Noriko Yamashita,former wife of screenwriter James Miki, sees nothing strange about this trend. "In olden times," she says, "women were brought up to feel ashamed of even taking a meal in the presence of strangers; the notion of discussing sex was unthinkable. Up to now sex has been an instrument for men. I think it's good that women can advocate making it something they can enjoy for themselves I certainly look forward to a situation where male-female equality also includes sexual matters." 脚本家のジェームス三木の前妻である山下典子はこの傾向は何ら不思議ではないと見ている。 「昔では、」彼女は言う。「女性は他人の前で食事を取ることさえ恥じるようにと育てられていました。 セックスを話題にしようだなんて、考えられないことです。 今まではセックスとは男性の物でした。 女性達がセックスを自分たちで楽しめるようにすると主張できるのはいいことだと思います。 性的な問題も男女平等に付け加えられる状況を心から楽しみにしています。」
"Women these days seem to get physically turned on merely by being with a member of the opposite sex," says Ryoichi Taka, who attends to female customers at "Ai," a host club in Shinjuku's Kabuki-cho. "Before, this only happened when they were really infatuated with someone. "Some of those high school girls who sell their panties to 'burusera'shops come to our club," Taka continues. "I heard they even went so far as to grab a host's crotch. The idea of sex with that kind of girl really scares me, because I have no idea of what sort of demands she would make." 「最近の女性は男性といるだけで肉体的に興奮するみたいですね。」 新宿歌舞伎町のホストクラブ「愛」で女性客を接客するタカリョウイチは言う。 「以前は、誰かを本当にすごく好きな時だけのことだったんですが。」 自分たちのパンティーを「ブルセラ」ショップに売っている女子校生も何人かうちのクラブに来ますよ。」とタカは続ける。 「彼女達はホストのイチモツを握ろうとさえしようとすると聞きました。 そういう女の子達のセックスの考えは本当に怖いですね、彼女達がどんな要求をしてくるのか分かりませんから。」
The sexual voltage of us guys, Bunshun concludes,has nowhere to go but down.(MS) 我らオトコの性的ボルテージは行き場もなく萎むのみだ、と文春は結論づけている。(マーク・シュライバー)
60% of what's reported about AUM is crap Weekly Playboy8/15 By Nathan Westby オウムについて報道されたことの60%とはガセだ 週刊プレイボーイ8/15号 ネイサン・ウェストビー記
How much of what we read in newspapers and see on television about AUM Shinrikyo can be trusted? According to a Weekly Playboy interview with an anonymous public security official, 65 percent of reports are based on lies. オウム真理教について私たちが新聞で読んだりテレビでみたりするもののうち、どれくらいが信用できるのだろうか? 週刊プレイボーイの匿名の公安当局者へのインタビューによれば、報道の65%は嘘にもとづいている。
He should know, as a reporter's biggest source of information concerning the cult is the police, in particular the highly secretive public security arm where he works. このカルト教団に関する報道者の情報ソースの最大のものは警察、 とりわけ彼がつとめている極めて秘密主義の公安機関だから、彼が知っていて当然だろう。
The reason papers report false information, he says, is that reporters aren't doing their jobs properly. As a result, much of the information leaked by police for strategic purposes is printed without being followed up on or questioned. The newspapers and TV networks appear to be satisfied with placing the blame for everything on AUM without digging any deeper. 彼がいうには、新聞各社がデマ情報を報道した理由は、報道者が自分の仕事をきちんとしていないからである。 結果として、戦略的目的のために警察がもらした情報の多くが、調査や疑問をもたれることなしに出版された。 新聞各社とテレビネットワークは、たいして詳しく調べることなく、すべての責任をオウムに負わせることに満足しているように見える。
This is not to say that Shoko Asahara and other cult members are being wrongly accused, but rather, maybe the "evidence" and"confessions" so far revealed in stories scooped from police sources are not as solid as they appear, the interviewee says. これは麻原彰晃や教団の他のメンバーが無実の罪を受けているというのではなく、 どちらかといえばむしろ、警察の情報筋からスクープされた報道でこれまであきらかにされた「証拠」や「自白」が、 思ったより信頼できないということかもしれない。
He claims that many of the AUM followers quoted as giving confessions in news reports are in fact still holding their silence under police questioning. 供述したと報道で引き合いに出されるオウム信奉者の多くは、 実際には警察の取調べに沈黙を保っていると、彼は述べる。
The official hints that there may be non-AUM followers involved in the deadly sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system in April this year, in the 1989 disappearance of an anti-AUM lawyer and his family, and in the stabbing of AUM's top scientist earlier this year, but the press is not pursuing these avenues. この当局者は以下のようにほのめかす。今年四月の東京地下鉄網の死亡者の出たサリンガス攻撃と、 1989年のオウムに対抗した弁護士とその家族の失踪事件と、今年のオウムのトップ科学者の刺殺事件に、 オウム信者でないものが関わっているかもしれないが、報道陣はそちらの方向は追求しない、と。
