>>1 The best way to get back at american big business is to buy a sex doll that looks like an alien that was made in a sweatshop in japan by some little kid.
A few days ago I was so hungry I was about to cave in...now I'm so full, I don't think I'm going to eat dinner. We had a cooking party in class today, which was a nice change from doing boring readings. Actually, this week has been a breeze - on Monday, we watched Pon Poko, which is supposedly the most Japanese of all of Miyazaki's films. I tend to agree. I didn't understand it very well, and while I thought it was cute in places, I was kind of falling asleep in others. And the giant tanuki genitals. If you can get through the movie without noticing them, you are a better man than I. Then today we had this cooking party. We had to do speeches a few weeks ago about a kind of food we were good at making. I did pancakes. I didn't get chosen to cook, though. We ended up making pineapple rice (a sweet Thai version of fried rice), kinpa (Korean futomaki), ba-fu-te (Malaysian chicken soup), and french toast.
Plus, this Chinese guy in my class made gyoza. Chinese gyoza are DAMN tasty. They beat the hell out of Japanese gyoza any day. I helped make the kinpa. I've rolled sushi before, so I kind of knew what I was doing, and it was fun. We made SO much food...there were plates and plates of kinpa, two huge bowls of pineapple rice, tons of french toast, a big pot of soup, and more gyoza than anyone could possibly consume. To add to this, my senseis all brought food - chicken, pound cake, cheesecake, and sakuramochi. It was crazy. I haven't eaten this much since I came to Japan. O_O And it's stuck with me for the last five hours. I doubt I'll eat dinner tonight. If I eat anything, it'll be the leftover kinpa that I brought back. :D We ran out of nori, and so we tried to make a kinpa without it. Nudo-ginpa. We named it "aitsu" and were very proud of it. Our group kept telling everyone that Aitsu was hazukashii, and when this guy was taking pictures of it, I said that he was making an AV. :D
fuck all mother fuckin' fuckers who wanna pin your ass and put you in a fuckin drawer! fuck them all up the anus with a god damn shovel ! fuck all governments ! anarchy ! fuckin' fuck! FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK!
Stacy, if you really wanna learn japanese here, id reccommend you to first tell everyone so in English and prove that you really do, since they are not sure if you are serious or its just a joke thread by someone.. but if its ネタ then my effort to write this is ムダ。。hahaha//
So it's been an interesting week. No 2ch-ing because I haven't been online; The school is on spring break, at least for the international students, and Puu has been here. We've been up to all sorts of evil. Expensive evil.
Anyway, the highlight of the week so far for me has been Comic City Osaka...that was fun. XD I didn't actually buy all that much. For one, I didn't have much money, and two, I'm getting a lot pickier than I used to be. And actually, the happiest part of the event wasn't the doujinshi I got at all - it was meeting Kazuha-san! She's the AsuKure fic author that I mentioned a while ago...anyway, I looked at her page a few days before the event and saw that a friend of hers had a circle that was going to be there. So I found the table, and she ended up being there working at the table! It was kinda funny...I thought it might have been her, although all I knew was what color her hair was. I asked if it was her, and she knew it was me (since we were really the only gaijin in the place ;D) so we introduced ourselves, and talked for about five minutes. She was so nice! I told her to ganbatte, and that I really liked her fics. And then we had a little discussion about filthy Japanese words. I meet the most Special people, I swear. Anyway, the fact that I could actually meet another JP fan AND have a conversation with her made me really happy.
This morning, I was talking to my cousin, who has just started watching Magic Knight Rayearth. She was asking me about the names of the villains, and I was explaining that they came from the names of cars. She mentioned that it was similar to the names of the villains in Sailor Moon, which were gemstones. This got us to thinking about other series that do similarly - for example, Card Captor Sakura names all the Kinomotos after flowers, and in Bleach, the kids in the Kurosaki family are all named after fruits (even though the kanji are different). A lot of that goes on in naming characters in anime/manga, at any rate - having the names all follow a pattern. I was thinking about Western books and comics, and I can't think of any that do that. Of course, my memory isn't all that good these days. Maybe there are Western authors or comic artists that have done that with character names and I just don't remember.
We did kaiwa practice in class today...and I actually looked forward to it. I remember that I used to hate kaiwa days, just because being forced to make conversation is a pain in the ass. But now...I wouldn't say it's completely natural, but it's a lot easier than it used to be. When we have kaiwa, I don't really think about being forced to make conversation, I just go into it nowadays thinking I'll come up with stuff as I go along. Which works for pretty much everyone, since all of us are quite accustomed to speaking Japanese. I have to give a speech on religion on Friday, though. I really hope we don't have to talk about how religion is connected to our lives, because I have nothing to say about that. I've never been religious - even more, I've never really been interested in organized religion. The simple fact behind that is that I have a hard time believing in things I can't prove exist, and a higher power is one of them. *cheers*
;D) スマイルフェイス使ったりして ごまかしてるけど、 絶対native−levelじゃないな 文章の流れが不自然。 例えば:how religion is connected to our lives 間違えじゃないけど、nativeの人だったら how religion is part of our livesとかって言うと思う。 "connected"は直訳っぽい
ok dude i see what your gripe is but what do you propose to do about it... i dont no what country you live in but i guess its the us if you want to live in that country than you live buy the rules and laws of that land if you dont like the way they are then no ones making you stay their get the fuck out ime making a guess that you are not a very well traveled persone maybe you should be because if you could see how the rules and laws that some people in this world have to live with effect them i think you might stop being such a pussy and think fuck me i got it lucky. see you on fuck you island one day when you have created your utopien society president fuck you. fuck it all but reality does have a check point.
>>236 I've been saying this shit for a long time now, it's good to see somebody else practicing what they preach. A STATEMENT OF INTENT IS NOT ENOUGH. ACT LOCAL, THINK GLOBAL. BE GOOD DQN.
Hon no sukoshi no koto de ugoitari, kawattari, modottari suru. Genki de tattetemo shunkan de kowareteiru mono da. Sore wa ningen no moroi kimochi nan da yo...
I feel like I did back in December, when everyone was going to have their New Year's Party, and here I am stuck in Japan, being unable to participate. I suppose again, I should be Happy That I Am Here, but it's so hard to be missing out on the lives of everyone I know just because I'm living in this country. And the thing is, people I know are doing things together, and they've got plans to be friends for years to come. Whereas I'm hanging out with people here...but they're the types of people that I could really drop in an instant. There's nobody that I'm currently friends with here that I'm really going to miss when I go back to the USA. While they're not bad people or anything, they're not the kind of people I'm going to maintain a lasting friendship with. I haven't connected with any of them on a deep enough level to do so - i.e. I'm still not going to show ANY of them my room. If they saw the 200 or so doujinshi in there, the shelves with manga on them, and the walls with Shounen Jump posters up everywhere, they'd be horrified and never speak to me again. So while they provide decent company for singing karaoke and drinking, I'm not going to make much of an effort to keep in touch with any of them after I go back to the States. If we see each other, that's all well and good...but if we don't, I can't say I'd be heartbroken. Which I would be, if I suddenly lost the friends I have back in the USA, and that's the reason why I feel all crappy and lonely. I guess I'll have to go spend money to make myself feel better.
Although..I have no idea what I'll buy. I guess I could just go get a bunch of random doujinshi, or try and initiate myself into some fandom, or...whatever, I'll probably still just end up feeling all sad and wishing I could go hang out with everyone instead of being stuck in stupid Japan with people who aren't my real friends in a class where I feel stupid. No amount of doujinshi in the world can replace quality time spent with people you really like.
sorry about those fucked up comments if i got anyone scared. Im crazy. did you know sychology is bullshit aswell...? well sorta if you know what i mean. told you i was crazy... hehehe NOT!
add this page to your links please......we are all working for the same cause......thank you.
>>250-251 o.k. dude, 君は付け焼き刃の英語能力を披露しようとして撃沈され、生き恥を晒した経験でも あるのかい?言語能力が無いというよりも空っぽの自分の中身をさらけ出した挙げ 句、反論しようにも思ったことを文章に出来ないもんで、その悔しさを屈折したミ スの指摘という方法で発散しているんだろ? what is the point the loser like you could even be here? this ain't the board you can broadcast your effin' educational background. better fly to some other nest. hope you understand my english. <wink>
when your down and things piss you off just remeber........ fuck um... fuck them all!!
i agree that life sucks a donkey shlong... but it is to short for you to really realize what it is really about... no one knows WHY you are here, no one will ever know, until you die...
