>>16 Yes,real. The soy sauce is sprinkled on caramel custardthe pudding,it becomes the taste of the sea chestnut of the sushi. This is a famous way to eat the joke among some Japanese. It laughs really because it is a taste of the sea chestnut. Please make the video that challenges if it is good.
Hmm, I've never heard that. I've never had sea chestnut though so I don't know how that tastes. >>19 I've never had sushi. There is no place to get sushi around here, and if there were, I don't think it would be very fresh. I'd like to try to make sushi, though, and have my family taste it.
I am kind of newbie here. I have known you for a month or so since I saw you at English board. Did you start putting movies on youtube with Japanese audience in mind or is it just that Japanese from 2ch happened to see you there and gradually draw attentions from Japan?
>>29 Halloween? That was good. My little sister had a very cute costume, and I took her trick-or-treating. I'm glad you found this thread. When I first put videos on YouTube, I didn't have anything in mind. Then, one of the videos got posted on 2ch and I was really happy that the people here liked my videos. Because I am very interested in Japan, I took the opportunity to chat with the people here, and have really learned a lot. I consider it an honor to have this thread, and am thankful to everyone here. : ) >>30 They're selling Japanese music in Sweden now? This is so cool. I think it's only a matter of time before Japanese music takes over radios all over the world. I will be a little sad though when it's not "my thing" anymore, and it seems like I'm just following the crowd, mmm.
It is put on the market on the tip of Sweden. After that, it is put on the market in Japan.
However, the music of Japan is illegal downloaded to an overseas fan. Sweden that liked (visual key)(jrock) with youtube, France, and Germany are the same.
>>31 Oh no. I meant to ask you how your Thanksgiving was. ^^; Anyway it is good to hear you enjoyed Halloween with your sister. It was easy to find this thread. It is just that I followed the link you put on one of the threads in English board. ^_~
So you happens to be interested in Japan and someone from 2ch found your videos on youtube and introduced your video clip here. What a coincidense. What a Internet!
Magibon, has anyone ever told you that you look like her? I'm in my thirties and watched her movie in a movie theater when I was a junior high school student. I wonder if you know of her in the first place.
Have you heard of the incident where L'arc~en~Ciel gave a concert in the USA, and asked the audience if they like crab? It sounded kind of like he said "crap." Everyone was thinking "Is this guy asking if we like to eat crap?"
>>33 Thanksgiving was great! The food was terrific, and my family didn't fight! I was happy. ^__^ Yes, it is a very lucky coincidence that someone from here saw my video and shared it. I was surprised. I am even more surprised that people here are interested in talking to me! Shock!
>>34 Some people told me that before. I never knew who she was. Because she is too pretty, I don't think I look much like her, but I can see it in some spots. Thank you. ^_^
It limits it to the virgin if it rapes and it does. Sappari of the life doesn't bud more than the virtue because it worries when non-virgin rapes and does. The sense of crisis of the virtue buds the respect virgin anyway and Maji buds exposed. The trauma is given to the virgin for the rape. This is a certain meaning art. When the virgin is raped and done「..reeling.. ?. get itIt does. 」Is said. "" is hit until saying. It keeps hitting it. It inserts after it says and it makes it to the fornication mentally. The boyfriend can ..woman.. do before long and the child recalls the virgin loss by the rape in daily life when it is possible to do at each meal because he or she starts a home. It is correct and an art. I will make the song heard after it inserts it. The rape of the singing of the song of the Christmas song and the birthday is already highest. The thing that raped and was done like the virgin at the season every year is recalled. The pain in ..shine.. Yaburi is Ticri the whole town is neon as for the mind. This is an art. Whispering is a point improving many times ..doing compulsion Fera.. , saying that "It loves, and it is favorite". If this is said to the rhythm of something, the virgin loss and compulsion Fera are surely recalled straight love (?) with the cake eater. This is an art in the art. Of course, finish is an inside putting out. Being possible to come is the strongest. When dying「The child delivery and it comes about us. It values it for a long time our child. Let's decide the name. 」It solves and it repeats many times. Putting out & pregnancy is recalled while it is violent virgin loss & with the leakage when the these kind of things remark cracks to the husband after it marries. It is already an art academy. And, the woman who raped and was done buds to a man the thing and it buds in notification. The boyfriend who hears the story is sure to shake his Plpl fist by getting angry and mortifying. Art of supremacy exactly. The appearance to request understanding from such a boyfriend hard is good again. This is already a top of all honors as a man. The appearance of two people said as getting over with posture in which it is said as the maintenance of me to the boyfriend by notification thing to have lost the virgin because of the rape is like the small bird that was not able to fly by damaging. The sanctuary of the fine arts is this exactly.
>>58 Good evening! ^__^ >>59 Hey, thanks a lot. ^_~ >>60 Nope. I never bothered to get one, because I live in a small, old-fashioned town, and everything was always in walking distance. But, business have been coming in, and we are modernizing, and I think I may want to get a license soon.
I just made a Nothingness video, but I can't decide if I like it enough to upload it. I made myself look very plain and casual in it, and I am a little embarassed because I have looked better in other videos.
>>66 Thank you vor the encouragement. I think I'll post it, when the YouTube clock changes to Nov. 26 soon. If the reaction is bad, I'll just remove the video. Thanks! ( 笑 )
>>68 Really? Yes, it must be the translator. Someone here told me that ~bon on Magibon is usually used for boys, and makes me a tomboy, so I guess it's OK that my Japanese comes out boyish.
>>69 I think it is PST. YouTube should really put a clock on the home page. For now, I click on "Add Comment" on my channel, and it tells me what the date is.
>>70 Actually it's not even boyish. It's like military or an official letter from the government. We all know you are learning the language so please never mind =) Our English aren't that good either.
It only tells the date for me.. Thanks anyway. I will sit here and wait!
>>71 Military, eh? What makes it sound that way? I'd like to know what things to fix. It only shows the date for me, too. But, since it's 2:21 AM here, when it changes to Nov. 26 on YouTube, I'll know what the time difference is. I'm sitting and waiting, too. XD
When you close an assertive sentence with である, it sounds rather official than polite. But really we don't care. Please don't hesitate to write in Japanese.
I'm so glad that I'm the first few that watched your latest video. I really like the clips where you wear a green shirt with your hair up. You are absolutely cute! Removing such a great video would be a sin against the Internet. So please don't XD
>>96 Windows100% is a computer Magazine. They have an article that features a foreign internet user (mostly girls) who seem to be interested in Japan every month.
Magibon reconsidered what this thread really is. Finally she has realized that there are only nasty people here. She has made up her mind not to come here again...
I have just watched your movie. You are cute as usual as everyone here comments. What attracts me most is your cute round eyes. In Japanese, マギボンの目は、クリクリっとしててかわいい。クリクリ is onomatopoeia and indicates one's eyes are round and adorable. Asian people tend to have slanted eyes so many people adore クリクリっとした目.
Do you get accustomed to edit movie, Magibon? What software do you use, the one that comes with Windows or another software? I haven't editted any movie file and am just curious.
You were eating something like chiken in the video. Was it turkey, leftover of Thanksgiving?
>>97 I have never heard of it. Is it popular in Japan? Sounds interesting... ^_^
>>109 It's called "Wanna Be Your Girlfriend," from when Hinoi Asuka was very young. You know, it was produced by Tommy!
>>118 Ah, thanks for the interesting tidbit. I really learn some cool things here. I am the only person who works on the videos. ^_^ I edit them with Windows Movie Maker. At first, I could only do a couple things, but I've learned a lot of tricks! Please play around with it. ( 笑 ) I was eating leftover turkey! I was wondering if someone would cath that! ^_^
>>129 Cosplay is very expensive, isn't it? I would like to try it someday, for a video, but I probably can't soon. I really want a Japanese sailor school uniform!
>>131 Hahahaha. That was sooo stupid, but so funny! ^__^
Ive just watched Magibon's latest video. It was too cute to watch. Is your fox-like finger movement from Nobuta wo Produce, isn't it? Did you like it? I mean I am wondering that some stories of Nobuta would be hard for you to understand because what the Americans perceive interesting or funny is a little bit different from what we do. I like magibon.
