ギャングの間で戦う波を止めようとしています。
Residents say rioters set fire to at least two fuel stations and a number of cars and buildings Saturday. 居住者は、暴徒が土曜日に少なくとも2つの燃料ステーションといくつかの車と建物に火をつけたと言います。 (以下省略)
(CAIRO) ? Fighter jets swooped low over Cairo Sunday in what appeared to be an attempt by the military to show its control of a city beset by looting, armed robbery and anti-government protests. Minutes before the start of a 4 p.m. curfew, at least two jets appeared and made multiple passes over downtown, including a central square where thousands of protesters were calling for the departure of President Hosni Mubarak. (国内の混乱の高まりで)エジプト国軍が少し動き始めていて、午後4時の戒厳令開始直前に、2機のジェット戦闘機がカイロ のダウンタウンに飛来し、数千人のデモ隊の集まっている中央広場に何度も接近した。
The army sent hundreds more troops and armored vehicles onto the streets Sunday morning and afternoon. Truckloads of hundreds of police poured back into Cairo neighborhoods Sunday afternoon and took up positions on the streets. In some spots, they were jeered by residents who chanted anti-police slogans and demanded that they only be allowed to deploy jointly with the military. 日曜日に、軍は数百人の兵士や武装車両を市内に動員し、またトラックに乗った数百人の警官がカイロ市内と近郊に 動員された。一部の場所では警官の動員に反対する市民がいて、軍の兵士と共に動員されるべきと抗議された。
The jets made several passes over the square, dropping lower every time. They keep getting closer everytime. "This is terrorism, they are trying to scare the people with the planes and the tanks. They are trying to make people afraid and leave the square," said Gamal Ahmed, a 40-year-old air-conditioning technician. 軍のジェット戦闘機は中央広場に何度も降下して近づき、これを見た40歳のエアコン技術者であるGamal Ahmedは、 「これはテロだ、軍はジェット戦闘機や戦車で人々を恐れさせようとしている、軍は人々を恐れさせて中央広場から 立ち去らせようとしている」と述べた。
Egyptian security officials told The Associated Press that army troops were hunting for the escaped prisoners, in some cases with the help of the police. State television also showed footage of what it said was dozens of prisoners recaptured by the army troops, squatting on dirt while soldiers kept watch over them. エジプトの治安当局はAPに、軍が刑務所から脱走した犯罪者を捜索していると述べた。一部の場所では警察と協力 している。国営TVは、数ダースの脱走した受刑者が軍の兵士に依って再逮捕されたとする映像を流した。(後略)
Statement by Dr ElBaradei, "Together we will change"
In the light of my meetings in various Egyptians of all political affiliations and religious men and women, including representatives of civil society and young people has touched almost unanimous on the need for change in Egypt, and for this there was general agreement on the need to unite all the voices calling for change within the National Assembly asked me to be in the forefront and behind it, and so that involves a general framework under which all the voices calling for change. The main objective of the association is working to reach a political system based on true democracy and social justice, and the first step on this road is to ensure basic guarantees of free and fair elections involving all the Egyptians, so that there is an equal opportunity for all, whether legislative or presidential elections, which guarantees and procedures demanded by the broad categories of the Egyptian society for many years, particularly:
1 Ending the state of emergency 2 Empowerment of the Egyptian judiciary to supervise the full electoral process as a whole. 3 Control of the election by local civil society organizations and international levels. 4 Providing equal opportunities in the media for all candidates, especially in presidential elections. 5 Enable Egyptians abroad to exercise their right to vote in embassies and consulates. 6 Ensure the right to stand in the presidential election without arbitrary restrictions in line with Egypt's obligations under the International Convention for Civil and Political Rights, and limiting the right to run for the presidency to two terms. 7 Elections by national number. In order to attain some of those procedures and safeguards to amend articles 76, 77 and 88 of the Constitution as soon as possible.
