"It's good as a basis for negotiations, but I don't want to predict whether there will be smooth negotiations," Chun Yung Woo told reporters ahead of the second day of talks in Beijing. He declined to give any details of what the draft contained.
"There are still differences on a series of issues in the overall talks, so we will try to work them out," Kim said. "You should not try to count the chickens before they hatch, as somebody said." (Aesop's Fables=イソップ物語)
今週はイラクのシーア派のAbdel-Aziz al-Hakimがイランを訪問している。彼は、イラク問題 の改善の為にアメリカとイランの対話が必要であると述べている。このほか、イランはサウジ アラビアとの間で中東問題について協議を行なっており、サウジアラビアの窓口は安全保証担 当のBandar bin Sultan 皇子である。
ヒルたんウォッチ(国務省ファイル) ttp://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2007/80238.htm Morning Walkthrough With Reporters Prior to the Six-Party Talks Christopher R. Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs St. Regis Hotel Beijing, China February 8, 2007
QUESTION: Ambassador Hill, there’s a report out this morning that in Berlin, you signed a memorandum of understanding with Kim Kye Gwan for the (inaudible) of the nuclear reactor (inaudible)? (ベルリンで合意書にサインしたでしょう?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: We did not sign anything. We had a very good discussion, and we talked about what we might do at the next Six-Party Talks. It was a very useful discussion. We did not sign anything. (うんにゃ、何もサインしとらん)
QUESTION: Is there a memorandum there and did you hand something to Wu Dawei to that effect yesterday? (中国にメモを渡してません?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I talked to Wu Dawei ? no, not yesterday, this was weeks ago -- about how we might see the way forward. But not there was absolutely nothing ? we didn’t negotiate. The negotiation takes part in the Six-Party Talks, which I’m about to see how we’re going to do.(そういう事は、しとらん)
To build the device, they approached a small California company, Computer Deductions Inc., which makes electronic systems for law-enforcement agencies. Over the Dec. 15 weekend, CDI went to work building a machine for Iraq.
Tom Calabro, a CDI vice president, assembled a team of six technicians. Its basic platform would be a handheld fingerprint workstation called the MV 100, made by Cross Match Technologies, a maker of biometric identity applications. The data collected by the MV 100 would be stored via Bluetooth in a hardened laptop made by GETAC, a California manufacturer. From Knowledge Computing Corp. of Arizona they used the COPLINK program, which creates a linked "map" of events. The laptop would sit in the troops' Humvee and the data sent from there to a laptop at outpost headquarters. (クロスマッチ・テクノロジー社の指紋ワークステーション、MV 100で集めたデータを別の会社 の作成したソフトウエア、COPLINKに送り、そのソフトはイベントのリンクをマップするもので このシステムはアメリカ兵のパトロールする車両ナイのラップトップPCに・・・)
RCP:書評:「The Way to Win: Taking the White House in 2008」 ニューメディアとオールドメディアの観点から評する
Despite their insistence on the new media's transformation of America politics, the ultimate secret to success in the new environment, according to Halperin and Harris, is surprisingly straightforward. Echoing the observation of the ancient Greek historian Polybius that the best way to appear virtuous is to be virtuous, Halperin and Harris assert early on in their book that the best way to overcome the Freak Show "is to have something important to say." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- この書評で、アメリカ政治(大統領選挙)に与えるメディアの影響、ニューメディアがそれら の状況を変え得るのかどうか、リベラルと保守勢力のアプローチ、えよせとらについて興味あ る議論。要約しない。
(中国提案の内容=停止&封印) A diplomatic source close to the six-party talks said the draft prepared by China stated that North Korea would "suspend, shut down and seal" nuclear facilities at the Yongbyon plant within about two months in return for energy and economic aid. 外交筋に拠れば中国提案のドラフト文書は、北朝鮮のヨンビョン核施設の「停止と封印」を 求めている。
ttp://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2007/80298.htm Christopher R. Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Remarks at St. Regis Hotel Beijing, China February 9, 2007 国務省ファイル:2月9日北京のセント・レジス・ホテルにて、ヒル国務次官補のコメント
QUESTION: You said this morning that you didn’t sign the MOU in Berlin, as reported by Asahi? (ベルリン合意でサインしたのか?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: No, we did not sign any MOU. (そいういうことは無い)
QUESTION: Are you working with some sort of paper that involves the trade of (inaudible) or a freeze? (核施設の凍結・・・)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I really don’t like to hear this word “freeze.” We are not interested in freezing something; we are interested in addressing problems created by plutonium production in North Korea. Now, how we address that you will see soon enough. We are not interested in freezing; we are interested in moving toward, taking steps towards the abandonment of these nuclear programs. (凍結と言う言葉は相応しくない。我々は凍結には興味は無い。我々はプルトニウムを生産する 事を問題にしている。その問題への対応は、まもなく明らかになる。我々は凍結に興味は無く て、核の廃棄に向けて前進することを望んでいる)