Hideo Murai was "assassinated" he tells Weekly Playboy, by an outfit that may have wanted to prevent police from finding out who helped the cult in its effort to produce sarin. "Investigators believe a sample of sarin was delivered to (the cult's commune in) Kamikuishiki from someone on the outside, and that the cult was able to develop its own sarin based on the analysis of this sample," He says. サリンを製造する試みでオウムを助けたのは誰かを、警察が見つけ出すのを妨げようと欲した と思われる一団によって、村井秀夫は「暗殺された」と、この当局者は週刊プレイボーイにかたる。 「サリンのサンプルが外部の誰かから上九一色(にあるオウムの生活共同体)に運ばれ、 オウムはそのサンプルの分析にもとづいて自分たち自身のサリンを作れるようになったと、 調査官は思っている」と彼はいう。
The reason Asahara is not being transferred to the Tokyo Detention House in Kosuge like other AUM suspects is because public security authorities fear he is being marked by an outside organization, the official says. 他のオウムの容疑者と違って麻原が小菅の東京拘置所に移されていない理由は、 麻原が外部の組織にマークされていることを公安委員会がおそれているからであると、この当局者はいう。
He also tells Weekly Playboy that reporters should use more common sense with respect to the missing Sakamoto family and the shooting of National Police Agency chief Takaji Kunimasu, ridiculing the Fourth Estate for its gullibility. "Would Sakamoto open the door if he heard bunch of thugs come. ...They could have tranquilized him with a powerful chemical, but it would have been risky."(NW) 坂本一家の失踪事件と警察庁長官の國松孝次の狙撃事件について、 報道者はもっと常識をつかったほうがいいと、ジャーナリストのだまされやすさをあざわらいながら、 彼は週刊プレイボーイに語る。「大勢の悪党が来るのを聞いたのなら坂本はドアを開いただろうか… 彼らは強力な化学薬品で彼を静かにさせることができたろうけど、それはリスキーだっただろう」(ネイサン・ウェストビー)
> The reason papers report false information, he says, is that reporters aren't doing their jobs properly. > 彼がいうには、新聞各社がデマ情報を報道した理由は、報道者が自分の仕事をきちんとしていないからである。
The real reason the Imperial Household Agency blocks archaeologists from excavating Imperial tombs
Shukan Shincho (11/9)
宮内庁が考古学者の天皇陵発掘を妨げる本当の理由 週刊新潮(11/9)
Of the 20,000 or so ancient burial mounds scattered around Japan, all but a handful are accessible. The ones that remain off limits are those that are administered by the Imperial Household Agency as the final resting places of emperors and empresses in the long line of ancestors of Emperor Akihito. These tombs are sacred places of worship in the Imperial Shinto religion but are also of great interest to historians and archaeologists. If they were allowed in the mausolea, the archaeologists suspect they might find clues to some unanswered questions concerning the early years of the Japanese nation. They have been asking for permission to excavate the mounds for years now. But so far no one has been allowed to conduct a dig at an Imperial burial mound, much less enter one.
The agency isn't likely to open the tombs to the scholars soon, either, says Shukan Shincho (Nov.9), because the burial mounds are empty and the agency doesn't want anyone to find out. といっても宮内庁は学者たちに墓所を公開しそうもないと、週刊新潮(11月9日号)はいう。 なぜなら埋葬塚は空で、宮内庁はそれを誰にも知られたくないからだと。
Very little is known about the Imperial burial mounds other than what is reported by the agency in its annual report.Shukan Shincho says two things are clear, many of the tombs have been robbed over the years, and many of them are not genuine Imperial burial mounds. 宮内庁によって年次報告書の中で報告されること以外、 ほんの少ししか天皇陵については知られていない。 週刊新潮は二つのことが明らかだという。 墓所の多くは長い年月の間に盗掘され、 そしてそれらの多くは本物の天皇陵ではないのだ。
#その3 For example, no one knows for sure who is buried in the keyhole shaped tomb in Sakai ,Osaka Prefecture. The agency says it as the burial mound of Emperor Nintoku. In Boston, a museum has in its possession a large bronze mirror and a sword with ring-shaped designs on its hilt. The arti- facts are said to be from Nintoku's mausoleum. If such is the case, the museum is exhibiting treasures looted from an Imperial burial mound. たとえば、大阪府の堺にある鍵穴型の墓所に誰が埋葬されているかを 確かに知っている人は誰もいない。 宮内庁はそれが仁徳天皇の埋葬塚であるとしている。 ボストンでは、ある博物館が所蔵品として大きな銅鏡と 柄に環状の意匠のある刀を所有している。 これらの工芸品は仁徳のみたまやからのものといわれている。 もしそんなことが本当なら、その博物館は天皇陵から盗掘された宝物を 展示していることになる。
Shukan Shincho quotes a Saitama University professor as saying that the reason most of the keyhole-shaped burial mounds are caved in on top is because they have been broken into. "According to one record, some schol- ars entered Nintoku's tomb in the mid-Edo Period and looked inside his coffin, but found that it was bare,"the professor says. 週刊新潮は埼玉大学の教授を、次のことを言ったとひきあいにだす。 鍵穴型の埋葬塚の大部分が上部が陥没しているのは、 それらが盗掘者に押し入られたからだ。 「ある記録によれば、何人かの学者が江戸時代中期に仁徳の墓所に入り、 彼の棺の中をみ、それが空っぽだったことを見つけたそうです」と教授はいう。
