
634どうがをきいて-をうめよう (せいげんじかん25ふん)
There. Very nice. Pupcake, what are you doing? Oh no. Please not. Again? Well, hello. Haha. You know, you k- of r- me of another -le we had in Strawberry land. Who is that, Strawberry? Margalo. Remember her?
How could I forget her? But I'm not sure Pupcake remembers. I'd be very happy to tell you her story. Would you like to hear it too? Alright then. You see, it all started one wonderful sunny day. Out in the berry p-h.
The berries were r- and red. And I was -the- a big basketful. (Arf arf) Yikes! Something moved. Did you see that?Could be a bee. Or a, hmm. Oh my oh my. Whoa! Hey, back! Back, back, get back! Ow! ow Oh, I br- a wing, didn't I?
Are you OK? Yes, I mean, no, I mean, I don't -w. My name is Strawberry Shortcake. And this is Custard, and that's Pupcake.Margalo B. -rr-l-. FWFPFC. FWF what C? Fairy World Fairy Princess First Class. A r-l-l-e fairy? What are you doing here, Margalo?
I was just taking a -p. And then that beast attacked me, and I broke my wing. See? And, well, you know, I need to fly. Flying keeps me safe. Now I probably get snatched up by a -r-. Thanks to that beast.
Then you have to come home with us. And let us take care of you -l you're b-r. No. No. Take care of me you say? -l I'm b-r.Hmm. Well, I wouldn't wanna put you out. It's the very least we can do. In that case, let's go. We're taking care of a fairy.
Can I get you something to eat? Well, if it isn't a lot of trouble. No trouble. A w- bit of br- might be nice. Sure th-. And maybe put a slice of cheese on it? You got it! And some -r-y if you have any. OK!
M- as -l add some mayo while you're at it. A little lettuce, pickles, no onion, and a few olives, - the s-. Some soup would h- the -p-. Big c- of cake, and did I mention I absolutely -re ice cream? It m- -lp my poor broken wing heal a bit faster.
So I can, you know, get out of your way. You can stay as long as you need to Margalo. This would be great!
