ttp:// Politics in America:What's gone wrong in Washington? American politics seems unusually bogged down at present. Blame Barack Obama more than the system Feb 18th 2010 | From The Economist print edition Derek Bacon アメリカ政治:議会の機能不全・政治停滞は何が悪いためか? 現在のアメリカ政治は常に無く議会が機能不全に陥っているが、それはオバマ大統領のためである 英エコノミスト --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 医療改革法案や経済対策の第二次刺激策などが議会の機能不全で停滞したままになっている状況を解説し、その 原因について論じる。一部にはアメリカの政治制度を非難するむきがあるが、基本的な問題はオバマ大統領のアジ ェンダが国民や議員の大きな抵抗に合っていることにあるとする。先ごろFTがアメリカ議会の政治停滞について、類 似の評論を掲げて、同じようにオバマ大統領を批判していた。
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the outcry was "baseless" as Iranians' beliefs "bar us from using such weapons". アヤトラ・アリ・ハメネイ師は、IAEA報告書の(原爆開発の)指摘は根拠が無く、イランはそういう兵器を使うことを 信仰上禁じられているとした ttp:// (BBC)
The UN's next top official on climate change faces formidable problems. The US The quest for a healthcare settlement and fears over the economy have left Barack Obama, president, with little political capital to spend on climate legislation. This weakens the standing of the US in negotiations. China While Beijing appeared supportive of the UN process in the lead up to Copenhagen, Beijing was subsequently accused by the UK and others of covertly trying to wreck the talks. The UN process Bickering at Copenhagen convinced many countries that the UN negotiating process must be reformed, and that agreement might be sought in other forums. Climategate Climate change science has come under the most concerted attack in years, with the leaking of damaging e-mails from scientists at the University of East Anglia, and the discovery of alleged flaws in the data used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Once you have the carbon credit you need to sell it, which means there must be a market ? a role filled in part by the Chicago Carbon Exchange (CCX). The CCX, which was started with seed money from both government and private non-profit sources, is most emphatically a for-profit firm that functions like any commodity exchange. If you have a story about the carbon you aren’t emitting and need it certified, the CCX can certify it ? for a fee. Then the CCX will help you sell it ? for a commission. If you need to buy carbon credits, the CCX will match you up with a buyer ? for a fee ? and sell you the certificate (and charge you a commission).
CCX is a U.S. corporation, but it is wholly owned in England, and draws its ability to act to certify CO2 reductions through a UN-chartered NGO out of Geneva. The principals are people who have banking experience with Goldman Sachs and strong political connections with the Democratic Party, through Chicago and through Al Gore. CCX構想を進める主要な人たちはゴールドマンサックスで金融界の経験のある人たちと、シカゴあるいはアル・ゴア に繋がる民主党の政治家たちである(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- この議論は(まだ)検証や論証が十分精密とは言えないけれど、考え方のシナリオとしては合理的なものと思える。
ttp://,1518,679005,00.html 02/19/2010 The World from Berlin 'De Boer's Resignation Is Catastrophic' U.N. climate chief Yvo de Boer announced his resignation on Thursday. 国連の温暖化交渉のトップ、デボァ氏の辞任は「カタストロフィック」 独・シュピーゲル・オンライン
According to a study by Auto MD, which is owned by the US Auto Parts Network, Inc. (i.e. people who have a vested interest in making parts for used cars) 77% of people are, on average, planning on driving their current cars at least 50,000 miles more than their previous cars. 全米自動車部品ネットワーク(株)の保有するAuto MDの調査によれば、平均して77%の米国の自動車所有者は 既に保有する自動車を、少なくとも以前に比べて5万マイル分、追加的に乗り続けると答えている。
Washington's initial enthusiasm in bashing Toyota is beginning to backfire. ・・・ It is also occurring to some Democrats that, while Toyotas are mainly assembled in red states, they are, uh, sold in blue ones. In addition to idled Toyota factory workers, Toyota dealerships and suppliers are getting hit by the company's sharp drop in sales. Some of these folks even live in Michigan.
The angry phone calls to Washington only increased last week when four governors?three Republicans and Kentucky Democrat Steve Beshear?sent a sharp letter to Congress, accusing the administration of a "conflict of interest." They unsubtly noted that many recent recalls were "as serious as or more serious" than Toyota's.
金曜日の誕生日には世界中から1000人のゲストが集合し、世界各国からの祝福の贈り物が届いた。北朝鮮の 金正日はローレックスの時計を贈った。統一教会によればバラク・オバマ大統領からの祝辞も届いたと言う。 (Well-wishers also included President Barack Obama, officials said.)
