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Avant Browser 11.6 build 11, Released: 4.2.2008 --- Fixed the bug that RSS cannot be sorted by date Fixed the drag & drop bug with favicon of the address bar Fixed the bug that no item is checked in the "Auto Refresh All Windows" menu Fixed the bug that the spacebar doesn't work in Customize Toolbars Fixed the bug that RSS reader doesn't remove old messages Fixed the bug where the help menu disappears after switching back from full desktop & full screen mode Fixed the keywords encoding error while setting yahoo as standard search engine Fixed the bug where you cannot delete avant.exe while uninstalling Avant Fixed the bug where the login dialog cannot show up under some conditions Fixed the bug where you cannot switch tabs while continuously opening a lot of tabs Fixed the bug where you cannot successfully import the bookmarks with special codes from FireFox Fixed the encoding error while importing bookmarks Fixed the confliction issue with the DEP technology of Windows Server 2008(Longhorn) Fixed the display error of some pages with frame structure Fixed the title coding and items sorting errors in RSS Fixed the error that cannot switch focus to the page from address bar Fixed the keyword coding error in Baidu search engine Fixed the auto-complete error in search bar Fixed the bug that cannot totally clean out the recent history records Fixed the bug where the main system buttons would disappear when you went Full Screen or Full Desktop
Speed up startup process and UI Perfected the performance of the mouse gesture Perfected RSS function Detached the up-right icons from the tabs bar Arranged the location of the buttons in up right corner under Full Screen & Full Desktop mode Added a function to close left & right tabs of the current one Added an option to tick & untick the mouse gesture trail Added some Google Translations Added the function of saving page as image Added the function of saving page as text Added the function of setting new window's default zoom size Added the function of renewing the default configuration of Avant Added the hot key Ctrl+shift+Z to reopen the latest closed page
Avant Browser 11.6 build 13, Released: 5.11.2008 --- Fixed the window resizing bug after switching back from Full Screen & Desktop mode Fixed the bug that unexpected history records are listed under history button Fixed the bug that tabs don’t open in sequence each time Avant starts Fixed the bug that while right clicking on avant.exe the version number is inconsistent with the real one Fixed the bug that the search key cut unexpectedly in search box Fixed the bug that the Taskbar Button could not be hidden
Avant Browser 11.6 Build 16, Released 6.6.2008 --- Improved the stability of the Online Storage function Added the ability to run javascript directly in the address bar Fixed the bug that involved not selecting keywords through shift+right key in search bar Fixed the bug that made the focus in page gets lost after closing the popup window from menu bar Fixed the bug that kept you from bringing Avant back up by clicking on the .exe file Fixed the bug keeping you from searching all keywords in current page Fixed a potential security bug by solely making the listening port available to localhost Fixed the bug that kept tabs from opening in sequence each time Avant starts
IE8.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0 IE7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0 TheWorldBrowser2.1 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0 Firefox3.0+IEtab1.5 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0 Lunascape4.7 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0 Sleipnir2.7 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1 Grani3.2 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1
Safari3.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0 ... (likeGecko)Version/3.1.2 Safari/525 Netscape9.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0 ... Gecko/20080219 Firefox/ Navigator/ Firefox3.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0 ... Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0 Opera9.51 Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 6.0; U ... (likeGecko)
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 7, Released 9.4.2008 --- Address bar highlighting Fixed the bug that caused pictures from being able to appear in RSS Reader Fixed the bug where sometimes you can't open up a page the first time starting the browser Fixed the bug that caused the Autofill feature to sometimes lead to entering urls very slowly Fixed the bug where a new page was always opened in foreground under any condition Fixed the bug where the Save As Text function didn't work Fixed the bug where uninstalling Avant removed all items in the default list under Vista Fixed the bug that restarting a new instance of Avant kept notifying you to reopen up the opened tabs in the previous instance Fixed the bug that caused the focus to jump to the previously used tab after entering URL Fixed the bug where the search and address bar didn't allow special characters Fixed Avant's User Agent String Fixed the bug where the options for the floating bar didn't take effect Fixed the bug that caused the address bar to not get changed accordingly when the newly opened blank page was redirected to the homepage Fixed the Autofill password security issue Perfected both browsers' icon resolution in the switching programs interface Fixed the bug where the Zoom In function didn't act accurately