ttp:// Our military sources further report that the Multinational Force & Observers (MFO), most of whose members are Americans and Canadians, are on maximum alert at their northern Sinai base, while they wait for US military transports to evacuate them to US bases in Europe. This force was deployed in Sinai in 1981 for peacekeeping responsibilities and the supervision of the security provisions of the 1979 Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel under which the peninsula was demilitarized except for Egyptian police. Ending the MFO's mission in Sinai after thirty years knocks down a key pillar propping up the relations of peace between Egypt and Israel. 北シナイ半島の多国籍軍基地(米国およびカナダ)が脱出準備。これは1979年のエジプトとイスラエルの平和条約により 合意された多国籍治安維持、モニタリングの施設。
Early Sunday, the Egyptian army quietly began transferring armored reinforcements including tanks through the tunnels under the Suez from Egypt proper eastward to northern Sinai in effort to drive the Hamas forces back. The Egyptian troop presence in Sinai, which violates the terms of the peace treaty, has not been mentioned by either of the peace partners. Our Jerusalem sources report the Netanyahu government may have tacitly approved it. 日曜日早朝、エジプト軍は戦車を含む兵力を、スエズ地下トンネルを通じてエジプト側から北シナイ半島に動員。これは ハマス勢力に対抗のため。このエジプト軍の動員は平和条約違反だが、関係諸国は黙認。ネタニヤフ政権はこれを戦 術的見地(ハマスの台頭を抑える)から許容したのかもしれないという。
Hamas' Gaza leaders do not seem to fear Israeli military action ? or even an air attack - to interfere with their incursion of Sinai, although it brings their armed units within easy reach of the long Egyptian border with Israel. In Cairo, thousands of political prisoners, Islamic extremists and criminals are on the loose having reportedly escaped jails in the Cairo area. Neighborhoods have got together to defend their homes and property against looters and ransackers. The police are nowhere to be seen.
The United States is preparing to evacuate citizens. The Embassy in Cairo advised all Americans to consider leaving the country as soon as possible. Ankara is sending planes to carry Turkish citizens out of the country. Saturday, the Israeli airline El Al sent a special flight to Cairo for families of embassy staff, leaving the diplomats in place. In Jerusalem, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu updated the weekly cabinet session in his conversations overnight with President Barak Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Egyptian crisis.
ttp://,1518,742458,00.html The Arab Revolution 01/30/2011 Part 1: Nile Insurgency Creates Uncertain Future for Egypt Part 2: A Difficult Conundrum for Europe and the United States Part 3: Forty Percent of Population Live on Less than Two Dollars a Day Part 4: Three Scenarios for Egypt's Future *ドイツ、シュピーゲル国際版に掲載されたエジプト状況の分析と予測で、よくまとまっていると思える。エジプトの暴動に ついて、シュピーゲルはイスラム反政府勢力のためというよりは、Part 3に書いているような経済的問題、特に若年層の 失業率の高さ(20%)を挙げている。Part 4で、今回の暴動の今後に考えられるシナリオについて論じていて、ミャンマー のような軍事政権、トルコのようなイスラミストを取り込んだ勢力バランス型政権、イランのような聖職者独裁政権の可能 性について書いている。
Three possible scenarios loom for Egypt: a Burmese, a Turkish or an Iranian model. Whatever direction the country takes, Egypt's future will be critical for the region.
It is the only successful attempt to date to domesticate political Islam, an attempt that has succeeded both economically and in terms of foreign policy. Of course, to implement this model in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood would have to follow the example of Turkey's Islamists, that is, to significantly modernize its image of humanity and more clearly distance itself from terror than it has done to date. This is precisely what Leslie Gelb, a former US assistant secretary of state, predicts is unlikely to happen.
"In rotten regimes that fall to street mobs, the historical pattern has been moderates followed by new dictators." Gelb believes that any effort to back away from Mubarak is dangerous and does not even rule out a Bolshevik or Iranian scenario in Egypt. In truth, he writes, officials in Washington "have no idea of exactly who these street protesters are, whether the protesters are simply a mob force incapable of organized political action and rule, or if more sinister groups hover in the shadows."
