ぱじゃるすた in English,OK?
116 :
marrona senior superintendent ◆9KvRGyTNCU :2007/02/18(日) 21:43:14 発信元:
This one! How mach? Thanx♪ This is very good
117 :
marron ( senior superintendent) ◆9KvRGyTNCU :2007/02/18(日) 21:45:30 発信元:
This one! How mach? Thanx♪ ↑This is very good vocabulary.
118 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/02/18(日) 22:42:39 発信元:
lo siento
I say die
This is a pen. ←日本語に訳すと、どういう意味?
121 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/03/17(土) 14:07:58 発信元:
>>120 Oops!!
> This is a pen. ←○○○○○○○○○○○○○○?
I can't understand this sentence!!!
You should use English only!!!!!
122 :
「商人の装備品」を更新 :2007/03/17(土) 15:08:59 発信元:
>>121 In Japanese, please.
Or, could you kindly tell me what this means ?
"NullPointerException" was generated.
125 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/04/13(金) 01:56:30 発信元:
I am a pen !!!
126 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/04/13(金) 08:39:37 発信元:
This one is a pen, right?
127 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/06/21(木) 04:07:28 発信元:
I pen is you shoooot manko 「rameeeeeeee!^^」
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いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/06/22(金) 18:44:06 発信元:
130 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/06/22(金) 21:02:14 発信元:
(つ・_・)つ もふもふして
132 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/06/22(金) 21:23:12 発信元:
133 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/06/22(金) 21:24:42 発信元:
What's goin' on?
135 :
Namasta :2007/07/12(木) 02:58:16 発信元:
I'm wondering too^^ But It's quite fun! Is anybody online? I feel lonely
136 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/07/12(木) 05:09:26 発信元:
>>135 Fuck you!!!!!!!!Son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
137 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/07/12(木) 05:11:26 発信元:
I am big tintin but you very small and hinjaku! hahaha
a chat is a discussion in english although in french "un chat" is a cat
140 :
Namasta :2007/07/13(金) 02:11:44 発信元:
What's so funny? I'm french^^
>>136 Your head is out of order.
I'm fucking tired to be a human but my life is still going on/////
143 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2007/10/17(水) 05:56:47 発信元:
Aimes-tu les fromages bleu?
144 :
ダイアン :2008/02/07(木) 03:13:43 発信元:
145 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2008/02/07(木) 12:56:00 発信元:
sit do shit
146 :
初代将軍 ◆q9AzgpRwRQ :2008/03/12(水) 15:06:43 発信元:
I can write Russian very well. but,This is "English only" so I can not write Russian I am sorry.
147 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2008/03/29(土) 18:01:10 発信元:
This thread is great.
OK, show me the money. yah, yah, hmmm, YOU ARE DENIED !
SCIM is good for writing Russian letters 'phonetically'. It's not run on Windows (゚∀゚) Try Linux, have a lot of fun!
To my friend. . ,,,,,,,,,,,, . [|,,,★,,|]. I want you to hold out without becoming hatred of my thing. =(・-・ )= Even the person who is assisting in you : because it is. c(,,o【兔】 Because it walks not one person but two people.
152 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2008/12/10(水) 20:25:08 発信元:
This is a good thread. age
Can I afford it ? YES, WE CAN !
,,,,,,,,,,,, .[|,,,★,,|] I think. Meal at the sickness is serious. ミ,,・-・彡 Living alone it, it is more painful. cミ,, っ旦~~ I recognized mother's importance again this time. "'"''"'"'""'"
Take care!
>>154 This thread is great and I can't write other thread right now...
I'll enjoy as long as my regulation lasts.
>>155 Thank you. I think so.
ミ,,・-・彡 Here is heart-warming thread.
cミ,, っ旦~~ I want you to be through all eternity indefinitely.
Today is so cold and I'm in blue. I want something to cheer me up! And now I'm here 2ch... Oops! My favorite thread is in confusion. I am‘AHOU'! orz
I'd like to train my english ability so, plz speak with me I have nothing to do now because I've been locked out of any other board!
159 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2009/03/19(木) 18:21:56 発信元:
i forgot to raise this thread!
i want to fuxk mirai shida
i still wanna have sex with my teacher though i graduated highschool a few days ago
|,,,,,,,, |★,,|] 。*☆* Fuse was ignited.... |`-´)= 。+*.゜ It's not stopped When irritation starts |っg|画|゜ my character heats easily & is cool.  ̄
163 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :2009/04/04(土) 17:23:21 発信元:
My fuse blew. When I snap like that there's no way of stopping me. You should seriously stay away. But I do calm down right after that though. I'm just warning you. Because I'm kind of Bi-polar. Just Ignore me if I'm too anal. I don't meen to offend anyone actually. It just come out that way. In the end I'm just immature.
164 :
いやあ名無しってほんとにいいもんですね :
2009/04/04(土) 17:56:44 発信元: im back OMAERA.i bought some foods for dinner. TV programs r still suck today. well… what should i do… ok id watch dvd i recorded before. still it should have long.