QUESTION: You said actions in a “finite amount of time.” Can you sketch out that finite period?(でも、時間の制限があるのでは?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I think I said in Tokyo the other day that we are talking about single digit weeks. Not a terribly eloquent turn of phrase but that’s kind of what we are looking at.(東京で言ったと思うが、一桁の週間程度の交渉を考えている)
QUESTION: You said you were you discussing uranium? (ウランについての交渉は?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: You know the September ‘05 statement talks about the abandonment of all nuclear programs. We are discussing a lot of things pertaining to the abandonment of nuclear programs, but I don’t want to identify precisely what we are talking about. At this point I don’t want to tell you precisely what’s going to be in the initial steps, except to say that what’s important is we get an agreement on them. And what’s also important is we move to implement them in a reasonable amount of time.(我々の目的は05年9月合意の実施で、それは核廃棄を求めている。しかし今の時点 で、最初のパッケージに何処までの範囲が含まれるかについてコメントしない)
QUESTION: Are you over the hump on this on the issue of financial sanctions? (金融制裁の問題は?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: The financial aspect is... You know, the country that has been engaged in some illicit activity, that has engaged in making weapons of mass destruction -- needless to say these factors add up to a country whose finances are going to be scrutinized, scrutinized in many different places. What we are focusing on is getting moving on the task of denuclearization. As North Korea denuclearizes and as they get out of the illicit activities, I think they can look forward to joining the international community, and that includes the international financial system. (金融制裁は・・不法行為に関わるもので、またWMD製造に関わるものを制裁する。どの部分 の金融行為を制裁すべきかと言う議論がある。我々の目的は核廃棄で、また不法行為の廃止で ある。北朝鮮は国際コミニティと国際金融システムに参加すべく前向きに考えるべきだ)
QUESTION: Japanese Prime Minister Shinto Abe made it clear today that Tokyo will not provide economic aid unless the abductee issue has been solved. Do you see this as slowing down the process of implementing the 9/19 agreement? (日本の安倍首相は拉致問題解決がなければ経済支援は無いといっている。是は障害になるか?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: Japan has a position. Japan needs to have a process with the DPRK, needs to have a mechanism for dealing with tough issues with the DPRK. We understand that. I think everyone understands that. (日本には日本のポジションがある。日本は北朝鮮と問題を解決すべく交渉するメカニズムと プロセスを必要としている。我々はそれを理解しているし、他のメンバーも理解していると 思う) When you are dealing with six parties, different parties are going to have different problems in how they approach any single agreement. That’s what makes it difficult. But as I said, we made some real progress today, and we’ll have to see how we do tomorrow.(6者会合では各々の代表はそれぞれ異なった問題を有していて、その上でひとつの アプローチに合意しようとしている。それは困難なことだが、先にも述べたとおり今日は進展が あった。明日もがむばりたい)
Envoys to international talks on ending North Korea's nuclear weapons program struggled Friday to find a compromise as differences emerged over a Chinese proposal on how to begin the disarmament process 北京の6者会合は中国の提案したドラフト合意文書をめぐって、核廃棄のプロセスを如何に始 めるかで困難に遭遇している。
"There are some parts in which we had progress but on others we ran into difficulty," Sasae told reporters after daylong meetings with the other delegates. 「ある部分で進歩があったが、別の部分で困難がある」と佐々江局長が語った。
Kim said the meeting led to agreement on some unspecified issues, although there were still issues to overcome. "We are going to make more efforts to resolve them," Kim said. 北朝鮮代表は会合が、ある種の問題にぶつかったという、「我々は困難を克服すべく更に努力 が必要」と述べた。
A South Korean official also cautioned against being too optimistic. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the issue's sensitivity, said it is "not as easy as expected to produce a result due to differences in positions and a conflict of interests." 韓国代表は楽観論に対して慎重で、匿名の高官が「利益対立と立場の違いの為に、合意に至る ことは容易ではない」と述べた。
"As conditions mature, (North Korea) can halt the operation of the Yongbyon nuclear facilities," the Choson Sinbo said, referring to the site of the North's main nuclear complex north of Pyongyang. "The (North)'s position is that it can take corresponding measures when the U.S. takes steps to show that it irreversibly gave up its hostile policy," it said. The report, carried on the paper's Web site, cited a "diplomatic source well versed in" the negotiations. The paper, with links to the government in Pyongyang, is considered one of the North's propaganda tools. 「条件が満たされるなら北朝鮮はヨンビョンの運転を停止する」と日本国内のプロ北朝鮮紙で ある挑戦新報は述べている。「北朝鮮の立場はアメリカが好戦的な態度を不可逆的に変更する のに応じて対応するというものである」その新聞は北朝鮮政府の見解を反映するものと見なさ れている。
Experts suspect the current spread of bird flu in Asia, Africa and Europe is mainly a result of trade in infected live birds rather than transmission through wild birds, the U.N. official coordinating the global fight against avian influenza said Friday.