>>138 Yes! It's from Nobuta. You are correct that most Americans don't have Japanese tastes, but for some reason, I seem to think a lot like the Japanese... That's mostly why I am so drawn to Japan. ^_~
I loved Nobuta wo Produce. Lately, I've been watching Kurosagi. Have you seen it? The two stars are Yamashita Tomohisa and Horikita Maki, the same people from Nobuta. I wonder if they have a romance in real life...
>>139 I haven't watched Kurosagi yet, but it looks interesting too(*´д`*) I don't think they have a romance in real life, but I heard that a paparazzi took a photgraph that Yamashita was dating a girl. The girl seemed to be a just friend though.
>>142 I'm actually surprised that so many people believe the paparazzi in Japan. Here, they are just seen as greedy liars. I'm sure that Yamashita has dated many girls, as well as all of the Johnny's and H!P girls. They are all rich and beautiful, so they must, right? In Japan, a celebritie's popularity goes down when he/she dates, but here popularity goes up. In fact, managers and agents schedule dates between their stars, and sometimes even plan scandals like arrests and fights.
You should watch Kurosagi, because it is definitely interesting. And, a few nights ago, I was watching an episode, and Komatsu Ayaka appeared briefly! I was all excited, haha. She's so great.
>>144 I was thinking about Friday magazine. The celebrities have their careers ceased because of a simple picture, right? Did I misunderstand it? >>145 私はあなたがそのビデオが好きですことがうれしいです!ありがとう!
Thanks for the help everyone. >>159 I am learning from watching Japanese TV. The problem is, I don't learn much writing from that. I can recognise some kanji, but I can't draw them from memory. I even forget some Hiragana. Katakana seem to all look alike, and they aren't used enough for to get used to them quickly like hiragana. But, everytime I try to write in Japanese here, and when I translate other people's Japanese, even when I use a translator, I learn a little bit. Also, I have started following along with the kanji lyrics when I listen to Japanese songs. I have tried learning from books, but I find that this works better! Books are good for some things, but this way I learn how Japanese is spoken naturally, by normal people, and I really learn pronunciation and pacing. I think I am already good at those.
>>160 Sorry, I meant that by learning Japanese from dorama, I learn pronunciation and pacing, and how "normal" people speak, compared to people who write lesson books.
>>179 Hi whats up! Numbers of view seem like not accurate. I wonder viewers must login to get view counts? I dont have an account, and a lot of people here donot have them.
>>180 All the other videos have high view coutns though... : ( Sometimes the counter gets stuck, but it still goes up little by little. If they changed it so that you have to login to make view counts, that's so silly.
>>179 It's not only yours. I noticed the view counts dropped significantly on all videos recently posted. Some of the famous users are accused for cheating on their view counts these days. They must have changed something, like multiple views from the same IP doesn't count, etc.
Please don't take it that people are not interested in watching your videos anymore. Because we are1
>>184 Thank you. I am relieved to hear that, but it really makes me angry! Now I can't judge how well my video is doing, and when people see it with the older videos, they will think it's not worth watching. Stupid YouTube...
>>186 >>192 I'm not upset. I just get a little bit frustrated with YouTube because they do these things without explaining. >>190 I am usually just called Magi at home. But, we spell it "M-A-G-G-I-E." >>193 I'm glad you liked it. ^_^ It is actually warmer here than usual for Autumn, but still chilly. It has been in the 40's (Farenheit). I hope it snows in time for Christmas!
>>194 >>199 What, exactly, is a net idol? >>195 >>196 >>203 I sleep about 8 hours, but sometimes I sleep for less, and take a nap later. Both sentences sound good. They are both natural, and >>195 is a little more slangy while >>196 is a little more proper. But, there is not much difference.
I think Magibon can be categoriezed as a Net-Idol. Idols are singers or actors or TV personalities with no talent who are popular only because they are young and good-looking. Net-Idols are those who wanna be like real Idols but are not able to be ones, so, in deperation, seek attention on the internet and are stupidly feeling like real ones. Am I right?
Its not Aibon but Tsuji;, who used to be her sidekick, who is alcholic. Aibon was addicted to nicotine and got fired for that, and is no longer an idol.
Your image was processed. The black male made its sperm an image that was to your face. I will process the video of your youtube.
I am a personal computer mania though I am 14 years old. Because you are my guinea pig, your video will be processed to me, and be up-loaded to youtube.
>>240 I wonder why you put 、between んandに. Maybe it's just typo but FYI こんにちは is right. ^_^
I know what you are trying to say butあなたは、もうクリスマスツリーを 持っていますか? isn' t right.
You must be trying to say あなたは、もうクリスマスツリーを出しましたか?
Well, I live alone so I don't have Christmas tree at my place. I think it's too early to decorate Christmas tree at home in houses in Japan while I know Americans are thinking about Christmas right after Thanksgiving.
I would place Christmas tree about a week before Christmas if I had one.
>>242 Yes, that was a typo. I meant to put it between ん and こ. Because I have to copy and paste everything, I just stuck it in the wrong place. Would it be right to but a comma after さん? When I did that other sentence. It really didn't seem right, but it was the best I could do. Thank you for the help!
December is coming. I need to study for my finals. orz I'm actually surprised that you said a celebrite's popularity goes up when he/she dates in US(143). Here stars are often pressured by managers or agents not to date. I assume Yamashita has hard time dating someone. Those who had an affair often fade away from TV like Akanishi Jin. Let alone Aibon. The Johnny's got power.
>>243 >Would it be right to but a comma after さん? Yup. That's natural. (but--->put hehe, typo again.)
I remembered a very important difference. In US, you go out and find a suitable tree for Christmas tree, right? In Japan that's not the case. Generally, Each family don't use a real tree as a Chrstmas tree. We buy a plastic (I am not sure if it's plastic or other material though) Christmas tree at a store and use it every year. They sell one with ornaments for it included.
So we keep Christmas tree in a closet or somewhere until Chrstmas season comes. When Chrstmas season comes, we get it out of a closet. That's why we say, クリスマスツリーを、「出す」
If you find a real tree every year and don't store it for next Chrstmas, you don't say, クリスマスツリーを、「出す」
Tough to explain what I mean but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
>>244 I think that there are more otaku in Japan than in the US. Japanese fans dream about dating the celebrities, while Americans mostly admire the work and social lives of celebrities. Please study hard, and do well! Let us know how you do on your exams. ^_^ >>245 I don't know. If I ever have children, I want to give them a happy Christmas season every year. My parents always put the tree up about a week before Christmas, and sometimes they put lights on the house around the same time. They always put presents under the tree. But, we didn't usually celebrate the "Christmas spirit" in the weeks before Christmas, like most American families. >>246 ジャマイカ? >>247 Here, some families get real trees, and some buy fake ones. They've recently begun seeling ones with decorations already on them, or just lights, but those aren't very popular. Because, it is an important tradition here to decorate your tree with ornaments you have collected over the years, and that your children made. We often give ornaments as gifts around Christmas, with a date printed or etched on it. A real tree makes your house smell wonderful, but if it gets dried out, it can catch on fire. We used to use real trees, but lately it's been fake ones. I understand what you are saying. In English, it would be like "Get the tree out." Or like my family, because we keep our fake tree in the basement, we say "Bring the tree up." >>250 I use a couple different websites. http://honyaku.yahoo.co.jp http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/wwwjdic.html The first is a translator, and the second is a dictionary. First, I type into the translator, and then I try to fix mistakes I see, and use phrases I already know of. I don't use any software on this computer. On my laptop, I can type in Japanese. Right now, though, I have to enter everything into those websites and copy/paste to here. >>230>>232 Thank you very much for warning people.
