新ヒーロー登場!「 内 田 隆 三 」(ミシェル・フーコー 社会学)のスレッド立てお願い!
スレタイ例: 東大「有名教授【大学院総合文化研究科・内田隆三氏・57歳】」と女子学生「セックス裁判」の中身
http://kodansha.cplaza.ne.jp/wgendai/article/070402/top_04_01.html スクープ
8年にわたる「紛争」は泥沼化 処女だった教え子に過激なセクハラ、やがては性の奴隷に――と
比較例■ 佐々木 力(ささき・ちから)(セクハラ) ... 実名・顔写真入りの記事: 「週間新潮」より
http://f20.aaa.livedoor.jp/~merc/sasaki_shincho1.jpg 「セクハラ」で停職2カ月になっちゃった東大「看板教授」の実名 == 佐々木力 教授(57歳、独身、童貞)
● 両方とも東大 大学院 総合文化研究科の「看板教授」で57歳(発覚・報道当時)
● 両方ともムッツリ助平のセクハラ教授
● 佐々木力(独身者)はセックス出来なかった。(今でも童貞)
● 内田隆三(妻帯者)は処女学生を喰ってセックス三昧。性の奴隷へと調教した。
フロイトとフリース Emma の鼻を手術する。Emmaは死亡。
Freudian slip
Freud's inevitable disillusionment started around the same time, with the
treatment of a young woman by the name of Emma Eckstein. Emma suffered from
hysteria, and Freud figured that there was no-one better to cure her disease
than his good friend and "magical healer" Fleiss. So he summoned him to Vienna
to take a look at the hapless young woman.
Fleiss immediately diagnosed the source of the problem - a bump on the inside of her
nose. So he operated and split the cavity. A month later, Emma came to see Freud again
- she was in considerable pain and had clearly developed a serious infection. Other
surgeons were consulted, and discovered, stuffed into her nasal cavity, a length of
gauze, which Fleiss had negligently, if unwittingly, left behind. In Freud's words:
There was still moderate bleeding from the nose and mouth; the fetid odour was very
bad. [The doctor] suddenly pulled at something like a thread, kept on pulling.
Before either of us had time to think, at least half a meter of gauze had been removed from the
cavity. The next moment came a flood of blood. The patient turned white, her eyes bulged, and
she had no pulse...At the moment the foreign body came out and everything became clear to me...I
felt sick. After she had been packed, I fled to the next room, drank a bottle of water, and felt