The verdict after volume 1? CHEESE. Pure, unadulterated CHEESE. But it's amusing cheese, makes me laugh. It's like an amusing romance novel, but with no heterosexual relationships. Actually, the series kind of reminds me of Queer as Folk in a way, if you removed the explicit sex scenes and all of the hefty life issues like drug addiction, hate crimes, and STDs. So it's basically just a really homosexual romp in the world of music. Shuuichi is a massive uke, and Eiri is an asshole. As of yet, my favorite is Hiroshi, even though he doesn't get a lot of screentime. Hell, he and Shuuichi had the first slashy scene in the manga. So I think I'll get volume 2, since the plot doesn't require much figuring out and the kissing boys make me giggle. It's a story that meshes with the kind of doujinshi stories and fic that I like, so it's somewhat appealing to me. I don't think I will ever consider myself a massive Gravitation sl0re, but I do like it. Does anyone know, is the mangaka from the Kansai area? Or is the series set in Osaka? The reason I ask is because every now and then, the characters will burst out with a little bit of Kansai-ben - Shuuichi said "akan" a couple of times and I remember someone...Maiko maybe...saying "okaahan" and another character using "-hen" instead of "-sen" for a negative ending.
There's this guy standing over my shoulder. I don't know if he's counting down the seconds until it's bye-bye time for me or not, but it's still giving me this weird vibe. Ah, I'd said everything I wanted to say anyway.
Brain tired. Test today sapped all yaru ki, leaving me as a quivering kakikomi of nihongo-ed out gakusei. But look at me, I'm still babbling in it. Maa, ii wa. Tonight is Jump night. Hell yeah. And I'm gonna go buy Gravitation 3 and 4, because it's such campy, addictive cheeze. I feel slightly guilty about it, but I figure we're all allowed our traipses into Boys' Love Fluffland, right? (And I bought one of the Gravi Remix doujinshi. When she says Adult Only...boy, Murakami-sensei isn't kidding. O_o)
Here are two words for you. Both are Japanese slang. If you can guess what they both mean, I'll give you a hug, or some other worthless prize that nobody wants.
1) wangiri 2) sanpii
You probably wouldn't want to ask a sensei what #2 means, because I found it in the Gravi Remix doujinshi. Heh heh. Leave your guesses in the Comments.
Gotta go, I'm already late to meet Mii-chan for dinner. I'm so hungry, haven't eaten anything but a piece of bread all day.
While I'm complaining, could someone please explain to me why I made a certain decision last May, when I knew very well that it could ruin my life? I guess there are just some things you don't see until you step back and look at them objectively, and you're like, "Damn, that was actually really stupid, and I'm really sorry about having annoyed so many people by going on and on and on about it."
And you know what else? I'm sick and tired of trying to be good at anything. Whenever I attempt, I always get picked on by people because I have a certain amount of skill. I'm tired of being singled out because I can do something. Case in point: today in my society class, the teacher was talking about the divorce rate, and he wrote "Narita Rikon" on the board. He asked if anyone knew what it meant. I did, but I paused and waited for someone else in class to answer. Nobody did. So I answered. "Oh, someone knows!" said the teacher, and I hear a few sighs and "Well of course, *J-7*." That's all I ever hear about, being in J-7. Who cares who I am - I'm one of those eleven elites. But you know what? Amongst the eleven elites, I'm at the bottom of the heap. My grammar is still that of a first-year student. I can't write kanji. But something keeps me afloat. And whatever it is that keeps me in J-7 also results in me being alienated.
I didn't do much this weekend, due to lack of money. Kristi called me and we talked about this and that for two hours. I wub j00, Kristi. After I hung up with her I finally figured out how my bathtub works. (Don't look at me like that. I've been showering daily, but the bathtub has some sort of heater function that I wasn't sure how to use. I boiled myself for about 20 minutes, then went out to Mandarake, after scouring my apartment for anything that I could possibly sell. I sold about 3000 yen worth of stuff, did a happy dance, and went upstairs to see if they had Gravitation 6 and 7. I figured they wouldn't. But they did. *sigh* So those two went home with me, after a trip to Daiei in order to buy food for the whole week. It's a good thing I'm in the mood to eat spaghetti.
It's set, by the way. May 3-4: Stacy Goes Back To Tokyo. And this time I /AM/ going to Ikebukuro. There's a street there with an Animate, two K-Books, and a KAC Shop. I am not leaving Japan without visiting it. :D I've got my room at the New Koyo and everything.
>>464 Se ha puesto, a propósito. Mayo 3-4: Stacy se va a Tokio. Y esta i / AM / situación de tiempo para Ikebukuro. Hay una calle ahí con un Animate, dos k - libros, y una tienda de KAC. No estoy dejando Japón sin visitar it.: D al que he conseguido mi habitación en el nuevo Koyo y todo.
>>469 그것이 그런데 , 굳었습니다. 5월 3-4 : Stacy가 도쿄로 go Back합니다. Ikebukuro로 그리고 이 시간 나 / 있습니다 / 갑니다. 살아 있는 것을 가진 거기 거리 , 둘 K-Books들이 있습니다 , 그리고 KAC 가게. 나는 it. 를 방문하지 않고 일본을 떠나고 있지 않습니다 : D 나는 새로운 Koyo 그리고 모든 것에(서) 나의 방을 가지고 있습니다.
I don't have much to say. Not much has been happening. I continue to be poor. And now I don't have much to do for school, so I should be able to get this and that done, as well as finish off Gravitation. See if Shuuichi and Yuki get married in the end, and then Shuuichi goes off and gets pregnant in the fics. Maybe not. Now I'm gonna start getting hits for mpreg fics. >__<
Oh, this is news. I'm coming home on May 22. I have to fly to Detroit, and then back to Chicago. I should be ready for human contact a few days after that.
Wow, I have nothing else to say. Life sure is boring these days. Maybe I'll just go home, since I kind of have a headache anyway.
It's strange to think that my time here is finally over. I spent so much time preparing to come to Japan - the application process plus waiting took me until April. Then I found out I was going, and spent the whole summer in anticipation of going to Japan. Nine months seemed like such a long time to be here - and now, it's almost over. I can't say I'm sad. Well. Right now I'm not sad. I might feel sad when I'm actually leaving, but at the moment I really want a change of scenery. I'm not content being in one place for too long, which is probably why I love to travel. Even when I was in Illinois, I went home every now and then just to break up the monotony. I'm looking forward to going to Tokyo, because I'm getting sick of Nagoya and it's greyness and pollution. Did you know that Nagoya and Fukuoka are the two most polluted cities in Japan? It's not Tokyo, believe it or not. Actually, I think that Tokyo is much prettier than Nagoya. The buildings, the cityscape...it's all much nicer looking. Nagoya is just kind of bland. Not that it's been a bad place to go to school or live - just that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing place in the world.
I'm going to miss the bright lights and tall buildings, though. I think there's a lot of beauty in cityscapes. Maybe I'm just weird, or maybe it comes from being raised near a big city. But I like the way that a city lights up at night. All the different colors of signs, and the lights flashing...things spelled out in neon, advertisments flashing and changing. I like the way that spotlights in the night sky look. There's a green light that extends from the Nagoya TV Tower that looks really cool whenever I see it. Admittedly, I could do without the pollution. And sometimes the noise annoys me. But I'd rather live in a city any day...trees and mountains, they're pretty and all. But they don't provide me with amusement or entertainment. I'd rather live in a city, where there's always stuff to do 24-7, and then go out and see trees and mountains on the weekends for a day or two. That's my ideal, anyway. Wherever I end up in the future, it's going to be at least /close/ to a major city.
