>>28 Since Chosen was the formal name of Korea when Japan ruled the peninsula, and Japan does not have diplomatic relations with the North, Korean nationals who do not change their nationality to South Korea remain Chosen nationals. The Chosen Soren (in Japanese), or Chongryon (in Korean), was founded on May 25, 1955. The number of members has declined from 290,000 in 1975 to 200,000 today. http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/world/dprk/chosen_soren.htm
オレゴン州とワシントン州で、女子大生の下着を女子寮から盗んで集めていた変態チョン逮捕━━━━━━ !!!!! 犯人キム(Sung Koo Kim)のコンピューターからは、幼児ポルノが発見される。 キムがストーカー行為を繰り返していた同じアパートに住むオレゴン州立大生のBrooke Wilbergerさん(19歳)が、 昨年の5月から行方不明になっている事件もキムの仕業で有る可能性が可也高い。 $10ミリンの保釈金に対して、地元のキチガイ朝鮮人団体は、「差別ニダ!」、キムはパンストを盗んだだけなのに、この保釈金は高過ぎるニダ!」 http://www.katu.com/stories/74678.html Kim faces burglary and theft charges in four Oregon counties involving thousands of pieces of lingerie that had been taken from women's college dormsand were found in his possession. In Washington County, he also faces 16 counts of possessing child pornography after police say they discovered those types of images on his computer. Sung Koo Kim was initially arrested in early May, about a week and a half before 19-year-old Brooke Wilberger disappeared from a Corvallis apartment complex where Kim had allegedly been stalking an OSU swimmer. http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/news/1107522003244970.xml Authorities accused Kim, a somewhat reclusive 30-year-old who lived with his parents, of traveling to college campuses up and down the Willamette Valley to steal thousands of pairs of panties. The burglaries, they allege, were part of an obsession that left him with a vast collection of pornography depicting violence against women and, in a few cases, images of children. A police task force investigating Wilberger's May 24 disappearance from a Corvallis apartment complex was intrigued by Kim's links to the apartments. They suspected Kim of stealing panties and lint from a clothes drier in the complex, cyber-stalking an OSU swimmer who resembled Wilberger and searching the Internet for nations without extradition treaties with the United States.
Sushi restaurants and bars are extremely popular in the Russian capital, Moscow. However, when people go to these eateries they may think that waiters in Japanese restaurants have nothing to do with Japan. As it turns out, waiters working in Moscow sushi restaurants are in fact Koreans posing as Japanese.
Russian on-line source, Regions.ru, informs with reference to reliable sources that these waiters are Koreans who work as Japanese in the Russian sushi bars. Restaurant owners recruit Koreans in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria where the former come in search of jobs.
Koreans posing as Japanese waiters in Moscow sushi bars are paid 500-1000 USD per month. Certainly, the Asian appearance is not the only thing Koreans need to work in the sushi bars; they must also know how to prepare and serve sushi. Journalists are dispelling another myth about sushi: contrary to the myth saying that it takes many years to learn how to prepare raw fish with rice properly, any Korean arriving in Moscow can master it within a period of one week to a month.
Managers in sushi restaurants say that ?accurate eyes and rapid response| that-s what Koreans need to work as Japanese.
韓国人による誤爆バイオテロ? Tracing WSN/33 Human Bird Flu Squences in Swine in Korea February 7, 2005 by Recombinomics Recombinomics is committed to the study of recombination as the driver of rapid molecular evolution and the emergence of novel infectious agents. http://www.recombinomics.com/News/02070502/Tracing_WSN33.html オイオイ欠陥研究室か?→The virus has managed to move from a secured lab environment to infect swine on farms in Korea. This has presented a significant health risk because the virus has become widespread and has both reassorted and recombined with Korean avian (H9N2) genes. In addition to the health concerns, the mystery on how the virus moved from a lab to many pigs on various farms in Korea has not been addressed. 得意の火病→The WSN/33 could have infected the pigs (or birds which then infected the pigs) via a civilian lab accident. Alternatively, these sequences could represent a military experiment that resulted in an unplanned release. ★Moreover, at this point bioterrorism cannot be ruled out. However, since at least six WSN/33 related sequences from swine are already publicly available and these isolates contain informative markers, an aggressive investigation should be able to determine the source of the WSN/33 sequences in swine in Korea.
子供の面倒をみずに出かけた自分が悪いのに他の物に責任を擦り付ける典型的な火病の例。 子供達だけで留守番をさせるのは違法と言うのは誰でも知ってるアメリカの常識 別に韓国人で無くとも毎年それで逮捕されるニュースはよく聞く。 又特別扱いをして貰えないと差別ニダ!と騒ぐ気ですか? 日本じゃ無いからその作戦は通用しません。 http://news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=78bddce046f599f30203492b8f845382 A Korean immigrant in Houston is facing criminal charges and deportation after what she says was a cultural misunderstanding between her and local authorities. 全くお門違いなこんな事まで言ってるし↓ Her case highlights growing concerns among immigrant communities that they are increasingly vulnerable in the tougher immigration climate following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Oak Jin Kim, 42, was charged with child negligence when she left her three small children at her home in Houston's Koreatown on March 24, according to Houston-based Korea World Newspaper. Kim was forced to use the laundry mat a few blocks from her house after her plumbing went awry. だからなんなの?↓ In Korea, mothers often leave children at home to make short trips. Kim had instructed her eldest daughter, six-year-old Catherine, to look after her two younger brothers, ages, 4 and 1. 永住権保持者で観光客や留学生では無いので、尚更犯罪で有ると言う事は知っていて当たり前、言い訳は通用しません。↓ Although Kim is a legal permanent resident of the United States, she may face deportation if the court finds her guilty because foreign residents with criminal records can be removed from the country.
