【ベトナム】 使用期限切れのタミフル、再利用法を研究中 [05/22]

84連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 01:26:45 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

85連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 01:43:01 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

86連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 02:41:34 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

87連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 03:57:40 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

88<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/05/29(火) 04:05:11 ID:bX/mVs9a
89連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 05:29:45 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則
90連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 06:09:50 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則
91<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/05/29(火) 06:21:48 ID:bX/mVs9a
★070523 少年犯罪板など『Haku Haku』コピペ荒らし報告スレ

92連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 07:08:59 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則
93<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/05/29(火) 07:19:58 ID:PhtBmrxW
94連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します:2007/05/29(火) 08:00:53 ID:AQyVes/I
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則
95日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます:2007/06/01(金) 14:37:25 ID:HwzI4o0r
日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。   Haku  Haku  白政則
96(´ヘ` ) <`д´;≡;`ハ´) ( ´-`)旦~:2007/06/01(金) 14:38:56 ID:8GJ1Jz/h
97<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 10:45:01 ID:sHWb4VNn
日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   Haku  Haku  白政則
98<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 11:19:28 ID:s2tZ0+AU
日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   Haku  Haku  白政則
99<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 13:15:28 ID:s2tZ0+AU
日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   Haku  Haku  白政則
100<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 13:17:40 ID:csw93/GB
101<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 13:21:39 ID:sljMtIGb
102<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 13:47:07 ID:s2tZ0+AU
日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   Haku  Haku  白政則
103<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/03(日) 14:16:22 ID:s2tZ0+AU
日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人6000万人、注射で安楽死させます。   Haku  Haku  白政則
104<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 10:54:34 ID:mkYbglmA
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !! a trouble.
105ホロン部員 ◆t/GUd7ef.2 :2007/06/05(火) 10:58:18 ID:JGmNbtOX BE:143263049-2BP(50)


 ※携帯電話・PHSからは全国共通 #9110
 ※緊急性を要するものは 110




106<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 11:16:42 ID:mkYbglmA
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
107<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 12:48:27 ID:FOaT7tVl
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
108<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 13:51:26 ID:FOaT7tVl
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
109<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 14:17:14 ID:FOaT7tVl
It is the final warning trouble.
It is to become such a thing !!!! It is troublesome.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is to become such a thing !!!! It is troublesome.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is to become such a thing !!!! It is troublesome.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is to become such a thing !!!! It is troublesome.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
110<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 14:33:30 ID:FOaT7tVl
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
111Haku masanori:2007/06/05(火) 16:18:43 ID:FOaT7tVl
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
112<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 16:57:03 ID:FOaT7tVl
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
113<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/05(火) 21:29:18 ID:RpUbtWKD
114<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 09:26:57 ID:eqU6Ps4U
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
115<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 09:50:46 ID:eqU6Ps4U
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
116<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 10:30:01 ID:eqU6Ps4U
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such by no means !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such by no means !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such by no means !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such by no means !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
117<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 12:38:43 ID:7ttyoTno
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is by no means such !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
118<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 14:09:15 ID:7ttyoTno
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
119<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 14:58:39 ID:7ttyoTno
The head is hid, and hips are not hid.
You have not noticed yet though the space alien gives the message in the human race in the so much.
There is not man who has the sense of crisis in 6.4 billion people in the fullest sense either.
Is the Anglo-Saxon a victor?Is the Jew a victor?Is the Japanese a victor?Is rich people in the world victors?It is only the world of the gold medal that all achieves it.
There was a movie of 3?4x October.
120<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/06(水) 17:00:09 ID:E+b5ygvO

121<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/07(木) 10:02:00 ID:USTv9l81
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
122<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/07(木) 10:17:56 ID:USTv9l81
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
123<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/07(木) 11:20:29 ID:USTv9l81
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
124<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/07(木) 13:26:07 ID:USTv9l81
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! That can't be true!! It is terribly troubled.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
125<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/07(木) 15:27:10 ID:jf3IhPiW




126<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/08(金) 10:26:45 ID:T0GkUsg9
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
No way!! It can't be!! It can't be true!! Impossible!! It is a trouble.
No way!! It can't be!! It can't be true!! Impossible!! It is a trouble.
miscalculation It is a trouble.     miscalculation It is a trouble.
miscalculation It is a trouble.     miscalculation It is a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
127<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/08(金) 11:13:17 ID:T0GkUsg9
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is harassment.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is harassment.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is harassment.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is harassment.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It is harassment.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It is harassment.
miscalculation It is a trouble.     miscalculation It is harassment.
miscalculation It is a trouble.     miscalculation It is harassment.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
I am not ESP & psychic.     I am not ESP & psychic.
128<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/08(金) 11:45:03 ID:hpTwuI5l
A : Is this a pen?
B : No, that is an apple.
A : Oh! sorry, apple...this is an apple...
B : Yes, that is an apple.
A : By the way, is this a pen?
B : No!!! That is an apple!!
A : Oh! sorry! This is an apple!!
B : Yes, good. you are smart. good..good.
A : Yes, this is an apple...But is this a pen?
B : Nooo!!! that is an apple!! apple!! apple!!!
A : Pen!! this is a pen!!! pen!!! pen!!!
B : NOOOOOOOOO!! NO!!!!! Fuck!!! apple!! apple!! apple!!! this is an apple!!!!!
A : Fuck!!This is Fucking pen!! pen!! Fuck pen!!
129<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/08(金) 12:36:06 ID:T0GkUsg9
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
130<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/08(金) 13:09:56 ID:T0GkUsg9
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
131k:2007/06/08(金) 14:03:53 ID:T0GkUsg9
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
132<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/06/08(金) 14:14:30 ID:D3BiRzYO
133<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
【インドネシア】 国軍に出動命令、鳥インフルエンザ対策で [01/27]

どちらの方々なんですかねえ? ニヤニヤ