◆At the middle of April, 2007 A talent agency made an offer. She was supposed to have photos taken in Japan two months afterwards. She begged the people here and tried to collect donations.
■details of donation
A japanese talent agency invited me to Japan! ^__^ They are going to take photos of mine. I'm going to meet people of the showbiz world.^^ If my photos catch big attention, I think I can work in Japan!d(^__^)b I need to pay for the trip to Japan. I will be paid no less than minimum wage. So if you can donate, please help me. If you can't, please support me!(^_^) Thank you for reading. OTZ
As far as the offer was concerned, everyone thought it was good. Concerning donations, however, their opinions were split up.
Cons and pros about it.
●opinions from those who disagree with donation ・I can't believe she asked for donation in order to visit Japan. Japanese people would never thought of it. Work and earn money for the trip on your own. Begger. ・I felt bad hearing her ask us to donate. Donation is not prefered in Japan. I hope you to know you can't rule out the possibilities that those who ask for donation might be disliked. ・She was supposed to earn money for college. Why doesn't she have 100 thousand yen now? Go figure.. ・You guys may not notice this because magibon did it. but it's just begging. I think that's what an old kind of swindlers do. ・I wonder why she won't clearly tell us how much money she needs. She's thinking she'll get as much as she can? ・She might want to borrow money from her parents, relatives or best friends. ・I have no idea why she doesn't try to ask for donation on Youtube. She has 40 thousand viewers. Why only here? ・She doesn't try to elaborate. We don't know what talent agency invited her. She only answered to the question about the agency, "it's a good company. Please don't worry." ・She should've explained it more.
●opinions from those who don't take any side. ・I don't disagree with donation. But I'd like you to know you might be disliked by those who are against it. ・I think donation in itself is not a bad idea. Still she should describe more precisely the situation she's in. ・I support her, but I can't donate.
●opinions from those who agree with donation ・It depends on you if you donate or not. If you don't like it, then don't do it. ・She doesn't deserve to be bashed just because she tried to collect donation. It's ridiculous. That's where Japanese people are thought to be idiotic. ・She didn't step out of the line. Donation is not a bad thing to do in the world.
It is an electric vehicle made in Japan. This comes into the market within two another years and the world is overwhelmed.
The researcher at Kyoto University operates in the gene, They succeeds in various pluripotent stem cell "IPS cell" that gives the ability to become it in making from person's cell. Japanese technologies rules.
I'm so sick of you, Magi. The thought of you haunts me, and makes me weak. I can't take it any more. You should do something to releave me of this sickness. I can't live.
Magibon, I've been thinking of asking you, though maybe a little bit awkward to you, a question. Do you think it's still ok for KGKGKG posting anonymously to try to force us to do things? Personally I find it really disgusting that he tells us you're wise enough to use 2ch as if you tried to trick us.
If you don't answer this, I can't help but take it you approve of his deeds. I really want to know your take. I mean, if you like it this way, I'll be a bit more impatient.
◆At the middle of April, 2007 A talent agency made an offer. She was supposed to have photos taken in Japan two months afterwards. She begged the people here and tried to collect donations.
■details of donation
A japanese talent agency invited me to Japan! ^__^ They are going to take photos of mine. I'm going to meet people of the showbiz world.^^ If my photos catch big attention, I think I can work in Japan!d(^__^)b I need to pay for the trip to Japan. I will be paid no less than minimum wage. So if you can donate, please help me. If you can't, please support me!(^_^) Thank you for reading. OTZ
As far as the offer was concerned, everyone thought it was good. Concerning donations, however, their opinions were split up.
Cons and pros about it.
●opinions from those who disagree with donation ・I can't believe she asked for donation in order to visit Japan. Japanese people would never thought of it. Work and earn money for the trip on your own. Begger. ・I felt bad hearing her ask us to donate. Donation is not prefered in Japan. I hope you to know you can't rule out the possibilities that those who ask for donation might be disliked. ・She was supposed to earn money for college. Why doesn't she have 100 thousand yen now? Go figure.. ・You guys may not notice this because magibon did it. but it's just begging. I think that's what an old kind of swindlers do. ・I wonder why she won't clearly tell us how much money she needs. She's thinking she'll get as much as she can? ・She might want to borrow money from her parents, relatives or best friends. ・I have no idea why she doesn't try to ask for donation on Youtube. She has 40 thousand viewers. Why only here? ・She doesn't try to elaborate. We don't know what talent agency invited her. She only answered to the question about the agency, "it's a good company. Please don't worry." ・She should've explained it more.
●opinions from those who don't take any side. ・I don't disagree with donation. But I'd like you to know you might be disliked by those who are against it. ・I think donation in itself is not a bad idea. Still she should describe more precisely the situation she's in. ・I support her, but I can't donate.
