アッテンボロー卿は世界的にも有名な偉人、自然番組プロデューサーの大家且つ動物学者。 去年の夏の番組 http://www.nhk.or.jp/daishizen/fbangumi3/honyuurui.html でトラを地球最強の肉食獣であらゆる動物の頂点、脅かす動物は誰も存在しないと発言。 http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4052014871/XXXXXXXXX6940324 最新の学研の動物図鑑(ポケット版)には 虎が自分より遥かに大きなヒグマを前肢の一撃で殴り殺すとの事。 http://homepage1.nifty.com/SiteK4/m3.htm ライオンっていうのはパーフェクトな生き物ですね! だって熊に抱きすくめられても動けない事は無いんです。 でも、ライオンに抱きすくめられると1ミリも動けない!! すっごい力ですよ。 さすがに「ちょっと間違ったら」と思わんでもなかったですね。 僕は熊に襲われた事があるし、噛まれた事もあるんだけど それより何よりもやっぱりライオンは凄かったですねぇ http://www.sydneyfilm.com/lasttribes/snowtigers.html nature's most magnificent creatures, king of the tundra, a male Siberian tiger. 自然の最も壮大な創造物、ツンドラの王、雄のシベリアの虎 Miquelle was amazed by her size, majesty and indomitable spirit. The Siberian is the most magnificent animal on earth, he thought. Miquelleは、彼女のサイズ、威厳および不屈の精神に驚嘆しました。シベリアトラがこの世で最も壮大な動物である、と彼は思いました。 With the forest king patrolling his territory just across the snow, 森林王がちょうど雪を横切って彼の領域をパトロールして "They'll eat wild boar and brown bear, but they prefer elk," says Schiller who has tracked down hundreds of kills. 「シベリアトラはイノシシとヒグマを食べるでしょう。しかし、シベリアトラはオオシカを好みます」と何百もの狩りを見たシラーが言います。 http://macky.nifty.com/cgi-bin/bndisp.cgi?M-ID=hisuisya シベリアトラは地元のベテランレンジャーでさえ出会えるのは3,4年に 一度という。成長すると体長3メートル、350kgになる極北の王者であり、 ヒグマ、ヤマネコ、イノシシ、シカ、リスなど食物連鎖の頂点に位置してい る
コンプトン百科事典 http://www.furryfiction.furtopia.org/animals/comptons/tigers.php They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。 そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
http://www.wildlifesurvival.com/tigerinfo.htm Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. ヒグマがトラのもとより餌を盗む。 ここでは、それを虎に対する脅威のひとつとして捉えてるようです
ユージン・ビクトル博士 http://www.tigers.ru/articles/tab_eng.html#tab1 1972 r.Komissarovka Pogranichny killed by bear 1981 v.Novo-Vladimirovka Spassky shot dead after provoked attack on hunters; had been wounded by brown bear 雄の成獣のトラがクマに致命傷を負わされた実例。
モンタナ大学 http://pet-0.dot.thebbs.jp/1071060595.html トリニトロン 04/01/13 15:17 3QLzWspUvH9 えーと忘れた頃にモンタナ大学の方から返信が来ました。 当の私もあまり記憶がありませんが多分、グリズリーサイドの研究機関かな? We know very little about the Siberian Tiger. (私達はほんのちょっとしかシベリアタイガーに関して知りません) However, Grizzly bears can be very ferocious and are afraid of nothing. (しかしながらグリズリーはとても凶暴であり何も恐れません) Any size grizzly bear would no doubt give the tiger a good fight. (どんなサイズのグリズリーでも、おそらくタイガーといい勝負をするでしょう) Large bears of 800 or 1000 pounds might well defeat a tiger. (360kgや450kgの大きなクマはタイガーを難なく撃破できるでしょう) Of course, the only way to know for sure is to get a large grizzly bear and a Siberian tiger and throw them in the cage together and see what happens. (勿論確実に確かめる唯一の方法は大型のグリズリーとシベリアタイガーを捕獲して同じゲージに入れてどうなるか 見ることです) Good luck with that!(どうなることやら!) Margo J Coleman Computer Support Specialist I [email protected] University of Montana USGS Glacier Field Station Science Center Glacier National Park
トラ ヒグマ(グリズリー) 「where the grizzly walks」第7章 The fight between a large amur and a large grizzly was accidental but it ended up representing what a big brown grizzly can do. The tiger bit into the bears shoulder when the bear accidentally found itself in the tigers enclosure. The grizzly responded by tearing out the front shoulders of the tiger then breaking the bones of the skull. 大きなシベリアトラと大きなヒグマの間に起きた戦いは偶然の産物だったが、 巨大なヒグマができることを示した結果に終わった。 トラがクマの肩にかみついたとき、クマは自分がトラの囲いにいることに気がついた。 クマはトラの肩を引き裂き、頭蓋骨を破壊した。
鎖に繋がれたグリズリー>>>>2頭のスペイン闘牛 http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/Exhibits/bearinmind/themes/inthearena/01print.html In 1851 John Borthwick joined the gold rush and ventured to California. He traveled to Moquelumne Hill, where he witnessed an extraordinary bear and bull fight between the celebrated bull-killing bear "General Scott" and a young Spanish bull. The bear was tethered to a twenty-foot chain in the middle of the arena and the bull roamed the arena unhampered. General Scott proved a worthy adversary on this day, as the bear defeated not one but two bulls pitted against him at the same time.
