韓国のニュー・ライトはShin Ji-ho や Hong Jin-pyoのような民主化運動のブレーンチャイルドと して生まれた。2004年に東亜日報がその名前を与えたのだが、この勢力は新右翼連合(New Right Union)や韓国近代化国民評議会(National Council for Upgrading Korea)の流れが統合化したも ので、基本的に自由市場主義や保守的な視野を韓国の政策決定者に提示しようとするものである。
The Fed fought this deflation -- by cutting rates 11 times in 2001 -- eventually pushing the federal funds rate down to 1%. In late 2001, commodity prices began to rise, and in early 2002 the dollar began to fall. But because it was so worried about deflation, the Fed ignored these signs of monetary excess and held rates artificially low well into 2004. This policy has finally come home to roost.
What the market is debating is whether fighting this inflation will hurt the economy. With housing activity down sharply, these fears are palpable. But this is likely an overreaction. Housing was stimulated to extraordinary heights by artificially low interest rates (and the 1997 capital gains tax cut) and is now correcting back to more normal levels. Housing starts may be down 18.4% from their peak, but they are still up 12.3% from 1999 levels. It may be painful for participants in the construction industry and those who thought they could make a fast buck flipping houses, but only a recession could send the housing market into a tailspin.
In other words, there is little evidence that rates have reached a level that is detrimental to the economy. The Fed is not tight; it is just less loose. This can be seen in real time by watching market-based indicators. Commodity prices remain elevated and the dollar continues to weaken; both suggest excess money creation. Moreover, the economy has not experienced a recession in over 45 years without the federal funds rate rising above nominal GDP growth. In the past year nominal GDP growth has been 6.9%, so with the federal funds rate at 5%, monetary policy is still accommodative.
The good news is that there is no reason to suspect that this volatility is anything more than a short-term phenomenon. During the past two years, the Fed was trying to wean the economy from low rates slowly, so as not to shock the system. But in doing so, it allowed inflationary pressures to accumulate. Ben Bernanke is finishing the job and cleaning up the mess. While this may create some near-term turbulence in financial markets, getting rates to neutral will be a huge benefit to the economy.
Beginning in late March, the Taliban's "Spring Offensive" has seen an increase of 50-to 100-percent in the number of attacks in Afghanistan, depending upon the province. 3月以降、アフガニスタンのタリバンの攻撃は50%から100%増加している。
The one region where the offensive has made some serious gains is in Helmand Province. This is largely due to the leadership of Mullah Osmani, who commanded a corps during the Taliban regime. More than any other Taliban regional commander, Osmani has stressed organization and training. この原因のひとつはタリバン指導者のMullah Osmaniの戦略にある
So far this year, about 900 have died in the Taliban violence. There are 32,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan (72 percent of them U.S.). That force will increase about 20 percent, as more NATO troops arrive. There are only a few thousand Taliban active, facing over 100,000 Afghan police and troops, plus the foreigners. 今年に入ってタリバン900人が殺戮されている。多国籍軍は32000人で今後20%増加の予定。 アフガニスタン軍と警察は100000人で、これらが数千人のタリバンに対向する。
The head of the Iraqi branch of Al-Qaeda, Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, has reportedly called for Sunni Muslims in Iraq to fight Shi'ites and to ignore calls for national unity. ザルカウィは最近の公開された音声テープの中でスンニ派に対してシーア派への闘争を呼びかけ ている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この音声テープと最近のザルカウィのアルカイダ内の位置について、ストラテジー・ページが 注目すべきことを書いている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htmurph/articles/20060607.aspx Zarqawi Scheduled for Martyrdom ストラテジーページ:殉教に向かうザルカウィ
Zarqawi's recent audio messages have not only attacked the U.S. and the Shia-dominated government in Iraq, but also Iran. He's even claiming that the U.S., Iran, and Shia in general, are in cahoots to destroy Islam. He has also called for continued attacks against Shia. ザルカウィの最近のWebに公開された音声テープでは、米国やイラク政府を攻撃するのみなら ず、イランやシーア派をも攻撃している。イラン、米国、シーア派をイスラムの破壊を企むもの としている。
Given that Zarqawi has become a loose cannon and that his actions are handicapping Al Qaeda's efforts, it seems reasonable to expect that an accident may befall him at some point in the near future.
Justin McCurry is Tokyo correspondent for the Guardian and Observer newspapers in London. He moved to Kanto in December 2003 after seven years as a reporter and editor at the Daily Yomiuri bureau in Osaka, where he covered the G8 summit in Okinawa and the COP3 global- warming conference in Kyoto. But his toughest assignment was coaxing useable quotes from Japanese professional footballers during two seasons on the J. League beat.
McCurry was born in the West Midlands, England. To his regret ? but no-one else’s ? he lost his Black Country accent when his family moved to the southeast when he was still in short trousers. He attended his local comprehensive ? in long trousers ? and holds a BSc (Econ) degree from the London School of Economics, where he was a member of the Labour Party, and the drama and Guinness appreciation societies, occasionally combining the activities of all three.
In 1996, he returned to England with his wife and completed an MA in Japanese studies at the London School of Oriental and African Studies. McCurry also writes for the Lancet medical journal and the independent football magazine When Saturday Comes. He has writ- ten about Japan for two anthologies of football writing and makes regular appearances on RTE Radio in Dublin.
Aside from spending time with his two young children, he tries to leave time to cook, swim andfathom out Kanagawa prefecture’s rules on household waste-disposal. He is a long-suffering supporter of Wolverhampton Wanderers football club. His Labour Party membership has lapsed.
The race was viewed by Democrats as an opportunity to capture a solidly Republican district and build momentum on their hopes to capture control of the House.
MODERATOR: Jonathan Pollack. POLLACK: Thank you, Mr. Secretary.・・・・How concerned should we be about this? By we I mean the United States. And how do, collectively, the United States, China and Japan move toward a shared, or at least a complimentary, approach to Asia-Pacific security in the longer term? I’d appreciate your comments. 日本、中国、アメリカの関係、特に日中の対立関係について?その長期的影響は?
SECRETARY RUMSFELD: It’s a good question. Let me walk around it rather than confronting it. There’s a lot of history there. And sometimes it takes time to put pieces of history behind us. There’s obviously a lot of history between the United States and Japan. それは良い質問で、歴史の問題が大きく関与している。そして歴史を克服するには、時間のかかる という事もあるのだ。日本とアメリカの間にも歴史の関与する問題はあった。
And we’ve managed to put that behind us. And it is in nobody’s interest, in my view, for those two countries to have a relationship on any basis other than a civil, constructive, mutually beneficial relationship. I think it’s probably helpful that the United States has relationships with both countries. And I think it’s helpful that many other countries in this room have relationships with both Japan and China. And I think it’s in all of our interests to try to see that over time, that the countries are able to put behind them the kinds of history that they’ve shared and move into the 21st century because there are things that we are facing as free people that are challenging and difficult and we can only benefit if we have the kind of cooperation between important states that I’ve characterized. アメリカと日本は歴史の問題を乗り越えてきた。私が思うに両国が建設的で互恵的な関係に眼を向け るべきであって過去に眼を向けることに利益は無い。日中の関係についていえばアメリカが双方に関 係を持っていることは有益であろう。それにこの部屋に代表を送っているアジアの国が日本と中国の 双方に関係を持っていることも有益であろう。そして、私が思うに、アメリカやアジア諸国全てが日 中が歴史問題を克服してそれを過去のものと見なし、21世紀の関係に進むことを期待する。 何故なら、そうした重要国が真に協力関係を結べば、それから得られるものが大きい為である。
I was criticized at one point for using a phrase -- I said the mission determines the coalition, rather than the coalition determining the mission. And if one looks at the truth of that today, it’s just so obvious that we shouldn’t expect every country in the world to agree on everything and if there are serious problems that need to be addressed, we need to fashion coalitions of countries that share that common concern or that common perspective and go at it. And there are so many things out there that Japan and China share. They’re both big stakeholders, to go back to the phrase that I use -- although apparently not loudly enough. [Laughter.] They’re both enormous stakeholders in the success of this system. 私は「使命が同盟を決める」といって批判されたが「同盟が使命を決める」と言う考えもある。 しかし、私が思うに世界の全ての国が重要問題の解決案について全て完全に同意できるということ はありえない。我々は使命を共有できる国と聯合を組んで事を進めるしかない。 つまり価値の共 有は重要なのだが、日本と中国は多くのものを共有できる。彼らは双方とも大きなステークホルダー である。声を大きくして言いたいがアジアの安全保障にとって彼等はとてつもなく重要なステーク ホルダーである。
>>37 信頼度はいまいちかも知れないが・・・。 IS FRANCE ON THE WAY TO BECOMING AN ISLAMIC STATE? Barbara Amiel, The Daily Telegraph, January 26, 2004 http://www.isranet.org/DataBank/france_muslim%20community.htm#amiel Though French law prohibits the census from any reference to ethnic background or religion, many demographers estimate that as much as 20-30 per cent of the population under 25 is now Muslim. フランスの法律は人種的背景や宗教についての国勢調査を禁止しているが、 多くの人口統計学家は25歳以下の人口の20〜30パーセントはムスリムだと見ている。
MODERATOR: Thank you very much for the advice. And in the interests of transparency -- a word often used this morning -- let me just say that there are two more questions, and then we’ll close. One from Mr. Kato, and the next from Barry Desker. So Mr. Kato first, from Japan, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. 朝日新聞の加藤さん、質問を
KATO: Mr. Secretary, thank you very much for a very extensive presentation. I would like to ask about the recent DOD report on the military power of China. That report points out that China’s military buildup suggests a capability beyond preparation for a Taiwan Strait crisis, and the Chinese leadership has not explained the purpose yet. And my questions are, first, could you perhaps go one step beyond that report and share your views and insights into what their strategic intensions and purposes are? DoDの中国軍事力報告書では台湾海峡を越えて中国が軍事力を展開する傾向とか書いているが?
SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Who’s they? KATO: The Chinese. SECRETARY RUMSFELD: The PRC? KATO: Yes. And the second question is, do you expect that China will explain their strategic interests by demanding transparency this way? Thank you sir. それに中国側が軍事力の透明性を高めると期待しているのかについても聞きたい
SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Say the second question again. KATO: Yes. Do you expect that China will explain their strategic intentions by demanding transparency this way?
MODERATIOR: In other words, if the United States demands transparency will the result be that China explains its strategic intentions? あるいは、アメリカがそれを要求するかと言うことですか? KATO: Yes, that’s right. そうです SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Well, I guess, with respect to the first question, I think we should take them at their word. The People’s Republic of China has said that they see a world where Taiwan and China are one on a peaceful basis. And I didn’t use all the little code words that people use, but that’s the essence of it. That’s their first choice. They’ve said it. They’ve said it repeatedly over many, many years. So I take them at their word, that they do not want conflict in that regard. And certainly, one would think that if one were in Taiwan they would not want conflict, either. So my guess is that over time that issue, which can be tense from time to time in varying degrees, will continue to be unresolved and of increasingly tense nature sometimes, and decreasingly less tense at other times, and that over time it will be resolved in a peaceful way. The second question was you wanted me to explain China’s strategic intentions? 台湾海峡問題を平和裏に解決したいと中国は繰り返し、繰り返し言ってきたので私はその言葉を文字 通りに受け取りたい。誰も台湾海峡での扮装を歓迎しないのだから、長期的に見て緊張が高まる時期 もあろうが緊張が低くなる時期もあって、それは長期で解決できる問題なのだろうと思う。
KATO: No, sir, do you expect that China will eventually explain their kind of strategic intentions by demanding transparency? 中国の軍事戦略について説明することを、アメリカは中国に求めますか?
SECRETARY RUMSFELD: I do. Why do I say that? It’s in their interest. Over time, it will be in their interest to be reasonably transparent. Why? Because the rest of the world will be interested in their being transparent and the more they become a part of the global scene, the bigger they see themselves as a stakeholder in the global scene, the more likely the interests of the rest of the world to have their military investments demystified somewhat will have an effect on their behavior. 勿論それを求める。それは中国の国益に寄与するのであるから。世界は中国が軍事力の透明性を高 めることを期待する。中国が大きなステークホルダーになればそれだけ世界にとって重要であるか らである。世界は中国の軍事的な動きを気にするようになるのだから。
You know, in life you can’t have it both ways. You can’t be successful economically and engage the rest of the world and have people milling around your country and selling things and buying things and engaging in exchanges and have them at the same time worried or wondering about some mystery that they see as to a behavior pattern that is unsettling. It dissuades investment, for example. 中国が経済的に世界にエンゲージして多くの商売をして成功しながら、同時に軍事力を高めて世界の 国々に何をする気だろうと心配させることを続けるという二つのことを同時に成功させることはでき ない。たとえば、そういう心配な行動は中国への投資にとってマエナスになる。
To the extent that the world looks at China and sees a behavior pattern that is mysterious and potentially threatening it tends to affect the willingness to invest. Money is a coward. Money isn’t attracted to places where it looks like it’s dangerous. And so, my guess is over time they’ll get more comfortable being part of the world and they will begin to -- in one way or another -- develop a comfort level that’s different than today and the world will gain more and more knowledge about them and what they’re doing and why they’re doing what they’re doing, and that will then have an effect on what they do in fact do. だから中国の軍事的な振る舞いがミステリアスで潜在的な脅威だと見なされるなら投資資金はそうい う場所に集まらない。投資資金はそうした危険を避けるのだ。だから長期的には中国は態度を変えて 世界にとってより快適な相手になるのだと思う。
Because to the extent that people do things that the rest of the world frowns on, there ends up being a penalty for that, in one way or another. And to the extent that countries do things that people nod and say, “Well, I understand that; that makes sense; that’s not threatening; that’s not going to hurt me politically, economically, or militarily,” then they seem to prefer that type of thing.