Dr. David Nabarro said investigators looking into the cause of a bird flu outbreak at a commercial turkey farm in Britain are now focusing on a possible link with the transfer of partly processed birds from a farm in southeastern Hungary, where there was an outbreak last month.
Britain's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said preliminary inquiries indicated the strain of H5N1 bird flu found at the British farm was identical to the strain found last month in Hungary. Environment Minister Ben Bradshaw said the government was investigating whether there were "bio-security breaches" at the British farm, owned by Bernard Matthews PLC, Europe's biggest turkey producer.
If there was movement of poultry -- either live or dead -- from an area where H5N1 bird flu had been found, Nabarro said, "that will be an action which goes against the guidance of the United Nations system and also the guidance of other authorities who have jurisdiction over what goes on."
The U.N. bird flu chief said the recent upsurge in H5N1 bird flu outbreaks around the world is not a surprise.
"Since 2003, we've seen a rise in the number of reported outbreaks in poultry and indeed of human cases ... between the period December-April, and we expect that there will be more outbreaks," Nabarro said, adding that new cases could emerge through June.
During the last two months, he said, there have been new outbreaks of H5N1 avian influenza virus in Indonesia, Vietnam, South Korea, China, Thailand, Japan, Egypt, Hungary, Nigeria and Britain -- and a new outbreak was reported in Turkey.
"And human infections have been confirmed in China, Egypt, Nigeria and Indonesia and they're suspected in other locations as well," he said.
H5N1 has prompted the slaughter of millions of birds across Asia since late 2003 and caused the deaths of more than 160 people worldwide, around a third of them in Indonesia, according to the World Health Organization.
Most people killed so far have been infected by domestic fowl and the virus remains very hard for humans to catch. Nabarro said about half the people infected die.
But experts fear it could mutate into a form that easily spreads among humans, sparking a pandemic with the potential to kill millions.
Nabarro said governments and people around the world must maintain their focus on avian influence "because there is still the possibility ... of a human pandemic."
In autumn 2005, he said, bird flu experts started to see large numbers of migratory birds dying in northern China and southern Russia and there was serious concern that wild birds were becoming a significant factor in transmitting the H5N1 virus into commercial poultry populations.
"During this northern winter season, we have not had the same kind of wild bird die-offs," Nabarro said.
"We're not anticipating the same role for wild birds that we had a year ago, and we suspect that one of the reasons for the current spread has more to do with trade in live birds than to do with the movement of the virus through wild birds," he said.
"That said, it's still a bit difficult to explain some of the outbreaks that have occurred, for example, in Japan and in the Republic of Korea," Nabarro said.
He said countries with widespread outbreaks of bird flu are struggling to control the spread, including Indonesia, Egypt and Nigeria.
Indonesia mulled legal action against a drug manufacturer, which allegedly used Indonesian bird flu virus samples for commercial purposes, Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said Friday.
She did not mention any company, which used the virus samples, but saying that Indonesia was offered bird flu vaccine, whose research may use Indonesian bird flu strain samples.
The vaccine was made in a country in Europe.
"... the Indonesian virus samples could not be used for commercial purposes... We are studying for possible legal action," Siti was quoted by Antara news agency as saying.
Indonesia has sent many bird flu samples to a laboratory owned by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Hong Kong for seeking confirmation that bird flu suspects are really suffering from the disease.
According to the minister, Indonesia has made an agreement with WHO that Indonesian bird flu virus samples were only used for diagnosis observation of avian influenza virus.
Indonesia recently signed a memorandum of understanding with U. S. drug manufacturer Baxter Healthcare Corp. to develop bird flu vaccine for humans in Indonesia, where bird flu has killed more people than any other country.
JAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb. 9 ? Too many shopping malls. Too many squatters on the riverbanks. Too many villas on the southern hillsides. Or a curse hovering over the president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
With filthy water still filling whole neighborhoods a week after the worst flood here in decades, Indonesia’s capital and largest city can add to the plentiful list of its troubles ? like the misery of mass homelessness, power outages, traffic jams and the threat of disease ? a babble of theories, recriminations and superstitious whispers about why the country is plagued by natural disasters.
