から投票 Nominee: 「Masashi Tashiro」 最後に半角スペース入ってないか注意! 以下は適当: 私の場合は Tell Us Why (In 50 words or less): 「He is No.1!」 Your Name: 「edajima heihachi」 Your E-Mail: 「[email protected]」 City, State 「Tokyo」 あとはサブミット連打(一秒間隔くらいで連打。はやすぎると駄目!) 投票終わったら戻るでもっかいサブミット ネスケとかオペラつかうと楽!(IEだと戻ったとき入力しなおさなきゃだめ!
1. Masashi Tashiro 17.6 34501 2. Osama bin Laden 17.6 34488 3. George W. Bush 14.5 28543 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.7 19001 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.6 10962 6. Laura Bush 4.8 9385 7. Fuck Head 4.6 9126 8. FDNY/NYPD 2.9 5629 9. Nomar Garciaparra 2.3 4539 10. Sydney Gaul 1.7 3356
1. Masashi Tashiro 17.8 34950 2. Osama bin Laden 17.5 34504 3. George W. Bush 14.5 28556 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.7 19005 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.6 10962 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Wataru uegaki - Thursday, 12/20/01, 7:22:08am (#1163 of 1163)
My name is Wataru Uegaki, a student in Japan.
I think you are surprised and confused by the name "Masashi Tashiro" in the "person of the year" ranking.
First of all, Please ignore it! All of these votes were organized in fun by the people crowding in a web community called "2ch" (http:// And this is not fair.
"Masashi Tashiro" is a singer in Japan. But he is not international and important. Nobody thinks he is a "person of the year 2001" at all.
So, Please erase all votes for "Masashi Tashiro". Please ignore this terrible joke.
I am ashamed of Japanese having done such a thing on this hard time.
All Japanese are sorry about the tragedy in N.Y. and hopes the world peace.
I am afraid that I have done many mistakes in English.
Masashi Tashiro, a legendary top Japanese comedian on a par with Ken Shimura, deserves "TIME Person of the Year". He was one of the main members of CHANELS -- the legendary Japanese band famous for "Megumi no Hito". After the dispersion of CHANELS, with Shimura, he became the very top comedian known for "Bakatono-sama" & "Unjarage". He had ten or more regular programs in golden time in his golden age.
Therefore, the incident in which Tashiro was arrested for using a hidden camera to film up women's skirts was astonishing to all Japanese people. He disappeared from the front stage leaving the legendary joke "Mini ni Tako". Fortunately, He made a comeback Nine months after his arrest, and was to star in V Cinema's upcoming "Gokuraku Doumei" (Heavenly Alliance). Irrespective of it, he did again. This time, unbelievably, he looked in at the man bath. Now people believe he will never come back again...
He is the hero who took laughter in exchange for life. It made him a legendary man representing Japanese comdy in the 21st century.
1. Masashi Tashiro 21.4 45198 2. Osama bin Laden 17.3 36516 3. George W. Bush 13.8 29213 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.1 19223 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.2 10962
「こんな風にですね、TIME誌は毎年 Person of the yearというのを選出してます。 これはその年世界で最も印象に残った人物を、読者投票を元に選び出す趣向です。 見てもらえば分かるんですが…どれもそうそうたる顔ぶれです。 …で!2001年度のPerson of the yearが決定しました」 (久米、ボードを取り出す。一位の名前はシールで隠されいる)
「これは投票結果ですが、御覧のように一位が二位以下に圧倒的な大差を付けました。 これはもうぶっちぎりと言っていいでしょう。圧倒的です。誰だか分かります?」 渡辺「…ビンラディンですか?」 久米「ビンラディンは二位なの。ほら」 渡辺「ホントだ」 久米「2001年度のPerson of the yearは、意外な人物でした。コマーシャルの後」 (画面にTIME誌の表紙。顔にはモザイクがかかっている。ズームイン)
1. Masashi Tashiro 22.0 47372 2. Osama bin Laden 17.2 37019 3. George W. Bush 13.8 29700 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.0 19486 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.1 10962 6. Laura Bush 4.4 9400 7. Fuck Head 4.2 9132 8. FDNY/NYPD 2.7 5776 9. Nomar Garciaparra 2.1 4539 10. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3405
1. Masashi Tashiro <2ちゃんねら推薦(組織票)=平和を愛する写真家 2. Osama bin Laden <ラディソ=戦争仕掛け人 3. George W. Bush <大統領 of US=戦争仕掛け人 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani <NY市長=目立ちたがりのおっさん 5. Pope Hadrian VII <ゲイ小説の主人公(組織票) 6. Laura Bush <大統領夫人(何故に?) 7. Fuck Head <音楽バンド(組織票) 8. FDNY/NYPD <NY市警・消防団(「純粋なアメリカ人」」からの票) 9. Nomar Garciaparra <野球選手(怪我で活躍できず、組織票) 10. Sydney Gaul <誰?
