
2ぼるじょあ ◆ySd1dMH5Gk :03/03/06 13:36

  ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ∧ ∧     ∧ ∧
       ( ・3メ)    ( ・3・)
      ⊂ ⊂ヽ    / つ つ
;;⌒´)≡≡≡し´ヽ(     .)ノ `J≡≡≡(´⌒;;
  ;;⌒´)⌒´)         (´⌒(´⌒;;
 ズザザーーーーッ        ズザーーーーッ
3ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 13:36
4オノデランス:03/03/06 13:37
1 名前: ◆Ayaya43dZ2 03/03/05 21:49
5ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 13:37


本スレURL保存所3        ←スレを立てたら報告はこちら
もの質外部避難所11       ←鯖がdjときはこちらに集合
6ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 13:38
■ ▼

◆2chの基本とルールです。 一度は必ず目を通しましょう。
 2ちゃんねるの使い方とFAQ、 書き込む前に、 削除ガイドライン、 全掲示板&案内

 2ちゃんねる用語解説、 2典、 AA大辞典(仮)、 2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ

★ ページ内検索はWin「Ctrl+F」キー、Mac「コマンド+F」キー
7ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 13:39


    /(*゚ー゚) ./\  <みんなで仲良く雑談するですよ〜
  /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
     ,,,,∪∪,,, ,,                          (σ・∀・)σ
8ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 13:39
■ ▼

◆2chの基本とルールです。 一度は必ず目を通しましょう。
 2ちゃんねるの使い方とFAQ、 書き込む前に、 削除ガイドライン、 全掲示板&案内

 2ちゃんねる用語解説、 2典、 AA大辞典(仮)、 2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ

★ ページ内検索はWin「Ctrl+F」キー、Mac「コマンド+F」キー
9ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 13:39


● 幅広くイスラム世界に関する諸情勢をとらえる板です。

● タイトルは板のテーマカテゴリに沿ったものに。

● 1には詳細やソースを書いてください。



10ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/06 17:04
11ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/07 13:40






12ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/07 13:59
13 ◆P4.dewkl0M :03/03/09 14:48
14ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/09 18:41
15ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/09 18:44


    /(*゚ー゚) ./\  <みんなで仲良く雑談するですよ〜
  /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
     ,,,,∪∪,,, ,,                          (σ・∀・)σ
17ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/13 09:10
18 ◆/D/Q/N/Lq6 :03/03/13 15:40
19ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/16 04:17
20ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/17 18:31
          [ ()]         
      /旦|∪―||∪/ /|                 
     | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄| . |                    
21タイガ:03/03/24 00:00




            ニ               _
            来              /|| //\.、
            マ            〈/ ||/:::::::::::::::::\.、
                          / ||:::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ.、
            シ            ,/ /\ :::::::::::::::::::::ヽ:、
                         / /  \ :::::::::::::::::::|:|
            タ           / /    \ ::::::::::::::|:|
                        / /      ヽ :::::::::::|:|
           /⌒\        / /        | :::::::::::|:|
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        |ζ) (_ヽヽ   ム  / /          | :::::::://
        λヘ´`,イ|:) //⌒,/ /           | :::::://
       /λ.|三-'////   / /\          | :::://
       | | \─/ /    / /  \        ./ :://
      / |   У  /  | 彡ミ、   λ       / ./
22ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/24 00:02
23ひよこ名無しさん:03/03/24 00:05

1 :番組の途中ですが名無しです :03/03/24 00:01 ID:+Ohd/KCk

2 :停止しました。。。 :停止
真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ

24­:03/03/24 02:13
25しろうと ◆RkBASICSZI :03/04/01 12:32
ジャイアントスイング!! ○┼=ヽ( ̄ー ̄ヽ=ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ ⌒ >┼○【壁】ゴチンッ!
26齪獵甕 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/04/01 17:44

  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
  | テストさせて   |
  |           .|
  |   下さいね!  |   ,. . _
  |_______| --' 、   ̄ ̄ヽー- 、
       | |  ヽ ̄7 , , \  、   「 ̄ 7
       | |  ヽ / /_ /ハ |ヽ、\ V ./
       | |    i il/> ヽl <\ヽ. V
      ,. -{-、 __ .| ii i!  ,. ─‐ 、 | il |
       {   Y/  l il |、 {    }  | li |
      `t-く   ヽN ` `--- ' <リiレ'
       | | `ー-- 、  /    ヽ  `丶、
       | |       ̄ヽ    ノ >-'   !
       | |      ,.ィ`=== r'^ヽ、_,/- 、
       | |   ,  '"  //  !'~`V-─ 、 )
       | | < _,/ / /  /i   \ (_ノ
       i_j    /ヽ '  /  / !    ,>
            /_ > 、 」__/ _」, ィ'´ 「
27 ◆JFZcJbWdPk :03/04/05 00:59
28 ◆3IWfsTJ0IM :03/04/05 01:00
29ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/07 14:29

           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ∧_∧   | そんな事より>>1よ、ちょいと聞いてくれよ。
    ( ・∀・) <  このスレとあんま関係ないけどさ。
    (    )  \__________________ 
    | | |

  :::: ::::::::::::::::  :::::::  ∧_∧  :::::::::: :::::::::::::
.             ( ・∀・)
::::: :::::::   ::::::: ::::   (    ) :::::::    :::::::::::
              人  Y
   :::::::::::::::: :::::    (_)_)  :::::::::: ::::::: ::::::
30 ◆oDXja74RlM :03/04/07 23:34
31 ◆oDXja74RlM :03/04/07 23:35
32 ◆oDXja74RlM :03/04/07 23:36
33 :03/04/08 16:56
34ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/17 22:29
35ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/18 21:59
36 ◆5ViYhx.3uA :03/04/19 19:24
37 ◆5ViYhx.3uA :03/04/19 19:26
38山崎渉:03/04/19 22:32
  (  ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
39山崎渉:03/04/20 00:32
  (  ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
40山崎渉:03/04/20 02:08
  (  ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
41ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/21 14:41
      ( (・∀・)
   (ニニ(  ) /\\ヾ 
   ( (ニ:( /津( (O) )
   ヽ、__,ノ ̄   ヽ、__,ノ   
42ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/21 14:47

      ( (・∀・)
   (ニニ(  ) 〕\\ヾ 
   ( (ニ:( /津( (O) )
   ヽ、__,ノ ̄   ヽ、_ノ
43ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/21 14:50
      ( (・∀・)
   (ニニ(  ) 〕\\ヾ 
   ( (ニ:( レ津( (O) )
   ヽ、__,ノ ̄   ヽ、_ノ
44ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/21 14:52

      ( (・∀・)
   (ニニ(  ) 〕\\ヾ 
   ( (ニ:( レ津( (O) )
   ヽ、__,ノ ̄   ヽ、_ノ
45ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/21 14:53

      ( (・∀・)
   (ニニ(  ) 〕\\ヾ 
   ( (ニ:( レ津( (O) )
   ヽ、__,ノ ̄   ヽ、_ノ
46ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/22 07:39
       ___     a
      ( (`・ω・´)
     ‐/ヽ、つ<(○○)   a  
   (ニニ(  ) 〕\\ヾ
   ( (ニ:( レ津( (O) )
   ヽ、__,ノ ̄   ヽ、_ノ
47 ◆BaKAFuFUFU :03/04/24 22:01
48ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/28 22:39
49ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/28 22:41
50ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/28 22:41
51高句麗 ◆OIZKOUKURI :03/04/28 22:51
52ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/29 00:20
53ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/29 00:59
塗りたくるのです。 至福の瞬間です。
54akishjkfgh:03/04/29 01:16
55Sunken ◆fxX/jFc8nM :03/04/30 16:31
56Sunken ◆.z7K.dLShg :03/04/30 16:32
57Sunken ◆62D.ZS.qLA :03/04/30 16:35
58 ◆AldNwIE2j. :03/04/30 16:48
59珍 ◆AldNwIE2j. :03/04/30 16:49
60珍宝 ◆AldNwIE2j. :03/04/30 16:51
61モン ◆CSZ6G0yP9Q :03/04/30 16:53
62劫 ◆CSZ6G0yP9Q :03/04/30 16:56
63ひよこ名無しさん:03/04/30 16:59
ド━(゚Д゚)━ ン !!!
64 ◆0KYFEuh2KM :03/04/30 20:52
65 ◆E5k4HOX2B2 :03/05/03 11:12
     トヨタ    日産    マツダ    三菱     いすヾ  ダイハツ   ホンダ 
1993年 2,057,813   1,098,481   405,100   717,732   129,537   397,900   552,122
1994年 2,031,018   1,014,892   391,461   755,185   135,027   392,042   501,261
1995年 2,029,022   1,096,391   365,737   819,952   140,991   412,354   566,968
1996年 2,104,797   1,098,394   334,382   753,284   136,645   469,233   704,070
1997年 1,991,303   1,033,738   337,179   678,882   123,080   448,325   771,808
1998年 1,700,200    901,273   318,253   596,392   86,844   437,229   681,522
1999年 1,656,641    773,552   315,260   584,169   75,495   522,524   687,391
2000年 1,763,595    729,737   313,304   543,369   69,849   549,171   754,827
2001年 1,713,271    731,628   281,352   487,655   60,573   542,024   854,035
2002年 1,675,213    773,741   263,081   416,387   54,727   504,596   892,868

      富士    日産D   日野    スズキ    その他   全メーカー合計
1993年  310,611   28,286   38,147   530,069   201,481   6,467,279
1994年  350,916   31,127   43,040   579,336   301,391   6,526,696
1995年  344,742   35,240   48,448   617,027   388,162   6,865,034
1996年  348,491   31,947   47,119   621,858   427,525   7,077,745
1997年  305,483   30,025   44,506   595,815   364,882   6,725,026
1998年  277,970   19,032   29,759   555,082   275,869   5,879,425
1999年  302,064   16,153   30,529   619,213   278,225   5,861,216
2000年  300,814   16,494   32,355   614,075   275,452   5,963,042
2001年  287,264   16,326   34,361   622,057   275,925   5,906,471
2002年  255,375   15,694   33,210   626,090   281,101   5,792,093
66 ◆IcvFmdC9Fk :03/05/03 11:14
    トヨタ 日産   マツダ  三菱  いすヾ ダイハツ ホンダ 
1993年 100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
1994年  98.7   92.4   96.6  105.2  104.2   98.5   90.8
1995年  98.6   99.8   90.3  114.2  108.8  103.6  102.7
1996年 102.3  100.0   82.5  105.0  105.5  117.9  127.5
1997年  96.8   94.1   83.2   94.6   95.0  112.7  139.8
1998年  82.6   82.0   78.6   83.1   67.0  109.9  123.4
1999年  80.5   70.4   77.8   81.4   58.3  131.3  124.5
2000年  85.7   66.4   77.3   75.7   53.9  138.0  136.7
2001年  83.3   66.6   69.5   67.9   46.8  136.2  154.7
2002年  81.4   70.4   65.0   58.0   42.2  126.8  161.7

