Q. 公式にあるNightlyBuildとは何でしょう? A. 開発プロジェクトの最新のソースコードを用いて生成されたBuildで、最新の機能などが使える反面 バグや不具合なども多く人柱仕様です、本来はバグや不具合の報告するためのもので、不安定なのが嫌な人はStableBuild(Nightlyの下のx64、またはWin32)を使いましょう。
Q .コーデックは○○がいいの?画質が良いのは?最高の設定は? A. スレチ。
Q. DXVAの設定はどうするの? A. オプション→再生→出力のDirectShowビデオをXPならVMR7/9にVista以降ならEVRにする。 その後、オプション→内部フィルタ→Video Decodersの『H264/AVC (DXVA)』にチェック。 DXVAで不具合が出る場合はチェックを外す。VC1も同様。 madVRの場合、madVRの設定でonにする。
Q. PoweDVDやDivX、CoreAVCのH.264デコーダーを使いたい A. オプション→外部フィルタ→フィルタの追加→参照で追加する。 内部フィルタのH.264のチェックを外すのを忘れずに。
Q. シークプレビューできないの? A. できます。オプション→Interface→Use the preview in the searchにチェックを入れてMPCを再起動
Q. flybarって何? A. タイトルバーやメニューバーを消した状態でも画面上に終了・最大最小化・フルスクリーンや設定などのショートカットを表示させる機能です。 オプション→Interface→Use flybarにチェックを入れてMPCを再起動で使えます。
Q. 起動時の画面サイズを指定出来ますか? A. できます。オプション→再生の項目内にある”出力”(サブ項目じゃない)で自動拡大にチェック、右の項目で好きなのを選んで再起動。
2521 Update: ffmpeg git-bf66016e. 2520 Change: MPCVideoDecFilter - now when rewinding on ATI H.264I do not do full reneitsializatsiyu decoder, and only re-creates DXVA2 decoder. 2519 Change: thumb - the construction of the graph we take only the first (main) file, skipping any extra. audio track. 2518 Change: OSD - added checks to On. / Off. OSD, otherwise get off crash at OSD. The same way - a little makeup in the code. 2517 Change: revision r2505 (OSD) - On / Off OSD without having to restart, redid the map and drawing the OSD. 2516 Changes: fixed a crash situation when you kponki STOP and re-creating the decoder. 2515 Change: temporarily canceled the re-creation of the decoder on call :: NewSegment (), will return as will understand. 2514 Change: minor changes and improvements with regards to the new OSD. 2513 Change: MPCVideoDecFilter - Recreate the decoder after rewinding only on the cards ATI, because on NVIDIA & Intel does not need :) 2512 Update: libpng 1.7.0 b9 git-57d6907d; 2511 Change: multiplaylist added to youtube.com, example: http://www.youtube.com/yakfilms Change: small optimization; 2510 Change: forgot the optional disable OSD))
2532 update: ffmpeg git-6d7ec4fc. 2531 Changes: OSD - a bit of optimization, avoid re-draw if neither the text of the message, not its location is not changed. Also imposed restrictions on height. 2530 Changes: OSD - update for 2529, and a little makeup in the code. 2529 Changes: fixed incorrect display of the OSD, when at the beginning of the old shows an empty frame size (from previous posts). 2528 Update checker: Properly close the CInternetFile object - (mpc-hc); 2527 DTSAC3Source: fixed search ac3 and eac3 titles. cosmetics. (mpc-hc 8f070977ec) 2526 Correction r.2525; 2525 Changes: Added ani_web.avi, if you save files from youtube, http, ftp; 2524 Changes: modern ani.avi; 2523 Change: "Show OSD (requires restart)" -> "Show OSD"; 2522 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-5369a80f; Change: is automatically deleted after the opening, the temporary youtube playlist - mpc_youtube.m3u; Change: got rid of a ton of time creating youtube and http files;
2553 update: ffmpeg git-c7d2a3ab. 2552 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5492. 2551 Change: returned messages output by adjusting the sound in the statusbar 2550 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5489. 2549 Change: improved handling of messages Play / Pause / Stop for OSD, issued a code in MainFrm. Thanks to the team MPC-HC for the tip and the code. 2548 Change: we derive a condition MUTE OSD only when it is really muted. 2547 Changes: OSD disappeared when switching to full screen and / or back. 2546 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-0ece07dc; Losslessly compress png images (mpc-hc); 2545 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2544 Change: small optimization; 2543 korean language update 2542 Change: Mute the volume automatically removed when placing the value to 0, either temporarily or permanently - there posmtrim :). Just added output in the OSD on the status of Mute. 2541 hanges: OSD - when you start / stop correctly reset all variables, we hide the window, etc. This will prevent unnecessary calls :: ShowWindow (SW_HIDE) after calling :: Stop (). Just now correctly displayed in the rediscovery of the OSD file.
