In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けることにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
The killing of male brown bears is very rare. 雄のヒグマを殺すことは非常にまれです。
In such cases the tiger usually takes the bear by surprise during hibernation. このような場合トラは通常冬眠中の熊を奇襲します。
These two opponents are very wary of a fight. この両者は争いに非常に慎重です。
A fully grown, male brown bear, weighing up to 1500 lb, presents a formidable foe to even the biggest male Amur tiger. 種としての成長した雄のヒグマは、最高1500ポンドの重さがあり、最も大きい雄のアムールトラにさえ手ごわい敵となると思われます。
Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 大きいヒグマは、トラの後を追ってまでも、トラの獲物を乗っ取るでしょう。特にほとんど存在している食物がない冬の終わりに。
However, the 1000 lb plus bear is king here and of a much more ferocious disposition. しかしながら、1000ポンド以上クマは、ここの王様であり、また、よりずっと恐ろしい気質の王様です。
Two large male tigers were found killed by such animals in the year 2000, which is tragic, if natures way. 2000年に、この動物(ヒグマ)によって2匹の大きい雄トラが殺されているのが発見されました。もしそれが自然の摂理であるなら悲劇的です
Tigers will usually avoid such a powerful foe, but eventually these huge animals will run into each other. トラ達は、普通はこのような強力な敵を避けるでしょう、しかし結局は、これらの巨大な動物はお互いに逃走します。
Often the bear is trying to steal the tiger's kill. しばしば熊はトラの獲物を盗もうとします。
The tiger gives a better account of itself in a bear fight than the lion. トラは、熊との争いにおいて、ライオンよりは堂々と振舞うでしょう。
The bear does not go in for strangulation or nape biting, but uses his paws to rain blows to the head and shoulders. 熊は、絞殺や首筋を噛むことには拘りませんが、前肢を使い、相手の頭と肩へ雨のように強打を見舞います。
Possibly this removes any advantage of a mane. おそらく、これはたてがみのどんな利点も消してしまいます。
Eventually, and at considerable cost, African lions were brought in to raise the stakes. 結局は、かなりの費用をかけて、アフリカのライオンが対戦を行うために持ち込まれました。
The most fierce of the adult males was sent in whilst the grizzly was already waiting in the pits. 成獣の雄の最も荒々しいライオンは、ヒグマが既に待っているピットに送り込まれました。
The lion was known for bravely charging straight in and looked good for the money, but the grizzly killed a male lion almost as easily as he'd killed the bull. ライオンは勇敢な事で知られていて、中にまっすぐに突進していき、そして金のためにかっこ良く見えました。しかしヒグマは、すでに雄牛を殺していたのとほとんど同じぐらい簡単に雄のライオンを殺しました。
The Californians never understood why. カリフォルニアの人達は何が起こったのかまるで理解できませんでした。
We now know that it was enormously strong bone density meeting a low density skull. 我々は現在、それは途方もなく強い密度の骨が、低密度の頭骨に見舞われたからだと知っています。
At a range of 4 feet the blow crashed in before the lion could apply the wind pipe lock, which is lion and tiger learnt behaviour for taking down prey animals. リーチ4フィートの一撃はライオンが息する間もなく破壊し、ライオンとトラは獲物になって解体される動物の気持ちを学んだのでした。
オオカミ、ピューマとグリズリーの関係 The bears seemed to follow the wolves deliberately in order to take over the kills. In one encounter nine wolves challenged an adult grizzly for a carcass. The bear lay down on the elk and refused to move.Checkmated the wolves eventually gave up and left to make another kill.In clashes with wolves grizzlies usually prevail. Where it's not available grizzlies rely mainly on plants roots berries and insects. Hibernation is an adaptive strategy that enables bears to survive through the long winter despite food scarcity. クマは計画的に獲物を奪うためにオオカミの後をつけて行くように見えた。 ある両者の衝突では、9頭のオオカミが狩った獲物を守るためにヒグマの成獣に挑戦した。 クマはエルクの上に横たわり、オオカミの要求を拒絶した。ついにオオカミは獲物をあきらめて 他の獲物を狩りに行った。対オオカミ戦では大抵ヒグマが勝つ(私の個人的意見だがクマの 下手したら2倍あるようなヘラジカを圧倒的に捕食するオオカミの集団をも大抵追い払うクマはやはり 純粋肉食獣に相性がいいと思う)。肉が手に入らないときは植物類や昆虫を主食とする。
In 1996 Montana researchers near Glacier National Park watched a grizzly that had discovered the trick of following wolves and mountain lions to steal their kills. This bear was so well fed he never went into a den and never hibernated. (要約)1996年に国立公園の研究員が、ある観察を行いました。その観察とは あるヒグマがオオカミやマウンテンライオンを尾行し、彼らが獲った獲物を横取りすることによって 栄養を補給するカラクリに気付いていたということです。このためこのクマは冬場でも十分な食料を 得られるので冬眠をしないでよかったのです。
Many a coyote wolf mountain lion and now big game hunter have lost their kills to these thieving bruins. 多くのコヨーテ、オオカミ、ピューマ、そしてハンター(狩猟を行う人)が自分で 仕留めた獲物をクマに奪われる。
While working in Glacier National Park on a wolf/mountain lion interaction study the Hornocker Wildlife Research Institute discovered that both wolves and lions regularly had kills taken away by individual bears オオカミとピューマとの研究ではどちらの動物も個々のクマに 定期的に獲物を奪われていました。
Jaguars and pumas are in almost direct competition throughout most of their mutual distribution (Rabinowitz 1987). The smaller and less powerful puma probably gives way in confrontations. They are known always to avoid grizzly bears,(略) (要約) ジャガーとピューマは互いに生息地が重なる地域では大抵の場合競合します。戦いでは、小さく力の弱いピューマが恐らくジャガーに負けると思います。ピューマがいつもグリズリーを避ける事は知られています。
The lion, for example, has a bite force of about 940 pounds(約427kg), slightly less than the hyena’s roughly 1,000 pounds(454kg). The only shark tested, the dusky shark, achieves about 330 pounds(約150kg), while a common dog, the Labrador, bites at a mere 125 pounds(約57kg) or so. Anyone ever jawed by a toddler might judge the strength of the human bite force to be near infinite. But people bite at a maximum force of about 170 pounds(約77kg), just one-thirteenth the strength of a large gator. (ライオン427kg、ハイエナ454kg、ラブラドール57kg、人間77kg)。 ※1.約80匹に皮を巻いた鉄の棒を噛ませて測定したが、その内の45匹の測定に成功したようだ。 Stanford University(スタンフォード大学) Greater forces would have been exerted simultaneously by teeth further back in the mouth nearer the jaw hinge. From the data the researchers calculated this force to be 3,011 pounds. By comparison, a human exerts a maximum force of about 175 pounds with the rear teeth, an African lion about 937 pounds, and an alligator slightly less than 3,000 pounds. (二) 「噛み付く力は、772kgとトラの2倍にも達する。」 ゆえに虎の噛む力は推定約390kgとなる。
Another subspecies, U. a. manchuricus, inhabits the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, Amur Basin, Sakhalin Island and Ussuriland. It once occurred in North Korea and Northeastern China,but is now almost extinct there. These animals are large (some were documented killing tigers), もうひとつの亜種 マンシュウヒグマはオホーツク海沿岸、アムール盆地、サハリン、 ウスリー地方に住んでいる。 かつては北朝鮮や中国東北部にもいたが、現在ではほぼ絶滅している。 これらの動物は巨大だ【トラ(複数形に注目)を殺したと記録されているものもいる。】
zoobooksより If tiger is hungry enough, it may even attack a bear. But that may by a big mistake. This Siberian Tiger has attacked a Eurasian Brown Bear that is almost twice its size. The bear is also stronger than the tiger and every bit as mean. トラは空腹になると熊を襲う事がある。しかし、これは大きな失敗だ。 この(絵の)シベリアトラはユーラシアヒグマを襲おうとしているが熊はトラの倍近い大きさだ。 また、大抵の場合、熊はトラより頑強で、したたかに噛む。
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. ヒグマがトラのもとより餌を盗む。 ここでは、それを虎に対する脅威のひとつとして捉えてるようです
ユージン・ビクトル博士 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。
鎖に繋がれたグリズリー>>>>2頭のスペイン闘牛 In 1851 John Borthwick joined the gold rush and ventured to California. He traveled to Moquelumne Hill, where he witnessed an extraordinary bear and bull fight between the celebrated bull-killing bear "General Scott" and a young Spanish bull. The bear was tethered to a twenty-foot chain in the middle of the arena and the bull roamed the arena unhampered. General Scott proved a worthy adversary on this day, as the bear defeated not one but two bulls pitted against him at the same time.
His hind feet were tethered with several turns of a strong rawhide reata, but were left about a yard apart to give full play. To the center of this rawhide, between the two feet, was fastened another heavy reata, doubled and secured to a big loop made of doubled reatas thrown over the center post. He was of the old long-horn breed but of great weight and power. 足をくくられている証拠↑ Then up went the great paws, one on each side of the bull's head, and the sharp points of the horns whirled up from horizontal to perpendicular, then almost to horizontal again as bull and bear went rolling over together. 倒し方一例↑ Now one could see exactly why cattle found killed by bears always have their necks broken. ↑いつも牛がやられる証拠。
Tigers are not always the killers, sometimes they are killed. Bears, elephants, and packs of wild dogs have been known to kill adult tigers (Guggisberg, 1975).
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
There is also a vague account of a circus (African) lion that jumped an American black bear during an act. The fight was fierce and both combatants were injured, but the lion's injuries where [sic] of the extent that it had to be destroyed.