Internet users in major Chinese cities faced difficulties accessing Google's international site in the past week, Reporters Without Borders said. But Google.cn, the controversial Chinese language version launched in January, has not been affected.
AEI:中国の政治改革がビジネスに意味するもの By Ying Ma(講演記録、フィレンツェ、イタリー)
For western businesses, this means that, assuming that China’s economy does not slow significantly, the Chinese government will continue to be the key actor with which they must interact for the foreseeable future.
Meanwhile, western companies will continue to face fundamental problems in the China market. They include:
* Widespread corruption, unclear regulations, cumbersome bureaucracy; * Systemic intellectual property rights violations, and * An ineffective legal system
In sum, the near-term political environment in China may offer predictability and therefore limited political risks. Yet without meaningful political liberalization, China will never offer western businesses, especially those in the defence trade, all that China could be.
具体的な容疑は不明だが、BBC放送は、カナダの国会議事堂爆破などのテロを計画したなど として同国当局が17人を逮捕した事件に関連して、2人が取り調べを受けていると報じた。 21歳の男はパキスタン系とみられている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/07/AR2006060701291.html British Arrests May Be Tied to Canada Plot By TARIQ PANJA The Associated Press Wednesday, June 7, 2006; 2:18 PM
Police refused to comment on reports by the British Broadcasting Corp. that the arrests were linked to an alleged terrorist plot in Canada. Seventeen people were arrested there on charges of plotting to attack Canadian targets. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/5056728.stm Wednesday, 7 June 2006, 16:24 GMT 17:24 UK Teenager held after terror arrest
Both are being questioned in connection with terror arrests in Canada. Security sources told the BBC the police's enquiries related to the Canadian arrests, which stemmed from an alleged al-Qaeda plot.
Al-Maliki explained that Zarqawi (and 7 of his aides) was killed in an air raid in the little town of Hibhib 8 km north of Baquba after receiving tips from residents in the area.
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Crude oil futures fell below $70 a barrel for the first time in two weeks Thursday after reports of the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq.
Al-Zarqawi's death gives the United States a needed psychological victory in the war on terrorism, both domestically and abroad, coming in the same time frame as the psychological blow of the situation in Somalia. Despite the fact that al-Zarqawi was allegedly replaced as the leader of the jihadist movement in April 2006, the psychological impact of his death will touch not only the United States and the jihadists, but also factions in Iraq that continue to negotiate for a better position within the new government. ザルカウィの死はアメリカニとって心理的に大きな勝利となり、更にイラク国内の各派閥の今後 の政治的交渉に影響があるだろう。
Without effective leadership for the jihadists, the balance of power in Iraq changes. For the jihadists, the time in Iraq has become now or never, as it is clear that their operations could be compromised at any minute. For the negotiating Sunnis, it is possible that they no longer have the option of playing the "jihadist card" that has given them a better place at the negotiating table in past. And for the Shia, the death of al-Zarqawi offers an opportunity to rethink pending deals with the Sunnis. ザルカウィのようなジハーディスト運動を熱狂的に推進する指導者をなくしたためにイラク国内 の「バランスオブパワー」に変化がおきる。イラクのジハーディストについては先行きに希望が 持てない。スンニ派は「ジハーディスト・カード」を失いネゴシエーションのカードのひとつが 使えなくなった。シーア派はスンニ派との交渉方法を再考する機会になるかも。
For the United States, this is a much-needed concrete victory, and though the jihadist war is far from over, the shifting momentum following the overthrow of Mogadishu by Islamist forces and the rising Taliban problems in Afghanistan could once again be stabilizing in the U.S. camp, and al-Zarqawi's death could give U.S. president George W. Bush a much-needed boost in his polls, broadening his options in the international arena. ジハーディストとの戦いが終わるわけではないにせよ、是はアメリカ軍にとって確固たる勝利で あり、タリバンやジハーディストの攻勢(アフガニスタン、ソマリア他)に対抗するモメンタム になる可能性も。ブッシュ大統領にとっても支援になるだろう。
The world reaction was largely an acknowledgment of the importance of this killing. In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the killing of Zarqawi is "a very important moment in Iraq. A blow for al Qaeda in Iraq is a blow for al Qaeda everywhere." U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad called it a "a huge success for Iraq and the international war on terror."
One pressing question is who might step into Zarqawi's role as head of al Qaeda in Iraq. Terorrism expert Rohan Gunaratna from the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies said "Zarqawi didn't have a number two. I can't think of any single person who would succeed Zarqawi...In terms of effectiveness, there was no single leader in Iraq who could match his ruthlessness and his determination." ザルカウィの跡を継ぐ効果的なNo2はいない、とテロ専門家のRohan Gunaratna
イラク国内はお祭り騒ぎで、銃を空中に向けて発射し、キャンデーを配り、街頭でパレードしてい ると、クエーとの新聞が報道している。 Joy filled Baghdad's hot streets, as gun shots sounded through the air, and cars packed with overjoyed Iraqi's roamed the streets. Iraqis were sharing sweets with people outside their homes. Civil organizations paraded as they condemned violence chanting "death to Zarqawi and Saddamites." Thursday's celebrations could be compared to the jubilation in Baghdad's streets the day Saddam Hussein was captured. Iraqis hope Zarqawi's death would bring an end to the series of terrorist operations on Iraqi streets.
AP: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaida's leader in Iraq who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and kidnappings, has been killed in an air strike, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Thursday, adding that his identity was confirmed by fingerprints and a look at his face. It was a major victory in the U.S.-led war in Iraq and the broader war on terror.
CNN: Terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted man in Iraq, was killed in a coalition airstrike near Baquba, jubilant U.S. and Iraqi authorities announced Thursday.
Washington Post: Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, whose leadership of the insurgent group al- Qaeda in Iraq made him the most wanted man in the country, was killed Wednesday evening by an air strike near Baqubah, north of Baghdad, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Thursday.
The Jordanian-born Zarqawi claimed responsibility for hundreds of kidnappings, bombings and beheadings. His stated aim, in addition to ousting U.S. and other forces from Iraq, was to foment bloody sectarian strife between Sunni and Shiite Muslims.
New York Times:
Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was killed in an American airstrike on an isolated safe house north of Baghdad at 6.15 p.m. local time on Wednesday, top U.S. and Iraqi officials said on Thursday. [...]
The announcement of Zarqawi's death, shortly before noon on Thursday in Baghdad, appeared to mark a major watershed in the war. With a $25 million U.S. bounty on his head, the Jordan-born Zarqawi has been the most wanted man in Iraq for his leadership of Islamic terrorist groups that have carried out many of the most brutal attacks of the war, including scores of suicide bombings, kidnappings and beheadings.
Finally, the ugly:
BBC: Militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been killed, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has announced. "Today we have eliminated Zarqawi," Mr Maliki said, sparking sustained applause. The US said he was killed in an air raid near Baquba.
The Jordanian-born leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq was considered the figurehead of the Sunni insurgency. Al-Qaeda in Iraq has been blamed for scores of bombings that have killed hundreds of Shias and US forces.
His death does not mean either the Islamist al-Qaeda elements or nationalist fighters will give up, says the BBC News website's world affairs correspondent, Paul Reynolds. Indeed his removal might well bring about an explosion of revenge by his followers, he adds.
Were you thinking this was good news, my friends? Well the BBC's Paul Reynolds is here to tell you to put away that champagne right now!
ttp://pajamasmedia.com/2006/06/zarqaw_killed.php UPDATE (5.40am Pacific): Mark in Mexico surveys the blogospheric left; Democrats.com thinks it’s time to declare victory and bring the troops home and The Carpetbagger Report says that Zarqawi could have been taken out years ago, but President Bush decided not to strike, while The Democratic Daily sees hope in Zarqawi’s death and in the completion of the Iraqi cabinet with the nomination of three new ministers.
ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5058598.stm Thursday, 8 June 2006, 09:36 GMT 10:36 UK Analysis: Will Zarqawi's death ease woes? By Paul Reynolds World Affairs Correspondent, BBC News website
この評論は殆ど無茶苦茶と言うべきもので、カウンターテロリズム専門家の多くの意見 と全く逆の見解。
And even after Zarqawi's death, neither the al-Qaeda elements nor the nationalists will give up. Indeed, Zarqawi's removal might well bring about an explosion of revenge by his followers.
Major General William Caldwell ・・・・He said a tip from someone in Zarqawi's network put US forces on the trail of Sheikh Abd-al-Rahman, the militant's "spiritual adviser".
Once they confirmed al-Zarqawi's death, coalition forces launched 17 simultaneous raids in and around Baghdad. ザルカウィの死を確認した後で、アメリカ軍はバクダッド内外の17ヶ所を一斉に捜索した。
Caldwell said the coalition identified the targets during the search, but did not raid them sooner because they were focused on al-Zarqawi. アメリカ軍はこれらの17ヶ所を確認していたのだがザルカウィの捜索を最優先したため、それ らの捜索を遅らせてきたのだという。
"In those 17 raids last night, a tremendous amount of information and intelligence was collected and is presently being exploited and utilized for further use," he said. "I mean, it was a treasure trove; no question." 「昨夜の17ヶ所の捜索から、とてつもない量の情報や諜報情報が得られた。これは今後のテロ捜 索に役立つものだ」「これは宝の山とでも言うべきものだ」
A great question from an Arab journalist: If there is no Zarqawi who would be next.
MG Caldwell: “Coalition forces have already done that (looked at that). Abu Al-Masari is probably the person who will try to occupy the position Zarqawi had. If you look at their structure he’s the logical one who could try to move into there.”
A FIERCE internal debate in China between economic reformers and new leftists opposed to the rush to embrace capitalism finally burst into the public eye yesterday.
The People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party that has ruled China since 1949, ran a commentary that left no room for questions over the direction of 28-year-old market reforms. “Unwaveringly keep to the path of reform,” read the headline.
A decision to publish such a prominent article in the newspaper, which is charged with reflecting party policy, could only have been made with the blessing of the party’s leader, President Hu Jintao. While the piece makes reference to the most pressing concerns of the new leftists, such as the widening gap between rich and poor, it is aimed at ending opposition to the pace of reform.
The U.S. strategy is working because the terrorists are failing. In Iraq, despite efforts to disrupt the political process, two free and fair national elections have been held and a sovereign government was established. And despite great efforts to inflame sectarian violence, even the most outrageous atrocities have not sparked a civil war. Attacks or attempted attacks in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Spain, and Britain have strengthened the resolve of Middle East and European states to combat transnational terrorism. Zarqawi’s death is just another example of how little hope the terrorists have to prevail against the just. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.heritage.org/Research/MiddleEast/wm1118.cfm The Death of Zarqawi: A Major Victory in the War on Terrorism by Nile Gardiner Ph.D. WebMemo #1118 June 8, 2006
The battle between the free world and the forces of militant Islamic terrorism is fought on a daily basis on the streets of Iraqi cities, and this conflict will play a major role in shaping the future of the war on terrorism. A crushing defeat for al-Qaeda in Iraq will be a major strategic victory that will greatly reduce the long-term threat to the United States and its allies.
Hamas had distanced itself in the past from violence abroad blamed on al Qaeda, but in a statement faxed to Reuters after Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. air strike north of Baghdad on Wednesday,it said it mourned the Jordanian-born insurgent as a "martyr of the (Muslim Arab) nation".
"With hearts full of faith, Hamas commends brother-fighter Abu Musab ... who was martyred at the hands of the savage crusade campaign which targets the Arab homeland, starting in Iraq," the statement said.
By now you have probably seen or read President Bush's Rose Garden statement on the death of Abu Musab al Zarqawi. I would only add these points to what the President said.
The death of Abu Musab al Zarqawi also underscores the difficulty al Qaeda terrorists have been encountering in Iraq. Most of the media narrative about Iraq has been on the difficulties the United States faces. Those difficulties are real -- but they are far from the full story. What goes almost unnoticed is the enormous series of body blows our enemies have sustained. We have by now intercepted several key communications among terrorists in Iraq over the years -- and we keep learning about their despair at the progress of democracy and their unhappiness with the course of events.