     富士  日産D  日野   スズキ その他  全メーカー合計
1993年 100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
1994年 113.0  110.0  112.8  109.3  149.6  100.9
1995年 111.0  124.6  127.0  116.4  192.7  106.2
1996年 112.2  112.9  123.5  117.3  212.2  109.4
1997年  98.3  106.1  116.7  112.4  181.1  104.0
1998年  89.5   67.3   78.0  104.7  136.9   90.9
1999年  97.2   57.1   80.0  116.8  138.1   90.6
2000年  96.8   58.3   84.8  115.8  136.7   92.2
2001年  92.5   57.7   90.1  117.4  136.9   91.3
2002年  82.2   55.5   87.1  118.1  139.5   89.6
67ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/03 13:09
       / | 
∧∧  /  |
  (゜Д)/   |
 〜( ⊃    |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∪    |
|     |
|     |
68ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/04 13:02
   テ テ テ
   ス ス ス
   ト ト ト
69ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/05 16:34
70ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/05 16:44
71 ◆I077sj44qs :03/05/09 12:23
72 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
73 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
74 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
75 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
76 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
77 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
78 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
79 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
80 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
81 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
82 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
83 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
84 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:27
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
85 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
86 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
87 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
88 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
89 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
90 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
91 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
92 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
93 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
94 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
95 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
96 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
97 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
98 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
99 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
100 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:28
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
101 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
102 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
103 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
104 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
105 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
106 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
107 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
108 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
109 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
110 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
111 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
112 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
113 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
114 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
115 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
116 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
117 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
118 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
119 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:29
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
120 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
121 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
122 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
123 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
124 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
125 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
126 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
127 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
128 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
129 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
130 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
131 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
132 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
133 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
134 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
135 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:30
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
136 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
137 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
138 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
139 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
140 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
141 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
142 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
143 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
144 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
145 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
146 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
147 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:31
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
148 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
149 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
150 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
151 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
152 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
153 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
154 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
155 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
156 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
157 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
158 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
159 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
160 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
161 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
162 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
163 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
164 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:32
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
165 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
166 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
167 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
168 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
169 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
170 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
171 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
172 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
173 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
174 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
175 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
176 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
177 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
178 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
179 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
180 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
181 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
182 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
183 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:33
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
184 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
185 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
186 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
187 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
188 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
189 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
190 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
191 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
192 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
193 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
194 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
195 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:34
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
196 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
197 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
198 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
199 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
200 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
201 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
202 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
203 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
204 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
205 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
206 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
207 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
208 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
209 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
210 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
211 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:35
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
212 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
213 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
214 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
215 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
216 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
217 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
218 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/05/09 12:36
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember: deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
219ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/12 23:17
220ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/14 20:51
221ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/15 16:52

  ∧__∧ ( =∀=) 
  (=∀=)/  ⌒i  。
_(__つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/i |_
  \/___/ ヽ⊃
222ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/15 17:46
223ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/15 17:49
224jon ◆QeoAc6Mg/Y :03/05/22 11:08
225ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/23 22:45
226ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/23 22:47
227 ◆cieoDbEjbQ :03/05/27 22:08
228 ◆1GPM2XTrF2 :03/05/27 22:09
229 ◆Jwc7K6fUOg :03/05/27 22:10
230 ◆4GS0/eHfdQ :03/05/27 22:11
231ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/28 13:43
232ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/28 16:27
233:03/05/28 16:52
234ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/28 17:57
hkafueklha kjajkjsaj kjsfjjiuuq juwp;:;;jjhkl o jiofsj444ohfhdksfh
hgfhklhlf aawfwezdfcvvbnfjie;agfa;w ?gakjha; ha a afhsshfffalyflwhfwwtyt
fahfwohvohsoahaoahfa ifihflaa
235ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/29 00:34
236dでdで:03/05/30 13:29
237ひよこ名無しさん:03/05/30 13:29
238 ◆Ud9WVRlhVk :03/05/30 13:57
239anti yamazaki:03/06/01 15:10

  顔 山         _  -── ‐-   、  , -─-、 -‐─_ノ
  文 崎    // ̄> ´  ̄    ̄  `ヽ  Y  ,  ´     )  山  え
  字 渉    L_ /                /        ヽ 崎  |
  の が    / '                '           i 渉  マ
 (^^) 許    /                 /              く !?  ジ
  ま さ    l           ,ィ/!    /    /l/!,l   /厶,
  で れ   i   ,.lrH‐|'|     /‐!-Lハ_  l    /-!'|/l   /`'メ、_iヽ
  だ る   l  | |_|_|_|/|    / /__!__ |/!トi   i/-- 、 レ!/   / ,-- レ、⌒Y⌒ヽ
  よ の   _ゝ|/'/⌒ヽ ヽト、|/ '/ ̄`ヾ 、ヽト、N'/⌒ヾ      ,イ ̄`ヾ,ノ!
  ね は    「  l ′ 「1       /てヽ′| | |  「L!     ' i'ひ}   リ
  │     ヽ  | ヽ__U,      、ヽ シノ ノ! ! |ヽ_、ソ,      ヾシ _ノ _ノ
-┐    ,√   !            ̄   リ l   !  ̄        ̄   7/
  レ'⌒ヽ/ !    |   〈       _人__人ノ_  i  く            //!
人_,、ノL_,iノ!  /! ヽ   r─‐- 、   「      L_ヽ   r─‐- 、   u  ノ/
      /  / lト、 \ ヽ, -‐┤  ノ  キ    了\  ヽ, -‐┤     //
逝 山  {  /   ヽ,ト、ヽ/!`hノ  )  モ    |/! 「ヽ, `ー /)   _ ‐'
っ 崎   ヽ/   r-、‐' // / |-‐ く   |     > / / `'//-‐、    /
て 渉   > /\\// / /ヽ_  !    イ    (  / / //  / `ァ-‐ '
よ     / /!   ヽ    レ'/ ノ        >  ' ∠  -‐  ̄ノヽ   /
し      {  i l    !    /  フ       /     -‐ / ̄/〉 〈 \
240ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/01 18:45
241 ◆3m2JxEmDyI :03/06/09 04:38
242 ◆///..77qPc :03/06/10 19:03
243ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:21
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
244ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:21
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this messiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
245ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:21
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New Engliand. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this messiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
246ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:21
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New Engliand. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been isent to >>1.>>1 will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this messiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
247ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:21
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New Engliand. It has been sent around the wiorld nine times. The
luck has now been isent to >>1.>>1 will reiceive good luck within four
days of receiving this messiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
248ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:22
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New Engliand. It has been sent around the wiorld nine times. The
luck has now been isent to >>1.>>1 will reiceive good luck within four
days of receiving this miessiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
249ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:22
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New Engliand. It has been sent around the wiorld niine times. The
luck has now been isent to >>1.>>1 will reiceive good luck within four
days of receiving this miessiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
250ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:22
This message has been sent to >>1 for good luck. The original
is in New Engliand. It has been sent around the wiorld niine times. The
luck has now been isent to >>1.>>1 will reiceive goiod luck within four
days of receiving this miessiage - Provided >>1, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. >>1 will receive good luck in the message board. But no
Send the deletion request to people >>1 thinks need good luck. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this thread. This thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours.
Please send the deletion request and see what happen in four days.
The chain comes from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda,

A Missionary from South America. Since the copy must tour
the world, >>1 must make a deletion request and send to the message board
- After a few days >>1 will get a surprise
This is true, even if >>1 is not superstitious.
Good Luck but please remember:i deletion request of this thread must leave
>>1s hands in 96 hours... >>1 must not sign on this message...
251ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/11 20:23

   ドルァ ドルァ
      ∧ ∧   | 廃品 |
⊂  ̄ ̄つ゜д゜)つ|____|
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|     ||
  |____|     ||          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              ||    ∩_∩ <今なら逝きのいい偽ギコがお持ち帰りOKだよ〜
                 G|___|  \_____
                  ( ・∀・)∩

(    )ニセモノナンカイラネーヨゴルァ!
252ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/25 19:38
     (  ´(      )
    /  /⌒    ⌒i
    /   // ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |      んっ♥
  __(__ニつ/  FMV  / .|____

253ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/26 10:25
254 ◆TyQkuBS.4Y :03/06/26 19:05
255に ◆0U0Tsfopvw :03/06/28 00:16
256ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/28 07:45
257ひよこ名無しさん:03/06/28 11:09
   | \
   |Д`) ダレモイナイ・・ハァハァスルナラ イマノウチ


    ????   ハァハァ ハァ
    ?????  ハァハァ ハァ
    ????   ハァハァ ハァハァ
     ???   ハァ

    ????   ハァハァ ハァ
    ?????  ハァハァ ハァ
    ?????  ハァハァ ハァハァ
     ???   ハァ

258名無し:03/07/01 22:07
       |ノハヽヽ |
       |(0´〜`) |
       | (    ) |
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
259名無し:03/07/06 20:25
          |     |/ ◎◎ \|
          |     |  ◎◎◎ |
       ∋oノハヽo∈    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      (´D`) テヘテヘ
260ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/07 18:35
それはwiorld niine回のまわりで送られました。運は今isentでした、に
チェーンはベネズエラから来て、ソールDe Groda(南アメリカの宣教師)によっ
261山崎 渉:03/07/12 08:52

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
262ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/12 09:06
nu ru po
263 ◆.CzKQna1OU :03/07/12 09:08
264てす:03/07/12 10:46
265ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/13 07:20
     \\   山崎渉ワッショイ!! //
 +   + \\  山崎渉ワッショイ!!/+
.   +   ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧_∧  +
      (  ^^ ∩ ( ^^ ∩) (  ^^ )
 +  (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿(つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ ( ノ  ) ) )
       (_)し' し(_) (_)_)
266ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/13 13:54
268山崎 渉:03/07/15 14:13

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
269ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/17 09:20
◆ 山崎渉板ができました!(^^) ◆

     ∧_∧  ( ^^  )   これからも僕を応援してくださいね(^^)・・・っと。
     (  ^^ ) /   ⌒i
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  山崎  / .| .|____
      \/       / (u ⊃


270ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/20 05:20

 |( ・∀・ )| <寝るぽ(・∀・)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

271ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/20 05:22

 |( ・∀・)| <寝るぽ(・∀・)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
272ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/22 10:53

          __,.::::::::::::::::::::::...、 `ー、
       _,::::::::::,.-''" ̄ ̄ヽ::::ヽ.ヽ ヽ-―‐-、
      / /::::/  ,.---、  ヽ::ヽヽ_,...--、 ヽ.
     / ,.  |::::/  /ニ,.-ゝ、ヽ、 i::../_,..--    ヽ、
    ,.レ'  !::i'  /-/ / ,.ゝ、y'1::/ ヽ‐-、   、 ヽ、
   /   ノ::ノ/  / / //y'  |^ヽ ヽ ヽ.  i   ヽ.
  /   ///  ./ / // ,ト、/  |,,,..ヽ  i.  ヽ.  i ヽ  |
 /   /::/ /   | r // / /  //   |  |  ヽ ヽ ヽ.ノ
 |  /::/ /i!  _∠|_| i//  /  //  ,.+‐‐、  i | i!ヽ  ヽ、
 ヽ、 |::::|  | | // | |`ト|、 / / / /  | /| | | ヽ.|   |
  / l::::|  | |  {ヽ、|--|、| ソ/ / / ,,.-‐+、彡, | /、ヽ|   ,!
 /  ヽ:ヽ ト| コ,彳::r^ヽヾ    イ::r^ヽ:ヽヾ,t /、}  }  ,.イ
 |   }:::} | ヽ__〈. |::::!、ノ::|     |::!、ノ::::| 'i!/ } / /  / |
 ヽ、  /:/ ヽヽ._i!, !、::::::::ノ      !、::::::ノ 、!ノ/ /  |ノ  小学生で処女卒業!
   ヽ|:::|  | ヽ__i ''ー―'    iゝ  ――'゙ !.イ  {ヽ.  ,し
   、,.ゝ:ヽ } `y !、     ー---‐     // ヽ、ヽ' ノ  これギャルの鉄則!
      ヽ: ! i  /ヽ、      ̄    ,-"/  ,. ヽ ノ''"
      ノ'")、 /ヽ |ヽ、      ,.ィ"ノ }、 /'-'"
         `ヽ'" ヾ`| ` ‐- -‐'" ト'"` `
              ,-|       ト、
            /__|       | ヽ、
           / / ノ       !ヽ. ヽ、
        _/   ヽ        ` }   ヽ、_
        /     ヽ        /     \
      ∠____ ゝ、      ,く _____ゝ
             ソ´ ヽ.     /  \
273ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 03:59
274ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 09:04
275ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 09:24
276ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 09:29
277ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 10:23
278ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 10:34
279ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/28 13:42
    オシリペンペン!  ☆
       (  )) 彡 −☆
       く  く

280ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/30 02:14
281んぁ:03/07/30 14:53

282ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/30 16:16
283ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 14:03

      ●                ●                ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●            ●            ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
      ●      ●        ●        ●      ●●●
  ●●●      ●        ●        ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
          ●            ●            ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
      ●                ●                ●
284ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 14:04

      ●                ●                ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●            ●            ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
      ●      ●        ●        ●      ●●●
  ●●●      ●        ●        ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
          ●            ●            ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
      ●                ●                ●
285ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 14:05

      ●                ●                ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●            ●            ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
      ●      ●        ●        ●      ●●●
  ●●●      ●        ●        ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
          ●            ●            ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
      ●                ●                ●
286ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 14:05

      ●                ●                ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●            ●            ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
      ●      ●        ●        ●      ●●●
  ●●●      ●        ●        ●      ●
        ●    ●        ●        ●    ●
        ●      ●      ●      ●      ●
        ●        ●    ●    ●        ●
          ●        ●●●●●        ●
          ●            ●            ●
            ●          ●          ●
          ●  ●●      ●      ●●  ●
        ●        ●●●●●●●        ●
      ●                ●                ●
287ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 15:28
288ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 15:30
289ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 16:46
MP5 kure
290ひよこ名無しさん:03/07/31 17:40
     \\   山崎渉ワッショイ!! //
 +   + \\  山崎渉ワッショイ!!/+
.   +   ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧_∧  +
      (  ^^ ∩ ( ^^ ∩) (  ^^ )
 +  (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿(つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ ( ノ  ) ) )
       (_)し' し(_) (_)_)
291sage:03/07/31 18:42
292ひよこ名無しさん:03/08/01 01:26
     ■■■■√ === │
    ■■■■√ 彡    ミ │
    ■■■√   ━    ━ \
    ■■■  ∵   (●  ●)∴│
    ■■■    丿■■■(  │
    ■■■     ■ 3 ■  │
    ■■■■   ■■ ■■ ■
        /⌒ - - ⌒\
      /⌒\ ・  ・ /⌒\
     /     \∩/     \
   /\/⊃   ∞'   ⊂\/\
  /  /   \_)*(_/   \  \
 |_/                 \_|
      /iiiiiiiiiiiiii彡≡≡≡|≡ヾ ヽ
    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ミiiiiiヽ
   iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/             \iiiiiiiゞ
   iiiiiiiiiiii/                \iiヽ
  iiiiiiiiiiiiiii《    ━━━'/  ヽ━━━ ヽミヽ
 ...iiiiiiiiii彡/      __,.::  :: __  ヽiiiii|
 ..iiiiiiiiiiiii》|             :::      |iiiii|
 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|,                     |iii|
..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,         ( ● ● )      .|iiii|
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii       》━━━━《       |iiiii|
iiiiiiiiiiiiiii《《《ヽ     》 / ̄ ̄\ 《     |iiiiiiii|
iiiiiiiii《《《《《《《《    《《 \ ̄ ̄/ 》》   |iiiiiiiiiii|
iiiiiiiiiiii《《《《《《《《《《《 》》   ̄ ̄  《《 》》》》》iiiii|
                ■■■■■■ 〜〜 ■■■■■■
             ■■■■■ 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ■■■■■
             ■■■■■   ■■〜〜■■   ■■■■■
           ■■■■■  ■■■■〜〜■■■■  ■■■■■
           ■■■■         ||          ■■■■
          ■■■■■   〓〓〓〓||〓〓〓〓   ■■■■■
          ■■■■   〓〓     ||    〓〓   ■■■■
          ■■■■        //  \\       ■■■■
          ■■■■      //( ●● )\\     ■■■■
          ■■■■    // ■■■■■■ \\   ■■■■
          ■■■■■  / ■■■■■■■■ \  ■■■■■
          ■■■■■   ■/〓〓〓〓〓〓\■   ■■■■■
          ■■■■■■ ■ /▼▼▼▼▼▼\ ■ ■■■■■■
          ■■■■■■■■■ ▼▼▼▼▼▼ ■■■■■■■■■
           ■■■■■■■■■   ■■   ■■■■■■■■■
297ひよこ名無しさん:03/08/14 23:11
298ひよこ名無しさん:03/08/14 23:12
299山崎 渉:03/08/14 23:57
300ひよこ名無しさん:03/08/15 00:58
|                                           |
| _    システムはシャットダウンされます。進行中の作業をすべ  |
| |×|   て保存し、ログオフしてください。保存されていない情報    |
|  ̄    は失われます。シャットダウンは、NT              |
|      AUTHORITY \SYSTEM によって開始されました     |
|                                           |
|          シャットダウンまで : 00:59:00                   |
|                                             |
|    -メッセージ-------------------------------------     |
|    | Remote Procedure Call (RPC) サービスが異状終  |     |
|    |  了したため Windows を再起動する必要がありま   |     |
|    | す.                                |     |
|    |                                   |     |
|     ----------------------------------------------    |
|                                            |
301 :03/08/15 02:04


302山崎 渉:03/08/15 08:01
   │ ^ ^ │<これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  ⊂|    |つ
   (_)(_)                      山崎パン
303ひよこ名無しさん:03/08/17 20:45
304ひよこ名無しさん:03/08/25 14:16
305電波 ◆rC0LdDempA :03/08/30 17:13

                 | |
                 | |
        ∧_∧   | | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´Д`)//< 先生!荒らししないでください!
      /       /   \________________ 
     / /|    /       
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||
306ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/01 16:53
307ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/08 21:55
      /          ' ヽ   
      /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ミ  |   
      |  \, ,/  ,.┴-|、   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 
     [|  ヽ、  ,ノ    [l |  < 歌広場では女子高生を歓迎中!
      { ~゙ ''(・・(⌒    -r′  \ 客でもバイト希望でもいいから、
      ヽ )三(    ノ ^ー 、   \ みんな来てね!
     ,ィ iヽ、___ ::::    ' 、  \_______
   /   ::::Yヽ/ ::::       ヽ
  /|    ::::    ::::         |
 / /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
/ /::カラオケルーム歌広場::::::::::::::::::|
308ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/09 20:35
``'' ‐- 、
     /::::::::::::::/!i::/|/  ! ヾ リハ:|;!、:::::::l
    /´7::::::::::〃|!/_,,、   ''"゛_^`''`‐ly:::ト     
      /|;ィ:::::N,、‐'゛_,,.\   ´''""'ヽ  !;K
        ! |ハト〈  ,r''"゛  ,       リイ)|   みのるきえろ
          `y't     ヽ'         //
         ! ぃ、     、;:==ヲ   〃     
         `'' へ、   ` ‐ '゜   .イ
              `i;、     / l         
                〉 ` ‐ ´   l`ヽ
            / !        レ' ヽ_

309ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/09 20:39
    /     \
   /   ∧ ∧ \   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  |     ・ ・   | < 首つって氏ねよおめーら
  |     )●(  |   \__________
  \     ー   ノ
310ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/13 16:20
311ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/19 05:07
312ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/21 10:51
313ひよこ名無しさん:03/09/21 13:09
314ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/21 01:17
反転します。 そこですかさず右クリックで「コピー」を選択。 書き込み欄で右クリック「貼り付け」で簡単に既存の文章を複製できます。
315ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/22 20:01
     \\   山崎渉ワッショイ!! //
 +   + \\  山崎渉ワッショイ!!/+
.   +   ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧_∧  +
      (  ^^ ∩ ( ^^ ∩) (  ^^ )
 +  (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿(つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ ( ノ  ) ) )
       (_)し' し(_) (_)_)
316ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/22 20:02
  / ´_ゝ`)ここ通らないと行けないので、ちょっと通りますよ・・・
  |    /
  | /| |
  // | |
 U  .U
317ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/25 20:28
318ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/25 20:34

319 :03/10/25 20:38
320ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 12:47
321ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 12:48
322ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 12:52
323ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 13:26
324ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 13:48
325ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 13:54
326ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 14:57
327ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 14:58
328ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 14:58
329ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:01
330ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:32
331ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:51
332ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:53
333ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:54
334ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:54
335ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:54
336ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:55
337ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:56
338ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:56
339ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:56
340ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:57
341ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 15:57
342ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:12
343ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:12
344ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:12
345ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:13
346ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:14
347ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:14
348ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:14
349ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:14
350ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:15
351ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:15
352ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:19
353ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:20
354ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:21
355ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:22
356ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 16:22
357ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:19
358ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:21
359ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:21
360ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:21
361ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:22
362ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:22
363ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:23
364ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:26
365ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:33
366ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:34
367ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:35
368ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:35
369ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 17:38
370ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:06
371ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:41
372ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:42
373ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:43
374ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:44
375ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:46
376ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:46
377ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:46
378ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:47
379ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:47
380ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:48
381ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:52
382ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:53
383ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 18:54
384ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 19:58
385ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 19:59
386ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 19:59
387ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 19:59
388ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:00
389ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:07
390ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:07
391ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:08
392ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:08
393ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:09
394ひよこ名無しさん:03/10/30 20:43
395 ◆sai/BM4xGQ :03/11/08 22:25
396ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/15 15:44
397ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/15 15:45
398ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/15 19:02
        ,,,,,iiiili;;;、, ,,;;,,,,;;;;;;;;;;、、
  、llllllllllllllllllllllll!゙゙゙`  .゙!!!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli
  .'lllllllllllllll!゙゙''°    .、゙`l゙゙llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
   llllllllllll゙゜ .niillii;;=@    ,;iiiii、l lllllllllllllllllllll
   lllllllll°    ′    ,゙゙゙゙^ .゙゙゙:::llllllllllllllll
   .゙lllllll    =ニlill>、 ::::  ;',lillニ=., :!::::lllllllllllll
    ゙!lll,     `::  ::" :::::::  ::::::lllllllllll
    `'lL     :   :: 、   ::::::llll/lll
      ゙l   ,r` .-、.,,,,,,,iili\:::::::::::l!l!!゙
      |   `  _,,,,,,,_,,,;゙゙゙゙゙ '''':::::::::|-'
       |     ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;r''   ::::::::,l
       `l,    .、,,,,;;、   ::::::::/
         ~ヽ         _,_-''" / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ヽ-、,,,_,,,,,/   <   レイプ!
          /      \    \______
         /ノl     ,ヘ \
       ⊂/ |     \ \⊃
           |  /⌒> _)
            | .|  く_っ
      __.  | |
      \   ̄⊂ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
      ||\             \
      ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
      ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
         .||              ||
399ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:03

400ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:04

401ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:04

402ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:05

403ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:05

404ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:06

405ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:06

406ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/17 00:06

407ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:29

408ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:30

409ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:30

410ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:30

411ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:31

412ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:32

413ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:32

414ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/19 20:32

415ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/22 12:19
リカたん出品キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*!!!!!☆


416ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/22 12:20

417ひよこ名無しさん:03/11/22 12:22

418ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/04 22:39

419ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/05 05:29

420ハゲ:03/12/05 12:02
421野暮天 ◆Td3G2FsmmQ :03/12/05 17:20
422 ◆AMcq5..LEk :03/12/05 17:49
423ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/06 13:43

424ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/07 02:40
Yahooプロファイルでわいせつ物陳列キタ━(゚∀゚)━ !!!!!