That was tangential, anyway. We're doing skits in Japanese for the end-of-the-year party. Our group is doing Cinderella. Cinderella is being played by a guy. A 6'4" American guy. I'm the prince. Well, it should be "oujisama" but we keep calling him the "oyaji". And then there's the evil stepmother and sister, who are both being played by little Asian girls who are barely five feet tall. Imagine the humor inherent in the scenes where the mother and sister are beating up on Cinderella. Oh yes. The ball is going to involve trance music. And I found out that another group is doing this Japanese folk tale called "Kintarou" which is about a super-strong little boy. He wrestles a bear. The bear is being played by a girl. Kintarou is being played by a girl. Kintarou's mother is being played by an American guy who's over 6 feet tall. This should be a very Special wakare-kai.
Oooh~ I'm so hungry. Only five more days of poorness, and then I can go have sushi. Oh my god, that sounds so good. That's what I'm doing for dinner on the 30th. And I'm gonna go to kaiten places in Tokyo. We didn't go to any in Osaka because Mii-chan won't eat sushi. I'm gonna have to eat a lot before I leave, especially because lately we've been doing this reading called "Kozou to Kamisama" which is based heavily around eating sushi. Maguro sushi. I can see it right now...that nice red piece of maguro, on top of rice...in shoyu and wasabi...I guess you can tell I'm hungry, huh? ^^;
Oh. I'm also being a Nice Person (tm) and offering my Finder Services for this next trip to Tokyo. The catch, of course, is that I have to know you. Well, "know" as in "I link to your web, or we've talked over email/AIM/2ch" or something similar to that. If I don't know you, I'm sorry...I can't entertain offers from everyone on the 'net. I'm going to Super Comic City 11 on both the 3rd and the 4th, and on the afternoon of the 3rd I'm gonna go to Ikebukuro, where there are a lot of used manga stuff shops. So. If you want me to get you anything at the event or whatever, email my phone with a list of what you want, and Paypal me for it (email is the aol address) by this coming Monday. If you want doujinshi, PLEASE PLEASE be as specific as possible. Circle table numbers are the best. Specific circles are good. Pairings are all right. Series...that's a little broad, unless it's something that only has three doujin circles to begin with. I'm already shopping for six people, so I figure I can add a couple more on. I figure I'm only gonna be in Japan for another month, so I should hook people up while I'm here, anyway.
Mukatsuku. Mukatsuku. Iraira. Etcetera. I'm really annoyed right now, and I've been pissed off and irritable for no good reason lately. It's not a constant thing, but it's on and off...and I really don't know why I'm so angry, it just seems like my temper is shorter than it's ever been, and it doesn't take much to throw me into a screaming rage. So I've been avoiding people on AIM, since I don't want to snap at them. But here are a few things that are contributing to my anger:
1) There's this pair of Adidas that I really want. I can finally afford them. So I go shopping for them, and the only size I can find is a 26.5 - a 27 would have been perfect. There's one more store I can go to, I'm going to take a look there tonight. 2) A certain person on a certain forum. I want to take a curtain rod, beat them in the head with it, and then shove it sideways up their arse. 3) My neighbors were up until some unholy hour of the morning making noise. Today is Midori no Hi, but we have class. I assume my neighbors didn't have work. So I finally get to sleep, and at 5 AM I'm awakened by a weird noise and talking outside of my window. I look out, and there are two guys playing catch right outside of my building. Playing catch. At 5 AM. Is there ANY logical reason to do that, especially if you live in a heavily populated area? 4) These headaches I've been getting and can't get rid of. 5) The Night Bus is full, so I have to take the shinkansen to Tokyo. Even with my student discount, it's still gonna be expensive.
それ、ボケで書いてるんじゃないよね? マジで書いてるんだったら君らの英語かなりヤバイよ。 一つ目は its じゃなくて、 it's で正しいよ。it has の略だってことくらいわからない? だいたい its だったら後に been が直接出てくることをどう説明するんだい? 三つ目。文脈から過去形なんて杓子定規なこと言ってたら、その前後もすべて 過去形にしないといけないだろ。もしかして、英語の現在形と日本語の現在形の 違いを分かってないんじゃない?
Hey Stacy, I wanna ask you about yourself. Where do you live at, and are you an American or Japanese? P.S are you working at shop on Sepulveda blvd? answer me if you well
>>1 seems to be an american japan-freak nerd who came to japan for a language learning program at nanzan or kansai-gaidai.
by lookin at him/her talkin to no one about doujinshis and his/her regret of coming to japan, one call tell he/she is a serious dork plagued with mental disease. the crookedness of his/her mind can be most clearly observed as he/she starts talkin to absolutely no one, saying stuff like "i might be able to see you if you already know me from aim or 2ch."
as far as i know, americans and europeans who learn japanese are serious dorks who normal ppl would avoid socializing for their sick, disgusting look. i think this one right here is just a typical one among those helpless dorks, who also happens to be a japanese-cartoon freak. i tell ya, this kind of sick foreigners are no different from those loathesome lookin japanese otakus.
i just remembered there was a posting that talked about he/she reading a gay comic. so, if he/she ain' makin no joke, then this is a definite she.
that's all what i gotta say. yr comments will be welcomed.
I have nine minutes to blog. I'm in the lobby of the New Koyo...there's a computer in here, but it's really expensive to use (15 yen/minute) and I only brought 100 yen with me...so I just checked email real fast and didn't read anyone's blog. And if you email me in the next 12 hours or so on my phone and I don't respond, it's because my battery is almost dead, not because I don't wub j00.
Getting to Tokyo is never without adventure for me. I woke up yesterday at 4:45 AM as planned, got to the train station as planned, and of course it was a pain in the ass to get in the jiyuuseki section...so there's one seat left, and I've been waiting in line for like a half hour to get it. Then this damn baasan shoves her way in front of me and takes it. Che. And the elderly wonder why they don't get any respect from today's youth. At any rate, I got to Shinbashi without problems, and then discovered that my new wheeled suitcase thingy is three centimeters too long and wide to fit in a regular locker. Che. So I had to wander around and find a big one, and then pay extra for it. Finally, I reached Big Sight, and all went well from there on. But I can tell you people one thing. I am never buying another Persona doujinshi, unless it's for me. Holy crap, I've got a lot of those in my bag right now. And there's a certain clone of mine who owes me a lot of money right now. ^_-
Done with school. Nothing else to do anymore other than get ready to go home, and there's that closing ceremony thing on the 18th that I have to go to. Last night I went and bought a bunch of manga that I'd been thinking about buying anyway. I got Tenjou Tenge 2-4, Get Backers 1-5, DNAngel 4-5, and Rave 3. Which means I'm going to have to get around to reading the rest of DNAngel, since I have all but one of the volumes released. I figure I'll read most of this over the summer after I'm back in Illinois, which isn't a complete manga wasteland but also doesn't have the advantage of Book-Off. Plus Mitsuwa never has volume 1 of anything.
>>stacy yo, so r u gonna keep on writin yr bullshit on this board, even after u get bak 2 yr home, or what? i may be a complete jack-ass in tryin to let u know dat disz a discussion board--- where u r supposed 2 communicate wit oder ppl--- wtf, who cares even if u r a sick-lookin, japan-freak nerd. no one's gonna notice dat unless u identify yrself o sumfin, u know what i'm talkin bout?
i mean, u know, if u wanted 2 learn sum shit in japanese, why dontcha start showin some commitment uv yr own? hm, i'm really soundin like a complete idiot--- u ain gonna reply me 4 sure, i know dat...
ps. how da fuck d'u learn how to put your id? did u akshurellie find sum instruction o sumfin?
>>stacy hey, i just wanted to let you know about this website. this place's got a lot of ppl just like you--- nerdy japan-freaks!
go to the discussion boards, somewhere down on the main page. u gotta first register as a user, but once u do, u can start havin some nasty discussions wit your soulmates...!
I can't describe this feeling very well...just that it's a strange feeling, and that it's similar to the one I had when I was coming to Japan but not quite the same. I'm in the Nagoya airport right now...my flight leaves in about an hour and a half. So I'm wasting time on the internet terminals here.