All, i watched the event at 9pm last evening. 皆さん、私は昨日の夜9時から見ました。
The grizzly destroyed the tiger. グリズリーはトラを破壊しました。
The extremely powerful blow reported by some individuals here, knocked the tiger over and the bear walked away unconcerned. ここの何人かの人も報告したとおりに、物凄い力の一撃でトラが倒されました。クマが何事も無かったかのように立ち去りました。
The tiger attacked again so the bear hit it again with full force and broke its back. Game over. トラが再び攻撃したので、クマは力いっぱいトラを叩いてその背骨を折りました。ゲームオーバー。
POWER: One of the most powerful land carnivores in the world (exceeded in strength but not speed by the Kodiak bear), the tiger is a massively built cat of awesome size and power. the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten. 大きな牛や熊には流石の虎も分が悪いようです。大きな熊との戦いでは頻繁に打ち負かされるようです。
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard. But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream. The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger. Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved. Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。 they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars. "グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。 獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
bears displace lions from kills and that displaced lions lost an average of 1.1 kg/day of ungulatebiomass, or 25-40 percent of their daily food requirements (Murphy et al. 1996). In addition,lions killed a higher number of ungulates when they were displaced by bears. Ruth and Hornocker (1996) documented grizzly bears tracking, treeing and killing mountain lions in Montana.(Ruth and Hornocker 1996) 熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%を奪われる事になった(Murphy et al. 1996)。獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。 ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
A study in Wyoming found that black bears displaced mountain lions from 50% of the lion-killed carcasses they visited but physical contact was not documented. ワイオミング州の研究では、「ピューマが獲物を獲ると、クロクマがやって来て、その内の二回に一回はクロクマがピューマを追っ払いその獲物を奪っていること」が明らかになった。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない mellivora I'm trying to figure out which is the dominant carnivore in their relationship. It seems they are natural enemies, who will kill each other given the opportunity, much like lions and hyenas. You mentioned that bears sometimes kill tigers particularly cubs and that tigers will predate on female bears roughly their size, has their been any interaction between tigers and large male bears?
I realize that their diets are very different, yet they still seem to compete with and harbor animosity towards each other. Again any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
確かに稀にナマケグマが虎の餌食になった例はある。カランスもそのような事(rare items)があると述べるし(性別年齢等不明で1%だったかな?)、Valmikもon very rare occations,tigers have been known to kill young elephants..and even bears.. と述べている。しかし概して共通しているのはこれらは稀な出来事であるということだ。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them.
На Дальнем Востоке на медведя иногда нападает тигр, 極東のトラはしばしクマを攻撃することがある。 но крупный амурский медведь и для тигра оказывается очень серьезным противником. しかしアムールの大きなヒグマはトラにとって極めて深刻な敵である。
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
シベリアトラの権威ジョン・グッドリッチ博士 「Brown bears often usurp kills from tigers and I think that big male brown bears win just about any situation simply because of their larger size.
ユージン・ビクトル博士 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
На Дальнем Востоке на медведя иногда нападает тигр, 極東のトラはしばしクマを攻撃することがある。 но крупный амурский медведь и для тигра оказывается очень серьезным противником. しかしアムールの大きなヒグマはトラにとって極めて深刻な敵である。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. mellivora I'm trying to figure out which is the dominant carnivore in their relationship. It seems they are natural enemies, who will kill each other given the opportunity, much like lions and hyenas. You mentioned that bears sometimes kill tigers particularly cubs and that tigers will predate on female bears roughly their size, has their been any interaction between tigers and large male bears?
I realize that their diets are very different, yet they still seem to compete with and harbor animosity towards each other. Again any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Tigers are not always the killers, sometimes they are killed. Bears, elephants, and packs of wild dogs have been known to kill adult tigers (Guggisberg, 1975).
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。
There is also a vague account of a circus (African) lion that jumped an American black bear during an act. The fight was fierce and both combatants were injured, but the lion's injuries where [sic] of the extent that it had to be destroyed.
Much of the information you have found is false. In 13 years of radio-tracking tigers, we have never found a tiger that we even suspected might have been killed by a bear, although there are a few reports of brown bear predation on tiger cubs in the Russian literature. The reports of adult male tigers killed by brown bears are simply not true. あなたが受け取った(2000年に2頭の雄トラがクマに殺されたという)情報は 間違っています。ロシアの文献には幼獣が捕食されたといういくつかの報告はありますが この13年間の我々の追跡調査においてクマに殺されたトラは発見されていません。 成獣の雄トラがヒグマに殺されたという報告は単純な誤りです。
However, the 1000 lb plus bear is king here and of a much more ferocious disposition. しかしながら、1000ポンド以上クマは、ここの王様であり、また、よりずっと恐ろしい気質の王様です。
Two large male tigers were found killed by such animals in the year 2000, which is tragic, if natures way. 2000年に、この動物(ヒグマ)によって2匹の大きい雄トラが殺されているのが発見されました。もしそれが自然の摂理であるなら悲劇的です
Tigers will usually avoid such a powerful foe, but eventually these huge animals will run into each other. トラ達は、普通はこのような強力な敵を避けるでしょう、しかし結局は、これらの巨大な動物はお互いに逃走します。
Often the bear is trying to steal the tiger's kill. しばしば熊はトラの獲物を盗もうとします。
The tiger gives a better account of itself in a bear fight than the lion. トラは、熊との争いにおいて、ライオンよりは堂々と振舞うでしょう。
The bear does not go in for strangulation or nape biting, but uses his paws to rain blows to the head and shoulders. 熊は、絞殺や首筋を噛むことには拘りませんが、前肢を使い、相手の頭と肩へ雨のように強打を見舞います。
Possibly this removes any advantage of a mane. おそらく、これはたてがみのどんな利点も消してしまいます。
ユージン・ビクトル博士 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。
シベリアトラの権威ジョン・グッドリッチ博士 「Brown bears often usurp kills from tigers and I think that big male brown bears win just about any situation simply because of their larger size.
シベリアトラの権威ジョン・グッドリッチ博士 「Brown bears often usurp kills from tigers and I think that big male brown bears win just about any situation simply because of their larger size.
I recall reading somewhere that brown bear males in the Amur region average around 450-750 lbs, with occasional 1000 pounders being reported. This would mean that the average sized male would have a very slight weight advantage over the average sized Amur tiger male, with large males outweighing large male tigers by a good margin. A good, even fight with median specimens, and a fair edge to the bear with large males.
There was also a very detailed first hand report from a couple of Russian trappers of an encounter between two large males of each species, that ended in the death of the tiger. This case may have been the one that was mentioned in the report on tiger fatalities of that year (I believe it was from the Hornocker institute). There was also another similar case (with a large male tiger getting killed by a large male bear), but there were no further details.
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them.
I have had a reply form michael hornocker. He states that tigers just do not stick around to fight with big brown bear males. 私はマイケル・ホーノッカーから返事を頂きました。トラは大きい雄のヒグマと戦うために、トラは場に残らないと述べています。(逃げるの意か?) There was a case of one large tiger which speacialised (unusually) in the taking of adult brown bear females. ある大きいトラは(珍しい事に)雌成獣のヒグマを捕らえるのを専門にしていた事例がありました。 He would attack the bear as it was leaving its den. クマがその越冬穴を出る時に、彼はそれを攻撃するのでした。 Either during winter breaks from the den or at spring. 冬(冬眠を)中断する時か春に。 He can draw no real conlusion from the tigers ability to better brown bear because the animals were took by suprise and would likely have been very ill prepared for a fight and even underweight. トラがヒグマに優れていると言う結論を彼は実際には出せません。なぜなら、そのヒグマを予想外の時に襲って、ヒグマは戦う準備が とても出来ていなくて、体重さえ不足していたでしょう。 Cojimar, he claimed brown bear upto about 700lb with occasional rare specimen of 800lb. Cojimarさん、彼は700ポンドのヒグマを主張しました。たまに、800ポンドの個体もありました。 Sometimes fierce bears will drive tigers off the kills they have made. 場合によって、獰猛なクマは自分の獲物からトラを追い払います。 Tigers do not tangle with big male bear, or atleast he has not seen it. トラは大きい雄クマとかかわりません。あるいは、少なくとも、トラはそれを見ていません。 There were 5 recorded acts of predation on brown bear females and 2 tigers killed in fights with a full grown male bear. 雌のヒグマを餌食にする5つの記録されている事例があります。それから、雄成獣のクマと戦って、2頭のトラが殺されている事例も 記録されています。 One of the fights was witnessed. The tigers were estimated at 500lb. while the bear was in at about 800lb.(Estimates only) その戦いの一つは目撃されました。トラは500ポンドと見積もられて、クマの方は800ポンド位でした。(あくまでも、見積もりです。) He suggested that fights could go either way with average sized bear. 平均的なクマとの戦いの場合は、結果がどちらにでもなれると彼は推測しました。 So you maybe correct after all. But bons just for you, if you are still looking in, he also said that the tiger had little chance against big bear with its winter layer. だから、結局、あなたの言い分は正しいかも知れません。しかし、bonsさん、あなたのためにだけ言いますが、もしまだ見ているの だったら、冬の(脂肪?)層の大きいクマに対して、トラは余り勝ち目がないとも彼が言いました。 He doesnt believe anything would want to trifle with one! Hank. クマと関わりたい者があるとは彼は信じていません。−ハンク(より)
Unlike leopards, which are submissive with tigers, and sometimes even fall victim to them, the bear remains unperturbed and I have witnessed bears walking past tigers without any great concern. 「虎の下位にある豹と違い、ナマケ熊はトラを何とも思っていない。私は熊達がさしたる関心も示さずにトラ達の眼前を通り過ぎたのを目撃している。」 The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. Honey badgers have been known to attack animals as large as sheep, horses, buffaloes, wildebeest and waterbuck, and on one occasion an observer watched three honey badgers persuade seven lions to abandon the wildebeest kill that the lions were eating. 三匹のアナグマが獲物を食べている七匹のライオンから獲物を奪った例がある。 On one occasion, as the group of six were resting in the bed of the Sand River, a pair of Honey Badgers came bustling towards them from out of the reeds. The lions immediately went to investigate and received the shock of their lives as the no-nonsense badgers suddenly attacked them. And it was a humiliating defeat for the lions as they were forced to back off from the rattling, bristling badgers, which eventually left the stunned, deflated lions. 六匹のライオンが休憩している時に、アシの草むらの中からニ匹のハニーバジャーが騒がしく出てきて、ライオンの集団に向かって行った。ハニーバジャー達は毛を逆立て騒ぎ立てライオン達を追い立てた。 これはライオン達にとって屈辱的な敗北であった。ハニーバジャー達は打ち負かされ意気消沈しているライオン達を残して去って行った。 according to naturalist and author, Jonathan Kingdon, three Ratels took a kill away from three sub-adult and four half-grown Lions. ナチュラリストであり著者である人物によると、三匹のラテルが三匹の亜成獣とハーフグロウン四匹のライオンから獲物を奪い取っている。 Lion and Leopards have been recorded killing Honey Badgers but it is likely that they were old or sick animals. In one case, a fully grown Leopard took two hours and much effort to eventually kill an old toothless Badger! ライオンとヒョウなどはラテルを殺した記録がある。しかし、そのラテルらは、老衰、病気であったと思われる。ある事例では、完全に成長を遂げたヒョウが、「老衰かつ歯の無い」ラテルを殺すのにさえ、二時間もの奮闘努力を要した。
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
Hunters in the Russian Far East frequently find the remains of black bears killed and eaten by tigers, and they often occur in tiger faeces. When the bear tries to escape by climbing it is sometimes pulled down by the tiger. Brown bears are also taken. Though tigers will usually avoid the formidable large males , They regularly prey on cabs ,and occasionally adults. The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
ホッキョクグマがクズリに重傷を負わされた例 In one of these account ? actuary witnessed ? a lone wolverine suffocated a polar bear by jumping on it, getting hold of the bears head, and wrapping its legs around the bears neck.