His hind feet were tethered with several turns of a strong rawhide reata, but were left about a yard apart to give full play. To the center of this rawhide, between the two feet, was fastened another heavy reata, doubled and secured to a big loop made of doubled reatas thrown over the center post. He was of the old long-horn breed but of great weight and power. 足をくくられている証拠↑ Then up went the great paws, one on each side of the bull's head, and the sharp points of the horns whirled up from horizontal to perpendicular, then almost to horizontal again as bull and bear went rolling over together. 倒し方一例↑ Now one could see exactly why cattle found killed by bears always have their necks broken. ↑いつも牛がやられる証拠。
同プロジェクトでは大きなヒグマがトラの獲物を奪うことが何度も観察されている。 しかしクマは逆に餌食とされてしまうのを避けるため、主に雌のトラを相手に選んでいるようだという点で関係者の意見は一致している。 プロジェクトのメンバーから Dale と呼ばれていた雄のトラはクマを常食としていた(Tigers in the Snow)。
"A grizzly can lick anything alive, and I mean anything too. He'll spot a lion or a tiger in two blows, then flatten him with one swing of his paw. A grizzly can crack a steer's neck with one swing...Match two tons of grizzlies against two tons of elephant- then dig a hole to bury your elephant in." (Fred Mansell as told to Ed Green, "The Unknown Quantity," The Alaska Sportsman, August 1938)
"Alders the size of a man's legs were broken and scattered about and the ground was torn up as if by a huge machine. The bear and Pete were lying a few yards apart, both covered in gore. Pete's rifle was broken in half..." (The late Alf Madsen, Master Guide, "What Caliber for the Kodiak?", The Alaska Sportsman, September 1957)
`A la California. CHARTER III. IN THE MISTS OF THE PACIFIC. 58頁 Almost every schoolboy in America is familiar with stories of the savage ferocity and immense strength of the grizzly bear of California. As a rule as I think I may have intimated elsewhere, hunters stories may safely be taken with some grains of allowance. The lion has generally been represented as the "King of Beasts," and numberless are the stories of his courage, strength, and ferocity. The truth is, the lion is nothing but a great overgrown cat, and his courage is just that of the cat on a large scale, and nothing more. A cat will fight when cornered, from sheer excess of cowardice, but she always prefers running. Find the weight of a cat and that of a lion, and just so many times as the lion is heavier than the cat, just so much more fight and courage of the same character exactly you will find in him. But the stories of the dangerous character of the grizzly, unlike those relating to the lion, are not and cannot be exaggerated. I know from observation that the oldest hunters are the most afraid of a contest with the grizzly, and take the greatest pains to avoid one. It is always the young, inexperienced hunter who sallies out half armed and alone to fight a grizzly; and one dose
59頁 is generally found quite enough to cure him of such folly.
The-plain truth is, that the grizzly is much better entitled to the title of King of Beasts than the lion. He fears neither man nor beast, and, instead of waiting to be attacked, will, if hungry or in any way out of humor, invariably become the attacking party whatever the odds against him. A lucky shot penetrating the heart, breaking the vertebra, or entering the brain, will sometimes cause almost instant death; but in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the first shot only enrages and infuriates him, and renders him the most dangerous animal on earth to fall into the clutches of
65頁 I am satisfied that an average grizzly could at any time whip the strongest African lion in a fair stand-up fight, while a full-grown bull is no more to him than a rat is to the largest house-cat
ロンドンタワー動物園の話 http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1373/n8_v46/18570774/p4/article.jhtml?term= Enthusiastically looking forward to a bloody battle between a menagerie bear which had killed a child and one of the Tower's lions, the king was disappointed when they could not be incited to attack one another. ライオンを殺した熊に言及している。
One researcher observed a tiger drag a wild goat it had just caught into a natural pit and began feeding. He then saw an Asiatic black bear sneak up to the pit with the greatest care and caution. Taking only quick peeks to see how things were, he waited until the tiger was totally engrossed in feeding. He carefully placed all four feet on the edge of the pit, checked his balance and aim, then suddenly hurled himself into the pit with a tremendous screaming roar. Some truly appalling sounds of combat ensued and the tiger soon came leaping out of the pit, blood streaming from numerous wounds and ran tearing off into the forest. The black bear delightedly ate the rest of the goat at his leisure.