●opinions from those who agree with donation ・It depends on you if you donate or not. If you don't like it, then don't do it. ・She doesn't deserve to be bashed just because she tried to collect donation. It's ridiculous. That's where Japanese people are thought to be idiotic. ・She didn't step out of the line. Donation is not a bad thing to do in the world.
252 Magibon ◆U2cdYrhXD6 sage 2006/08/21(月) 17:23:23 ID:???0 Oh, 満腔 and まんこ are very different! I am not hurt. Americans also laugh at the Japanese name "fukami."
She is not a little girl, she is a grown up girl. Asian girls dont age that quick. They can be over 21 and look like 12. Different diet and genes as well.
Everyone here says Hanna, who video-responded to Magi's videos, is amazingly cute. Her cheeks are slightly red and her eyes are impressive. I like it when she winked at the video. :D
Do you think you will make a response video to Hanna, Magibon? I hope you will talk her into visiting 2ch! Please, magibon!
It seems some people think Hanna made a hate video, but I don't think so. It's her humorous way of communicating with people. The second video proves it. If she's a hater, it's unnatural to post a cute video of herself like that. Hanna...She's my idol. lol
Those who can't take a joke suck! Hanna made the videos because she wanted to become friends with Magibon, who ignores most of the response videos. Hanna is vulnerable so all she could do was just post an eye-catching one to draw attention from Magi to herself. I understand pretty well.. Hanna, you're cute. I like you. So come talk with us, please!
Magibon, I don't like to tell lies, so I'll be honest with you. I didn't expect Hanna, who is a Japanese American, to be this cute. Her cuteness might beat yours. But don't worry. You are still sexier than Hanna. She's flat, but your ample cleavage is really appealing. You can mesmerize us. I'm looking forward to your sexy dancing videos.
People say your tits are really big. I think many males, from the bottom of their hearts, want to see them at a closer look, in full view. Do you think of trying it, Magibon? Win against Hanna! You can do it!
ちゃんねるにトリップなしで私が書き込むことはありません。偽 者の書き込みに注意してください。質問はメールか7ちゃんねるでどうぞトリップ:KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE No tripped No I do not write. False who writes please note. Questions can be e-mailed or 7 Channel Trip: KGKGKG ◆ S8KGB88cvE
She is the Queen of Japan's famous blog (gravure idol). She said. "2-chaners are lonely and they dont have friend. Them is not out there. Board rampaged not going to let me out of pity." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Kjn_mx_LU
◆At the middle of April, 2007 A talent agency made an offer. She was supposed to have photos taken in Japan two months afterwards. She begged the people here and tried to collect donations.
■details of donation
A japanese talent agency invited me to Japan! ^__^ They are going to take photos of mine. I'm going to meet people of the showbiz world.^^ If my photos catch big attention, I think I can work in Japan!d(^__^)b I need to pay for the trip to Japan. I will be paid no less than minimum wage. So if you can donate, please help me. If you can't, please support me!(^_^) Thank you for reading. OTZ
As far as the offer was concerned, everyone thought it was good. Concerning donations, however, their opinions were split up.
Cons and pros about it.
●opinions from those who disagree with donation ・I can't believe she asked for donation in order to visit Japan. Japanese people would never thought of it. Work and earn money for the trip on your own. Begger. ・I felt bad hearing her ask us to donate. Donation is not prefered in Japan. I hope you to know you can't rule out the possibilities that those who ask for donation might be disliked. ・She was supposed to earn money for college. Why doesn't she have 100 thousand yen now? Go figure.. ・You guys may not notice this because magibon did it. but it's just begging. I think that's what an old kind of swindlers do. ・I wonder why she won't clearly tell us how much money she needs. She's thinking she'll get as much as she can? ・She might want to borrow money from her parents, relatives or best friends. ・I have no idea why she doesn't try to ask for donation on Youtube. She has 40 thousand viewers. Why only here? ・She doesn't try to elaborate. We don't know what talent agency invited her. She only answered to the question about the agency, "it's a good company. Please don't worry." ・She should've explained it more.
●opinions from those who don't take any side. ・I don't disagree with donation. But I'd like you to know you might be disliked by those who are against it. ・I think donation in itself is not a bad idea. Still she should describe more precisely the situation she's in. ・I support her, but I can't donate.
●opinions from those who agree with donation ・It depends on you if you donate or not. If you don't like it, then don't do it. ・She doesn't deserve to be bashed just because she tried to collect donation. It's ridiculous. That's where Japanese people are thought to be idiotic. ・She didn't step out of the line. Donation is not a bad thing to do in the world.