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 8, Released 9.10.2008 --- Fixed the bug where the search bar generated 2 pop-up boxes after a search in the current page Fixed the bug that kept some images searching results from showing up Fixed the saving images to 0 bytes bug through floating tool bar Fixed the bug that caused the history of visited sites to be mismatched if sorted by visited order Fixed the bug keeping you from dragging and dropping the desired rss url to open up in a new tab Fixed the bug that kept the scroll bar from showing up completely Fixed the bug where the new version can't replace some files if you're reinstalling Avant without uninstalling the old one Fixed the bug where deleting words in the Organizing Bookmarks/AutoFills dialog caused it to prompt you to delete the whole item
>>147 IEは、そこまで利用しないのですが、何度か試してみても閉じることは有りませんでした。(恐らく試す回数が足りない?) Avant Browzerでも、Ctrl+Fをしても閉じないこともありますし、運が悪ければ閉じてしまうといった感じの症状で、 ただ、その運の悪いのが一日に何度も起こるのでここに書かさせてもらいました。
Avant Browzerを入れていない学校のパソコンのIE6を利用しているとCtrl+Fでたまに閉じることがありました。
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 16, Released 10.29.2008 Fixed the bug where inputting key words in Goolge Toolbar brought up menus Fixed the bug keeping Ctrl+L from working Fixed the bug keeping some buttons from displaying in Floating Text Toolbar Fixed the bug where the color of the Nexos skin became darker after you restarted the browser Fixed the bug where the address bar dropdown list screened the interface of some programs Fixed the bug keeping the Enter key from responding to Open a Link window Fixed the bug keeping the address bar favicon from displaying for Google search Fixed the bug where clearing temporary internet files caused history of visited web sites to get deleted
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 17, Released 10.30.2008 Fixed the bug where inputting key words in Goolge Toolbar brought up menus Fixed the bug keeping Ctrl+L from working Fixed the bug keeping some buttons from displaying in Floating Text Toolbar Fixed the bug where the color of the Nexos skin became darker after you restarted the browser Fixed the bug where the address bar dropdown list screened the interface of some programs Fixed the bug keeping the Enter key from responding to Open a Link window Fixed the bug keeping the address bar favicon from displaying for Google search Fixed the bug where clearing temporary internet files caused history of visited web sites to get deleted
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 18, Released 11.01.2008 Fixed the bug where inputting key words in Goolge Toolbar brought up menus Fixed the bug keeping Ctrl+L from working Fixed the bug keeping some buttons from displaying in Floating Text Toolbar Fixed the bug where the color of the Nexos skin became darker after you restarted the browser Fixed the bug where the address bar dropdown list screened the interface of some programs Fixed the bug keeping the Enter key from responding to Open a Link window Fixed the bug keeping the address bar favicon from displaying for Google search Fixed the bug where clearing temporary internet files caused history of visited web sites to get deleted
質問です。 【症状について】 windowsの更新をインストールしてから、Avant Browser(Version11.7 build18)の起動時に 「There is a critical hotfix available, which includes files that are used fix a ploblem in Avant Browser. Do you want to install this hotfix?」 というダイアログボックスが現れるようになりました。ここで「はい」を選ぶとボックスが消えて何も起こらず、 「いいえ」を選ぶと普通にブラウザが起動します。この現象を回避するにはどうすればいいのでしょうか? 【行なった対処と結果】 とりあえずAvant Browserを一度アンインストールし、再びインストールし直しましたがダメでした。 Avant Browserオプションで、ホットフィクスは自動的にインストールするという設定になっていたので これも変更してみましたがやはりダメでした。IE7は問題なく起動します。OSはXPです。 日本語訳すると、「今使っているfixに問題があって、それを補う最新のfixがあるからインスコしますか?」 という意味ですよね。どうやらここで「はい」を選んだ時の動作に不備があるようです。
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 19, Released 12.11.2008 --- Fixed the bug stopping Avant Browser from tiling properly along with other application windows Fixed the bug where "Avant Browser" kept being shown in the UserAgent string Fixed the bug stopping the uploaded files from being attached to the Attachments list Fixed the bug where the Email button on floating toolbar caused Avant to crash Fixed the bug stopping the Minimize button on the windows toolbar from functioning like the one in the top right corner Fixed the bug that the successively opened popup windows keep moving to the bottom of the screen Fixed the bug that wasn't supporting the scrollbar outline style property Fixed the displaying miscoded username bug in Autofill Fixed the bug where the address bar drop down list screened the address bar if you set the tab bar to the bottom Fixed the bug that Chinese hints of the search results of the bookmarks are miscoded Fixed the bug where the Autofill is not working in some pages Fixed the bug which the RSS items are unread if you opened them in new windows Fixed the bug that stopped the address bar from being selected with ALT+D or F6 if the cursor was already focused in the address bar Fixed the bug stopping the focus from switching between words in the address bar with CTRL + a direction key Fixed the bug where the bookmarks bar and the Organize Bookmarks window is blank if you checked Use IE Favorites as bookmarks option Fixed the bug that kept the browser temporarily freezing up sometimes when you were visiting a blocked URL Updated the displaying and disappearing time of the floating toolbar
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul Line Number 16, Column 1:<window xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" ^
orca の最新版、一回終了して起動すると画面が真っ白で見えない。 ロボフォームのバージョンが合わないみたいなエラーメッセージ This Adapter (6-9-92) supports only Firefox ver. 1.5 to 3.0.*. You are using ver. . This browser is not supported. Please upgrade RoboForm Adapter to the latest version or downgrade your browser. Reason: Cannot register component. が出るがそのせい?