I think many Japanese don't bother to prepare trees. In the end, we are not christians in general and it's not a national holiday like in the U.S.. The truth of the matter is, Christmas day is mostly for men and women to fuck, like Valentine's day or Halloween in Japan. So it gets really really hard to reserve a room in pricy hotels on those days. I heard some make hotel reservations 6 months before Christmas day or something, making sure they get the room they want. People go all the way to prepare for the one precious fuck you get on the holy day
>>253 I don't get it... >>254 Christmas isn't just for Christians, though. To most families, it is more about Santa than Jesus. Here, Christmas is supposed to be a time for families to have traditions. I have heard from many people that it is a romantic holiday in Japan, which confuses me. How is a big fat bearded old man in a red suit romantic?
Yeah. >>254 is right. In Japan Christmas is kind of like for young couples (unmarried), while Christmas in US is a family event, for family gathering.
The night of Christmas Eve, 24th means more than Christmas day, 25th for those couples. If you don't have boyfriend or girl friend, Christmas Eve is the day when you feel miserable most of all days in a year.
By the way, Christmas is not a holiday here as >>254 says. If it happens to fall on Friday or Saturday, which means the next day you don't have to work or go to school, couples stay overnight at hotel and make love to thier heats' content.
So, Christmas, Valentines, and Halloween are all romantic holidays for you guys? We only have Valentines for that purpose, and New Years to a certain extent. On New Years, you have to have a date to a New Years party and kiss at midnight. The whole thing baffles me. >>258 The translator translated it as "Jamaica." I was lost... hahaha ^_^'
Maybe because Christmas day in Japan is just one of those marketing ploys they use. Just like the chocolate industory in Japan succesfully introduced Valentine's day as the day of chocolate. The Hotel industory or the restrant industory maybe promoted Christmas eve as a night for lovers saying"Spend precious time together on this holy night" or something like that. And people got sucked into the ploy ever since.
In Japan, Christmas and Valentines are romantic holidays, but I don't think Halloween is. Recently, some people enjoy Halloween party and trick-or treating, but its not so popular.
Valentine day is a big event especially for school kids. Its chance for girls to declare their love to boys.
That's right. Halloween is not big in Japan. Most people don't know when it is. Some people only know it as a day of pumpkins. But I'm sure there is a move by some industories to make it a big day, to somehow sell their products. Maybe the pumpkin industory lol
Well I don't think Halloween is romantic. That's where I don't agree with >>254. Christmas and Valentine's Day sure are considered to be romantic.
New Year's holidays are for family gatherings here. We pay a visit to a shrine during New Year's holiday and if you have boyfriend or girlfriend, it's very common that you went to shrine with him/her. Again you feel miserable if you don't have bf/gf on the occasion.
I think Magibon is cute enough to have boys to ask her out for a date.
Holidays are marketing plys here, too, but not if you don't let it be that way for you. This isn't the first time I've heard of girls declaring their love for boys in Japan on Valentine's Day. And, the girls give the chocolate, right? Here, men always give chocolate, and often roses on Valentine's Day. In elementary school, the kids give little cards to each other, but each child has to bring a card for every kid in the class. Many years ago boys and girls would say "Will you be my Valentine?" to declare love, but that doesn't happen anymore.
For us, on New Years Eve there are parties where everyone gathers around the TV to watch the Ball drop in New York City at midnight. People wear silly hats, and kiss at exactly midnight. That's all New years is for us. There are no festivals, or religious events, and nothing happens on New Years day. Except, there is no work or school, and businesses are closed. On Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve, single people are miserable here.
>>274magibon Please appeal. I want to learn the address recorded in your petition. My father is rich. Therefore, I migrate to the detached residence in the United States. Please come to Hawaii. You are my masturbation.
You seem to be going to lose the virgin before I receive the birthday of 15 years old. The world is money. The child who was born in richness is permitted no matter what it does.
This article has it that when you receive email full of "!"s and "?"s from a girl, she might be coming on to you. The number of these characters indicates the sense of affinity toward you. It says the original source is from a US magazine but it doesn't have the link there. What do you think? I would like to hear your opinion.
>>320 Thanks for the info. ^_^ >>327 Hmm, I've never really thought about it. That might actually be true, but it doesn't mean that a few ? and ! are a sign of love.
>>328 The article also says if you are a girl and you think your boyfriend uses those exclamation marks too much in his email, it could be a sign of some other girl's influence on him. But I'm sure >>331 is very happy with his girlfriend.
>>343 I'll consider talking soon. I am actually quite shy and freeze up a little bit when I try to talk. >>344 ^_~ >>345 And, now Sunday's almost over. I hope your Monday is going well. Thanks for the nice words! ^_^
>>346 Everybody does that in front of a camera. You were nice enough to post a voice message for us. We all know that you have very cute voice. It would be very nice if you could talk to us in your video, but in no hurry (^^
>>347 Thank you for the reassurances. I might talk more, but I don't know when. Even when I practice, it turns out, how you say... "dame deshita." ^_^' >>348 I don't think you want to see me dance. Trust me. www Maybe I'll learn someday. ^_^
Ah, it's in the middle of the night for all of you. I sincerely hope you are all sleeping well and having sweet dreams. Have a great day at work, or a great day off!
>>349 You said you are shy. I think if a man is too shy in US, it is hard for him to survive over there. You know, I heard there are lots of opportunities to have to ask a girl out or to go to a party and all.
I think I am lucky to live in Japan. If I lived in US, I would be considered wierd man not being able to ask a girl out or have a ball at parties.
There is not such a thing as dance parties hosted by school in Japan. I heard there are three or four parties a year at school in US. I would have ended up joining at prom without a partner at senior year.
What happens to a boy who is shy enough not find a partner for prom? Is it OK to participate in prom without a partner?
>>352 In junior high, there are many casual dances/parties. In high school there are three or four, and you usually have to dress up. Of course, younger kids usually go with a group of friends. High schoolers try to get dates, even if it's only a date for one night. But, many still go "solo" or "stag," and just hang out with friends the whole time. It's not even uncommon to go to the Prom with your friends and no date.
In case you were wondering, I never went to anything like that. It think I'm really akward at social events. : (
>>357 Thank you for the input. So you don't necessarily have to find a date for those events. That's a kind of relief but still I am absolutely not a party person. I hope you don't feel suffocated over there.
I read somewhere that one of the the cofounders of Apple computer is extremely shy. He is not Steve Jobs but Steve something. He shys away from media spotlights different from Steve Jobs but he wrote a book about himself and Apple inc.
That's good to know that shy people like him can be famous in US.
>>358 That cartoon is nuts. >>359 No, I don't >>360 I just find interesting things to do at home, like making videos. ^_^ I have read that many celebrities are actually shy. I've even heard that some Japanese celebrities are shy, so you aren't alone. ^_~
Hello everyone. It's so dull lately. I can't think of anything to talk about. I'm sorry I've been so boring! I've been a little busy these past couple days. I hope everything is well with you guys. ^_~
>>394 Magibon, never mind. I am on your side. I am actually impressed that your Japanese is quite good. I wouldn't do well in English as you do in Japanese. Me just figured out that all my finals are cumulative. My teachers are mean. Now I got tons of pages to read. Anyway, you have a nice Christmas.^^
Wow, thanks for the links everyone. I'll be entertained for a good while. ^__^
Komatsu's blog had a picture of her by a snowman. Has it been snowing much in Japan? It hasn't snowed at all here yet. I am surprised because my area usually gets a lot of snow. Global warming? :P
>>416 It snows a lot in some places, especially in areas along the Sea of Japan. Japanese archipelago is very long in north and south. Its climate varies from subarctic to tropical.
By the way, do you know where the Japan is located in the world map? Because people don't seem to know much about where the foreign countries are. http://www.chakuriki.net/world20050613.html
>>421 Of course I know. ^_^ It seems that Japanese maps are switched from American ones. The continents are on opposite sides, huh? I've heard that on Chinese maps, China is in the middle. Maps are really funny when you think about it. http://mailman.geo.uu.nl/pipermail/maphist/2003-March/001854.html
>>422 Right, we call the US continent Far East and the Europe Far West.
..Just kidding. I also heard the maps in Australia are upside down. After all, we are all self-oriented. People tend to think they are the center of the world.
