Proxomitron Part6

Naoko 4.1
* Fixed a potentially serious bug with the "Allow access to the following
IP address range" feature. Proxomitron wasn't correctly interpreting the
IP ranges which could allow connections it shouldn't! Fortunately this
is disabled by default, but if you use this feature please update ASAP!
Many thanks to Michael Beggs for spotting this bug and helping me
confirm the fix.
* $SET can now be used to clear a positional variable. For example,
to clear \0 you can use $SET(0=)
* Connect errors to localhost IP addresses are now never retried.
This should help if you also use a hostfile for ad blocking
(although using instead of is even better)
* Fixed bug where setting a variable to itself with $SET(1=\1) would
cause a lockup. Note it's still not allowed, but now it
fails gracefully.
* NOTE! Altered $URL() command to include protocol (i.e. http://)
Makes it possible to check for now, but you may have to adjust
existing filters!
* Fixed bug where nulls in a page's HTML could cause spurious output.
* Fixed bug that could cause a crash if a space appeared before a
https URL (https:// somehost/).
* Fixed bug that could cause Proxomitron to lockup while loading
config files with missing section headers.
* JUMP and RDIR commands now will correct URLs missing the trailing
slash on a hostname (like "").
* Fixed replacement stack bug where old data could show up in some
situations when an empty ending variable is pushed on the stack.
* Fixed bug in counter killer filter.
* Fixed bug where SSL Pass-Thru mode wasn't using the
selected proxy server.
* Fixed bug where mismatched brackets [...] could lock up the parser.