Do you know the jet coaster accident in Osaka on May 5, 2007 (Children day of Japan).
A girl aged 19 was the victim of this accident. She was died caused by the no-maintenanced machine. Her head was separated hooked by the fence aside when the coaster off road. Mr. Saburo Yamada who is the CEO of the company that caused this accident seems to be the really bad uncle. He was the secretary of the representative in Osaka who has the big influence to decide the official affairs. By using this connection, Mr. Yamada got the permission by the officer to do the entertainment business like Disney about 35 years ago. This business is really advantageous one. For example, this land is not need the money to do the business. The money to set the amusement equip and operating costs has been come from the government substantially by the name of the commission fee. The total fee is about 90-95% of the budget of this land. Yes, Mr,Yamada do not need the cash to operate, and get the big return. And the foundation of the Ministry of finance has the land property rights in this amusement park, in this meaning, this land is held by the general Japanese people. The foundation has been gathering really almost no money from Mr.Yamada’s company and permits to do the business in the land in substantially. And the foundation has been accepted a former high-ranking official. Yes, the tax has been spent for this officer’s salary and the Yamada’s personal enterprises. The people’s property has been used and taxes have been spent for the special persons without accusing. Oh, and more, Mr. Yamada produce the amusement park in Beijing in China that is famous for the fake of the Disney characters and Japanese kitty characters.