Hopes that the world’s biggest polluters will strike a deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions this year have been dashed by the outgoing United Nations official in charge of the talks. 地球温暖化対策の国際合意を今年末に形成するという期待が辞任を発表したデボァ氏のコメントで打ち砕かれている
Yvo de Boer, whose unexpected resignation as the UN’s climate change chief this week dismayed policymakers and campaigners, said there was a “big question mark” over whether a meeting of the world’s biggest economies in December would produce a treaty to tackle global warming. デボァ氏は、今年末に予定のメキシコでの気候変動サミットが国際合意を作れるかについて「大きな疑問がある」と語 った。
His comments are a blow to hopes for a more substantial accord and provide further ammunition to those calling for the urgent reform or abandonment of the UN decision-making process. 彼のコメントは国際合意を期待する向きに大きな打撃であり、合意形成の構造の改革を求める声があがっている
“This resignation is simply dispiriting,” said Paul Bledsoe, policy director at the US National Commission on Energy Policy and a former White House adviser. “If someone as politically adept, dedicated and charismatic as Yvo de Boer can’t bring the [UN] process to heel, then the process is broken and has to be reformed.” ホワイトハウスのアドバイザーで米国エネルギー政策評議会の部長、Paul Bledsoeは「彼の辞任は意気消沈させる もの」と語っている。「彼のような政治的に熟練した熱心な、そしてカリスマティックな人材が国連のプロセスをうまく 動かせないのであれば、そのプロセスに問題があり、それは改善されるべきだ」(後略)
Based on data reported to the CFTC, Societe Generale has released their latest monthly hedge fund report that examines what speculators are buying and selling across various asset classes. Their research indicates that hedge funds have again turned to sellers of US equities, but on a smaller level than before. This is something we saw last week when we noted hedge funds had their lowest net long position in equities since May 2009. ソシエテ・ジェネラルのヘッジファンド月報によれば、ヘッジファンドは米国株式について売りに転じている。ただし 以前よりは少ない量の売りである。先週報告したように、ヘッジファンドは2009年5月以降、最小のロング・ポジシ ョンをとっていたので、これは予想されたことである。
By far the most notable takeaway from the data though is the fact that hedge funds now have the most short position against the euro ever. ?11.5 billion are short the euro, an astonishing figure. This is partially offset by a ?4.4 billion long euro position, leaving a net short position of ?7.1 billion. This of course is a result of Greek's sovereign issues and weak policy response. In commodities, they see that funds have deleveraged across the board. Overall, deleveraging and de-risking continue to be prevalent themes. ヘッジファンドの動きで最も注目されることは、ユーロについて空前のショート・ポジションを持っていることで115億 ユーロのショートになっている。ユーロのロングは44億ユーロで、ネットのショートは71億ユーロになる。コモディティ については広範にデレバレッジ、デリスクを進めている。
ttp:// Hype of Global Warming Far Scarier Than Science Shows Posted February 19th, 2010 at 6:00pm 地球温暖化という誇大広告は、気性科学の示すものより遥かに酷いものである ヘリテージ財団・所員ブログ、Ben Lieberman --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 誇大広告といっているのは、国連IPCC報告書のいう、ヒマラヤの氷河の消失、アマゾンの熱帯雨林の大規模な 消失、北アフリカの農業の収穫の半減、・・・といった根拠のない(嘘の)脅迫のようなメッセージのこと。
The backlash against ObamaCare is moving beyond the Tea Parties and has now arrived in state capitals. In more than 30 states, legislators are proceeding to pass statutes or ballot initiatives that would guarantee the right to choose medical services and insurance. オバマ大統領の推進する医療改革へのバックラッシュは、ティパーティ抗議運動にとどまらない。30以上の州の、 その州の中心都市で反対の動きがある。それらの州の議会では連邦の決める規制をパスする法案や医療サービ スの選択権を保証する法案を求める動きがある。
These laws are generally called Health-Care Freedom Acts. If enacted, they will set off a Constitutional 10th Amendment fight over whether there are limitations on the powers of the federal government to regulate health care and override the protections in these state laws. それらの州レベルの法案は「医療保険の選択の自由法案」と呼ばれている。これらの法案が成立すれば憲法の 修正第十項に関連して、連邦政府がそれらの州の法律をオーバーライドできるのかが問題になる。
Almost all these measures would make it illegal for the government at any level to require a citizen of the state to purchase health insurance. This would let Americans opt out of any federal "individual mandate," which makes people buy insurance or pay a tax, a la Massachusetts and both the House and Senate bills in Congress. それらの法案ではどのレベルでアレ政府が国民に医療保険を買うように求めることを違法としている。それは連邦 政府の求める医療保険を買うか税金を納めるかを求める規制と対立する。(後略)
An announcer on government-run Korean Central Television (KCTV) said: “We possess a world-class striking force and means to protect our security that have not yet been entirely mentioned or made public.” Sources inside North Korea subsequently said in interviews that the authorities had stepped-up patrols for would-be defectors and jamming of Chinese cellular phones. KCTVの報道では「我々はワールドクラスの打撃力を持つ、まだ公開されていない防衛力がある」と述べている。 北朝鮮内部のソースによれば、政府は国境地域のパトロールを強化し、脱出する国民をふせぎ、携帯電話を 妨害するジャミング電波を発している。
Amid raised speculations of a possible visit by North Korea's top nuclear negotiator to the US in the near future the US State Department on Friday shot down such rumors saying the US government has no current plans to meet with North Korean officials. During a daily press briefing State Department spokesman Phillip Crowley told reporters that North Korea's point man to the six-party nuclear talks Kim Kye-gwan did not meet with US officials when he visited China last week. FEB 20, 2010
The legal challenges and splits in the US climate consensus follow revelations of major flaws in the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, which declared that global warming was no longer scientifically contestable. Critics of America's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are now mounting a series of legal challenges to its so-called "endangerment finding" that greenhouse gases are a threat to human health. 国連IPCC報告の多くの誤まりの発見につづいて、環境庁(EPA)の大気汚染規制への訴訟がおこされ、米国国民 の地球温暖化へのコンセンサスが分裂していて、環境庁の規制への批判が高まっている。
That ruling, based in part on the IPCC's work, gave the agency sweeping powers to force business to curb emissions under the Clean Air Act. An initial showdown is expected over rules on vehicle emissions. Oil-rich Texas, the Lone Star home state of Mr Obama's predecessor George W Bush, is mounting one of the most prominent challenges to the EPA, claiming new regulations will impose a crippling financial toll on agriculture and energy producers. 環境庁の規制(行政規制)はIPCC報告を、その大気汚染規制の科学的根拠としているため、石油生産の多いテキ サス州が環境庁の規制を不服とする訴訟を起こしている。