Let me tell you something. Moving overseas is a friggin' 200% pain in the ass. Take all the fun and expense of moving in the USA, and then multiply it by 25. This is especially true if you collect manga and doujinshi. Good lord, the weight. I think I have my weight in doujinshi, and though I'm not going to go into specifics, let's just say that's a LOT. Well, maybe half my weight in doujinshi. I sent this huge box back through this shipping service that Kuroneko Yamato offers. They came and picked up the box, I paid them, and then I went out for most of the afternoon. I left my phone at home, because I couldn't find it when I was leaving and I had to go. I guess Kuroneko Yamato called my phone several times while I was out, to tell me that my box was too big and they couldn't send it. >.< Then I called them the next day, asked about it, and found out that they sent it anyway because they couldn't get ahold of me. It was 7 kg overweight. That stroke of luck was compensated for at the post office. I hauled this heavy-ass box up there. I got in, and they told me that it was too big and couldn't be sent. So I spent the next hour running my ass around finding a bunch of little boxes to shove as much stuff in as I could. Total shipping costs coming home were around 45,000 yen, which is probably about the same price that I would have paid if I bought all of those jellies on eBay. *sigh*
And they went through my bag that I was checking, which happened to be half-full of jellies. I guess the x-ray wouldn't go through them all. So they asked me to open the bag and show them a sample. Studiously avoiding the section of hardcore KoF pr0n, I pulled out one. It was a Sannasubi Kakashi x Iruka book. Well, at least it wasn't one in which Iruka is splayed out and being abused...I quickly shoved that back in the bag and pulled out an innocuous one. They didn't end up opening it, they just looked at it to make sure that it was in fact just a magazine and not an incendiary device. I've got two carry-on bags and a shopping bag - I'm hoping they don't bitch at me about it, because I've seen other people who are carrying on more than one item and they're big items to boot. I suppose I'll just have to beg them, because I seriously could not fit any more in my suitcase.
I see no difference between eating Whales and other animals like Cows and Tuna. I don't see any special value in whale like some people do. They are just food resources. I think it's false to force someone's value on others for only sentimental reasons. To ban Whaling is simply wrong because we have no intention to exterminate Whales. Many people consider that Japanese are the most knowledgeable about Whales and have done more research than any other country.
I am a Japanese researcher in the EU. Don't misunderstand, we are not asking to catch every whale. We are asking to catch few whale species that have enough populations. They are not in danger as a result of scientific whaling in Japan. Some people say, "whales are different from pigs or cows". Yes, it is true, but how about white tailed deer in the US, Kangaroos in Australia or Rabbits in UK? They are "wild" animals and killed because their population is going too high and causing lots of problems. We kill them to control their population. Why not can we control whale population? We Japanese do not want to put whales in danger, if they become extinct, we can not eat them anymore.
It is said that eating whale is a part of Japanese culture, a tradition, however, in Australia we used to abuse the rights of the Aboriginal people, we learnt and changed our ways. There is no reason to say because we have done this for a long time we need to keep doing it. Times change, people learn from their mistakes and evolve. Eating these beautiful creatures is just not necessary to live, there are plenty of alternatives!
I'm a vegetarian and I don't believe in the needless killing of any animal. But I see no difference in killing whales as opposed to cattle or pigs. In fact, it's probably better to destroy one life for all the meat on a whale than it is to kill dozens of cows for the same amount of flesh. I don't buy the whole extinction argument at all. It is equally wrong to kill any animal - be it one of millions or the last of it's kind.
Well, I'm back home. I'm actually kind of tired, but feel like blogging. I guess I'm not too jet-lagged, because within a day I returned to my usual nocturnal sleeping schedule. Anyway. The flights back were both extremely normal and uneventful. About half the people on the flight from Nagoya to Detroit were from the Phillipines. We shared a plane with a flight that had come from Manila. I ended up stuck in the window seat with two women sleeping in the other seats in the aisle. So I had to wait 4 hours to pee, since I didn't want to step over them and wake them up. I thought the flight would take longer than it did, but I killed time nicely by reading the last two volumes of "Island", which is a Korean manga translated into Japanese that I have become fond of. Apparently TokyoPop is translating it into English - I doubt it'll be uncut, though. The story centers around Miho, a rich girl with demons after her, and Ban, the psycho she hires to kill them. Actually, the story moves in two arcs - one is mostly about demons, and the other has a lot of Korea-Japan relation information. Which makes it interesting, that they chose to translate that series into Japanese. Anyway, if you want to see some scans from it, they're here. No, the manga is not a Kubo Taito manga. It's just in that directory. The manga is by Yang Kyung-Il and Youn In-Wan.
I had pizza last night and Burger King for lunch today. I'm getting right back into unhealthy American food. But that pizza was so good. And so was the Whopper Jr. I also had a burrito from Taco Bell. All these things are very tasty if you haven't eaten them for months. And tomorrow I'm going over to the JuriGregly house for dinner. It'll be the first time I've seen anyone since I got home. So far I don't think I've felt any 'reverse culture shock' even though I do notice conversations around me and can't help listening to them. I was told that would happen, though. It does feel good to be back, though. I was unpacking all my jellies, just the ones that I brought home, and O_Oed. I have a lot of those things, man.
I went in to do the temp agency routine today. Seems like temp agencies are as big on placing you in permanent positions these days as they are temporary work. In fact, they told me that while there are no temporary positions currently available, they've been getting permanent positions. This time, the application process was the same as always, but I actually had to pay attention when the guy started talking about health benefits and 401k plans. I'd never had to think about that before, because I was just always magically insured by my father's insurance plan. I listened to the speech about vacation days, and working 1200 hours in order to get them...it was frightening, more than anything else.
Actually, what I really need to do is start marketing myself to Japanese companies. I've got my resume put together, and I should be sending it out to various companies both in the Chicago Area and outside of it. What I've heard about specialized skills (like language knowledge) is that jobs in which it is advantageous to have foreign language skills aren't necessarily advertised, since that would narrow the applicant field too much. So I've been told to just apply and get my resume in the company hiring pool, to see if someone will look at it and say, "Hey, she's got experience with the Japanese, both in language and cultural aspects." While there's nothing wrong with admin work - I'd do it, but not forever - I would ideally like to do something with these learned skills o'mine other than play Persona in Japanese and read manga. Is that too optimistic? I don't know. I'm really starting to believe that 'thoughts are creative' so I might just keep thinking positively.
What's hard to get over is the strange feeling about this entire endeavor. I'm not a student anymore. That's something which is not as easy as I thought it would be to get used to. I don't feel a huge sense of achievement about graduating from college, since I don't have some sort of fantastic degree that will impress people. I'm out of college, and I don't have the cozy safety net of August to rescue me from a job I hate. I can no longer say, "Well, this is sucky and unfulfilling, but I only have to do it for three months." Plus everyone I know who works tells me that they miss their life as a student and wish they could have it back. Which doesn't exactly instill confidence in me about heading out into the working world. I wish there were more people these days who talked about how much they LIKE their job, and that there's some merit to working (as opposed to being a student) other than getting paid.
Update: I got the job. But I'm leaving the rest of this written, 'cause I already wrote it and it's mostly about the interview, which was crappy no matter how you slice the results.
AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH That was probably the worst interview of my entire life. I don't know if it went well or not, because we are talking about nihonjin whose thoughts I have been unable to read from the beginning. What happened was that I met the president of the staffing agency before we went over to the interview. He summarily told me that I was unprepared for the interview. Then he told me to talk about myself in Japanese for 10 minutes. I started talking. He made lots of notes and afterward told me everything that I did wrong. So, in case you are the Japanese Major who's looking to get in with a Japanese company, here are the things I did wrong: - 'etou' = BAD. Kodomo mitai. - 'un' = BAD. Too casual. - 'watashi wa--' = BAD. Again, too childish.
I suppose I SHOULD have taken a business Japanese course or something...anyway, I've got to work on those, as well as my keigo. I slipped into several bad conversational habits while I was in Japan and now I'm paying for them. Uwaaa~ T_T
In the middle of posting a resume, Monster.com decided to shut itself down (or at least not let me do any more entries, boo) which makes me upset. There seems to be a lot of jobs on there that involve Japanese, but what they typically are asking for is a person who is Japanese and is fluent in English, or someone who can pass the Level 1 Proficiency Test. Those are intimidating requirements that I don't think I can fill. I know that everyone always says not to underestimate your abilities, but I know that I probably couldn't pass Level 1, and I'm not a native Japanese speaker, so I don't think that this is really /underestimating/ my abilities. Hopefully my willingness to travel and/or relocate will give me some plus points, though. The site came back up, and now I've got a resume up. My B.A. arrived in the mail today, so I guess this means that I DID graduate. I'll have to switch email addresses pretty soon too.
