Este asasinul studentei japoneze un nou Rimaru al Romaniei? Japanese student is a new assassin Rimaru Romania? 日本の学生を殺したのは第二の「ルーマニアのリマル」か?(Rimaruという有名なシリアルキラーがいたらしい)
Ar putea ascunde cazul asasin?rii studentei japoneze ?ntr-o p?dure de l?ng? Aeroportul ?Henri Coand?” un posibil criminal ?n serie, un nou... R?maru? Este o ?ntrebare-ipotez? care poate da multora fiori. Dar care, potrivit unor surse la v?rf din lumea criminalisticii, ar fi... PO-SI-BI-L?!
Could conceal the murder of Japanese students in a forest near the airport "Henri Coanda" a possible serial killer, a new ... R?maru? It is a question and hypothesis that can give many creeps. But, according to sources at the top of forensic world would be ... PO-SI-BI-la!
Procurorul general al Rom?niei, doamna lt. col. (r) Laura Codru?a Kovesi, ??n temeiul dispozi?iilor art. 209 alin. 41 din Codul de Procedur? Penal?, a dispus preluarea cauzei privindu-l pe VLAD NICOLAE de la Parchetul de pe l?ng? Tribunalul Ilfov la Parchetul General: la Sec?ia de Urm?rire Penal? ?i Criminalistic? din cadrul Parchetului de pe l?ng? ?nalta Curte de Casa?ie ?i Justi?ie”
General Prosecutor of Romania, Mrs. Lieutenant. col. (r) Laura Codru?a Kovesi, "pursuant to art. 209 para. 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, decided to take over cases concerning him Nicolae Vlad the Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor General Ilfov Tribunal: the Criminal Investigation and Forensic Department of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
刑事訴訟法209条41項の規定により、VLAD NICOLAEの事件を担当することになった 女性の総合検察官 Laura Codru?a Kovesi は、最高裁の犯罪捜査および検死部に附属する Ilfov地方検察庁の検察官である。
Motivele prelu?rii cauzei sunt mai multe, dar unul este de-a dreptul... tulbur?tor. ?Considerentele care au stat la baza prelu?rii prin dispozi?ia procurorului general al Parchetului de pe l?ng? ?nalta Curte de Casa?ie ?i Justi?ie au vizat complexitatea cauzei, faptul c? victima este o persoan? cu cet??enie str?in?, ceea ce necesit? coresponden?? cu ambasada, precum ?i ?mprejurarea c? din datele cauzei au rezultat indicii c? inculpatul VLAD NICOLAE ar fi suspect de mai multe fapte de violen?? comise pe raza mai multor jude?e. La aceste ?mprejur?ri se adaug? necesitatea solu?ion?rii cu celeritate a cauzei”, spune comunicatul Parchetului.
Taking up the cause of the reasons are many, but one is the right ... disturbing. "The considerations which led to the takeover by the General Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice focused on the complexity of the case, the victim is a person with foreign citizenship, which requires the Embassy and the fact that the facts of the case resulted indications that defendant Nicholas VLAD be more suspicious of acts of violence committed on the territory of several counties. These circumstances plus the need to resolve the case expeditiously, "said Prosecutor release.
Referirea la ?mai multe fapte de violen?? comise pe raza mai multor jude?e” conduce, automat, la o ?ntrebare-ipotez? ?ocant?: au prins procurorii un posibil nou R?maru al Rom?niei? Dac? ar fi s? d?m crezare unui comunicat de ieri al Ministerului Public, dar, mai ales, chiar unei surse la v?rf ?n domeniu, ar trebui s? spunem c?... “Da, e posibil! E posibil s? fie ?i criminal, ?i violator... ?n serie!”. P?n? la dovezi concrete, care s? stabileasc? dac? posibilele alte fapte (crime, violuri) de care s-ar putea face vinovat Vlad Nicolae pot fi probate, trebuie, evident, s? avem rezerve ?i s? clasific?m acest? ?ocant? ipotez? doar ?n categoria ?POSIBILULUI”.