The death of Mr. Zarqawi will add immeasurably to their troubles. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 特別に目新しいことは書いていないけれど、こういうイベントに当たって書くべきことを書いてい て納得できる評論。欧州系(BBCやガーディアン)が政治的スピン形成の為に詭弁を弄して影響 を過小評価するための曲芸の様な評論を書いているのを読むとうんざりする。こういうオーソドッ クスなものはメディアの解毒剤として意味があろうと思われ。
(クラウディア・ロセット記者(女性記者)のいつもの合理的で冷静な分析的書き物) On four levels, Zarqawi's death has global ramifications. ・The first and most basic stems from the command position he enjoyed. ・Second, Zarqawi was found with the help of Iraqis, some of whom have been dancing in the streets to celebrate his death. ・Third, in raids that accompanied the strike on Zarqawi, U.S. and Iraqi forces have acquired what White House spokesman Tony Snow has described as a "treasure trove" of intelligence. ・Finally, this is an excellent moment to step back and look at just how far in this war we have come
The greatest weakness of the United States in this war has been our tendency, within our own domestic debate, to quickly dismiss our victories and dwell on each al-Qaeda bombing or beheading as a sign of impending defeat. The death of Zarqawi needs to be understood as a sign that the deeper currents are running our way. (アメリカのテロとの戦争における最大の弱さは、国内の議論において自己の勝利を無視する一方 アルカイダの首チョンパとか、そういうものを我々の敗退の証拠だというような主張がなされる事 である。ザルカウィの死はテロとの戦争の流れがが吾らの優位の側に大きく流れている事のサイン であると正しく認識されるべきである)
That same day, President Hu Jintao and President George W. Bush held a telephone conversation on the subject, with the Chinese leader pledging to maintain the working of the international non-proliferation system. Hu told Bush China was ready to play a constructive role in resuming negotiations. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.shanghaidaily.com/art/2006/06/08/282535/Hu_to_nuke_talk_with_Ahmadinejad_at_summit.htm Hu to talk with Iran President on nuke Zhang Liuhao 2006-06-08
On June 1, Hu told the United States President George W. Bush via a telephone conversation that China will uphold a diplomatic and peaceful way to solve Iran's nuclear issue, Liu said.
All Ordinaries 4,926.800 2:17AM ET Up 48.300 (0.99%)↑オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 1,551.384 3:00AM ET Down 40.106 (2.52%)↓上海 Hang Seng 15,628.69 5:16AM ET Up 178.58 (1.16%)↑香港 BSE 30 9,810.46 6:16AM ET Up 514.65 (5.54%)↑インド Jakarta Composite 1,274.7531 6:15AM ET Up 33.427 (2.69%)↑インドネシア KLSE Composite 915.40 5:02AM ET Down 1.85 (0.20%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 14,750.84 3:00AM ET Up 117.81 (0.81%)↑東京 NZSE 50 3,617.995 1:35AM ET Down 27.992 (0.77%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,337.44 5:05AM ET Up 40.33 (1.76%)↑シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,235.65 5:03AM ET Up 12.52 (1.02%)↑韓国 Taiwan Weighted 6,444.63 1:46AM ET Up 112.82 (1.78%)↑台湾
An analyst at a Shenzhen-based fund-management company attributed large-cap companies' falls to concerns more fundraising activity by large state-owned firms will divert cash from existing stocks. He also said the key Shanghai Composite index is likely to continue to consolidate around 1580 next week in the absence of market-moving news.
Iraqi citizens took to the streets celebrating Abu Musaab Zarqawi's death on Thursday. Joy filled Baghdad's hot streets, as gun shots sounded through the air, and cars packed with overjoyed Iraqi's roamed the streets. Iraqis were sharing sweets with people outside their homes.
Civil organizations paraded as they condemned violence chanting "death to Zarqawi and Saddamites." Thursday's celebrations could be compared to the jubilation in Baghdad's streets the day Saddam Hussein was captured.
Iraqis hope Zarqawi's death would bring an end to the series of terrorist operations on Iraqi streets. Iraqi MP, Mahmoud Othman, said Zarqawi instigated sectarianism in Iraq and bloodied its streets.
He said he expected that the number of terrorist attacks will decrease dramatically and the new government will be able to stabilize Iraq. As a result, MNF troops will be able to leave Iraq sooner. Zarqawi was killed in an area close to Baqouba in an air raid Thursday.
アルカイダのNo.2が昨年: "More than half of the battle is taking place on the battlefield of the media," according to a letter purportedly written last year by al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri to the now-departed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. "We are in a media race for . . . hearts and minds."
OECD加盟国の景気先行指数は110.1で、前月の109.6から上昇。G7諸国の景気先 行指数は105.4で、前月の105.2から上昇した。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/28/49/36883161.pdf OECD Composite Leading Indicators signal continued positive outlook for OECD area, China and India in April 2006 Paris, 9 June 2006
The CLI for the OECD area rose by 0.5 point in April to 110.1 from 109.6 in March. Its six-month rate of change rose for the twelfth consecutive month. The CLI for the United States decreased by 0.1 point in April and its six-month rate of change was down for the second consecutive month. The Euro area’s CLI increased by 0.5 point in April and its six-month rate of change rose for the eleventh consecutive month. In April, the CLI for Japan rose by 0.7 point and its six-month rate of change has shown an upward trend since June 2005.
The CLI for the United Kingdom increased by 0.2 point in April and its six-month rate of change shows a slight upward trend since May 2005. The CLI for Canada fell by 0.6 point in April and its six-month rate of change was down for the third consecutive month. For France the CLI rose by 0.2 point in April with its six-month rate of change showing an upward trend since July 2005. The CLI for Germany increased by 0.7 point in April and its six-month rate of change shows an upward trend since May 2005. For Italy the CLI rose by 0.4 point in April and its six-month rate of change shows an upward trend since August 2005.
The CLI for China rose by a strong 3.1 points in April and its six-month rate of change was up for the fifth consecutive month. The CLI for India increased by 1.1 point In March and its six-month rate of change rose for the fourth consecutive month. The CLI for Russia increased by 1.1 point in April but its six-month rate of change shows a downward trend since October 2005. In April the CLI for Brazil decreased by 0.5 point and its six-month rate of change was down following five months of increases. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 数字を整理すると:米国=-0.1、日本=+0.7、EU=+0.5、英国=+0.2、カナダ=-0.6、フランス =+0.2、ドイツ=+0.7、イタリー=+0.4、中国=+3.1、インド=+1.1、ブラジル=-0.5、ロシア=+1.1
"One cannot understand Zarqawi and cannot attempt to predict the future of his organization and the next steps that it will take without being familiar with Nur ad-Din Zanki.
Zarqawi was simply fascinated by Nur ad-Din," al-Adel told Hussein. "Regardless of where he was, Zarqawi would always look for books about Nur ad-Din. The best presents he ever got from his acquaintances were history books that would lengthily describe the jihad that Nur ad-Din Zanki waged against the crusaders and the triumphs that he led his followers to."
"By reading Nur ad-Din [Zanki]'s biography we can understand why Zarqawi chose to trust Syrians from Humaa, Allazeekia, Halab and the Jazeera area of northern Syria first. After reading Nur ad-Din's story we finally realize why he chose northern Iraq that lies on the banks of the Euphrates as a first stronghold from which to attack the American occupiers of Iraq," Hussein writes.
One aspect of Zarqawi's jihad that would have been illuminated was his selection of northern Iraq as a central stage for his fight against the Americans. Zanki's prominence in Zarqawi's imagination may also have provided clues about where he intended to strike next--such as trying to emulate his idol's expansion into Syria and Egypt.
ザルカウィ殺戮はイラク政府や国民、軍や警察へのポジティブな効果が大きいと書いた後で: However, the biggest benefit, I suspect, will be in the effect of this small but significant victory on the attitude of the American people. Success in this war will in the end be determined not by the insurgency’s ultimate lethality but by the limits of the patience of the public back home. The task that the US has set itself in Iraq, made harder by the ineptitude of much of its execution so far, requires a popular political willingness to see it through. That US troops, even in the hellish conditions of Iraq, can overcome the military constraints on them is not in the end in doubt. But if America’s patience is wearing thin, a vicious circle takes hold.
Americans need to believe that real progress is being made in Iraq, that, even if it might still take years, Americans and their allies are steadily creating something that will make the loss and the sacrifice worthwhile. The removal of al-Zarqawi is real evidence of that progress.
It probably isn’t the turning point most of us would like it to be ? just as those other successes were not turning points. It should not and presumably will not produce another of those brief waves of euphoria, soon to be replaced by renewed despair. It should evince, however, not our weary cynicism but a satisfied, uncomplacent realisation that in this long war on its enemies, civilisation just scored another consequential victory.
Ten years ago, taking out Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi with F-16s would have been an impossible task. Air strikes were planned days or even weeks in advance. Pilots weren't trained to change missions mid-stream. Sensors and weapons weren't accurate and flexible enough to spot and hit fleeting targets. 10年前にはF-16でザルカウィの隠れ家を爆撃するというのは不可能であった。そのころは空爆は 数日前に計画して実行するもので、準備に一週間かかることもあった。パイロットが飛行中に空 爆対象を変更することはありえなかった。当時のセンサーや爆弾は現在のように精密ではなく特 定目標をスポットして精密攻撃することは出来なかった。
カウンターテロリズム・ブログから ttp://counterterrorismblog.org/ Zarqawi's elimination: "Was it killing the future leader of al Qaida?" By Walid Phares
Iraq and Zarqawi couldn’t co-exist: It was either the country or the terrorist and, at the end of the day, the terrorist was eliminated -- a lesson to all his followers. Political disagreements aside, the Zarqawi phenomenon was barely human. Not only did most Iraqis shun his ideology, but even many of the jihadists themselves felt that he went too far.
Some of them develop their Jihadi “talents” to inhuman extremes: Mohammed Atta and the 18 perpetrators of 9/11 and the Madrid and London suicide bombers. But while the other Salafi and Wahabi “talents” kept some ideological humility despite their barbarism, Zarqawi crossed all lines. At some point, as he saw himself challenging the “greater infidel power” on earth, he inhaled the ineluctable feeling of superiority.
With the Fertile Crescent falling to a Jihadi federation of emirates, his next campaign would have been launched southbound: the Arabian peninsula. The riches of the Kingdom and principalities of Arabia were enormous: The two first shrines of Islam, oil, and the purest Arab region.
Not that Jihadism has been defeated. On the contrary, there will be spasms in violence as a result. But one major assertion was broken, at least in the eyes of many in the region: that those who oppress and kill in the name of Allah are ultimately exposed as unspiritual not because they lost a battle or perished on the battlefield, but because they have explained history to their followers in a manner that suits their ambitions, both ideological and ultimately personal. They have attempted to convince their partisans that the divine is on their side. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 中東のジハーディズムと安全保障の専門家によるザルカウィ論から一部を抜き出したもの。 ザルカウィがイスラム原理主義の「ジハーディスト」に収まりきらない異常な、特異な存在であり 同じジハーディストやワッハーブ派、アルカイダからも批判されるところまでいってしまったと分 析している。
ttp://www.armytimes.com/story.php?f=1-292925-1860673.php The hunt ends Spec ops’ ‘unblinking eye’ leads to airstrike that kills terrorist leader In the end, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi could not escape Task Force 145’s “unblinking eye.” By Sean D. Naylor Times staff writer
The capture of Sheikh Ahmed al-Dabash in Baghdad’s Mansour district May 29, described by U.S. Central Command as “a major financier and facilitator of terrorism in Iraq,” may have been another critical breakthrough, multiple sources said.
複数の情報ソースはザルカウィの殺戮と共に、5月29日に逮捕されたバクダッドのSheikh Ahmed al-Dabashが「イラクにおけるテロの主要な金づるで支援者」とされ、これも大きなブレークスルー だろうという。
Indeed, U.S. intelligence had confirmed that Zarqawi would meet Rahman in Hibhib. A reconnaissance-surveillance team from Delta Force’s B Squadron infiltrated the area to get “eyes on” the house, said a source in the special operations community. Sources said a Predator unmanned aerial vehicle was also overhead.
Senior U.S. military leaders in Iraq discussed whether to launch a ground assault, but decided “they could not really go in on the ground without running the risk of having him escape,” Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told reporters June 8 in Brussels, Belgium.
“We had clear-enough evidence about a month-and-a-half ago that allowed us to start [getting] down to the point where we were able to prosecute the action … against that safe house,” Caldwell said, showing a slide that listed eight men in Zarqawi’s organization captured or killed between April 6 and May 31.
TF 145, of course, is working hard to do just that. Within hours of Zarqawi’s June 7 death, 17 simultaneous raids were carried out in and around Baghdad, yielding “a tremendous amount” of information and intelligence that is “presently being exploited … for further use,” Caldwell said. Another 39 operations were conducted the night of June 8, Caldwell said.
[MNF spokesman MG] Caldwell identified the “most logical” al-Zarqawi successor as “Abu al-Masri.” Caldwell could likely be referring to Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who was identified in a February 2005 announcement by U.S. Central Command as a close associate of al-Zarqawi. Central Command put a $50,000 reward on al-Masri’s head.
Caldwell said al-Masri was believed to have come to Iraq in 2002 after training in Afghanistan. His mission, Caldwell said, was to create an al-Qaeda cell in Baghdad. Al-Masri was believed to be an expert at constructing roadside bombs, the leading cause of U.S. military casualties in Iraq. ttp://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/iraq/20060609-0726-al-zarqawissuccessor.html ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このテロリストはエジプト人でザワヒリに近い人脈の人物。ザワヒリはザルカウィの戦略(無差 別テロ、民間人や宗教施設対象のテロ)を批判してきた経過があるので、このマスリがテロ組織 を引き継いだとしてザルカウィと同じ戦略を引き継ぐとは想像しがたいと思われ。
スマート・ダスト(Smart Dust)というのは微細粉末のようなICチップで、個別認識に使える チップ(の粉末状の小型化バージョン)のこと。アメリカ軍はこの技術をアフガニスタンと イラクで使用中らすい、と書いている。 (Some forms of Smart Dust are believed to be in use in Iraq and Afghanistan.)