ホッキョクグマがクズリに殺された例(13ページ) In the other story a wolverine drove a polar bear off a kill by jumping on its head and biting off its nose.
ヒグマがクズリに重傷を負わされた例(13ページ) When miners first come around, one miner was walking around up there. He hears growling. Over the hill he sees a brown bear with its face torn up, its eyes gouged out. The miner took pity on it so he shot it.
Pradation on Asiatic black bear by brown bears and tigers is common (Bromlei 1965, Yudakov and Nikolaev 1987, Khramtsov 1993) アジアのクロクマは、ヒグマとトラに普通に捕食されている(ブロムレイ1965 他)
A radiocollared adult male tiger killed and ate a radiocollared adult male Asiatic Black bear on 5 Desember 1998. 発信機を取り付けた追跡調査で、1998年12月5日に成獣の雄トラが成獣の雄クロクマを殺して 食べたことが確認された。
Blood and claw marks indicated that the tiger climbed and extracted the bear from 2 different trees, one of with was a cottonwood large enough to contain a bear den. 血痕と爪の跡は、トラがふたつの木に登ってクマを引きずりおろしたことを示していた。 そのうちのひとつには、クマが冬篭りできるほど大きな樹洞があったが。
Goodrich talks about his work, and about what he and his wife, Linda Kerley, have learned in their three years here. Siberian tigers generally feast on elk or boar; but sometimes they eat wolves, and one male at Sikhote-Alin specializes in brown bears. He weighs in at 445 pounds; he'll kill bears bigger than he is. He killed one bear and dragged it a mile.
The tiger hunts bears more frequently than one might suppose. トラは一般的に信じられているよりも、もっと頻繁にクマを捕食している。
The bear also serves as food for the tiger, but at the same time, it is necessary to note the appearance of a distinctive sort of commensalism. クマもまたトラにとっては食糧源である。しかし同時に特有の相互依存関係 (非常に大きなヒグマが小さな雌トラの獲物を食べることなど)についても明記して おかなくてはならない。
A large bear, having found small tiger cubs at a kill in the absence of their mother, sometimes kills them. ときどき大きなヒグマが、母親のトラがいない隙に小さな子供を見つけ殺すことがある。
The tiger kills all types of prey almost instantaneously, biting through the neck vertebrae at the back of the head with canine teeth that reach 6 cm in length. Only large bears, due to the fat layer at the nape of their neck,cannot be immediately killed. トラは6cmに達する犬歯で頭の後ろから獲物の頸椎を貫き、ほとんどの獲物を瞬殺するが、 首周りに脂肪のついた大きなクマだけは、短時間では死なないようだ。
Sloth bears, black bears, and brown bears, all much larger than sun bears, are reported as prey of tigers (Schaller 1967). ナマケグマ、クロクマ、そしてヒグマと、マレーグマよりも大きいほとんどのクマがトラの獲物と して報告されている(シャラー 1967)
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a threat even to adult bears; I have recorded several interactions between these two large carnivores in the last five years at Panna, including a sloth bear having been killed and eaten by a tigress and her cubs. ナマケグマがメストラに殺されて食われたのを初め、成獣のクマがトラに捕食されたいくつもの 例が確認されている
Sloth bears also live where other large dangerous carnivores live: tigers, leopards, and wild dogs on the subcontinent and leopards in Sri Lanka. These large carnivores readily kill sloth bears if they can catch them ナマケグマの棲む地域には、インド亜大陸のトラ、ヒョウ、野生イヌ、スリランカのヒョウなど 危険な捕食者も生息している。これらの大型肉食獣はナマケグマを捕まえると素早く殺してしまう。
American black bear females send their cubs up trees when they sensed a threat. The answer may be that sloth bear cubs and even females in a tree remain vulnerable to predators, especially to leopards, which readily climb. アメリカクロクマは危険を察知すると幼獣を木に登らせるが、ナマケグマの幼獣や雌成獣には特に ヒョウなどの危険な敵がいるので、そのような事はしないようだ。
However, brown bear cubs are killed more often (indicating that male tigers can drive away the defending mother bear) and the smaller Himalayan black bear is a very common ingredient on the Amur tiger’s menu.
Brown bears are also taken, Though tigers will usually avoid the formidable large males, they regularly prey on cabs, and occasionally adaltes. 「ヒグマもまた(トラに)捕食されます。しかし通常は手強い大きな雄は避けて幼獣を捕食します が、ときには成獣も捕食します。」
Jhon・Seidensticker(トラの世界的権威)著 Smithonian account book 「cats」より
In the Russian Far East, young brown bears are attracted to carrion, and those that find a kill belonging to a tiger are quickly dispatched by the tiger. 「極東ロシアでは、若いヒグマがトラの獲物に引き付けられてやって来るが、トラによって素早く 殺されてしまう。」 (サンキスト・クルーク・マクドゥーガル・ホーノッカーなどの調査に基づいた多数の肉食獣同士 の力関係を記述した本の中で言及)。
しかし同書の改訂版ともいうべき Animal Life and Lore(1963)ではライオン対ハイイログマ の経過は不明である
2 モンテレイのライオンとグリズリーの戦いに関する新情報
The Oakland Tribune of April 1, 1895 mentions that a battle between a lion and a larger grizzly had been staged in Mexico but that the battle had resulted in a draw after tw o rounds. Neither animal was killed but both were injured. メキシコでライオンと大きなグリズリーの闘いが2ラウンドにわたって行なわれ引き分けに 終わった。
~The Anaconda standard: Sunday, July 28, 1901. The fight between the lion Parnell and a grizzly bear in Mexico near the Texas border took place on April (中略) The bear secured as the lion's antagonist is called Ramadam. He is a California silver tipped grizzly and one of the largest of his kind. He has the record of having killed two of his keepers in one day, and his fighting qualities are undeniable. Within the ringwas erected a large circular steel cage, 15 feet high and 20 feet in diameter. (中略)"For 33 minutes they fought continuously. After an unusually vicious attack made by Parnell from the rear Ramadam suddenly turned, and with terrible ferocity seized the lion between the shoulders, and shaking him as though ho had been a cat he raised him intothe air and hurled the lion to the ground. Parnell's head struck the side of the cage, and he was momentarily stunned and unable to arise for more than a minute. Once the lion was floored, the bear turned and walked to the other side of the cage. After this the fighting was tame and the contest was declared a draw.・
PERU, Ind., March 26.・quot;Brutus," the largest lion owned by Hugenbock & Wallace show company, killed a polar bear and created panic at the show's headquarters here late yesterday afternoon. These two animals, together with a tiger, leopard, Jaguar, a bloodhound and a hyena constitute a family of beasts being trained by John Helliott. Every afternoon they are put through a number of marvelous stunts and it was while the bear was taking its seat beside the lion that it brushed against "Brutus." Quick as a flash the lion sprangon the bear and the growling which followed created a panic among the other animals in the iron cage. Helliott had hard work keeping out of their way. Finally he got to the door; which opens to the runway for the animals, and he succeeded in driving all of them out except the lion and the bear which were rolling over and tearing each other's flesh with teeth and claws. Helliott got a crowbar and tried to pry the lion's mouth open and loosen its grip on the bear's throat. In this he failed. He then lassoed the lion and finally got the rope around its throat, thus choking it until it finally let go. The bear was bleeding from the breast and throat, yet it staggered to attack the choked lion. However, the bear fell dead before it struck a blow. Helllott says this was the hardest battle he ever experienced since be entered the animal training business. The polar bear was a new one in the family.
In Nagarahole National Park, the average weight of 83 tiger kills was 401kg. This sample included seven gaur weighing 1000kg, although using only kill data clearly overestimates the average weight of prey taken. (Prey selection by tiger, leopard and dhole in tropical forest, Journal of Animal Ecology)
However when you consider that the smallest tigers,such as those once found java, killed banteng(Bos javanicus) male that weight 825kg(Hoogerwert1970),and the largest prey that tiger ever kill is about 900kg,a simple predetor-size to prey-size comparison very murky.
最小亜種のジャワトラ(絶滅)が825キロのバンテンを仕留めた記録がある(最大900キロ)。 Where wild cattle such as gaur (Bos gaurus) and bantang (B. javanicas) occur in the tiger’s range, tigers select these very large ungulates (~1000 kg) over smaller ungulates (Seidensticker and McDougal 1993, Karanth and Sunquist 1995).
"I saw a huge panther crouched down at the side of a dead bear which lay at the foot of a post oak tree that stood at the side of the pathway. The panther was guarding the bear. The two savage animals had met here and engaged in a terrific fight and the bear was killed.
The bear released his hold and both animals sank to the ground in the agony of death. Bruin died first but his enemy lived but a minute or two after. They had fought to a finish and ceased to be in each other’s way. Both animals were of medium size and in good condition.