*その4 Another reason the agency doesn't want archaeologists snooping around is to keep quiet the fact that many of the burial mounds are incorrectly indentified. 宮内庁が考古学者にコソコソかぎまわられたくないもう一つの理由は、 多くの埋葬塚が誰のものかの特定が間違っているという事実を黙っておくためである。
"If the agency were to admit that the designation on an Imperial burial mound was wrong and tried to designate an erstwhile normal burial mound as an Imperial burial mound, it would have to purchase land from private owners. On their tight budget, this would be a difficult thing to do, and the socialists and communists would surely opposite it,"the magazine quotes a Nara University professor as saying. (NW) 「もし宮内庁が天皇陵の指定が間違っていると認め、 かつては普通の埋葬塚だったものを天皇陵として指定しようとすれば、 個人所有者から所有地を購入しなければならなくなるでしょう。 彼らの厳しい予算ではそうすることは困難でしょうし、 社会主義者や共産主義者がきっと反対するでしょう」 と、奈良大学の教授がいったと週刊新潮は引用する。(Nathan Westby
473 :失礼します :08/08/30 04:51:33 ID:W87sqfjv ttp:// 1995年10月22日の記事です Freelance journalists starting to beat press club barriers 記者会見閉鎖的儀式も変わる Aera 10/23
Freelance journalists in this country are working against enormous odds. Corporate public relations offices and government agencies rarely grant them interviews. And it is virtually impossible for them to travel every time impor- tant news conferences are held overseas. They even find it difficult to attend press conferences here because of their cliquish nature. But things are beginning to change. A growing number of independent news gatherers are finding their way around these hurdles,reports Aera. Junichi Nakagawa is a good example. The computer industry expert regularly attends news conferences held by top IBM and Microsoft executives. Not only that,he is allowed to ask questions and usually receives an answer. He does all of this without leaving his home-cum-office in Kanagawa Prefecture. How does he do its? Aera says Nakagawa simply knows how to make use of the so-called "teleconferences" accessible via Internet."(At a teleconference) there is no reporter who just sits there silently. All participants come to ask questions."
474 :473の続きです :08/08/30 04:52:40 ID:W87sqfjv Aera notes that in one teleconference the general manager of one of the world's largest computer makers got into an argument with Nakagawa and pro- posed to meet the freelance journalist during his next visit to Japan.If this kind of direct contact becomes popular,it will be the worst nightmare for journalists affiliated with the mass media.Japanese reporters belonging to major news organizations never needed to ask sharp questions and get honest answers at a news conference because they had built a closed system for collecting news. Known as kisha kurabu(press clubs),this system has long stood in the way of fair competition.Under the system,notes Aera,journalists belonging to select mass media had almost exclusive access to press conferences. In the political field,they further excluded unaffiliated competitors by refusing their participation in informal "off-the-record" briefings and joint nightly "chats" with government ministers and party leaders. Members of press clubs enjoy such exclusive access to their news sources that they don't need to earnestly challenge their subjects at open news confer- ences. There is even a national newspaper,name withheld,Whose unwritten code has been to ask no questions at press conferences,reveals Aera. But Japanese newsmen can no longer survive with such an attitude,reminds the magazine.In addition to the aforementioned teleconferences,there has been an increasing number of open doors to news conferences.This June,a satellite TV channel began unedited broadcast of all conferences held by major government ministers and leaders of the Big Four business organizations.The Asahi Shimbun followed this month by starting to provide unedited conference texts to subscribers using a computer network.