It's also believed that Smart Dust played a role in the recent death of al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi. In this case, if someone were able to sprinkle some Smart Dust on Zarqawi's clothing, it would have been a simple matter to track him with great precision.
What was stopping them? The simple answer is that foreigners have too much money and too little local knowledge or power. They can monitor a multitude of companies less easily than they can a government, hence their preference for sovereign bonds over public equity. And given the amounts of money that foreign fund managers typically handle, only a few companies have tyres big enough to kick.
This makes the flow of foreign money “irrelevant at best, extremely dangerous at worst” according to one asset manager.
But Michael Klein, head of the IFC, is optimistic. In the short term, private-equity firms, on the prowl for buying opportunities, may be willing to bet against the pack. And over the long term, as the rich world ages, it will be ever more anxious to share in the fruits and advantages offered by younger workforces in the developing world. It remains to be seen how much trouble and exertion that will involve.
At $20 million each, the T-50 is one of the more competitive jet trainers on the market. About 100-150 of these aircraft are bought each year by the world's air forces. In addition, the A-50 version is a very competitive light combat aircraft as well.
Reminds me of John Kerry’s bunny suit photo. No wonder these women suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency. And the conservative Christians aren’t far behind….. ttp://www.wholesomewear.com/page-4.html Comment by misskelly ? 6/9/2006 @ 2:45 pm ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー しかし、こういうカラフルな水着ではなく黒のローブやヒジャブを着て水遊びをするというのが 伝統的な(アレキサンドリアとかの)イスラムのスタイルらすい・・・
Last semester, I studied abroad in Egypt as part of my senior year at penn state. I went to Alexandria with some friends and took some time to swim in the mediterranean. I swear to God, there were women with men swimming in the water with full black robes and hijab, while the pudgy egyptian men swam in regular bathing suits. It was a ridiculous sight, and couldnt fathom how it’d be fun for a woman to swim wearing basically 3 or 4 black bed sheets wrapped around them. Comment by Joe ? 6/9/2006 @ 5:23 pm
Following two days of meetings in St. Petersburg, Russia, finance ministers from the Group of Eight leading industrialized economies concluded that "global growth remains strong and is gradually becoming more broadly based."
However, the group repeated its warnings that "imbalances" in the global economy and high and volatile energy prices in particular could wreak havoc unless they are properly addressed.
However, International Monetary Fund managing director Rodrigo Rato, one of a number of officials from multilateral organizations to attend the meeting, sounded a note of caution, saying that emerging markets in particular may continue to suffer higher volatility as the world economy adapts to higher interest rates.
"Probably the risk appraisal of the past couple of years has been extremely benign and not consistent with historical analysis of risk," Mr. Rato said. "Volatility in the financial markets is an issue which emerging economies have to be very aware of and the fact that the markets, in this new appraisal of risk, are going to become more attentive to vulnerabilities."
JUN. 9 6:34 A.M. ET China's outstanding bank loans rose nearly 16 percent in May over a year earlier to 209.4 billion yuan ($26 billion), state media reported Friday.
The figures show efforts to curb an investment binge may not be working, said the Shanghai Securities News, a newspaper run by the government's Xinhua News Agency.
New loans totaled 2.12 trillion yuan ($264 billion) in just the first five months of the year, closing in on the central bank's annual target of 2.5 trillion yuan ($312 billion), the paper reported.
"The dilemma is deepening as the overall economy is overheating and some industries are producing too much and this could bring on a crisis in the financial markets," the report said. 「全体の経済が過熱化しており、幾つかの産業が生産過剰になっているので金融市場に危機を及ぼ すのではないかとのジレンマが深まっている」と報告は述べている。(後略)
ロイター:中国は保険会社が銀行に資本参加することを規制緩和して容認すると発表 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://www.iht.com/articles/2006/06/08/bloomberg/sxyuan.php China ends currency restriction on firms By Rob Delaney and Yanping Li Bloomberg News Published: June 8, 2006
In another step toward a more freely traded currency, the government on Thursday said that it would remove restrictions on how much foreign exchange domestic companies can buy to fund overseas acquisitions or expansion.
The man, who lived near the scene of the bombing, told AP Television News on Friday that he saw U.S. soldiers beating an injured man resembling al-Zarqawi until blood flowed from the victim's nose. 空爆されたザルカウィの隠れ家の近所に住む男はAPテレビのニュース取材に答えて、アメリカ兵が ザルカウィに似ている負傷者を殴り、負傷者の鼻から血が出ていたと答えた。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この報道について、パワーライン・ブログ ttp://powerlineblog.com/archives/014356.php An Iraqi who lives near Zarqawi's safe house claims that he saw American soldiers beat a still-living Zarqawi until "blood flowed from the victim's nose." So Zarqawi has achieved the most exalted status known to legacy journalism: he's a victim!
(Reuters) - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was accompanied by women who wore skimpy night clothing, and read magazines on current affairs and militant propaganda, an inspection of the house he was killed in showed on Saturday. ザルカウィは空爆された隠れ家で、挑発的な夜着をきた女性とすごしていたようである。さらに彼は 時事雑誌や軍事雑誌を読んでいたようだという。隠れ家の捜索からそうした物件が発見されている。
Also beside the slabs of concrete was a woman's leopard skin nightgown and other skimpy women's clothes. 隠れ家の廃墟から女性用のヒョウ柄の挑発的な夜着や、そのほかの下着などが発見されている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー シドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド(SMH)によれば、ザルカウィには妻が3人いて隠れ家の空爆で その中の一人と息子(成人)が死んだという。
ttp://www.smh.com.au/news/world/inside-zarqawis-safe-house/2006/06/10/1149815368463.html Sources said one of Zarqawi's three wives was killed in the strike. Family sources in Jordan say a son of the militant also died, but there has been no confirmation. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー APの報道は無茶苦茶で、現場に駆けつけてザルカウィがまだ生きているのを発見したのはイラク の警察で、彼をストレッチャーに収容したと報道されている。米軍はイラク警察の跡に現場に駆け つけている。さらに、このヒブヒブの街は完全にスンニ派武装勢力の占有する街なのでザルカウィ の隠れ家があったわけで、その付近の住民がどういうものかは容易に想像がつく。APのお馬鹿な 記者はアルカイダかスンニ派武装勢力のデマゴーグを宣伝している。(日本国内もそうだけれどイ ラクにも何人かDQNなAP記者がいることは良く知られていて、イラク・ブログで揶揄されてい る)
THE UNITED KINGDOM Despite its relatively high standard of living and social equality, the United Kingdom has been and remains one of the most active bases of radical Islam across Western Europe(ry
ITALY Perhaps more than any other nation in Europe, Italy played an overly dominant role in hosting the transnational infrastructure of the Bosnian El-Mudzahedin Unit during the mid-1990s(ry
SCANDINAVIA AND NORTHERN EUROPE Even as early as the Bosnian war, the unlikely region of Scandinavia had become an important tactical base for Islamic militant groups from the Middle East. Countries like Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were perceived as tolerant and willing to grant political asylum even to militant leaders on the run from law enforcement and intelligence agencies.(ry
Unbeknownst to most Danes, by 1993, the city of Copenhagen was perhaps the most important safe haven for Al-Gama`at al-Islamiyya in all of Europe.(ry
CONCLUSIONS Bektasevic was communicating with other known extremists based in Denmark and the United Kingdom. He was also believed to be running a recruitment operation sending young European jihadi recruits on to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq. Moreover, at least one of the suspects arrested in Bosnia-Herzegovina in connection with the Bektasevic network was the former accountant of a financial front company run by veterans of the El-Mudzahedin Unit in Sarajevo and Zenica.
Thus, the brotherhood of radical Muslims forged as a result of the conflict in Bosnia- Herzegovina continues to present a formidable challenge for European intelligence and law enforcement. In the future, it is crucial for Western security agencies to pool information on the identities of any foreign nationals known to have joined mujahideen forces in the Balkans?just as they have done for Afghanistan and Iraq. Moreover, European nations must provide further resources and investigative support to Bosnian Muslim authorities in their drive to uproot remaining pockets of foreign extremists. Without substantial international assistance, it is doubtful that the Bosnians can alone shoulder this weighty and complex security responsibility.
ヨルダンの諜報機関の情報に拠れば300人のイラクに来たテロリストを訓練して外国でのテロ実施 のために送り出す計画であった。 He sought volunteers to fight in Iraq and others to become suicide bombers there, but he also recruited about 300 people who came to Iraq for terrorist training and sent them back to their home countries, where they await orders to carry out strikes.
アメリカのカウンターテロリズム専門家は、ザルカウィの次の標的はサウジアラビアとエジプトで あったろうという。 Counterterrorism officials in the United States said they, too, had seen a flow into Iraq of terrorists from other countries, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt, seeking training under Mr. Zarqawi and his associates.
外交評議会のSteven Simonは、ザルカウィの次の標的はヨーロッパでのテロであったであろうと言う。 Steven Simon, a former National Security Council staff member now at the Council on Foreign Relations, said: " "My sense is that the next step might have been mobilizing his recruitment networks to attack Europeans. That's one reason I think his death makes a difference."(後略)
A few days after the meeting of the two foreign ministers, China’s Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai met with Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Toshihiro Nikai while attending the Sino-Japan Forum on Energy Saving and Environmental Protection in Kyoto. Participating in one of the largest bilateral events in recent memory with 700 government and business leaders from both sides, Bo was received by the Japanese side with formal head-of-the-state status (Kyodo, May 28). He talked to Nikai about the importance of bilateral commerce and how cold political relations have affected economic ties. In the end, both agreed to pursue further collaboration in the areas of energy efficiency and environmental protection. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 現象的にはそういう事態の展開になっているのだけれど、中国国内がどの程度その方針で固まって いるのか不明。更に、日本国内の対中戦略については、外務省が歓迎してもそれが全てではない部 分があると思われ。そうした詳細の分析にはいたっていないような。
Judging from the slogans currently circulated among military officers, Hu seems to have succeeded in gaining the acquiescence, if not the loyalty of the top military commanders. Almost daily, military mouthpieces such as the People’s Liberation Army Daily quote various generals who declare that they “resolutely abide by the instructions of the party central authorities, the Central Military Commission and Chairman Hu.”
BEIJING -- Early data for May, including producer prices and money-supply numbers, indicate inflationary pressure in China is building. 5月の中国の経済データの示すところでは生産者物価が上昇し、マネーサプライが増加し、インフレ 圧力が高まりつつあることがわかる。
The strong hand of conservative politicians has been felt the most in Tokyo, where the rightist governor, Shintaro Ishihara, and other like-minded politicians have curbed the influence of liberal teachers. Education experts say the proposed revision of the 1947 law would spread the type of changes that have started here to the rest of the nation.
In Tokyo, in the past three years, the school board has punished teachers in 350 cases for being unpatriotic at school events. The teachers refused to sing the national anthem and stand before the national flag, both of which, to many here and abroad, are linked to Japan's former militarism.
What does it mean for the killing of al-Zarqawi for the security situation in Iraq, politically? Do you think that would relieve sectarian tension is the beginning of the end of the violence there? What are the repercussions of the government of national unity led by Maliki endeavours aimed at reconciliation? We welcome comments. Tel recall if I wanted to participate in a dialogue on Friday 6-9. Broadcast programme in the third and six minutes Time 05:00 noon.
Killing al-Zarqawi does not mean an end to terrorism, terrorism continues as long as the government did not apply the strict laws Abu Ali oppressed, Baghdad The number who received preference 1 Introduced here prefer some participants Complaint of this participation Added : 09 / 06 / 2006 6:36 GMT
We grieve over the loss of the martyrs Sheikh Abu Musab Alzquaoui not know many of the unjustly Ithmoh terrorism Mensakin behind the media and how there always heroes do not appear only after the emergence of the truth and are in the eyes of some regulations terrorists Ahmed Ibrahim, Cairo The number who received preference 0 Added : 09 / 06 / 2006 6:29 GMT
I think that the killing of al-Zarqawi or others to him will not add anything to Iraq occupier remains ears in Iraq pillages wealth and kill innocent people and obscure the Etkpr spoken words that do not Essel what do they Es'elon. It enables Lazayala Authority in Iraq who came, according to the media about the emergence of tanks Hasib God and the people is just and yes agent. Abdullah wafdy, cairo
To say I was angry is the least I can say to describe how I felt reading the comments from Arabs on a BBC forum. There was no surprise that all Iraqi commentators were pleased that we got rid of that vicious terrorists but on the other hand there was probably 90% of non-Iraqi Arab commentators who mourned him as a martyr. ttp://iraqthemodel.blogspot.com/ Sunday, June 11, 2006 Some are sad just because we're happy.