2574 update: ffmpeg git-b4fc2a10. 2573 Changes: MP4Splitter - corrected roar. 2567, we must be careful)) 2572 Correction: r.2570; 2571 hanges: The New r.2570; 2570 Changes: slightly simplified build; 2569 Changes: Switching topics in the hot mode during playback, the wrong sign was put play / pause; Change: Optimization and cosmetics;
2591 update: ffmpeg git-67731ef4. 2590 update: stb_image git-bdda487c; 2589 Changes: deleted ShockwaveFlash.cpp; 2588 Update: libpng 1.7.0 b13 git-6a02eb6d; 2587 starnitsa "Formats": a list of extensions in the input field is now synchronized with the general list. 2586 are named function names used in the page "Formats". 2585 Change: playlist - corrected the selection and positioning of elements when you press forward / backward. As well, at the request of users, suffered a code of MPC-HC: when adding items to the playlist translate the position of the last item added, and do Drag'n'Drop window on top of all the playlist itself active. 2584 Shaders: Fixed creation of a new shader shader editor. 2583 OSD: In Windows Vista and later, the default font is now "Segoe UI" instead of "Calibri" (Calibri may be incomplete for some operating systems). 2582 Changes: added a call to "CALL" in *. Bat files. 2581 update: ffmpeg git-e92862e7. 2580 update: libopus 1.0.1 git-1bf32bb5. 2579 update: zlib 1.2.8. 2578 FLVSplitter - fixed an incorrect value for wFormatTag AAC tracks. 2577 Changes: File associations (formats) - did not work adding and removing associations for custom extensions. 2576 Change: Getting string from GUID - GetGUIDString (), supplemented with data for DXVA mode. Change: Did the activity DXVA1 getting treatment for any renderer. Change: a little makeup. 2575 Change: moved files to a folder build * build;
2605 update: ffmpeg git-fd68371b. 2604 update: Little-CMS git-61d73f83. 2603 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5503. 2602 djustment of the project file for VS2010. 2601 starnitsa "Formats": a correct operation of the index. 2600 Change: installer - now correctly removes all file associations, which have been installed. 2599 Changes: working with the chapters in. IFO - replaced int -> UINT. Build a list of titles for SeekBar - introduced additional. check to count heads in the. ifo file matches a count-tion received from the DVD Navigator, as sometimes this way of getting through the list of titles. ifo is not correct, and we just will not show them to the SeekBar. Cosmetics in the names of functions. Change: When otrkytiii structure BD - display the same 'BD' instead of the file name. 2598 Changes: Improved support for Drag'n'Drop DVD / BD with open playlist. Now you can drag the folder itself with DVD / BD, and not only the folder VIDEO_TS / BDMV. As well - if we pull the folder structure DVD / BD, then add only the basis of the file, not the entire list - VIDEO_TS.IFO / index.bdmv respectively. TODO - when you drag a folder with BD structure must somehow select only the master file and all nache and contains all files (mpls). 2597 Change: Playlist - when you add files to a playlist and make an active selects the first item added. First consider that the correct way, and secondly - fixes a bug with drag and drop DVD to your playlist. 2596 Changes: gccbuild * -> ffmpeg *; 2593 Changes: EVR Custom - track change MediaType (call RenegotiateMediaType ()) only when RenderState == Started / Paused. This will prevent unnecessary data requests (fps / MediaType / decoder name) from the downstream filter Connection stage, and as a result, freezes when opening MPEG2 using Cyberlink Video / SP Decoder mode soft-decoding. Just - if the downstream filter does not provide data on the fps, exhibit 23.976
2670 update: Little-CMS git-d0d5b512. 2669 update: ffmpeg git-c475a58d. 2668 Fixed loss of expanding the export settings. 2667 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2666 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5540. 2665 update: ffmpeg git-d1cb559a. 2664 update: libopus 1.0.1 git-c9f857ef. 2663 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2662 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-8eae188a; 2661 Changes: fixed a display of classic playlist; 2660 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2659 Thumbnails: Added thousands separator (non-breaking space) for the size of the file in bytes. (If necessary formatting can be done both in the MPC-HC) 2658 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2657 Change: CString type does not require initialization. Just a little makeup, put the "extra" code. 2656 Changes: added to AboutDlg.cpp, identification number for Visual Studio Update 3 RC 2655 update: ffmpeg git-fc37cd43. 2654 update: libopus 1.0.1 git-c973a596. 2653 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5525. 2652 Changes: functions to get versions of the system, as well as IsW64 () ruled in a separate file. Just optimization - now the data is cached, so the function call to obtain the release occurs only once, on the first call. 2651 Change: export dialog settings - added the file type + the extension.