The new job is going all right. I'm not sure I'm fluent enough for them, but I guess they'll just have to deal with me for the next 10 days. I feel all paranoid, that every time they're speaking in hushed Japanese, that they're talking about what a crappy employee I am. I know that's probably not the case, but I do wonder 'what if' sometimes. The job is done about half in Japanese and half in English - most of what I do is answer the phone and transfer calls. Certain internal people have learned that I speak Japanese, or that I can at least understand it, so they automatically greet me in Japanese when I answer the phone, despite my default phone greeting being in English.
The hardest thing to get used to so far is having to keigo at my superiors. Especially shachou-san. He's scary. We did a lot of keigo practice in class, but since it doesn't have many actual uses outside of the professional world, a student like me didn't get much experience in it. Hell, Japanese kids have the same problem. I didn't even know how to say "He's away from his desk" in regular Japanese, let alone polite. But my problem was solved somewhat - the person I'm filling in for, a Japanese woman, also had trouble learning the right things to say politely on the phone. So she has this cheat sheet of keigo phrases taped by the phone. I'm using it and slowly picking up what to say. By the way, it's seki wo hazushite orimasu. XD
Hello! I am a offoce lady who is interested in overseas.I am 23 years old. Although only the homestay two weeks. I want to a friend in the direction of foreign, and mailed decisively in Japan. I am waiting for mail the direction which Japanese understands but just for a moment.Please send me a mail!
Stacy, you are still writing your diary here? If you wanna communicate w/ Japanese, why don't you write something in Japanese as you are studying so hard, pal? Stacy wanna be. 誰もあんたのジョブの話 なんか聞きたくねーよ。ほんとは日本人の男のくせに。
My job is going to last longer. I got a call from the woman I'm replacing, and she said that her visa didn't come in time, and that she won't be back until next Monday. So I'm going to be working here until next Wednesday, since they want me to overlap with her for a couple of days as she gets settled back into the office. That's another 5 days of work I wasn't counting on...nice, I guess. Means I'll be in less debt and maybe I can actually buy myself something that I want. Fuhahaha.
Because I was bored out of my mind at work today, I did a survey that I found on someone's LJ. That means you get to ignore the results. Dude. The girl whose LJ I got it from is 13. O_O The survey asks about New Kids on the Block...she was just born when they were popular. O_x
[[ Name ]] - Stacy [[ Birthday ]] - February 17, 1980 [[ Age ]] - 22 [[ Astrological sign? ]] - Aquarius [[ Chinese zodiac sign? ]] - Monkey [[ Location ]] - Chicagoland, IL [[ Sexual Preference ]] - Boys [[ Current Hair color ]] - Blonde [[ Eye color... W/ & W/O contacts ]] - blue, no contacts [[ Parents still together? ]] - yes [[ Siblings? ]] - 1 younger brother (20) [[ Pets? ]] - nope [[ In school/graduated? ]] - finished my BA in May 2002 [[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ]] - living with parents -_-; [[ What do you do for work? ]] - administrative assistant [[ How much do you make? ]] - enough to live but less than I'd like
[[ What do you drive? ]] - 1995 Dodge Intrepid [[ Black and White/Color ]] - color [[ Black/White ]] - Black [[ Red/Blue ]] - Blue [[ Dogs/Cats ]] - Aa~ Nyanko~ <3 [[ Roses/Daisies ]] - Roses [[ Beer/Liquor ]] - Liquor, I'm not really a beer person [[ Underwear/Thongs ]] - Undies. [[ Hair: Short/Long ]] - short [[ Boots/Shoes ]] - shoes, preferably with shiny bits [[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] - both! :D [[ Dark/Light ]] - light, I have good eyesight and want to keep it [[ Day/Night ]] - Night. Less distractions and people bothering me. [[ City/Country ]] - City. [[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints ]] - Animal prints, they're so tacky XD [[ Sub(missive)/Dom(inant) ]] - my nickname IS Big Uke, after all...
Current Favorites [[ Color ]] - Purple/Silver [[ Animal ]] - I <3 cats but am allergic, how tragic [[ Vehicle ]] - something that gets about 2000 miles/gallon XD [[ Flower ]] - lilacs [[ Beer ]] - either meal-worthy (Guinness or Berghoff Dark) or Girly Light Beer with little flavor. Yebisu is also good. [[ Liquor ]] - fruity stuff, Captain Morgan, margaritas. [[ Soda ]] - Dr. Pepper. [[ Food ]] - Pasta, thought lately I've had an insane thing for hamburgers. [[ Book ]] - "Murasaki no Alice" is what I'm reading right now. [[ Author ]] - Geez, it's been so long since I've actually READ anything. I'm sure there are authors I like, I'm just not recalling. [[ Band ]] - The Notwist and a crapload of other stuff. [[ CD ]] - one that a guy in my office burned for me, The Sweet Sounds Of Bonnadoo Music Fest 2002 [[ Song ]] - I have to pick one? Fine, "Pilot" or "Pick Up The Phone" by The Notwist [[ Movie ]] - last thing I saw that I liked was Ocean's Eleven [[ Director ]] - James Cameron. [[ Extracurricular Activity ]] - I used to be on the newspaper staff way back in high school... [[ Color your hair? ]] - Not right now, I might get lowlights. [[ Have tattoos? ]] - Eventually, something on my left shoulder [[ Piercings? ]] - three in each ear
Have you... [[ Stolen anything? ]] - "Dr. Ruth's Guide To Great Sex" when I was 11 - it cost $1.49 and I was embarrassed to be seen looking at it in Walgreens. ^^; [[ Smoked? ]] - yep. [[ Pot? ]] - yep. [[ Crack? ]] - nope. [[ Drink? ]] - yep. [[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] - yep. [[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ]] - yep. [[ Posed for nude pics? ]] - I hope not. [[ Considered a life of crime? ]] - it's easier than work, right? ^_- [[ Considered being a hooker? ]] - see above. ^_- [[ Maybe a pimp? ]] - nah, I'm not too good at management [[ Cheated on someone? ]] - nope. [[ Been married? ]] - nope. [[ Been divorced? ]] - since I haven't been married... [[ Are you psycho? ]] - most likely.
[[ Split personalities? ]] - PERUSONA! [[ Schizophrenic? ]] DENPA! DENPADENPADENPADENPA... [[ Obsessive? ]] - Over a few things, but not really over people [[ Compulsive? ]] - No? [[ Obsessive Compulsive? ]] - nope. [[ Panic? ]] - Once or twice in my life? [[ Anxiety? ]] - Everyone does sometimes. [[ Depressed? ]] - I have been, but not currently [[ Suicidal? ]] - see above. [[ Homicidal? ]] - see above. [[ Genocidal? ]] - nah, I'm not that angry [[ Necropheliac?]] - well, how cute is he and how long has he been dead? ^_- (Just kidding.) [[ Pedophile?]] - nah, I like my men to be MEN. [[ Obsessed with hate? ]] - what's the point, really [[ Mutilate animals? ]] - only when I'm trying to dig their eyes out for my collection [[ Idolize infamous criminals? ]] - nope.
Have you ever... [[ Kissed someone? ]] yep. [[ Been in love? ]] maybe. [[ Been so drunk you blacked out? ]] nope. [[ Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend? ]] nope. [[ Kept a secret from everyone? ]] yep. [[ Set a body part on fire? ]] nope. [[ Had an imaginary friend? ]] not that I remember. PERUSONA! [[ Called or seen a psychic ]] I called the Billy Dee Williams Psychic Hotline once just as a joke, during the height of my Star Wars fandom. [[ Ever cried at a chick flick ]] ugh, chick flicks. [[ Had a crush on a teacher? ]] repeatedly ^^; [[ Found a cartoon character attractive ]] yes ^^; [[ Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape? ]] Audio tape, I had Hangin' Tough and Step By Step. Video, I had Step By Step. It was a Christmas present from my grandma in 1991. [[ Watched Punky Brewster? ]] a few times [[ Prank called someone? ]] yep. [[ Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after? ]] no? [[ Been on stage? ]] yep. alone and as parts of plays. [[ Gotten in a car accident? ]] Three.