Iraqi Security Chief on Zarqawi and Troop Levels Earlier this morning, Iraq’s national security adviser, Mowaffak al-Rubaie, appeared on CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. He had interesting comments on the aftermath of Zarqawi's death and future coalition troop levels. On Zarqawi:
[T]he medium-term effect of the departure and the death of Zarqawi is going to be huge on this organization, and not only on this organization, but on other groups, insurgent groups if you like. Because those people were reluctant and afraid, from Zarqawi, to join the political process. Now, the road is easy to go and to come back to the political process and to join the Iraqi people, and I believe this is going to encourage a lot of people from the insurgents, the nationalists, the former regime elements, Baathists, (inaudible) and religious extremists, they're going to start joining the political process and joining the new Iraq.
[W]e found a lot of material in that place. We found the diaries. We found telephone numbers. We found computers, and we found -- there was a database in that computer. And there was a lot of information carrying -- Zarqawi used to carry with him. So it was very, very useful, not only to capture Zarqawi and get him out of the way of the Iraqi people, because he's the number one enemy of the Iraqi people, it was the value of the information we got with him.
And that's what I was referring to when I said we have done a lot of raids immediately after we got Zarqawi. 「是は、ザルカウィの殺戮直後に、我々が多くの拠点を襲撃して押収したものだ」
On troop levels: I believe by the end of the year, of this year, I believe that the number of the multinational forces will be probably less than 100,000 in this country. And by the end of next year, most of the multinational forces will have gone home. And by middle of 2008, we will not see a lot of visibility, neither in the cities or in the towns of the multinational forces. ttp://powerlineblog.com/archives/014363.php
We found computers, and we found -- there was a database in that computer. And there was a lot of information carrying -- Zarqawi used to carry with him.
"We plan large-scaled operations that will shake the enemy and rob them of sleep, in coordination with the other factions of the Mujahideen Council," the statement said.
Elemental standards of journalism include that headlines should accurately reflect the story, and that a story should be verifiable and corroborated. Instead, much of the major media is too often engaged in tabloid journalism: rumor-mongering and sensationalism.
The MSM has not been forthcoming about its policies and controls in its use of Iraqi stringers. The MSM has not been forthcoming in verifying the statements of “witnesses”, instead echoing their statements. ・・・・ ・・・・ The report from a “young Iraqi journalist” or “human rights organization” related to Haditha witnesses presented as reliable have been trumpeted across the front-pages and TV news of the world. Yet, it seems the “young Iraqi journalist” is not what was presented. And, it seems the “witnesses” stories have difficulty adding up. (I also wrote about one of these non-tabulations here.) ・・・・ The Associated Press’ report is headlined, “ Iraqi raises questions on al-Zarqawi death.” This Iraqi says Americans beat the live Zarqawi to death. This would be important news if not for the narrative. “No other witnesses have come forward to corroborate the account…” The AP story is bylined “Associated Press Writer.” ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このところ、明らかに常識はずれで暴走している記事が目立つ(Hadithaの事件、ザルカウィ事件) ので、筆者の言っていることは尤もなのだけれど、APにせよ全ての記事が駄目というよりは駄目 な記者がイラク駐在に何人カ存在して、それが全体の報道品質を極端に引き下げているように思え る。それはNYTのオーニシとか、目立つDQN記者が報道への信頼をぶち壊すのと同じ。
(タイの王様の10原則) Ten principles of a righteous King ttp://www.bangkokpost.com/News/12Jun2006_news09.php バンコクポストにある記事で、タイの王政を考えるヒントになる鴨。この原則は On May 5, 1950, his Coronation Dayのスピーチで明らかにされたもので憲法と かでは無く、タイ王室の自己原則だという。(用語などにタイ仏教の影響が強い)
イランに対して中国は過去に高品質のウラン化合物ガスを輸出するなど素材や技術でイランの核開 発を支援してきた。アムネスティは大型のWMDの輸出ではないにせよ、小型武器の輸出であって も人権侵害国への中国の武器輸出は人権の面で問題が多いとしている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー アムネスティの報告書の原文は↓ ttp://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engasa170302006 12 June 2006 People’s Republic of China Sustaining conflict and human rights abuses The flow of arms accelerates いくつかの具体的な指摘があって、 * More than 200 Chinese military trucks -- normally fitted with US Cummins diesel engines -- shipped to Sudan in August 2005, despite a US arms embargo on both countries and the involvement of similar vehicles in the killing and abduction of civilians in Darfur; * Regular Chinese military shipments to Myanmar, including the supply in August 2005 of 400 military trucks to the Burmese army despite its involvement in the torture, killing and forced eviction of hundreds of thousands of civilians; * Chinese military exports to Nepal in 2005 and early 2006, including a deal to supply nearly 25 thousand Chinese-made rifles and 18,000 grenades to Nepalese security forces, at the time involved in the brutal repression of thousands of civilian demonstrators; * An increasingly illicit trade in Chinese-made Norinco pistols in Australia, Malaysia, Thailand and particularly South Africa, where they are commonly used for robbery, rape and other crimes.
バンコクポストが書くと: The royal guests included Japan's Emperor Akihito, Brunei's Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Spain's Queen Sofia, Britain's Prince Andrew and Jordan's King Abdullah II. The Royals came from Bahrain, Belgium, Bhutan, Cambodia, Denmark, Kuwait, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Qatar, Swaziland, Sweden, Tonga and the United Arab Emirates. ttp://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=102530
AP/CNNの記事では: Among the state guests who arrived Sunday ahead of the celebrations were Prince Henrik of Denmark, Luxembourg's head of state Grand Duke Henri, King Mswati of Swaziland, Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni, Japan's Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and Brunei's Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah. ttp://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/06/12/thailand.king.ap/
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13251472/site/newsweek/ Death of a Terrorist By Evan Thomas and Rod Nordland Newsweek ニューズウイーク:ザルカウィ、テロリストの死 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 伝統的な週刊誌がザルカウィを取り上げているけれど、改めて読んでみると、今の時代には 週刊誌メディアは全く価値を失ったのではないかと思ふ。
イラク(に限らずほぼ全ての中東・アラブ諸国)には政治家や官僚、警官や役人の汚職の文化が 長年続いてきたために、多くの国家収入が賄賂の中で吸収されてしまう。イラクの場合、石油の 違法密売や密輸、それに関わる汚職腐敗で、イラクの石油輸出の半分くらいの富が失われるとい う規模なので、生易しい話ではない。 (For example, nearly half of Iraq's potential oil revenue is lost to corruption and theft.)
この記事の最後に、主題と無関係なザルカウィの追加情報があって: Meanwhile, the death of Abu Musab al Zarqawi continues to reverberate. Data obtained from the scene of the bombing has generated over fifty raids and the arrest of hundreds of terrorist suspects. Many more documents, weapons and bombs were seized. Al Qaeda has responded with threats of massive new attacks, and disinformation about how Zarqawi actually died ("beaten to death by U.S. soldiers" is the current favorite.) The mass media has fallen for this, but fantasies like this don't have legs and will soon disappear. Same thing with the spate of "U.S. troops slaughter civilians" stories. On closer examination, these turn out to be terrorist disinformation designed to be snapped up by mass media eager for spectacular stories.
Al-Qaida in Iraq announced in a web statement posted today that a militant named Abu Hamza al-Muhajer was appointed the group’s new leader to succeed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Interestingly, there do not appear to be obvious references to Abu Hamza al-Muhajir in any of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's propaganda material from the last three years, and to the best of my knowledge, neither the Iraqi government nor the U.S. military has ever publicly named him as a wanted Al-Qaida member. Even the jihadi community that supports Al-Qaida was caught somewhat offguard by this announcement -- many of them had simply assumed that Al-Qaida Deputy Commander Abu Abdelrahman al-Iraqi would take over in Zarqawi's absence. June 12, 2006 10:18 AM ttp://counterterrorismblog.org/
興味深いことに、このAbu Hamza al-Muhajirの名前は、過去3年間のザルカウィのプロパガンダ文書 に一度も現れていない。私の知る限り、イラクのアメリカ軍もイラク政府もこの人物をアルカイダの メンバーとして挙げた事が無い。アルカイダを支持するジハード・コミニティにとってさえ意外な発 表になった。多くの人はイラクのアルカイダのNo2指揮官のAbu Abdelrahman al-Iraqiが後継者に なるのではと思っていた。
Details of Liu Zhihua’s colourful private life emerged today after he was sacked from his post when a foreign businessman reported him for extorting a bribe. Mr Liu’s sacking has triggered accusations of widespread corruption surrounding the Games, and highlighted a culture of graft that is said to trouble British and other foreign companies working as specialist contractors on Beijing’s Olympic sites.
In the resort town of Kuangou, an hour’s drive north of the Olympic Village, police have sealed off Mr Liu’s multi-story development. An unknown number of young woman, as well as waiting staff, are said to be confined to rooms there, waiting to be interviewed by investigators from the central discipline inspection commission, a shadowy anti-corruption agency inside the Communist Party.
“Liu has more than one mistress,” wrote the Wen Hui Bao newspaper in Hong Kong. “He has a secret pleasure palace for himself to have fun.” Mainland media reported the sacking but no further details.
A senior official said there were "enough indications" to suggest that Pyongyang was getting ready to fire a Taepodong-2 missile from a launch pad in eastern North Korea.
The US is monitoring the launch site to see if North Korea starts final assembly of the missile. If North Korea fuelled an assembled Taepodong-2, it would increase the probability of a test, since the move is difficult and dangerous to reverse.
"There is no doubt about it, that is to say they are engaged in missile test preparations completely consistent with launching a missile," said one government source, speaking anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject matter.
”It is very likely that North Korea believes that with Iran being offered a very reasonable package of incentives to abandon their nuclear program, they too would like to ensure that they are getting the appropriate attention and incentives from the United States,” said Jon Wolfsthal, a weapons expert at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.
But Wolfsthal said the hardline communist state’s stepped up missile activity could be an indication that Pyongyang “is very frustrated with its inability to get political and economic benefits from its nuclear program.”
Jon Wolfsthalは北朝鮮のミサイル発射準備は彼らが「核開発から、見返りとしての政治的な、ま た経済的なものを得られていないことに対するフラストレーションの高まり」を示すのではないか という。
”The North Koreans do not like to be ignored and they are famous for staging provocative actions to remind the United States that they are still potentially dangerous,” noted Joseph Cirincione, a nuclear expert at the Center for American Progress.
Center for American Progressの核問題専門家であるJoseph Cirincioneは「北朝鮮は無視される事 を嫌うし、挑戦的な事を仕掛けるので有名でもある。彼等はアメリカにとって危険な存在だと思い 出させたいわけだ」という。
In fact, the Ernst and Young report was not unique. Very few financial analysts believe China's "official" figure for NPLs. Most think the ratio of bad loans is considerably higher, maybe as high as 50 percent, according to Frank Song, director of Hong Kong University's China Financial Research Center. When suspected NPL figures are combined with prospective NPL estimates, the Ernst and Young report's figure of $900 billion is probably not wildly off the mark.
In fact, previous estimates by Standard and Poor's and PricewaterhouseCoopers indicated that Chinese NPLs could very well top $800 billion; and Fitch Ratings has just put the number at close to $700 billion. Like any such assessment, it's possible that the Ernst and Young report was based on assumptions and analysis that could be called into question. But it's just as likely that the report's inconvenient timing was the reason it was retracted.
Plenty of analysts have seen these problems and have predicted China's economic downfall for some years now--and it hasn't happened. At least, not yet. The laws of economics may be complex, but they do, in the end, punish those who ignore their most rudimentary precepts.
However, that's the point. Western financial experts keep looking at China as though it simply wants to be another Western-style, economic force. And while undoubtedly some in China do, others don't.
The Communist party sees the banks as too important, in allocating resources and ensuring political support, to turn them over to independent actors. As Minxin Pei notes in his fine new book China's Trapped Transition, "Few authoritarian regimes can rely on coercion to maintain power. Most autocracies mix coercion with patronage to secure support from key constituencies, such as the bureaucracy, the military, and business groups."
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said recently that his government is aiming for 12% annual growth in manufacturing, to push overall growth in gross domestic product to 10% this year. インドのシン首相はインドの今年のGDP成長を10%にすべく製造業を促進すると述べている。
BP Chief John Browne said increasing supplies, via new discoveries and more efficient extraction technologies, plus declining demand, via conservation efforts and development of alternative fuels, will chop the price of the world's most heavily traded commodity in the mid-term, the BBC reported Monday.
"We cannot really count on oil prices easing very much in the near future," Browne said in an interview with Der Spiegel. "But is very likely that oil prices will range in the medium term around an average of $40," he continued. "In the long run it could even be $25 to $30."
Among locations with big discoveries is the Caspian Sea, Browne said. He also said extraction efficiency is rising from about 45 percent overall to 50 percent or 60 percent.
ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,1796390,00.html A local witness told al-Jazeera that US soldiers had tried to revive Zarqawi. "They were pressing on his chest, wanting him to speak or to respond, and they brought a bottle of water but he didn't take it," he said. Another witness claimed US troops had struck Zarqawi, but General George Casey, the top American commander in Iraq, dismissed that as "baloney".