"With billions of dollars at stake, EPA outsourced the scientific basis for its greenhouse gas regulation to a scandal-plagued international organization that cannot be considered objective or trustworthy," said Greg Abbott, Texas's attorney general. テキサス州司法長官のGreg Abbottは「この訴訟は、数十億ドルの経済的利益/損失に関わるもので環境庁はその 規制の根拠になる科学的な調査をスキャンダルにまみれたIPCCにアウトソースしており、これは信頼の置けるもの ではない」という。(後略)
To his credit, Phil Jones, the head of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit who had to step down pending the climategate investigation, recently conceded that temperatures have been statistically flat since 1995 and that the Medieval Warm Period may have been as warm as modern times. Slowly but surely, the hype and false certainty is being replaced by a more accurate picture of what the science really tells us about the earth’s temperature history. 英国イーストアングリア大学CRU所長のPhil Jones教授は、その研究に関わる不正の調査期間中、職を離れているが 最近の(BBCの)インタビューで、1995年以降の気温は統計的に有意の上昇がないと認めており、中世の温暖期間 には現在と同じような気温の時期があったと認めている。ゆっくりとではあるが、しかし確実に誇大宣伝や嘘が、より 正確な地球の気温の変化の事実で訂正されてきている。
Similarly, most of the IPCC Report’s apocalyptic claims about the consequences of global warming ? that Himalayan glaciers would completely melt by 2035, that damage from hurricanes and other extreme weather events has increased, that African agricultural production is poised to plummet, and that the Amazon rainforest is under grave threat ? have been shown to be far-fetched speculation devoid of scientific support. Yvo de Boer, the UN’s top climate official, has just announced his resignation, in part due to the fact that so much so much alarmist junk made its way into the IPCC Report. 同様に、国連IPCCの黙示録のような地球温暖化によって生じるという結末についての誇大宣伝の嘘が明らかに なっている。国連IPCCはヒマラヤの氷河が2035年に完全消滅するといい、ハリケーンやその他の異常気象が激 しくなり、アフリカの農業の収穫が(降雨量低下で)大きく低下するとし、アマゾンの熱帯雨林は大きな脅威に晒さ れているとしている。これらの主張は科学的な根拠の無いスペキュレーションであることが検証された。イヴォ・デ ボァ氏(国連温暖化交渉のトップ)は先に辞任を表明したが、その一部の理由は余りにも多くのジャンク情報がIPCC 報告書に盛り込まれたためである。
ttp:// Iceberg Ahead By Fred Guterl NEWSWEEK Published Feb 19, 2010 In the U.S. the House cap-and-trade bill is almost certain to die in the Senate. The Obama administration will probably be able to push through measures to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, mainly through the EPA, but until jobs recover it isn't likely to press too hard toward the goal of 17 percent reductions by 2020.
ttp:// The nonpartisan Cook Political Report released a new update on the 2010 elections yesterday. A full 54 Democratic seats in the House are now rated as "highly competitive," with nearly half already seeing the GOP challenger running even or ahead of the Democratic incumbent. Only six GOP-held seats are in play as possible Democratic pickups. Republicans need to win 40 seats to take back control of the House.
Nervousness in Democratic ranks will be heightened even more by Cook's finding that a total of 95 Democratic seats are potentially vulnerable -- almost two-fifths of the entire Democratic caucus. The list includes such powerful committee chairmen as David Obey of Wisconsin and Nick Rahall of West Virginia, both of whom have easily held their seats for more than 30 years. With so many members concerned about re-election, President Obama and Congressional leaders will be hard-pressed to get any major liberal legislation through Congress in the few remaining months of this session.
He is chairman of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the 2007 version of the increasingly weird Nobel Peace Prize. Denouncing persons skeptical about the shrill certitudes of those who say global warming poses an imminent threat to the planet, he says: "They are the same people who deny the link between smoking and cancer. They are people who say that asbestos is as good as talcum powder -- and I hope they put it on their faces every day." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- オバマ応援団の民主党の牙城のひとつ、ワシントン・ポストに掲載されたGeorge F. Willの評論。この人は歯に衣着 せぬ物言いに見るべきところがあって、影響力のある論者なのだけれど、この評論では国連IPCCのパチャウリ議長 (Rajendra Pachauri.)を非難しているというか、嘲笑しているもの。
同誌がドイツ財務省の資料に基づいて伝えたところによると、支援の規模は200億〜250億ユーロに上り、欧州 中央銀行(ECB)への出資比率に応じてユーロ圏各国が分担すれば、ドイツの持ち出し分は40億〜50億ユーロ となる。 [時事通信社] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The German weekly Der Spiegel is reporting that aid to Greece would be apportioned based on the capital each country holds in the European Central Bank. The report said that European countries would shoulder the burden, with Germany's share of $4-5 billion euros handled by the KfW bank. The article further stated that monies would be paid out only if Greece agrees to strict conditions. ドイツのギリシャ救済の40−50臆ユーロの拠出にはギリシャの厳しい財政緊縮政策の同意が条件
Angela Merkel is playing both sides of the issue. Publicly she argues that leniency would take the pressure off other European countries to cut their budget deficits. There is public outcry in Germany against giving aid to Greece, with 67% of Germans opposed to such aid. Behind the scenes, Berlin has drawn up measures if a rescue becomes inevitable. ドイツ国内にはギリシャ救済反対の声が高く世論調査では67%が反対、ドイツ政府は厳しい条件をつけざるを得ない
Greece's deficit is 12.7% of GDP, way above the EU's 3% cap. To help manage its deficit, Greece plans to issue 20 billion euros in bonds during April and May. Should the offering not go well, Germany was considering using the KfW bank to buy Greek government bonds. Another proposal would be a guarantee by KfW to German banks that buy Greek bonds. ギリシャ政府が4-5月に計画する200億ユーロの債券発行が上手くゆかない場合ドイツ政府はギリシャ国債の購入 あるいはギリシャ国債を購入する銀行の債務保証を検討 There is another real fear: German banks would be seriously threatened if Greece, Spain or Portugal were to become insolvent.(ry ギリシャに続いてスペインやポルトガルが支払不能に陥ることへの、ドイツの銀行の深い恐怖がある ttp://
ttp:// Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels Study claimed in 2009 that sea levels would rise by up to 82cm by the end of century ? but the report's author now says true estimate is still unknown, Sunday 21 February 2010 18.00 GMT 21世紀末に海面レベルが82cm上昇すると主張していたBristol大学の気候科学者等が論文を取り下げ
The IPCC said that sea level would probably rise by 18cm-59cm by 2100, though stressed this was based on incomplete information about ice sheet melting and that the true rise could be higher. これに先立つIPCC報告では21世紀末に18cm-59cm上昇と予想していた。
