there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF
>>370 there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF
>>370 there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF
>>382 >>370 there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF there is nor any Russell set in ZF
In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. The Russell set R might be written as the comprehension {x : x ̸∈ x}, but ZF allows only comprehension over some previously constructed set S, as shown in Figure 1.
自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>397 >>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺?
自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>475 >>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>310 >76ページ 5行目 >> Thus in ZF there is no set of all sets, nor any Russell set {x | not(x ∈ x)} (which >> would be universal since ∀x(not x ∈ x) holds in ZF).
>>475 >>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>475 >>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>536 >>475 >>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big.
>>542 >>536 >>475 >>387 >>382 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. 自殺? In axiomatic set theory (such as ZF), paradoxes are avoided by preventing the creation of sets that are too big. Nanoscale writing and erasing of amorphous marks in a GeSbTe thin film with a gold nanoparticle by femtosecond laser irradiation Takashi Hira and Toshiharu Saiki Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Keio University Presentation T.Hira: "A Complete Switching of the Surface Plasmon Resonance due to Ultrafast Pphase Change of GeSbTe Substrate" 2011 MRS Spring Meeting. (20110427). アメリカ T.Hira: "Femtosecond Nanoscale Phase-Change Dynamics in GeSbTe Thin Films" The 11th International Symposium on Optical Memory. (20110719). アメリカ(INVITED)(招待講演) T.Hira: "Giant Surface Plasmon Resonance Switching of Gold Nanoparticles Based on Ultrafast Phase Change of GeSbTe" The 2011 European symposium on Phase Change and Ovonic Science. (20110906). スイス(INVITED)(招待講演) T.Hira: "Surface Plasmon Resonance Switching of Gold Nanoparticles Based on Ultrafast Phase Change of GeSbTe" The Symposium on Phase Change Optical Information Storage (PCOS) 2011. (20111118). Shizuoka 平敬: "フェムト秒ナノスケール電子励起によるGeSbTeの相変化誘起" レーザー学会学術講演会第32回年次大会. (20120131). 仙台(招待講演)
>>375 Secondly, since DS is a valid classical inference, we can see clearly that a paraconsistent logic will validate fewer inferences than classical logic. (No classically invalid inferences are going to become valid by dint of inconsistent information.) That is the whole idea―that classical logic allows too much, and especially given the possibility of inconsistency, we must be more discriminating. This is sometimes expressed by saying that paraconsistent logics are ‘weaker’ than classical logic; but since paraconsistent logics are more flexible and apply to more situations, we needn’t focus too much on the slang. Classical logic is in many ways more limited than paraconsistent logic (see §4c.).
◆nyDbrW8/YE = 非因果的ブラックボックス(哲学板荒らし) = きゅむ(AKBスレ荒らし) = 慶応大学 理工学研究科 後期博士課程 T. H.
アイドルへの激しい中傷だけに留まらず、 こいつの学歴差別ならぬ「学歴差“蔑”」は完全アウトだからな。 哲学板では先鋭的過ぎてタダのキチガイ。 排気風力発電関連では、各大学や大手企業(特に三菱系)へ対する病的に激しい名誉毀損。 物理学の大学院生としては許されない明確な詭弁の数々。 本来の意味での確信犯。 これで慶大が T. H. を放置したら、慶大も同罪な。