1 :番組の途中ですが名無しです :03/12/06 23:41 ID:G6kVq6Qm

425ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/07 13:05
          ,,―‐.                  r-、    _,--,、
     ,―-、 .| ./''i、│  r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,―ー.    ゙l, `"゙゙゙゙゙ ̄^   \
    /   \ ヽ,゙'゙_,/   .゙l、         `i、   \ _,,―ー'''/  .,r'"
.,,,、.,,i´ .,/^'i、 `'i、``     `--‐'''''''''''''''"'''''''''''゙     `゛   .丿  .,/
{ ""  ,/`  ヽ、 `'i、                        丿  .,/`
.ヽ、 丿    \  .\                      ,/′ 、ヽ,,、
  ゙'ー'"      ゙'i、  ‘i、.r-、      __,,,,,,,,--、     / .,/\ `'-,、
           ヽ  .]゙l `゙゙゙゙"゙゙゙゙ ̄ ̄     `'i、  ,/ .,,/   .ヽ  \
            ゙ヽ_/ .ヽ_.,,,,--―――――ー-ノ_,/゙,,/′     ゙l   ,"
                 `             ゙‐''"`        ゙'ー'"
426ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/07 13:05
          ,,―‐.                  r-、    _,--,、
     ,―-、 .| ./''i、│  r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,―ー.    ゙l, `"゙゙゙゙゙ ̄^   \
    /   \ ヽ,゙'゙_,/   .゙l、         `i、   \ _,,―ー'''/  .,r'"
.,,,、.,,i´ .,/^'i、 `'i、``     `--‐'''''''''''''''"'''''''''''゙     `゛   .丿  .,/
{ ""  ,/`  ヽ、 `'i、                        丿  .,/`
.ヽ、 丿    \  .\                      ,/′ 、ヽ,,、
  ゙'ー'"      ゙'i、  ‘i、.r-、      __,,,,,,,,--、     / .,/\ `'-,、
           ヽ  .]゙l `゙゙゙゙"゙゙゙゙ ̄ ̄     `'i、  ,/ .,,/   .ヽ  \
            ゙ヽ_/ .ヽ_.,,,,--―――――ー-ノ_,/゙,,/′     ゙l   ,"
                 `             ゙‐''"`        ゙'ー'"
427ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/07 13:07
          ,,―‐.                  r-、    _,--,、
     ,―-、 .| ./''i、│  r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,―ー.    ゙l, `"゙゙゙゙゙ ̄^   \
    /   \ ヽ,゙'゙_,/   .゙l、         `i、   \ _,,―ー'''/  .,r'"
.,,,、.,,i´ .,/^'i、 `'i、``     `--‐'''''''''''''''"'''''''''''゙     `゛   .丿  .,/
{ ""  ,/`  ヽ、 `'i、                        丿  .,/`
.ヽ、 丿    \  .\                      ,/′ 、ヽ,,、
  ゙'ー'"      ゙'i、  ‘i、.r-、      __,,,,,,,,--、     / .,/\ `'-,、
           ヽ  .]゙l `゙゙゙゙"゙゙゙゙ ̄ ̄     `'i、  ,/ .,,/   .ヽ  \
            ゙ヽ_/ .ヽ_.,,,,--―――――ー-ノ_,/゙,,/′     ゙l   ,"
                 `             ゙‐''"`        ゙'ー'"
428ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/07 13:07
          ,,―‐.                  r-、    _,--,、
     ,―-、 .| ./''i、│  r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,―ー.    ゙l, `"゙゙゙゙゙ ̄^   \
    /   \ ヽ,゙'゙_,/   .゙l、         `i、   \ _,,―ー'''/  .,r'"
.,,,、.,,i´ .,/^'i、 `'i、``     `--‐'''''''''''''''"'''''''''''゙     `゛   .丿  .,/
{ ""  ,/`  ヽ、 `'i、                        丿  .,/`
.ヽ、 丿    \  .\                      ,/′ 、ヽ,,、
  ゙'ー'"      ゙'i、  ‘i、.r-、      __,,,,,,,,--、     / .,/\ `'-,、
           ヽ  .]゙l `゙゙゙゙"゙゙゙゙ ̄ ̄     `'i、  ,/ .,,/   .ヽ  \
            ゙ヽ_/ .ヽ_.,,,,--―――――ー-ノ_,/゙,,/′     ゙l   ,"
                 `             ゙‐''"`        ゙'ー'"
429ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/07 13:08
          ,,―‐.                  r-、    _,--,、
     ,―-、 .| ./''i、│  r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,―ー.    ゙l, `"゙゙゙゙゙ ̄^   \
    /   \ ヽ,゙'゙_,/   .゙l、         `i、   \ _,,―ー'''/  .,r'"
.,,,、.,,i´ .,/^'i、 `'i、``     `--‐'''''''''''''''"'''''''''''゙     `゛   .丿  .,/
{ ""  ,/`  ヽ、 `'i、                        丿  .,/`
.ヽ、 丿    \  .\                      ,/′ 、ヽ,,、
  ゙'ー'"      ゙'i、  ‘i、.r-、      __,,,,,,,,--、     / .,/\ `'-,、
           ヽ  .]゙l `゙゙゙゙"゙゙゙゙ ̄ ̄     `'i、  ,/ .,,/   .ヽ  \
            ゙ヽ_/ .ヽ_.,,,,--―――――ー-ノ_,/゙,,/′     ゙l   ,"
                 `             ゙‐''"`        ゙'ー'"
430ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/18 11:13
431ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/18 11:15
432ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/18 11:16
433ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/19 10:21
434ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/19 14:45
435ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/20 15:35
436ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/21 18:03
437A.S:03/12/21 20:55
438A.S:03/12/21 20:58
( ´゜Д゜`)エー( ´゜Д゜`)エー( ´゜Д゜`)エー( ´゜Д゜`)エー( ´゜Д゜`)エー
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439A.S:03/12/21 20:59
( ´゜Д゜`)エー
440A.S♯セV8cLFセz:03/12/22 17:36
441ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/22 20:48
442ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/22 22:11
443ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/22 22:16


444A.S:03/12/24 19:26
445ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:02
446ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:04
447ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:05
448ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:07
449ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:13
450ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:14
451ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/24 20:15
452ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/28 09:25
       (д`* )
453ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/28 14:09
               _ , - 、    _,ィ
            /     \T^ト、 > _,
              ノ    ,人,.ヘ、 j~゙`´ ̄,イ
            }  n/` 'ニ ,_リノ  _ _ Y_ゝ
              >、>    ,..,' ノ_  '., - ゙; `>
          /|   / /  ヽ r_、 : .,.ィ´ l
          ! ヽ/   l    `-'=イ /  ,!
           }      ヽ_ ___ノ  ,ノ
           l        l      jノ
454ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/28 21:27
455ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/29 01:16

伸介 納得いかねー
456ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/29 02:28
457ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/29 21:49
             /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽ__/     ヽ
  | ____ /           :::::::::::::::\
  | |       //       \  :::::::::::::::|
  | |       |  ●      ●    ::::::::::::::|
  | |      .|             :::::::::::::|
  | |       |   (__人__丿  .....:::::::::::::::::::/
  | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::< 
  └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::|
  \ \  \___       ::::::::::::::::::::::::|

458ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/30 00:15
459ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/30 09:39

460ひよこ名無しさん:03/12/30 09:44
461 ◆G1TeS8OWU. :04/01/05 09:45
462 ◆l82fUZeI1Q :04/01/05 09:46
463 ◆W7F7ZfIH32 :04/01/05 09:47
464 ◆5eZf1zanQc :04/01/05 09:48
465 ◆uGU91fpJlE :04/01/05 09:48
466ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/05 19:58
               _ , - 、    _,ィ
            /     \T^ト、 > _,
              ノ    ,人,.ヘ、 j~゙`´ ̄,イ
            }  n/` 'ニ ,_リノ  _ _ Y_ゝ
              >、>    ,..,' ノ_  '., - ゙; `>
          /|   / /  ヽ r_、 : .,.ィ´ l
          ! ヽ/   l    `-'=イ /  ,!
           }      ヽ_ ___ノ  ,ノ
           l        l      jノ
467ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/05 20:05
468ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/05 21:48
469ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/05 23:33
【爽やか?】素敵なねとらじ 10【じゃないよな】

470ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/05 23:51
471test:04/01/05 23:52
472ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/06 16:00
473ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/06 20:26

474ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/06 20:39
475ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/06 20:40
476ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/07 08:05

        / ̄ ( ・∀・)⌒\ ヨイサー!!
   __    /  _|     |   |
   ヽヽ   /  /  \    |   |           ,,,,,,,iiiiillllll!!!!!!!lllllliiiii,,,,,,,
    \\|  |____|   .|   |           .,llll゙゙゙゙゙        ゙゙゙゙゙lllll,
     \/  \       |   |           .|!!!!,,,,,,,,       ,,,,,,,,,!!!!|
     | ヽ_「\      |   |、         |  ゙゙゙゙!!!!llllliiiiiiiiiilllll!!!!゙゙゙゙ .|
     |    \ \――、. |   | ヽ         .|     .゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙     |
     |   / \ "-、,  `|  |  ヽ       |               |
  _/   /    "-, "' (_  ヽ  ヽ      .|               |
/    __ノ      "'m__`\ヽ_,,,, ヽ      |               |
`ー― ̄          ヽ、__`/ー_,,,, ゙゙゙゙!!!!!!!lllllllliii|               |
                    \゙゙゙゙゙゙゙!!!!!lllllllliiiii|               |
                      \   ヽ   |               |
                       ヽ   \  |               |
                        |     \.|               |
478ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/08 14:22
479ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/09 15:21

480ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/09 16:41
    ∧ ∧___  ハニャーン♪
   /(゚ー゚*) /\
 /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
   |        |/
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
481ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/09 17:01
懐アニ板の「ヒヨコ戦艦」 削除人を名誉毀損で訴える・4

482ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/10 12:11
477 :ミスターサタンマリック
477 :ミスターサタンマリック
477 :ミスターサタンマリック
483ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/10 12:14
                             。 *         ・
     __                   : \  ((  从⌒从  )) /   ;
      l/ ?/?| | ?? ヽ /  ・     ((  ((    ・)) * ζ /
      /  // |        /     \ ・  ((  ∵  ))    )) / ・
  ________            \  (( :   ))   ((  从  ))ζ
  |   ∧.∧  :|□l//        ・      从⌒从 ε  (( ∵    )) ̄*
  |   (,,゚Д゚) :|□l 三三三三三三三三三三三 *     。((  ⌒  )) ζ
   ̄ ̄l ニ⊃/ ̄ ̄ヾ\          /   ((     ・  从 从 ))  \
    ?(_ヽ               *  / (( 从⌒从 )) (( : ζ  \  ∵
    ⊂  U                      (( W (( ・ W )) *
  ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  氏ねや>>477 モルァ!
484ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/10 13:25
485木原:04/01/10 13:50
         ゝ∨ノ       >>1が糞スレ             ,,,ィf...,,,__
          )~~(             立てている間に   _,,.∠/゙`'''t-nヾ ̄"'''=ー-.....,,,
         ,i   i,                        ,z'"    ̄ ̄ /n゙゙''''ー--...
         ,i>   <i     文明はどんどん発達し    r”^ヽ      く:::::|::|:::〔〕〔〕
         i>   <i.     ていく・・・・・・。      入_,..ノ ℃      ̄U ̄_二ニ=
`=.,,ー- ...,,,__  |,r'''"7ヽ、|  __,,,... -ー,,.='             >ーz-,,,...--,‐,‐;;:'''""~
  ~''':x.,,  ~"|{ G ゝG }|"~  ,,z:''"                     ___
      ~"'=| ゝ、.3 _ノ |=''"~      <ー<>         /  l ̄ ̄\
        .|))    ((|        / ̄ ゙̄i;:、      「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄\
             ))|       r'´ ̄「中] ̄`ヾv、   `-◎──────◎一'
                   ├―┤=├―┤ |li:,
                   |「 ̄ |i ̄i|「.//||「ln|:;
                   |ニ⊃|  |⊂ニ| || ,|/
                   |_. └ー┘ ._| ||/
                   ヘ 「 ̄ ̄ ̄| /
486ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/10 13:59
                 ノ  . .: .:. . : .
               ノ⌒ . : .: .:: .:::.
             γ⌒'. .: .:. .:.:. γ⌒'
            ノ . . : .: ,; ,;;;, :.)
           , '"~. : .: .:.: .:. .; ; ,;ノ
         ,ノ    . .: .:..:,. ー '"~
        ノ.;, :. .  . .:.::.ノ
     ,..'". .:.:.::. . . .:.::..)
    (  . . .:.::;;;._,,...'"
     ) . .:. .:.:;;.;;;.:.)
    ノ . ..:.::.:;;;.;.ノ
   (  ,..-‐''"~
○| ̄|_
487ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/10 18:46
                            。 *         ・
     __                   : \  ((  从⌒从  )) /   ;
      l/ ?/?| | ?? ヽ /  ・     ((  ((    ・)) * ζ /
      /  // |        /     \ ・  ((  ∵  ))    )) / ・
  ________            \  (( :   ))   ((  从  ))ζ
  |   ∧.∧  :|□l//        ・      从⌒从 ε  (( ∵    )) ̄*
  |   (,,゚Д゚) :|□l 三三三三三三三三三三三 *     。((  ⌒  )) ζ
   ̄ ̄l ニ⊃/ ̄ ̄ヾ\          /   ((     ・  从 从 ))  \
    ?(_ヽ               *  / (( 从⌒从 )) (( : ζ  \  ∵
    ⊂  U                      (( W (( ・ W )) *
  ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  氏ねや>>486 ゴルァルァ!
488ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/10 19:23
                             。 *         ・
     __                   : \  ((  从⌒从  )) /   ;
      l/ ?/?| | ?? ヽ /  ・     ((  ((    ・)) * ζ /
      /  // |        /     \ ・  ((  ∵  ))    )) / ・
  ________            \  (( :   ))   ((  从  ))ζ
  |   ∧.∧  :|□l//        ・      从⌒从 ε  (( ∵    )) ̄*
  |   (,,゚Д゚) :|□l 三三三三三三三三三三三 *     。((  ⌒  )) ζ
   ̄ ̄l ニ⊃/ ̄ ̄ヾ\          /   ((     ・  从 从 ))  \
    へ(_ヽ               *  / (( 从⌒从 )) (( : ζ  \  ∵
    ⊂  U                      (( W (( ・ W )) *
  ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 氏ね!>>487 ノルァ!!!
489ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/12 09:33
490ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/12 10:02
477 :ミスターサタンマリック
477 :ミスターサタンマリック
477 :ミスターサタンマリック
491ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/12 15:34
               _ , - 、    _,ィ
            /     \T^ト、 > _,
              ノ    ,人,.ヘ、 j~゙`´ ̄,イ
            }  n/` 'ニ ,_リノ  _ _ Y_ゝ
              >、>    ,..,' ノ_  '., - ゙; `>
          /|   / /  ヽ r_、 : .,.ィ´ l
          ! ヽ/   l    `-'=イ /  ,!
           }      ヽ_ ___ノ  ,ノ
           l        l      jノ
492ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/12 19:05
( ゚,_ゝ゚)バカジャネーノ
493ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/12 22:44