Announcing the formal retraction of the paper from the journal, Siddall said: "It's one of those things that happens. People make mistakes and mistakes happen in science." He said there were two separate technical mistakes in the paper, which were pointed out by other scientists after it was published. A formal retraction was required, rather than a correction, because the errors undermined the study's conclusion. 論文の取り下げについて、著者等は、出版後に論文の誤りの指摘をうけ、それを認めたため正式に取り下げの措置 をとったといっている。IPCC報告のあとに、いくつかの研究者がIPCCの予想以上に海面が上昇するとする論文を出 していた。Bristol大学の研究者は、今では21世紀末の海面レベルについては不明といっている。
The construction is patently flawed. A fully fledged currency requires both a central bank and a Treasury. The Treasury need not be used to tax citizens on an everyday basis but it needs to be available in times of crisis. When the financial system is in danger of collapsing, the central bank can provide liquidity, but only a Treasury can deal with problems of solvency. ユーロには危機に当たって流動性を与える中央銀行(ECB)はあるが、財務省に相当する徴税機能がないので支払 い能力の改善を行うメカニズムが無い。 ・・・ So makeshift assistance should be enough for Greece, but that leaves Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. Together they constitute too large a portion of euroland to be helped in this way. The survival of Greece would still leave the future of the euro in question. Even if it handles the current crisis, what about the next one? It is clear what is needed: more intrusive monitoring and institutional arrangements for conditional assistance. A well-organised eurobond market would be desirable. The question is whether the political will for these steps can be generated. ギリシャへの一時的な支援は充分であろうけれど、スペイン、イタリア、ポルトガル、アイルランドなどの諸国の問題が 残る。これらの国もギリシャ同様の救済を必要とする。ギリシャの存命は依然としてユーロの将来に疑問符をつけるも ので、現在の危機が解消されたとしても次回はどうなのかという疑問がある。EU体制は加盟国の財政へのより干渉 的なモニタリングや支援実施への機構的なアレンジメントが必要である。良く構成されたユーロボンド市場というのが 望ましい。問題は、それらの実施に向かうだけの政治的意思力があるかどうかである。
On Thursday, the White House plans a televised meeting of Democrats and Republicans to explore, it says, the possibility of last-minute compromise. Meanwhile, according to Kathleen Sebelius, the health secretary, the administration is preparing to announce a plan that Democrats can pass without Republican votes, if need be. 大統領は今週火曜日にTV中継つきで民主党および共和党との医療改革の協議を行い、一方で民主党は共和党 の支持なしに法案を通過させる準備があるとしている。
At this point, the chances of compromise are near zero. Democrats face a choice: retreat to fight another day, or press on alone. I hope they press on. If they do, though, it will be an extraordinary gamble. 民主党と共和党の妥協の可能性はゼロで、民主党は先延ばしにするか、単独で議会通過を強行するかである。 強行する場合には、たいへん大きなギャンブルになる。(後略)
Victor Shih, an academic at Northwestern University of the US, sifted through local government documents and ratings agency filings and calculated that mainland local governments now have debts of Rmb11,400bn ($1,670bn, ?1,235bn, £1,085bn), which is more than double the official estimate and is equivalent to one-third of GDP. Banks have agreed to lend a further Rmb12,700bn by 2011 to these local government companies, he says, some of which are bound to struggle to repay the loans. 米国ノースウェスタン大学のVictor Shih教授の試算では中国の地方政府の負債は$1,670bnで公称値の2倍、GDP の三分の一にのぼるという。中国の銀行はこれら地方政府に今後更に融資を進める計画である。その一部は返済 に問題を含むだろうという。
"As for Chinese hackers, their overall technological skill isn't as good as American or Russian hackers," Mr. Li said in an email, answering questions from the Wall Street Journal. "However, China has the biggest population of hackers in the world." Noting his own communication with foreign hackers, he added, "I often downloaded hacker software from their sites to compare them with programs I wrote or other Chinese hackers wrote."
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 22% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. That is the lowest level of strong approval yet recorded for this President. 日曜日の集計で、オバマ大統領を「強く支持する」人が22%、「強く支持しない」人は41%となり、強く支持する層が 最低の値を記録した。
Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. The Approval Index has been lower only on one day during Barack Obama’s thirteen months in office (see trends). The previous low came on December 22 as the Senate was preparing to approve its version of the proposed health care legislation. The current lows come as the President is once again focusing attention on the health care legislation. 過去13ヶ月のオバマ大統領の支持率の変遷の一覧表は ttp://
You'll generate your own electricity with the box and it'll be wireless. The idea is to one day replace the big power plants and transmission line grid, the way the laptop moved in on the desktop and cell phones supplanted landlines. It has a lot of smart people believing and buzzing, even though the company has been unusually secretive - until now. K.R. Sridhar invited "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl for a first look at the innards of the Bloom box that he has been toiling on for nearly a decade.
米政府調査員の話として同紙が伝えたところでは、この人物はハッカー攻撃に使われたスパイウェアの基幹部分を 作成。その一部をネット上のハッカーフォーラムに掲載していたという。同紙は、フリーランスとして活動するこの男性 が今回の攻撃を仕掛けたわけではないが、中国当局が同プログラムに「特別にアクセスしていた」としている。ただ、 男性と中国政府との関連がどのように判明したかは明らかにされていない。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US experts close in on Google hackers (FT) US analysts believe they have identified the Chinese author of the critical programming code used in the alleged state-sponsored hacking attacks on Google and other western companies, making it far harder for the Chinese government to deny involvement - Feb 21 2010 ttp:// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. investigators are homing in on the likely perpetrators of the attacks on Google and as many as 33 other companies, with evidence pointing to an Asian hacking group that is likely Chinese, according to people familiar with the investigation. (WSJ) ttp://
>>558 オリジナルのFT記事では ttp:// A freelance security consultant in his 30s wrote the part of the program that used a previously unknown security hole in the Internet Explorer web browser to break into computers and insert the spyware, a researcher working for the US government told the Financial Times. Chinese officials had special access to the work of the author, who posted pieces of the program to a hacking forum and described it as something he was “working on”.
