映画とか見てればわかるが、「なぜわかってくれないの?」という場面なら普通は Don't you understand? だろうな。 強調するなら Don't you ever understand? もっと強調すると Don't you ever never understand? とかね。 canを使うのはどちらかというと日本人的な発想。
それと、 You all will be 〜 と You will be all 〜 は、allの意味が違う別の文になるが、ここの例文の場合はどちらでも意味は通る。 前者は「おまえら全員」という意味で、後者は「完全な黒焦げ」という意味になる。
I just had a realization today. Microsoft's Avalon is the J2EE of GUI APIs. Its God's way of punishing us for replacing the ten commandments with the Design Pattern fad. We will have to wait a couple of years for the "Rails" of GUI toolkits to come into existance. In the meantime programmers will pay for their sins. Avalon marks the end of the American Dream.
Jenny popped off him quickly and clamped her lips around his rod, briskly jerking him off with her hand. She felt his cock pulsate in her mouth, just before he geysered his thick load of jizz into the little cheerleader's hot, sucking mouth. Jenny pulled it out of her mouth so he could squirt it on her tongue, anxious to taste every bit of it. The man looked down to see his cum squirting into her young mouth, groaning in ecstasy at the incredible sight. Jenny sucked him dry, then rolled off and watched Susie finish off Mr. Walker. The two of them had switched positions now, and Susie was flat on her back, her knee socks and tennies high in the air, while Mr. Walker fucked down hard into her. Susie's tits jiggled under the red-and-white sweater as he pumped her. The white pleats of her red skirt were scrunched up on her tummy, and her shoe laces swung in rhythm with his fuck-stroke. Suddenly, Mr. Walker groaned and pulled his dick out just in time. From between her legs, he shot great glops of jizz all over her sweater. Susie laughed as his cream splattered all over her sweater-covered tits. Jenny tossed Susie a towel, and her sister mopped up the sticky cream as best she could. No sooner had she finished wiping it up, when another guy rolled her over on top of him.
Si vous exécutez de façon répétitive des commandes ou des séquences de commandes particulières, ou si vous développez une série de commandes pour effectuer une tâche complexe, vous pouvez enregistrer vos commandes dans un fichier et exécuter le fichier de commandes au lieu de taper des commandes à l'invite. Un fichier de commandes est appelé « script ».
"Whereas Europeans generally pronounce my name the right way ('Nick-louse Veert'), Americans invariably mangle it into 'Nickel's Worth.' This is to say that Europeans call me by name, but Americans call me by value."
Es wäre schön, eine Man-Page für jedes Programm zu haben. Diese Man-Page sollte auf eine Info-Dokumentation verweisen. Es existiert ein GNU Programm namens `help2man', welches Man-Pages aus der Ausgabe der `--help'- und `--version'-Optionen Ihres Programmes generiert. Es funktioniert gut, bis auf die Tatsache, daß es `FSF' an den Anfang der Man-Page schreibt, was nicht für jedes mit dem GNU Pascal Compiler erzeugte Programm richtig ist. Dies kann jedoch leicht mit der Hand oder automatisch mit einem Programm wie `sed' geändert werden.
Az Apple bemutatta az iPod nano negyedik genera'cio'ja't, a valaha ke'szu"lt legve'konyabb iPod ke'szu"le'ket, mely kilenc ragyogo' szi'nben kaphato', kecses, i'velt alumi'nium e's u"veg burkolatban.
I have been doing the masturbation every evening. Recently I often do it while imagining the scene that Sekimori Hinowa fights against Kagari. Hinowa and Kagari are the characters who come out in the Manga "Ushio and Tora". Do you think which is stronger Hinowa or Kagari? I really like Hinowa. She is always a winer in my delusion kingdom.
もろともにあはれと思え山桜 花より他に知る人もなし 作:行尊 You, the wild cherry blossoms, also love me as I love you, and nobody knows my feelings except you who are the flowers. 訳:金玉儿
ほととぎす鳴きつる方をながむれば ただ有り明けの月ぞ残れる 作:藤原実定 I saw in singing cuckoo direction, but I saw only the moon of the dawn. 訳:金玉儿
花の色は移りにけりないたずらに わが身世にふるながめせしまに 作:小野小町 The beautiful flowers mercilessly died, it's as if to see my pretty face becoming week. 訳:金玉儿
問。すべての( )内に適切な一語を入れ、文を完成させよ。 1. ( ) you have to do is to set out the USB interface. 2. It is quite difficult ( ) us to break up the specification. 3. ( ) must be ( ).
Here, I'll give you a sample problem from my CS book collection. Answer it in English!
Give an efficient algorithm that takes a number N and determines whether it is a square, that is whether it can be written as q^2 for some positive interger q. Prove the correctness of your algorithm and give the time complexity.
>>91 You didn't explain the time complexity. And you just need pseudo-code, not the actual code. By the way, the whole point of the problem is to give an EFFICIENT algorithm. (notice that in most implementation of C#, your code is not efficient). Calling a procedure Sqrt doesn't explain the algorithm at all.
>>93 huh? this is introductory algorithm question, and it's the first part of a three-part questions.
Can't you think of something like starting with N and do binary search the value? And give something like O(n^2 log N) = O(n^3) where n is the number of bits in N. (probably we can do better)
It seems that people here are spending so much time on grammar and not really communicating anything technical in English. Isn't the whole point of learning English to be able to communicate with other software developers? Who cares whether your English sentence is grammatically correct or not if everyone understands you.
The point of my question was to let you explain the algorithm in English instead of writing down the code. And I chose this question only because I thought it's easy.
I think the real problem is that whether "英語" is the one we're using right now or what Japanese people learn in K-12 schools. Because I'm afraid those two are two different languages.
Style is everything, even in ‘aught nine’ Edward Lapham Automotive News June 5, 2009 - 2:30 pm ET ttp://www.autonews.com/article/20090605/ANA03/906059967/1137 >The current model year can be pronounced "two thousand nine," >"twenty-oh-nine" or, I guess, "oh-nine" by the apostrophe fiends.
You are writing firmware for an exercise machine. Each second, a routine in your firmware is called which decides whether it should display the percentage of the workout completed. The display does not have any ability to show decimal points, so the routine should only display a percentage if the second it is called results in a whole percentage of the total workout. Given a String time representing how long the workout lasts, in the format "hours:minutes:seconds", return the number of times a percentage will be displayed by the routine. The machine should never display 0% or 100%. Definition
The browser and mobile web implementations of Sign in with Twitter are based off of OAuth. まずここの文がよくわからない。 ブラウザとモバイルweb実装?Sign in with Twitterってツイッターでログインのこと?
This page demonstrates the requests needed to obtain an access token for the sign in flow. ここもよくわからない・・・ the requests neededこれはどう訳したらいいんだろう。 For information on implementing Sign in with Twitter for iOS, see Integrating with Twitter on iOS.
To use the "Sign in with Twitter" flow, please go to your application settings and ensure that the "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter?" option is enabled.
This page assumes that the reader knows how to sign requests using the OAuth 1.0a protocol. If you want to know how to sign a request, read the Authorizing a request page.