>193 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :2007/02/21(水) 08:33:48 ID:???0 > > >2月9日付けのオーストラリアのゴールドコーストブリテン紙に、 >「パーティー好きな日本人女子大生18歳、バストは豊胸無しの92Dカップ、紳士求む」 >と広告を出した、ジュ・ジン(25歳)、ホ・キムリエ(32歳)、朴・アンスン(31歳)の三名の韓国人売春婦が、 >広告を見て尋ねてきた刑事に違法売春の容疑で逮捕された。 >この三名は時給$240で売春をしており、一日$2,000程度の稼ぎがあった。 >このように、オーストラリアや欧米諸国では、日本人を偽る韓国人売春婦が大勢存在する。 >High-rise hookers >AT $240 an hour, these Korean sex workers could have worked off their fines before dinner yesterday, >after appearing in a Southport court for illegal prostitution. >The ad identified the sex workers as a 'uni party girl, just 18, Japanese, natural 36D, perfect backside'. >The detectives, part of the Prostitution Enforcement Taskforce, arranged to meet the women for sex >at apartments in the Artique and Q1 high-rise towers after responding to a classified advertisement in The Gold Coast Bulletin on February 9. >
chinese1982 | February 21, 2007 For any Chinese nationalist who really hates every Japanese, here's a tip.
Marry a Japanese girl and make her feel guilty or constantly abuse her. If pushed too far, she will commit harakiri/seppuku (*ritual suicide) for her husband. A free death without getting into criminal law of any court.
After that, move on an entrap another potential japanese girl into a suicidal marriage. Rinse repeat.