The rather simplified question suggested by this data puzzle is whether retail sales and industrial production will pull incomes and employment up or whether weak employment and income trends will drag down retail sales and industrial production. ttp://
Two more UK passports linked to Mabhouh death in Dubai
Another two British passports have been linked to the assassination of a Hamas militant in Dubai. ttp:// ハマス幹部殺害に関して新たにイギリス人2名の偽造パスポートが関係してるとの話。 珍しくイギリスがかなりおかんむり状態。
ドバイ政府の債務について、ロイター報道では関係筋が “The government wants to show it’s handling this in the most equitable way, everyone gets a fair shot,” a source familiar with the matter said on Monday. “We are going to put forward a plan that shares the recoveries with the lenders.” That is a concession from the government,” a source familiar with the matter said. “We haven’t let go of our want but we will continue to fund on an unsecured basis,” the source said, adding: “We’re not going to do this forever.” これは先に報道されていた1ドル当たり60セントの比率で7年返済というシナリオと異なり、ドバイの債券をめぐる 交渉が様々進行中であることを示す鴨。
更に、Nakheelの債券についても、 “It is very unlikely that the bond will be paid off,” the source. “Incredibly unlikely.” The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said all options are on the table for the issue which comes due May 13. That includes offering new paper for existing debt or, if needed, administration. ロイターの報道では「関係筋のソース」が、「債券が返済されるとは考えにくい」と述べた。「たいへん困難だ」 ソースによれば、全てのオプションが5月13日の支払い日に向けて検討されている。そのオプションには、必要 とあれば新債券の発行が含まれるという。
It says nothing about what happened to the large amount of bonds held by the PBoC and other Chinese investors indirectly or in street names. Those could have easily gone up by more than the reduction in bonds directly held by Chinese investors in their own name.
If anything, those price controls make the president’s new plan even more bureaucratic and government-heavy. The Senate bill would take an ill-advised stab at cost-control by imposing a tax on the highest-cost health plans. That president proposes to pare back that excise tax and instead have a panel of federal bureaucrats cap the growth in health insurance premiums for all health plans. Those new government powers could make it even harder for people to obtain the coverage and care that they need.
Cristの問題点は、共和党ながらオバマ政権の妥協的で大きな政府に近い立場であること。Rubioの支持勢力は ティパーティで、共和党のエスタブリッシュメントにNOを突きつけていることになる。 Rubio, initially a long-shot contender, was quickly embraced by the so-called Tea Party movement, and Crist’s support has been falling ever since.
But that will happen on Tuesday, however, when workers from Toyota plants across the US and dozens of Toyota dealers lobby on the carmaker’s behalf ahead of Congressional hearings into safety problems affecting millions of Toyota vehicles.
Nature’s editor in chief has stepped down from the Russell Review inquiry into aspects of the ‘climate-gate’ emails, just hours after the inquiry team was unveiled.
Philip Campbell stood down after it emerged he told a Chinese reporter last year that the scientists at the centre of the climate-gate row “have behaved as researchers should”. A key aspect of the review headed by Muir Russell is whether scientists at the University of East Anglia followed proper scientific procedures.
ムーディーズ US commercial real estate prices as measured by Moody's/REAL Commercial Property Price Indices (CPPI) increased for the second month in a row in December, rising 4.1%. ... "Although we are unable to conclude that the bottom to the commercial real estate market is here, we do believe that the period of large price declines is over," says Moody's Managing Director Nick Levidy. "We will need to see data from the first few months of 2010 to develop a better picture of where things stand." ttp://
ムーディーズのインデックスはインフレ・アジャストしていない価格を使っている。グラフにあるケース・シラー・インデ ックスは類似の商用不動産価格のインデックス。 ただし、ブルームバーグの記事は、これだけでは価格動向(トレンド)を判定するには早計、と書いている ttp:// U.S. Commercial Property Index Rises 4.1% in December (Update2)
Blog漁りでみつけたんだけど、発覚直後にはこんなこと言っちゃう奴もいた。 >"There are apparently lots of people who really do think that global warming is an evil socialist plot, >and that many scientists are part of the plot and deliberately faking their science," adds Tom Wigley, >a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, and former director of CRU. 挑発としか受け取れないorz。(そういえば彼も多分に挑発的だったような) 時流に乗った分野の研究者って傲慢になっちゃうのかな? 研究者の皆さん、気をつけよう。
The particular concern is the estimated Rmb3,000bn ($450bn) of local infrastructure loans extended in 2009, representing 30 per cent of the record new bank lending last year. Many were non-recourse loans to provinces, municipalities and counties through shell companies, known as Urban Development Investment Corporations. Some went to fund projects backed by assets, such as commercial real estate, others to projects with future cash flows such as subways and toll roads. Still others are social in nature and backed only by an implicit guarantee of the City/Provincial Investment Holding Corporation. Most UDIC loans have sparse local equity and limited cash flow prospects for repayment. For the time being, local governments and CIHCs can plug interest payment gaps with healthy land sales, which totalled Rmb1,600bn in 2009, as well as central government transfers. The UDIC liability is estimated at close to RMB6,000bn or 14 per cent of the outstanding loan base. A 30 per cent default rate would in effect wipe out the paid-in capital of top banks such as China Construction Bank and Bank of China. (ry
ttp:// Yet much of the DPJ’s economic programme remains sketchy, improbable or downright unrealistic. 日本の民主党の経済政策は詳細を欠いており、ありそうにない事や、全くリアリスティックでは無い項目が有る。 The money it is promising to shower on low-income families, parents, farmers (and anyone else who might vote for it) is meant to come from pruning waste. But, with election pledges costing around 3.5 per cent of GDP, that is fantasy. 民主党が低所得者層や子持ちの家族や農家にバラ撒きを約束している予算は、無駄の切り詰めによって調達するという。 しかしその総額はGDPの3.5%で、そういうことはファンタジーというべきである。 The DPJ is partly doing what opposition parties are supposed to do ? promising the earth in order to get elected. 野党の民主党は政権獲得の為に、出来そうにも無い(promising the earth)公約をしているとはいえ、 But if it really is headed for victory, it will need to work quickly to persuade Japan’s public ? and the markets ? that its sums add up. If not, it risks an electoral backlash in upper house elections next year. Almost as bad, bond markets could wobble. しかしながら、民主党が勝利するのであれば、民主党は国民を説得し、納得させて、そして市場を納得させて、予算の帳尻 を合わせ(add up)なくてはならない。もしそうしないならば(大幅な赤字財政によって)来年の参議院選挙にバックラッシュ がおきるであろう。そうして、拙い事にも国債市場はgdgdになるであろう。
The larger political message of this new proposal is that Mr. Obama and Democrats have no intention of compromising on an incremental reform, or of listening to Republican, or any other, ideas on health care. They want what they want, and they're going to play by Chicago Rules and try to dragoon it into law on a narrow partisan vote via Congressional rules that have never been used for such a major change in national policy. If you want to know why Democratic Washington is "ungovernable," this is it.