2650 Change: minor fix ffmpeg; 2649 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-732da8d0; 2648 Changes: corrected the VS1010 project to build ShellExt - corrected build x64 debug. Change: finally fixed after a call drop file associations with Admin rights for this truth had to introduce a new variable CAppSettings, CWnd *, which stores a pointer to CMainFrame for future use. Change: file associations - when there is not chosen one extension, ShellExt not register in the system. 2647 Changes: AboutDlg - removed the unnecessary initialization of type CString, as well as the "extra" variable. Change: small optimization - now at the close of the program will not be superfluous call LoadLibrary (). Then - here and forget about your startup variables, and made the initialization of the OnCreate () in the constructor of the class (CMainFrame). 2646 Change: Setting file associations - after a call to dialogue with Admin rights and the closing was a crash with an error, corrected the work of static functions (replaced the necessary variables on the static as well). Just a little makeup, carried a variable in the class and made static. 2645 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2644 Changes: First, set the options for MediaInfo (select language module) and only then do MI.Open. Otherwise, the second kolokna we can not be translated when you first open File Properties-> MediaInfo. 2643 Change: mpc_helper.c moved and renamed it config.c;
2697 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5558. 2696 update: ZenLibs v0.4.28 + svn rev.440. 2695 update: ffmpeg git-3967f680. 2694 update: Little-CMS git-dd44baf1. 2693 update: Chinese (Simplified) translation (by insolo) 2692 Changes: Windows 8, if the application is not enshrined in the taskbar, it will not get the message "TaskbarButtonCreated", so you need to "force" to create ITaskbarList3 worked all the "features" of the taskbar. Just - updated text and translation. 2691 Changes: EVR Custom/VMR9 Renderless - optimization, we obtain the frame type (IMediaSample) only while displaying statistics. 2690 Changes: Command line / startpos & / start now support as well as a zero value, for example, to start playing from the beginning. Just fixed a bug where when passing parameters to an already running copy of the program command line reset. 2689 Changes: AviSplitter - addition to rev.2685, just cosmetics, the replacement of variable types. 2688 AviSplitter: cosmetics and optimization (mpc-hc 79c0e62740, 5a1c5f7f16). 2687 AviSplitter: improved display DivX Subtitle. 2686 AviSplitter: DivX Subtitle display back after 2671. 2685 Changes: AviSplitter - changed the mechanism of adjustment indices, in case of absence. Now the index is rebuilt only for the track, which he is not. 2684 update: unrar.h; 2683 Changes: The New r.2682; 2682 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2681 updated Chinese (Simplified) translation by insolo 2680 MPC-HC e42d1a79ec, 240198615a, 1c179da139. 2679 Change: Optimized output infa in PitInfo. Change: OggSplitter - corrected (fixed) filling extradata for Theora (for extradata need data only from the title that now do).
2753 update: ffmpeg git-b8a9876a. 2752 update: MediaInfo 0.7.63 + svn rev.5585. 2751 update: libopus 1.0.1 git-b518b56f. 2750 Changes: fixed playback in DXVA1, especially. WMV files. Mistakenly resets DXVA decoder. 2749 Changes: Unified calculation Aspect Ratio, cosmetics in MPCVideoDec.cpp; 2748 Changes: VMR7 Renderless - added reset / close interfaces, closing libraries 'ddraw.dll', code partly taken from the MPC-HC. 2747 STS: Code simplification. (Mpc-hc 8f75cf7353) RealMediaGraph: Fix a typo. (Mpc-hc e3d6b64806) AudioSwitcher: Use the defines for the max and min values of a 24-bit integer. (Mpc-hc 98f112db62) BaseSplitterFileEx: Simplify a check. (H.bitpersample is unsigned, checking if it's greater than 0 will always be true.) (Mpc-hc 033ff36777) IPinHook: Fix wrong sizeof. (Mpc-hc a8945e12b3) PPageFileInfoClip: Use CComBSTR Length method when possible. (Mpc-hc cda0ec1ff1) 2746 Release the DS interfaces in the inverse order they were created. (Mpc-hc 32600787a5) 2745 Changes: BaseVideoFilter / MPCVideoDec - changed the way we get information on the status of the decoder (SOFT/DXVA1/DXVA2), the variable passed to the main class BaseVideoFilter. This will correct the incorrect aspect ratio of the exposure when playing WMV to soft-mode (and possibly in DXVA1) on VMR9/VMR7 renderer.