I shot the bear and killed it and as soon as I could reload my rifle again I approached the scene of combat and found that the panther was entirely dead
One oft-mentioned tussle between a black bear and a cougar was apparently observed by Major John C. Cremony, who served with the U.S. Boundary Commission in the Southwest Between 1849 and 1951. Cremony, accompanied by Apache guides, had been hunting cougars along the Pecos in the vicinity of what is now Ft. Sumner when the group heard a dreadful but unidentifiable sound. Curious as to what could be making such noises and seeking out the source, they came upon a life-and-death battle between a large cougar and a average sized black bear. The bear was quite evidently not enthused about the encounter and would have liked to have broken off hostilities and gone away, but the cougar was apparently deeply intent upon killing the bear. After a number of skirmishes, the cougar successfully clawed through the bear's vital organs. After despatching the bear, the cougar licked its wounds, took hold of the bear's carcass, and dragged it to a more secluded place, where it began to cover the carcass for a later meal. It was at this point that one of the Apache guides killed the cougar.
クマは明らかに遭遇を嫌って戦いを避けたがっていましたが、ピューマの ほうは明らかにクマを 殺すことに積極的でした。 多くの小競り合いの後に、ピューマはクマの生命維持に重要な器官 を掻き切ることに成功しました。 クマを殺した後、ピューマは傷の舐め、クマの死骸をつかんで 人里離れてた場所に引きずっていきました。 (~ Cremony, Life Among the Apaches, 1951, 225-26, a reprint of the 1868 edition.)
Another instance of deadly confrontation between a cougar and black bear took place some time prior to 1800 near Schuylerville, now Saratoga, New York. An early settler, Mynheer Barhydt, had just built a cabin within Bear Swamp and witnessed the battle. Barhydt indicated that the bear had discovered the cougar's den and, in the absence of the mother cougar, killed the cougar's young. Soon thereafter, the cougar arrived and attacked the bear, reportedly with an awesome display of fury. The cougar eventually implanted her claws so deply in adversary's body that the bear could not throw her off. In the struggle, which Barhydt claimed lasted more than an hour, the two animals rolled over each other into a ravine, and when all became still Barhydt looked down, over the edge, and saw both animals were dead. (Stone 1975, 137-39, and Bradley 1940, 116).
Ernest Thompson Seton (1929, 90-91) writes that G. W. Ferguson "recorded" a fight between a grizzly and a female cougar that was witnessed by two miners working a claim near Murry, Idaho. It was reported that a female cougar had a den and kittens in the vicinity, and when a grizzly, apparently unknowingly, approached the den, the mother cougar attacked the grizzly. During what the miners described as a fierce battle, the combatants fell off a mountain ledge and both where killed as a result of the fall. The miners claimed the cougar was still hanging on to the grizzly's cheek with her teeth; the bears back and throat were torn and lacerated and "his belly hide ripped into ribbons, mute evidence of the fact that all her paws with their 18 sharp claws had not been idle" (612).
The cougar jumps straight up about 6 feet in the air and lands on the Rotts back. The cougar sinks it's teeth into the back of the Rotts neck (they heard the bones breaking) and snap, crackle, over. オクラホマで飼育下のピューマと138ポンドのロットワイラーが差し向かいで闘い、跳躍から 頚椎への咬みつきでピューマが勝った例。
オオカミ、ピューマとグリズリーの関係 The bears seemed to follow the wolves deliberately in order to take over the kills. In one encounter nine wolves challenged an adult grizzly for a carcass. The bear lay down on the elk and refused to move.Checkmated the wolves eventually gave up and left to make another kill.In clashes with wolves grizzlies usually prevail. Where it's not available grizzlies rely mainly on plants roots berries and insects. Hibernation is an adaptive strategy that enables bears to survive through the long winter despite food scarcity. クマは計画的に獲物を奪うためにオオカミの後をつけて行くように見えた。 ある両者の衝突では、9頭のオオカミが狩った獲物を守るためにヒグマの成獣に挑戦した。 クマはエルクの上に横たわり、オオカミの要求を拒絶した。ついにオオカミは獲物をあきらめて 他の獲物を狩りに行った。対オオカミ戦では大抵ヒグマが勝つ(私の個人的意見だがクマの 下手したら2倍あるようなヘラジカを圧倒的に捕食するオオカミの集団をも大抵追い払うクマはやはり 純粋肉食獣に相性がいいと思う)。肉が手に入らないときは植物類や昆虫を主食とする。
In 1996 Montana researchers near Glacier National Park watched a grizzly that had discovered the trick of following wolves and mountain lions to steal their kills. This bear was so well fed he never went into a den and never hibernated. (要約)1996年に国立公園の研究員が、ある観察を行いました。その観察とは あるヒグマがオオカミやマウンテンライオンを尾行し、彼らが獲った獲物を横取りすることによって 栄養を補給するカラクリに気付いていたということです。このためこのクマは冬場でも十分な食料を 得られるので冬眠をしないでよかったのです。 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。 they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars. "グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。 獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them.
シベリアトラの権威ジョン・グッドリッチ博士 「Brown bears often usurp kills from tigers and I think that big male brown bears win just about any situation simply because of their larger size. The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard. But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream. The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger. Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved. Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。 large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ。
ユージン・ビクトル博士の調査 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
同じくショートフェイスベア >The short-faced bear was the largest and most powerful carnivore found at Rancho La Brea. >Its size alone was probably enough to scare away any opposing animal.
POWER: One of the most powerful land carnivores in the world (exceeded in strength but not speed by the Kodiak bear), the tiger is a massively built cat of awesome size and power.
The problem with this idea is that Arctodus, though very large, was very gracile (light-boned). In order to bring down these magafauna (large animals), Arctodus would have to have been a more robust creature sporting thicker, stronger bones.
That is, both of its right legs moved forward together, then both left legs moved forward in unison. This is the primary means of locomotion for elephants and camels.
タイガーテリトリーから I also remember coming across reference to a 400lb tiger succumbing in battle with a Polar bear which presumably was much bigger but came out severely mauled. 400ポンドのトラが「自分よりずっと大きいと思われる」ホッキョクグマと闘って、トラは死んだがホッキョクグマ も破壊された。 なお、米アニアニの「クマ派」常連であるBig Bons氏によると、これはロシアのサーカスの「檻の中で」起こっ た事故であり、のちにこのホッキョクグマは死亡したそうです。以下は氏のコメント The tiger was killed but the polar bear was left in a strange and stressed state and later collapsed, possible from heart failure. I do not believe we are looking at blood loss here! 「トラは殺されたが、ホッキョクグマは悪環境に放置されたために後になって、たぶん熱さのせいで死んだんだろう。 出血多量だったなんてわたしは信じない!」
If he kills a caribou or bear he will spray it with musk and bury it. Later he will come back and finish it. 彼らはトナカイやクマを殺すと臭い付けをしてから地中に埋め、後に戻ってきてそれらを 食べつくします。
Though other jungle inhabitants seldom interfere with an elephant, a hungry tiger will not hesitate to attack a solitary animal. The tiger will never let go an opportunity to prey upon calves and juveniles. J.C. Daniel in his book, The Asian Elephant, gives a number of recorded instances of tiger predating even upon full-grown elephants. Col Kesri Singh, in his book: The Tiger Of Rajasthan, has given an instance of a fight between a tiger and a big tusker in Assam. "...Some three or four years ago a tiger, having killed a baby elephant, was attacked by a tusker. Instead of trying to get clean away the tiger came at the elephant from the flank or rear, and having got on to his back raked and tore at him with his claws. The fight went on for a long time, the tusker apparently trying to dislodge the tiger by running under and against trees. He seems to have succeeded in this at least once, but only for the tiger to recover and return to the attack...In the morning the area was examined and the story reconstructed from the copious signs left about the area. The aggressor had had the best of it, for the party found the remains of the elephant calf and the dead tuskers huge bulk, atrociously torn, but the t iger had disappeared.
Wildlife informed that the elephant named 的ndra・who was engaged alongwith three other domestic elephants of the Park to force the tiger back to the forest area, was seriously injured by the man-eater・
As if the four lions killing a Rhino were not enough, a single male (from the coalition) has just killed an adult female Giraffe. Not only is it impressive because a lone lion killed an adult Giraffe, but the kill comes within a day of the other four males making their Rhino Kill.
The bear also serves as food for the tiger, but at the same time, it is necessary to note the appearance of a distinctive sort of commensalism. Thus, A. A. and F. A. Kozin observed during autumn, when snow was already on the ground, the almost uninterrupted pursuit of a small tigress by a very large bear, which took place above the Iman River. This animal, apparently, finished off the remains of the tigress's prey. Having observed the movements of the tigress, the guards two days later saw the impressions of the paws of this same animal which had followed after the tigress. According to an Iman tiger catcher, Trifon Kalugin, such cases are not uncommon. A large bear, having found small tiger cubs at a kill in the absence of their mother, sometimes kills them.
In the many accounts of bear-tiger confrontations, both animals are alleged to have been the victors; however, it is commonly agreed that the bear prefers to contest the much smaller female tiger, lest it become an item of tiger diet.