>>425 Hmm, 2ch talk in a video might be a good idea! >>426 Haha. I think I said "Ow" the last time I got badly shocked. I say "God damn it!!" when I spill something all over.
>>427 That's interesting. I didn't even notice that you had a world map in your room though I watched that video many times.
As for the 2ch talk video, I don't think its a good idea because it will draw too much attentions from all over the 2channel. It usually ends up flame war. =(
The asker below are disappointed that there are no books on casual Japanese words. But the only Japanese word he said, the last one is ... おながいします, it's just 2ch slang!!
>>449 Good morning. ^_~ >>450 Yes, it seems like the only books I see are either veru polite Japanese, or insults and sex talk. But, isn't that OK? Because, when you first get to Japan, you shouldn't speak too casually, right? Then, when you get familiar with people and they are casual around you, you will learn the casual talk from them. I wouldn't want to make the mistake of being familiar with people too early.
I learn the slang here and there... ^_~ >>463 Rather play games than have a girlfriend? There's nothing wrong with that, and more power to you for knowing what you want! I hope you find a girl someday who loves to do two-player. (^_^)b
>>466 POSTING AND YOU? If you want such a direct answer, why not send me a message on YouTube??
Good evening Magibon I have a favorite girl now. She is striking the register in the shop. And, I want to make friends with her. Should I talk to little by little? Should I speak that it wants to make friends at once? As which is good if it is Magi do you think?
>>468 I don't think you should ask her out all at once. It's not nice to put her on the spot like that, especially at work. Besides, I worked at stores before, and I never said yes to anyone who asked me out. Just be nice to her, and see if she asks you someday, or tries to get you to ask her. Good luck!
>>476 If she seems to really be hinting at it by saying things like "I want to go to this place, but I don't want to go by myself," or "I bet you'd really like my cookies." Obvious stuff like that.
Ok, I have to go for awhile. I'll talk to you guys later. Don't mind the 冬厨. ^_^
I don't think Japanese part-timer girls will display their feelings toward a customer in such obvious ways even when they have somebody in mind. They don't even chat with their customers like some American shop clerks do.
2ch slangs are not used in real life. So if you use 冬厨 or Warota or something like that in talking with your friends,people around you will keep away from you soon.
ξノノλミ ⊂ξ`∀´>つ-、 If it is me, the offer is sent directly to EU club. /// /_/:::::/ Why does not you send it? |:::|/⊂ヽノ|:::| /」 / ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄ ̄/| /______/ | | | |-----------
I think everybody misunderstood >>496 It's a confusing sentence for us. They might have thought that you were leaving but would be back in a while.
Britney Spears is a popular singer here, but probably not as popular as she is in the US. Her recent pics are floating around 2 channel, because you know..
>>506 Oh, you're right. The difference between "for awhile" and "in awhile" is really big for such a little word.
Yes, that's why she's in the news so much lately. She filed for divorce and then did all sorts of crazy things to get attention for herself. This is how she will sell many CDs when her new album is released.
>>505 And Arnold Schwarzenegger is called Shuwa-chan It's funny because -chan is usually only used for someone/something kawaii, like young girls, kids, or puppies.
>>507 If she were a Japanese celeb, that would have been her end. She is an entertainer. I think it doesn't really matter how she entertains us all. But that is maybe because I am a man. Some of her songs are very good. I have some in my iPod too.
r'゙⌒\ <PCは神 (゚ω゚= i i. U | r'゙⌒\ r'゙⌒\ l、/ ) (ω゚= l <PCは神 PCは神>(ω゚= i (、 <ヽ l U .l | U l ,,,..,,,,_∪U ヽ ) /⌒ヽ ヽ/ / ,' 3 `ヽーっ ( /⌒ヽ i =゚ω゚)l<PCは神 ⊃ ⌒_つ . (= i <PCは神 U U /⌒ヽ`'ー---‐'''''/⌒ヽ.l lj l Y j / =゚ω ). <PCは神=゚ω.)l <PCは神 ヽ 'l 〉 l U l / =゚ω゚) l U l 〈 / ノ U '、j ( ソ | U / <PCは神 ∪ ノ、 } ( ヽノ ノ 〉 ノ し U ノ>ノ し U しU
>>471 Thank you Magi. Your advice became reference very much. I hold out little by little to make friends with her. I also pray that happiness visits you.
Magibon must pass exam to join our 2ch member. Use this trip #h,17?`?U to do 自演. And you have permission to become our true buddy, and make friendship.
1. My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. 私の一生は10〜15年くらいしかありません。 Any separation from you will painful for me. ほんのわずかな時間でもあなたと離れていることは辛いのです。 Remember that before you buy me. 私のことを飼う前にどうかそのことを考えてください。
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. 私が「あなたが私に望んでいること」を理解できるようになるまで時間が必要です。
3. Place your trust in me - it's crucial to my Well-being. 私を信頼して下さい……それだけで私は幸せです。
4. Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. 私を長時間叱ったり、罰として閉じ込めたりしないで下さい。 You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. あなたには仕事や楽しみがありますし、友達だっているでしょう。 I have only you. でも……私にはあなただけしかいないのです。
5. Talk to me sometimes. 時には私に話しかけて下さい。 Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me. たとえあなたの言葉そのものはわからなくても、私に話しかけているあなたの声 で理解しています。
I think I had only seen one of the videos. I didn't know they were all on YouTube! The last time I searched for originals was a long time ago, and they weren't there yet. So, thanks a lot! ^__^
"As in many other countries, Japanese television is arguably the most important media type. A survey completed in 2000 by NHK, Japan's public broadcasting network, showed that 95 percent of Japanese people watch television every day. 86 percent said they consider television an indispensable medium, and 68 percent said the same of newspapers. There are other forms of media that can be used to promote products and services, such as the Internet. However, a television executive at Nippon Television (NTV) believes that although the Internet is popular among drama fans, 'We don't regard broadband as mainstream media. It will never happen. Broadband is a complementary medium.'"
Dorama is Japanese made English? I didnot know that. Japanese are farmer oriented character, so they donot eagerly get game, information, award, exciting, challenging stuff. they do love to accept anything someone prepared, assoorted, introduced, digested.
>>631 The Internet is very convenient as communications of interactive. I think that the ratio of the Internet grows. However, each feature is different. I think the newspaper and the television are important media.
May I ask you some questions? sorry if you've mentioned before.
1. Do you have any sisters and brothers? 2. What's your favorite subject? 3. What languages have you learned? 4. Who's your favorite Hollywood stars? 5. What food do you like?
>>645 1. I have three sisters. 2. Linguistics 3. A little Japanese, and some French. Do I know much Latin, I wonder? 4. I mostly watch Japanese entertainment these days. But for Western stars, I like the actresses Jodie Foster and Salma Hayek, and of course I like the actor Johnny Depp! 5. I love pasta, chicken, and pizza. I never had Asian food as a child, but my family recently started making it, and I'm really getting into it.
>>650 Thank you for your answering my questions. Can I also ask you how old your sisters are?
You like Japanese programs! Who's your favorite Japanese? I like Akashiya Sanma, an entertainer.
As for actors, I like Ngasawa Masami and Sawajiri Erika. But you might not know Japanese actresses.
You seem to like typical American food. I wonder why you are so slender eating that food. What kinds of Japanese food do you eat recently? I like natto. You don't know it though.
I think Television is commercialized media. but Internet is more educational than television. Internet helps not only personal education. Internet correct an error of news reported on Television.
>>651 I don't know if I should talk too much about my sisters... I thought Sawajiri did a pretty good job in 1 Litre of Tears. What do you think of the rumours that she is not very nice? I like an idol named Komatsu Ayaka, thought her fame is only in its first stages. Also, I really like Yaguchi Mari, Horikita Maki and Matsushima Nanako. There are others, too... We haven't tried cooking to many Japanese foods because my mother is still old-fashioned, but we mostly play around with vegetables and teryaki sauce and stuff like that. My mom didn't like rice before, but she is eating it more now. Also, I don't like vegetables, but they are not so bad when they're Japanese-style. I've heard that natto is... interesting. ^_^'
>>655 I definitely agree with you on that point. It is possible to learn almost anything, using the internet. But, unfortunately, it is also becoming controlled and commercialized.