   ( ´_ゝ`)凸フーン
494ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/13 12:40

     ( ´_ゝ`)凸 fuck you !
495ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/13 14:25

        ( ´_ゝ`)凸 やめちまえ!
496ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/13 16:23

          ( ´_ゝ`)凸 だんだん右に…
497ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/13 18:10

            ( ´_ゝ`)凸 動いていく…
498ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/13 18:12

               ( ´_ゝ`)凸 その目的は…
499ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/13 18:13

                  ( ´_ゝ`)凸 何か…
500(= ゚仝゚) ◆ZUZAA7R8OA :04/01/13 18:14

500ゲットオずざーー! ( .,,;; (,,;;;),),;;)
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ r‐(⌒;;⌒,;;;),,;;ノ
     ∧∧  ,,r‐(´,;:⌒;;(⌒ン

501ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/14 14:01
502ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/14 14:30
                             。 *         ・
     __                   : \  ((  从⌒从  )) /   ;
      l/ ?/?| | ?? ヽ /  ・     ((  ((    ・)) * ζ /
      /  // |        /     \ ・  ((  ∵  ))    )) / ・
  ________            \  (( :   ))   ((  从  ))ζ
  |   ∧.∧  :|□l//        ・      从⌒从 ε  (( ∵    )) ̄*
  |   (,,゚Д゚) :|□l 三三三三三三三三三三三 *     。((  ⌒  )) ζ
   ̄ ̄l ニ⊃/ ̄ ̄ヾ\          /   ((     ・  从 从 ))  \
    へ(_ヽ               *  / (( 从⌒从 )) (( : ζ  \  ∵
    ⊂  U                      (( W (( ・ W )) *
  ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 氏ねや>>501 フォルァ!!!
503Des:04/01/14 22:48
504ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 04:10
505ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 12:03
506ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 12:42
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ ウンコー
507ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 15:09
        ⊂<`∀´ >つ-、 <ウェーハッハッハ
      ///   /_/:::::/
      |:::|/⊂ヽノ|:::| /」
    / ̄ ̄〇 ̄ ̄ ̄/|
  /______/ | |
  | |-----------| |  
508ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 19:00
Where is Korea? ha ha ha ha ha
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■    ■■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■              ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■      ■      ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■        ■■  ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■         ■■■■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■  ■         ■■■■
■■■■■■■■■■                 ■ ■
■■■■ ■■■■                     ■
■■    ■■■                      ■■
     ■                            ■■
■                                ■■
■  ■                         ■ ■■
■■■■■             ■          .■■
■■                        ■ ■■■
■                          ■■■■■
■■                   ■■■■■■■■
■■              ■   ■■■■■■ ■■
■■                ■■  ■■ ■
■■■            ■■■■ ■■         ■
■■■              ■■
■■               ■■
■■■               ■
509ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 19:00
Where is Korea? ha ha ha ha ha
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■    ■■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■              ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■      ■      ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■        ■■  ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■         ■■■■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■  ■         ■■■■
■■■■■■■■■■                 ■ ■
■■■■ ■■■■                     ■
■■    ■■■                      ■■
     ■                            ■■
■                                ■■
■  ■                         ■ ■■
■■■■■             ■          .■■
■■                        ■ ■■■
■                          ■■■■■
■■                   ■■■■■■■■
■■              ■   ■■■■■■ ■■
■■                ■■  ■■ ■
■■■            ■■■■ ■■         ■
■■■              ■■
■■               ■■
■■■               ■
510ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/15 19:00
Where is Korea? ha ha ha ha ha
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■    ■■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■              ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■      ■      ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■        ■■  ■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■         ■■■■
■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■  ■         ■■■■
■■■■■■■■■■                 ■ ■
■■■■ ■■■■                     ■
■■    ■■■                      ■■
     ■                            ■■
■                                ■■
■  ■                         ■ ■■
■■■■■             ■          .■■
■■                        ■ ■■■
■                          ■■■■■
■■                   ■■■■■■■■
■■              ■   ■■■■■■ ■■
■■                ■■  ■■ ■
■■■            ■■■■ ■■         ■
■■■              ■■
■■               ■■
■■■               ■
511ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/17 07:51
512***:04/01/18 11:02
513よっちゃん:04/01/19 17:24
514ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/19 23:05
515ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 01:06
   ┌─‐‐─┐  みなさんは2ちゃんねるの初心者ですか?書き込む際に
    |_____________|  SG(セキュリティー・ガード)に登録しないと自作自演がバレますよ。
   ='========='== SGに登録せずに書き込んだ場合、あなたのパソコン内の
   / \  /│  情報は他人に見られていると考えてほぼ間違いないでしょう。
  ┌|-(・)-(・)-|┐ 自作自演がばれる方の多くはこの登録を怠っています。
  └|    〇   .|┘ 初期の頃から2ちゃんねるにいる方達は、ほとんどの方が
    | ___ |||||__ |  このBBSのコマンドの仕組みを知っています。ですから簡単に
    | \__/ |  あなたのIPアドレス等を抜き取り自作自演を見破ってしまいます。
   |    |||||   |  このコマンドの方法は決して教えないというのが初期の頃から

名前欄に「 fusianasan 」と入れて書き込みする。これだけでSGの登録は完了します。

516ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 16:13
25 years old.
 Although it was penniless, it profited by the on-line casino and pachinko till last year,
and 3,500,000 yen savings were made in two years. All [ do at once and ] surely.
Although it is first time limitation, if you buy a 1-dollar or more tip,
it will go into a 30-dollar (about 4000 yen) hand. It can also convert into money,
without playing only by getting money, and if it risks on red or black decisively by roulette,
it will double by 50% of probability. What is necessary is only just to carry out a game off-line,
if there is no gold. It is killing time. Since there are video poker, a slot, and various games,
we recommend you seriously.

517ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 18:10
518ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 18:10
519ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 18:10
520先生!質問です:04/01/20 19:43
521ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 21:49
522ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/20 23:03
523ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/21 11:56
(._. )b
524あ◇mainoumi:04/01/21 12:53
(>_< )
525 ◆9Ce54OonTI :04/01/27 08:59
526ひよこ名無しさん:04/01/28 16:28
527ひよこ名無しさん:04/02/01 21:28
639 名前:ひよこ名無しさん 投稿日:04/02/01 09:30

640 名前:(゚д゚) ◆DEKAIQgd8U 投稿日:04/02/01 09:30

641 名前:アルゴル ◆nRMoondBoA 投稿日:04/02/01 09:30

642 名前:ひよこ名無しさん 投稿日:04/02/01 09:31

643 名前:アルゴル ◆nRMoondBoA 投稿日:04/02/01 09:31
528ひよこ名無しさん:04/02/01 22:06
            \\ |||
( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ | ⊂⊃
  ̄ ̄( ̄ ̄//// ̄\  ∧ ∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      ̄(//// ̄\\( ゜Д゜) < 藻前ら氏ね ゴルァ
   ".;":  (/(/// ̄(つ つ   \_____________
".;":         (/(/|  \\
 .;".;": ..;".;;:  (/((/ ∧|\\       .;".;": ..;.;".;
   .;".;": ..  ;    ∪ ∪  \\         .;".;": ..;.;".
.;".;"    .;".;             \\
   ゴ オ ォ ォ …… ! !      \\   ;": ..;.;".;":
          .;".;": _.;.;__       \\   ド カ ァ ン !
 .;".;": ..;.;".; ζ /_.;_/| .;".;"_ \\  .;".;.;".;":
.;".;": ..;.;".;": ;:'.;| ΓΓ | |;":从へ_/|  \\.;".;"_.;__..:
从へ从へへ从  ; ζ  | Γ从 | |;:.. |从Γ | |    \\ ∠___/|
    ( ⌒( ⌒ ) ζ | 从Γ | |.:;. |从Γζ.;"._ \\|ΓΓΓ| |
(   ⌒ ⌒  ⌒ );  | ΓΓ | |.;;::|ΓΓ | |  ( 从へ;: |从ΓΓ| |
 Σ( ⌒( ⌒ ) ζ  ( ( ) )⌒ ) ( 从へ从)_.;;:.;|Γ从Γ| |
 ( (( ( ⌒ )) )  从 Σ( ⌒(  从へ从) ∠___/|
Σ (( ( ⌒ )) ) )(( ⌒ ( 从へ从) .;".;:;|ΓΓΓ| |
 (( ⌒ ( ( ) )⌒ );:;   .;".;": ..;.;".;":|从ΓΓ| |
529ひよこ名無しさん:04/02/10 09:06
639 名前:ひよこ名無しさん 投稿日:04/02/01 09:30