Do you... [[ Wear eye shadow? ]] Sometimes, I should do it more [[ Have a dog? ]] nope. [[ Want a tattoo, and where? ]] an old-style kanji, 'rokujou' or Jack Frost (the Atlus mascot) on my left shoulder. [[ Have any regrets? ]] yep. [[ Crush? ]] not right now. last on I had was in Japan. [[ Do you have a best friend? ]] yeah, I guess so. [[ Who do you go to for advice? ]] whoever I felt knew the most about the situation I was in. [[ Who knows all your secrets? ]] nobody, but there are a couple who know most of them [[ Who do you cry with? ]] a baby in penguin jammies.
I finished up the temp assignment I was on yesterday - sometimes I surprise myself with my ability to communicate in Japanese, and then I'm blown away all over again when I spend time as the only non-native in a group of native speakers. I had this acquaintance in Japan named Luke who had a Japanese girlfriend, and often times we used to hang out in a group of several gaijin and the Japanese girlfriend. She sat quietly and only really talked when she was spoken to; I used to think this was just because she was a quiet Japanese girl, but last night when I was out with K from work, her friend M who might be helping me find a job, M's sister Y, and their friend S (all 20something Japanese women) I realized what it must have felt like to be Luke's girlfriend.
I could follow the conversation pretty well, despite all the slang, slurring, and what have you - but that took up all of my concentration power, so I could only slip a few words in edgewise or talk when I was spoken to. They were a lot of fun, though. We went out to this Japanese restaurant in the area called Kurumaya, where we drank a lot of beer and I smoked a cigarette for the first time in a couple of months. (FWIW, I was kicking myself and saying, 'No, this does NOT taste good. You do NOT want another.' I stopped at 1.) I had all kinds of yummy things to eat, like croquette, agedashidofu, whole freshwater shrimp, tempura, and a couple of other things I don't remember. They talked a lot, and I listened, participating in the conversation when I could. They kept asking me which Japanese guys I thought were cute, and I was all embarrassed to say that I couldn't really rememver any of their names. The only one I could even admit to knowing and saying was rather attractive was Takizawa. (Gomen gomen gomen, MegaJamie ^^;; They did find the story of how you two stopped wanting to eat Soh after he started advertising for it amusing, though. ^_-)
After dinner, we went to do karaoke. Okay, IL people, especially Jamie and Megan. This place is a little bit expensive, but it ROCKS. It's JUST LIKE a karaoke place in Japan, except that they have about 10,000 more English songs. So there's a huge selection of both Japanese and English songs. K-tachi made me sing Traveling by Utada Hikaru, and I proved that my terrible voice does absolutely no justice to Hikki's. And then I sang Bailamos, because I always used to sing that with Mark when I was in Japan. The last song I did, embarassingly enough, was "Iroppoi Onna ~ Sexy Baby" by Rika Ishikawa of Country Musume. Shut up. It's a catchy song, and I know the lyrics, which are fucking STUPID but fun to sing. S did a song bt the Heartdales, which was pretty impressive. K and Y sang a lot of English songs, and both of them have pretty singing voices. Y and M grew up in America (but are also fluent in Japanese) so they of course sounded really good. It's easier to feign a good accent when you're singing, though. Anyway, the karaoke place is called "Friends" and it's in International Plaza in Arlington Heights, if you know where that is. And it's open until 4 AM on the weekends! Plus, the guy working there yesterday was REALLY CUTE. He looked like Ken from V6. ^_- So we have to go sometime, y'all. Tanoshii da zo.
Sitting in Kurumaya, surrounded by cigarette smoke and Japanese voices...drinking Japanese beer, and then going off to karaoke, feeling all silly and singing songs even though my voice is awful, again in a smoky little karaoke box...I really felt like I was back in Japan, if only for a few hours. Mitsuwa doesn't feel like Japan, and maybe I had this feeling because I was hanging out with Japanese people, and that everyone at Kurumaya and the karaoke place was Japanese...anyway, it was a pretty good feeling.
Last night, a friend of mine from high school called me out of the blue. I haven't talked to her in a good three years at least, if not four. We talked about various things, and about some of the people that I knew in high school - basically caught up on what everyone was doing. The friend who called is going into PR/advertising, in the music business. Another friend got her degree in communications and is going for her nursing degree. She always wanted to be a doctor, but gave up on that dream when she realized that her math and science skills weren't going to measure up to a premed program. But I guess she's dating a med student now, and has decided to pursue nursing. Another is going into student life management, starting her master's degree.
The point of this is that I sort of feel lazy and unsuccessful - like, I should be pursuing a master's or something, and I'm feeling a bit guilty about majoring in something that people could teach themselves, given enough effort. >_< I know what people say, that your 20s is all about finding yourself or whatever, but I feel like I haven't really made it into the adult world compared to the people who I hung out with in high school. Which is interesting, I guess, 'cause sometimes I feel like quite the grown-up, but last night I felt like I was just some dumb kid who spent a shitload of money on a degree so she could read comics and play video games in another language. >_< Which is, I suppose, why I've felt reinvigorated about trying to get on a localization staff - so that I stop feeling like I actually wasted my time in college, in comparison to people who actually got useful degrees.
Then again, when it comes right down to it, the job market sucks in ways that even people who got 'real' degrees can't find work right now. So maybe I shouldn't be bitching and whining and feeling all self-deprecating. Let's Positive Thinking, right? It wasn't a useless degree. No degree is useless. Right? ^^;
>>Stacy Hi, Stacy! How are you doing? My name is Michael. I am one of the oldest member of this message board.I've been studying international law at University of Wisconsin Madison for 3 years.I'm very interested in you. Honestly, I fell in love with you....If there is any chance we can get known each other, please e-mail me:[email protected]. I'm waiting for your e-mail!! Love, Michael
This morning while I was taking a shower I was thinking about possibly going back to Japan. Things in America aren't quite what I thought they'd be - I guess that's just a testament to the Transient Twenties, or whatever you want to call it. Even though I have friends here, I was honestly MORE social in Japan, and on top of that, everyone is moving on with their lives and moving away from here. I've got to move out of my parents' house - so I was considering Japan as a possibility. As much as I don't want to tell my father, I really have never dreamed of working the corporate life. He seems to think I want to go into marketing or whatever, but I really don't think I do. If I did, I wouldn't have been so resistant to taking business classes during college. *sigh* I guess it's nice to know that I always can fall back on *shudder* teaching English in Japan. At least I'd be back there, and I could use Japanese instead of slowly losing the skills I worked to attain. I don't know. I guess this is going to require some thought, ne?
Two days ago I was in downtown Chicago, interviewing with another recruiter. I enjoyed the interview, and I like the woman who I interviewed with. I hope she doesn't end up being sucky like the *-*** people that try to control every aspect of my being, so that I can be More Ideal For Their Clients. Speaking of which, I actually had another one of their 'trial interviews' last week. The process was the same as last time - "Tell us about yourself for 10 minutes." So I started talking, and ran out of things to say in 3.5 minutes. After that ended, the guy basically sat there with me for 15 minutes telling me how I need to tell the import company I would be interviewing with about how much I <3 IMPORTS and how my life basically would revolve around making their business successful. Now, I don't mind embellishing the truth a little bit, but what was happening is that he was putting words in my mouth, basically writing an untrue little speech for me to deliver in order to get hired into a job I wasn't that enthusiastic about doing in the first place. At this point I was just kind of like 'fuck you' and decided I didn't care if I got an interview with the actual company. Which I didn't, and that doesn't matter to me anymore.
The recruiter I met with on Tuesday was nice, however. We talked in English, then in Japanese, and then in English again, and she told me about a position as an interpreter/translator for a company that makes car parts. Not only are they willing to hire entry-level candidates, but they want an American who can speak Japanese. (Usually, native Japanese speakers get these sorts of jobs.) They'll pay me decently. The catch is that the job is in Battle Creek, MI, which means I'd have to move to Michigan. I'm not opposed to that - I have no real ties to the Chicago area, and it would be cheaper to live there than here. Plus, Mary wants to move in with me, so it's not like I'd be stuck being all sad and lonely. I've got to drive out to Battle Creek on Wednesday to interview with them. It's going to be a bit harrowing, talking to the company president. I'd really like to get the job, though, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I come across well.
