The government has also proposed a certification system for Web sites, blog hosters, mobile-phone operators and Internet service providers, identifying them as government-approved sources of information if they adhere to certain rules. また政府は、ウェブサイト、ブログ、携帯サイト運営者やプロバイダーを 政府公認の情報源として認定する認証システムも提案している。
Almost 200 people have been arrested in Vanuatu after tribal violence flared amid claims of black magic. バヌアツで200人が逮捕された。黒魔術への抗議の中、部族闘争が勃発したためだ
The fighting - sparked by accusations that a sorcerer had used witchcraft to kill a rival - escalated rapidly and spread through the settlement. この争いは、呪術師がライバルを殺すために魔術を用いたという抗議から 始まり、即座に村落全体に広がった
Winter sports such as snowboarding, off-piste skiing and trekking are putting Alpine wildlife under stress, scientists have concluded. ソノボーとかゲレンデ外のスキーとかトレッキングとかの冬スポーツ はアルプス山脈の野生動物にストレスを与えるよ、科学者
Only about half of China's population can speak the national language, Mandarin, according to the state news agency Xinhua. 中国人のたった半分くらいが公式語のmandarinを話すよ、とXinhua新華社通信
More men speak Mandarin than women, and more urbanites speak the language than those in rural areas, Xinhua said. 女より男の方が話せるの多いし、田舎ものより都会人の方が以下省略
>>6 According to Turkish media, there has been a "virtual war" between Greek and Turkish users of the site, with both sides posting insulting videos. ギリシャ・トルコ間のヴァーチャル・ウォーが起きており、両サイドで侮辱的なビデオを 投稿しあっていた。 The clip prompting the ban reportedly dubbed Ataturk and Turks homosexuals. (バンされた)映像はアタチュルク(初代トルコ共和国大統領)とトルコ人をホモセクシャルと 侮辱するような物だったと言われている
It was the Chinese government's first formal response to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who on Thursday denied that evidence showed Japan had forced about 200,000 women -- including Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipinos, Japanese, Dutch and others -- to serve in military brothels in the 1930s and 1940s.
On Monday, Mr. Abe said he would preserve the 1993 statement but denied its central admission of the military’s role, saying there had been no “coercion, like the authorities breaking into houses and kidnapping” women. He said private dealers had coerced the women, adding that the House resolution was “not based on objective facts” and that Japan would not apologize even if it was passed. 上は安倍の発言の引用、軍の関与の否定とプライベートディーラーによる強制を認める発言
Japanese historians, using the diaries and testimony of military officials as well as official documents from the United States and other countries, have been able to show that the military was directly or indirectly involved in coercing, deceiving, luring and sometimes kidnapping young women throughout Japan’s Asian colonies and occupied territories. 日本の歴史家達は、軍高官の日記や証言にくわえ、アメリカやその他の国からの公式文書を使って 日本のアジア植民地や占領地で若い女性を誘拐したり強制、騙したり、誘惑したりすることに 軍が直接又は間接的に関わっていたことを示し(show)てきた。
“An apology is the most important thing we want ― an apology that comes from the government, not only a personal one ― because this would give us back our dignity,” said Jan Ruff O’Herne, 84, who testified to a Congressional panel last month. オハーン氏は白馬事件の犠牲者と思われる。それを一般化されても困るが。
In Pyongyang, now the capital of North Korea, Gil Won-ok said, she lined up outside a Japanese military base to look for work in her early teens. A Korean man, she said, approached her with the promise of factory work, but she eventually found herself in a comfort station in northeast China. ピョンヤンで騙された元慰安婦の話
ルモンド Tokyo tente de calmer la pole'mique sur les "femmes de re'confort" Philippe Pons,1-0@2-3216,36-880603@51-875240,0.html 仏->英機械翻訳 "Japan disgraces itself by these efforts to bypass the truth ", writes the New York Times in an editorial. NYT社説を引用w Tokyo looks for to calm the debate while specifying that Mr. Abe did not deny" all coerciveness " but questioned a" coerciveness to the strict direction" (for example of the swipe by the army) that no document proves. 狭義と広義の区別をしている、証明する資料もないと記している Yasuhisa Shiozaki, declared, Wednesday March 7, that" the position of Japan had not changed". 河野談話の継承と政府のスタンスに変化なしという塩崎のコメントを引用 the number of the victims (200 000 Asians and some European ones, of which 50 000 always are living) 20万かよ Mr. Abe tried to content its friends political by a declaration that proved itself clumsy.