All Ordinaries 4,814.900 1:47AM ET Down 111.900 (2.27%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 1,551.346 1:17AM ET Down 1.452 (0.09%)↓上海 Hang Seng 15,342.88 12:47AM ET Down 278.56 (1.78%)↓香港 BSE 30 9,067.22 1:47AM ET Down 408.93 (4.32%)↓インド Jakarta Composite 1,245.559 1:46AM ET Down 27.551 (2.16%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 904.83 12:32AM ET Down 11.87 (1.29%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 14,406.97 1:27AM ET Down 426.04 (2.87%)↓東京 NZSE 50 3,600.522 1:35AM ET Down 12.508 (0.35%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,304.30 12:30AM ET Down 34.23 (1.46%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,203.46 1:47AM ET Down 36.38 (2.93%)↓韓国 Taiwan Weighted 6,337.21 1:46AM ET Down 105.69 (1.64%)↓台湾
The Chinese backed down on mandating that all companies use WAPI but persisted in boosting the standard ? and trying to win over critics abroad. Not many people are buying WAPI, though. Over the weekend, WAPI hit the headlines again when a Chinese delegation attending a conference organized by the International Standardization Organization in the Czech Republic stormed out of the meeting, accusing rivals in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers of creating an “unfair atmosphere.” ・・・ Maybe what we’re seeing now is a case of China’s ambitions for global tech leadership coming up against the regime’s chronic need to control information. Just about anything can be considered a state secret in China. (Here's a good list of some of the things that are too secret to reveal.) And, of course, one of the reasons Beijing was promoting WAPI in the first place was to boost its own ability to decode the secrets of others.
But winning approval for WAPI requires opening it up for others to see. In Prague there were two choices: Provide the information necessary to win international approval for WAPI or storm out and denounce a foreign plot. Unfortunately, it’s not surprising that the consipracy theorists seem to have won out. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 西欧側の見方は、中国の言う「中国方式のWiFi標準」が単なる技術的な野心に留まらず、インター ネット検閲体制確保の為というもので、とてもではないけれど国際標準規格に採用でき無いという もの。まあ是は当然の判断で、いくらなんでも中国も横柄すぎるような。
"We are expecting clashes will erupt in the predominantly Sunni areas," he said. "The terrorists will escalate their violence especially during the first week as revenge for the killing of al-Zarqawi." He also said; "Baghdad is divided according to geographical area and we know the al-Qaida leaders in each area." 「スンニ派多数地域での紛争が予想される」「最初の週には特にテロリストの暴力のエスカエーショ ンが予想される。ザルカウィ殺戮への復讐といったこともある」「バクダッドを地域的に分割して 各地域のアルカイダ勢力を掃討する」
"There will be a special uniform with special badges to be put on the vehicles as a sign that it belongs to our forces," he said, adding the prime minister would decide when to end the crackdown. 「特別の制服や車両につける特別のバッジを準備する。それは政府の警備部隊の識別マークである」
Lately, Rove has hit the campaign trail, maintaining that the GOP will prevail ? despite polls showing Democrats gaining advantages in many regions and nationally. If his attorney's prediction holds, Rove will be free to assume an aggressive high-profile role in the GOP's campaigns. Rove delivered hard-hitting attacks on the president's Democratic critics at a state GOP function in New Hampshire on Monday night -- boosted, it now appears, by good news from his lawyer.
Only yesterday, the badly mis-named website Truthout featured yet another report from Jason Leopold claiming that Rove was the subject of a sealed indictment, according to Sweetness & Light.
Rather than shame and withdrawal in disgrace, we can expect the left to claim that Rove barely escaped, that he is damaged goods, and that the “criminals in the White House” used nefarious means to cover-up a real crime and avoid Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV’s vision that Rove would be “frog-marched” out of the White House. Thomas Lifson 6 13 06
UPDATE: Blog of the Week TigerHawk has been cruising far-left web sites, and notes that the tinfoil hatters haven't given up yet: "The diehard lefties hope that Rove flipped on Cheney." Good grief. タイガーフォーク・ブログが極左のブログを調査していて、それに拠ればお馬鹿さんたちはまだ 諦めていないようなのだ。「ダイハード・サヨクはローブが駄目なら、チェイニーを血祭りに挙 げるチャンスがあると思っている」のだという。諦めが悪い。
The decision not to pursue any charges removes a potential political stumbling block for a White House that is heading into a long and difficult election season for Republicans in Congress. 日経の記者がどういうメディアを読んでアメリカ国内の政治状況を判断しているかが想像できそう な記事で、いかがなものかと思える。
2005年11月21日 "Right now intelligence officials are pouring over information trying to decide if it's possible that public enemy number one in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, has, in fact, been killed over the weekend. ABC's chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross tells us what he learned."Ross answered:"If it's true it'd be major victory for the US in Iraq."
今週のフッドモーニング・アメリカで "[Is] it any safer in Iraq and will the war end any sooner?" Clarke responded: "Well, unfortunately the answer is no. This man was a terrible man. He was a symbol of terrorism. He was the face of terrorism, the only real name we knew of an insurgent leader in Iraq. But he commanded only a few hundred people out of tens of thousands involved in the insurgency. And so, unfortunately for the loved ones of troops over in Iraq, this is not going to mean a big difference." Sawyer incredulously concluded the segment: "So for overall terrorism against the U.S., it's, again, not a major effect." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー メディアの中の人はニュースの消費者は馬鹿で、メディアのいう事を何でも信じるし、以前に 言ったことと矛盾したことを言っても消費者は気がつくわけはないと、決めてかかっているよ うに見える。何たる天才かと呆れるしかない(国内も同じだけれど)連中はインテーネットに はぐぐるとか、そういう道具のあることを知らないみたいだ。あるいは、知っていても馬鹿な ニュース消費者がニュースの事実検証にそれを使うと想像できない程度の巨大脳みそしかない らすい。
Spot gold fell as low as $580.50 - its weakest since March 30 - and was at $583, compared with $605.95 late in New York on Monday. Gold has fallen $150, or 20 percent, from its 26-year peak of $730 a month ago but is still up 12 percent from the start of the year and 37 percent from its level 12 months ago.
Not just stocks fell Tuesday. Gold posted its biggest decline in 26 years. Silver prices fell 13%. Crude-oil prices fell for the fifth time in six trading days. Investors are struggling to adjust to the rapidly shifting landscape on Wall Street, and there seem to be few places to hide.
"To be honest, I'm surprised by the recent volatility," said Chisato Haganuma, a strategist at Nomura Securities in Tokyo. "Short-term investors are cutting their losses and getting out."
"The market's been slaughtered," said Richard Wallace at Wallace Funds Management in Sydney, Bloomberg News reported. "This is a little bit more serious than a pullback."
"The reason you raise interest rates is to slow growth, you get prices to change that way," Richard Syron, head of the U.S. mortgage agency Freddie Mac and a former Fed governor, said in an interview. "Do I think there'll be a dramatic decline? No." Still, hardly any analysts now dispute that inflation, along with any central bank response, has become a top risk factor fueling volatility in global equity markets.
"Perhaps we are talking more about inflation than inflation actually warrants," said Ralf Gronemeyer, an equities strategist with Commerzbank in Frankfurt. "But the time to quit worrying is not there yet."
WSJの無償で読めるページ(OPJ)にイラク・ブログを書いている歯科医のオマル氏の相棒 (兄弟)である MOHAMMED FADHIL氏が評論を書いている。(ITMのロゴも表示されている)
ttp://www.opinionjournal.com/federation/feature/?id=110008506 OPINIONJOURNAL FEDERATION A Demon's Demise Hamas mourns Zarqawi. In Iraq, the sane are celebrating. BY MOHAMMED FADHIL Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 内容は >>204 で紹介したザルカウィへのハマスやヨルダン国会議員のシンパシーへの抗議。 それにしても、彼(バクダッド在住のブロガー)の評論がWSJに掲載されるのも,そのブログ が比較的有名な為と思われるので、ブロガーも結構メインストリームで意見を述べる時代になっ たものと感心させられる。WSJがオマル氏などのイラク・ブログに注目しているとは知らなか ったのだけど、なかなか良い着眼点と思ふ。
Mr. Fadhil, along with his brother Omar, runs Iraq the Model, a blog based in Baghdad. と書いていて ttp://iraqthemodel.blogspot.com/ へのリンクもついている。
ザルカウィの後継候補に挙げられてきたAbu Aseelはイラク軍の前士官でイラク政府が彼の写真は じめ多くの個人情報を持っていることが指導者としては不利であるという。これに対してMuhajir はイラク政府や西側に全く知られておらず、それが有利な点だという。そうした内容の知られてい ない指導者を立てて、オサマ・ビン・ラーデンがイラクのアルカイダ活動を指導できる可能性があ る。(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この記事の筆者は:Sami Moubayed is a Syrian political analyst. He is the author of Steel & Silk: Men and Women Who Shaped Syria 1900-2000
SECRETARY RICE: Thank you. We were very pleased to be invited to provide this briefing to the Senate. We, of course, have just returned from Camp David where we discussed how the U.S. Government can support this new Iraqi Government, the first permanent government for Iraq. It has plans. We have been listening to those plans and we are prepared to support them.
The President, of course, was there and we had an extraordinary moment this morning when we had a joint cabinet meeting between the cabinet at Camp David and the cabinet in Baghdad, and I can tell you that it was a very exciting and indeed touching moment for all of us to see this new Iraqi Government really beginning to function.
The identity of Abu Hamza Al Muhajir, named to succeed Abu Musab Al Zarqawi as leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, has mystified outsiders wondering if he will replicate the bloody tactics of his slain predecessor.
“That name was completely unknown to us,” said a European intelligence source on Tuesday, a day after the group announced its new chief on a Web site often used by Islamist militants.
“It’s an invented name,” said Mustafa Alani, an Iraq analyst at the Dubai-based Gulf Research Center. The pseudonym would allow Al Qaeda in Iraq to deny its real leader had been killed, however many top militants US forces hunted down, he argued.(後略)
“Information circulated says that Abu Hamza is Masri himself,” said a Sunni Arab source in Iraq who is familiar with militants, adding that this signalled a new strategy. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 聞いたことも無いような名前の指導者が発表されたので、本当の指導者は別にいて、名前だけの 贋物を発表して、偽装しているのではないか、と言う意見がある・・・
So much for having Karl Rove "frog-marched" out of the White House "in handcuffs." That's the fate Democratic partisan Joe Wilson once predicted for President Bush's political guru, and yesterday his hope and accusations vanished like fog on the Potomac.
The Rove decision also finally discredits the accusation that there was some grand White House conspiracy to smear Mr. Wilson. Mr. Fitzgerald has brought no charges concerning the original leak, which means there was no underlying crime. His entire case -- and this entire "scandal" -- has been distilled to charges of perjury and obstruction against one man, former Vice Presidential Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
And that one case comes down to nothing more than the fact that Mr. Libby's memory of conversations with three reporters differs from that of the reporters themselves. Think we're exaggerating? Here's how the judge in the case, Reggie B. Walton, summarized it in a recent ruling on evidence: "The charges against the defendant are based entirely [our emphasis] upon what the defendant has said was discussed during his conversations with these news reporters."
そしてリビー氏のケースも、証拠隠滅なるものが三人の記者に関わる会話の内容の記憶違いとか不 一致とかいうものである。この言い方が誇張だというなら次のことを考えてみるべきだ。判事である Reggie B. Waltonがこの事件について「被告に対する告訴はもっぱら新聞記者との会話において被告 の言ったことの無いように関するものである」と述べているのだ。
Those conversations took place in the summer of 2003, while the reporters didn't testify about them for Mr. Fitzgerald until a year or more later. Memories aren't always perfect, and Mr. Libby's lawyers will no doubt have ample room to cast doubt on those recollections against the record of notebook entries and public statements made by the reporters. Mr. Fitzgerald will also have to prove why a seasoned lawyer such as Mr. Libby had a motive to lie if there was no underlying crime to cover up.
We should add that the lack of any underlying crime also means that Mr. Fitzgerald's pursuit of journalistic sources in this case violated the Justice Department's own guidelines, which state that "there should be reasonable grounds to believe . . . that a crime has occurred, and that the information sought is essential to a successful investigation."
The tragedy of this episode is that a political fight over the war in Iraq was allowed to become a criminal matter. Mr. Wilson spun his false tale in an effort to discredit the war and deny Mr. Bush a second term. The liberal media put partisanship above their own interests in demanding a special counsel probe of "leaks" -- until that probe turned on their own sources. The Attorney General at the time, John Ashcroft, passed the buck to Mr. Comey by recusing himself on flimsy grounds -- an act of political and legal abdication.
The last week has been the best for Free Iraq in a long time, with the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the completion of the new government, and now Mr. Bush's visit. Let's hope the President returns soon, perhaps along with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and stays even longer the next time.
カウンターテロリズム・ブログから ttp://counterterrorismblog.org/ June 14, 2006 CNN Editor Equates "Terrorism" With "Freedom Fight," Insulting All Coalition Forces By Andrew Cochran
CTB:CNNのOCTAVIA NASRには、「テロリスト」と「自由の戦士」の区別がつけられない
CNNのアラブ担当(CNN SENIOR EDITOR FOR ARAB AFFAIRS)であるOCTAVIA NASRがDQNな発言 をして、テロリズム専門家が余りのお花畑に呆れるという話;
OCTAVIA NASR, CNN SENIOR EDITOR FOR ARAB AFFAIRS: Well, I think for one, terrorism for one person is a freedom fight for another. And you know, the Arab world always talks about this, as they say the so-called terrorism, because they believe that - in Iraq, for example, many people are struggling against occupation, so in many ways they support that struggle against occupation but then they draw a line between those who are struggling
ttp://www.dailynk.com/english/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=802 North Korean Prices Rising High… Pork at Chongjin Market, 1kg, 2500won [Telephone conversation with a North Korean resident] Control of Jangmadang and Chinese Goods By Han Young Jin, Reporter, Defector from Pyongyang [ 2006-06-12 16:57 ]
Chinese 100yuan is 34,000won at Jangmadang(ry
Local factory workers, majority mobilized to the village(ry
"It seems unlikely that the [rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee] can stand on the sidelines with core inflation running at its recent pace," said Steven A. Wood, chief economist at Insight Economics. "Consequently, it is a foregone conclusion that they will tighten for the seventeenth consecutive meeting on June 29."