Which college did you graduate from? Which college did you graduate?
I belive that both are OK. The former one may not be grammatical in prescriptive English grammer because of preposition stranding. The later one may not be grammatical in colloquial form or descroptive English grammar.
What do you think? Stacy. I am very curious about your opinion as a native English speaker.
>>586 First of all, I believe that both are 100% OK. However, in a question formation, especially in a written form, I prefer not to leave prepositons at the end of sentence alone. It is called preposition stranding or something. I think that this is contriversial. You see what I mean?
暇だから読んじゃったw。これって怒ブス白豚のスト-カ-? or 苦労してゲットしたpen palからのメ-ルを編集してコピペ? それをESL君たちに自慢する為に貼ってんの? ステイシ-って何コイツ?アジフェチの魅力ないアメ女っぽいな。 俺、彼女(セフレ?)からこんなメールたまに来るよ。会うと毎回超シゴ♂かれる(>&<)。 こいつ↓文法も何もボロボロ(激w。俺タダ遊ばれてるダケっぽいんだけどね(悲。
I just got this e-mail now!!!� Soooo... did u go??� Was it a goodeeee???� I was busy in any case last Sun... BUT... will defffffffooooo bbbbb there on the 21st!!!� Can't wait!
WOW it's fluckin' HOTTT n' humid these days!!!�
I'm busy now with my work... just love it!!!� Lots of variety and challenge and frreeeee time... today for example... had a meeting in my appt from 9.30 - 10.30am and the next is a company class at 5th st for 2 hrs... soooo... I'm off to the gym now for a nicccce refreshing kick boxing ! C-Ya soon!
i kissed Stacy's pussy....... and Stacy sucked my giant-sized hard dick..... the couple sucking each other with obscent sound..... lick....lick.......lick................... vbrbrvrvbb.........vrb.rvb..vrvbrbvbrvbbb......... "ah....ah...a....uh..darlin'......" "Stacy......you are good sucker....be ....be careful to suck my fuckin' d...dick......" the couple look wet and gooey pussy and dick. "well.....i'm ready to insert yours........c'mon...." "Stacy......i'll fuck you......" i insert my dick into her pussy.......and shaked ass with bumpin'...... bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang!bang! pit.....pat.....pit........pat........ "ah........ah...ah.....ah...ah....ah...ah...ah,yeah ...ahyeah i luvya dick ya redhot hard dik......" "are you happy,na.....Stacy??.......ha.ah....ah....ah...." the couple changed fuck-position a few time...... ......stand-fuck,sit-fuck and riding-style-fuck.... "ah.........ah...ah.ah..ah.ahah.ahahahahhaah yeah....yea....a..i..i surrender of you........i'm comin'...." "me....too........fuagh.....agh.......ah..ah...a.uha...aaaaaaah,yeeeeeeeaaah" i ejaculate a pint of cum with her face,hair and tits........Stacy tastes my cum...... "ah.......a lotta white....gooey.....stinky.....salty......" "is this liquid tasty?" "yeah.....sweet white milkee..a lil' bit....."
suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up! suck it up!
Hate nega! I like red hot dick. White dick is too pinky,you know? White man is Pink man actually. I like native American red dick or Japanese red hot dick. Just awesome!
Stacy! Is this guy 謎の精神科医 your boy friend something? I don't undertand why he got so mad at! i have a no idea! He's such a poor. Hope god bless him.amen. Also why he's talking about my dick? I'm talking about otintin not dick! 謎の精神科医 you are so rude! Why don't you apologize to lady!
hey 謎の精神科医! I have just one otintin. How many otintin do you have?
I'm sorry.I apologize you that I've been rude to you. I just wanted to touch your oppai... Oppai is not apple pie.But you American say AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE = 極めてアメリカ的な That's exacly same expression as Japanese! We say, AS JAPANESE AS OPPAI = 極めて日本的な Japanese language is really surprising huh?
Wait,wait!What? What's going on here? Why you guys got trouble like this? Yap! I'm gettig really interested about these things. Oh yeah! So much.. So what is otintin? Also what is oppai? Hey Koroshima ◆FA02Li/E ! Will you answer me?
I'm thinking to study Chinese also. But this time I don't know anything about that. This is not look like Chinese actually. What these Chinese characters mean?
Sorry will you write in English would you? Since I started to take Coak last week. My brain become very low IQ. Too bad. I don't even know what I'm doing now. Feel like frying over the sky......uh.. I can't stop thinking about what otintin is.. Oh no! Oh no! Here it comes... I think I need otintin right now. Does anyone have good otintin here!!? How much is that? Can I have one!? Hello hello?
All right! Guess I am! Yes.Sure! I do like Japan a lot. The reason why I like Japan is..Umm. Ok! For instance, Japanese people is very polite,cool and mysterious! Yeah,mysterious! That's a point I do like Japan,I guess. Great! Now you are talking to me! I don't care whatever your English is good or not. Don't be shy and try to talk! Talk to you later,
The bitch? Is that the only word about your English? Anyway, at least your talking to me in English.That's much better. I tell you what.
Japanese guys,are you proud yourself? Korean guys have much more big huuuge confidence himself. My ex Korean boyfriend had a brand new fresh korn! Big Takenoko! Just awesome!!! But,sometime he hit my head...Too bad. I'm still kinda depressed.. That's why I started to take Coca-Cola. Hu...uuh.
Bitch Nigga, shut up fucker! All the niggas can't see me! You punk motherfucker! What? You would rather be a nigga because you can get drink and smoke wig everyday?
Yeah, I would rather be a NIGGA too, so I can get drink and smoke wig everyday like you huh?
You smoke wig everyday, and I fuck your mom every night!! I am motherfuckin' Jap!! I would rather be a your motherfucker, Stacy!! Your mom was good. I loved her sex. Better than my girl friends. You wanna fuck with me?? I wanna taste your pussy. I guess yours is also good like your mom, right? Bitch Nigga. Open your mouth! I will insert my dick into your mouth!! Bitch Nigga!! Fuck you!! Bitch Nigga can't c me!! What you can do is only fuck with me!! Bitch Nigga!! Bitch Nigga can't even talk to me!! Only you can fuck with me!! Your mom's sex was good. I wanna try you next, Stacy. Bitch Nigga! Open your leg and pussy!! I will insert my dick into your black, nasty pussy and cum inside!! Bitch Nigga can't make birth! After I cum inside, you just cry. Bitch Nigga!
Oh! You know I quit Japanese! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-y! Surprised! Surprised! Surprised! How many Stacy's here!!? What kinda party do ya wanna have?
Hi Friends. I haven't been able to come to 2ch lately. I was so busy to take job interviews. I think that I have almost decided to work in Chicago where I love so much. I will continue to be very busy this month, but when I have some time, I will try to post something in 2Ch.
Nee... I went out with my girl-friends last nite..too bad. But i had fun ;o)... We went to this club called Takenoko. Been there before? Anyway we ended up stayin there till the first train in the morning...exhausted...
Do you think I'm in Chicago? You believed that! Wah hoo! Northwest suburb huh? Never used that. I usually swim from the lake Michigan to the Airport. Funny. It's really refreshing! I got brand new BIKINI! Wanna see that? Yap! Yap! Are you ok?
Thanks pal!� Yeah.Sometime I swim on Mississippi river with alligator.Wah! Woh! That is really nice of you to keep an ear out for me!!� What style are you trying to top or bottom?
I'm off to Toronto Canada on the weekend for a week, but will return the following weekend, so short but I'll take what I can get!! OK, cheers!
nice to meet you, stacy, but i loathe you yankees. i hope iraq will drop a-bombs on your fucking country. down with goddamnit america. look forward to second 9/11 terrorist attack.
9/11 what? You know that's my birthday! Wah!Woh!Uh~!Yeah~!
Let's be lovers.Say you will. and I see this.Oh, share kisses.And our tongues twist. So deep into the core. We'll call it sober. Our make-out juice.I'll make, I'll do! Oh, with me, lay, I'll do! Lay down and with you! And we roll and kiss! And we wrote this!!! OK.Kisses!