475 :474の続き・これで終わりです :08/08/30 04:53:35 ID:W87sqfjv "There used to be conferences held at the prime minister's official residence where no one asked a question," reveals an Asahi Shimbun staff writer."But now that conference date is open to all parties,reporters can no longer stay completely silent.If they do,they will be severely criticized." Increasing publication of conference data is likely to benefit not only free- lancers but also affiliated journalists with ability and ambition.Nikkei Shimbun's Tetsuro Wada informs Aera that electronic access could free work- ing journalists from the demanding conference attendance schedule."The most significant information such as that which exposes injustices in society,"says Wada,"could only be gained through a one-on-one interview.Journalists should leave information which anyone can obtain,like disclosures at press conferences,up to personal computer operators."(TI)
The shocking drug scene among Japanese students in Beijing Shukan Hoseki 8/10 By Mark Schreiber 北京の日本人学生の間での、衝撃的なドラッグの実情 週刊宝石8/10号 By マーク・シュライバー
"I've been using a straw to snort heroin. It's easy really to got in Beijing.. The price is about 300 yuan (3,000 yen) for 100 grams." 「私はストローを使ってヘロインを吸っています。 北京では入手がとても簡単です。価格は100グラムあたり300元(3000円)です」
So says a 23-year-old Japanese exchange student at the Beijing Language Institute. His campus is located 12 kilometers out of the city and there is little shopping to be had nearby. Recreation for students is limited to getting drunk, playing computer games, sex or shooting drugs, the latter of which can supposedly be obtained in a village to the west of Beijing largely populated by minority tribes, such as Uigurs. The student tells Shukan Hoseki at least half of his Japanese classmates are also indulging in the drug..
It sounds impossible to believe, but there are plenty of facts to support these claims. On Feb.19, a 21-year old Japanese coed from Osaka went into shock from the effects of drugs and was taken by ambulance to the Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The autopsy determined her windpipe had gone into convulsions that caused internal bleeding. The incident was hushed up, and the media reported it as a death from illness. これは信じがたいがたいように思われるが、これらの犯罪を裏付ける 多数の事実がある。2月19日に、大阪出身の21才の日本人女子学生がドラッグの効果による ショック状態に陥り、救急車で中日友好医院に運ばれ、そこで彼女は死を宣告された。 検死解剖により、彼女の気管は痙攣し内出血を起こしたと究明された。 この事件はもみ消され、メディアはこれが病気による死と報じた。
#3 A male student at the school tells Hoseki, "On the night she died, I was one of two one's who broke into her room after I heard she was acting strangely. She was lying unconscious and wasn't moving. この学校の男子学生は宝石に語る。「彼女が死んだ夜、 彼女が奇妙に振舞っているのを聞いた後、彼女の部屋に入っていった 二人のうちの一人が私です。彼女は無意識で横たわっており動いていませんでした」
"A few days later, her father came from Japan. I heard that when the father reprimanded the African coed student his daughter had been room- ing with, she broke down in tears". 「2・3日後、彼女の父親が日本から来ました。 その父親が彼の娘と同室のアフリカ人女子学生を叱責したとき 彼女が泣き崩れるのを、私は聞きました。」
A month later, two Japanese coeds and one male student at the same institute were arrested for permission of drugs and deported. A stuff mem- ber at the Japanese Embassy in Beijing says police made the arrest while the girls were pressured by aggressive Uigur merchants at the market place. The girls said the Uigurs tried to force the drugs on them. Their fathers flew to Beijing to protest their subsequent expulsion, but the school stood by its decision. 一ヵ月後、同じ学院の二人の日本人女子学生と一人の男子学生が ドラッグの逮捕状でつかまり国外退去された。 北京の日本大使館の職員は、その若い女性たちが市場で攻撃的なウイグル族商人に 圧力をかけられている間に、警察は彼女たちを逮捕したという。 その若い女性たちは、そのウイグル人が彼女たちにドラッグを無理強い しようとしたという。彼女たちの父親たちは北京へ飛行機で行き、 結果として起こった退学処分に抗議したが、学院は決定を変えなかった。
#4 China is in the throes of a serious drug epidemic, notes Hoseki. In Yunnan Province, bordering on the notorious "Golden triangle", 466 drug dealers were executed during 1994, and 2.8 tons of drugs seized. The prob- lem has also spread to other provinces, including Guangdong and Fujian. 中国は深刻なドラッグの蔓延と必死に取り組んでいると、宝石は言及する。 悪名高い「黄金の三角地帯」に隣接する雲南省では、 1994年の間に466人のドラッグの売人が処刑され、2.8トンのドラッグが押収された。 この問題は、広東省や福建省を含む他の省にも広がっている。
Although seemingly aware of the draconian punishments that may await drug violators in China, many Japanese students find the easy availability and price of the drugs, which go for as low as one-fourth the price of those sold in Japan, to be irresistible. 中国で薬物違反者を待ち受けているであろう過酷な処罰に見たところ 気がついているにもかかわらず、ドラッグのたやすい入手の可能性と価格に 抵抗できないと、多くの日本人学生は思う。 ドラッグは日本で売られている価格の四分の一という安さで売られている。