>>658 I am not shocked at all, but I am disappointed. Why should anyone act like that? No one is "important" enough to treat others badly. But, people like that are good at fooling others, and especially themselves. When those people realize they are just like everyone else, they become incredibly depressed. But, maybe she isn't really like that.
Yes! Yaguchi Mari is tiny and adorable. What makes me love her, is that she is so little, but she has a really big personality! Compared to other Americans, I am really little. We don't have stars in the US who are tiny like Mari, so I was overjoyed when I found her on YouTube. For me, I can really look up to her. ^_^
I don't know current MoMusu very well, either.
Matsushima is moving here?? Maybe it's just for a movie. It would be great if she became famous here. Our Japanese stars mostly fit a certain stereotype. She'd show people how great Japanese actresses and actors are. Come to think of it, she played many roles where she traveled to the US, didn't she?
Okonomiyaki... we wouldn't know what to put in it! ^_^'
>>661 You're a pure-hearted girl. I like that idea. But there are definitely some people acting like that. I've just heard from TV about her folly acts. So I don't know what she is really like. In fact, she might be a sweet person.
I like every members of Mini Moni. they all are tiny and cute like you! But two others violated the law and we don't see them on TV these days.
According to a gossip magazine, Matsushima won't debut in the US. She has a child and thinks that the educational system in Japan is not good. Therefore, she've made up her mind to move there.
But I don't think the US educational system is superior to that of Japan. Note it's just a gossip. Don't take it seriously.
Refer to the following site about okonomiyaki. Do you think you can cook it?
>>662 I think Mini Moni was the best sub-group in H!P. Two broke the law? I knew about Kago, but who else?
Some schools in the US are good at making our system work, and some are bad at it. For example, the school in my town puts so much focus on sports, that there is plenty of new sports equipment, but outdated textbooks and poor science facilities and such. Matsushima will probably put her child into an expensive private school. I'm sure he/she will get a good education, except... Our bilingual education programs are poor, especially for Asian languages. If her child already knows English or can learn it quickly, everything will be fine. If not, the child will be left behind. That is why I may like to become a multilingual teacher someday.
Okonomiyaki looks easy to make, but would we get lost? It seems you choose your own ingredients... How do you know what goes well together?
>>665 Oops, I misunderstood about the violation. Only Kago broke the law. Maybe.
Matsushima is very rich. she must put her child, who is a girl and around 3 years?, into an expensive private school. I think she probably wants to raise her child like Utada Hikaru.
Wow! you want to be a teacher! Which do you want to teach, French or Japanese?
I like to put in pork, shrimp, squid, potato, corn and soba. I think pork or bacon, and corn is a good choice for you. Just taste and check it on your own tongue.^^;
I used to eat it when I lived in Oita that is a rural part of Japan.
>>666 Oh, I wonder if Matsushima will live in New York, then? I figured she would live in Los Angeles.
I think that I would teach Japanese. French people don't seem to move here much or be populated in a certain area. However, there are many Japanese in California and Hawaii. The ones in Hawaii are probably OK, but there aren't many teachers in California who are qualified to teach Japanese students. Because we have poor bilingual education programs, most teachers use a method where they put the students into completely English classrooms and let them figure things out by themselves. What happens, is the students either get a slow start and never totally catch up, or their parents are very strict, and they excel. But, they usually forget how to speak Japanese, and I think that is too bad.
I found some soba at asianfoodgrocer.com. I will try to talk my mom into trying okonomiyaki. ^_^
>>672 If she lives in LA, she will definitely be looking for acting jobs. She probably doesn't mention that to reporters because she would be embarassed if it didn't work out. I hope we see her in American TV shows and movies soon!
Yes, English and Japanese are completely different. I don't know if I'll ever be able to learn Japanese well, and I still don't know if I want to be a teacher anyway. But, I read an interesting fact lately. A TON of people are studying Japanese now, compared to before. It's because of Japanese entertainment!
That reminds me... I once read that hundreds of years ago, people would be killed in Japan if they spoke another language too fluently. For example, a foreigner speaking Japanese, or a Japanese speaking a foreign language. I read that everyone was suspicious of those people, and that they could be spies. Now, it seems to be really praised.
when i was a child, mangas and animes and video games are defined as evil things by grown-ups.they insisted those cultures keep children from woring for examination. but now, those cultures have grown up to be one of main cultural exportaion for other countries. and japanese government uses those otaku cultures for diplomatic strategy. adults are always so selfish.
>>691 Maido arii (^_^)b >>696 Yahoo translator can be useful, because it gives you a breakdown of what part of the sentence is translated as what. >>709 私は、怒りません。私がそれらの人々に答えないので、私は退屈します。 素敵な人がいるとき、私は話します。
>>712 Girls don't usually say maido arii as a thank you but I think it is okay because you do look boyish in some video clips.
http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2006/12/18/14276.html It says YouTube may create a Japanese version of YouTube in order to meet JASRAC's demands. I don't know if this is an attempt to part Japanese users from their website. Would you upload your videos to our YouTube if they do?
>>731 I picture someone putting on sunglasses or something when he/she says "maido arii." Hahaha. If YouTube creates a Japanese version of their website, I will definitely upload my videos (if it's allowed) and will probably spend more time there than on the original YouTube. When you say that it will satisfy JASRAC, does that mean TV shows and music videos will be allowed?
>>740 I don't think so. They are even less forgiving about the use of their contents compaired to RIAA, because Japanese audiences/consumers are relatively submissive. TV and music clips will be strictly controlled.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you will upload your videos there too when we have our (most likely degraded) version of YouTube.
> Why Osaka? Maido arii is an Osaka dialect mainly used by traders.
>>742 Haha, don't submit! Revolt! j/k ^_~ Ah, well. I don't think that much will change, even if a seperate Japanese YouTube is made. So many foreigners love Japanese entertainment now that there will still be Japanese stuff all over the place. I could be wrong, but it seems like most of the Japanese material that is on YouTube right now was uploaded by foreigners...
>>744 I have a quick question that you could help.
Should I always place the period inside the quote when a sentence ends with a quote? What about question marks or exclamation marks?
And what if you remove the "Sorry" from >>744? Do I have to change the first letter inside the quote capital like this? "Seperate" should be "separate."
If you are not sure, I will just follow your ways of writing.
>>747 Like most American families, we open presents on Christmas morning. While many families spend the rest of the day with relatives, and have a fancy dinner, we just spend the rest of the day at home, watching movies and enjoying each other's company. >>750 I'm sorry, I missed it. I usually just use Internet Explorer.
hi magibon Weekly magazines exclusively dealing with comics began appearing in Japan a few decades ago. As those magazines flourished and grew, so did the quality of manga, resulting in the development of the manga culture, a feature unique to Japanese society. In this new genre of expression, there are works whose stories are equivalent to those of novels. And there are others whose drawings themselves can be qualified as art. Japanese comics are not only for children, but are also legitimate reading material for adults.
Works which have won high acclaim in comic magazines are often made into animated cartoons and broadcast on TV. A large number of animated cartoon programs are aired on TV every week.
I have heard that some Japanese cartoon programs are exported abroad. Have you ever seen a Japanese cartoon on TV in your country?
>>753 They are all over the place, and are becoming even more popular every year. In a regular bookstore, one will almost always see a section devoted to Manga. It was not this way just a few years ago. There are also some Anime that have become incredibly popular, such as Dragonball and Sailormoon, which have been around for many years, and Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha which are more recent for us. There are many others, but I don't watch very much TV, so I don't know all of the names. The Japanese duo Puffy have a cartoon running in the US and have released a CD. I recently read that HALCALI will be performing the theme song to an American cartoon. I think that this is just the beginning of a Japan mania in the United States. (*^_^*)/
As I said, I don't watch that much TV these days. My understanding of Adult Swim was that it was what Cartoon Network called the span of time at night when they showed cartoons that children shouldn't be watching. Is it an actual show?