Insight Economicsの主任エコノミストSteven A. Woodは「次回のFOMCでFRBがインフレ進行 を見逃すような措置は、コアインフレ指数の伸びから見て、まずないだろう」とのべた。「6月29日 のFOMCでは17回目の金利上昇を決めるだろう」
We now learn from Reuters that the company has announced new delays of at least six months in deliveries of the A380 superjumbo on Tuesday, a development described as "an embarrassing new setback expected to blow a two billion euro cash hole in parent EADS". Airbus is still planning to deliver the first aircraft to its launch customer, Singapore Airlines, in 2006, but is then having to slow down deliveries the following year because, it says, of problems with the installation of electrical wiring harnesses.
EADS is predicting that the delays will mean shortfalls in earnings, before interest and tax, of ?500 million a year between 2007 and 2010, and acknowledged it would have to pay penalties to carriers which have signed up for the world's biggest airliner.
Meanwhile, Airbus's customers, including its largest, Emirates, which has ordered 43 A380s, are "considering their position", and the possibility of some bailing out has not been discounted. Would that we could do the same with the European Union which once so proudly took ownership of the project, that other lame-duck "superjumbo".
このフィルターというのは、巧妙なナノテクで作るものらしくて: To make the membranes, the researchers started with a silicon wafer about the size of a quarter, coated with a metal nanoparticle catalyst for growing carbon nanotubes. Holt says the small particles allow the nanotubes to grow "like blades of grass -- vertically aligned and closely packed." Once grown, the gaps between the nanotubes are filled with a ceramic material, silicon nitride, which provides stability and helps the membrane adhere to the underlying silicon wafer. The field of nanotubes functions as an array of pores, allowing water and certain gases through, while keeping larger molecules and clusters of molecules at bay.
Stocks advanced Wednesday, even though a key inflation report was stronger than expected. While the report heightened expectations the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates again at the end of June, it was not enough to push down a market that has already fallen so much in recent weeks.
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Thank you. I've just returned from Baghdad, and I was inspired to be able to visit the capital of a free and democratic Iraq.(ry
THE PRESIDENT: Well, one of the reasons I went to Iraq was to be able to sit down with an Iraqi government to determine whether or not they have the will to succeed. イラク行こうと思った理由のひとつは新政府の閣僚にあって、彼らが成功するという意思力を持っ ているのかどうかを見極めたいと思ったからだ
Success in Iraq depends upon the Iraqis. If the Iraqis don't have the will to succeed, they're not going to succeed. We can have all the will we want, I can have all the confidence in the ability for us to bring people to justice, but if they choose not to take the -- make the hard decisions and to implement a plan, they're not going to make it. And so, one of the things I went to Iraq to do was to, as best as I possibly can, expel any doubt in my mind as to whether or not we have a partner that is going to do the hard work. イラクの成功はイラク人にかかっている。彼らが意志の力を持たないなら成功しない。彼らが正義 を実現する為の困難な事業をやろうという決断をしないなら、そういう事は起こらない。私は吾ら のパートナーがそうした困難に立ち向かえることを確認した。
One of the interesting things that -- and by the way, I believe we will have a partner to do the hard work. I made it clear to the government there that it's up to them to succeed. It's really up to them to put a plan in place and execute it. We'll help, but it's -- they were elected by the people, they're living under a constitution that the people endorsed, and they have to follow through. 私がイラク政府に言ったことはアメリカは支援を惜しまないが成功するかどうかは彼らにかかって いるということだ。彼らは国民の承認した憲法の下で選出された政府で、国民の為にそうした計画 を実現させる責任を負っている。
And that's why I was most interested in hearing the Prime Minister's plans on electricity and energy and security. As I mentioned to you, there's an operation now going on in Baghdad that he helped put together, that we're helping him on. He recognizes that the capital city of a country sends important signals to the rest of the country -- the security of the capital city -- to the country and the world. He knows that. And that's why he has worked out a robust plan, with our help. だから私はマリキ首相と話したいと思った。彼の安全保障やインフラ整備や、エネルギー資源の計画 を聞いた。彼は首都は国全体に対して安全保障の上で重要であることを認識していて、バクダッドの 治安回復のための頑強な計画を作った。彼は吾らの協力を得て、それを実行する(後略)
ザルカウィの死に伴ってそのチ−ムのNo2であるal Masriに注目が集まったが、多国籍軍の広報 官は記者会見で記者の質問に答えて: Said Caldwell: "Yeah, al Masri, Egyptian Arab. He's not an Iraqi. Born and raised in Egypt. He was trained in Afghanistan, went through his training there. We know he has been involved with IEDs and making here in Iraq. Probably came here around 2002 into Iraq, probably actually helped establish maybe the first al Qaeda cell that existed in the Baghdad area." アルカイダのイラク組織が2002年に存在したことを述べている。
しかしNYTの記事、"Key Events in the Life of al-Zarqawi,"とかニューズウイークの特集記事 肺と敵にこうした事実を伏せている。APのバクダッド駐在記者であるPatrick Quinn は、 "The myth-building around al Zarqawi began even before the war started in March 2003," と書いていて、彼のこれまでのサダム時代にアルカイダは関係なしと言う主張を繰り返しているが、 それは間違いで、多くの証拠や証言がある。
ザルカウィの出身国であるヨルダンの諜報部隊は特別チームを編成してザルカウィを追っかけてきて おり詳細な諜報情報を持っているがアフガニスタンのHerat,のキャンプからイラクに移動した2002年 以降の跡を追っている。上院諜報委員会ではヨルダンの諜報員の情報をソースに、 "The Iraqi regime was, at a minimum, aware of al Zarqawi's presence in Baghdad in 2002 because a foreign government service passed [redacted] information regarding his whereabouts to Iraqi authorities in June 2002." 更に、ヨルダンの諜報ソースは最近のWaPoの記事でも証言していて、 Furthermore, the Iraqis warned the Zarqawi operatives that the Jordanians knew where they were, he said. After he recovered from his injuries, Zarqawi continued to cross borders in the region frequently, using disguises and fake passports to stay one step ahead of the Jordanians. こうした多くの事実や証言、証拠からAPのPatrick Quinn記者などの主張や記事は全くの誤りである。
"Municipal governments in China have a very small revenue base and rapidly growing needs. That's why we think the extra-budgetary funding is getting to a very high level. The risk that is incurred is a major concern," he said in an interview.
Mr. Liu said the central government is working to curb the excesses of some local governments, but he called for it to get more involved.
HONG KONG -- China Petrochemical Corp., better known as Sinopec Group, will pay US$692.2 million for stakes in three deep-water oil blocks off Angola, said an official at Angola's state oil company Sonangol E.P.
Mr. Wachtel also said comments from Abby Joseph Cohen, Goldman's chief U.S. investment strategist, bode well for the market. "We think a good deal of the correction has already occurred," Ms. Cohen said at the Reuters Investment Outlook summit in New York. "Looking at the fundamentals ... on that basis I would say the S&P 500 looks underpriced right now," she added, noting that, based on her estimate for the index to reach 1400 by the end of the year, it is undervalued by about 12 percent. ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB115028551247279992.html?mod=home_whats_news_us
"We think that would be a bad idea for North Korea. We think what North Korea ought to do is come back to the six-party talks and talk about how they're going to give up their nuclear program," Hadley said in an interview on CNN.
Today's summit represents another example of China quietly extending its influence into parts of the world that Western, free nations have ignored. Beijing has invested heavily in transport links to its Central Asian neighbors over the past decade, for instance, and trade -- and political goodwill -- has spiked accordingly.
People, let the world live in freedom and happiness… I say it to all the sane and rational people; congratulations on the death of Zarqawi. [emphasis added] イラク人は、なぜ他のアラブ人がイラク人(子供や女性を含む)を残虐な形で殺す罪人が 殺されたことについて悲しんでいるのかが理解できない。
I couldn't agree more, so if you are sane, come celebrate the moment with us, but if not, get prepared to mourn more demons. 私もなぜハマスやリベラルの方々は、率直に罪人の死を受け取ることができないのか理解 できない。
Terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi planned to try to destroy the relationship between the United States and its Shiite allies in Iraq and help start a war between America and Iran. ザルカウィの計画は、アメリカとイラクのシーア派の関係を破壊し、アメリカとイランの戦争を 誘導することであった。
This appeared to be the case according to a summary of an al-Qaida in Iraq document released by prime minister Nouri Maliki today. Documents purporting to reflect al-Qaida policy and its cooperation with groups loyal to ousted president Saddam Hussein were found in al-Zarqawi’s hideout following an air strike that killed the terrorist mastermind, the prime minister’s office said. イラクのマリキ首相の開示したアルカイダの文書からその計画が明瞭に解る。この文書は、ザルカウィ の隠れ家から発見されたものとマリキ首相は述べている。
“We mean specifically attempting to escalate the tension between America and Iran, and American and the Shiite in Iraq,” it said, especially among moderate followers of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. 「我々(アルカイダ)はアメリカとイランの緊張関係を高め、アメリカとシーア派、なかでもグランド アヤトラのアリ・アル・シスタニ師(穏健派)との関係を悪化させなくてはならない」と文書は言う。
“Creating disputes between America and them could hinder the US co-operation with them, and subsequently weaken this kind of alliance between Shiites and the Americans,” it said, adding that “the best solution is to get America involved in a war against another country and this would bring benefits.” 「アメリカとシーア派の対立関係を作り出すことで、彼らの同盟関係を破壊する。そのための最善の 方法はアメリカと別の国との戦争を起こすことで、それは大変大きなメリットをもたらす」
It pointed to clashes in 2004 between US forces and followers of radical anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi army militia as evidence of the benefits of such a strategy. Al-Sadr and his growing followers are among the fiercest advocates of a US withdrawal from Iraq. It said the “results obtained during the struggle between U.S. army and al-Mahdi army is an example of the benefits to be gained by such struggle”. ザルカウィの文書は2004年にアメリカ軍がシーア派の反アメリカ主義者、サドル師と彼のマハディ 軍が衝突したことを挙げて、そうした戦略の正しさを説いている。サドル師と支持勢力はイラク国 内でもアメリカ軍撤退を求める最大勢力である。「マハディ軍とアメリカ軍の戦闘の結果得られた ものは、こうした戦略から得られるメリットを示すものである」
Security forces have seized al Qaeda in Iraq documents giving key information about the militant group's network and the whereabouts of its leaders, the country's national security adviser said on Thursday イラクの警備部隊はアルカイダの戦略を示す文書を発見、押収したとイラクの安全保障アドバイザー が木曜日に発表した。
"We believe this is the beginning of the end of al Qaeda in Iraq," Mowaffaq al-Rubaie told a televised news conference. Mowaffaq al-Rubaie安全保障アドバイザーがTV記者会見し「これは、イラクのアルカイダの、終わ りの始まりだ」と述べた。
Holding what he said was one of them in his hand, he added: "I present to you a document that was found in one of Zarqawi's computers that reveals many dangerous things and gives details on strategy and plans of the al Qaeda terrorist organization in Iraq." アルカイダの拠点から発見したとする文書を手にして、アドバイザーは「ザルカウィのコンピュータ から発見した文書が、彼らのイラクでの戦略の詳細を示している」
Instead, it suggested that insurgent forces were being weakened by U.S. raids and propaganda and proposed ways to counter this, for example by infiltrating Iraq's armed forces, recruiting new members and manufacturing more weapons. 文書はテロ実施計画を示すものではなく、テロリスト勢力がアメリカ軍のために弱体化していると延 べ、イラク軍の中に(ひそかに)侵入する事、新しいメンバーをリクルートすること、より多くの爆 弾を製造すべきことを述べている。
It also said the best way to get out of "the crisis" was to foster conflict between the United States and another country, like Shi'ite Iran, and by stirring U.S.-Shi'ite tension in Iraq. 更に文書はこの「危機から脱出する」最善の方法はアメリカと別の国との戦争を発生させることだと 述べている。シーア派のイランとアメリカの戦争、またイラク国内のアメリカとシーア派の緊張関係 を高めることが最善とする。
He added: "These documents have given us the edge over al Qaeda and (they) also gave us the whereabouts of their network, of their leaders, of their weapons and the way they lead the organization and the whereabouts of their meetings." アドバイザーは「この文書は我々にアルカイダに勝るものを与える。アルカイダとそのネットワーク が、その指導者、武器、その戦略や組織を教える」
The documents and records revealed the names and whereabouts of other al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders, he said, adding that more information has since been found in raids on other insurgent hideouts.