Egypt’s banks may risk a surge in customer withdrawals when they open for business, placing them among companies worst hit by the nationwide uprising against President Hosni Mubarak. エジプトの銀行は、業務再開すれば、預金引き出しに顧客が殺到するおそれがあると見られる
“A run on the banks would be the biggest concern, which is possible in the current situation,” Robert McKinnon, chief investment officer at ASAS Capital in Dubai, said in a telephone interview. Authorities are likely to keep the financial system closed to avert the risk, he said. ドバイのASAS Capital の主任投資担当、Robert McKinnonは「今の状況から見て、業務再開時の預金引き出し顧客の 殺到が大きな関心だろう」という。彼は当局が、そうした危機を恐れて金融機関を閉鎖したままにする恐れがあるという(ry
Suez shipping was operating normally yesterday, with 38 vessels carrying 1.5 million tons of cargo, Mahmoud Abdelwahab, a spokesman for the Suez Canal Authority, said in a telephone interview. The canal carries more than 4 million barrels of oil a day, and concern that shipments may be disrupted helped push crude prices up 4.3 percent on Jan. 28. Remittances were worth $9.5 billion in the fiscal year through June, according to central bank data. スエズ運河は通常通り稼動しており、日量400万バレルの原油が輸送されているがエジプトの混乱への警戒から 原油価格は28日に4.3%上昇している。(ry
(大幅に前半省略) If the military is unable to successfully preserve the status quo -- and it is unlikely they can -- the elevation of Shafiq and Suleiman also could smooth the path for Mubarak's departure. The majority of Egyptians will probably accept some sort of transitional military rule, but only if the emphasis is on "transitional." 軍が治安回復に成功しないなら、そうなる可能性が大きいいのだが、ムバラク大統領の辞任への道が開かれよう。エジプト 国民のマジョリティは一時的な軍事政権を受け入れるであろうが、それは過渡的な、一時のものとして、という条件がつく。
However, such a scenario would be fraught with risks, and sure to anger many in the protest movement. Activist Kamal Farag, one of the movement's leaders, when I asked if he would accept a military takeover, nearly shouted, "No! We're not going to accept military rule. Fifty years of that is enough." それであっても、抗議行動に参加する人たちには、軍事政権を受け入れがたいとする人がいる。
After the public awakening experienced by the Egyptian people, any transitional army-led government that dragged its feet before fresh elections would once again find thousands in the street -- and this time that mutual respect would be gone. 過渡的な軍主導の政権が、早期の選挙につながらな場合、エジプト国民が軍事政権に抗議行動を起こす可能性がある。
ttp:// Egyptian standoff: Mubarak stays, army won't oust him and people stand fast DEBKAfile Special Report January 30, 2011, 11:20 PM (GMT+02:00)
Police brutality inEgypt against common criminals is routine and pervasive. Contacts describe the police using force to extract confessions from criminals as a daily event, resulting from poor training and understaffing. 一般犯罪者に対するエジプト警察当局の残忍性は日常的であり蔓延している。 関係者によると練度の低さや人員不足の為に、警官は犯人から 自白を引き出す目的で日常的に暴力を行使している
Brutality against Islamist detainees has reportedly decreased overall, but security forces still resort to torturing Muslim Brotherhood activists who are deemed to pose a political threat. イスラム系政治犯に対する残虐性は減少傾向であるが、イスラム原理主義組織、 ムスリム同胞団は政治的な脅威と捉えられており、治安維持部隊によって 彼らに対する拷問が行われている。
Over the past five years, the government has stopped denying that torture exists, and since late 2007 courts have sentenced approximately 15 police officers to prison terms for torture and killings. 過去5年間に渡り、政府は拷問の存在を認めていない。 2007年以降15人の警察官が拷問や殺人に関わったとして収監されている。
米政府高官はワシントン・ポストに対し、この意味について、ムバラク氏が政権の座から退いた上で、国民を代表する暫 定政権を樹立し、9月に予定される大統領選までの統治を求めるオバマ政権の立場を示していると説明した。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WaPoの記事というのは ttp:// Obama administration aligns itself with protests in Egypt with call for 'orderly transition' Protesters rally at Egyptian embassy in D.C. By Karen DeYoung Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 31, 2011; 12:06 AM
The Obama administration firmly aligned itself on Sunday with the protest movement that has overtaken Egypt, calling for an "orderly transition" to a more representative government amid rising U.S. concern that the demonstrations are turning violent and that unrest could spread across the Arab world.
Senior administration officials said that the "transition" wording, used by both the White House and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, was carefully chosen to indicate a desire for a representative, interim government to run Egypt until scheduled presidential elections are held in September.