выводки у тигриц могут появляться с интервалом в два года, 雌トラは2年間隔で子を出産する。
а в случае гибели тигрят - в год их потери. Смертность молодых очень высокая - около 50% . だが一人立ちした若いトラの多くは生き残れずに死亡する確率は50%に相当する。
Случаи гибели тигров от медведей и факты каннибализма довольно редки, на благополучие вида существенно не влияют クマによって生き残れないトラもいるが、これは極まれに起こるものでありトラの繁殖と生息数維持 にまったく影響はない。 Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place. 熊の場合には、そう言う状況の中で、いくつかの反応が観察された。 いつもトラの棲んでいる地域に、あるヒグマは留まっていたが、明らかにその場所のマスターとして完全に支配しているように振舞った。
Once during tracking we also noted the following fact: a tiger retreated, not attempting to hunt a large male brown bear in its den.? The bear had set himself up for the winter in a small depression that he had dug near a fallen, broken-off shrub (Fig. 33), and the bear was quite visible. The tiger, having encountered the bear by chance, abruptly turned around at a distance of more than 25 m from this place and walked in the opposite direction by following his own old tracks. (要約)大きな雄のヒグマが眠っている穴に近づきつつあったトラが、25mほど来たところで踵を返して退却したらしい足跡を見つけている。たいして覆いのない穴だったのでそこの主に気が付いたようだ。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 密猟、森林伐採、悪天候と並ぶ脅威がヒグマ等の肉食獣に獲物を目の前から横取りされる事である。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない。
オオカミ、ピューマとグリズリーの関係 The bears seemed to follow the wolves deliberately in order to take over the kills. In one encounter nine wolves challenged an adult grizzly for a carcass. The bear lay down on the elk and refused to move.Checkmated the wolves eventually gave up and left to make another kill.In clashes with wolves grizzlies usually prevail. Where it's not available grizzlies rely mainly on plants roots berries and insects. Hibernation is an adaptive strategy that enables bears to survive through the long winter despite food scarcity. クマは計画的に獲物を奪うためにオオカミの後をつけて行くように見えた。 ある両者の衝突では、9頭のオオカミが狩った獲物を守るためにヒグマの成獣に挑戦した。 クマはエルクの上に横たわり、オオカミの要求を拒絶した。ついにオオカミは獲物をあきらめて 他の獲物を狩りに行った。対オオカミ戦では大抵ヒグマが勝つ(私の個人的意見だがクマの 下手したら2倍あるようなヘラジカを圧倒的に捕食するオオカミの集団をも大抵追い払うクマはやはり 純粋肉食獣に相性がいいと思う)。肉が手に入らないときは植物類や昆虫を主食とする。
In 1996 Montana researchers near Glacier National Park watched a grizzly that had discovered the trick of following wolves and mountain lions to steal their kills. This bear was so well fed he never went into a den and never hibernated. (要約)1996年に国立公園の研究員が、ある観察を行いました。その観察とは あるヒグマがオオカミやマウンテンライオンを尾行し、彼らが獲った獲物を横取りすることによって 栄養を補給するカラクリに気付いていたということです。このためこのクマは冬場でも十分な食料を 得られるので冬眠をしないでよかったのです。 約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。bears (grizzlies and “blacks「黒熊さえw」”) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。 獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。
熊らがピューマらを追い払って獲物を奪うので、ピューマ達は1日の食料の必要量の25-40%(四分の一から半分近く)も強奪されることになった(Murphy et al. 1996)。 獲物を奪われたピューマらはその分、余分に獲物を狩る事になった。ピューマらを追い込んで殺しているグリズリー達が記録されてる(Ruth and Hornocker 1996)。
「クロクマとピューマ(科学的研究資料>読み物)」 1.Popular accounts sometimes claim that mountain lions prey on black bears. While possible, evidence is sparse. In Arizona, a mountain lion was responsible for 1 (12%) of 8 identified cub mortalities. A study in Wyoming found that black bears displaced mountain lions from 50% of the lion-killed carcasses they visited but physical contact was not documented. ワイオミング州の研究では、「ピューマが獲物を獲ると、クロクマがやって来て、その内の二回に一回はクロクマがピューマを追っ払いその獲物を奪っていること」が明らかになった。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
あんたが訳したんじゃないだろうけど、都合のよい訳が多過ぎる >>346 discovered the trick of following wolves and mountain lions to steal their kills. 横取りするではなくsteal(盗む)とある。stealとは基本的に目を盗んでこっそりちょうだいする という意味である。
>>350 Popular accounts sometimes claim that mountain lions prey on black bears. While possible, evidence is sparse. In Arizona, a mountain lion was responsible for 1 (12%) of 8 identified cub mortalities. A study in Wyoming found that black bears displaced mountain lions from 50% of the lion-killed carcasses they visited but physical contact was not documented. On one occasion a tiger,having thus been followed up by hunters, came upon a bear's lair. The bear, hesitating to fight with the tiger, set off for the nearest tree, but, just as it reached it,it was overtaken by the tiger. Judging from the tracks on the ground,a furious fight must have taken place between the two great carnivores,for the snow under the tree was ploughed up,besprinkled with blood and covered with bear's hair.But the fight was fruitless for the tiger,for the bear finally freed itself f rom the latter's claws and made its escape.
Major John C. Cremony was an interpreter with the U.S. Boundary Commission in the Southwest between 1849 and 1851. Along the Pecos River near Bosque Redondo in thepresentstate of New Mexico, Cremony and his Apache guides killed a puma. They were about to return home when, hearing a terrible noise downstream, they dismounted and hastened to the place with caution. They came upon a deadly fight between another puma and a bear. The puma crouched in preparation for an attack with its long tail twisting like a wounded serpent. It leaped forward and engaged the bear, with both combatants rendering frightful cries. After about two minutes, the lion sprang from the arena. When both animals had licked their wounds for a short time, the lion resumed the offensive. In the second encounter, the lion tore open the back of the bear and ripped away at its vital organs until it died." 要約 アメリカ南西部で John C. Cremony と二人のガイド(アパッチ・インディアン)は、突然渓谷の 奥からそれまで耳にしたこともない恐ろしい悲鳴を聞いた。彼らは、大きなピューマと中ぐらいの アメリカクロクマが対峙しているのを発見した。クマは後足で立ち上がっており、数メートル離れて ピューマがまさに躍りかかろうとうずくまっていた。 ついにピューマが飛びかかり、クマに噛みつき、2頭は折り重なって倒れた。土ぼこりが舞い 上がった。2頭はいったん離れたがまたもやピューマがクマに襲いかかった。今度はピューマの 鉤爪がクマの背中を裂き、クマは倒れ死んだようだった。 やがてピューマはクマを渓谷の下まで引きずり、木の葉や枝でクマの死体を覆い始めた。 (Cremony, 1868)
As to the fighting of cougars and grizzlies, that was a mooted question, with the credit on the side of the former. " ピューマとグリズリーの戦いに関しては、前者が優勢という形で討論されてきました。 "In Kingsley's American Standard Natural History, it is stated that the puma in North California has a feud with the grizzly bear similar to that of the southern animal with the jaguar. In its encounter with the grizzly it is said to be always the victor; and this is borne out by t he finding of the bodies of bears, which have evidently perished in the struggle." ピューマとグリズリーの戦いではピューマが常に勝ち、グリズリーの死体が見つかるのでそのこと がわかる。(〜American Standard Natural History) The Siberian tigers seem to prefer to prey on Manchurian wapiti and wild pig, and have been known to take brown bears and lynx. シベリアトラの主な獲物はマンシュウジカとイノシシ、さらにヒグマやオオヤマネコを狩ることが知られている。 These tigers commonly catch and kill large prey in the wild. These prey species include wild boar, elk, and red deer. Some reports have even suggested that adult brown bears are occasionally killed and eaten by these tigers. トラは普通、イノシシやエルク、アカシカなどの大型獣を捕食します。 成獣のヒグマさえ、時折トラによって殺され食べられた報告があります。
雄ライオンが単体で自重の3倍くらいの仔ゾウを仕留め、助けに入った雄ゾウを退却させた例 (これも連続写真があったがリンク切れ) This was a dramatic but distressing encounter with a lion attacking a baby elephant. The elephant appeared to have been abandoned by its mother and when we found it, was being defended from the lion by a large male. The male elephant gave up quite quickly and left the baby to its fate. Sadly, the lion inflicted terrible injuries on the young elephant but was unable to kill it. The attack commenced at 6.30 AM and the elephant was still alive late that afternoon.
ピューマvsクマ 8 . Another instance of deadly confrontation between a cougar and black bear took place some time prior to 1800 near Schuylerville, now Saratoga, New York. An early settler, Mynheer Barhydt, had just built a cabin within Bear Swamp and witnessed the battle. Barhydt indicated that the bear had discovered the cougar's den and, in the absence of the mother cougar, killed the cougar's young. Soon thereafter, the cougar arrived and attacked the bear, reportedly with an awesome display of fury. The cougar eventually implanted her claws so deply in adversary's body that the bear could not throw her off. In the struggle, which Barhydt claimed lasted more than an hour, the two animals rolled over each other into a ravine, and when all became still Barhydt looked down, over the edge, and saw both animals were dead. (Stone 1975, 137-39, and Bradley 1940, 116).
According to Frank Post of Big Sur, mountain lions sometimes were taken in the live traps built near Monterey to catch bears for the arena. Then a bear-and-lion fight would be aranged. Mr. Post saw such a contest at Castroville in 1865 when he was six years old, and remembered it vividly. The lion, which seemed to have no fear, leaped onto the bear's back and while clinging there and facing forward scratched the grizzly's eyes and nose with its claws. The bear repeatedly rolled over onto the ground to rid himself of his adversary; but as soon as the bear was upright, the cat would leap onto his back again. This agility finally decided the struggle in favor of the lion."
On the right hand, squatted on one end of the bridge, was a small, male grizzly, and opposite to him, at the other end, a fully grown panther, who was tearing up the bark of the trunk, and gathering and relaxing herself as if for a spring. The alternate roaring of these infuriated beasts filled the valley with horrible echoes. We watched them a minute or more. The bear was wounded, a large flap of flesh torn over its left eye, and the blood dripping into the pool. My companion bade me shoot the tiger, while he [Colin Preston] took charge of the bear. We fired at the same instant; but, instead of falling, these two forest warrior rushed together at the centre of the bridge, the bear rising and opening to ceceive the tiger, who fixed her mighty jaws in the throat of her antagonist, and began kicking at his bowels with the force of an engine. At the instant both rolled over, plunged, and disappeared. We could see them struggling in the depths of the pool; bubbles of air rose to the surface, and the water became dark with gore. It may have been five minutes or more before they floated up dead, and their bodies rolled slowly down the stream. (Anon., 1857 : 823., California Grizzly)
Another natural fight between grizzly and mountain lion was described in the San Bernardino Argus of 1873 (Ingersoll, 1904 : 371): Some hunters were witness to a desperate fight in the San Jacinto mountains, the other day, between a mountain lino and a bear. The fight is described as terrific. The superior strength of the beat easily enabled him to throw his antagonist down, but the latter used his paws and jaws so fearfully that the bear could not keep him under. Both animals were covered with blood. They fought till both were exhausted, when the lion dragged himself off to the jungle, leaving the bruno in possession of the field. (~ California Grizzly)
要約 1873年に San Bernardino でピューマとグリズリーの戦いが目撃された。クマはピューマを掴んで 地面に叩きつけようとしたが、ピューマはクマの喉元に咬みつき、同時に後足でクマの胸や腹を 引き裂いた。双方とも深く傷つき血まみれになった。やがてピューマは、倒れたままのグリズリー を残して、這うようにしてその場を去っていった。
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。
シベリアトラの権威ジョン・グッドリッチ博士 「Brown bears often usurp kills from tigers and I think that big male brown bears win just about any situation simply because of their larger size.