The reference to "several acts of violence committed on the territory of several counties" leads automatically to a shocking question and hypothesis: a possible new prosecutors caught R?maru Romania? If we were to give credence to a press release yesterday of the Public Ministry, but, above all, even a top source in the field, we should say that ... "Yes, it's possible! It may also be the murderer, and rapist ... in series. " By evidence, as to whether other possible actions (murders, rapes) that might Nicolae Vlad guilty can be proved, must, of course, have reservations and to classify this shocking case only in the category "possible" .
Traseul morţii: din Japonia în... Codrii Vlăsiei Trail of death: from Japan ... forests Vlăsiei 死の旅程:日本から…Vlăsieiの森で
Ce se ştie, deocamdată, concret? Conform referatului cu propunerea de luare a măsurii arestării preventive a inculpatului Vlad Nicolae (n.r. – principalul suspect în cazul violării şi asasinării studentei japoneze), crimnaliştii ilfoveni au stabilit următoarele:
What is known, yet concrete? According to the proposal essay making preventive arrest of the defendant Vlad Nicholas (No - the main suspect in the rape and murder of Japanese students), crimnaliştii Ilfoveni established the following:
そのパラグラフは、 Potrivit medicilor legi?ti cita?i de procurorii criminali?ti, ?nainte de a fi omor?t? prin strangulare, vitima ar fi fost lovit? ?i violat?... anal. According to forensic forensic experts summoned by prosecutors, before being killed by strangulation, vic was hit and raped ... Anal. の部分以外は、>>19のプレスリリースと文言のレベルでほぼ一致する。 なので上記の部分についてもプレスリリースをもとに、記者が言い換えたものであると考えられる。 ところがプレスリリースには、「殺される前にレイプされた」とは書いていない。
SINISTRU! Asasinul-violator a furat chiloţii japonezei Sinister! Killer-rapist stole underwear Japanese 恐怖!強姦殺人犯は日本人の下着を盗んでいた
Între copertele dosarului morţii brutale a japonezei Yurika Masuno, violată şi ucisă acum o săptămână într-o pădure, la margine de Bucureşti, sunt prinse multe amănunte teribile, care îngrozesc orice minte normală. Nicolae Vlad (foto mic), 26 de ani, asasinul-violator, a bătut-o, a muşcat-o precum un canibal, a violat-o vaginal şi anal şi chiar i-a furat chiloţii niponei.
Between the covers folder Masuno Yurika Japanese brutal death, raped and killed a week ago in a forest on the outskirts of Bucharest, are caught more terrible details that terrify any normal mind. Nicolae Vlad (small photo), 26, murderer, rapist, beat it, a bit like a cannibal, raped her vaginally and anal and even stole underwear Japanese.
Poate că trupul fără viaţă al bietei japoneze ar fi zăcut mult şi bine la marginea drumului ce leagă Bucureştiul de Ploieşti dacă un şofer nu s-ar fi oprit, mânat de necesităţile fiziologice care- l presau, să-şi facă nevoile în Pădurea Măgura, din Ilfov. Când omul a realizat că, de fapt, urinează pe un cadavru acoperit cu frunze, aruncat la patru-cinci metri de carosabil, s-a îngrozit. A dat alarma, iar ancheta a fost declanşată.
Perhaps the lifeless body of poor Japanese had lain long and hard on the road connecting Bucharest to Ploiesti if a driver would not be stopped, driven by physiological needs that push him to do his needs Magura Forest, in Ilfov. When the man realized that actually urinate on a corpse covered with leaves, tossed in four to five meters from the road, was horrified. He gave the alarm, and the investigation was initiated.
?nainte ca legi?tii s? ridice trupul pentru autopsie, criminali?tii au f?cut un inventar minu?ios al tuturor probelor pe care urmau s? le culeag? de la locul faptei. Fata ucis? era ?mbr?cat? cu o fusti??, o bluz?, un soi de hanorac ?i era ?nc?l?at? cu sandale. De la num?r?toare lipseau ?ns?... chilo?ii nefericitei japoneze, obiect vestimentar care nu a fost g?sit nici m?car ?n zona ?n care se presupune c? t?n?ra a fost b?tut?, violat? vaginal ?i anal ?i apoi sugrumat? cu m?inile goale de Nicolae Vlad, b?rbatul care neag? ?ns? orice implicare ?n monstruoasa crim?.