She is the Queen of Japan's famous blog (gravure idol). She said. "2-chaners are lonely and they dont have friend. Them is not out there. Board rampaged not going to let me out of pity." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Kjn_mx_LU
Someone said Magi was cute, but honestly, I don't buy that. She is more sexy than cute. She knows it. In fact, we've been enjoying her lusty vlogs. Go Go Magi! I'm waiting for your next video!
>>711 Is that for real? I thought all of the posters over there did post useless comments - more precisely, always the same like kawaii, cute, kawaii, cute. Anyone in their right minds would feel sick when they read them, eh?
I don't think it's a good idea for a large number of people to go post on Magi's page. Why? Because there'll be full of hate comments. I prefer her page not to go down. Get my point?
A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. "Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!" A smart ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence was restored, the teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shaking her head and sweetly said "Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand."
>>770 Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning——
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
I thought someone said we should get a youtube account and advertise this thread. I'll take the next step and help MRirian become more popular and famous.
>>774 What are you saying? I have no interest in what Japanese people do..? The thing is, I want to help MRirian known to English communities and this is the place where we can chat with her, right?
Me? Where I'm concerned, no, I haven't posted on Youtube, but someone in this thread tried his best to encourage us into action. Now I feel I should do something.
Get an account, rate, and comments! Plus tell youtubers there's a place they can have fun chatting with MRirian!
>>783 I see your point. Japanese people don't like to upload videos of themselves. But did you forget? MRirian is an American girl who I think wants to be known all over the world. And I don't think it's fair only Japanese people have a place to communicate with her. There are many people supporting MRirian on Youtube as well.
ENGLISH PEOPLE ! I UNDERSTAND VERY WELL! There is a site of the blog also in Japan. Dream of Yahoo Brogumagi road http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/magichan2007
今上の英語の書き込みみたけど、もうちょっと友好的に優しく話せんのかね。 なんでそんなケンカ腰なの? ちなみにALMOSTって単語を使ってる人いたけどMOSTにしないと意味逆になるよ。 most Japanese watch 〜 は見た事になるけど almost Japanese watch 〜 は見てない事になるからね
whoot. maggs, whats going on with you lately? you never say anything on your videos I get a vid in my subscribe list and its just you staring your pretty little face in the cam.
Teens take bullying to the Internet, study finds WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hateful text messages, abusive e-mails and cyber-gossip are giving bullies new power over their victims -- even in the supposed safety of their own homes, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.
>I became interested in Japanese a long time ago, but I only became serious about it recently. > I am learning slowly. > I get frustrated when I don't make sense, but I'm really happy when I get it right! ^_^
◆At the middle of April, 2007 A talent agency made an offer. She was supposed to have photos taken in Japan two months afterwards. She begged the people here and tried to collect donations.
■details of donation
A japanese talent agency invited me to Japan! ^__^ They are going to take photos of mine. I'm going to meet people of the showbiz world.^^ If my photos catch big attention, I think I can work in Japan!d(^__^)b I need to pay for the trip to Japan. I will be paid no less than minimum wage. So if you can donate, please help me. If you can't, please support me!(^_^) Thank you for reading. OTZ
As far as the offer was concerned, everyone thought it was good. Concerning donations, however, their opinions were split up.
Cons and pros about it.
●opinions from those who disagree with donation ・I can't believe she asked for donation in order to visit Japan. Japanese people would never thought of it. Work and earn money for the trip on your own. Begger. ・I felt bad hearing her ask us to donate. Donation is not prefered in Japan. I hope you to know you can't rule out the possibilities that those who ask for donation might be disliked. ・She was supposed to earn money for college. Why doesn't she have 100 thousand yen now? Go figure.. ・You guys may not notice this because magibon did it. but it's just begging. I think that's what an old kind of swindlers do. ・I wonder why she won't clearly tell us how much money she needs. She's thinking she'll get as much as she can? ・She might want to borrow money from her parents, relatives or best friends. ・I have no idea why she doesn't try to ask for donation on Youtube. She has 40 thousand viewers. Why only here? ・She doesn't try to elaborate. We don't know what talent agency invited her. She only answered to the question about the agency, "it's a good company. Please don't worry." ・She should've explained it more.
●opinions from those who don't take any side. ・I don't disagree with donation. But I'd like you to know you might be disliked by those who are against it. ・I think donation in itself is not a bad idea. Still she should describe more precisely the situation she's in. ・I support her, but I can't donate.
●opinions from those who agree with donation ・It depends on you if you donate or not. If you don't like it, then don't do it. ・She doesn't deserve to be bashed just because she tried to collect donation. It's ridiculous. That's where Japanese people are thought to be idiotic. ・She didn't step out of the line. Donation is not a bad thing to do in the world.
She is the BLOG Queen of Japan(gravure idol). She said. "2-chaners are lonely and they dont have friend. Them is not out there. Board rampaged not going to let me out of pity." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Kjn_mx_LU