>>75 今度これでも読ませてあげたら? http://www.iht.com/getina/files/221092.html In the recently released report on the 2020 project - "Mapping the Global Future" - the National Intelligence Council under the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency compared the impact of China and India in 2020 it is noteworthy that the report identified both China and India as protagonists of the "Asian era." we should not underestimate the growing international role of the European Union, Russia and Japan,
Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa are behind China and India, albeit distantly, but the presence of Korea, the supposed hub of the Northeast Asian era, is nowhere to be found. Korea was also missing in the list of projected top 10 largest economies in 2050 by Goldman Sachs' global research center in its October report.
2004 Goldman Sachs Economic Research, Global Economics Paper, projected top 10 largest economies in 2050 Of the current G6, only the US and Japan will be among the six largest economies in 2050. http://www.new-frontiers.org/classicdocs/thebricsreport.pdf
796 :名無しさん :05/02/11 16:51:57 ID:BT2Jh6bR >>790 I've never threatened anyone's life over the U.S losing a medal. I've never called for fellow Americans to flood anyone's email because I'm ticked. I'm NOTHING like those Koreans.
>>627 http://eroticmassage.blogs.com/tales/2004/05/korean_massage_.html The Koreans like to pretend to be Japanese, so that is another aspect that sets the Korean massage parlor apart from Chinese or American massage parlors. Korean massage businesses may portray themselves as Japenese spas, and may adorn the property with waterfalls and Zen gardens, and wear the colorful embroidery of the Japanese traditions.
The Koreans like to pretend to be Japanese, so that is another aspect that sets the Korean massage parlor apart from Chinese or American massage parlors. Korean massage businesses may portray themselves as Japenese spas, and may adorn the property with waterfalls and Zen gardens, and wear the colorful embroidery of the Japanese traditions.
韓国系マッサージ・パーラーの真実 The University of Chicago Ask Mu Yung Shin (not her real name), presently a prostitute at a Korean massage parlor in Dallas. →Abducted at the age of 14 from her village home in South Korea by a group of Korean criminals, she was repeatedly raped, then sent to one of the infamous "sex farms" used by the South Korean army, where she was made a sex slave for two years. In the early nineties she was moved to the US legally through a sham marriage with an American GI and has served ever since as a Korean massage parlor prostitute in various locales stretching from Chicago and Houston to New York City1. →Mu Yung Shin is just one of several thousand Korean women abducted, raped, and virtually enslaved by the multimillion-dollar international prostitution network run by the Korean Killers, or KK. Korean Killers, and other major Korean gangs in the US such as Korean Power, based in New York, deal not only in prostitution, but in drug trafficking, extortion, and firebombings, mostly directed against the Korean community. Take Tae Sook Lee (not his real name), a longtime member of the Korean Killers based in Los Angeles' Koreatown. With two accomplices, called his "enforcers," Tae would visit Korean businesses in the area, mostly car dealerships, and demand payments of money ranging from $30,000 to $50,000. If threats and intimidation failed to net him the money, arson would result. According to Ray Futami, a detective with the LAPD, "If they [Korean business owners] didn't pay, Tae would send in his boys, his enforcers, and they would burn cars and dealerships." つづく↓ http://home.uchicago.edu/~dae/korean_pride.htm
46 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:05/03/02(水) 05:36:41 このBBCの記事に物凄い悪意を感じるんだけど、 日韓基本条約で全ての賠償が済んでいると言う部分や、書面での謝罪も済んでるなどの部分を きちんと全部報道しない事によって、読者への誤解を誘導してる気がする。 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4307393.stm BBCの記事にはこの部分の説明が無い 「documents show that South Korea agreed never to make further compensation demands, either at the government or individual level」 BBC版 In January, Seoul declassified documents revealing that South Korea's post-war government agreed to accept an $800m economic package as reparations from Japan when the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1965.
BBC版 チョン国大統領の発言を載せただけで、それに対する説明は無し。 Japan has expressed regret for its actions before and during World War II, but Mr Roh said Japan should make a formal apology. 米国シンクタンク Center for Strategic and International Studies http://www.csis.org/pacfor/pac0132B.htm In 1995, then-Prime Minister Murayama used the August 15 date to provide one of the clearest, most direct apologies to Japan's neighbors. More recently, then-Prime Minister Obuchi even put it in writing, at least to South Korea, during his 1998/1999 exchange of summits with ROK President Kim Dae-jung 海外掲示板に中国、韓国の暴挙を訴えるスレPART 9 http://academy3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1109246023/46