
20NAME OVER:03/12/01 11:04 ID:???
☆He was too delicate to die in a accident that he had fallen down from only 1meter difference.
21NAME OVER:03/12/01 11:22 ID:???
22NAME OVER:03/12/01 16:49 ID:???
★あっ!!! せんせい!! こ このゆかは だれかの わな だったんだ!
☆Oh!!! Sir!! This floor is laid a trap by somebody !
23NAME OVER:03/12/02 08:43 ID:???
★こんなところを うろつくなよ この あばずれ!!
☆Hey bitch!! Don't wander here!!!
24NAME OVER:03/12/02 10:36 ID:???
☆Crab! Crab! Where is it?
25NAME OVER:03/12/02 12:12 ID:???
★コイン いっこ いれる
☆Insert a coin.
26NAME OVER:03/12/02 12:23 ID:???
★なにをする きさまら
27NAME OVER:03/12/02 12:27 ID:???
☆I got an Ice-Sword had been wishing for so much!!
28NAME OVER:03/12/02 12:35 ID:???
29NAME OVER:03/12/02 12:44 ID:???
30NAME OVER:03/12/02 12:45 ID:???
Designer, Kaoru NAKAJIMA.
I desire to lick pussy.
I like vagina and clitoris toooo much !!
31NAME OVER:03/12/02 13:04 ID:???
3227:03/12/03 17:46 ID:???

☆I'll hang myself.
33NAME OVER:03/12/03 23:17 ID:???
34NAME OVER:03/12/04 01:30 ID:???
☆Everyone step back and fall over the cliff at first.

☆They are so dutiful that they bow each other before the fighting.

☆A lot of men lost their life before the shutter.

35NAME OVER:03/12/04 17:19 ID:???
★わたしこそ しんの ゆうしゃだ!!
☆I am just a true hero!!

★ざんねん!! わたしの ぼうけんは これで おわってしまった!!
☆Regrettable!! My adventure has finished it as this!!
36NAME OVER:03/12/04 19:12 ID:???
☆A long trip starts

☆Don't think that it won now!
37NAME OVER:03/12/04 19:24 ID:???
☆Ouch…guts is insufficient.

☆It was ineffective,but it fell.
38NAME OVER:03/12/04 19:38 ID:???
☆It connects immediately from Nancy!

☆A paper boy is discharged.
39NAME OVER:03/12/06 01:51 ID:???
☆It is the surviving fellow's victory!

★世界最強は誰か? 今、真剣勝負の幕が開く
☆The curtain of earnest opens the world strongest now someone?

☆It was 10 years ago.

☆it will come from a top take care!

40NAME OVER:03/12/06 03:38 ID:???
41NAME OVER:03/12/08 16:16 ID:???
42NAME OVER:03/12/08 16:29 ID:???
43NAME OVER:03/12/08 16:30 ID:???

44NAME OVER:03/12/08 16:40 ID:???
45NAME OVER:03/12/09 04:48 ID:???
46NAME OVER:03/12/09 06:31 ID:VIdsi471
☆Therefore, I choose this red's door with much trouble!
47NAME OVER:03/12/10 01:33 ID:???
48NAME OVER:03/12/10 13:43 ID:???
49NAME OVER:03/12/13 04:51 ID:???
☆Although the man was giving the doctor just in now, it was a mercenary 10 years ago.

☆From Nancy, Ayu Tsukimiya of urgent connection and continuation eat drop goes in a suburb with eating,
and is escaping a Taiyaki pancake stuffed with bean jam!!
50NAME OVER:03/12/13 11:57 ID:???
51NAME OVER:03/12/15 08:58 ID:???
I kick the door to open, and enter within dancing.(違
52NAME OVER:03/12/15 16:13 ID:???
53NAME OVER:03/12/15 17:32 ID:???
54FE:03/12/15 17:53 ID:m7vXS7VU
★わたしは そうりょリフ。
☆I am priest RIFU.

★ケダモノ! 近寄らないで!
☆Beast! Don't approach!
55NAME OVER:03/12/18 09:03 ID:???
56NAME OVER:03/12/18 09:54 ID:???
★CATS:All your base are belong to us.
57NAME OVER:03/12/18 11:21 ID:???
58NAME OVER:03/12/18 20:21 ID:???
Monster surprised you !
59NAME OVER:03/12/22 11:52 ID:???
60NAME OVER:03/12/23 22:24 ID:???
[ニュース速報+板] 【話題】通常の3倍「萌える」英単語集もえたん 発売半月で十万部突破の超人気★2
[ニュース速報板] 【2ch効果?】「萌える英単語もえたん」 発売半月で10万部突破
61NAME OVER:03/12/23 22:30 ID:???
I always wanted a thing called tuna sasimi!
62NAME OVER:03/12/26 07:37 ID:???
63NAME OVER:03/12/26 10:23 ID:???
64NAME OVER:03/12/26 12:45 ID:FP+fXgGo
fuck you
65シャドウゲイト:03/12/28 23:03 ID:???
★縁起でもない!! 部屋の中には棺が半ダースも!!
☆It is inauspicious!! In the room, the half-dozen also had a coffin!!
66NAME OVER:03/12/29 01:59 ID:???
★縁起でもない!! 部屋の中には棺が半ダースも!!

☆緣起也沒有!! 房間的其中棺半打也!!

★起因もない!! 部屋のその中の棺の半ダース!!
67NAME OVER:04/01/18 12:00 ID:6yuJb6Kz
68NAME OVER:04/01/21 02:16 ID:???
☆There is no reply. It seems to be a free strange body.