英国獣医研究所(VLA)やノルウェー獣医科学スクール(Norwegian School of Veterinary Science)を 中心とする研究チームはこのほど、BSE(牛海綿状脳症)などTSE(伝達性スポンジ状脳症)の 進行に関係している異常型プリオンタンパク質が、感染病原体というよりTSEの副次的なマーカーである 可能性を示唆する研究をまとめた。論文が、英国・アイルランド病理学会の発行する医学雑誌 「ジャーナル・オブ・パソロジカル(The Journal of Pathology)」(電子版)最新号に掲載された。
The Journal of Pathology Volume 208, Issue 2 , Pages 134 - 141
Review Article Pathogenesis and prevalence of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease David A Hilton * Department of Histopathology, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UK
Abstract In the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was widespread exposure of the UK population to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-contaminated food products, which has led to over 150 deaths from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Although the pathogenesis in humans is not fully understood, data from animal models and, to a lesser extent, patients with vCJD suggest that oral exposure to BSE is rapidly followed by accumulation of PrPres in gut-associated lymphoid tissue, then, after haematogenous spread, throughout the lymphoreticular system. Spread to the central nervous system may not occur for several years, but blood from individuals in the pre-clinical phase appears to be able to transmit disease. The incidence of vCJD has remained low and is in decline, but it is known from iatrogenic CJD and kuru that human prion disease can have incubation periods of up to 40 years. Cases of vCJD are therefore likely to occur for many more years and alternative phenotypes may develop in individuals with different PRNP genotypes to those seen to date. Studies in transgenic mice have shown that sub-clinical infection is frequent following oral exposure to BSE and a study looking at the accumulation of PrP in anonymized human lymphoid tissue samples found positive cases. There are likely to be a number of asymptomatic carriers of disease within the UK and although it is unclear whether these individuals will develop clinical disease, there is a potential for iatrogenic spread to others. These uncertainties highlight the importance of developing a reliable blood test for vCJD and the continued need for surveillance. Copyright c 2006 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was widespread exposure of the UK population to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)- contaminated food products, which has led to over 150 deaths from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD).
Although the pathogenesis in humans is not fully understood, data from animal models and, to a lesser extent, patients with vCJD suggest that oral exposure to BSE is rapidly followed by accumulation of PrPres in gut-associated lymphoid tissue, then, after haematogenous spread, throughout the lymphoreticular system.
人における発病についてはまだ完全に解明されていないけんども、 実験動物と、少数(to a lesser extent [より低い程度で])の罹患者からの データによれば以下のことが示唆される。 「経口によりBSEに暴露されると、PrPres(何の略語は分からない。文脈からすると以上プリオン)の、 小腸に付属するリンパへ、後に血流を解して、全てのリンパ細網への蓄積が急速に引き起こされる。」
M Jeffrey, L Gonz疝ez, A Espenes, CMcL Press, S Martin, M Chaplin, L Davis, T Landsverk, C MacAldowie, S Eaton, G McGovern Transportation of prion protein across the intestinal mucosa of scrapie-susceptible and scrapie-resistant sheep The Journal of Pathology Volume 209, Issue 1, 2006. Pages 4-14
>>29 Pathogenesis and prevalence of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease ↑じゃなくて↓だね、題見れば分かったなorz...... Transportation of prion protein across the intestinal mucosa of scrapie- susceptible and scrapie-resistant sheep
To determine the mechanisms of intestinal transport of infection, and early pathogenesis, of sheep scrapie, isolated gut-loops were inoculated to ensure that significant concentrations of scrapie agent would come into direct contact with the relevant ileal structures (epithelial, lymphoreticular, and nervous).
それは全然違う論文だ。該当するのはこっちだろ(藁 1: J Pathol. 2006 Mar 30;209(1):4-14 [Epub ahead of print] Related Articles, Links
Transportation of prion protein across the intestinal mucosa of scrapie-susceptible and scrapie-resistant sheep. Jeffrey M, Gonzalez L, Espenes A, Press C, Martin S, Chaplin M, Davis L, Landsverk T, Macaldowie C, Eaton S, McGovern G. Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA)-Lasswade, Pentlands Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0PZ, UK.