Before raising body for autopsy forensics, forensics have made ??a thorough inventory of all the evidence that would collect them from the scene. Girl killed was wearing a skirt, a blouse, a kind of sweatshirt and was wearing sandals. But missing from the count ... unfortunate underwear Japanese fashion item not found even in the area where it is assumed that the young woman was beaten, raped vaginally and anal and then strangled with bare hands by Nicolae Vlad, the man who denies any involvement in the monstrous crime.
Individul a muşcat-o de piept Specimen has bitten her chest 変態は被害者女性の胸を噛んでいた
"Fie că este vorba de un fetiş, fie că ucigaşul s-a gândit că astfel va mai şterge cumva din urme, un lucru e limpede: chiloţii tinerei au dispărut. Au fost furaţi, cel mai probabil, de asasin. Oricum, individul şi-a lăsat atât amprenta dentară pe pieptul fetei, pe care a muşcat- o prin bluză, cât şi cea a mâinii drepte, imprimată pe gâtul victimei. Sunt infiltraţii mari de sânge care demonstrează asta.
"Whether it's a fetish or the killer thought that this will somehow erase the traces, one thing is clear: young underwear disappeared. Were stolen, most likely the killer. However, the individual has left the dental imprint on chest face, he bit her through blouse and the right hand printed on the victim's neck. infiltration of blood are showing it.
Autopsia a scos la iveală faptul că asiatica a fost violată şi anal. Au fost prelevate probe şi din cavitatea ei bucală, iar analizele ne vor răspunde şi la întrebarea dacă nipona a fost supusă şi unui act sexual oral", ne-au dezvăluit surse apropiate anchetei.
The autopsy revealed that she was raped and anal Asian. Samples were taken and her oral cavity and our analysis will answer the question whether Japanese has been submitted and oral intercourse ", we revealed sources close to the investigation.
Dată în urmărire chiar pe aeroport Time tracking just at the airport 空港からのタイムテーブル
Când au văzut că fata lor nu le trimite SMS-ul prin care să-i anunţe că a ajuns în Craiova, părinţii japonezei Yurika Masuno au sunat în România şi au cerut autorităţilor să demareze o anchetă. Nipona, văzută pe camerele de luat vederi miercuri, la ora 20.38, pe când era acostată de Nicolae Vlad, a fost dată imediat în urmărire. Cadavrul ei a fost descoperit a doua zi (n.r. - joi 16 august), iar Nicolae Vlad, individul arestat că a torturat- o, a batjocorit-o şi a ucis-o, a fost arestat din locuinţa sa sâmbătă, 18 august.
When they saw that their daughter did not send SMS to announce that it has reached Craiova, Masuno Yurika Japanese parents in Romania called and asked authorities to initiate an investigation. Japanese, cameras seen on Wednesday at 20.38, when he was accosted by Nicolae Vlad was given immediately in pursuit. Her body was found the next day (no - Thursday, August 16) and Nicolae Vlad, the person arrested that he tortured her, mocked her and killed her, was arrested in his home Saturday, August 18.
Trupul tinerei va fi incinerat timp de o s?pt?m?n?, conform tradi?iei Young body will be cremated for a week, according to tradition 若者の遺体は、日本の風習に従って一週間以内にも火葬される予定
Conform unor surse apropiate familiei, trupul ne?nsufle?it al japonezei Yurika Masuno va fi incinerat ?n ?ara natal? printr-un procedeu tradi?ional. Corpul va fi supus, cu ajutorul unor aparate speciale, unor temperaturi ridicate, care vor conduce la desprinderea c?rnii de pe oase. Scheletul cur??at astfel timp de aproximativ o s?pt?m?n? va fi p?strat de familia ?ndoliat?. P?rin?ii tinerei japoneze ar fi scos din buzunar aproximativ 7.000 de euro (sicriu, pa?aport mortuar, transport) pentru a-?i duce fata moart? acas?.
According to sources close to the family, the body of Yurika Japanese Masuno will be cremated in his native country through a traditional process. The body will be subjected, using special equipment, high temperatures, which will result in separation of meat from bones. Skeleton clean for about a week so will be kept bereaved family. Japanese young parents would be out of pocket about 7,000 euros (coffin mortuary passport, transport) in order to take home the dead girl.