Japan to Probe WWII Military Brothels By KOZO MIZOGUCHI Associated Press Writer,0,6419532.story Kozo Mizoguchiの新記事>前スレ参照 Abe triggered outrage in China, North and South Korea and the Philippines last week by saying there was no proof the women were coerced. フィリップポンス>オオニシ>ミゾグチ 強制性の区別について一言の言及もなし Historians say that about 200,000 women -- mostly from Korea and China -- served in Japanese military brothels throughout Asia in the 1930s and 1940s. Accounts of abuse by the military have been backed up by witnesses, and even former Japanese soldiers. ヒストリアンw Abe's statement contradicted evidence in Japanese documents, unearthed in 1992, that historians said showed that military authorities had a direct role in working with contractors to forcibly procure women for the brothels. 安倍の発言は1992年に明らかとなった日本の資料における証拠と矛盾している 軍当局が売春宿に女性を強制的に供給するために業者と協力することで 直接的な役割を果たしていたことを示していると歴史家達は述べている。 But prominent Japanese scholars and politicians routinely deny direct military involvement or the use of force in rounding up the women, blaming private contractors for the abuses. しかし日本の著名な学者及び政治家は軍の直接関与や女性を集めるのに軍を使ったことを 繰り返し否定し、民間業者を非難している。 The coercion of women into prostitution was "one of the key, serious crimes committed by Japanese imperial soldiers," Qin Gang, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said during a regular news briefing. "We hope that Japan can show courage, take a responsible attitude toward history," he said. 締めは中国外務省報道官Qin Gangの発言を引用 >25 はっきりとそう書けばいいのにね
Straits Times のヘッドラインには Japan loses Asian top spot in billionaires list とある、上位にはインドが多数上がってきている 5 Lakshmi Mittal India 56 32.0 United Kingdom 14 Mukesh Ambani India 49 20.1 India 18 Anil Ambani India 47 18.2 India 21 Azim Premji India 61 17.1 India 62 Kushal Pal Singh India 75 10.0 India 69 Sunil Mittal & family India 49 9.5 India 86 Kumar Birla India 39 8.0 India 86 Shashi & Ravi Ruia India NA 8.0 India 114 Ramesh Chandra India 67 6.4 India 137 Pallonji Mistry India 77 5.6 India 以下大勢
Japan's prime minister Scarcely an Abe-rration Mar 8th 2007 | TOKYO From The Economist print edition AbeとAberrationをかけた悪意ある題名 ab・er・ra・tion ━━ n. 正道をはずれること, 常軌の逸脱; (一時的な)精神錯乱[異常] ; 錯誤; 【生物】変異; 【光】(レンズの)収差; 【天文】光行差.