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
確かに稀にナマケグマが虎の餌食になった例はある。カランスもそのような事(rare items)があると述べるし(性別年齢等不明で1%だったかな?)、Valmikもon very rare occations,tigers have been known to kill young elephants..and even bears.. と述べている。しかし概して共通しているのはこれらは稀な出来事であるということだ。
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. 密猟、森林伐採、悪天候と並ぶ脅威がヒグマ等の肉食獣に獲物を目の前から横取りされる事である。
ttp:// >The short-faced bear was the largest and most powerful carnivore found at Rancho La Brea. >Its size alone was probably enough to scare away any opposing animal.
鎖に繋がれたグリズリー>>>>2頭のスペイン闘牛 In 1851 John Borthwick joined the gold rush and ventured to California. He traveled to Moquelumne Hill, where he witnessed an extraordinary bear and bull fight between the celebrated bull-killing bear "General Scott" and a young Spanish bull. The bear was tethered to a twenty-foot chain in the middle of the arena and the bull roamed the arena unhampered. General Scott proved a worthy adversary on this day, as the bear defeated not one but two bulls pitted against him at the same time.
His hind feet were tethered with several turns of a strong rawhide reata, but were left about a yard apart to give full play. To the center of this rawhide, between the two feet, was fastened another heavy reata, doubled and secured to a big loop made of doubled reatas thrown over the center post. He was of the old long-horn breed but of great weight and power. 足をくくられている証拠↑ Then up went the great paws, one on each side of the bull's head, and the sharp points of the horns whirled up from horizontal to perpendicular, then almost to horizontal again as bull and bear went rolling over together. 倒し方一例↑ Now one could see exactly why cattle found killed by bears always have their necks broken. ↑いつも牛がやられる証拠。
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.
「The Temple Tiger and More Man-Eaters of Kumaon」 (Oxford University Press)」洋書。 著者/Jim Corbett August, 1999出版(18〜24ぺージ)
And on two occasions I have seen bears walk up to feeding leopards and, after shooing them off, carry kills away. But on this occasion the tiger and a big male at that was present on his kill and, further, he was not an animal to be shooed away like a leopard. But that was just what the bear appeared to intend doing, and his opportunity came when the tiger was cracking a bone. Whether the bear had been waiting for this moment I do not know; anyway, while the tiger was crunching the bone, the bear drew himself to the edge and, gathering his feet under him, launched himself into the hole with a mighty scream. The object of the scream I imagine was to intimidate the tiger, but so far from having this effect it appeared to infuriate him, for the bear’s mighty scream was answered by an even mightier roar from the tiger. Fights in the wild are very rare and this is only the second case I know of different species of animals fighting for the sake of fighting and not for the purpose of one using the other as food. I did not see the fight, for the reasons I have given, but I heard every detail of it. Waged in a hollow of restricted area the sound was terrifying and I was thankful that the fight was a straight one between two contestants who were capable of defending themselves, and not a three-cornered one in which I was involved. Time stands still when every drop of blood racing through a rapidly beating heart is tingling with excitement. The fight may have lasted three minutes, or it may have lasted longer. Anyway, when the tiger considered he had administered sufficient chastisement he broke off the engagement and came along the open ground in front me at a fast gallop, closely followed by the still screaming bear. (短文) 私が見た二つの事例は、黒熊らが豹らをシッシと追い払い獲物を奪ったものだ。 しかし、今回は、大きな雄のベンガル虎が獲物の側にいる。 さらに、虎は豹のように軽く追い払われるような存在ではない。 豹はともかく虎は非常に恐ろしい。しかし、 大型のベンガル虎と大型の黒熊との激しい戦闘が約3分間続き、トラが獲物を 奪われた。 large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ。
Gun Bullety氏 The grizzly bear can run faster than a lion, it can run about as fast as a horse. グリズリーは、ライオンより速く走ることができ、馬と同じくらい速く走ることができます。
Bigbons氏 It is certainly true that the grizzly can run faster than any race horse. グリズリーが競走馬より速く走ることができることは真実です。
Gun Bullety氏 Cats aren't as fast as they seem, except for the cheetah, and none can maintain their speed for any where near as long as a bear. 猫科はチーターを除いて、見かけほどには速くありません。またクマほど速度を維持することもできません。
DC氏 The Grizzly is a fast animal. I know because I've had the pleasure of witnessing it myself. グリズリーは速い動物です。それを私自身目撃した事があるので、私は知っています。
The tiger, leopard and dhole are not large enough or strong enough to kill adult elephants and rhinoceroses. However, tigers sometimes prey upon elephant and rhino calves. In the tropical forests of Nagarahole National Park, Karanth and Sunquist (1995) found that one percent of all tiger kills were calves of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).
虎、豹、ドールは大人のゾウやサイを殺せるほどは強くないのだが、 時々、虎はサイやゾウの幼獣を捕食します。 カランスとサンキストは、Nagarahole National Parkでの 虎の獲物の1%がゾウの幼獣である事を確認しました。
著者:(Paul D. Haemig博士/ウーメア大学。動物生態学教授) (トップ500。世界大学ランキング152-200位) 数十もの学術論文を元に解釈。 Lone hyaenas often follow leopards in order to steal whatever kills they make. Leopards are loners and although they are very powerful cats they are most reluctant to fight a hyaena for fear of injuring themselves. この地域では、「1対1の関係」でも、豹よりハイエナの方が大胆で優勢なようです。ほとんどの場合に豹が退くようです。
According to doctor Goodrich, Bears themselves have great significance in the nourishment of tigers, being inferior only to izyubru and block, to 11% of annual ration. In turn, the tracks of a stay of bears in the extra-den period on the output of tigers composed 17% of all inspected victims.
doctor Goodrichによると、その分布の北限域に棲むトラの獲物の11%がクマだった(年平均)。 冬に限るとその割合は17%を占めていた。
Much of the information you have found is false. In 13 years of radio-tracking tigers, we have never found a tiger that we even suspected might have been killed by a bear, although there are a few reports of brown bear predation on tiger cubs in the Russian literature. The reports of adult male tigers killed by brown bears are simply not true.
All, i watched the event at 9pm last evening. 皆さん、私は昨日の夜9時から見ました。
The grizzly destroyed the tiger. グリズリーはトラを破壊しました。
The extremely powerful blow reported by some individuals here, knocked the tiger over and the bear walked away unconcerned. ここの何人かの人も報告したとおりに、物凄い力の一撃でトラが倒されました。クマが何事も無かったかのように立ち去りました。
The tiger attacked again so the bear hit it again with full force and broke its back. Game over. トラが再び攻撃したので、クマは力いっぱいトラを叩いてその背骨を折りました。ゲームオーバー。
I have read several books that discussed siberian tiger-brown bear conflicts but only two of them discussed in great detail the encounters between the two. (私はシベリアタイガーとヒグマの闘いについて議論された、いくつかの本を読みました。 その中で2冊だけ、トラ対ヒグマの闘いについてとても詳細に議論されていました。) These two books were about mammals of thew USSR. (これら2冊の本は旧ソ連の哺乳動物に関するものでした。)
One book was published in the 50's the other in the 1970's. (1冊は50年代に、もう1冊は1970年代に出版されました)
I will try to find the authors of the books. (私は本の著者を見つけようとしています。)
From what I have read tigers do prey on brown bears but generally only brown bears only up to a certain size. (私が読んだ限りでは、トラはヒグマを捕食しますが、しかし普通それはあるサイズまでのヒグマです。)
Tigers kill many bears but generally not large bears. (トラたちは沢山のクマを殺しますが、大抵それは大きなクマではありません。)
Apparently tigers sometimes get killed by bears when they attack a bear that is too powerful for them to handle. (時々、クマを攻撃したトラがクマの絶大なパワーに対抗しきれず、殺されたことが明らかになっています。)
I read about how a tiger was killed by a large brown bear near a river in 1913 and about a tigress that attacked a bear scavenging from her kill and was killed. (私は1913年に川の近くで大きなヒグマによってトラがどの様に殺されたのか読みました。それは雌トラから獲物を 横取りしたクマを雌トラが攻撃して逆に殺されました。) large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。 彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ。 large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。 彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ。
Although bears are slower than most other carnivores, such as lions and wolves, a running bear can still reach speeds of 50 km/h (30 mph).
Bears are far stronger than other carnivores, and their limbs are more flexible and agile.
