Meanwhile, a joint delegation of the US, EU and the Organisation of Security and Co-operation in Europe is heading to Georgia in the hope of brokering a truce. 一方、アメリカ、EU、OSCEの合同派遣団は、停戦仲裁を願ってグルジアに向かっている。
It comes as a third emergency session of the UN Security Council ended without an agreement on the wording of a statement calling for a ceasefire. 国連安保理の3度目の緊急会議が、停戦を求める声明の文言について、なんの合意もなく終わってしまった中での出発だった。
But emissaries from the US and Europe who are Nato members may not be seen as honest brokers by the Kremlin when it comes to Georgia, the BBC's diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall says. しかしアメリカとヨーロッパの使節は、ことグルジアに関しては、誠実な仲介者とはロシア政府はみなさないかもしれない、とBBCの外交特派員ブリジット・ケンダルは言う。
The danger now is that Russia will not only use this crisis to demonstrate its military power in the region, but argue it is time to redraw the map, she adds. 今危険なのは、ロシアがこの危機を同地域で軍事力を見せ付けるために利用するだけでなく、地図の修正を行う時だと主張するかもしれないことだ、と彼女は付け加えた。
Moscow has said there can be no "consultations" with Georgia unless Georgian forces withdraw to the positions they held outside South Ossetia before Thursday. ロシア政府は、グルジア軍が木曜日以前のポジションに引き上げるまで、グルジアとの「協議」は一切あり得ないと語っている。
TBLISI, Georgia (CNN) -- Russian troops have warned they intend to push further into western Georgia, Georgian officials claimed Sunday as an increasingly violent territorial dispute in the former Soviet state threatened to spiral into a major international conflict.
>>986 つ Tblisi claims Russia is trying to open up conflict over breakaway provinces on a second front, even as Georgian troops withdraw from disputed South Ossetia. Amid growing international concerns, the United States has accused Russia of a heavy handed military response and Ukraine has warned it may block Russian ships from returning to Crimean naval bases