Over the past two years or so, Indonesia has suffered a whole encyclopedia of woes, from the devastating tsunami of December 2004 through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, outbreaks of bird flu, landslides, airline crashes and a vast, bizarre geyser of mud ? a constant pounding of catastrophes that has worn down the national psyche and convinced many Indonesians that something supernatural was going on.
“Since the day he took office, there have been unending disasters,” said Permadi, a member of Parliament and a mystic, speaking about the president. (Like many Indonesians, Permadi uses only one name.) President Yudhoyono was born under a bad sign, he said, and nature is demonstrating its anger at him and the nation.
But the flood that at one point inundated 70 percent of the city and has still not completely drained away is traceable to more tangible problems, many here say.
The flood exposed the limitations and dangers of Indonesia’s aging urban infrastructure. And it demonstrated the growing pains of a democratic transformation that could produce more responsive governments.
To begin with, Jakarta, a port city with 43 lakes and 13 rivers that lies partly below sea level, still relies on flood canals and sluice gates that were built by the Dutch colonial administration 160 years ago.
The clearing of trees on nearby hillsides has removed a natural check on flooding, while the housing developments that have replaced them have put added strains on creaking public works.
This pattern of development illustrates the central problem of Indonesian infrastructure, said Ramesh Subramaniam, principal economist at the Asian Development Bank in Indonesia.
“It is essentially a conflict between private consumption, which is going up, and public investment in infrastructure, which is almost stagnant,” he said.
Though the Indonesian economy is growing at a robust pace of 6 percent a year and new homes, offices and shopping centers have proliferated, hardly any new roads, bridges, airports, power lines or water systems have been built in a decade, since the Asian economic crisis of the late 1990’s.
More malls, more squatter communities, more hillside villas: All contribute to breakdowns in urban services and to disasters like the flood.
“There is no question that the economy is growing now at a healthy clip,” said Douglas E. Ramage, the Asia Foundation’s representative in Indonesia. “ But the growth is going to bump smack up against infrastructure limitations.”
Because of complex regulations and legal uncertainties, there has been very little foreign investment in infrastructure here in recent years. Two conferences in the past two years that offered nearly 100 projects to foreign investors yielded no contracts.
“China has built more roads in the last year than Indonesia in the last 20 years,” said Jim Castle, chief executive of CastleAsia, a consultancy and research firm. “I think they have installed more telephones in six months than Indonesia has installed in 10 years.”
Attempts to overcome this lag, and to become more responsive to disasters like the flood, have been complicated by Indonesia’s continuing efforts to overhaul its governmental structure, putting more power in the hands of local governments and instituting direct elections of more government officials.
With weaker central control, lower levels of government can now find themselves at odds over jurisdiction and resources. Trees are cut and housing developments are built on the outskirts of Jakarta without any coordination. And when a disaster strikes, the response is often uncoordinated as well, and chaos results.
Political analysts say that evenually, local accountability and direct elections will push officials to be more responsive to the needs of their constituents.
This, too, is expected to be part of the story of the Jakarta flood. This summer, for the first time in its 450-year history, Jakartans will directly elect a governor, and the flood is expected to be a major issue.
“This is as much a governance issue as a natural disaster,” Mr. Ramage said. “All over Indonesia, as cities get to elect their mayors and provinces directly elect their heads, we are beginning to see more responsible government. ”
Responding to the emergency much as they have in the past, incumbent officials were busy this week pointing fingers at one another.
The city’s governor, Sutiyoso, blamed deforestation and overbuilding next door and a lack of financing from above. Environment Minister Racmat Witoelar blamed officials for issuing improper building permits. The Public Works Ministry blamed people whose land blocks the route of a proposed flood canal.
The coordinating minister for the people’s welfare, Aburizal Bakrie, took himself off the hook, saying news coverage of the flood had been exaggerated. “ We see that victims are still laughing,” he told a television reporter.
Mr. Sutiyoso has served for a decade as governor without having to worry about votes, and he has paid little political price for his inaction after another major flood in 2002.
In the years to come, perhaps, his elected successor will make a real effort at flood control.
It is even possible to imagine that Mr. Permadi, the mystical member of Parliament, is engaging a little more with what is sometimes called the reality-based world.
“From a spiritual perspective,” he said, “there are two ways of looking at the flood.” One of them, he said, is the bad karma of both national and local leaders. “The other is that it is now rainy season.”