1. Masashi Tashiro 22.3 48505 2. Osama bin Laden 17.1 37243 3. George W. Bush 13.8 29965 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.0 19607 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.0 10963 6. Laura Bush 4.3 9401 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.7 5793 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.1 4539 9. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3405 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.2 2531
1. Osama bin Laden 19.1 37382 2. George W. Bush 14.3 30106 3. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 10.0 19655 4. Pope Hadrian VII 6.0 10963 5. Laura Bush 4.9 9401 6. FDNY/NYPD 3.0 5803 7. Nomar Garciaparra 2.4 4541 8. Sydney Gaul 1.8 3405 9. Jesus of Nazareth 1.3 2531 10. Toshinomiya Aiko 1.0 1895
1. Masashi Tashiro 23.6 49693 2. Osama bin Laden 17.9 37603 3. George W. Bush 14.4 30226 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.4 19715 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.2 10963 6. Laura Bush 4.5 9412 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.8 5807 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.2 4543 9. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3412 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.2 2531
1. Masashi Tashiro 23.7 50040 2. Osama bin Laden 17.9 37704 3. George W. Bush 14.3 30276 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.3 19737 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.2 10963 6. Laura Bush 4.5 9412 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.8 5811 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.2 4543 9. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3412 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.2 2531
Hello, My name is Wataru Uegaki, a student in Japan. I think you are surprised and confused by the name "Masashi Tashiro" in the "person of the year" ranking. First of all, Please ignore it! All of these votes were organized in fun by the people crowding in a web community called "2ch" (http:// And this is not fair. "Masashi Tashiro" is a singer in Japan. But he is not international and important. Nobody thinks he is a "person of the year 2001" at all. So, Please erase all votes for "Masashi Tashiro". Please ignore this terrible joke. I am ashamed of Japanese having done such a thing on this hard time. All Japanese are sorry about the tragedy in N.Y. and hopes the world peace. I am afraid that I have done many mistakes in English.
"Masashi Tashiro" is definitely the "Person of the Year" among the internet community in Japan. He is a ex-celebrity fallen from grace due to his scandalous behaviour, which was widely reported by the Japanese Mass Media. His downfall and subsequent expulsion from entertainment business was sympathised by many, who identified his human weakness and unfortunate circumstance to that of their own. With massive layoffs currently conducted by companies while unemployment is at record highs in Japan, there are other things people are more concerned about than the 911 tragedy. So called "2channel bulletine boards" is the gathering place for those unfortunate Japanese known as "Chu-bo" ,who have very litle hopes for the future with economy in extreme recession. Perhaps "2channel" is the only place they can speak their mind and express their own frustration without the restriction of the strict code of conduct bestowed upon them by the rigid Japanese society. Therefore, the downfall of once a hero Masashi Tashiro may have hit closer to the heart of Chu-bo's, than say the heros such as NY firefighters who are so far remove from them, and therefore very hard to identify with. For example, more people died in the 1995 Kobe earthquake than on 911, which also was a tragedy of massive proportion, but the attention paid by non-Japanese mass media to that event was minimal compared to the tragedy of 911. The amount of donation was nothing compared to the donation collected for those who lost their loved ones on 911... The "Person of the year" as far as a voter is concerned just depends on his/her circumstance and not necessarily a person involved in the most widely reported event by the mass media. To some people President Bush is a hero, but there are also some who look upon Usama Bin laden as a hero too. It is just a matter of opinion and which side you happen to be on. I hope the "person of the year" will be chosen fairly, reflecting the opinion the voters.
Masashi Tashiro, and also Sachiyo Nomura again proved to us that the spirit of Japanese stupidity "bo-ke" could never be dent, even by a serious terrorist attack such as the Aum sarin gas, and the 9-11 tragedy. Tashiro as a person of the year will definitely give confusion to many readers, but can leave a significant historical evidence of one country, who never takes anything seriously. Tashiro as prime minister! - Thursday, 12/20/01, 3:55:56pm (#1179 of 1179)
We feel anger for the terrorist. They claim the life of those who are not a relation.In the name of Good reason.
On the other hand, The U.S. Forces have killed those who are not a relation. Explosion by mistake etc. In the cases of many Their life is considered lightly.In the name of
With such a reason Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Abon.
It is the humor of the people which wish true peace.In the name of Masashi Tashiro. Please do not ignore by the reason of since it is a joke. Thank you for your consideration.
Sanpei Yajima - Thursday, 12/20/01, 3:07:41pm (#1176 of 1303) Masashi Tashiro, and also Sachiyo Nomura again proved to us that the spirit of Japanese stupidity "bo-ke" could never be dent, even by a serious terrorist attack such as the Aum sarin gas, and the 9-11 tragedy. Tashiro as a person of the year will definitely give confusion to many readers, but can leave a significant historical evidence of one country, who never takes anything seriously. Tashiro as prime minister! - Thursday, 12/20/01, 3:55:56pm (#1179 of 1303) We feel anger for the terrorist. They claim the life of those who are not a relation.In the name of Good reason. On the other hand, The U.S. Forces have killed those who are not a relation. Explosion by mistake etc. In the cases of many Their life is considered lightly.In the name of With such a reason Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Abon. It is the humor of the people which wish true peace.In the name of Masashi Tashiro. Please do not ignore by the reason of since it is a joke. Thank you for your consideration. Humor does not disgrace people. ;-)
Suzuki Utamaro - Friday, 12/21/01, 1:25:37pm (#1248 of 1303) Congratulation to Mr.Osama Bin Laden, for receiving the most votes on! It seems like "Masashi Tashiro", who was in the first place with over 30% of the votes was suddenly "annihilated." From now on this day will be known at a certain Japanese internet community as "1221 Tashiro Annihilation Tragedy", the day when hopes for global peace and freedom of choice, of all Tashiro voters crumbled to a rubble with a single touch of a "delete" key.
Suzuki Utamaro - Friday, 12/21/01, 2:09:00pm (#1262 of 1302) C.M.Fang (Msg1250) Well, who is Masashi Tashiro? See Message number 1175. Suzuki Utamaro 12/20/01 2:33pm He was wininng the polls with over 80000votes. He suddenly disappeared.