熊はライオンや狼のような他の捕食者よりは 遅いのだが、それでも、走行速度は時速50kmに達します。
熊は他の肉食獣より遥かに強力です。加えて、 その手足は他の肉食獣より柔軟かつ機敏です。
(著者) Curator of Mammals, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution. Affiliate Professor of Biology, Department of Biology, George Mason University
「Various reactions were observed in such situations in the case of bears. One brown bear, which was staying in an area permanently inhabited by tigers, clearly felt himself to be the complete master in that place.」 「熊の場合には、そう言う状況の中で、いくつかの反応が観察された。 いつもトラの棲んでいる地域に、あるヒグマは留まっていたが、明らかにその場所のマスターとして完全に支配しているように振舞った。」
確かに稀にナマケグマが虎の餌食になった例はある。カランスもそのような事(rare items)があると述べるし(性別年齢等不明で1%だったかな?)、Valmikもon very rare occations,tigers have been known to kill young elephants..and even bears.. と述べている。しかし概して共通しているのはこれらは稀な出来事であるということだ。
サイベリアン・タイガー・プロジェクトのリーダー、Dale Miquelle にちなんで名付られた雄トラ Dale について Maurice Hornocker と Howard Quigley が Erwin A. Bauer(2003)に語ったところによれば、クマ殺しに精通したこのトラはアカシカやイノシシなどが不足していない時でさえ、 自分のほとんど倍もある(原文のまま)ヒグマの後をつけ捕食していた。 彼らはトラを追跡して8頭のクマの死骸を確認したことがある。 猛烈な戦いが展開されたと推察されたのは1例だけで、あとはトラはたいして苦もなくクマをしとめていた。 天敵の脅威にさらされることもなく徘徊・採餌しているヒグマに油断があったとしか考えられないと彼らは言う(The Last Big Cats)。 The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
確かに稀にナマケグマが虎の餌食になった例はある。カランスもそのような事(rare items)があると述べるし(性別年齢等不明で1%だったかな?)、Valmikもon very rare occations,tigers have been known to kill young elephants..and even bears.. と述べている。しかし概して共通しているのはこれらは稀な出来事であるということだ。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
Twelve (12) described accidents exist in scientific studies in which brown bear is killing and eating tiger (Sysojew, 1950; Sysojew, 1960; Abramow, 1962; Rakow, 1970; Gorochow, 1973; Kostogウod, 1981). Bears sometimes track tigers only to kill them.
I recall reading somewhere that brown bear males in the Amur region average around 450-750 lbs, with occasional 1000 pounders being reported. This would mean that the average sized male would have a very slight weight advantage over the average sized Amur tiger male, with large males outweighing large male tigers by a good margin. A good, even fight with median specimens, and a fair edge to the bear with large males.
There was also a very detailed first hand report from a couple of Russian trappers of an encounter between two large males of each species, that ended in the death of the tiger. This case may have been the one that was mentioned in the report on tiger fatalities of that year (I believe it was from the Hornocker institute). There was also another similar case (with a large male tiger getting killed by a large male bear), but there were no further details. Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
На Дальнем Востоке на медведя иногда нападает тигр, 極東のトラはしばしクマを攻撃することがある。 но крупный амурский медведь и для тигра оказывается очень серьезным противником. しかしアムールの大きなヒグマはトラにとって極めて深刻な敵である。
A bear carcass scared a woman villager. Yongju Wang, from Xiangping Village, was the first one who found the bear’s body. On the morning of September 13th, Yongju was collecting medicine with her husband in Tongchangwan Hill. Yongju suddenly saw a big bear lying 20 metres away from her. She quickly crawled up a tree; her husband found another tree. The couple watched the bear for a while, but the bear was not moving at all. Zijin drummed up his courage to get closer to the bear, and then he found it was dead with only skin and legs left. They wondered what kind of animal in the forest can beat the bear. Both had grown up in the mountains and Yongju and Zijin have heard about the power of tigers. Older people have a saying that “Tiger goes bright, tiger goes ridge”, meaning tigers are living within the thinner parts of the forest on the mountain’s ridge. The place where the bear was found was in thinner forest, and it was not far from the mountain’s ridge. The couple both agreed that the bear was eaten by a South China Tig
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。 The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
There is also a vague account of a circus (African) lion that jumped an American black bear during an act. The fight was fierce and both combatants were injured, but the lion's injuries where [sic] of the extent that it had to be destroyed.
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
コンプトン百科事典 They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
Tigers are not always the killers, sometimes they are killed. Bears, elephants, and packs of wild dogs have been known to kill adult tigers (Guggisberg, 1975).
600ポンドのホッキョクグマと同体格のヌビアライオンが10ラウンドに渡って戦い、ホッキョクグマが死に至る (Source: The News - Newport, Friday, February 17, 1911)
Fierce Struggle between a Nubian Lion and a Polar Bear, In Which The Former Won. A furious right to a finish between a fierce Nubian Hon and a monster Polar bear took at -Mundy's An- bear -was badly beaten. 'but everybody admitted. that he had made a splendid fight (中略) The circus men secured the animals with ropes, and four veterinary surgeons set to work on their wounds. They bound them up with antiseptic dressings wherever they could and in other places used largo strips of plaster. The lion will probably recover, but The condition of the bear is desperate.
A woman lion tamer's heroic attempt to separate a battling lion and bear in a. circus menagerie wagon proved fatal to herself and to the beasts today. Tho tamer entered the cage armed only with a wire whip and succeeded in wrenching tho bearfrom Uie lion's deadly claws. Suddenly "the lion leaped upon thewoman and clawed her fatally. Her dying cries attracted the attendants who succeeded in dragging her from the cage only after shooting the Hon. The bear also died from his Injuries. The battle between the beasts started after the lion had crushed a wooden partition in the cage.
It Failed to Save Him. Th« bear which performed In a cag-ewith the other fcnimals at Mundy's Show In Luna Park died yesterday. His end-was brought about by the biggest lion in the chow. On Monday night t°he lion attacked th*bear In the arena. They were separated. Later, when the animals were being: ledback to their cages, the bear turned on the lion and a fight followed. The bear clawed the lion's head and almost blinded him, but the lion lacerated th« bear'* throat. ' Yesterday afternoon the bear's throat began to awell, and It became necessaryto send for Dr. P, Kohnstamm of the Twenty-third Street Veterinary Hospital. Th« veterinary surgeftn declared that the bear was dying, but to give rest to his larynx the op'eratSon of tracheotomy was resorted to. The bear waa strapped to a table and held in that position while the trachea was I opened and a silver tubeinserted. Then the wound- was sewed upand the bear went to sleep. He died four hours later, not from the operation, but from other -founds he had received in the battle with the Hon. Elka' Novif Grand Exalted The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
インディアナ州のサーカスで、ライオンがホッキョクグマを殺害(NewYork Times) PERU, Ind., March 26.・quot;Brutus," the largest lion owned by Hugenbock & Wallace show company, killed a polar bear and created panic at the show's headquarters here late yesterday afternoon. These two animals, together with a tiger, leopard, Jaguar, a bloodhound and a hyena constitute a family of beasts being trained by John Helliott. Every afternoon they are put through a number of marvelous stunts and it was while the bear was taking its seat beside the lion that it brushed against "Brutus." Quick as a flash the lion sprangon the bear and the growling which followed created a panic among the other animals in the iron cage. Helliott had hard work keeping out of their way. Finally he got to the door; which opens to the runway for the animals, and he succeeded in driving all of them out except the lion and the bear which were rolling over and tearing each other's flesh with teeth and claws. Helliott got a crowbar and tried to pry the lion's mouth open and loosen its grip on the bear's throat. In this he failed. He then lassoed the lion and finally got the rope around its throat, thus choking it until it finally let go. The bear was bleeding from the breast and throat, yet it staggered to attack the choked lion. However, the bear fell dead before it struck a blow. Helllott says this was the hardest battle he ever experienced since be entered the animal training business. The polar bear was a new one in the family.
In the many accounts of bear-tiger confrontations, both animals are alleged to have been the victors; however, it is commonly agreed that the bear prefers to contest the much smaller female tiger, lest it become an item of tiger diet.
ホッキョクグマがクズリに重傷を負わされた例 In one of these account ? actuary witnessed ? a lone wolverine suffocated a polar bear by jumping on it, getting hold of the bears head, and wrapping its legs around the bears neck.
ホッキョクグマがクズリに殺された例(13ページ) In the other story a wolverine drove a polar bear off a kill by jumping on its head and biting off its nose.
When miners first come around, one miner was walking around up there. He hears growling. Over the hill he sees a brown bear with its face torn up, its eyes gouged out. The miner took pity on it so he shot it. 鉱夫は咆哮を聞き、 丘のむこうに顔を引き裂かれ両目をえぐられたヒグマを発見しました。 彼は哀れに思ってそのヒグマを射殺しました。
Much of the information you have found is false. In 13 years of radio-tracking tigers, we have never found a tiger that we even suspected might have been killed by a bear, although there are a few reports of brown bear predation on tiger cubs in the Russian literature. The reports of adult male tigers killed by brown bears are simply not true. あなたが受け取った(2000年に2頭の雄トラがクマに殺されたという)情報は 間違っています。ロシアの文献には幼獣が捕食されたといういくつかの報告はありますが この13年間の我々の追跡調査においてクマに殺されたトラは発見されていません。 成獣の雄トラがヒグマに殺されたという報告は単純な誤りです。
Goodrich talks about his work, and about what he and his wife, Linda Kerley, have learned in their three years here. Siberian tigers generally feast on elk or boar; but sometimes they eat wolves, and one male at Sikhote-Alin specializes in brown bears. He weighs in at 445 pounds; he'll kill bears bigger than he is. He killed one bear and dragged it a mile.