Their testimony, plus documents unearthed in military archives, forced the Japanese government in 1993 to acknowledge responsibility. 軍のアーカイブから見つかった資料により1993年に日本政府は責任を認めることを 余儀なくされた Now Mr Abe has said that there is no “historical proof” that coercion was involved. In other words, that the women are liars. 安倍氏は強制があったという"歴史的な証拠"ない、つまり女性たちは嘘つきだ といっているのだ (中略) The Japanese public has turned against Mr Abe not because of foreign policy or historical debates but for economic reasons. 日本の世論が安倍氏を支持していないのは外交や歴史議論ではなく経済的な理由である と以下格差云々 his government clamped down on the interest rates chargeable by consumer-finance companies on loans to Japan's poorest borrowers. This looked popular, but some say it has choked off their borrowing and helped to depress consumer spending. 彼の政権は消費者金融会社が日本の最貧困層にローンできる利率を厳しく取り締まった 評判は良かったかもしれないが、貸付の流れを断ち、消費者支出を低下させた と復党批判 続く
Fortunately for Mr Abe, the opposition Democratic Party of Japan is also in disarray, with its leader, Ichiro Ozawa, in poor health and at war with his own colleagues. 安倍氏にとって幸運なことは、野党民主党もまた混乱していることだ リーダーの小沢一郎は健康に優れず、そして同僚と敵対している Strange stories have been circulating about how cabinet ministers have so little respect for him that they do not bother to stand up when he enters the room. 内閣の大臣がいかに彼(安倍)を尊敬していないかということを示す奇妙な話が出回っている。彼が部屋に入っても(大臣たちは)立ち上がろうとさえしないのだ。 >ゲンダイでも読んだのか?w The rival most often mentioned as his budding successor is Taro Aso, the bumptious foreign minister, who is also a conservative and currently cuts a more dashing figure than his boss. 後継者としてのライバルとして最もよく言われているのが麻生太郎である 傲慢な外相で保守派であり、最近はボスより目立っている Another name, though, is increasingly being whispered: Junichiro Koizumi. There is no real prospect of tempting him back, at least not yet, for the great man is said to be having far too much fun as Japan's most eligible bachelor. But how he is missed. 最後に小泉の名を挙げている エコノミストは小泉が大好きみたい
中国の農民を無視する財産改革 By Richard McGregor in Beijing Like many such Chinese regulations, the property law is attempting to codify and enforce rights that already exist on the ground in the country’s major urban areas. 中国のほかの多くの規制と同じように、財産法は既に主要都市に存在している権利を 成文化し、施行しようとしているのである。 政府が公共住宅の供給を止めた後、中国は十年に渡って都市で不動産マーケットを 成長させている。上海などの沿岸地域の都市では、70%〜80%の住宅が個人所有である。 The bill also explicitly rejects any change to the system of “collective” ownership of rural land, where farmer occupiers have only usage rights over limited contract periods rather than any title that can be bought and sold. Properties in cities, by contrast, can be bought and sold under leases of between 50 and 70 years. 法案は明確に田舎の農地の集団所有システムの変更を拒否している。 農地の領有者は売買できる権利どころか期間限定の使用権を持つだけである 対照的に、都市の不動産は50年〜70年のリースという条件で売買ができる Without the establishment of an administrative and legal system which can act independently of officials and the Communist party, laws can be next to useless. 官僚と共産党から独立した行政機関と法システムがなければ、法律はほとんど役に立たない。
"I'd like to see the South Sea after peace is restored," Hirohito was quoted as saying. "It won't be a problem because the area will be part of Japan's territory." 平和が回復された後、南洋を見たい。 日本の領土になるのだから問題ないだろう >「平和克復後は南洋を見たし、日本の領土となる処(ところ)なれば支障なからむ」
"I did not want to see this war with China begin," "China is stronger than expected. Everybody made mistakes in war projections," He was also quoted as warning that Japan must be cautious in entering into war but that once a war had begun, Japan "must fight it to the end." >支那事変はやり度(た)くなかつた >支那が案外に強く、事変の見透しは皆があやまり >始めたら徹底してやらねばならぬ
Israel's ambassador to El Salvador has been recalled following an incident a few weeks ago when, according to Foreign Ministry officials, he was found naked, drunk, bound and gagged in his yard.
Foreign Ministry officials said Monday, after details of the incident appeared in Ma'ariv, that he was recalled because this type of behavior was "unbecoming" an Israeli diplomat. The officials said that in this type situation it was clear that the diplomat could no longer represent Israel effectively in El Salvador.
According to the report in Ma'ariv, police in El Salvador found the ambassador wearing accessories indicating sado-masochistic acts. Although drunk, the paper reported, the diplomat identified himself as the Israeli ambassador. Foreign ministry officials said he was discovered by police who were responsible for the embassy.
ttp:// Morning Walkthrough and Joint Remarks at Six-Party Talks Christopher R. Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Daniel Glaser, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes St. Regis Hotel Beijing, China March 19, 2007 国務省ファイル:3月19日朝、セント・レジス・ホテル、ヒル次官補、グレーザー副次官補 記者会見の記録 (BDAへの、アメリカ側の措置の発表、その説明とQ&Aの為の記者会見、全文記録)