C:\Documents and Settings\(略)\Application Data\Orca Profiles\.default\mozdata\UserData をまるごと削除すると起動するが・・・
Avant Browser 2010 Build 126(Internal Version Number:, Released 12.3.2010 [Fix]Open in New Window opened about:blank(details) [Fix]Save As dialog didn't open when choose to save a picture via Floating Tool Bar(details). [Fix]Some errors related to Auto-Scroll feature [Fix]Immediately inputting url failed after creating a new tab [Fix]Newly created tabs wasn't consistent with the predefined zoom size on Xp/IE6 [Fix]Windows in the background popped up to the foreground in some case [Fix]In some case the title bar didn't keep changing with the page content(445). [Fix]Search Bar in browser:home didn't work(444) [Fix]ctrl+shift+left click error when setting to open links in foreground(details) [Fix]Clearing Recent Closed Pages failed via AB Options->Clear Records->Recent Closed Tabs(440) [Fix]Some errors related to javascript [Fix]Avant kept saving pictures to the system default folder every time loading tabs into a new process [Add]Three shortcuts: File->Save Screen As Image(Shift+Ctrl+S), Save Current Page as Image(Shift+Ctrl+A),Save Selected Region as Image(Shift+Ctrl+Q)
Avant Browser 2012 build 8, Released 11.22.2011 [Change]Firefox engine 8.0.1(Download the Ultimate Version) [Fix]System buttons disappearing problem [Fix]The problem that sometimes the default rendering engine changed back [Fix]Adding URL Alias glitch [Fix]Input application was screened by the drop down list. [Fix]Not recognizing the firefox setting "Remember passwords of sites". [Fix]Ctrl+S didn't work(IE rendering mode) [Fix]Address Bar input problem(IE rendering mode) [Fix]For some sites,Autofill can't save the username and password of the form on the page.(Firefox rendering mode) [Fix]Pressing ctrl+f4/w to close the tabs caused Avant to lose focus.(Firefox rendering mode) [Fix]Firefox Download window minimized to the top of the interface.(Firefox rendering mode)
> 最新バージョンの更新内容 > Avant Browser 2012 build 189, Released 11.13.2012 > [Fix] Sometimes the page lost focus after pressing Refresh, Back, Forward button.
> Avant Browser 2012 build 188, Released 11.9.2012 > [Update] Webkit engine (22.0.1229.96) > [Update] Firefox engine ( > [Fix] Logging into online storage failed in some areas > [Fix] The zooming size can't be remembered in chrome rendering mode > [Fix] Sometimes closing the menu left a shadow in the screen > [Add] Input hint in address bar and search bar > [Change] A new method to set Avant Browser as the default browser on windows 8
Avant Browser 2013 build 119, Released 11.06.2013 [Update]support IE 11 [Update]Firefox: [Update]Chrome:30.0.1599.101 [Fix]Cannot open Help page [Fix]Cannot load certain speed dial [Fix]Cannot input text under firefox engine sometimes [Fix]Cannot save non- English URL alias [Fix]Other minor problems