>「主部がないなど文法が間違っており、意味が理解できない。ゼロ点の解答だ」 The grammar is wrong, and the meaning cannot be understood as there is no subject. It is an answer of 0 points. 直訳すぎたかな?
The entrance exam net answer : the translation software or Kyoto prefectural police and the examination paper to the investigation. Almost partially of the answer of the English translation drawn by the contributor same as the one with the translation software of the Internet of the problem that entrance exam questions such as Kyoto Universities are contributed to the question site of the Internet has understood the 28th. Kyoto prefectural police receive submitting the victim's report or accusation, and examine whether there was examinee who wrote this English translation in the answer sheet as it was in detail. It did not become submitting though the person in charge at Kyoto University visited the schedule prefectural police headquarters that submitted the victim's report on the afternoon of the same day. 「In addition, the fact relevance is examined closely though it consults and the all the documents related was submitted. It is immediately drawn a conclusion whether accuse it. 」It makes it. The problem is the one to translate Japanese sentences into English in the examination of English as big as Kyoto. The person who introduces by him/herself "aicezuki" contributes to "Yahoo knowledge" at 9:37AM immediately after the start of the examination at 9:30AM of the 26th. The comment with "Did literal translation pass?" was affixed at 9:43AM after six minutes and the answer of English was drawn. This English is completely corresponding excluding the one and one word using service of the translation of the Internet of Google. It is thought that the Japanese sentence was translated automatically and copied. "Thank you" and the reward were written at 10:22AM under the examination. A heading eastward high school (Tokyo) in the prepschool of a major going on to school : about sent English. 「The grammar is wrong, and the meaning cannot be understood as there is no subject. It is an answer of 0 points. 」It makes it.
Problems should be fun to travel abroad is inseparable. For example, a canceled flight, weather and natural disasters that have extended stay abroad is not so uncommon. In any case important to calm the situation, knowledge and information about the area, while making full use of foreign language proficiency in addition, is the attitude of trying to solve the problem before him.