640 名前:(゚д゚) ◆DEKAIQgd8U 投稿日:04/02/01 09:30

641 名前:アルゴル ◆nRMoondBoA 投稿日:04/02/01 09:30

642 名前:ひよこ名無しさん 投稿日:04/02/01 09:31

643 名前:アルゴル ◆nRMoondBoA 投稿日:04/02/01 09:31
530ひよこ名無しさん:04/02/14 10:02

            \\ |||
( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ | ⊂⊃
  ̄ ̄( ̄ ̄//// ̄\  ∧ ∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      ̄(//// ̄\\( ゜Д゜) < 肝蛸様の使いの者ですが、藻前ら氏ね ゴルァ
   ".;":  (/(/// ̄(つ つ   \____________________
".;":         (/(/|  \\
 .;".;": ..;".;;:  (/((/ ∧|\\       .;".;": ..;.;".;
   .;".;": ..  ;    ∪ ∪  \\         .;".;": ..;.;".
.;".;"    .;".;             \●
   ゴ オ ォ ォ …… ! !      \\ ● ;": ..;.;".;":
          .;".;": _.;.;__       \\   ド カ ァ ン !
 .;".;": ..;.;".; ζ /_.;_/| .;".;"_ \●  .;".;.;".;":
.;".;": ..;.;".;": ;:'.;| ΓΓ | |;":从へ_/|  \\●;".;"_.;__..:
从へ从へへ从  ; ζ  | Γ从 | |;:.. |从Γ | | ● \● ∠___/|
    ( ⌒( ⌒ ) ζ | 从Γ | |.:;. |从Γζ.;"●_ \\|Γ●Γ| |
(   ⌒ ⌒  ⌒ );  | ΓΓ | |.;;::|ΓΓ | |  ( 从へ;: |从ΓΓ| |
 Σ( ⌒( ⌒ ) ζ  ( ( ) )⌒ ) ( 从へ●)_.;;:.;|Γ从Γ| |
 ( (( ( ⌒ )) )  从 Σ( ⌒(  从へ从) ∠___/|
Σ (( ( ⌒ )) ) )(( ⌒ ( 从へ从) .;".;:;|ΓΓΓ| |
 (( ⌒ ( ( ) )⌒ );:;   .;".;": ..;.;".;":|从ΓΓ| |
531ひよこ名無しさん:04/03/03 15:56
 Λ| Λ
( ` ´)
532ひよこ名無しさん:04/03/08 16:49
               ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ ロ
           | |┃|                 |
           | |┃|                 |
           | |┃|                 |
           | |┃|                 |
           | |┃|                 |
           | |┃|                 |
            /⌒彡                   |
           / 冫、)                    |
           |  ` /                  |
         ( \  \                 | __
          |\\  |                 | | △ |
          |  ヽ二二二二_ア^彡          | | ▽ |
         /   /| |    /冫、 )・・・。       |  ̄ ̄
         |   / U    | `  / ̄Π⊃      .|
         | .|| |     /     \ .| |         |
         | |.| |     | |     .| | | |         |
         | / | |     .γ´| γ´ ̄| |ヽ.|       .|
         // | |   γ.γニ./ ⊂ニノ  ヽ      .|
        //  | |   | | | | (   ○   ))     |
       //   | |   ∪∪ 『ヽ       /       .|
       U    U (( ̄ ̄(○ ヽ__/        |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
533荒らし上等:04/03/12 12:24
534ひよこ名無しさん:04/03/13 21:37

535ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/02 22:09
                 ノ  . .: .:. . : .
               ノ⌒ . : .: .:: .:::.
             γ⌒'. .: .:. .:.:. γ⌒'
            ノ . . : .: ,; ,;;;, :.)
           , '"~. : .: .:.: .:. .; ; ,;ノ
         ,ノ    . .: .:..:,. ー '"~
        ノ.;, :. .  . .:.::.ノ
     ,..'". .:.:.::. . . .:.::..)
    (  . . .:.::;;;._,,...'"
     ) . .:. .:.:;;.;;;.:.)
    ノ . ..:.::.:;;;.;.ノ
   (  ,..-‐''"~
○| ̄|_
536ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/02 22:52
537 ◆wjoK5h0mKg :04/04/03 17:11
538 ◆rhspRt9Nk6 :04/04/03 17:12
539 ◆MGiEw4bMsI :04/04/03 17:14
qawsderftgyhujiklop;zrextrcdyvfgbhunjimokwcmeigvn093uu oij3w45 u hguqh
vqv4cpo45;ichvi07vijez5un opjvuhkaqnj
hhijhfhdgfjoowle,mzlalkbhsiousel,mnkb,mvpoep poi@uwkl;sjhdkokfoaleuijghanck,shvnvkgspiaha
540 ◆VcePntzt36 :04/04/03 17:17
541ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/23 13:35
      | │                   〈   !
      | |/ノ二__‐──ァ   ヽニニ二二二ヾ } ,'⌒ヽ
     /⌒!|  =彳o。ト ̄ヽ     '´ !o_シ`ヾ | i/ ヽ !    ・・・・・・
     ! ハ!|  ー─ '  i  !    `'   '' "   ||ヽ l |
    | | /ヽ!        |            |ヽ i !
    ヽ {  |           !           |ノ  /
542ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/28 14:34
543ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/29 01:37

 ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  ⊂⊃/ ̄ ̄ ̄)
  . ̄( ̄ ./ ̄\∧_∧ .\  ̄)
      ̄(// ̄( ゚Д゚)、\) ̄
544ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/29 01:40

 ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  ⊂⊃/ ̄ ̄ ̄)
  . ̄( ̄ ./ ̄\∧_∧ .\  ̄)
      ̄(// ̄( ゚Д゚)、\) ̄
545ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:24

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
546ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:25

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
547ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:25

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
548ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:33

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
549ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:33

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
550ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:34

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
551ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:34

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
552ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:34

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
553ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:39

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
554ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:39

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
555ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:39

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
556ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:40

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
557ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:40

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
558ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:41

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
559ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:42

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
560ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:42

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|
561ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:42

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
562ひよこ名無しさん:04/04/30 00:43

          , -――-、
        (・)(・)   |li.,.,i
    ,-――'´ヽ,,.,ノ,.,-‐'" ノ
   ∠--‐_===‐'人  ヾ  i
        ゛7"" ヾ,  ` ,|
        ノ`ヾ   `   ii|    
563ひよこ名無しさん:04/05/13 04:04
564ひよこ名無しさん:04/05/17 19:49
        ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
三       ( ´Д`;) < ショクネーヨ
   .┌─┐ > /   \_____
 三.│求│./ /┌───┐
   .│人⊂  つ| 履歴書│
 |\└/へ / └───┘
 \. ̄  ∪ /
    ̄ ̄彡∪
565ひよこ名無しさん:04/05/25 23:32
566ひよこ名無しさん:04/05/26 01:21
567ひよこ名無しさん:04/05/26 19:31
568ひよこ名無しさん:04/05/27 00:08
569ひよこ名無しさん:04/06/03 16:57
570ひよこ名無しさん :04/06/08 22:25
      川-_-) …
571ひよこ名無しさん :04/06/08 22:26
      川-_-) …
572ひよこ名無しさん:04/06/22 18:17
573ひよこ名無しさん:04/06/22 18:34
575かかか:04/07/11 03:30
<font color="RED">こんにちは</font>
576かさ:04/07/13 13:09
577sage:04/08/09 17:33
           (´Д` )    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          /   \ <  みんな元気がないなぁ・・とりあえず先生に感謝しなさい
          ||  ||  \________________________
          ||  ||
     __ //_ //___
    /  //  //      /
   /    ̄     ̄      //
   || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||  ||
   || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||  ||
   ||    教卓         ||  ||
   ||                ||
578&rlo;(´・ω・`)&rlo;:04/08/16 20:34
580& rlo;(´・ω・`):04/08/16 20:38
581&(´・ω・`)rlo;:04/08/16 20:45
583;(´・ω・`);:04/08/16 20:54
587てすと:04/08/26 20:39
         : : : :  : : :     (⌒ヽ''"⌒ヽ    : : : :      : :
  : : : :    : : :   : :  :    ( :::::::::::::::: :::::::)   : :   : :   : 
     : : ;:;;;;:::; : : :    (::::::::::)(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)     : : :   : :
 : : : : :     ;:;:;;;;:::;;;;;;    ノ⌒Y:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::): :;:;;;;: : : :    : 
 .,,,;:;:;:      : : : : : :  (:::::::::::::: ::::::.__丿: : : :     .,,,;:;:;:;;;;:::;;;;: :
 : : : : :           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\_: : : : :    : : : : 
    : : :    : :  :  /::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::: ::: ::::\
              / :::::::: ::: :::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::: ::\
             /::::::::: ::: :::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::: :::::::: ::::::\
           /:::::: ::: ::::::::::: :::: ::::::::::: ::: :::::::: :::::::::: ::::\
    ^^^    ^^^     ^^^    ^^^       ^^^  
     ^^^   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   ^^^
  ^^^      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@          ^^^

  .. :.    _,.イ~ :.     :.  ∧,,∧         ..        .. :.
      /;   ;}     .. :.   <▼_▼>   .. :.      
     イ( ・Д・)     / ̄ヽ/,≠ 、\ o。。。   .. :.         .. :.
     |;(ノ  、i)     | ||三∪●)三mΕ∃.          :. 
    /、、 、;、/  .. :.  \_.へ--イ| |  ゚ ゚ ゚     ..  :.
  、_,ノ,_UノU      :.   (_)(_)  ..   :.        .. 
588(´・ω・`) ◇UzeeEEEE:04/08/27 13:24
589ひよこ名無しさん:04/08/28 18:41
590ひよこ名無しさん:04/08/28 18:50
591ひよこ名無しさん:04/08/31 09:12



592ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/08 22:26
593Y034079.ppp.dion.ne.jp:04/09/08 22:45
594ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/08 23:28
595ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/09 19:44
596ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/10 01:41
597ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/10 04:32
598ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 08:48:22
599ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 08:49:34
600ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 08:50:20
601ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 08:51:43
602ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 10:01:15

         .,,___    lliiiii,,                          ,,,,,_
         .゙゙!!llllllii,   ,llllll!°  .,,,iii,,,,,                _,,,,,,,,,,,,iiiiiiiiilllllllllllii、
           ゙゙゙゙゙° .,illlll゙,,,,,,,iiiiilllllll!!!!!!"          'lllll!!!!!!l゙゙!llllllii ̄
                 ,,lll!!!!!゙゙゙゙゙゙″ __                 lllllllll
       : i,,,,,,,,,   ,,i!l゙`.,,,,,,,,,,,iiilllll!!lllllii、               llllllll
        '゙!lllllll   ゙° lllll゙゙゙゙llllli  lllllll                llllllll_,,,,iiiii,,,,,、
          ゙゙゙゜     ,lllll゜ .llllll′lllllll,,,,iiiii,,,,,        .,,,,,,,,,iiiiiiiillllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!′
            .,,iト  llllll,,,,,illllliiiiilllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!‥       ゚゙゙゙゙゙゙゙”`lllllll゜
           ,,il!lliiiilllllllll!゙゙゙llllll° illlll°                lllllll
          ,,illl゙  .,illlll°,illll`  llllll゜                   lllllll
         .,illll!゜  ,,lllll!°,illll__,,,,,,llllll,,,,,,_               lllllll     .,,,,,,,,,,、
       ..,,,,illlll!°  !ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lllllll!!llllllllii,         _,,,,,,,,,,,,iiilllllllliiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllii,
       ..゙!lllllll′      ,,,,,,,,,,,,illllll゜  ゙゙゙゙°    .llliiiiiiillll!!!!!!!!゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄”゚゙゙゙゙゙゜
         .゙゙゙           ゙゙゙!llllllllll°         ゙ ̄
603&rlo;らーめて:04/09/14 10:13:48
604あべべ:04/09/14 15:46:00
携帯版 テキトーな掲示板
PC版 テキトーな掲示板
605ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 16:59:34
606ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/14 21:02:37
27 名前:(-_-)さん :04/09/14 20:59:30 ID:???
607ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/15 02:01:33
608ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/15 17:52:42
609ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/15 17:53:14
610ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/15 17:56:48
611ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/16 20:44:13
612ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/17 02:57:03
613ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/27 08:36:47

614test:04/09/27 17:04:15
615test:04/09/27 17:06:57
616test:04/09/27 17:08:24
617ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/27 17:15:40
618test:04/09/27 17:16:09
619test:04/09/27 17:17:27
620test:04/09/27 17:27:27
621ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/27 17:48:22


622ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/27 18:52:02
623ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/27 18:53:00
624ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/27 20:58:50
625ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 01:13:28
626ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 01:15:18
627ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 01:25:34

628ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 11:28:21
629ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 14:19:40
630 ◆.CzKQna1OU :04/09/28 16:43:39
631ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 17:38:27
632ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/28 20:22:59
633ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 13:09:56

634ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 13:44:04
633 名前: [ ] 投稿日:
66 行目のNGワードが含まれています。>633
635ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 14:13:55
636ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 14:16:00
637ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 14:17:37
638ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 15:01:54
      ,. ‐''":::::::::::::;::::`'-
   / :::::::((,/    `、::r、:::゙,
  /:::::::::::i゙  \_  _/  i::::i
  !::::::::::::|  ●    ● l::::|
  !::::::::::::!          !:::!  
  \::::::::!    、___,   .!::|      お前らはあたしの下僕なんだよ
   |::::::|    `ー'   ノ::i  
    i:::::l、ヽ.,_    _,..イ:::::i 
   /ヽ;i \ヽ,.l ̄_,l  |:::/
 /       ヽ`、 | /ヽ
           `ヽ''"  i.  丶
   /   NEVADA |   丶
  /              |ヽ   ヽ
639ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/29 15:56:41
640ひよこ名無しさん:04/09/30 13:53:20
641激しく奈々氏:04/09/30 21:10:31
642ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 17:33:38
643ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 20:36:21
アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ
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アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ
アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ
アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ
アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ アヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャアヒャヒャヒャヒャ ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)(ノ゚∀゚)ノ ヒャヒャヒャヒャ
644ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 20:41:41
645ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 22:11:20
 / ゜公゜ #
646ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 22:34:38
647ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 22:40:49
648ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 22:44:03
  /__________     |   
 / /  (゜∇゜#) /     |   
| /   b   |  /     |   
|  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄      |  
|          ______ |      
  ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄ ̄\ ̄ ̄ ̄  / ̄ ̄\  
    |   |    |   |
    |   |    |   |
    \__/     \__/ 
649ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/01 22:53:06


650ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 04:39:18
フィールドホッケーについて語ろう PC3本目
651ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 10:12:54
 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 |>>1!糞スレ立てやがって!終いにゃ耕すぞ!ゴルァ!  |      ................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.............
 \____  _________________/   ............::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..............
         |/     ミ          __________
              ヽ .\         ////\|//////\
               / \ \    ////|___|./////:::::\\
       ∧_∧/     ̄   /∠∠∠∠∠ ∠∠∠∠/:::::::::::::::\\
      (;´Д`)     i i i     ̄| ┌┬┐┌┬┐  |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| ̄
''""~"'''"/    ヽ''"~"__i i i--i   | ├┼┤├┼┤  |::::::::||||||||||:::::::|
    ./| |   | |   ̄ ̄ ̄ |:::::|    | └┴┘└┴┘  |::::::::||||||||||:::::::|
iiiiiiiiiiiii/ \ヽ/| |iiiiiiiiiiiiii::..  ノ__ノ  || ̄|| ̄|| ̄|| ̄|| ̄||  |::::::::||||||||||:::::::|
   /   \\| |            ||_||_||_||_||_||_|::::::::||||||||||:::::::|
   / /⌒\ し(メ    .i i i    .|| ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄|| ̄ ||  ||乃三三-_
 / /    > ) \  ノノノ
/ /     / /    .\_  ザックザック
し'     (_つ   /:::::/::...  ザックザック
            ノ・ ./∴:・:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( ゚∀゚)アヒャヒャアヒャヒャ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
652ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 10:25:33
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::。::::::...... ...   --─-  :::::::::::::::::::: ..::::: . ..::::::::
:::::::::::::::::...... ....:::::::゜::::::::::..   (___ )(___ ) ::::。::::::::::::::::: ゜.::::::::::::
:. .:::::。:::........ . .::::::::::::::::: _ i/ = =ヽi :::::::::::::。::::::::::: . . . ..::::
:::: :::::::::.....:☆彡::::   //[||    」  ||]  ::::::::::゜ボンバヘッ::::
 :::::::::::::::::: . . . ..: :::: / ヘ | |  ____,ヽ | | :::::::::::.... .... .. .::::::::::::::
::::::...゜ . .:::::::::  /ヽ ノ    ヽ__/  ....... . .::::::::::::........ ..::::
:.... .... .. .     く  /     三三三∠⌒>:.... .... .. .:.... .... ..
:.... .... ..:.... .... ..... .... .. .:.... .... .. ..... .... .. ..... ............. .. . ........ ......
:.... . ∧∧   ∧∧  ∧∧   ∧∧ .... .... .. .:.... .... ..... .... .. .
... ..:(   )ゝ (   )ゝ(   )ゝ(   )ゝ アオーサー!..........
....  i⌒ /   i⌒ /  i⌒ /   i⌒ / .. ..... ................... .. . ...
..   三  |   三  |   三  |   三 |  ... ............. ........... . .....
...  ∪ ∪   ∪ ∪   ∪ ∪  ∪ ∪ ............. ............. .. ........ ...
  三三  三三  三三   三三
 三三  三三  三三   三三
653ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 16:38:45
馬鹿みたいな掲示板♪を発見!!!!(^o^)//""" パチパチパチ
さ・む・い〜{{ (>_<;) }} ブルブルすごい数のレスがありますけど、
これ全部1人の方がレスしているんですか?(@@;)すごすぎ …
てなわけで、ついつい書いちゃったのらー(o^v^o) エヘヘφ(`∇´)φカキコカキコ♪
削除以来、出してくれるよねっ。(*^-^*) お・ね・が・い♪(* ̄・ ̄)ちゅ♪ッ
出してくれなかったら、( `_)乂(_´ ) 勝負! \(^o^)/
☆○(゜ο゜)o ぱ〜んち、☆(゜o(○=(゜ο゜)o バコ〜ン!!( ゚▽゚)=◯)`ν゚)・;'パーンチ
(>_<) いてっ!ダメ!! ゛o(≧◇≦*)oo(*≧◇≦)o″ダメ!!
(☆o☆)きゃ〜〜(@_@;)やられた〜〜(o_ _)o ドテッ ガ━━(゚Д゚;)━━ン!
(+_+) 気絶中。。。。・゚゚・o(iДi)o・゚゚・。うぇぇん <(゜ロ゜;)>ノォオオオオオ!! (゚□゚;ハウッ!
お友達になってm(_ _)mくださいませませ♪('-'*)フフ ドガ━━━Σ(ll◎д◎ll)━━━━━ン
ということで。(^-^)vじゃあね〜〜〜♪(⌒0⌒)/~~ ほんじゃo(゜▽゜ヽ)(/゜▽゜)o レッツゴー♪
あ、怒ってる? に・げ・ろ〜C= C= C= C=┌(^ .^)┘
654激しく奈々氏:04/10/02 18:14:47

655ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 20:52:14
馬鹿みたいなレス♪を発見!!!!(^o^)//""" パチパチパチ
さ・む・い〜{{ (>_<;) }} ブルブル
てなわけで、ついついレスしちゃったのらー(o^v^o) エヘヘ
>>653の削除以来、出してくれるよねっ。(*^-^*) お・ね・が・い♪
656ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 21:34:14
657ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/02 23:17:11
659ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 01:02:45
660ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 05:54:58
661ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 05:55:35
662ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 05:55:59
663ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 05:56:19
664ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 05:56:43
665ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 05:57:07
666ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 14:11:13
667激しく奈々氏:04/10/03 20:24:05
668激しく奈々氏:04/10/03 20:52:02
                  /.: .     ,. '    ノ / | \
                   /.::  ..:     /     / / /  .ヾ゙i
                 /.:::....:::: .   / .,    ,r'゙^レイ ,ィ'゙´.    ',
                ,ノ::::::::::: :::  ,/:.::' / /    ''" ゙l i i!  i  ',
                  i'::::::::::::|::::  ./i!:::.. i| ,/     _,,,,,|l .i!,  i  i.l
                   |::i:::::::::::!::: ,i::l,.ム;::.,i',::{    "  レノj /./  i!l
       ,. -‐-、     |::i:::::::::::゙、::l::| _,い、゙,i、    r'',ラメヽメノ ,' /リ
       .イ , , ハヽ、   ヘぃ:i::、::::ヾ、f'゙トィ;`ト`      ビ_;;リ,ィ;::; /,イ
ハロ !!  ト-‐-、 l、_,゙ト'    ヾト、ミ≧=ヽゞ-‐゙   .i      ーイ〃i |
       ヽ   ゙ヽノ      |::::::::| ヾ       ゙       ,i:  i |i  ピンクちゃんですの
        `'‐-‐''゛         .l:::::::::l  ゙i:、    ---‐    /|   |i
                    l::::::::::|  i!:.:`'i:.、   "゙ _,.イ.:.:.:.|   i.',
          r' ,ハロハロ〜   /::/::::::|  i!"''┴-``=-∠.-‐'i'"´|   |. ',
    _   _ |j.        /ノ:::::::::|  i!:.:.:.:.        |.  | | |. ',
    ̄`ハ´ 、`ヽ      ノ.::,.、-‐‐|_ i|:.:.:.:.        レi l | |ー-、
     lノ,,ソ~`゙'メ   _,、‐'"/:.:.:.:.:.:.|ヾヽ、:.:.:.:....     /ノ /  |   ゙ヽ
     ゝ、__,,,/ ,/..:::::::/:.:.:     |: `i、ヽ、_,.-‐‐-、//゙、/ , /     .ト、
          /.::::::::::::::|:.:.:     |:.:i.:.i,`>く         ヽ、゙、/ /゙i.      l ヽ、
         / .::::::::::::::::::l:.:.:..     iヘ;.゙、V リ::  i  i   ゙;.i、/ ゙i     |  ヽ.
  ハ     ,'  : ::::::::::::::::|:.:.:..    | ,>‐レイ:_;、r''"""''ー-、(ヽヾヽ、l.    _」..  ヽ

669ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 21:54:47
670ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 22:10:22

671ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 22:11:54
672ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/03 22:13:52
673ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 00:10:52
674ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 00:11:13
675ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 00:57:50
676ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 01:00:35
677ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 01:01:55


678ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 01:14:58
679ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 05:17:04
680ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 07:07:53



681激しく奈々氏:04/10/04 19:56:07
     ∠ ̄\∩
       ( ヽ/
       UU     ∠ ̄\∩
       ( ヽ/

 ∠ ̄\∩
       ( ヽ/
682激しく奈々氏:04/10/04 19:58:06
683ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 20:17:19
684ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 21:41:34

685ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 22:00:43
686ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 22:07:00
687ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 23:22:21
萌えろ!!  萌えろ!!  萌えろ!!  近鉄バッファローズ
688ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 23:31:01
689ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/04 23:54:34
690ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 00:03:29
フウウウウウウ〜〜〜〜 わたしはわたしは…子供のころ
組んでいる「手」… あれ…初めて見た時…なんていうか
その… 下品なんですが…フフ…勃起…しちゃいましてね  
691ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 01:03:07
692ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 01:10:55
693ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 18:03:34
694ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 18:09:42
695ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 18:35:43
696ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 18:50:25
おまいらアク禁しか言えねーのかよ(  ゚,_ゝ゚)バカジャネーノ
697ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 18:58:47
698いつもの名無し君:04/10/05 19:24:51
Λ _ Λ
(∪   )
 ○ ̄○
699ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 19:30:35
700ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 19:31:57
701アホ:04/10/05 20:37:23
       , ──────────────── 、
       /                        : \
| ̄ ̄|_/                          :  \
|   |    ..............      Little Boy          :  )
|__| ̄丶 :::::::::::::::::::::::........................            :  /
       \ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /
         `─(⌒つ───────⊂⌒)─── '
           ⊂⊃       / ̄\ ⊂⊃
            |:::|/ ̄\__|::::::::::::::| |:::|
            |:::|:::::::::::::::::::::::___|/ /::/
            ヽ:\_::::::::::/\, ,/| /::/
             \:::::::|::/ (・), 、(・)|/:::/
             /|::::/( |\__●::/   < ゴチャゴチャうるせえ人たち・だな!!
            / |:://\\ +  |::::/_
            ̄\○   \\_|/:::::...\
          /:::/|/ ̄ ̄ \_) ̄ ̄\\

702ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 20:41:26
703激しく奈々氏:04/10/05 20:48:12
                    ヽ       ヽ      ヽ     ヽ    ヽ   ヽ ヽ
                   /  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                 /  /
  __,,,,,,,,_ 逝ってよし ./ /
 ((=゚Д゚=   ____/
 (_)_)   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\    ;:;ジュッ    ;:ジュッ
              ヽ \
                ヽ \
                 ヽ  \_________________________
                     /       /      /     /    /   /  /
704ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 20:55:24
705ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 21:21:16
アク禁っていってる香具師 てめぇがアク禁
706ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 21:24:40
オレ44 カミさん45。




707ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 22:02:20
708ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 22:28:49
709ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 22:45:25
710ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 22:51:30
711ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 23:03:06
ボラボラボラボラボラボラボラボラ ボラーレ・ヴィーア
712ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 23:04:48
罰だッ!罰だッ!罰だッ!! 罰を与えろッ!!掟に背いた者には罰だッ!!
713ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 23:06:53
714ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 23:09:39
715ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 23:44:36
716ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/05 23:54:02
717ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/07 22:41:09




718ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/07 22:45:03
719ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/07 23:09:11
720ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 00:00:23
ハッスル ハッスル
721ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 01:48:12
 ( ´_ゝ`)
722ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 02:46:13
723ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 14:06:37
724ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 15:15:35
725ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 21:00:36
726ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/08 21:02:18
727ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/09 00:10:43
728ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/09 13:22:38

729ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/09 19:11:42
731ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/09 20:35:38
732下僕:04/10/11 19:56:01
            ∧∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                (,,゚Д゚)< >>730はこれ飲んで氏ね!
                ./  |   \________
      │01. 12. 11. /HE |
      /\             \
    /   \  ネ オ 麦 茶  \
  / Λ_Λ \ NEW TIPE TEA   \
/__( ´д`)_\____________\
|       |ゲ.|     │               |
|       |.ロ |     │    サソガリア   |
|       |ゲ.|     │   飲む 生物兵器   |
|       |.ロ |     │  毎 日 腹 痛  |
|γ__  |ゲ.|     │ ̄\ .腐食茶. / ̄|
|    \ |.ロ |     │.   \___/   .|
|       |ゲ.|     │              .│
|__|__||_|)|.ロ |     │ コ ッ プ 1 杯 │
|□━□ )       │  ( 約 200ml ) で . |
|  J  .|)/ ̄ ̄ ̄ |.  1  日 分 の * |
| ∀ ノ< ヒヒヒヒヒ │  異 常 プ リ オ ソ  |
|  - ′ \___│   2 分  の 1  |
|  )          . │              │
|/   捏 造     .│              │
|  AA 朴李職人|       500ml     |
733ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/11 23:33:35
734ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/12 02:31:01
735ひよこ:04/10/12 03:15:11

736ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/12 04:17:35
737ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/12 05:03:11
  イ `<             ,..-──- 、         _|_
   ̄             /. : : : : : : : : : \        |_ ヽ
   ∧           /.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ヽ      (j  )
   /  \        ,!::: : : :,-…-…-ミ: : : : :',
              {:: : : : :i '⌒'  '⌒' i: : : : :}     _ヽ_∠
  └┼┘          {:: : : : | ェェ  ェェ |: : : : :}       lニl l |
.   |_|_|  , 、      { : : : :|   ,.、   |:: : : :;!      l─| l 亅
   __   ヽ ヽ.  _ .ヾ: :: :i r‐-ニ-┐ | : : :ノ        _
    /     }  >'´.-!、 ゞイ! ヽ 二゙ノ イゞ‐′      l  `ヽ
   ´⌒)    |    −!   \` ー一'´丿 \       l/⌒ヽ
    -'    ノ    ,二!\   \___/   /`丶、      _ノ
        /\  /    \   /~ト、   /    l \
       / 、 `ソ!      \/l::::|ハ/     l-7 _ヽ
      /\  ,へi    ⊂ニ''ー-ゝ_`ヽ、    |_厂 _゙:、
      ∧   ̄ ,ト|    >‐- ̄`    \.  | .r'´  ヽ、
     ,ヘ \_,. ' | |    丁二_     7\、|イ _/ ̄ \
     i   \   ハ       |::::|`''ー-、,_/  /\_  _/⌒ヽ
738ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/12 11:25:29
739ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/12 14:10:21
740ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/12 20:06:13
                  (  ´Д`)   
                 /     \    
              _  | |     | |_    
              |\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \       ∧∧
            ./\.\            \   /⌒(゚Д゚ )
      ∧_∧/.   \| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   | |     (~冫
     ,(・∀・ )⌒    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\.- | |    /.| |
   ⊂二丶    ノ ノ  /.              .\\\  /.| | .|
      ⊂二二二 ノ\/                 \(_)⌒Y⌒〜寒いからやだ>>737
741­:04/10/12 22:25:28
まずはsageろ 話はそれからだ
742ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/13 03:20:06
743ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/13 20:52:54

     \\     ∧_∧
   / ̄ \\  /     \
  /  __\\/ ( ▼ ▼) ヽ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 /  /     \\(  Щ ) | <>>701の魂はこの俺が頂いた
 | /       ノ\⊂   つ 丿  \__________
 \\ (\ノ⌒  \\ 氏 ノ
    ̄  ヽ  ノ⌒\     ノ
       ⌒     ̄ ̄ ̄
744ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/13 23:48:04

745ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 00:53:31
746ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:38:07
747ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:41:43
748ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:46:41
749ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:49:25
750ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:50:43
751ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:51:51
752ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:53:24
753ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 03:58:08
754ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 05:21:37
755銀フィッシュ:04/10/14 12:32:33
756ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/14 23:19:47
757ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/15 00:53:46
758ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/15 00:57:32
759ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/15 00:59:26
760ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/15 01:04:39
761ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/16 21:54:37
762ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/17 20:46:24
 / ) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
            ./ / | あーメンドクセェ!
           / /  \          / ̄ ̄ ̄
           / /     ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  すっげぇメンドクセェ!
         ./ /_λ     , -つ     \
         / / `Д´)  ./__ノ        ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /    \ / /   ⊂_ヽ、
        .|    へ/ /      .\\ λ_λ
        |    レ'  /、二つ       \ ( `Д´)
        |     /.          . >  ⌒ヽ
       /   /             /    へ \
       /  /               /    /   \\
      /  /               レ  ノ     ヽ_つ
     / ノ               /  /
   _/ /                /  /|
  ノ /                 ( ( 、
⊂ -'                    |  |、 \
                     .  | / \ ⌒l
                       | |   ) /
                      ノ  )   し'
763ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/17 22:12:27
764ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/18 00:06:48
( ゚д゚)つ┃
765ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/18 05:58:43
766ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/19 23:00:01
       _,,、 ─‐'''''''''''''‐.、.っ      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
     ,、‐'`::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`、 っ    |                   |
    ,r.'::://:::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ っ  |  >>1の母です。           |
   ,/::::::/:::;':i::::::!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::゙、    |                   |
  /::i:::::!i:::::::i:::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i    |  ・・・ごめんなさい、      |
  l:i:i::::l_,|l::!:::i、:::::ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l   .|  軽い気持ちで.         |
  !l::!:::|=、゙!`、!`ニ 、::`:::、:::::::::::::::::::::!     |  このスレをのぞいた     |
  ヽ:!:l|      ̄`u`、:::::::::::::::::::::::ノ    |  私が馬鹿でした。       |
    |{l 〈    u  l:l`irr、:::::::::<  _ノ  こんな糞スレを         |
.     |ハ 、,,,__     リ ,ヒノ:::::::::::::', . ̄ ̄|   こっそり立てていたなんて !!|
    /7'i、`='" u   ' !;::::::::::::::ノ    |  私が今日              |
.   iY/,/,ヘ:、_,、‐'`   `'---'"     .|  このスレを読んだこと、   |
   !', , , ノ l ヽ    u  / |       |  >>1 には          |
.  〈 ' ' ' / :l  `i、   ,/  l       .|  黙っておいてくださいね。   |
   i   'i  |   !,  ,/   l.      \___________/
767ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/19 23:04:56
768ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/19 23:13:04
769ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/19 23:13:40
770ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/19 23:14:12
771ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 01:37:42
>>768 test
772ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 02:37:42
773ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 08:01:09
774ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 19:58:54

─‐────────────‐────────‐∧_∧ ───‐──―──‐
─────‐∧ ∧,〜 ────────────‐(; ´Д`) ────―─‐──‐
──−──‐( (⌒ ̄ `ヽ───_ ───────‐ /    /─―/ヽ────―─‐
──―───‐\  \ `ー'"´, -'⌒ヽ──────‐| | 1 ‐─‐/ | | ─────―
―‐――──‐ /∠_,ノ    _/_───‐―──―─‐| |  /─―/ | |―────―‐
─────‐ /( ノ ヽ、_/´  \―────‐──‐∪ ./──,イ ∪ ────―─
────‐ 、( 'ノ(     く     `ヽ、 ―────―‐| /−─/|| | ──−───―
───‐‐/` ―\____>\___ノ ──────‐|/──/ || | ────‐─―‐
───/───―‐/__〉.───`、__>.―‐―───‐─―‐| || | ─────―─
775ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 20:11:22
776 :04/10/20 21:51:32

[email protected]は事務連絡用のメールアドレスです。削除人からの通知やプロ

1 荒しのIPあるいはリモートホストについて

2 アクセス規制について
 場合に[email protected]までメールで通知し、そののち荒しの内容を検分して妥当と判断した場合に行います。

3 プロバイダへの通報


777 :04/10/20 21:52:11



  [email protected]

4 経過報告

5 アクセス規制の解除

6 荒しの定義  何を以って荒しと認定するかについての問い合わせには基本的にお答えしません。
  ただし自動的にスクリプトで判断しているわけではありません。  くれぐれもコピー&ペーストを執拗に繰り返したり、

7 その他
778ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:32:17
第9で第9を歌おう (『交響曲第九番』で)
一  かがやく9条 不戦の誓い
   焦土の中から 生まれた命
   未来を照らそう 希望の灯り
   9条守れと 集まるわれら
   恒久平和を かちとるために
   9条守れと 集まるわれら

   ファシズムの嵐 吹き荒れるとも
   憲法改悪 許しはしない
   改憲ムードにさおさす 論憲
   恒久平和を かちとるために
   改憲反対 声高らかに

   9条かがやく 不戦の誓い
   たしかな平和を 世界に築く
   9条世界に ひろまるときに
   すべての人々 兄弟となる
   9条世界に ひろまるときに
   すべての人々 兄弟となる
779ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:33:15
武器は持たない 戦争起こさないと
780ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:33:41
781ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:34:04
U・S Army Go Home
782ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:34:45
783ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:35:16

784ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:35:42
785ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/20 23:36:40

786ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/21 01:18:38
787ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/21 13:39:55
788ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/21 18:40:54
   /     \
  /   ∧ ∧ \  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 |     ・ ・   | <  氏ねよおめーら
 |     )●(  |  \________
 \     ー   ノ

789788:04/10/21 18:43:12
790ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/21 18:44:17
791ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/21 18:45:04
792ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/22 07:31:48
アク禁の意味知ってるのかよ  童  貞(プ
793ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/22 18:23:24
794ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/22 21:04:30
メール→[email protected]


795ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/22 21:29:17
796ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/22 23:36:07
797ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/23 18:16:30
798testっち ◆L.e3O3bIIM :04/10/23 20:02:10
799ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/23 21:41:19
800ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/23 21:44:54
801ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/23 23:49:10
802ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/25 00:34:21
803ひよこ名無しさん:04/10/26 09:53:31
((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクブル
( ゚д゚)ポカーン
ヽ(`Д´)ノ ウワァァン
( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ
( ・∀・)っ旦~
( ´Д`)y──┛~
_| ̄|○ …
 ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧ ∧
 (。・-・) プリン

[email protected]は事務連絡用のメールアドレスです。削除人からの通知やプロ

1 荒しのIPあるいはリモートホストについて

2 アクセス規制について
 場合に[email protected]までメールで通知し、そののち荒しの内容を検分して妥当と判断した場合に行います。

3 プロバイダへの通報

