This is nozomi super express bound for Tokyo. We will make a breaf stop at kyoto, nagoya and shin-yokohama station before arriving at the tokyo terminal.
This is nozomi super express bound for Tokyo. We will make a breaf stop at kyoto, nagoya and shin-yokohama station before arriving at the tokyo terminal.
お前、この英語違うだろ。 東京駅にtheはつかんぞ。 正しくはこれ↓↓↓↓↓↓ Ladies and gentlemen, this is the NOZOMI superexpress bound for Tokyo. We will be stopping (make a brief stop) at Kyoto, Nagoya and Shin-Yokohama station before arriving at Tokyo terminal. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Shinkansen. This is the Nozomi Super Express bound for Tokyo. We will be stopping at Kyoto, Nagoya, Shin-Yokohama, and Shinagawa stations before arriving at Tokyo terminal. Cars 1, 2, and 3 are for passengers without seat reservations. The non-smoking cars for passengers without seat reservations are 1 and 2. Please refrain from smoking in the areas at either end of non-smoking cars. Thank you.
thank you for waiting,ladies and gentleman,we will now begin general boarding for oo airlines flight 000 bound for 000,would all departing passenger,please may board through gate 18.JLではこうです。
Good evening ladies and gents. Thank you for chooing Ana a member of star alliance. This is 2179 to osaka. This code sharing flight with our star alliance partner. On the comand of this flight is capt.... and I'm chiefパーサー... We have also 11 cabin crew on this aircraft. If you have any questions. Don't hesitate ask us. According to the latest wether forecast it's cloudy in Osaka region, and Temperature is 13 degrees セルシウス. Flight time to Osaka will be 55 mins. こんな感じのこといってるね。順不同だけど。
Are you going to Osaka? yes. Would you like window or aile? window. so your seat# is... bording time is ... you shoud go throw passport control until ..
May I have your attention please this final bording call for ana flight 142 to Tokyo haneda departing pasengers on this flight please come to gate 50 immeditaly thank you.
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,this air craft final approach to Sao Paulo. Arrival time ##:##.It's clear view today at Sao Paulo city. Thank you for chooing Varig of a star alliance member. We looking forward to meet at our air craft.Thank you,happy new year.
Passengers must refrain from looking into cabin attendant's underwear. The passenders who are sitting in front of cabin attendant must put on an eye mask.
Please do not leave your seat without your お手回り品(かばんとか) ってな感じのことを言いたいときはどういうのがイイですか? あと、よく日本のバス電車である 「不審物を見つけたら、お手を触れずに係員にお知らせください!」は If you find something suspicous っていうのかな? 教えてください。おねがいします
age please keep an eye on your belongings at all timesってゆうのかな。 あと、please remain seated until the captain has turned off the seat-belt sign. の has turned offって完了形が気になる。文法的に正しくは until the captain turns offになるんじゃないのか?
しかし、機内放送や空港放送での英語はまだましだが、 コックピットでの会話や無線は恐ろしはちゃめちゃな英語がまかりとおっているな。 中学生以下のレベルのw アンコントロール!とか言って山に激突したおっさんがいたし Are you want left turn or right turn? とか言ってる管制官がいたし おまいら中学生レベルから勉強しなおせよって言いたくなるのが