But, I think it has popularity among guys in their teens and twenties, from what I've heard about it.
I read somewhere that Miss America's status as a beauty queen might be gotten rid of because of her alleged scandal involiving sex with celebrities, partying and drinking.
Call me naive but I was kind of shocked to know the news because deep down I hope winners of these contest are pure.
I hate Paris Hilton. She would be nothing without her family's business. I wouldn't want to stay at Hilton hotel now I know she is just a spoiled daughter of the owner of the famous hotel chain. FYI there are some Hilton hotels in Japan, too. I wonder why Hilton chain doesn't go bankrupt because Paris Hilton has bad press.
There is similar sisters in Japan. They are called 叶姉妹 or Kanoh sisters. 叶 is their family name. 姉妹means sisters in Japanese. They are older than Hilton sisters but similar in that they are famous just because they are rich. They don't have any special talent but they are often on TV and appear on CM.
In case of Paris sisters, it's widely known that thier family runs hotel business but in case of Kanoh sisiters, what business their family runs or whatever is not revealed. They are just showing off gorgeous dresses and jewels and such and that. You can see them here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rugt1ccqoZc
I think it's odd that they have them on TV and treat them as if they were movie stars or actors or something just because they are rich and want to live in show business.
I just rambled on. :)
Are you interested in prticipating in a beauty contest or something, Magibon?
>>791 I think that they are letting Miss America keep her title, but I could be mistaken. I wouldn't assume that they are pure.
I heard that the Hilton family doesn't own the hotels anymore, and that the Hilton sister even have to pay the regular price for a hotel room. The reason the family isn't in trouble because of bad press, is that in the US, almost any press is good for publicity. The Hiltons' popularity has gone waaaaay up because of Paris. Whether or not that is a good thing, I'll let you decide.
Those Japanese sisters... holy fake kahungas! Are you sure they aren't famous for their breasts? They're pretty women, but I have seen many JPop stars and idols who I think are prettier.
As for being famous just for being rich, I agree that it is silly. But, isn't it society's fault? Are we the ones at fault for paying so much attention to people with money? Do you think it can be helped? It's been this way in the world for a long time, hasn't it?... ;_;
I wouldn't participate in an American beauty contest. I think they are corrupt. Besides, they wouldn't let me through the door! They'd laugh at me! www
>>795 "Cute" is like a baby or a puppy, and "pretty" is like a flower or a jewel.
>>798 Usually, the answer would be "Cats are cute," but some cats are pretty because of their markings or bone structure. Kittens are definitely cute.
Hi, Magibon! It's good to hear from you again. I'm sorry how this thread treated you last several days. It sometimes gets worse but I hope you are still interested in coming here.
Happy Holidays! I see this phrase more than Merry Christmas these days, especially in English letters and websites. You don't say Merry Christmas in US anymore, to respect people who are not Christian, right? Japanese are so innocent that they just keep saying Merry Christmas even though they don't really know who Jesus Christ is. And that is what I like about this country. Nobody cares as long as it is a happy day.
>>799 Oh. They don't run Hilton hotel anymore. I didn't know that. I heard somewhere that there's the reality show where Paris's father appears. The title is "Apprentice" or something. Winner of the show can work under Paris's father. I am not sure though.
I would say it's kind of uncomfortable to me to hear that the Hiltons' popularity has gone waaaaay up.
Regarding Kano sisters, They are rich enough to do any cosmetic surgery rainging from minor face lift to vacuuming extra fat, enrich their breasts.... whatever they want. I wonder why they enlarged thier breasts to the extent that everybody recognizes they are fake.
They started to become famous not because they have huge breasts but because they are said to be extremely rich. From what I know, they started as very rich amateur models in a fashion magazine calling themselves beauty consultants or something. Then eventually they entered in show business. Their agency spread a rumor intentionally that the older sister went out with a famous singer.
The groundless rumor was their agency's strategy to have them get media's attention. Before the rumor, only the small portion of people, which were the readers of the magazine, had known them. After the rumor, many people got to know the sisters.
It might be sure that fake breasts work well enough to get much attention from men. I personally don't interested in breasts however beautiful and big they are as long as they are fake.
I don't think they are popular among young guys. I'm in my thirties but I am not interested in them either. I think they are circus clowns or something although they seem to think themselves beautiful. Yeah, many J-pop stars and idols are prettier and more beautiful. Plus Kano sisters are too old to be called pretty.
Yeah. I admit that there's an aspect in Japan, too that we take people with much money and economically succeful people as being winners. SIGH
I read somewhere that people in poor countries tend to think themselves happier than those in developed countries. That gives me food for thought. To feel happy, you have to live in a poor country and live a simple life or become economically successful in a rich country? I know things aren't so simple...
You are attractive as everyone here say. ^_~ That's for sure.
"The Apprentice" features a wealthy man named Donald Trump. It is easy to get him mixed up with the Hiltons because he does own a hotel (probably more than one).
You say that the agency of a Kano sister started a rumour that she was dating a celebrity and her popularity went up? That is exactly how it works here. From what I've seen, I am guessing that a Japanese celebrity's popularity is directly related to how much that person appears on TV? Here, it is like that, only with magazines. A celebrity's popularity goes down when he or she doesn't appear in many magazines, like People. (www.people.com)
So, when we lose interest in a celeb, that celebrity does something outrageous like getting arrested, or having a surprise wedding or divorce, and then the story is in all of the magazines. An American celebrity's fame depends on his or her news stories, so they are always keeping themselves in the news.
I think that just as many men are attracted to fake breasts. Because, if a woman has fake breasts, she probably has money, and people are attracted to money. I have seen plastic surgery operations on TV, and I wouldn't put myself through something like that just to tweak my looks. I think it is OK for people who have been in an accident or were born deformed, though.
You think the Kano sisters are too old to be called pretty? I think my mom is pretty. ^_^
I think it's true that people without much money can be a lot happier than people with money. I think it's important to try to live like a poor person for just a little while, even if you have money. You really learn a lot about yourself...
And, thanks. People here and on YouTube keep saying I am attractive, though I was never considered to be while I was growing up.
Hello Magibon. Have you watched this video before? "The dove self-esteem fund AD" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT4dpFpiTgk One of a comment said that "Dove is only helping young girls realize that, so that they are able to grow with a healthy self esteem. " I agree with this comment. But not only young gilrs. I suppose whoever watch this video can draw the same moral from it.
このビデオを見たことがありますか?"The dove self-esteem fund AD" コメントのひとつはこう言っています。 "Dove is only helping young girls realize that, so that they are able to grow with a healthy self esteem. " 私はこのコメントに同意します。でも若い女性だけではありません。誰でもこのビデオから同じ教訓を得られるのではと思います。
>>838 I've seen similar things, but never seen that same one. It's so interesting. The Dove foundation is doing a really great thing.
The only isuue I have with it, is in the past it has seemed like they were telling people that it is OK to be overweight. Of course, people shouldn't feel bad about themselves and how they look, but it's unhealthy. It shouldn't be "You're beautiful, so stay how you are." I think it should be "You're beautiful, so be healthy too!" In a way, weren't they still saying that looks are all that matter?
I get upset with how heavily edited pictures for the media are. Even the people who bring us our news are sometimes electronically slimmed down on TV! And, of course there are all the magazine covers, and CD jackets.
I don't do anything like that with my videos or pictures, because it would seem like a big lie. But, I do put on make-up like most girls, and try to have decent lighting. So, when do regular grooming, and being creative and artistic become lying?
Incidentally, there is a new digital camera that automatically makes people look skinnier. What do you think about it?
>>831 Oh, yes. I did mix Paris's father up with Donald Trump. If I remember correctly, he is called the king of real estate business. Maybe I shouldn't assure how he was dubbed knowingly. Chances are I'm wrong again. :)
>You say that the agency of a Kano sister started a rumour that she was >dating a celebrity and her popularity went up?