Uuuuum.. ...i'm horny... Tick!tack! tick!tack!..... Hum-drum,isn't it? 'kay my darlin'? Lick it! ...Aeeeah...You impress me sooo much..My god!...Ah..
All right! It's my turn. Drop your pants down and insult like a man! Let it all go,darlin'!! ...Unnnnnm...... You are pretty groovy! Hello my hound dog,kisses*..pero pero..... Oh,he's so sweet...,isn't he? Hahahahh! He's sooo cuute! Uhhh,boy..You must be high IQ Penny~ Penny~ ...
Come on red hot! Punish me harder! ......Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ ...........................................................
It has come to my attention that people think I died or something due to my non-2channeling lately. I just have very little to say. Still unemployed, still interviewing, still translating Persona. Updates happen frequently on the livejournal and I'm considering switching all 2channeling over to there entirely. Stacy haters can just quit reading my log, I guess.
So, yeah. I live. Now back to your regularly scheuled programming.
No! I don't like your regular scheule. Just hate it! Everybody does hate it also,I guess!
So,what did you do at PAJAMAS party? Everybody knows there are just stupid guys with big balls and non-attractive dick. Cutey like you...What did you do down there? Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang?????
I was sitting on a crowded train and I looked next to me and noticed the guy was reading a porno manga. The guy standing in front of me was reading a newspaper that I could see naked women. Across from me a guy was reading a rape manga magazine. There were children and women present on the train. Why don't any of the newspapers have any naked men? Why can't us women get to see peckers (penus) in Japan? I want to see some tasty Asian men and peckers!
Journals, eh? You have interesting hobbies. I don't really sing. I am made to sing at school, part of a class, but I'm not too good. What I do do is dance! Swing and Salsa are my two favorite. My boyfriend has been dancing swing for years so he has taught me a lot of swing moves and I've tuaght him a lot of salsa moves.We always blow people away when we dance together. What about you? Do you dance? I don't really like Christina Aguilera, I like Pink, has she come to Japan yet?
Well, I need to go, I have to go study vectors (boring!), but it was nice hearing from you!
Here it is! Feel free to send it around to people who can understand!!!
Time has yet again slipped into the future and the next fun & excitement is on it's way. Riding on the heels of the third bash --- and with the previous cash contributions from our, err, --- we're having the next one just in time for Halloween!!!!!!!
Come decked out in your skebes with yo' Pimp, yo' Ho or yo' Gigolo. Have a good time enjoying the excitement and feel free to make some of your own.
To keep your stamina going, the PAJAMAS PARTY will be in full effect from 7-10 pm , so bring your appetites as well.
And if you gotta ask what it's all about go find something else safe and recreational to do that night.
Excessive intake of trashcan punch and tequila/jello shots, unsupervised and spontaneous pole-dancing, your present or ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend/significant other's sudden reassessment of your worth as a person. So keep it tight and enjoy the night.yap! yap! Jap!
I Told you I ain't study & even speak fucking Japanese shit FOREVER!
What a stupid piece of shit! Listen up you,ass holes!!! Even in a million years,it's impossible that Japanese guys like you guys idiot associate with pretty white chicks!!!!!!
Get your ass out of my place,monkey! Eat some raw fish! and buy some hookers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiillllllllllllllllllliii;;,, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: ヾ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ヽ _________ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::: | .| texas名物 ハリケーン ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::: | |喰らわすぞ! ;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::: ,,,,,,,,,))」 | 醜い .:::::γニヽ :::: 冫''=ニ!ナ::ッ | 軟弱幼児体型の ::::::((γr :::: ノ' ヽ | アジア男どもが! .::::: ヾ、,,,j :::. ::' .: ヽ < 幼児体型のまま ::: ( .r;;ィ,ノ | しわくちゃの老人に早くなれ! | :: ,r==ョ 'っ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ .| ゝ. ,;|m イ .っ r'###ヽ | . :ゝェェi ,L###」 ノ / :::::......... ,) |.LESNAR.| / ::::::::::::::::'''''
Here in Chicago is getting really dangerous,is it? So sorry to hear about your accident! That must have been so painful! DOH!!
I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better, and that everything on your body is still working! Especially down there!
I hope that you are not in too much pain! So, your cell phone was broken becouse of that? Tell me new number when you get a phone! I miss you and will see you soon! Be careful speedy boy. And don't be speedy on my bed!
Fuck that`s really bad had no idea you had an accident. Fuck unbeleivable well you werent meant to die were you... Hope your court case goes well and you get lots and lots of money. Yeah I went to there that night after I seen you dont know what time though.... Go there every weekend. But been pretty busy lately got a new boyfriend but hopefully during the week we can catch up one night if you like.. Take care stay of the road!!!!
Am now in NY now. Apple is really, really cold here too.� But, I will be working 50% of the time in FL, 10 minutes from the beach.� Hah hah!!� Thanks god.�
I am at work now, so gotta run, but hope you had a happy new year!�
I had a good time visiting my family in IL Chicago and taking vacation.�
Sammy is coming to visit me next week for 2 weeks!! Sorry for the short.gotta run.
You may not believe in this but the advice is great! Read all the way down, you might discover something new!!!
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it. FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye. SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight. EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much. NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling. ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives. TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly. THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?" FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. SEVENTEEN.Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship. NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. TWENTY-ONE.Spend some time alone. Now, here's the FUN part! This tantra totem has been sent to you for good luck. It has been sent around the world ten times so far.
"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world"
I just got home now!!!� Soooo... did u go??� Was it a goodeeee???� I was busy in any case last Sun... BUT... will defffffffooooo bbbbb there on the 1st!!!� Can't wait!
so,What's ya doin' these fluckin' COLD n' humid days??!�
hey!! wazaaaaaap my japanese friends!! i jus got home now, cuz my bf was treatin me so hot on his bed all nite long. weeeeep! oh i love'm soooo much!! now you guys got a gf now? too bad that you don't..but don't feel down now, maybe someday or even tommorow, a girl might hook you up for a ride"giggle" love sounds sweet 4 me babe
On February 12, 1993, a small boy who was to turn three in March was taken from a shopping mall in Liverpool by two 10-year-old boys.
Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only a second and Jon Venables took his hand and led him out of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson.
They took Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the way stopping every now and again to torture the poor little boy who was crying constantly for his Mummy.
Thinking of traveling to Florida? Or the Bahamas- Consider this 10 night VACATION SPECIAL for only $299 per guest!??
ASAP to claim you VACATION! Give the following confirmation to your sales agent - FLA-
This package totals 11 days & 10 nights of accomodations, along with an all-inclusive bahamas cruise. You will have 2 years to travel on this trip! You will pick your own travel dates, so you can go whenever you choose. All we will require is a 60-day advance notice of your travel dates. The price of the vacation is $598.00 for up to 4 guests. This is what you get!
The Japanese language is elastic. It bends and changes on the needs of it's people. The people here have rapidly duplicated what took the west two hundred years of industrialisation in a short hundred years - with a major series of wars along the way and a major defeat.
In doing so, words have been needed to describe new concepts and ideas and devices - and to do so, Katakana was adapted to this purpose as it has been for hundreds of years - attempting to transliterate english (and german, french and any other language they feel has something to offer) into characters that are really quite limited in expressing other languages.
The japanese language is therefore being slowly poisoned by foreign words, not only in the arena of technolog, but elsewhere as well. Sometimes perfectly good Japanese words are thrown out in favour of so-called Jingrish (engrish, jiblish, whatever you like to call it). t.
A good example is the word 'balance'. I once asked what the equivalent was, and I was told it was 'baransu ' (バランス) - a transliteration of 'balance'. I was shocked - surely Ninjas and Samurai used to complement each other on their excellent balance and that they didn't use some english word - there must be some japanese word that worked just as well. The person thought a bit, and supplied the word 'heikou kankaku' (平衡感覚) which simply means 'flat sense'. (Ok, my translation might be weak, but you get the point. I'm still learning this J thing.)
This state of affairs saddens me deeply. The japanese language is slowly being transformed into an awful approximation of english, with horrible pronunciation and bizzare grammar. Tell me that it isn't so! The true shame is only known when you discover after some time that Nihongo is a beautiful language, what is left of it.