Obama called for a "new generation of clean, nuclear plants" in his State of the Union address last month and is backing it up with $8.3 billion in conditional loan guarantees to a power company consortium in Georgia and more dollars in his proposed 2011 budget for nuclear energy. オバマ大統領は「新世代のクリーンな原子力発電」を先月の年頭教書演説で言っている。大統領は83億ドルの原子 力発電建設のための、ジョージア州の電力会社コンソーシアムの求める政府のローン保証を支持しており2011年 予算には更に多くの原子力発電支援を行う。 ttp://
ttp:// Outlook no brighter for Obama's new health plan By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR and ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writers ? Mon Feb 22, 6:30 pm ET (AP分析記事)オバマ大統領の医療改革提案の先行き見通しは明るくは無い AP By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR and ERICA WERNER,
A year after he called for a far-reaching overhaul, Obama unveiled his most detailed plan yet on Monday. Realistically, he's just hoping to win a big enough slice to silence the talk of a failing presidency. 月曜日に公表されたオバマ大統領の医療改革法案は、現実的に言って、失敗しつつある大統領職という話を 沈黙させるに足る、大きな成果を挙げようという希望の産物である。(後略)
About 200 Greek trade unionists have blocked the entrance to the Athens Stock Exchange. Exchange staff have been unable to enter the building since around 6:45 a.m. local time, according to Bloomberg News. Luckily they’ve been able to source an (unnamed) alternative location, and trading looks to have already commenced. The early morning price action in the Athens Composite: ギリシャの労組の200人ほどが、6:45AM アテネの証券取引所の入り口をブロックしたため、取引所のスタッフが 建物に入れないという。その後の報告では別の場所で取引が開始された模様。アテネの取引の価格は: ttp://
Feb. 23 (Bloomberg) --The Athens stock exchange will trade as normal today from an alternative location as Greek labor unions block the entrance to the bourse’s headquarters. Trading will commence at 10:20 a.m. from an alternative site, an exchange spokeswoman, who declined to be named, said by phone today. Employees have been prevented from entering the building by a group of about 200 union members since about 6:45 a.m., the spokeswoman said. Protesters carried banners reading, “Let the plutocracy pay for the crisis,” according to an e-mailed statement from the PAME union branch, which belongs to the Communist Party of Greece. Public and private sector unions have called a general strike tomorrow to oppose the government’s plans to cut civil servants’ allowances, raise the retirement age and freeze wages. The government measures are aimed at narrowing the European Union’s largest budget deficit to within the bloc’s limit of 3 percent of gross domestic product in 2012 from 12.7 percent last year.
ECBの計画は結局、銀行に容易な金儲け手段を提供したにすぎなかった。銀行はいわゆるキャリー取引を通じて高 利回り資産を得るため、ECBから安価に調達した資金を用いることが可能となった。ECBの危機対策を利用して銀 行は流動性の問題を解消した。ECBから大量の資金を手にしたギリシャの銀行も同様だった。スタンフォード大学教 授でデリバティブ専門家でもあるダレル・ダフィー氏は「金融危機の間に不良資産の証券化が大量に実施された。 ECBのレポ融資を得るための担保を形成することが証券化の目的だった」とし、「ECBはこうしたことに気付いてい たが、市場の流動性を回復させることを優先した」と述べた。ECB報道官はコメントを拒否した。 原文: London Firm Was Created to Route Cash 記者: Carrick Mollenkamp
ttp:// Google Hack Smells More and More Like Chinese Government Job By Katherine Noyes E-Commerce Times Part of the ECT News Network 02/22/10 12:24 PM PT ぐぐるのハッカーの件、ますます中国政府の仕業のように見えるわけだが By Katherine Noyes
High-Profile Involvement In late January, the Chinese government denied any connection to the attacks, subsequently publicizing its efforts to crack down on hackers. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has weighed in on the case, referring to the incident in a speech on the topic of Internet freedom, as has U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates have also spoken out on the topic, both downplaying China's Internet restrictions. Google did not respond by press time to the E-Commerce Times' requests for comment on the latest developments.'That Won't Come as Any Surprise'
If it does turn out that the hackers had ties to the Chinese government, however, Google's position could be dramatically altered in its dispute with China. "I've always felt that one of the missed parts of this story is Google's early emphasis on the fact that human rights activists had been targeted" in the attacks, Danny O'Brien, international outreach coordinator for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told the E-Commerce Times. Not only was that fact emphasized as justification for the "very radical steps" Google took upon discovering the attacks, O'Brien said, but "it was also a major clue that this was an attack by a major state actor -- or someone who believed they could sell the information to a state actor." If indeed the parties responsible were acting on the Chinese government's behalf, then, "that won't come as any surprise to Google," he asserted.