I wouldn't use the word "pupularity." It's just that the rumor made her widely known to general public because after the rumor they got to appear on TV often. It's hard to explain but in my opinion, not many people respect them. They tell on TV how gorgeous life they live and how men overseas want to go out with them. The older sister boasts about how she was asked to go out with men overseas. The more they show off (even if what they say is true) the more they sound stupid.
>I am guessing that a Japanese celebrity's popularity is directly >related to how much that person appears on TV? In most cases, such as idols and young actors whose target audience is young people , yes. But there are exceptions. Some musicians try not to appear on TV often to make them look mysterious. Being on magazines can be a yardstick to measure how popular they are in Japan, too. But is being on a TV show more infuluential and can reach more people than being on a magazine in terms of the traits of these two media?
I know People magazine. There's similar one titled "US". Again I shouldn't say knowingly. hehe There are weekly photo magazines with photos of famous people's private life. If a young female actor or singer, say, one of the members of morning musume or something is taken her photo while dating a man by a photographer of the magazine, chances are her dedicated male fans would be shocked and dissaponted, sometimes feel betrayed.
Another yardstick to measure popularity is in how many TV ad actors and singers appear.
>>841 How you describe a rumour making celebrities widely known is how most celebrities here go about keeping themselves famous. We think that most of our stars are stupid or immoral. It is not important for a celebrity to be respectable or seem pure anymore. I think it is a sad state of affairs, but I also think that Japan goes a little overboard on the other end of the spectrum. I feel that dishonorable behavior should neither be glorified nor too harshly condemned. Because, not one of us is perfect, and throwing stones at someone whose mistake was found out is hypocritical and weak-minded.
For us, being on TV and in movies is the stars' work. It does help to show how famous they are, because it means that the companies trust them to bring in lots of money. But, it is the news stories and gossip that keep them fresh in our minds, and keep people interested.
I think American guys are different from Japanese guys when they see that a famous girl is dating. I don't know how a guys mind works (Do I want to know??), but it seems like they think "Oh, then maybe I have a chance, too!"
I have heard that there are some celebrities in Japan who are famous only for being in TV ads. Would you say that's true?
>>842 I learn from music and dramas, and I learn a lot here. Also, I have some books that teach Japanese. I don't know what kind of certification is required to teach Japanese. I think it depends on the school.
>>845 >I have heard that there are some celebrities in Japan who are famous >only for being in TV ads. Would you say that's true?
I don't know. In general, if a girl gets famous and popular by being on TV ad, then she moves on to another phase where she starts to be on a drama or something. But I am not so sure.
I was surprised by American guys positive reaction you mentioned. Japanese guys imagine going out with a cute idol but that's just imagination and never think, like, "Oh, then maybe I have a chance, too!" Of course some Japanese guys might think the same way as American guys but they are exceptions in my opinion.
>>858 Well, look at our most famous female celebrities: Britney, Paris, Lindsay, Jessica, etc.
Maybe Japan is moving in the same direction? I noticed that Morning Musume's costumes are sexier than they were years ago, and they make very sexy photobooks. Not even ten years ago, they were embarassed to appear in bikinis.
>>859 "Sex sells." Yeah. I think the situation here in Japan is the same but as a man in my thirties, I don't think Japan used to accept the idea with open arms. Everybody understand the idea of "sex sells" deep down but I think we used to be less unconcealed about expressing sexual things. Not only at media level but even at personal level, too, people are becoming less shy about talking about sexual things. As a conservative man, I don't like the tendency even if I sound hypocrytical.
I guess you know of 倖田來未 (hakamada Mirai) http://youtube.com/watch?v=1G9fDbGtjkg She's been described as "エロカッコイイ”This expression is combination of two words. "エロイ" and "カッコイイ”カッコイイ can be translated "cool." It is difficult to translate エロイ's nuances for me. You might translate it "sexy" but in my opinion エロイ is more than that and has nuances the word "naughty" has.
She sings in lingerie-like fashion and SM-like fashion. Maybe you know more about her than me, Magibon. I am not young enough to know much about young pop culture. ^^
In Japan, "popular word, buzzword of the year" is announced at the end of a year. The annual contest awards buzzwords that have had the strongest impact on society or that have reflected the social situations in a year. This year, the word "エロカッコイイ" won the title. To think that she is the singer who sells the most CD in 2006 here and has much influence to girls, that's understandable.
When I first hear the song by 倖田來未, I thought I'd heard a similar song! It's "Lady marmalade" by Cristina Aguilera, Pink and other...) http://youtube.com/watch?v=q4JvB1cci2A
I suspect 倖田's side stole the part of "Lady marmalade" melody...
>>839 I don't know the similar version that Magibon watched. The video I watched is only the one that I mentioned before. I found it in someone's favorites accidentally.
"No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted." by Dove AD. This commercial showed us that AD pictures are easily photoshoped. The same applies to words. But how about video? In a video, it is difficult to deceive someone. lonleygirl15 was soon exposed. I think people can't tell a lie in actual video. I'll trust videos rather than words or still pictures.
「我々の美しさの感覚がゆがめられていたとしても不思議ではない。」 by Dove AD このコマーシャルは広告写真が簡単にphotoshopedされることを我々に明らか にしました。同じことは言葉にも当てはまります。しかし、ビデオはどうでし ょう? ビデオの中で誰かをだますことは難しいでしょう。lonleygirl15はす ぐばれました。人はビデオの中で嘘をつくことはできないと思います。 私は言葉や静止画よりビデオの方を信じるでしょう。
>>866 I have heard of Koda Kumi, but I haven't listened to her music or anything. I don't get into western stars who have that same image, either. It seems even more phony to me than the people who try to be perfect. Besides, I think it probably appeals to men more than women. Actually, didn't she fail an audition for Morning Musume? I think Britney Spears sued a Chinese singer for stealing her song. Koda Kumi is lucky that she got away with claiming that song as totally hers. >>873 Dove not only has commercials, but magazine ads and such also. They are a company that makes shampoo and lotion, and soap. In their ads they use women who are a little overweight, or flat-chested, etc., usually just in their underwear. I think it is just an attempt to sell their products to these types of women, but I can't deny that they have a respectable message when they say that beauty can come in many forms, and that we have been narrow-minded about it lately. I just don't think it is right to encourage women to remain at an unhealthy weight. These days, videos can definitely be photoshopped. I don't know how exactly they do it, but I have seen it. For example, in the early episodes of Kurosagi, the opening shows Yamapi laying in the grass and rolling over. In one of these episodes, that same clip was very noticeably photoshopped compared to the episodes that came before it.
Also, videos can definitely be edited in ways that conceal the truth. When you consider that, and visual illusions and CGI, it almost seems like people are likely to be fooled by video, because they assume that video doesn't lie.
>>874 I have seen a few different versions of the movie. You?
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>>876 Probably people who know a lot about morning musume and Kohda kumi know the fact but since I didn't know that, I searched for some info and found this video clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F7vgvmv2Gg Maybe you've watched this audition video but I hope you'll enjoy it. Kohda was 16 years old at the time (Goto Maki was 13.) and she looked different and showed no signs of エロカッコイイ.
Kohda Kumi, whose real name is 神田来未子(Kohda kumiko) passed through the scond round, where 21 participants survived. As you may know, Goto Maki was the winner.
You said you are into neither Kohda Kumi nor western equivalant. You like morning musume, right? Maybe the reason you are into the "Japanese" girls group is that there's no singers that matche your tastes in music in US music scene. Don't you listen to hip hop?
>>876 Merry X'mas Magibon. Thank you for telling me the background of ads. As the beauty and make-up did not have interest, I thought DOVE has simply explained a brainwashing method by the media to us. And I assumed that brainwashing was related with fake self-esteem. Because even if someone imitate celebritie's make-up, one can't get true self-esteem. I thought fake self-esteem is a theme of this commercial.
I said, I trust video. It means communication. Facial expression talks more than words. Your impression may overwhelm your words, when someone looking in your eyes. As Internet become more like real world, we got possible to make use of natural primitive ability.