2744 Changes: WMV9/VC-1 DXVA decoder - corrected filling DXVA_PictureParameters structure, got rid of the artifacts on some WMV rollers. Cosmetics. 2743 Changes: MPCVideoDec - to set a limit on the NVIDIA ref frames = 16, as for HD, and SD video. As well - for ATI now consider and mobile devices :). 2742 Changes: MpcAudioRenderer - improved utilization mode Shared Mode. Now renderer "digest" all input formats, with the addition of the mixer into the code (v0lt many thanks for that). When trying to play a SPDIF / Bitstream - automatically will switch to Exclusive Mode, as Only he supports bitstream. TODO - switch to AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, it should allow further reduce the delay. And also - to deal with the Exclusive Mode, now with this mixer does not work. 2741 Change: improved parser MpegAudio header. 2740 Change: small pullback ffmpeg, change breaks avcodec_open2 () for Vorbis. 2739 Changes: a small cosmetics; 2738 Change: led all the buttons select the color to the same species; 2737 Changes: a small transfer of part 2; 2736 Changes: a small transfer; 2735 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-0d25876b
2842 Changes: Stand-alone filters - temporarily excluded from the construction MpcAudioRenderer x64. 2841 MpegSplitter: defayny used for the names of the settings. 2840 corrected comments in the code. 2839 AVISplitter: defayny used for the names of the settings.Splitter 2838 Mpeg2DecFilter: defayny used for the names of the settings. 2837 Updated Ukrainian translation. 2836 Change: A small cosmetics resource files. 2835 update: Chinese (Simplified) translation (by insolo) 2834 Posted: Decoder G2M video (Go2Webinar). 2833 update: MediaInfo 0.7.63 + svn rev.5617. 2832 update: ffmpeg git-7cb5467a. 2831 korean language update 2830 Fixed typo in Russian translation. 2829 increase some setting items.Mpeg2DecFilter: removed IDS_MPEG2_NOTE2 (mpc-hc 660ae70021) 2828 Added the ability to transfer to "View-> Statistics". 2827 AviSplitter: extended menu items for Ukrainian translation 2826 MPCVideoDec: defayny used for the names of the settings. 2825 Changes: MpaDecFilter - when exposed options, S / PDIF and Bistream, but in the absence of support from the audio renderer, switch to normal decoding. Exclusive - it does not yet not one audio decoder :) Change: MpcAudioRenderer - cosmetics. 2824 Updated Ukrainian translation. 2823 AudioSwitcher: optimized calculation of the maximum level (normalize). (Mpc-hc df73f04e84) 2822 Changes: MpcAudioRenderer - fixed an incorrect test for Bitstream in the event of a withdrawal AC3/DTS. 2821 Changes: AudioSwitcher - cleaned up the traces of ffmpeg. 2820 Changes: fixed construction MpcAudioRenderer, still only for x86. Change: Hack to build using ffmpeg ruled in a separate file - 'src / filters / filters / ffmpeg_fix.cpp'. Change: Fixed construction DeCSSFilterStatic filter.
2819 Changes: MpcAudioRenderer - finally finished fixing the problem with WASAPI on some sound cards, this has limited the minimum buffer size to 50ms. Just - has altered handling of pause and rewind, now there will be no stops and starts IAudioClient, render and continues to work on hiatus, only sent to "silence" - this will eliminate the distortion on pause and rewind. Posted by unloading the library AVRT.dll to close the renderer. 2818 Changes: MPCVideoDec - corrected fps calculation based on ffmpeg. 2817 Changes: MpaSplitter - now when parsing MPEGAudio header check a few frames to make sure that the data is correct. This should prevent a 100% false determination. 2816 Changes: added the ability to intercept Debug messages and save them to a file, by default - a feature disabled. If you need to turn on -> watch file WinDebugMonitor.cpp, line # define DBGLOG_FILE 0, change the 0 to 1. 2815 Changes: MpcAudioRenderer - call AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (Ask MMCSS to temporarily boost the thread priority to reduce glitches while the low-latency stream plays) you need to call it from another thread, where the rendering data. Added debug output level control. 2814 Change: Removed unnecessary constant. 2813 Changes: CreateMPEG2VIfromAVC () - biCompression input must be equal to '1 CVA '(AVC1), otherwise the decoder will not be able to process the data on the video stream. But - did not install biCompression in the function, it is better still to do it in that part of the code where there is a call, so clearly. 2812 Changes: MpcAudioRenderer - added status, displaying the input and output format, it works only for WASAPI mode. 2811 Changes: Updated Italian translation (by Lord Maius).