* Glenn Greenwald, * Megan McArdle, Asymmetrical Information * Steven Hill, New America Foundation * Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor, National Review * Norman J. Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks fell further on Tuesday after a measure of consumer confidence fell sharply in February. The Dow Jones Industrial Average /quotes/comstock/10w!i:dji/delayed (INDU 10,309, -73.91, -0.71%) was down 74.29 points at 10,309.09. The S&P 500 Index /quotes/comstock/21z!i1:in\x (SPX 1,098, -10.38, -0.94%) fell 11.27 points to 1,096.74. The Nasdaq Composite fell 26.51 points to 2,215.52. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// 2月米消費者信頼感指数は46.0、前月は56.5=コンファレンス・ボード 2010年 02月 24日 00:15 JST
ttp:// Preparing for the WorstThe United States won't bomb Iran, but another country might. By Anne Applebaum Posted Monday, Feb. 22, 2010, at 8:03 PM ET 最悪の事態(イランとの戦争)に備えるべき:米国はイランを空爆しないが、他の国はする鴨 By Anne Applebaum
If that ever happened, the 2 a.m. phone call would be followed by retaliation, some of which would be directed at us, our troops in Iraq, our ships at sea. I don't want this to happen, but I do want us to be prepared if it does. Contrary to Palin, I do not think Obama would restore the fortunes of his presidency by bombing Iran, like a character out of the movie Wag the Dog. But I do hope that this administration is ready, militarily and psychologically, not for a war of choice but for an unwanted war of necessity. This is real life, after all, not Hollywood. もしもそれ(イスラエルのイラン空爆)が起これば、午前2時に電話がなって、イランの報復攻撃は米国にも関連し、 イラクの米兵とか、ペルシャ湾の米軍艦船とかが攻撃されるかもしれない。そうなって欲しくは無いが、私はそれに 準備のできていることを望む。ペィリンの主張とは反対に、オバマ大統領がイランの攻撃で人気回復というのはあり えないと私は思うが、私は現政権が軍事的にも心理的にも、望まない戦争に巻き込まれることに対する準備が出来 ていることを望む。これは現実であって、ハリウッドの映画ではないのだから。
Washington, D.C.-The Minority Staff of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works released a report today titled, “‘Consensus’ Exposed: The CRU Controversy.” The report covers the controversy surrounding emails and documents released from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU). It examines the extent to which those emails and documents affect the scientific work of the UN’s IPCC, and how revelations of the IPCC’s flawed science impacts the EPA’s endangerment finding for greenhouse gases. 上院の公共事業および環境委員会の共和党議員らによるCRUクライメートゲート事件の報告書がまとまり、公表さ れた。報告書はCRUの暴露された電子メールの内容の検討、国連IPCC報告書の誤りについて記述している。 The report finds that some of the scientists involved in the CRU controversy violated ethical principles governing taxpayer-funded research and possibly federal laws. In addition, the Minority Staff believes the emails and accompanying documents seriously compromise the IPCC-based “consensus” and its central conclusion that anthropogenic emissions are inexorably leading to environmental catastrophes. In its examination of the controversy, the Minority Staff found that the scientists: 報告書は一部のCRU関連科学者が税金で支援される研究の中で倫理に反する行為を行ったとしている。さらに電子 メールや関連文書は国連IPCCの「コンセンサス」に疑問を持たせ温暖化ガスが破滅的な結末をもたらすとの結論に 疑問を抱かせると示唆している。 (中略) “The report also shows the world’s leading climate scientists acting like political scientists, with an agenda disconnected from the principles of good science. And it shows that there is no consensus-except that there are significant gaps in what scientists know about the climate system. It’s time for the Obama Administration to recognize this. Its endangerment finding for greenhouse gases rests on bad science. It should throw out that finding and abandon greenhouse gas regulation under the Clean Air Act-a policy that will mean fewer jobs, higher taxes and economic decline.” 共和党のJames Inhofe上院議員は「この報告書は指導的な気象科学者が政治学者のように行動していることを示す。 それは科学研究の原則から離れたアジェンダである。さらに科学者の間には大きな見解の相違があってコンセンサス は存在しないことを示す。オバマ政権はこれを認識すべきである。(CRUの研究を根拠とする)環境庁の温暖化ガス 規制は廃止されるべきだ。それは失業を増やし税金を上げて経済を停滞させる」と述べた。
ttp:// Healthcare Opinion Hasn’t Moved Since Summer By Karlyn Bowman and Andrew Rugg February 23, 2010, 11:32 am 米国内の主要世論調査にみる、オバマ医療改革への世論の動向 AEIブログ、23日 医療改革への国内世論は昨年夏以降、一貫し不支持を示している By Karlyn Bowman and Andrew Rugg
In this month’s edition of Political Report, we take a look at what Americans think should be done next about healthcare reform. While opinion remains divided as to whether lawmakers should continue to work on the bill or move on, views on the proposals themselves in most polls have hardly moved since the summer. Below, we update polls that were included in the last edition of Political Report.
Sen James Inhofe, R-Okla., said EPA administrator Lisa Jackson's decision to rely on information from the U.N.'s International Panel on Climate Change to institute the endangerment finding is "The EPA accepted the IPCC's erroneous claims wholesale, without doing its own independent review," Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., said about "So EPA's endangerment finding rests on bad science," Inhofe said at a Tuesday morning hearing.
Feb. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the financial crisis was “by far” the worst in history and called the recovery from the global recession “extremely unbalanced.” The world economy has undergone “by far the greatest financial crisis globally ever,” Greenspan said today in a speech to the Credit Union National Association’s Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington. Greenspan said that while the economy was in worse shape in the Great Depression, the recent financial crisis was potentially more harmful than that in the 1930s because “never had short-term credit literally withdrawn.”