シベリアトラの権威ジョン・グッドリッチ博士 「Brown bears often usurp kills from tigers and I think that big male brown bears win just about any situation simply because of their larger size. 」
I have had a reply form michael hornocker. He states that tigers just do not stick around to fight with big brown bear males. 私はマイケル・ホーノッカーから返事を頂きました。トラは大きい雄のヒグマと戦うために、トラは場に残らないと述べています。(逃げるの意か?) There was a case of one large tiger which speacialised (unusually) in the taking of adult brown bear females. ある大きいトラは(珍しい事に)雌成獣のヒグマを捕らえるのを専門にしていた事例がありました。 He would attack the bear as it was leaving its den. クマがその越冬穴を出る時に、彼はそれを攻撃するのでした。 Either during winter breaks from the den or at spring. 冬(冬眠を)中断する時か春に。 He can draw no real conlusion from the tigers ability to better brown bear because the animals were took by suprise and would likely have been very ill prepared for a fight and even underweight. トラがヒグマに優れていると言う結論を彼は実際には出せません。なぜなら、そのヒグマを予想外の時に襲って、ヒグマは戦う準備が とても出来ていなくて、体重さえ不足していたでしょう。 Cojimar, he claimed brown bear upto about 700lb with occasional rare specimen of 800lb. Cojimarさん、彼は700ポンドのヒグマを主張しました。たまに、800ポンドの個体もありました。 Sometimes fierce bears will drive tigers off the kills they have made. 場合によって、獰猛なクマは自分の獲物からトラを追い払います。 Tigers do not tangle with big male bear, or atleast he has not seen it. トラは大きい雄クマとかかわりません。あるいは、少なくとも、トラはそれを見ていません。 There were 5 recorded acts of predation on brown bear females and 2 tigers killed in fights with a full grown male bear. 雌のヒグマを餌食にする5つの記録されている事例があります。それから、雄成獣のクマと戦って、2頭のトラが殺されている事例も 記録されています。 One of the fights was witnessed. The tigers were estimated at 500lb. while the bear was in at about 800lb.(Estimates only) その戦いの一つは目撃されました。トラは500ポンドと見積もられて、クマの方は800ポンド位でした。(あくまでも、見積もりです。) He suggested that fights could go either way with average sized bear. 平均的なクマとの戦いの場合は、結果がどちらにでもなれると彼は推測しました。 So you maybe correct after all. But bons just for you, if you are still looking in, he also said that the tiger had little chance against big bear with its winter layer. だから、結局、あなたの言い分は正しいかも知れません。しかし、bonsさん、あなたのためにだけ言いますが、もしまだ見ているの だったら、冬の(脂肪?)層の大きいクマに対して、トラは余り勝ち目がないとも彼が言いました。 He doesnt believe anything would want to trifle with one! Hank. クマと関わりたい者があるとは彼は信じていません。−ハンク(より)
POWER: One of the most powerful land carnivores in the world (exceeded in strength but not speed by the Kodiak bear), the tiger is a massively built cat of awesome size and power.
オオカミ、ピューマとグリズリーの関係 The bears seemed to follow the wolves deliberately in order to take over the kills. In one encounter nine wolves challenged an adult grizzly for a carcass. The bear lay down on the elk and refused to move.Checkmated the wolves eventually gave up and left to make another kill.In clashes with wolves grizzlies usually prevail. Where it's not available grizzlies rely mainly on plants roots berries and insects. Hibernation is an adaptive strategy that enables bears to survive through the long winter despite food scarcity. クマは計画的に獲物を奪うためにオオカミの後をつけて行くように見えた。 ある両者の衝突では、9頭のオオカミが狩った獲物を守るためにヒグマの成獣に挑戦した。 クマはエルクの上に横たわり、オオカミの要求を拒絶した。ついにオオカミは獲物をあきらめて 他の獲物を狩りに行った。対オオカミ戦では大抵ヒグマが勝つ(私の個人的意見だがクマの 下手したら2倍あるようなヘラジカを圧倒的に捕食するオオカミの集団をも大抵追い払うクマはやはり 純粋肉食獣に相性がいいと思う)。肉が手に入らないときは植物類や昆虫を主食とする。
In 1996 Montana researchers near Glacier National Park watched a grizzly that had discovered the trick of following wolves and mountain lions to steal their kills. This bear was so well fed he never went into a den and never hibernated. (要約)1996年に国立公園の研究員が、ある観察を行いました。その観察とは あるヒグマがオオカミやマウンテンライオンを尾行し、彼らが獲った獲物を横取りすることによって 栄養を補給するカラクリに気付いていたということです。このためこのクマは冬場でも十分な食料を 得られるので冬眠をしないでよかったのです。 350-pound grizzly chasing off all nine wolves.約160kgのグリズリーが9匹の狼を追い払う。 they may see the cats as a feline gravy train. Between 1990 and 1995, wildlife biologist Kerry Murphy and other HWI researchers monitored 113 cougar kills (mostly deer and elk) in Glacier and Yellowstone and discovered that bears (grizzlies and blacks) were claiming a significant share of the spoils. Bruins visited about one of every four cougar kills, robbing the feline owner of as much as 26 percent of its food requirement, sometimes for several days running. "It appears," says Murphy, "that competition for kills creates significant gains for bears and significant losses for cougars. "グリズリー達はピューマをぼろ儲けの道具として見ているのかもしれません。生物学者と調査員達は113体のピューマの獲物を調査しました。熊達はピューマの食料の26%を強奪していました。 獲物に対する争いでは、熊に相当な利益を与え、ピューマに相当な損失を与えました。 Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter. large, apparently male, Himalayan (or Asiatic black) bear (which we observed visually), like the brown bear that has already been mentioned, clearly did not fear the presence of tigers.? He walked along the tiger's tracks and rested in the same wild boar den as did the tiger. 私達が目で直接観察した、ある大きくて、雄と思われるツキノワグマは前述のヒグマと同じように、トラがいる事を全く恐れていなかった。彼はトラの足跡に沿って歩いて、トラが休んだのと同じイノシシの巣穴で休んだ。
918 名前: アフラック 投稿日: 2008/02/21(木) 23:30:07 The bear must be assigned first place among the predatory mammals that can be numbered among the competitors, the plunderers of the prey of the tiger, or the objects of its hunts. Both species of bears indigenous to the fauna of Primor'e inhabited the long-term study site.? During the "snowy" period of the year, contacts between a tiger and a bear can occur during only very narrow time intervals at the beginning and at the end of winter.
Dale forwarded your letter to me because I am one of the people who captured, named, and tracked the tiger named Dale. デールさん(Dale Miquelle博士)があなたからの手紙を私に転送しました。なぜなら、私はデールと言うトラを捕まえて、名付けて、追跡した人の一人です。 I had never heard of the book you mention, nor to I remember meeting or providing information to the author and his text is somewhat exaggerated. あなたが言及した本の事を私は聞いた事がなかったし、その著者に会ったり、情報を提供したりした覚えもないし、彼の文書はいくらか大げさに書いてあります。 Dale, the tiger, weighed 455 lbs at his heaviest and indeed did prey on bears quite frequently. トラのデールの体重は最も重い時、455ポンドでした。事実、クマを頻繁にえじきにしました。 He regularly killed and ate both brown bears and Asiatic black bears. 彼は頻繁にヒグマも、ツキノワグマも殺して食べました。 However, the largest bears that he killed were adult female brown bears that were likely all smaller than he was. しかし、彼が殺した最も大きいクマはすべて成獣の雌のひぐまで、恐らく、そのクマはすべて彼よりも小さかったです。 Of course, we could only estimate the bear’s body size because he ate them, but adult female brown bears in this area rarely weigh more than 400 lbs. もちろん、私達はクマの体の大きさを見積もったのだけです。なぜなら、彼はそれを食べてしまったからです。しかし、この地域の大人の雌のひぐまの体重が400ポンドを超えるのがまれです。 We never found a bear killed by Dale that we thought was larger than he was and certainly never “twice his size”. デールが殺したクマの中に、彼よりも大きいのを私達は一度も見付けませんでした。当然彼の二倍大きいのも見付けませんでした。 The brown bear is the only serious competitor of the Amur tiger, which sometimes tries to dispute tiger's kills, especially in spring time when the bear gets out of its den and start looking for food. According to various sources, the bear is usually the victor in such battles, unless the tiger ambushes the bear, otherwise, the tiger usually retreats and does not engage in a fight with much stronger and bigger opponents 要約 1.ヒグマはアムールトラの唯一の競争相手である。 2.ヒグマは冬眠明けの春先にトラから獲物を奪いに行く。 3.多くの情報によるとこのようなケースで大抵の場合ヒグマが勝つ。 4.トラが待ち伏せをした場合は別だが、基本的にトラは自分より強くて大きい相手には戦いを挑まない
世界最大(四億五千万世帯)のドキュメンタリー放送局であるディスカバリーチャンネルのエキスパート達の結論 The bear is bigger, the lion faster. In this contest of carnivores, the fastest foe would win nine out of ten times, according to our analysis.
In the Russian Far East, young brown bears are attracted to carrion, and those that find a kill belonging to a tiger are quickly dispatched by the tiger. (~Smithonian answer book 「cats」)
英国のトラ保護団体saveindiastigersのサイトより。 Sloth bear on many occasions have been able to kill a tiger by jumping on them from trees suprising the tiger but this wasn't going to happen today. ナマケグマが木から飛び降りてトラに襲いかかって殺す事が度々あるそうです。
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。
I recall reading somewhere that brown bear males in the Amur region average around 450-750 lbs, with occasional 1000 pounders being reported. This would mean that the average sized male would have a very slight weight advantage over the average sized Amur tiger male, with large males outweighing large male tigers by a good margin. A good, even fight with median specimens, and a fair edge to the bear with large males.
There was also a very detailed first hand report from a couple of Russian trappers of an encounter between two large males of each species, that ended in the death of the tiger. This case may have been the one that was mentioned in the report on tiger fatalities of that year (I believe it was from the Hornocker institute). There was also another similar case (with a large male tiger getting killed by a large male bear), but there were no further details.
確かに稀にナマケグマが虎の餌食になった例はある。カランスもそのような事(rare items)があると述べるし(性別年齢等不明で1%だったかな?)、Valmikもon very rare occations,tigers have been known to kill young elephants..and even bears.. と述べている。しかし概して共通しているのはこれらは稀な出来事であるということだ。
「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。
米コニーアイランドのサーカス獣舎で、ライオンがロシア産の雄グマを殺害 Desperate Fight to the Death in. Cage at Coney Island Show. The lion .Baltimore and a valuable -Russian bear had a fight ' to the death in the Bostock animal enclosure at Coney. Island
600ポンドのホッキョクグマと同体格のヌビアライオンが10ラウンドに渡って戦い、ホッキョクグマが死に至る (Source: The News - Newport, Friday, February 17, 1911)
Fierce Struggle between a Nubian Lion and a Polar Bear, In Which The Former Won. A furious right to a finish between a fierce Nubian Hon and a monster Polar bear took at -Mundy's An- bear -was badly beaten. 'but everybody admitted. that he had made a splendid fight (中略) The circus men secured the animals with ropes, and four veterinary surgeons set to work on their wounds. They bound them up with antiseptic dressings wherever they could and in other places used largo strips of plaster. The lion will probably recover, but The condition of the bear is desperate.