SCO holds that the United Nations, being the universal and the most representative and authoritative international organization, is entrusted with primary responsibility in international affairs and is at the core of formulating and implementing the basic norms of international law(ry
In carrying out Security Council reform, the principles of equitable geographical distribution and seeking the broadest consensus should be observed. No time limit should be set for the reform, nor should a vote be forced on any proposal over which there are major differences. SCO holds that the next Secretary-General of the United Nations should come from Asia. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 安保理改革に否定的で、現状維持を強く望んでいるように読めるけれど、それは日本(やドイツ、 インド)の安保理常任理事会入りを警戒したものと思える。次期国連事務総長をアジアからという のは欧州や東欧の候補者がアンチ共産主義の傾向の強いことへの反発かと思える。
>>292 このSCO宣言文の署名者は: President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbaev President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao President of the Kyrgyz Republic K. Bakiev President of the Russian Federation V. Putin President of the Republic of Tajikistan E. Rakhmonov President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov
Diversity of civilization and model of development must be respected and upheld. Differences in cultural traditions, political and social systems, values and model of development formed in the course of history should not be taken as pretexts to interfere in other countries' internal affairs. Model of social development should not be "exported". Differences in civilizations should be respected, and exchanges among civilizations should be conducted on an equal basis to draw on each other's strengths and enhance harmonious development.
"We think that Abu Ayyub al-Masri is in fact, probably, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir. They are probably one and the same," Major General William Caldwell, the spokesman for the U.S. military in Iraq, told a news conference.
イラクの多国籍軍広報官、William Caldwell少将は「ザルカウィの後継者とされるAbu Hamza al-Muhajirは実際には(以前からNo2とされている)Abu Ayyub al-Masriだろう。この二人 は同一人物と思う」と述べた。
Baghdad, Iraq (AP) ? A bold statement from Iraq's national security adviser. He says information found at the hideout of slain terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will allow the Iraqi government to “destroy al-Qaida" and ”finish this terrorist organization in Iraq." He says documents recovered at the site of last week's U.S. air strike have provided valuable information about the terror group and its leaders.
Cleanup crews in northern China were scrambling Thursday to absorb 60 tons of toxic coal tar accidentally dumped into a river before it reaches a reservoir serving a city of 10 million people, state media said.
Cotton batting, sponge, straw and activated carbon were being used to try to absorb the coal tar -- a substance linked to cancer -- before it reaches the Wangkuai Reservoir of Baoding, a city of about 10 million people(後略)
But a number of commentators are still wary. Andy Xie of Morgan Stanley wrote recently that the "global liquidity bubble may be bursting," saying "several several hot markets could decline by 50% to 70% before global asset prices are normalized." This morning, Citigroup strategist Tobias Lefkovich said that, "given the risks abroad now, we think that 'going local' beats 'going global' hands down." So what are they worried about? Here's a few of the issues:
Hot money: Mr. Lefkovich pointed out that the percentage of equity fund assets in international funds remained between 12% and 16% from 2000 to 2004. It's now at 21%, and he believes some markets could be as stretched as tech stocks in 2000. "The asset-value mispricing took much longer to correct than many expected -- and we now wonder if a similar situation is developing in regions like Brazil, India, Turkey, and Arabia," he wrote.
Mr. Lefkovichは海外株式に12%から16%があてられた2000年から2004年に比べて今ではそれが21% であることを指摘し、幾つかのマーケットは2000年のテックバブルと同じような状態という。 「資産の値づけの誤りは修正に長い時間がかかり、同じようなことがブラジル、インド、トルコ そしてアラビア(半島諸国)に起こっているのかもしれない」と書いている。
Current-account deficits: A number of emerging-markets countries, such as Turkey, Hungary and the Baltic states, have current-account deficits, which means they need to import capital in order to finance their domestic spending. If capital dries up, it could cause those currencies and their markets to weaken, perhaps prompting a crisis. (Asia and Latin America are not in danger, Mr. Roubini said recently, but Eastern Europe is at risk.)
AEI:2006中間選挙で民主党は負ける! By Michael Novak ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 2006選挙で民主党有利を予想する向きが多い中で、珍しくも民主党敗退を予言するもの。 ただし、余り根拠が書いてないような気もする・・・ The Democrats piqued too soon. Just watch. と書いている。まあ、見守るしかない わけだけれども。
In general and despite the current bleak situation, we think that the best suggestions in order to get out of this crisis is to entangle the American forces into another war against another country or with another of our enemy force, that is to try and inflame the situation between American and Iraq or between America and the Shi'a in general.
Specifically the Sistani Shi'a, since most of the support that the Americans are getting is from the Sistani Shi'a, then, there is a possibility to instill differences between them and to weaken the support line between them; in addition to the losses we can inflict on both parties. Consequently, to embroil America in another war against another enemy is the answer that we find to be the most appropriate, and to have a war through a delegate has the following benefits:
1. To occupy the Americans by another front will allow the resistance freedom of movement and alleviate the pressure imposed on it. 2. To dissolve the cohesion between the Americans and the Shi'a will weaken and close this front. 3. To have a loss of trust between the Americans and the Shi'a will cause the Americans to lose many of their spies. 4. To involve both parties, the Americans and the Shi'a, in a war that will result in both parties being losers. 5. Thus, the Americans will be forced to ask the Sunni for help. 6. To take advantage of some of the Shia elements that will allow the resistance to move among them. 7. To weaken the media's side which is presenting a tarnished image of the resistance, mainly conveyed by the Shi'a. 8. To enlarge the geographical area of the resistance movement. 9. To provide popular support and cooperation by the people.
The resistance fighters have learned from the result and the great benefits they reaped, when a struggle ensued between the Americans and the Army of Al-Mahdi. However, we have to notice that this trouble or this delegated war that must be ignited can be accomplished through: 1. A war between the Shi'a and the Americans. 2. A war between the Shi'a and the secular population (such as Ayad 'Alawi and al-Jalabi.) 3. A war between the Shi'a and the Kurds. 4. A war between Ahmad al-Halabi and his people and Ayad 'Alawi and his people. 5. A war between the group of al-Hakim and the group of al-Sadr. 6. A war between the Shi'a of Iraq and the Sunni of the Arab countries in the gulf. 7. A war between the Americans and Iraq. We have noticed that the best of these wars to be ignited is the one between the Americans and Iran, because it will have many benefits in favor of the Sunni and the resistance, such as: 1. Freeing the Sunni people in Iraq, who are (30 percent) of the population and under the Shi'a Rule. 2. Drowning the Americans in another war that will engage many of their forces. 3. The possibility of acquiring new weapons from the Iranian side, either after the fall of Iran or during the battles. 4. To entice Iran towards helping the resistance because of its need for its help. 5. Weakening the Shi'a supply line.
The question remains, how to draw the Americans into fighting a war against Iran? It is not known whether American is serious in its animosity towards Iraq, because of the big support Iran is offering to America in its war in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Hence, it is necessary first to exaggerate the Iranian danger and to convince America and the west in general, of the real danger coming from Iran, and this would be done by the following:
1. By disseminating threatening messages against American interests and the American people and attribute them to a Shi'a Iranian side. 2. By executing operations of kidnapping hostages and implicating the Shi'a Iranian side. 3. By advertising that Iran has chemical and nuclear weapons and is threatening the west with these weapons. 4. By executing exploding operations in the west and accusing Iran by planting Iranian Shi'a fingerprints and evidence. 5. By declaring the existence of a relationship between Iran and terrorist groups (as termed by the Americans). 6. By disseminating bogus messages about confessions showing that Iran is in possession of weapons of mass destruction or that there are attempts by the Iranian intelligence to undertake terrorist operations in America and the west and against western interests.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who sounded a somewhat dovish note on inflation at a conference in Chicago. Up some 80 points before the Fed chief spoke, the Dow industrials added more than 100 points to trade up 198.27 points, or 1.8%, 11015.19 -- the biggest point gain since April 18 and percentage gain since April 21, 2005. It was also the Dow's first trip above 11000 since June 6, putting the blue-chip average back in the black for the year. All 30 Dow components finished higher today.
カウンターテロリズム・ブログの記事で、アメリカ軍の発表した(Abu Ayyub al-Masri)= (Abu Hamza al-Muhajir)で、二人は同一人物と言う説に疑問を投げかけている。 (確証は無い)
Unfortunately, this conclusion has been called into serious doubt by a host of fairly credible sources. Many in the jihadist community that support Al-Qaida are openly scoffing at Major General Caldwell's latest press conference and they have called upon the Al-Qaida -umbrella group the Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC) to issue a new statement and clear up these "lies."
@USAトディのイラク特派員が批判する声に対して、イラクに来てみればよい、といったことを 評論に書いたので・・・ ttp://poynter.org/forum/view_post.asp?id=11506 "Finally, to all the Chairborne Rangers advancing the vast "negative media" conspiracy from the safety and comfort of their parents' basements: If you think you can do better, I've got a spare bed in the Baghdad bureau."
From: Jeff Schneider To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:46 AM Subject: Chairborne Rangers Mr. Soriano,
The folks who have screamed the loudest about the biased and negative media coverage of the Iraq War are by and large people like myself, servicemembers who have spent their time in the dustbowl of Iraq and know firsthand what an exceptionally poor job the media has done covering our actions. How poor do those who have been to Iraq perceive the coverage? Well, speaking for myself, there have been many times I have wondered if the reporters in Iraq were on the payroll of the insurgency.
The saying "if it bleeds, it leads" is certainly true regarding the coverage of this war. While every death is treated as if it is further proof that we are losing the war, there is nary a mention in the press of all the progress that has been made on the ground, or of all the successes that our soldiers have had working with the Iraqi people to rebuild their nation after the devastation suffered under the regime of Saddam Hussein.
I don't speak as someone who was confined to the relative safety of a basecamp during my deployment. I commanded a company running convoys throughout Iraq, and while on the roads we saw the worst of the insurgency - IEDs, mortars, and a couple of large ambushes. Despite the numerous engagements with hostile forces that I was involved in, I still have no doubt that the media coverage has been excessively negative, and I know that my opinion is shared by the overwhelming majority of folks who have worn the uniform in Iraq.(後略)
White House says Zarqawi successor still unclear(ロイター)
"We're not actually certain that he (Masri) is the person who's going to step forward to lead this organization. There's still some uncertainty on that," White House national security adviser Stephen Hadley said. While there was evidence suggesting Masri and Muhajir were the same person, it was not certain, a U.S. intelligence official said. "There are those who believe the evidence is not conclusive," the official said on condition of anonymity. ttp://go.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=12546556&src=rss/topNews
サヨクが余りにも多くの精神エネルギーをカール・ローブの起訴に賭けてきたことは驚くべきも のがある。彼は攻撃目標としては十分大物でアメリカの歴史においても大統領の政治アドバイザー として、ここまで大きな存在は珍しく、Robert Kennedyがその兄弟に対する影響力を持っていた ことや、Hamilton Jordan が Jimmy Carterに影響力のあったことが僅かに引き合いに出せる程 度である。しかしローブは選挙戦略アドバイザーとして並外れた力を発揮してきた。
それにしても、カール・ローブが犯罪を犯したとする可能性は当初から殆ど無かったのであり、 IIP法違反に問うには無理がありすぎだった。それでもサヨクは特別検察官の任命と捜索を要 求した。ウオーターゲート事件のArchibald Cox や Leon Jaworskiの再来を期待したのである。 アメリカの新聞は多くがサヨクに占められていてNYTは共和党政権の犯罪を糾弾しようと意気 込んでいたのだ。ベトナム(反戦)とウオーターゲート事件はアメリカのサヨク・メディアの金字 塔である。その栄光を再現するような事件をサヨクは夢見て、ウオーターゲート事件でのDavid Halberstam や Bob Woodward記者のような報道を再現するつもりでいたのであろうが、犯罪に 問われたのは共和党政権指導者ではなくNYTのJudith Miller記者(証言拒否)であり、さらに NYTそれ自体である。
All Ordinaries 4,916.300 1:15AM ET Up 80.800(1.67%)↑オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 1,558.722 Jun 15Up 24.742 (1.61%) Hang Seng 15,818.79 12:15AM ET Up 383.71 (2.49%)↑香港 BSE 30 9,964.80 1:15AM ET Up 419.74 (4.40%)↑インド Jakarta Composite 1,292.026 1:15AM ET Up 50.376 (4.06%)↑インドネシア KLSE Composite 896.85 12:32AM ET Up 10.37 (1.17%)↑マレーシア Nikkei 225 14,852.03 12:55AM ET Up 381.27 (2.63%)↑東京 NZSE 50 3,558.871 12:59AM ET Up 29.673 (0.84%)↑ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,369.97 12:30AM ET Up 67.54 (2.93%)↑シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,259.4 1:15AM ET Up 40 (3.28%)↑韓国 Taiwan Weighted 6,579.75 1:15AM ET Up 153.36 (2.39%)↑台湾
日本共同社報道,北韓可能數日?就會試射彈道導彈.報道引述接近美軍消息人士?,過去兩日, 一截火箭運抵北韓的發射基地. 日本?閣官房長官安倍晉三?,如果北韓試射長程導彈,會威脅日本安全.較早前已有日本傳媒 報道,北韓準備試射一枚長程彈道導彈,可能是大浦洞二型彈道導彈. Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co. Ltd.