ttp:// Stuxnet returns to Bushehr reactor. Russia warns of nuclear explosion DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 31, 2011, 12:33 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Bushehr Iran Russia Stuxnet イランに、ロシアが請け負って建設したBushehr原発にStuxnet再発、ロシアは爆発事故の危険を警告
Bushehr reactor loaded - still not activated Iran's atomic energy chief Ali Akbar Salehi said on Jan. 29 that the Bushehr nuclear power plant would be connected to the national grid on April 9. He "forgot" about Tehran's promise to fully activate its first nuclear reactor Tuesday, Jan. 25. DEBKAfile's intelligence and Moscow sources reveal that on that day, Iran's hand on the switch was held back at the last minute by Sergei Kiriyenko, chief of Rosatom (the Russian national nuclear energy commission which oversaw the reactor's construction. He came hurrying over to warn Tehran that Stuxnet was back and switching the reactor on could trigger a calamitous nuclear explosion that could cost a million Iranian leaves and devastate neighboring populations. He complained to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Iranian nuclear and engineering staff were ignoring the presence of the malworm and must be stopped. イランのBushehr原発には核燃料が装填されているが、依然として、アクチベートされていない。29日にイランの原子力庁 長官のAli Akbar Salehiは、4月9日に送電開始の予定と言っている。この原発は1月25日に完全にアクチベートする予定 であった。しかし、其の計画は直前になってロシアの国家原子力コミティの総裁であるSergei Kiriyenkoによって中止させら れた。彼はStuxnet(ワーム)が再発しており、原子炉の発電開始は爆発事故を引き起こす可能性があり、大惨事を招きか ねないと警告した。彼はアハマディネジャド大統領にイランの核技術者がワームの存在を無視しており、運転が停止される べきと述べた。
Kiriyenko told the Iranian president that the Russian engineers employed at the reactor notified Moscow that Stuxnet was again attacking the Bushehr systems after apparently taking a rest from its first onslaught last June. There was no telling which systems had been infected, because a key feature of the virus is that the systems' screens show they are working normally when in fact they have been fatally disarmed. Activating the reactor in these circumstances could cause an explosion far more powerful than the disaster at the Russian reactor at Chernobyl, Ukraine in April 1986, which released 400 times more radioactive material than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Sergei Kiriyenkoはイラン大統領にロシアの技術者がモスクワにワームの再発を伝えたと告げた。このままの状態で原子炉 をアクチベートすればチェルノブイリ級の事故が起こりかねないという。チェルノブイリ事故は広島原爆の400倍の放射性物質 を放出した。
The impression the Rosatom chief had gained from his staff at Bushehr was that the Iranian teams had been ordered to activate the reactor at any price to prove that the Islamic Republic had beaten Stuxnet. This concern overrode security. The consequences of ignoring this fearful hazard, said Kiriyenko, were unthinkable and would destroy the revolutionary Islamic regime in Tehran in their wake. イランの技術者は原発のワームを駆除したとして原子炉のアクチベーションを準備したが、ワームの危険性を無視することは 大惨事につながりかねず政権を揺るがしかねないとSergei Kiriyenkoが告げた。
Kirienko began worrying when he heard the Iranian nuclear commission's spokesman Hamid Khadem-Qaemi claim on Jan. 17 that Bushehr had not been affected by Stuxnet. Our Iranian sources report that, after seeing the Russian official off, Ahmadinejad ordered the reactor to stay shut down. Kirienko はイランの原子力コミッションの広報官が1月17日にBushehr原発はStuxnetに汚染されていないと述べたことで 憂慮を深めた。アハマディネジャド大統領はKirienkotとの会見後に原子炉の停止継続を命じた。
This week, Salehi, who is also Iran's foreign minister, hinted at the cause of the delay when he said: "The reactor has started its operation and the next step is to reach critical phase which will happen by the end of Bahman (February 20) in presence of Russians. We have said before that due to some tests, we may have to face delays but these delays are around a week or two." He added, "We aim at launching Bushehr nuclear reactor safely not to merely launch it." 今週、イラン外務省は原発の運転開始の遅れは安全性チェックを行っているためと述べた。
In Jerusalem, Maj-Gen. Aviv Kohavi, the new head of IDF military intelligence - MI, who appeared before the Knesset Security and Foreign Affairs Committee for his first briefing on Jan. 25 said Bushehr could be quickly converted from producing electricity for civilian use to a military reactor and incorporated into Iran's weapons program. イェルサレムではイスラエル軍(IDF)の諜報部(MI)長官であるAviv Kohaviが25日に外交安全保障コミティに出席してブリー フィングを行い、イランのBushehr原発は民生用発電施設から軍事用原子炉に早期に転換可能と述べた。
The next day, Jan. 26, Moscow took the unusual step of demanding a NATO investigation into last year's computer attack on the Russian-built nuclear reactor in Iran. Dmitry Rogozin, Russia's ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said: T"his virus, which is very toxic, very dangerous, could have very serious implications," he said, describing the virus's impact as being like "explosive mines"."These 'mines' could lead to a new Chernobyl," he said. 1月26日にロシア政府は、特例的な行動を起こし、NATOにイランの原子炉のコンピューター攻撃について調査するように 要求した。ロシアのNATO大使であるDmitry Rogozinは「このウイルスは大変有害で危険であり、極度に深刻な被害を もたらしかねない」と述べた。これは「地雷のようなもの」で「その地雷は、新たなチェルノブイリを引き起こしかねない」