グリーンスパン前FRB議長はCredit Union National Association’s Governmental Affairs Conferenceで講演して 世界経済の現状は、グローバルな景気後退が「極度にアンバランス」であり「グローバル経済のかって例の無い危 機」にあると述べた。世界経済は1930年代の大恐慌時代より酷いとして、それは「短期クレディットが文字通り引き 上げられた状態」であるためと述べた。
Following the release of the Inhofe Report, Boxer claimed she was only quoting "American scientists," and Jackson reversed herself on the use of the IPCC as the "gold standard." February 23, 2010 - by Charlie Martin During the review of the Environmental Protection Agency budget in today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, both Senator Barbara Boxer ? the chair of the committee ? and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson distanced themselves from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Boxer and Jackson’s statements, in addition to being a striking change in policy, are problematic because U.S. climate science is very closely tied to the IPCC reports (as Christopher Horner showed in his recent PJM series on the NASA FOIA emails.) Inhofe上院議員のクライメートゲート事件の報告書が提示された上院の環境庁・予算審議で、プロ温暖化の民主党 バーバラ・ボクサー議員やEPAのLisa Jackson長官がこれまでとは態度を変えて、IPCCを「ゴールド・スタンダード」 とするのではなく、一線を画する姿勢を見せますた。
The statements by Boxer and Jackson followed Senator Inhofe’s release (see the PJM exclusive report) in his opening statement of a minority staff report documenting many flaws in the IPCC report and the other evidence revealed in the Climategate files. (See the full hearing on CSPAN here; the exchanges with Senator Boxer and Inhofe, and Administrator Jackson begin at about 56 minutes into the video.) この質疑の詳細はPJMメディアに掲載(後略)
“But it would be a mistake to extrapolate a view that the US will lead a global tightening cycle which will transform the dollar from a funding to an investment currency, and therefore deliver a year-long dollar rally.”
HONG KONG?John Tsang, Hong Kong's financial secretary, warned against an "increased risk of a bubble forming in the property market" Wednesday, underscoring official concern here after recent signs of rising prices in the residential property and land markets. 香港の財務長官、John Tsangが議会で不動産バブル形成の危険が増していると警告した
Delivering Hong Kong's annual budget address before legislators, Mr. Tsang said inflows of more than 640 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$82.43 billion) into Hong Kong had flooded the city's asset markets since late 2008, which he said had fueled an increase in the price of luxury and even medium-sized apartments. これは議会の予算審議の中の発言で、香港に流入しているUS$82.43 billionの資金によって2008年から香港の 不動産市場にバブルが形成される恐れが強まっているとした(後略)
Well, not quite. But I would immodestly call your attention to my prediction of last July: まあ、そこまで至ってはいないが、昨年7月に私が書いていることは:
I think that Obama and his inner circle realize that if they can't get this [health care] package, or something very close to it, passed then they will be faced with the fact that Obama, barely more than a half-year into his first term, will basically be a lame duck. 思うにオバマ大統領とインナーサークルは、この医療改革法案を実現できないなら、1期目の半ばにも至らずに 基本的にはレームダックとなろう
Well, it didn't pass then and hasn't passed yet, and last November Joel Kotkin, executive editor of and a distinguished presidential fellow in urban futures at Chapman University, concluded the same thing: 昨年法案は通過せず、未だに通過していないわけで、11月にはNewGeography.comの編集者Joel Kotkinが同じ事 を書いている
A good friend of mine, a Democratic mayor here in California, describes the Obama administration as " run by the Chicago machine." This combination may have been good enough to beat John McCain in 2008, but it is proving a poor way to run a country or build a strong, effective political majority. And while the president's charismatic talent ? and the lack of such among his opposition ? may keep him in office, it will be largely as a kind of permanent lame duck unable to make any of the transformative changes he promised as a candidate. 私の親友が、カリフォルニアの市長なのだがオバマ政権を評して「シカゴ・マシンの運用する反戦草の根 プロ市民活動の団体)」と呼んでいる。この組み合わせはマケインに2008年選挙で勝利したが、国の運営とか強力で 効果的な政治的マジョリティの建設は出来ないように見える。大統領のカリスマ的才能で、また野党側にそうしたタレ ントが不在であるために、大統領職についているのだが、ある種の永続的なレームダックで公約したチェンジを実現 できない」と述べた
>>979 (続き) Now today comes the Associated Press with "Outlook no brighter for Obama's new health plan:" ところで今日のAPの分析記事に「オバマ大統領の医療改革の先行き見通しは明るくない」というのがある。
WASHINGTON ? Starting over on health care, President Barack Obama knows his chances aren't looking much more promising. A year after he called for a far-reaching overhaul, Obama unveiled his most detailed plan yet on Monday. Realistically, he's just hoping to win a big enough slice to silence the talk of a failing presidency. オバマ大統領は医療改革法案の議会審議を再開したが、成功のチャンスが高くは無いとわかっているだろう。彼の 言う修復期間の1年の後で詳細な計画を出したが、実際には失敗しつつある大統領という話を沈黙させるに足るだ けの大きな成果を得ることを希望している。
This is not far from becoming a meme, and in Washington politics memes take on a life of their own, creating reality as much as reflecting it. このことはまだミームにはなっていないにせよ遠くは無い。そしてワシントンの政界のミームは、それ独自の生涯を持 つのだが、それはリアリティを作ると共にそれを反映する
Here's my closing thought from July: We may get a bill of some kind, but if so it will be a greatly watered down version of the Obama plan. That won't make it better, of course, but it won't be Obama's, either. After that, he'll have not much truck with Dems in Congress, who will enjoy the freedom of running away from the White House, even to the point that in some tossup seats next year, we'll see some Dems running against Obama as much as their Republican opponents. 昨年7月に書いた文章の最後は: 我々は何かの法律を得るのかもしれない。でもそうであれば、その法律は大幅に 水で薄められたオバマ計画であろう。それはオバマの法律でも、良い法律でもない。この法案の後には議会の民主 党はホワイトハウスから逃げ出して自由を満喫し、来年の中間選挙に向かうのであろう。オバマに反対する共和党 議員のみならず、民主党議員が出てくることでもあろう。
ttp:// Sharp decline in public's belief in climate threat, British poll reveals Climate change survey raises fears it will be harder to persuade the public to support costly policies to curb emissions Tuesday 23 February 2010 15.22 GMT 英国の世論調査:地球温暖化への大衆の信頼感がシャープに減衰している 英・ガーディアン