2810 Changes: MpcAudioRenderer - tried to make it work Exclusive mode, something happened, something not. TODO - deal with the incomprehensible behavior on some systems, interference is expected, especially after rewinding. I can not reproduce themselves. 2809 updated Ukrainian translation by Arestarh1986 2808 7Changes: corrected parser Youtube playlists, provided that the list is not open, and the link from the list. In this case, the parser did not work, and links to videos, we did not receive. 2807 Change: bespontovoe commits started rolling back "transfer." And for the future - do not touch the filters, far away, and stop doing garbage)) 2806 Change: improved performance with StreamBufferSource, now you can lock it, is not placed a high priority. As well - ordered correctly supported Subtype 2 for MpcAudioRenderer - it MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM / MEDIASUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, because only to him, he can connect. 2805 Change: updated the previous commit. 2804 Changes: PinInfo, add a description for WAVE_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS. 2803 Change: partial rollback of previous commit stupid green bodies have not been compiled.
2865 CreateEvent / CreateThread use null for invalid handles, not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. (Mpc-hc b9ffb8c997) 2864 AviSplitter: restored ability to turn off the option to use plohochereduyuschihsya files. 2863 Fixed compilation after 2861. 2862 Change: removed the warning; 2861 Changes: youtube added to an exception for the title character *; Change: change removed the superfluous include; 2860 Update: libpng 1.7.0 b15 git-1bc57477; Update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-2ccf58d6; 2859 DTSAC3Source: updated parsing WAV-files, improved search search audio frame. 2858 2Changes: FLVSplitter - Initialization / adding lanes, limited the number of iterations, got rid of the issues ranged to FLV without audio. Change: MpaSplitter - improved (changed) reading files from the URL. Change: DXVADecoder - redid the processing :: EndOfStream (). Got rid of the withdrawal of "unnecessary" frames. 2857 DTSAC3Source: WAV-modified parser extended search AC3 and DTS titles. 2856 Changes: OSD - at the start of added check for "audio only". This fixes a situation where at exhibiting the "full screen Direct3D" when playing music OSD is not displayed. 2855 MPCVideoDec: added support for the 4k Intel HD Graphics 4000 Mobile, P4000, and for some Haswell (not tested). Reduced the table for diviceID. 2854 Change: back back all the flags to build ffmpeg, with regards to memory operations. To function normally build - added "hack" for linking with gcc. 2853 Changes: MatroskaSplitter / MatroskaFile.cpp - fixed parsing MATROSKA_ID_SEEKHEAD (change the size of the test), as a consequence - Fix parsing MATROSKA_ID_CUES (indexes on all tracks). 2849 Change: returned back MpcAudioRenderer x64 + removed some more varningov; 2848 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-b6e65f3d; 2847 increase some setting items. 2845 Changes: Change the version 1.1.xx to 1.2.xx
2926 MpegSplitter: cosmetics. 2925 MpegSplitter: skipped cleaning m_AC3_frame. 2924 Completion 2922: optimization (not necessarily memorize the result of the functions Parse *** Header, when a second parameter. See audioframe_t.size). Removed useless cleaning audioframe_t structure in the constructor (for added cleaning method clear ()). 2923 Change: updated CMixer, sometimes libavresample exposes internal_sample_fmt not compatible with audio_mix, as a result - Error during initialization (calling avresample_open (..)). 2922 Changes: MPEGSplitter - remade AC3 parsing data, check the settings exactly as frame size can vary within a single audio - stream (which is so necessary to be able to enkodit). 2921 Changes: The option "Disable desktop composition (Aero)" only works on Windows Vista / Seven. 2920 Change: in addition to the previous commit. 2919 Changes: MpaDecFilter - fixed decoding of MPEG 1/2 Layer 1/2. 2918 MpaDecFilter: Fixed playback of MPEG 1/2 Layer 1 (podsmotreno in LAV Audio) 2917 MpaDecFilter: Fixed AC3 playback after stop (rollback 2890 and used auto filter for AC3 + EAC3 of MPC-HC). 2916 MpaDecFilter: reduce the number of transformations. Functions convert_to_ * now basically just copy the audio data. 2914 update: MediaInfo 0.7.63 + svn rev.5690. 2913 update: Little-CMS 2.5 rc1 git-e5ce1294. 2912 MpaDecFilter: sorting values in the enum MPCSampleFormat. 2911 MpaDecFilter: separate defayn for DTS-jitter 2910 Changes: PinInfo - external filters, we derive the name of the module only with his physical presence.