>>904 You got it right. False self-esteem is a theme of that commercial. Also, selling more products is a motive. This company that makes lotions and soaps is running a campaign to reinvent people's perception of beauty. They are saying that real beauty is in real people, as opposed to the people we see in ads and in the media. Though they don't come out and say so, they are really trying to sway female cosumers from buying flashier, trendy products, towards instead buying Dove products, which have simple packaging.
It's an interesting marketing plan. Even if profits are the only motiviation (I think they really care too, though) the campaign will probably do good for some people. It is controversial though, and different people will have different views on the matter.
As for me, I think everyone can be beautiful, and deserves to feel beautiful. But, sometimes these arguments go too far. As you may know, the majority of Americans are now overweight. Thin people, who are the minority today, are being hurt by some of this hype. Many people are equating being overweight with being "real." Because, even though the Dove campaign isn't just about weight, that is what most Americans are most self-concious about. As you can probably tell from my videos, I am not overweight, and it hurts my feelings when so many people on TV are saying that I'm not a real person. Some overweight people are taking it so far as to accuse thin people they don't even know of having eating disorders.
This new way of thinking is making it easier for people with too much weight to feel good about themselves. You can say that is a good thing, or you can say it is a bad thing because they would be better off exercising and eating healthier if they want to feel attractive.
In other words, the campaign is fighting to empower a group of people, which is admirable. But, aren't they making things harder for a different group of people? Is it purely coincidence that the company is appealing to the majority of potential customers?
>>885>>886 Oh, I see. The story is based on a novel. Here, many movie adaptations have been made. One of the most well-known is a Shirley Temple movie. Do you know Shirley Temple in Japan? I had no idea there was an anime... I'm kind of shocked.
>>891 Some hip hop is OK. But, it seems to me that most popular music today is more about the singer's image than the actual song. I don't like a harsh image. I want to tell those people... "You're just a normal person, so don't be so full of it." Ah, well...
I don't really know much about Koda Kumi. I am not into her image. But, I saw her on a variety show and she seemed very nice. At least she wears the clothes (or lingerie, hah) rather than letting them wear her (she doesn't seem to let her clothes affect her attitude).
Speaking of that, I have heard that Avril Lavigne is popular in Japan. Did you know that most audiences here rejected her because they decided she was a "poser?" In other words, they thought she should act a certain way if she was going to wear a clothing style. Why did they get so upset?
>>907 Yeah. Avril is popular and her CDs sell here. She did a Japan tour for concerts, too.
>Did you know that most audiences here rejected her because they decided she was a "poser?"
What do you mean? Do American young people think that she is just pretending to be bad? When I first saw her on TV or CD Jacket, she was a slim cute girl, a type that everybody tends to love. But, her make-up changed my impressoin on her. I don't like the way she darken the parts around her eyes. She looks unhealty and the make-up reminds me of a person who is sick in bed and worn out.
>In other words, they thought she should act a certain way if she >was going to wear a clothing style.
I don't understand what you mean due to my lack of English proficiency. Would you explain that?
Be careful Avril Lavigne has a lot of fans in Japan. I think the melody of her songs are much closer to that of J-Pop compared to most other songs from the West. And she isn't well stacked. So it is much easier for Japanese to find her cute.
>>908 Yes, they thought she was an unconvincing "bad girl." Although, many younger kids liked her. One of my little sisters was a big fan. I don't have a strong opinion, because I was always listening to Japanese music at that time. ^_^'
The US army killed more than two million Japanese citizens during the World War II and we have no grudge. It doesn't matter how many people were killed. What it really matters is if people from the two nations have will to be friends.
>>905 Thank you for very detailed explanation. Because there's no such campaign in Japan and I'm not overweight, I couldn't exactly imagine such situation. But I can say that creator of the commercial and sponsor of the commercial are not the same. Both motive are different. When somebody posted the DOVE video to YouTube, distribution of the video switched over from nationwide to worldwide. But DOVE is not running a global campaign. Sponser's influence has comparatively weakened.
I don't understand a meaning of the "real people" what DOVE thinks about... But I understood that American was fool for the word "real people." I think that "real people" is a person who has true self-esteem.
Probably overweight person watches you as a Barbie Doll. It's understandable. They judge you only by appearances. Because you have been posted many video on YouTube and sent message to 2ch, we all know you are smart and have a guts. I think, you have found a way to grow with true self-esteem. (Sorry, I am a bit obsessed by self-esteem theme.)
I kind of dislike overweight person. Perhaps some of them can't control oneself. They may have under the influenced of some gourmet programs on TV. Whoever "equating being overweight with being real" are already brainwashed. I just remember a sentence from some book. "If one becomes totally immersed in any particular facet of life, one cannot help but absorb that facet."
>>935 I don't know... >>936 It was a stocking stuffer. In the US, It can only be found in Asian specialty stores and on the internet. >>937 Heart failure. He was getting old and had health problems.
>>939 Yes. It still hasn't snowed! I think it's supposed to become cold starting tomorrow.
>>938 I was watching the movie "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." There is a woman in the movie who is supposed to me grotesquely overweight. The movie was made in the 1990's, and I remember watching it back then and thinking, "Wow, can a person really be that big?" But, today, I was thinking "Why is everyone in her town staring? It's normal to see that every day." Then I realized that things really changed very drastically and suddenly. I'm a little bit scared and sad. It is said that the new generation of kids will be the first that will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.
Yes, people are saying that traditionally attractive people are like Barbies, and saying those things hurts people's feelings who do happen to be skinny or have a nice face. What is strange to me, is I never considered myself attractive while I was growing up. But, I started exercising just a little bit and not overeating, and most other Americans did the opposite. Now, people give me dirty looks and say I must be stupid or unfriendly.
What bothers me the most, is when large people refer to themselves as "healthy." Yes, many people are actually making themselves believe that diet and exercise are unhealthy. I think that the reason this is spinning out of control is that as soon as the majority shifted to the overweight side, all of those people could suddenly support themselves and each other, because "majority rules." Now, I am only trying to keep my body somewhat healthy and how I personally like it to look, and people tell me that I am unhealthy and don't have the body of a "real woman." But, if I were to fit in, I would have to overeat and stop exercising. I want to have a longer life expectancy, so I put up with people's deciding I am their "enemy," even though it isn't fair.
The topic of self-esteem is interesting and important, I think. I feel that people who try to get their self-esteem by being in denial of other people's good qualities are going about it the wrong way. Before, those people would just live a life of hating the people around them, or they would be forced to accept the truth and make a change for the better. But, what happens when those people are the majority? They'll never have to accept the truth?? Then, what happens to all the other people?
I also have a quote that I like, and I think it fits well with this topic. It is from the book Farenheit 451. In the book, society became too lazy. This is what one character who is still smart but likes the hellish world said: " We must all be alike... Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against."
Americans are letting that happen right now, and I think it's scary.
I hope that I always have mountains against which to judge myself, so that I can continue to grow. I think it is sad when people don't want to become the mountains themselves.
I wrote way too much! I think it's a fascinating topic. Because your English is great, I used advanced English. I hope you're not too bored now! Hahaha. ^_^
>>949 Magibon, you are overestimating my English ability. I write it in Japanese first. then I use Yahoo translator. and I fix it a lot. Would you please write it more shorter?
So what kind of workout do you do? Pumping iron, using a balance ball, Yoga or walking on your hands in your neigborhood? ^^
I used to do push-ups everyday and it ended up hurting my shoulder joints. Now I just do exercise to keep my ab flat at home.
Things seem different from my recognition. I've read obese people tend to be rejected in a job interview in US. But now that fat people became the majority, they descriminate against slim people at least around you?
I heard some fashion houses decided that they won't use too thin models because those models are dying because of eating disorder and using those models gives teenagers the wrong impression that you have to be as thin as possible to be recognised as beautiful.
I think the move of the fashion houses is a step in the right derection but judging form your posts, in US, at least among people around you, pendulum has swang as far as to have a bias against slim people...
I suspect that maybe people who say you are too slim or unhealthy is jealous of you deep down in thier hearts and think in their own box, not having guts to dicipline and control themselves. Aren't they all girls? Girls can be jealous.
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