2909 DX7AllocatorPresenter-> CreateDevice: "Fixed" the problem through a dirty hack, with freezing video when it is unfolding on the VMR-7 RL on the second monitor, provided that the first resolution of the monitor is less than the second. Better put it on EnumDisplayModes, getting an honest manner the maximum resolution available (but in turn have enumirovat devices, creating each, which can affect the speed of initialization - it probably is not worth it, and so works). 2908 Changes: The "Run the file in full screen mode" only worked with avtopereklyuchalkoy frequencies and corrected. 2907 Changes: PinInfo - added output module name for external filters, but only if they zaregat in the system. 2906 Change: debugging, slightly adjusted output Debug ouput to a file now displays the time with milliseconds. 2903 Changes: BaseFilter - slightly adjusted the processing of "curves" PTS. Change: MpaDecFilter - processing jitter (A / V sync correction) only if the downstream filter is present in the video. That is, do not use when opening the audio-only files. Just did the maximum jitter = 100 ms, and for the DTS - 200. 2902 Change: made in dopolneniz / docs / Changelog.Rus.txt, for version 2899 update: MediaInfo 0.7.63 + svn rev.5688. 2898 update: Chinese (Simplified) translation (by insolo). 2896 CMixer: Amendment: functions av_free digests NULL pointer and av_freep - falls (perhaps a bug FFmpeg). 2895 CMixer: Removed unnecessary checks (function av_free and av_freep easily digest NULL) 2894 Changes: MpaDecFilter - corrected Bitstream DTSWAV. 2893 Change: fix CMixer, before using CalcOutSamples () to initialize - call Init (). Change: MpcAudioRenderer - Bitstream, added support for Mute (volume = 0). Now you can turn off the volume with Bitstream :) 2892 AudioTools-> Mixer: Added ability to specify the output type (except for planar).
1 Windows Media Player 12 2 Splash Lite 3 UMPlayer 4 Kantaris 5 Splayer 6 DAPlayer 7 GOM Player 8 VLC Media Player 9 Media Player Classic Home Cinema 10 AllPlayer 11 SMPlayer 12 AVS MediaPlayer 13 MPC-BE
3175 update: MediaInfo 0.7.64 + svn rev.5874. 3174 update: libwebp 0.3.1 git-69257f70. 3173 update: ffmpeg 2.0 git-9386f334. 3172 Change: Reading the structure HDMV (Blu-Ray) - missing data for the missing files. This will open the "trim / pieces" from Blu-Ray; 3171 Changes: OggSplitter - corrected packet processing with the changing TimeStamp, improved playback of recordings from livestream; Change: UDPReader - removed the extra code, just to give out the exit MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG2_TRANSPORT, so not too much was trying to cling to; 3170 Changes: MP4Splitter - removed the conclusion of "extra" in the subtitle format MEDIASUBTYPE_ASS2, leaving only outputs as MEDIASUBTYPE_UTF8, ie just text; 3169 Change: Replaced GetTickCount64 () -> GetTickCount (), as is not supported on WinXP; 3168 Changes: Improved menu integration subtitles with Haali Media Splitter; Change: zakidyvaniem subtitle player by a Dran'n'Drop now supports multiple files at once; Change: MainFrm.cpp - possibly got rid of the use of the class CPath and translated the API; / / may come out somewhere :) shoals. 3167 Changes: Included decoding for video MJ2C (family j2k video). 3166 update: ffmpeg 2.0 git-aa24729c. 3165 Changes: To download the subtitle is taken from the path of the currently playing file; 3164 Change: removed the extra checking and pereobozval variable :) 3163 Change Stats - added output processor load our application, use ready-made class from here http://www.philosophicalgeek.com/2009/01/03/determine-cpu-usage-of-current-process -c-and-c / and a little further developed; 3162 Change: rolled the 3160 audit and corrected the 3129 and 3137 audits, correcting fall; 3160 Fixed crash after switching to the next file if the previous missing. (Rollback 3129 and 3137, as the work is very unstable, presumably demolish the memory of the player.)